400 Words Essay Samples

Report on the bergeys manual

For instance, in this study and using Bergey's Manual, we are supposed to identify the species and genus of a sample of bacteria. Diagnosis of Escherichia Coli remains a challenge since these bacteria occurs in the stool and patients who have diarrhea.

β€˜of mice and men’: the relationship between curley and curley’s wife

In the novel ' Of Mice and Men', the relationship between Curley and Curley's wife is very unstable lacking communication, love and respect. In the relationship neither one is happy, Curley's wife is flirtatious by ' putting her self-out there' and ' kicking her legs about' which shows that she is lonely and lacking the β†’

Allama muhammed iqbal

He encouraged him to continue his studies and polish himself as a poet at the Scotch Mission College in Sialkot. During his life in Europe, he realized that Persian was the language for him to express his ideas and thoughts in a philosophical way.

Seminar unit 5 public health

Seminar Unit 5 Public Health The essay aims to address a two-fold objective to discuss to study further the treatment on non-communicable diseases; and to explain the different multiple factors addressing the burden of non-communicable diseases. In addition, health teaching, screening and the multiple risk factor reduction are the key approaches and are part of β†’

Narrative speech

Specific purpose: After listeners hear my speech, they will realize the significance of not driving under the influence of alcohol Body The morning of my graduation started with feelings of a bad day A drunk driver closely puts my life in danger on the day of my graduation. I was frightened as I held the β†’

The kuwait economy before and after the gulf war

Reliance on oil as the sole source of income led to the overproduction of oil in Kuwait. The war devastated the oil wells of the country.

Comparing willy loman from death of a salesman and joe keller from all my sons

HUM 102 - 020 Considering Willy and Joe Research Paper Kofi Boadi March 25, 2010 Willy Loman fromDeath of A Salesmanand Joe Keller from All My Sons, have similarities in their courses of action which prove detrimental to their families and ultimately leads to their suicidal ends. They make choices based on their ideologies, and β†’

Scie210 u4 db

Environmental Protection Environmental Protection One of the pollutants discussed by many people in the modern world is the ground level ozone that results from a chemical reaction between oxides, organic compounds described as volatile and the nitrogen. The ground level ozone is of concern because of the potential risks it poses in terms of health, β†’

Underground economic

Discrepancies in official statistics estimate of underground economy can also be done by comparing the statistics in national accounting. The value of the underground economy can then be extrapolated by comparing the value of money supply to reported transactions in a given economy.

Psy homework movie review samples

Result: the bigger the prize, the longer it takes to solve the task.- Getting a praise and sense of purpose is what drives people's behavior and makes them succeed. They were brought to America by natural disasters and persecution.- Those workers were mainly Italian and Jewish from Poland, Russia and Ukraine.- They needed to support β†’

Why is racial and gender diversity important in motivating employees

The trip to Memphis was mainly aimed to educate its managers about the importance and need for diversity in a company atmosphere. The company also believes that such training in diversity would encourage the employees to be themselves thus alleviating the need to change and adjust according to the company scenario.

The authors explore the question of bankruptcy in public companies

The authors explore the question of bankruptcy in public companies, trying to come up with ways of predicting the looming bankruptcy. Pointing to the growing scale of this harmful phenomenon with a greater number of larger companies going bankrupt, Chuvakhin & Gertmenian are trying to present businessmen with a framework for analysing the performance of β†’

Parents should not be punished for their childrens crimes

According to Kail, the legal structure always places responsibility on people in authority, for the case of a family; the parents are the ones in charge of discipline. Lastly, liberalization and modernization are contributing to the current shift in parents' role where the idea of parents being responsible for their children's crime has opposition.

A rose for emily-william faulkner

Moreover, she is not free to live her own life because of her father's overprotection. Unfortunately, her father is obviously a huge obstacle for her to live on her own.

Frankenstein: how to read literature like professor

Walton believes the light of the far North as eternal and full of hope " What could not be expected in the country of eternal light?" Light is important to all the characters in Frankenstein, Light guides the Character through Important decisions. Lightning is also a symbol in Frankenstein the tree being burnt by lightning.


Antibiotics can be defined as a medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms. The penicillin's are the oldest class of antibiotics, and have a common chemical structure.

Reflection learning team

The tools that the Federal Reserve has to ensure this are the open market operations, the discount rate and the reserve requirements. We learned that the expansion of the country's money supply depends on the bank ability to lend money.

Essay on student cheating

Instructors dedicate themselves to academic sincerity, and cheating by students is a type of disloyalty. So regardless of the reason, cheating is wrong, immoral and should be shunned.

Chapter essay 1

Question 4 It is true that there is no free lunch because the money used to provide this lunch could be used for other purposes such as building better classes or providing technology that makes learning better. Question 5 It is possible to exchange diamond for other items because despite the fact that it is β†’

Is sexual orientation conversion ethical

This review on the article entitled " Is Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapy Ethical?" aims to outline my personal opinion on the issue and to provide the basis for my position. The arguments supporting sexual orientation conversion therapy emphasize the benefits of affirming the clients' dignity and personal choice for homosexual expression.

Review of the movie master of none

Filled with several cultural and racial problems, cultural criticism is abundant throughout the episode, main examples being the intro scene showing multiple Indian TV stereotypes, the characters throughout the show; racist old lady and angry black women and culture within western society. The clips are shown so the audience can get a brief point of β†’

Mass media effects

Mass Media Effects The effect of media in the society has a formidable force in terms of influencing various activities and behaviours of man. Encyclopedia of Politics, the Media, and Popular Culture.

Convention of citizens for a greener planet

Researchers and Scientists believe that if fires continue in the Amazon, 50 percent of the Amazon could simply dissipate into smoke. It was also recorded that the humidity levels in the Amazon were recorded highest in 2005.

Why has the uk’s productivity lagged behind that of its major competitors and what can be done to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the uk economy

Lagging of UK's Productivity Introduction Productivity in UK is lagging behind productivity of countries such as Germany And United Stated which are the major competitors of UK. The indicator to the productivity decline in the country is that the country is not performing at its true potential and this result to lower incomes and high β†’

Promise and peril

In additional, the article notes of the ineffectiveness of traditional payment methods. The article also highlights the role played by managers in pay for performance programs.

What how the global water demand will

One of the most abundant and reliable resources is Water, andCanada holds about 7% of the world's freshwater supply, which can be soldacross our borders? ConsequencesPoliticalWithout an export policy, water isexported from Canada to fulfill the need of countries requiring it.

A day at the park essay

Soon as everybody enters the amusement park, we always split up and agree on a time to meet and where. I always walk all through the park to eat at the best concession stand.


The decision to act in certain way depends very much on the consequence of the action and if the action is legal or not. And for the benefit of the whole society, the person should release the food.


Therefore, the demand curve is the graphical expression of the association between the quantity buyers are willing and able to purchase and the prevailing market prices. In the graph below, SS is the supply curve.

Good case study on global competitiveness index analysis

The total population of the country is 180 million and it is known as the sixth largest populated country of the world with weak infrastructure and other political based problems. According to the WEF Global Competitiveness Report, the country is in Stage-1 of the development, which is the stage of Factor Driven Economy, wherein the β†’

Establish and adjust the marketing mix

This means it is important for the company's success to know how well his reduce works and to calculate in the budget enough resources for customer service, repairing or replacing the product. Packaging is very important for a product as it is the first contact which a costumer has to the product.

Epas municipal and hazardous waste programs essay

In USA the RCRA is the major law that governs solid and hazardous waste in the environment. Alternatively, in hazardous waste program, the waste that is considered is that which is harmful both to the environment and people.

Provide an example for five of the ten price sensitivity effects

If consumers perceive the price of a specific product to be higher compared to its possible substitutes, then they will opt for the substitutes than the main product. In such cases, price becomes the deciding factor for value creation of the product.

According quantitative and qualitative research methods vary in

Quantitative and qualitativeresearch methods vary in many aspects, their purpose, the type of sample theyutilize, the type of data they collect, the way the data is analyzed, and moreparticularly the outcome of each method. Qualitative research is about opinions and feelings while quantitative is moreabout hard data and numbers.

Frizza – frozen pizza marketing plan

We then decided various characteristics of the product like toppings, etc. In terms of the place, we decided to launch the product only in cities given the infrastructural constraints at the beginning.

Marketing management case: south west airlines

The operating structure of the airlines includes the hub and spoke system and the point-to-point system. Out of Southwest Airline's expectation, " Shuttle by United" intended to discontinue Oakland-Ontario route and raises fares over the other 8 direct competition routes by 10$.

In addition to the exclusivity agreement, speed fitters have question whether tyrius would be open to changing the tyres brand name from tokyoto to speed fitters. assuming flexibility in the current contract, would it be in the interest of tyrius to suppl

Branding of only 60% of the shipment with Speed Fitters brand This option is not viable because it will be costly for Tyrius in terms of promoting and advertising the Tokyoto brand within the UK market. Conclusion Tyrius can save on cost, time, and money by giving Speed Fitters the full exclusive national dealership and β†’

Managing hybrid marketing systems

At the heart of the problem of designing and managing hybrid systems is the fundamental question of what mix of channels andcommunicationmethods can be best to accomplish the assortment of tasks required to identify, sell and manage customers. This analysis of tasks and channels will identify the hybrid's basic components and permit managers to design β†’

Article summary

The article d ' MarketingSherpa Email Summit Social Media is email with fresh paint,' is an analysis of the similarities between email and other social network systems such as Facebook. A social login that operates through a single click into the individuals website that contain information from social networks such as Facebook can also be β†’

Marketing plan essay sample

Or should they narrow their target by focusing exclusively on either the Owner Ollies or Marketer Marys? Halligan and Shah want HubSpot to be to marketing, what Salesforce.com is to sales.

The first ever 2014 cadillac elr: poolside essay examples

According to this commercial, the marketer has identified the want of a better ELR car in the market and has come up with the 2014 Cadillac ELR to fulfil this want/need. The marketer has identified a gap in the American automobile market and is trying to sell his product to the hardworking population of America.

Introduction of chatime essay sample

Chatime is a beautiful and clever brand name because it means " Sunrise" in Chinese, which also refers to Henry Wang's goal, which is the president of Chatime of having Chatime in every place that has sunrise. They have an account in Facebook to keep their fans updated on the lastest news and beverage of β†’

Must complete a summary post at the end of the discussion reflecting on your learning

It is imperative for the marketers to know information about their competitors, customers as well as the general environment obtaining in the market in order for them implement viable strategies that can give them competitive advantage in their operations. Through the use of the marketing mix involving the product, price, place and promotion, the marketers β†’


33 The firm needs to first of all reduce the variable costs and increase the unit price before thinking of increasing the number of passengers.2. This will help the cost per unit to rise, beating the variable costs.

Iklan petronas

There are many commercial advertisements that have done by Petronas on the television and they make the advertisement as a compulsory to them and will come out during the certain period of celebrations in Malaysia for example on Hari Raya day, National day and other national celebration. Petronas has succeed to put on the audience β†’

How organizations are utilizing computerized reasoning in their business tasks

This will enable a chief to concentrate on key business people and related arrangements that will enable the organization to hit their amount. In every one of the five cases over, the amount of accumulated information utilized will build the calculation's capacity to give a more exact expectation, which thus will drive conduct.

You don’t need a big budget to do neuroscience marketing

Neuroscience is the study of the function of the nervous system and brain, and this includes fields such aspsychology, psychiatry and physiology. Well, maybe that does sound complex, so here are some tips that can help simplify the process: The subconscious mind is influenced by emotion, which is why ad campaigns with heart and β†’

Vidal help the nation financially. for example, it

Legalizing drugs can benefit the nation. The more we keep a restraint on drugs, the better our nation can be.

Business and customers

The growth and development of a business may be retarded with wrong perceptions created by business owners about their customers. In the case study Listen and learn: Industry commoditization is a wake-up call to start listening to customers, business owners are urged to understand the needs of their customers so as to fulfil their every β†’

Healthcare marketing

Question 5 Analyzing the cost implication of these two groups, the level of return will be a key element to be considered. Therefore, its level of profitability will be higher due to the low cost required.

Marketing product and pricing

Through the use of advertisement and the ever so powerful word of mouth, the consistent theme of PS3 has created a strong brand image. I would exploit this strategy midway between the launch of a new product and the holiday season to keep a momentum in sales.

Good example of name essay

Marketing is Everybody's Business by George Gresham A Reflection by ' Name' In his article ' Marketing is Everybody's Business', George Gresham conveys that, contrary to the popular opinion, marketing is not a discipline exclusive to the marketing department. By explaining how marketing plays a part in new product development, he has put it beyond β†’

Analysis of the marketing news story

In Nineteen Start- up Challenge 2012, the expounder of 8 Securities, Abdullah mentioned his team was restated with the 'legacy technology, not having product development, and most importantly, no own customer experience' in the traditional industry. With the clauses set on the eligibility for the free Faceable shares is to use their online trading services, β†’

Retail pricing is about to get personal article review sample

The author of the article is a fellow retainer aiming at discouraging them and reducing their confidence in the market that they strive to infiltrate. This retailer looks at the preferences of the consumer and ascertains the customer's commitment of the organization.


For THIS to have an understanding of the community needs and its citizens expectations of its health services.2. Those living south of the Duodenal Bridge and are referred to as the Tasmania Community.

Explain a marketing concept

For that one needs to focus not on existing wants of the customers but it becomes important to understand the underlying needs of the customers. The company continued to offer innovative products such as Gillette Mach3 Turbo, Gillette for Women Venus in the shaving segment year after year to meet the needs of the ever β†’

A culture that supports financial acumen part ii

School: A CULTURE THAT SUPPORTS FINANCIAL ACUMEN PART II Lecturer: A culture that supports financial acumenpart II Response to SHUNNA There is so much insight in the post you produced, particularly in terms of how your organization benefited from the practical benefits of financial acumen. This is because the Business Acumen and Financial Literacy noted β†’

Marketing research lecture

What is Marketing Research? What is the purpose of Marketing Research?

Rachel dretzin’s “the merchants of cool” essays examples

The difference between teens and other demographics is that they do not respond to brands the way that other groups do. It is interesting that the video considers the marketing to be bring down teens, both male and female, to sell their products.

Health care marketing

In the health care business, the health of a patient is an aspect that cannot receive underestimation. It is essential for health care businesses to adopt transparency and offer the patient an opportunity to choose between competing health care providers.

Good business plan about nike

Most fundamentally, the public relations campaign will sustain a more emphatic comprehension of the discounted prices of the goods and services available to the customers within the university. Hence, from the use of sales personnel, a more close-knit comprehension of the various aspects of the partnership is bound to prevail.

1.9.1 1.9.4 sensation seeking sensation-seeking, are also called

Threatto recreation members can be in regards to the outcome of participation, evaluative loss, in addition to in terms of private loss of mobility and, doubtlessly, within the loss of one's existence.1.9. 2PERCEPTION OF RISK The choice to take part in sport canbe contingent upon the belief of danger a man or woman associates with β†’

Hong kong airlines marketing plan for india

The first part of the project will cover the current marketing mix and strategies of Hong Kong Airlines, as well as the SOOT analysis. Place Hong Kong Airlines is a Hong Kong-based airline with its main hub and corporate head office at the Hong Kong International Airport.

Targeted marketing

These files may be first-party cookies, which are placed by he website that you visited to customize your browsing experience, such as when you are shopping on the internet; or third-party cookies, which usually come from advertising agencies. First-party cookies are usually benign and provide the internet user with the convenience of remembering your login β†’

Investigate the differences of the products

Now that I have come to realize that the difference of the squares, I need to now try and find out a formula to the graphs. I have found out a formula to work out the square problem.

Finance essays examples

However, it is very important for the management to control the expenses of the business to improve the cash inflows of the business. The weak point of the CBM management is that the management of the business is paying too early of their suppliers as compared to collecting money from the buyers.

Example of book review on power and prosperity

Further it has been analyzed that a wandering bandit has a smaller interest in the society but the stationary bandit has a larger interest and he keeps trying for the control over the ruling system to ensure his future interests. He adds that this situation is harmful for the people and there should be a β†’

Lipton mega daane

The color of the number is kept as the same as the color of the brand to be presented i.e. The main advertisement again was with the same theme of road and footpath as previously presented in the teaser.

Facebook essay

Facebook is a social media site that can be used in different ways in the business. YouTube Videos, Podcasts and iPhone are also used in the business to market and advertise its products and services.

Parents = scholarships and fundingschools should have a

Parents should have the choice of which education their child gets since parents/children are the " consumers" of educationI will enable school vouchers This will allow parents to choose what type of school the child can go to It is the parents' choice of where their money will go Vouchers will allow parents who do β†’

Marketing plan assignment

PAL entered the Jet age in the sass with the Boeing 707. The airline over expanded in the sass and was bankrupt by June 1998.

Business related assignment

Select an organization of your choice, identify the marketing orientation it focuses on and evaluate the benefits and costs of the marketing orientation for the selected organization 3. 1 explain the various elements of the marketing process 1.

Marketing is every thing

Known to have been a vital capacity revenue driven producing of the organization, marketing has demonstrated itself deserving of the consideration it is currently getting in the academe as well as in the different commercial enterprises themselves. Main Ideas According to Mckenna the first thing which I understood is that technology is converting decision, and β†’

The terms of world trade organization and customs union

Following the guidelines laid by the WTO, the member States are able to conduct their trading practices in such a manner that no one particular nation is able to reap benefits of trade at the loss of another. The core functions of the organization include administering the WTO agreements, handling trade disputes between member States, β†’

Cas study redbull

Market classifications and competition standards influence the market environment and the level of competition in the industry. Planning also influences the success of a business in any market environment.

A marketing memo

Dickson had already established a connection with the local stores and he believes that his product is more superior to the other brand, one way to introduce and spread his product is through attending local conventions and feature shows wherein he can introduce his sauce to bigger and more established distributors and retailers. But since β†’

Different marketing techniques used to analyze

For example: Coca Cola has a strong brand name Marks and Spencer Is noted for Its high quality products John Lewis for Its high levels of customer service Apple for its product innovation Weaknesses refer to aspects of an organization's activities that it does not excel in. McDonald's for its 'Junk food' label 2 Virgin β†’

Reading summary essay

Marketing in the public sector: A roadmap for improved performance. Marketing in the public sector: A roadmap for improved performance.

Marketing arithmetic assignment

Increasing both the retail margin/unit and the wholesale margin/unit decreases the manufacturers selling price because it decreases the price needed to pay the cost of the product and increases the profit. Why? It decreases the unit contribution because less is needed to maintain the profit impact.

Understanding consumer needs

Mission of a company is one of the aspects of the company's promotion strategy. It also fulfills the safety aspect indicating that the customers have trust in the product, believe that it is of the best quality and safe for their health.

Marketing and business strategy

Burton will use a business-level strategy which will focus on product differentiation, focus and cost leadership. I think that Burton returning the Sales Jeweler's to its regular business strategy will monad rings and Jewelry and their customers go to them because of that.

Chap 11 video harley davidson

The use of integrated marketing communication can enhance the ability of a company to provide valuable information to its customers. The information retrieved from the questionnaires can be used to enhance the customer service function of the company.

The supply side of cigarettes

On the other hand, an increase in income is going to reduce the demand for inferior goods as people will look for better alternatives and high-quality goods. This shift is going to increase the prices and reduce the equilibrium quantity in the market.

Reform in road freight

The creation of the marketing mix is intended for the purpose of ensuring the achievement of various corporate goals such as profit, volume, image, reputation, and return on investment through the satisfaction of the consumers' wants and needs. The most influential marketing communication elements are the advertising tools which include television, Internet, print, and radio β†’

Marketing plan objectives

Marketing Plan Objectives Marketing Plan Objectives Goal/Objective Action Timeline Desired Outcome Objective To establish leading position in excellent provision in the market Within the next one year To be the best logistics company in the global market Objective To improve customer satisfaction in the services offered by UPS Express Critical Over the next two years β†’

Negotiations: contract and reservation point

On the other side of the table, I determined my counterparty's BATNA was to complete the sale with the other competitor of WCHI and the seller's reservation point was probably $6M for 6 airings per episode. The seller stated the low number of runs per episode was intended to not dilute the show over the β†’


The Nagoya Era Focused more on cost-cutting and aggressive sales tactics than on shifting production overseas or reducing Kumquat's dependence on the stagnating construction Industry. Framed goals of internationalization and product diversification & pushed the company toward rationalizing production in Europe and the United States.

What is sustainable marketing?

Under this concept, focusing on the customers and valuing them Is the key to making profit and Increasing sales. Under this concept, focusing on the customers and valuing them is the key to making profit and increasing sales.

Service management and customer relation – service quality essay – hilton hotels

The quality has become part of the Hilton's image due to the hard working employees and the memorable experience it is able to provide. High expectations have become part of Hilton's image as well and this is part of what makes the service of excellent quality.

Master degree in commercial music

Master Degree in Commercial Music I am highly interested in pursuing my Master Degree in Commercial Music at Calcutta in Los Angeles, California. I have a baccalaureate degree in music technology and I have taken performance courses during my four years in higher education.

We are cool

The poem portrays the issues that youths in the 50s underwent, persuaded by the " pop" culture, when they left school. The Norton Anthology of Poetry.Ed.

Brighton seaside

The history of Brighton seaside entails fishermen and farmers as the main inhabitants in the village of Brighton before any other invasion. In the 21st century, Brighton and Hove have grown into a world tourist attraction.

How to use groups effectively

In addition, I focused on summarizing the findings and progress of the group at each stage and presenting them to the rest of the groups in the class and the instructor in order to provide them with an insight into what we were doing as a group. In addition, each member was assigned to a β†’

Letter about a product

I am looking forward to hearing from Emerson Process Management because I feel that I am a strong candidate for the vacant position. I have almost 12 years on the job experience as a Materials Analyst having had the opportunity to work for ABC Processes Incorporated in the same position up until the time of β†’

Report 8

According to Buchanan, the immigration explosion is so pervasive that it could now equal the population of native born Americans such as the case of Mexican Americans in California. This quotation meant that America's present immigration policy is skewed towards admitting immigrants who are less skilled and less educated whose level of skills and education β†’

Growing up as a child in my family

I was the second oldest child in my family I had five brothers and five sisters, of which I was the oldest girl. I gave birth for the first time in 1977 and had my last child in 1981.