400 Words Essay Samples

The things they carried

The title of the novel The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien refers to the small number of private possessions that soldiers carried with them in their kit bags. O'Brien notes: " The things they carried were largely determined by necessity".which suggests that they had really no choice in the matter, as if the nature β†’

Returning to school

Though I have been a part of the alumni of the school since leaving it, I never really came back to visit it. This year was the tenth anniversary of high school for our batch and a reunion had been planned in accordance with the school tradition.

Discussion board

In the middle of the play, however, it is actually the women who find the evidence against Minnie Wright a bird with a broken neck. The rising action of the play begins when the women are left in the kitchen while the men begin searching the house.

Letter to the editor of the new york times

Letter to the Editor of the New York Times Dear Editor; Although we live in an age of information technology and there is easy access to any and all information that we perceive ourselves to require, that does not man that the internet has replaced the local free library as a place to get β†’

I want a wife

The denotation of the position as it is defined throughout the remainder of her writing reveals that a wife is something closely related to a slave. As she is described, the wife is not a person in and of herself but is instead a necessary extension of the individual attempting to accomplish a measure of β†’

Race is . . . race isn’t: the privilege of knowing the difference

I have learned that race is a creation of a few elitist individuals and societies that are intent on classifying and labeling people in order to identify them as inferior to them. I have learned that despite attempts by schools demystify racial divisions, race is a powerful influence in school and it cannot be eradicated.

Articles annotation

Articles Annotations Articles Annotations Three articles that proffered issues on the impact of learning motivation to various areas such as research and teaching and the influence of culture, motivation types and self-identify changes, as well as impact on academic performance. The value of the author's findings is emphasized in terms of focusing both on the β†’

Idea of wedding in the merchants tale

After the customary four days, May joins January at the banquet table and it is at this point that he notices Damien's absence and is informed he is ill. Due to May's infidelity, the reader may conclude that January is a foolish husband, May, a slut and Damien a betrayer.

Classification of sports fans

This type of fans is the most thrilling and dedicated stratum, which invests a significant part of its time to watch the sportsmen and their game at the playground or the place where the sports event is being taken place. The third category of sports fans are casual supporters and are confined to the special β†’

My room

My Room My room is not a typical room of a I mentioned that my room is not a typical as well as not typical room of a because it has the features of the room of both genders. My room is not a typical room of a student because it is organized and β†’


Understanding Ethos One firmly believes that the concept of ethos indicates establishing due credibility and authoritativeness of the author in terms of competency and qualifications garnered through educational background, work experiences, and expertise in the subject being written about.2. Publisher.Date.

Performance elements

When comparing some of the plays written, in this case Reeds The C Above the C Above High C and Wildes The Importance of Being Earnest, various aspects of plays are considered so as to enable the reader to be able to picture the performance through the text reading. It is thus suggested that if β†’

Maine – a novel- j.courtney sullivan

In the story, the novelist used humour to examine the truths that are found in the heart and far beyond. This contributes to the theme of love and anger in the story.

Teen pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy: Parents and the Community have an Integral Role in Educating Teenagers to be more Careful and Responsible in their Relationships Name: Institution: Introduction Teenage pregnancy has been a major social and health issue in the recent past. The data provided give people the true picture of teenage pregnancy and the reason it is β†’

Response and analysis

Mary Jane's father is a significant character in the novel. From the father's narration, Mary Jane understands the extent to which the Muslim laws are misused.

Orange is the new black analysis response paper

When comparing this to John Ann's book on Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice: Membership, Conflict, and Diversity, discourse communities have unique ways in which they operate and one needed not to join the community in order to participate in it. As people who come to prisons are people from diverse culture, races and origin, β†’

Organizing a two-hour training seminar

Sincerely, Edwin King, Administrative assistant for the Human Resources Department Interoffice memorandum To: Miriam Hopkins, the Director of Human Resources From: Edwin King, Administrative assistant for the Human Resources Department Subject: Employee training seminar Date: 13 October 2014 In reference to the department's desire to organize a training seminar for the employees, I contacted Wydade β†’

Into the wild (book) – jon krakauer (author)

In the book, Chris's time in the wild is described, about how he survived living inside a bus in the forest, alone and injured, having to fend for himself by hunting and collecting berries. The period of mourning and grief is important as it helps take the pain away from their minds.


In retrospect, one understands that the women did not share the evidence they discovered that could provide a possible motive for the murder for the reason that they must have empathized with Mrs. How do you respond to the actions of the women collecting things for Mrs.

Discussion 18

Part 2: visual argument In 1968, the presidential candidate, Nixon, used his age as the factor to becoming the president of USA. In his argument, the majority of the country's population was made of the young and therefore needed a young leader.

Ethical analysis: facebook privacy

1) Identify the ethical actor The ethical actor that will be used for the test here is Facebook itself. This means that the action appears unethical, because the greatest benefit would be to please Facebook users as a larger group than the smaller group of employees.


The feeling is often deep and emotional in nature, and one can go an extra mile for the sake of love. This is the social nature of people and they tend to have profound feelings of affection towards others; majorly family members and friends.

Fables and fairytales

The second fish heeded to the advice but the third fish refused to listen. The fishermen came and caught all the fish in that pond including the third fish and they were killed.

English in academic settings

I made a choice to develop an interest in the English subject. This is because I made a resolution to develop my interest in English.

Any evaluative

In reviewing this movie, Peter Travers has done a great job in following the criteria of movie evaluation that is, considering the theme, the plot, the role of the actors, and the directing of the movie. Travers, Peter." The Last of the Mohicans Movie Reviews Rolling Stone".

Studying abroad

Read more: http://www.studyabroad.com/faq.aspx#ixzz2tre2aYkJ Blog: Students are choosing to study abroad and take on the major challenge of being immersed in one's culture. According to the Unesco's Institute for Statistics, they have found that the number of study abroad students worldwide will keep increasing every year by about 12 percent.

Questions & contentions week 2

Kliebard illustrates the struggles and conflicts in the management of the secondary and elementary curriculum between the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century. Rury, John." Education and Social Change: Themes in the History of American Schooling".

Why i hate 3-d summarize

The question that arises here is, if the 3-D experience is the wasteful technology it is, why has its reputation as a revolutionary breakthrough sustained? 3-D is suited to a limited range of genres and even then it needs careful handling otherwise filmmakers end up making fake 3-Ds like Clash of the Titans.


The Internet and application of social media has facilitated in the job search process through the enhanced abilities of the applicants in accessing a wide array of employment sources. The advantage of using classification is to highlight the presentation of items into a more structured manner.

Assignment example

Use of Dialogue In the story the use of dialogue is seen in different parts with the women or the narrator addressing the audience. Plot In the story, Emily's mother is contacted by her daughter's school counsellor or teacher.

The modest proposal

The Modest Proposal Swift has managed to describe the suffering and challenges that the mothers are facing in a very simpleway that is understandable to anyone. It is important to notice that children and women always suffer the most and this is what Swift has targeted to bring out the theme of hunger and suffering.2.

My dream job essay

I love to spend time with my family and at the same time I love to m aka a difference when I can in the world. After that, will be 50 years or more, working at home WI the my wonderful family, enjoying and retrospection what effort I had made in my you anger time β†’

Computers help in agriculture?

Clearly such technology is useless for Indian agriculture scenario because most farmers in India cannot effectively use it and only a few would be willing to invest in such a tool. On the other hand, if we give this tool to scientist or government officials, they can help farmers choose the best crop for their β†’

Case study: air quality systems inc.

The problem is the foam insulation for a batch of Hers manufactured at the plant is peeling, leading Pat to believe the equipment would malfunction.2. A lapse In Judgment on the 2 technicians who are supposed to do the quality checks and tests.

Job opportunity in banking careers in india

The banking sector in India is growing at a very high rate; with rapid advancements and growth in the banking sector has paved way for many banking career opportunities. Banking today is a niche career for enthusiasts in the field of commerce and accounts.

Before inventory at production process, it is accomplished

In Malaysia, UMW Toyota Motor Sdn.Bhd.is the selected Toyota distributor, assembler as well as exporter of all the Toyota vehicles. Bhd, the exclusive assembler of Toyota commercial and passenger vehicles in Malaysia.

Consumer behaviour towards jet airways essay

The competition starts in the concept of after sales service being delivered by the two wheeler company. To identify the areas of improvement for Bajaj two wheeler after sales service.

Abuse of political power essay

This is a problem because the UN is supposed to be the organization that stops people from abusing their power, but ironically the UN is controlled by the United States of America. In conclusion, power and influence is not the problem with our society.

The problems which cities and city dwellers have and the solutions.

Today, the more the cities are developed, the bigger problems which the cities have are. In that case, we can share the problems easily and there is a lot of opportunities to talk to anyone so that we may not feel lonely and are able to enhance our good mental health.

United states navy and naval flight officer

Myfamilyis undoubtedly the thing that sparked my desire to become a Naval Officer: my dad was a Naval Academy graduate, my uncle a Navydoctor, and my grandfather a Naval Flight Officer. I know that becoming a Naval Officer will push me to my limits and that the trials I face will result in me becoming β†’


Sucrose from sugar beet and sugar cane is the sugar that used in daily life. Aside from the sugar we take with fruits, vegetables and natural foods, added sugar is the main cause of manyhealthproblems.

Essay about airline industry

Other factors that are damaging the threat of growth in the Airline industry are the threat ofterrorism & increase in fuel prices. The supply in airline industry is very limited and dominated by Boeing & Airbus, which means there is very little aggressive competition.

Agricultural to 80% of current deforestation rates. there

According to the WorldWatch Institute, Malaysia which is the world's largest producer of palm oiluntil 2006 has led deforestation to skyrocket due to rapid expansion of oilpalm plantation. This is because, in order to mine, trees and vegetation areto be cleared and burned.

Global research artificial lift system market and industry

Artificial lift refers to the mechanical devices that are used to increase the oil recovery when the natural drive is not sufficient to lift the oil. Booming oil production in some parts of the world have propelled the growth of artificial lift market.

Production of materials – biopolymers essay

The natural degradability of PHB plastics can be, and is being, utilized in the medical industry, in things such as plates made which can be left in place to heal fractured bones. The biopolymer PHB is produced by placing bacteria, such as Alcaligenes Eutrophus and Pseudomonas, in a suitable growth medium e.molasses from agricultural waste β†’

A introduction of toxic, hazardous, or noxious products

Freight forwarding companies have to deal with numerous customs regulations and negotiate on tariffs, this is the reason why they need to be fluent in the regulations sets by the government for shipping by air, land, rail and sea. Today, with the advancement in technology and digitization of the logistics industry, the freight forwarding companies β†’

The tell tale heart and the black cat

The plots both start out the same with a main character whose actions throughout the story makes apparent to the reader his insanity and have to deal with the internal and external dilemmas that are caused by the evil deeds, which both happen to be involved with murder, due to the unstable state of the β†’

Critical review of greasy lake

He described the lake as " fetid and murky, the mud banks glittering with broken glass and strewn with beer cans and the charred remains of bonfires." Greasy Lake is used as a symbol for the youthcultureitself in the story and is littered by alcohol, sex andviolence. Boyle emphasizes the corruption of the lake by β†’

The invention of lying and the negative impacts of lying in the film

In The Invention of Lying, a man discovers the idea of lying, of simply saying anything other than the truth, in a society where that has been inconceivable. I think because of the recklessness of the truth used in The Invention of Lying, the film is inaccurate for a society that could only tell the β†’

Arc process: a book writing venture

What did the writer imagine while he was watching the falling snow? 8. It is impossible even for American writer who has mastered his own language to publish a book." I am glad that the writer did not listen to his roommate and he did not give up.

Kongstrup machine factory essay sample

You need to apply the concepts and theories from the book of Chapter 1 to 5 in order to answer the questions properly. There should be enough detail in the answer.

Good versus evil in the crucible

I think that this statement is saying that in works of literature evil might win the battle, as some may say, but it never wins the war. The characters on the evil or bad side usually overpower the ones that are on the good side.

A dolls house act 3 analysis

A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen is about the oppression of women and how they were asked by men to live in a 'Doll's House.' We see throughout the play how Torvald acts like a dictator with Nora and talks to her condescendingly. She said of her position with her dad and then Torvald as β†’

Winnie the pooh: character’s biography

When I got there I saw a small yellow bear sitting on a stump with his paw in a large pot of honey.-You must be Winnie the Pooh, I said. So here it is, the personal biography of Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh, or Pooh Bear, or just Pooh, is a small golden bear.

A message to garcia: a commandant’s reading list book report essay sample

Instead, " A Message to Garcia," is but a short rant about what every man/woman should hold, and that is the willingness disobedience to orders.[President] " McKinley gave Rowan a letter to be delivered to Garcia; Rowan took the letter and did not ask, " Where is he at?" Instead, Lt. Rowan carried out the β†’

Jealousy and isolation in beowulf

Overall, it is the combination of many different types of exclusions that pushes Grendel to become such a cruel, hideous beast with a hardened heart and a thirst to kill. It is always hard to feel different and not accepted, and that is exactly how Grendel feels.

Beauty and the beast

I believethat on general terms a work is better with a moral message than without one, meaning that its having a moral message is not the only measure of a work of art but that it is better because it reflects a consciousness, aresponsibilityon the part of the artist, of trying to make a statement, β†’

Article review on leadership skills in community development

The article that Szu-Fang Chuang wrote, entitled " Essential Skills for Leadership Effectiveness in Diverse Workplace Development", provides a clear definition of the skills essential when conducting leadership in the workplace arena. As Szu-Fang stated, " Effective global leadership is a key to unlock the mystery of working with diverse employees and bring the β†’

Essay on technology and politics analytic reflection

In this illustration, am going to discuss how technological innovation and artifacts and political influence have facilitated the achievement of eradication of extreme poverty and hunger in our global world amongst poor citizens and countries. The development of technological artefacts has led to networked revolutions to transform and develop a political system of governance in β†’

Minerals in water best for children growth report

Mineral levels varies among different water sources and since consumption of much minerals is also dangerous to the children growth. Hansen suggests that drinking water that contains between 288mg/L of calcium, 85mg/L of magnesium, 150mg/L of sodium and 17mg/L of potassium is the best mineral composition for drinking water as it provides almost three quarter β†’

Common problems of developing nations

Developing countries today do not have the abundance of resources that current developed nations had during their development. When currently developed countries were developing they were far superior in science and technology than the rest of the world.

Gender development essay examples

Media and family are two important ways in which children are socialized into their gender roles and characteristics. Conclusively, in the world today media and family are two influential factors during gender development.

Health and development of a preterm, low birth weight baby essays examples

Usually, a full-term incubation period lasts from 37 to 42 weeks, and the last few weeks of it are critically important, as baby's fundamental organs are developing, and the weight is increasing. All education activities have a higher impact, when both parents have a role in the process, and cooperate with therapists a lot, as β†’

Environmental movement in the united states essay examples

The overuse of natural resources was a prerequisite for understanding the ethical problems of environment in its entirety and diversity. The transformation of nature in terms of overuse of resources was one of the decisive factors in the development of the environmental movement.

Good essay on comparison between an international student and citizen student in the usa

International students tend to engage more in educational activities in their first years of college and this translates to greater gains in personal and social development. Engagement in college activities leads to high levels of learning and personal development amongst the international students.

Course work on the developing personality

The experience of the neighborhood teenager is discussed and analyzed here which goes like that the person demonstrated majorly industry behavior as he was quite confident of his conduct and status among his friends and classmates. His self esteem was low in relation to sports and used to shy away from all type of outdoor β†’

Food and culture essay examples

Attachment to tradition contributes to sluggishness of the change in foodways, but cannot prevent it. Foodways are attached to people's personal identity, lifestyle and health and no doubt, these reasons have contributed to sluggishness in change as opposed to the fast paced surface changes that drive the change in foodways.

Essay on online friends and social development

The advent of the internet provided an opportunity for people to create and maintain online profiles and friends, an impact aspect of online friends is that it is gradually becoming integrated into the social circle of individuals. Online friends, just like the real life context, provide an avenue effective functioning of the social relationships β†’

Background information on how the development lasik

Lasik is one of the most important types of eye surgery in advance medical that intended for improving in particular Myopia, Hyperopia and Astigmatism. After a number of experiments, the Lasik technique has been improved in 1990 by Ioannis Pallikaris and Lucio Buratto to become more accuracy than keratomileusis.

Essay on autism

For a year now, with my most caring and loving hands-on therapy and with the help of the agency, Applied Behavior Analysis, there are amazing progress on my son. We are always keeping our eye and ear on him to make sure he has the best of everything in life as a kid and our β†’

The remember inside the facilitating association. they are

They are the accompanying: reception choice level, procurement level, execution level, utilize and support level, development level, and retirement level. This choice level incorporates the meaning of framework requirement, its objectives and assistance, and an examination of the effect of reception at a business and authoritative level.2.

What +-motivates me

I have been laid off first because I had no degree in my past and I look back at that and it motivates me a great deal to keep going forward with school. I know if I get my degree I am going to gain a lot from it and that motivates me to get β†’

Explain how communication affects relationships

When the practitioner is sharing and gaining information is likely to work effectively with children example knowing child feeling and what s/he likes to play and even information about the child's long term health and welfare example speech and language therapist. Children has to feel that they are comfortable to settle in a new nursery β†’

Ashley stoltenberg

The results of the study clearly demonstrated that the expectations and communications of the teachers influenced the self-concepts of the students. The concept of the self plays an enormous role in communications because it is crucial for how a person places themselves and the person they are communicating with in the world.

Critical analysis about constructivism

What is more interesting about social constructivism relating it to the general epistemology is that it emphasized the social construction of reality. But dwelling or getting down into the thoughts of constructivism, without its idea of learning, studying international relations would be pointless and not interesting as it is pushing ones mind to think consciously.

Essay on a world government

People in the world are intensely committed to having a sense of belonging to a particular nation or government. Having a world government is a threat to nationalism issues.

Chief objective of the group

First it is crucial to find the real causes of conflict and not the symbol and deal with it. This helps to ensure that each owns the group and shows commitment.

This piece of writing deserves a level 7

I have worked my fingers to the bone to bring you this wonderful piece of writing that will most definitely be worthy of a level seven. If can find a reason against me, then I implore you to keep reading, as you will come to see that by the end, that this piece of writing β†’

Good the role of hermeneutics and exegesis essay example

Corley, Lemke and Lovejoy concluded the difference between them in such a way that hermeneutics is understood as the theory of interpretation, while exegesis implies the practice of interpretation. A Handbook to the Exegesis of the New Testament.

Communication styles worksheet

Communication Styles Worksheet You spent the past few days exploring the resources available to students at University of Phoenix, and you want to share what you learned with a friend who is interested in enrolling.* Write a 150- to 200-word e-mail to your friend summarizing the resources available to students.* Hey look what I found β†’

Final descriptive writing

The city is off the coast of Lake Michigan which creates a slight cold breeze in middle of December and all of January. The Blue Chip Casino is like a boat casino and it is also the tallest building in the whole city.

First response essays examples

One of the departments that have this arrangement with my department is the Escambia County Emergency Medical Services. This is the procedure that I and other Escambia County EMS officers follow.

Essay on cross cultural nonverbal differences

Proxemics is another kind of nonverbal communication which refers to the personal space people create while conversing. It would be difficult for a Brazilian and an American to work together given their different use of personal space.

Erving goffman essay sample

What are the elements of " Presentation?" How, for example, does a college professor engage in a scripted presentation of self to a class? Some examples of how a college professor engages in a scripted presentation of self to a class are what there tone is like, there body language, and how they dress.

Informative essay on college essay

This quote happens to be the best advice I have ever received, for I can live my entire life by this quote. Not only is the quote by Martin Luther King Jr the best advice I have ever received, but I also followed the advice and took it to action.

Limits of cognition according to descartes

The understanding is looked at as the first half, where the mistakes are made due to the fact that it consists of the straining the beliefs together and entertaining them. The understanding is the putting together of thoughts that come to mind in which leaves a great margin of possibility of error.

Mass communications

In the past 10 years, mass communications underwent perhaps one of the most profound revolutions in their history, matched perhaps by the arrival of the telegraph and the telephone. To make a site that will deliver content and the author's news to large groups of people is very easy and inexpensive.

Example of leadership style inventory research paper

Azaare, J, & Gross, J. The nature of leadership style in nursing management.

Example of article review on cognitive science

For proper functioning of the brain, the two hemispheres must have a mode of communication. As such, proper communication between various brain parts; the two hemispheres are of great importance for the proper functioning of the cerebral system.

Ten reasons to try direct mail

Direct Mail, that one effective way of getting out postcards, catalogs, brochures, fliers, or any form of marketing materials to the eyes and fingers of people. Direct mail can be used to create brand consciousness, sending out letters, samples or promo offers over a period of time will make a company more familiar and might β†’

Hey gaby, i just started my class online with the university of phoenix

The reason why I chose to do distance learning is because I really have a hard time attending regular face to face classes due to my work schedule, very much similar to the situation you are in Gaby. In my opinion I think you would enjoy distance learning and you would be able to focus β†’

Memorandum in university of phoenix

They can range from inform, such as the University of Phoenix Material: Accounting Memo, to the formal; which would be the reply memo that would be sent to the Vice President. The degree of their formality can vary widely, so in writing the reply the sender much pay close attention to various types of information β†’

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We do not only offer you to order papers from our essay writing service, but we provide you with free essays written by experienced writers from EssayOnTime.com. However, if you feel that essay writing is not your forte, feel free to place an order with our professional essay writing service.

Short description: impression of oneself in society

Be quiet On the off chance that you are feeling awkward and anxious, this can make the other people tense and that is a certain method to make the wrong impression. The people you are meeting for the first time does not know you and your appearance is typically the principal piece of information he β†’

Good concepts of teaching essay example

To understand the need and interest of the patient a Hispanic and the nurse a white American, for the conversation to proceed the health care directors have translators who assist the nurses. That is the reason health care educators have come up with methods of teaching the nurses how to communicate with patients from different β†’