400 Words Essay Samples

Modernist painting

In painting, he adds on, this limit is made up of the flat surface, the properties of pigment and the shape of the support. However, it is the laying of emphasis on the ineluctable flatness of the support which remains most vital in the course of the pictorial art.

Super slim me motion picture

During the scene in the second part of the video where Dawn is asking the store owner about the diet before an awards show, I noticed that the diet included water, lime, honey, and pepper. She is very much aware of what she will have to endure as a person taking on the new persona →

Visit museum and discuss this photo with your own words

Starting from the right side of the foreground, the photo is set in a library of most likely a rich family. The wealth of the owner is evident from the contents of the room.

Pop culture and technology

Pop Culture and Technology Pop Culture and Technology Part The minority report utilizes several different technology concepts and the one I found to be most interesting is the one involving automated driving. The technology is fairly simple and involves the in cooperation of lasers, maps and cameras that are sufficient in ensuring that the car →

The ethical and regulatory issues of the business-to-consumer site

What are Internet ethics and B2B marketing and advertising ethics in B2B and B2C B2B legal, ethics, regulatory ethical and legal issues with websites B2C & B2B. As such, it would be wise to ponder the e business legal and Internet marketing ethical issues of b2b b2c.

Project management 3

Social Media and Healthcare System Social Media and Healthcare System Managing a project involves planning, organizing, making sure all stakeholders are motivated, and taking control over all the resources available to achieve a certain goal. Over the years, social media has provided an online platform intended for mass collaboration but with the current technology, social →

Smartphones – the whole world in the palm of your hand

Indeed, the citizens of the world are witnessing a major shift in the development of human civilization. Smartphones have become synonymous with the technological advancement with the gadgets being a semblance of a mobile, or handheld, personal computer.

Cis204 u4 discussion

For the skiing company in Stratton, a computer network can be created between the company's site and the newly established branch in Stowe. The most recommended technology would be the Virtual Private Network, since it fits the organizational needs and the budget as well.

Computer science

This has been done through examination of the structure and the properties of the worms. Application-based attacks This is vital as it is used in the financial institutions to prevent breaches and leakages of the information.

Positive and negative aspects of technology as a part of everyday life

For example, in the article, " If Technology Is Making Us Stupid, It's Not Technology's Fault," David Theo Goldberg develops an argument to challenge the claim that technology is negatively impacting the younger generations. Readers can indicate the author's tone through how he addresses his audience, because he is undoubtedly determined to inform the readers →

Social networking

Advantages of Social Networking: Keeps individuals up-to-date with the latest happenings throughout the world. Gets you glued to all the status updates of your friends without having the realization of the passing time and other valued tasks.

Economic analysis of the new system

Economic analysis of a new system Economic analysis of a new system New System Investment and Implementation Costs In sum, it is clear that when deciding to implement or practice new systems within an organization, the managers need to realize that new systems require a lot of capital. In addition, they also incur large sum →

Lessons the world learned in regards to critical infrastructure due to sasser

The most important lesson learnt from Sasser worm was to keep the patches up to date. Security professionals were fast to respond and a free Sasser disinfection tool was posted by Microsoft on May 2.

Computer security

Computer Security Kerberos Computer Network Authentication Protocol Kerberos serves as a network authentication protocol that allows for mutual identification, in which case the computer server and the user identify one another in the course of operation. The KDC server searches the principal name in the database and generates a TGT encrypted by the key generated →

Axia college material appendix

What kind of network would you install and how would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other? How would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other?

Defining the scope

Defining the Scope Defining the Scope Defining the scope of a project is the first step among many, which may be needed in order to realize the timely and effective coordination of all operations. Timelines, objectives and goals, and the allocation of resources are all reasons why there is a need to define the scope →

Custom chip, inc

After the collection of orders, the work is sent to the engineering department that designs the approach to be used to meet customer's specifications. The engineering department then sends the work to the production department that undertakes the process of producing the items ordered by customers.

Evaluation of the website: outrigger canoe club

Quite convincing and well-illustrated list of the club's advantages like its location in a beautiful part of the Pacific Ocean; Scalable interactive map of the Oahu district makes it easy to find the club; Very detailed information on general services and catering, club's hours of operation are provided. The Outrigger Canoe Club's site provides detailed →

Things fall apart (literary analysis)

He learned from Unoka's mistakes, and as an adult tried to become the opposite of him." Okonkwo was ruled by one passion- to hate everything his father had loved. The same thought also came to Okonkwo's mind." Later in Nwoye's life, he defied his father's wishes and joined the Christian church.

Miss havisham…a victim or a villain?

It is necessary for the reader to know that Miss Havisham's psychotic behavior began precisely at 8: 40 a.m.on what was to have been her wedding day. Miss Havisham was a victim only because she allowed herself to be.

Snow orhan pamuk essay

Ka has only begun to do this in order to re-create his lost fortieth poem believing that if he plots all the other poems from his new collection on the snowflake of his life, he will be reminded the final, missing snowflake, in a way this action reflects what Orhan is doing in the present →

Oscar martine

The reader has to adapt to the mindset of the characters in the story in order to have a full perspective of opinions and decisions that are in the story A theme from this story is that your pride can hurt you. Okonkwo's pride got the better of him in the story.

Analysis of truman capote’s novel “in cold blood”

The minute arrives when a wrongdoing with no evident arrangement turns into a tackled case, when sentenced Floyd Wells teams up with equity demonstrating how Dick wound up fixated in jail with the possibility of going with Perry to the Clutter's home, keeping in mind the end goal to take and kill them, and how →

Metamorphosis and gregor’s transformation

In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis, the lack of communication within the family following the events of Gregor's transformation cause Gregor to become enveloped in a world of isolation, thus making his inability to communicate the crux of all conflict. Kafka incorporates an extended metaphor to show the lack of communication between Gregor and his father, foreshadowing →

Free literature review on the great gatsby

The novel brings the substantive findings in contribution to the findings in the literature overview regarding particular topics. The novel focuses on the master piece of literature in regards to the capturing the essence of the related era of World War 1.

Beowulf and grendel comparison

The readers get a glimpse of the story through his eyes and it may change their view of Grendel. But also, as never before, I was alone." Grendel states this at the end of Chapter 6 and it marks the start of his 12-year war against the humans.

Example of essay on will provide later

The topic of my essay is Eternal beauty of true love and it discusses the romance novel Dear John by Nicholas Charles Sparks as a thrilling story of true love, meaningful relationships and self-devotion. That is why I would strongly recommend the novel Dear John as a bright example of romance story that makes you →

Free essay on exceptions in law

In another instance, if during trial, members of the jury admit that they cannot reach a verdict on the case thereby causing the judge to declare a mistrial, the accused person's right against double jeopardy is not violated. The right to a speedy trial protects the defendant's vital items necessary for their release.

National guidelines on weight loss article review sample

Reluctance by medical practitioners on the condition is one of the main causes of the increased spread of obesity among citizens. However, the sample used was not large enough to make a concrete conclusion on the element in the large size of the United States.

Amending the constitution essay example

I am a strong supporter of the Overturn Citizens United Amendment, the purpose of which is to override the Supreme Court decision that basically allowed unlimited donations from corporations and wealthy people during elections. In the past, the Supreme Court had maintained that unlimited campaign donations gave rise to " corruption or the appearance of →

Juveniles short term confinement facilities essay

These centers are classified based on the kind of juveniles they host. The detention centers are the commonest of them all.

Marriage of jamie michelle clark v andrew clark 2014 ok civ app 82 case studies example

The appellate court was of the opinion that the conduct of the mother to bar the appellee from visiting the child is the reason why the appellee discontinued his upkeep for the child. The refusal to grant the appellee to exercise his presumptive father rights over the child indicates that the appellant was not interested →

The correctional funnel and correctional policy

The last few sections included a description of the mission of corrections, the role of corrections within the criminal justice system, and a discussion of the correctional funnel. The development of correctional policy, for discussion purposes in this text, is the process that includes considering the mission and role, relevant information, and the best interests →

Essay on cyber crimes

As such, victims of identity theft have been observed to be exposed to a rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from despair, anxiety, depression, fear, embarassment, anger, and even the feeling of revenge or retribution. Williams, Victims of crime and the victimization process.

The meaning of discretion

It would be their responsibility that our nation continues to follow the principles of democracy and equality. This leads to resentment by the other social classes and therefore weakens the cohesiveness of the society.

Dakota devery

Freedom to life meant that all people have the right to live. He believed that all people have the freedom of speech.

Research proposal on the woman’s role as wife and mother in the 1870s

Until the mid-1800s in the United States, the woman's role as subservient to the man as wife and mother changed little. In the mid-1800s, equity laws began to slowly change, and the American woman began to gain more legal rights, such as being able to sue her husband.

Beach day

With relief, I set up the blanket, place the cooler next to the chair, and prepare a hole in the sand to place the umbrella. I begin to unwind and enjoy the view of the vast ocean; its immensity, the people around me and the noise of the children playing.

Anxiety disorders proposed methods research paper

A descriptive study would then involve just observing a sample of students as they study for a number of days, seeing what kinds of music they listened to, and recording their grades on their assignments. Development of a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Program to Treat Anxiety and Social Deficits in Teens with High-Functioning Autism.

See you later my friend

I pray we will keep in touch, I pray, because the past I would say those things and try it but those things do not seem to last You are the first friend that I met here I cherish you a bunch And although our times been short, know, I love you very much I →

The song: eleanor rigby by the beatles (2:08)

The introand bridge of the song " Aah, look at all the lonely people" offers continuity with the songs chorus. Due to the utilization of the Aeolian mode, the song utilizes the b3, b6, and b7 notes.

The protection of creators with mainstream for the underground

The mediation of blockchain arrangements in the music business incorporate; discharging of tunes, streamlining the dissemination show and piping a greater amount of the income towards the makers, makers and craftsmen by substituting charges forced by mediators between end clients and specialists.blockchain potential is to handle content rights circulation which is outstanding as theft presently →

On off of the line, “i’ve been

The song sends a message that all breakups do not have to be for the worst, but for the best. This is judged off of the line, " I have been hoping somebody loves you in the ways I could not".

Bad girl

I steal and I can even kill if I have to, because I am a bad girl. Then if I am really bad, please, you have got to help me!

Seychelles relish from three major kind of environments,

The beauty of the marineenvironment is highly captivating and attracts the tourists from around theglobe. BaieTernay Marine National ParkThespeciality of this particular park of Seychelles is that it is part of marine environmentand there are no roads to get here, tourists can only go via boating and enjoythe beauty of marine vista.

Since for example, 20 hz mean there are

The A can be played when the fifth fret of the string of the base note E is pressed, which in the ratio of the string, is E: A= 1: = 4: 3. Making music in sign wavesOne of the most interesting connection between music and math is the model of the wave frequencies of →

An influence of the power of the elite on citizens

In this way, if one does not look at the history of the recent US elections in detail, it is possible to argue that Trump and other members of the elite of the United States could influence the outcome of the election while the voters and citizens of the country were not able to use →

A compare and contrast essay on blues and gospel music essay sample

When you first hear gospel music and the blues, you cannot help noticing how different they are in mood and in the stories they tell. Unlike the blues, gospel songs tell about the power of faith in tunes so catchy, they make you want to get up and dance.

Tina turner – the queen of rock and roll

Regarded as one of the greatest singers of all time by the Rollingstone Magazine and seen as the Queen of Rock and Roll, Tina Turner is a singer, songwriter, and a dancer. The greater success that she recorded was with her solo career which began in 1974 with the release of the Tina Turns the →

Positioning their liking. furthermore, starbucks has become a

It describeshow the company's products or services are different from its competitors, and focuseson the great benefits they provide to the customers. This is the reason Dove has become such a successful brand because itsdistinctive ads and communications encourage and inspire women to feel beautifuland confident in their own skin, regardless of their age, shape →

Music in my life

Today, I would like to talk to you about music and how it influences your life and everyone's life in the world. So, you do not even need to know language to understand the music and share the emotions you get from it with other people.

Domain name system

What is the purpose of the traceroute command? What is your perspective on the use of a freeware utility such as Sam Spade?

Essay on library science and cataloguing

The areas of description that exist in ISBD are ten in number and are inclusive of the following areas: ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description for Older Monographic Publications, ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description for Computer Files, ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description for Cartographic Materials. There is also the ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description for Printed →

Internet banking

The concept of Internet banking has thus become a revolution In the field of banking and finance. Brief History of Internet Banking The concept of Internet banking has been simultaneously evolving with the development of the world wide web.

Example of essay on tcp protocol

It is true that the TCP protocol is the most used protocol for data transfer in the world. TCP flow control allows the receiver to broadcast the amount of data it can receive and the sender also broadcasts the amount of data it can transmit.

Tricks that can be vital when picking a sportsbook

However, ensure that you understand the terms of the bonus before you can resolve to sign in with a particular website. Do not fail to check the odds that are provided by the site in question before you can verify whether it is okay for you.

Technology essays example

A lot of people believe that the higher the audio sampling rate, the better the quality of the sound. The use of flash is best suited for videos that are of a short length.

Critical thinking on mass media

However, with mass media, especially the internet, the Chinese citizens have the opportunity to access accurate and full information. The international community and the Chinese citizens should advocate for fairness and freedom in the mass media and information sector in China.

Example of copyrights in china critical thinking

When a product is said to be China made, the impression is that it is of low quality and an imitation of the original. In the digital world, it is sad to say, that the piracy and copyright infringements also exist.

Air secondly, we are filling the air

In the lungs it meets the oxygen breathed in from the outer air, and the oxygen purifies and revitalizes the blood, which passes on to the heart to be pumped round the body once more on its life-sustaining mission. The poison gas, called carbonic acid gas, which the venous blood unloads in the lungs, is →

Laissez-faire assignment

First, and the simplest one is to decrease the money you pay for the workers, especially for companies have huge number of products and little profit on every single good. At first, because the less you pay to the workers, the lowest price of your rodents can be lower, the easier you can sell your →

Fair labor standards act analysis essay

Clearly Communicate That Non-Exempt Employees Will Be Paid For All Time Worked; under the FALLS, non-exempt employees are entitled to be compensated for all work that the employer allows. The argument plaintiffs make in cases is that they did not record all of their time because they did not know that they were entitled to →

Her for it was a public affair.

The confined woman's wails and her baby's cry were silenced as they feel to their knees in front of the queenly figure. The spell upon her dropped and she broke down in weeping.

Delhi’s air

Delhi is a union territory and a sub-state, the federal complexities of risk governance of air pollution here has become a tedious task. Towards the end, various issues of concern for the air pollution governance in Delhi have been identified and few suggestions have been chalked.

Airasia investment to expand

However, the entering of Malindo Air in the Malaysian's aviation industry as a new low-cost airline might be a threat to AirAsia. 1- A survey will be conducted to obtain the perception of customers and potential customers towards Air Asia and its rival in the Malaysian's aviation industry.

Do people choose whom they are attracted to

However, human beings make many different choices and not only partners but they do choose what is right and what is wrong, i.e.they make decisions. The meaning of attraction is good-looking and it is not the only appearance but what they do or how they behave.

Ethics awareness

Ethics is regarded as the general education in that it allows one to have wide range of skills that help improve the quality of life. In conclusion, general studies are important in the present world as it provides one with wide range of knowledge and skills that help in improving the quality of life.

Should the affirmative action programs be abolished, amended or left alone

Looking at the current scenario though there is a need to protect the rights and welfare of those who have been suffering from discrimination but on the other hand, equilibrium has to be maintained for the welfare of the entire society. This will help in the mobilization of resources and will indeed help the actual →

Critical thinking and ethics

For instance, some doctors and police force in the china are deviating from the rules and principles governing critical thinking and ethical reasoning. Performing this act is deviating from the moral principles of critical thinking and ethical reasoning.

Ethics: the fabric of business at lockheed martin

This research will discuss the most effective tools and approaches in encouraging ethical behavior in the Lockheed Martin company and how the Human Resource Department can help the ethics and business conduct department in that company. Therefore daily internal newspaper is among the effective tools to encourage ethical behavior in the company it will help →

Cities, family occasions, work and social life, climate in germany and the us

On the other hand, such practices are uncommon in America and hence the government has a difficult task of meeting all the humanitarian needs during the crisis. The Americans, on the other hand, are swift in developing friendships that do not last long and are also free in engaging in social issues while in the →

Major thoughts or conclusions on role of intelligence in threat managemenm

The role of the intelligence in combating terrorism Terrorist organizations mainly use defeatist approaches to feign the helplessness of a country incountering the attacks. In homeland security and defense, the intelligence protects the society from security threats and intrusions that would lead to endangering of the common person, as well as the government.

Discussion questions

This is because; the flag was established by the governor to represent his opposition to the civil rights of a given group of people in the region. On the other hand, the heroes represented by the flag were against the civil rights which promote racism in the region.


The various art trends that were brought about during the Middle Ages helps to the shed light on the cultural and socio-economic conditions that prevailed during that time. As an instructor of Humanities and given the task of explaining the social role of arts during the Middle Ages, I would first introduce my students to →

Development public expenditures & urban services delivery

Developmental public expenditures refer to expenditure incurred by the government to enhance the growth of the economy of its country according to Shantayanan et al. This expenditure incurred by the government increases capacity of production and in the long run acts source of income to the government.

Social ethics cannot be taught at home

In the real world, the definition of social ethics differs from person to person and the diversity cause misunderstanding between people because what is ethical for one person may not be ethical for another person. In making a moral judgment that is something is right or wrong ethically, we only express our emotions and do →

The societal changes and events led to the growth of private security

Privatization of secondary functions by the governments also led to the growth in private security. This enabled those contracting private security to develop confidence in the individual security guards.

Diversion is better than prison

Diversion is the best intervention, from a lay man point of of view: Diversion as defined by the encarta dictionary is " change of direction: a change in the direction or path of something". Diversion Is Of Great Improtance To The Child, The Criminal System, And The Society In General.

Self introduction essay for college

The word " occurrence" in the story title indicates how cheap is the value of life and how common the loss of life was during the war. Ambrose has used illustrations of foreshadowing throughout the story, to act towards the gap between illusion and reality that broadens through the course of the story.

How will literature change in the next 50 years in america? literature review examples

As current minorities are predicted to overtake the majority in population by 2050, it is reasonable to guess that the literature of authors from a variety of backgrounds will be taken more seriously. The Future of Native American Literature: A Conversation with John E.

Huck finn’s transformation

Though he had mixed feelings regarding his life with the widow, he, for the most part, was content living with her because not only was he educated, clothed, and fed properly, but he also felt slightly protected from pap. Some of the changes were fairly minor, but I felt that they added up and also →

Human nature in the great gatsby

To Nick Carraway, who is utterly incredulous and lachrymose over Gatsby's death, the passing-away of a dear friend is a period of reflection. But the period of stagnation lingers and Nick continues to reminisce on the past.

Huck finn and jim’s relationship

Huck Finn and Jim Throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain illustrates the bond formed between Huck, the young white protagonist, and Jim, Huck's black companion. While Huck and Jim travel down the river it becomes apparent that Jim is more of a father figure to Huck than his biological father.

Hale’s character in arthur miller’s play the crucible

We are going to help you tear yourself free-" The point when Reverend Hale begins to change is in Act III during the trial of John Proctor." I am a minister of the lord, and I dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of conscience may doubt →

Great gatsby coming of age novel

This is because Nick Caraway is the only character who in fact winds up changing by the end of the book. This point of view is oblivious and is uninformed of the stating " it's not what's on the outside but what's on the inside.

Free essay about two ethical principles tantamount to conducting human subjects research

In a human subjects research, the investigator gives weight to the autonomous person's considered opinions and choices. So the respect- for- persons principle when applied to human subjects research demands that participants enter the research voluntarily and with adequate information.

Example of essay on king arthur & the arthurian legend

Introduction A legend is made of extraordinary deeds, and the daring feats of a legend are told and retold for generations. Chivalry is a code of behavior followed by the medieval knights and is associated with knightly virtues and honor.

Sample essay on express my sincerest gratitude and appreciation

Through the efforts, time, and resources put in the course, I strongly believe that I deserve to get a grade of for gaining exemplary skills in writing, assuming greater enthusiasm in reading, as well as in meeting expected performance in both attendance and participation. I was more cognizant of the need to adhere to defined →

How does the uniform commercial code treat goods that are fraudulently obtained essay examples

And when a good faith purchaser for value buys the good from the defrauder, a clear title is transferred and there is no claim at all of the fraud. The Good Faith Purchase of Goods and " Entrusting" to a Merchant Under the Uniform Commercial Code: Section 2-403.

Health policy and regulation research paper example

According to George, it aims to protect individual health information, and also lays down limits and stipulations, on the uses as well as disclosures that may perhaps be made of such data without authorization from the patient. This rule also provide a patient with the right over his or her health information, which takes in →

Differences between biblical and systematic theology article review

In point of fact, the equivalent word for biblical religious philosophy, in any event in its wide-edge errand of representing all of the uncommon disclosures, is the expression " redemptive history". When in the niphil structure, thirty times God is the subject of niham.

Sample critical thinking on griggs v duke power co case

In the same doctrine, when Title VII of 1964 civil rights act is violated, it might be proved through presentation of an employment practice or the employment policy that have a disproportionately adverse negative effect on individuals of the protected class as it is compared with the non-members of protected class. According to the Supreme →

Free research paper about conducting z-test

The critical z-level is the limit of rejection region of the null hypothesis. Since observed absolute value is higher than critical, we reject the null hypothesis and state, that there is a significant difference in score of the questionnaire between the groups of students.

Cultural diversity and ethical relativism essay examples

The Ethicality of Female Genital Mutilation Ninety eight percent of Somalian young girls suffer from what is called female genital mutilation, which is also most commonly known as the partial or total removal of the clitoris. The cultural explanation why FGM is being done in those parts of the world is because of the belief →

Thinking errors found and fixed

To live, to love and be loved, to feel important, and variety are the basic components of this model. If the results of your behavior do not meet your needs, there is an incorrect principle on your belief window.