400 Words Essay Samples


To measure the amount of liquid in a tank, the sensor measures the distance to the surface of the fluid. The system then measures the time for the echo to return to the sensor and computes the distance to the target using the speed of sound in the medium.

Music assignment

It also helped me stay focused on the music instead focusing on the book and keeping time to notice the upcoming changes that were about to take place. Thirty seconds in the music piece I was tapping my foot and moving my fingers on my desk to the rhythm of it.

Rhetorical modes matrix essay sample

Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Why: Organize the evidence in terms of importanceOrder of importance is a method of organization that arranges ideas according to their significance.

The spanish-american war and imperialism

The war became a war of imperial expansion in the late 1800's due to America's new " outward" focuses on global markets and growing concerns of economic competition/expansion from other world powers. It was a time of empires and after decades of isolationism, America decided it was time to show the world our power.

With example. it is important that the brand

This can be your name itself, you can use parts of your name or you can come up with an alter ego for example. There are a couple of instruments you can use to develop and improve your digital footprint.

Why fear big business

Another reason a European Knight is used in the in the illustration is the fact that industrialization only spread to the US after Europe had experienced it " firsthand" is it was where it began. Visions of America: A History of the United States.

Case study on balanced scorecard

The aim of the system is to create more direct plans of the development and improvement of a company and ensure their realization. In order to create a multidirectional policy of business management one should possess a complex system of the strategic targets and key indicators and a well balanced system of the strategic measurement.

Moratoriums on building and individual irresponsibility

Webster believes that Americans substitute the words " harvest" with " slaughter" and " environment" with " home, they will embrace the habit of conserving the environment for the wild animals instead of harming them and exploiting their habitat.in response to The Fashion Punk Paradox by Andrew Hyde, the author tries to portray the real β†’

Social justice case study

It is characterised with the fair and lawful fulfilment of duties and tasks, the life according to the norms of the human society and the fair relations between the different social classes. For example, the social justice touches upon the issues of business, the relations of the employer and employee, the law, the relations between β†’

Descriptive assignment

For the pretzel bottom you will need a bag of pretzel s, 3/4 a cup of butter, and 3 tablespoons of sugar. For the filling g you will need 2 cups of whipped topping, 1 package of cream cheese) and 1 cup sugar.

Coca-cola in india

Firstly, it should change its style of advertisement to fit the flavor of Indian people and Indian culture. The package of the can add some Indian cultural factors to show Coca-Cola company pays more attention on Indian market.

Internet and target customers segment essay

Ontela should not target the 2nd' persona because the segment is not big enough, old fashion and the revenues are not expected to increase. The risks are: Internet and Target Customers Segment By liole Ontela should targe the teen segment.

Bicycle is the best kinds of transportation

If you want to have a good health and a happy life, you should not hesistate to buy a bicycle for yourself and start riding it to go to school or work. Moreover, bicycle can help you save your money because both the cost of buying a bicycle and the cost of reparing it are β†’

Obama and black nationalism assignment

These marked the concrete pillars of the movement, however through his experience as a young black man in the United States, and his interactions with others in the African-American community, he was able to see the motives, thoughts, and desires of the movement that can not be eloquently spoken and simplified. I believe that lthough β†’

Writers inventory letter

I have learnt to that every article or letter that I write has a targeted audience, and that different audiences have certain unique characteristics that I must always take into consideration before starting to write. I have also learnt to organize my writing such that the main ideas I write about are grouped in paragraphs.

The marriage of heaven and hell william blake

In plate 14 of this poem, he says that the destruction of the creation is true and that the cherub with his flaming sword will be sent to destroy the world. This is because the creation appears to be finite and very corrupt He wants to take off the notion in peoples mind that the β†’

Part-time jobs impact academic success

The main two reasons high school students obtain a part time job is to save up money for college and to have extra spending money. According to the College Board, students who are considering obtaining a part-time job should consider how effective they are at getting their school work completed.

Global warming (wikipedia) assignment

Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation. Remaining scientific uncertainties include the amount of warming expected in the future, and how warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe.

Chinese foreign currency reserves swell by record amount

Chinese Foreign Currency Reserves Swell By Record Amount Chinese Foreign Currency Reserves Swell By Record Amount Main purpose of this article: This article tries to raise public alarm over the swelling foreign exchange reserve levels of China and how this contributes to the country's " worsening inflation problem". A high level of money supply circulating β†’

Market structure and the determination of market price

Change in Supply/ demand curve The imperfect competition in the pharmaceutical industry is found on the supply side of the market. Finally, Use of alternative medicine can result to a shift in the demand curve because the consumption of pharmaceutical products is reduced.

My ideal english class essay

Spoken English is quite opposite to written English because when we are writing, we have time to think whether a word is appropriate, if the tenses are correct and so on. We are actually exposed to English only temporarily, since our families are not English speakers and it's impractical for us to speak English outside β†’

Henry david thoreau’s walden essay

Sometimes it is reasonable to assume that it is also the one responsible for making some people's live work. If only it is that easy to veer away from the material temptations of the world.

You decide activity

In view of the existing situation therefore, measures to correct the situation have to be undertaken. If the money supply is very high in the economy, taxation should be increased to control the supply of money in the market.

Conspicuous consumption and consumer society

A consumer society is not just about the consumption of goods, it's also about the consumption of services I will try to describe what a consumer society is and explain why people today shop for more than just life's essentials. A consumer society is a society in which people define themselves and others by what β†’


In recent time using the television as a source of campaigning for the presidential election to make sure that Americans were able to be aware of what was happening at that time. Americans have started using other resources to get the same information they could get from sitting in front of the television for hours.

Case study on whistleblowing

External whistleblowing is the report about the illegal action to the representatives of the law enforcement services, who will take efforts to prevent the action and punish the ones who have planned to conduct the wrong things. In fact, with the help of the Internet and a good free example case study on whistleblowing in β†’

Business – sources of information

When a company plans the future for its well being, the most important factor to take into consideration are the different sources of information, which include the internal and also the external sources of information. The internal and external sources of information are used to analyse and compare our business to that of other businesses β†’

Case study on poverty

A case study should well-analyzed and logically structured in order to reflect the general image of the case, the main problem and detailed description of the case site and the problem which occurred there. Writing a case study on poverty will surely annoy students, because the topic is too broad and it is difficult to β†’

Analysis of declaration of sentiments

The Declaration of Sentiments addresses the importance of woman's equality in the courtroom, women's freedom of speech, and overall equality for women by emphasis of syntax, diction, and tone. Stanton's syntax and diction led to the tone of the speech.

Should the electoral college be abolished

It should also be abolished because of the fact how in most of the elections, the Presidents are most and only elected because of the electoral college and our own vote, the vote that we had taken our own time to choose our future leader that will guide the country in the right path. This β†’

Computer literacy study questions assignment

Answer: He was not a fool for not suspecting danger and going to the castle. It was Lady Macbeth the driven him to that point.

Defining poetry

Poetry is a reflection of the human mind, and therefore, a reflection of the human species. Poetry is the reflection of man.

Conformity assignment

Related Literature Adolescent's social conformity can be described as the influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform to the group. They may also recognize dissociation groups that they do not wish to belong to, and therefore adopt behaviors In opposition to β†’

The five proofs of god: thomas aquinas, summa theologiae

The third attest of God's existence is the Aquinas argument about the necessary being. In this aspect, Aquinas therefore proved the survival of a great being that is the basis of all greatness.

More do not sweat so much as other

Relatives of the camel are important to the Indians of the Andes. The hair of the guanaco is too stiff to be useful.

Social media in the classroom

In the 21st century, social media has proven itself to be a huge part of the lives of many, especially teenagers and adults. However when a student and teacher communicate on personal social media outlets, there is potential for abuse Some teachers have created their own creative ways to communicate with their students in a β†’

Abstractbaja and dynamics literature and previous sae baja

All Baja SAE vehicles for the competition are governed by a set of rules and powered by a small engine, so the major part of vehicle performance depends on the acceleration and maneuverability of the vehicle which are in turn proportional to the weight of the assembled vehicle along with the driver. As weight is β†’

Everything pressure. for the majority of fit and

By the time you have reached the end, you will have all the answers you need as to if you need to use a weight lifting belt, and what you should look for before you buy one. If you have a condition which is related to blood pressure or the heart, we would again suggest β†’

Request for from local businesses

They are the multiple reasons that I am striving to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. It will be difficult for me to achieve that task if I do not have a college degree as I will be unsuccessful in convincing my children to stay in school in the event that they wish to β†’

Behavior of gases essay

Furthermore, this particular equation dictates that the product of the Initial volume and pressure Is equal to the reduce of the volume and pressure after a change under constant temperature. Meanwhile, temperature Is the measurement of the kinetic energy of particles Inside of a certain object.

Ncs case – college essay

End Diastolic Volume- the amount of blood in the ventricle at the end of ventricle diastole. Explain the following: the Frank-Starling law of the heart, the control of cardiac activity by the autonomic nervous system, and the baroreceptor reflex in the maintenance of systemic blood pressure.

An analysis of a doll house

What she does not realize until the end is that her debt does not enslave her, but her husband's treatment of her does. She was passed on from her father to her husband, who acts more like her father than a husband.

Emergency and transition of adolescence

Consequently, the engagement in traditional activities is rare as youth hang out in gangs to explore the modern experience in entertainment and romance. The experience of adolescence is different in relation to culture and civilization in society.

Private high school application and financial aid letter

Our son, Daniel, was planning to apply for a summer job to help with the expenses and save for his schooling. Thank you for your consideration of my son's acceptance to the academy and your organization's financial aid.


Heck-in staff over the way that the airline had mishandled the introduction of the swipe cards." 113 One commentator labeled the change process as a " commercial disaster" serving as " an important warning? about the dangers of manage- meet by diktat, certainly, but, more profoundly, about an incipient revolt against the close control and β†’

Lovedescribe how to adjust interactive instruction based on analysis of student performance during the instruction

By presenting new concepts to students, this gives them a chance to widen their scope of investigation and engages them in further reading of literature. Teachers and parents also contribute immensely to this instructional strategy by guiding students when they are in a fix with their studies.

University is a stratified society where social class

The Japanese system of education is characterized by a high suicide rate among even young students, the lack of individuality promoted by curriculum and a highly regimented, business oriented system covered under the garb of equality. Besides, the system of education has not been able to foster a sense of dignity of manual work and β†’

Normal distribution assignment

If you are unable to take or complete an exam, that will be the grade that is dropped. Academic Honesty: The University's Honor Code states, " We will be honest in all our academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty." Students are expected to do original work.

Unit 2

A medical professional should be learned and be in possession of a degree from a technical or vocational school, or community college. A professional must be accountable to the society and the patients on issues regarding health.

Personality traits of success for consultants

One of the most important lessons which one has discovered through the course of the consultancy work is that it is essential that one learns about his client before accepting the consultancy project. This is just one instance which shows that a consultant must be ready to adjust to the preferences of its clients.

Leonardo da vinci perpetual machine

Pilar Garza ESL Extra assignment 15 December A Leonardo Da Vinci Perpetual Machine Leonardo Da Vinci as one of the greatest minds in the history, similar to other inventors, could not stay cold to the idea of perpetual motion, a machine that would keep working without any outside energy sources. Perpetual Futility: A short history β†’

Female leaders in history

Margaret Thatcher was also a tough and courageous leader as she was able to silence those against her, such as the trade unions, and also the opposition in the politics, which was a major accomplishment. This is what also led to her being left with a cabinet that was not able to challenge her, which β†’

Pestel analysis for the irish rail

Rail has a major role to play in educating the public especially children about the dangers of the rail environment.* Persuading the public that rail travel is a real alternative to car use is vital Technological * Some railways need to be transform and adopted to rail freight * Rail is environmentally friendly and safely β†’

Mode the same character in both the

Where applications are made to a court for the execution of cross-decrees in separate suits for the payments of two sums of money passed between the same parties and capable of execution at the same time by such court, then If the two sums are equal, satisfaction will be entered upon both decrees; and If β†’

Abortion and religious aspects

Abortion and Religious Aspects According to a journal published last year by an author known as Mary Castle, religious organizations have been in the forefront in educating the society various effects related to abortion. The journal indicates that abortion is against religious aspects and failure to respect norms of the society.

Re: motivation and memory assignment

Correct Answer control Response Feedback Excellent Question 4 2 out of 2 points Both the researchers and the participants In a memory study are ignorant about which participants have received a drug that is supposed to improve memory and which have received a placebo. This investigation involves the use factored Answer the double-blind procedure Response β†’


" Sociology of Globalization" According to sociologist Roland Robertson: " Globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole...both concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the global whole in the twentieth century".." Yes, globalization is different from the previous eras, but β†’

Case study on banking services

The history of banks is very long and draws back to the beginning of the human civilization and the increase of the role of the private property and finance. It is useful for every student to read a free sample case study on banking services written by an expert and learn everything about the most β†’

Expressive typography essay sample

Then I experimented with this word and made a range of designs in my book, finally I came to the design I was happy with it and then I have tried out a variety of mediums to see which produced the best effect for it. I come to the conclusion that felt tips worked the β†’

The of shows on various television channels which

The laughter, the tears, the agony and finally the celebration of triumph...it was all eagerly lapped up by the audience. Soon, the floodgates opened to a slew of shows on various television channels which were quick to spot and exploit the potential of these shows to raise their TRPs.' Kaun Banega Crorepati', hosted by the β†’

Loneliness free essay sample

You see, we are at the funeral of a friend that took his life, because even though it seemed like he had everything, he was lonely". Black is the color of the clothing, black is the word that describes the situation and black was the color of the train that took our friend.

Ancient egypt: the burials and spiritual rituals assignment

They often contained inscriptions, and many of these masks included written spells that were meant to protect the spirit of the deceased. The style of the masks for men featured beards in the style of the time, while the masks for women showed popular makeup styles.

Discussionanalyzing cost of capital

Analyzing Cost of Capital The cost of capital is the price the company pays to obtain and retail finance. The major decision for company as concern capital structure is to determine the ideal amount to use for debt and equity in order to attain a perfect capital structure, and consequently minimize the cost of capital.

Women’s some sociologists social movements also constitute one

Sometimes it becomes difficult to point out the differences between the two in precise terms, some, such as the " hippie" countercultures of sixties, seem to fit the definition of collective behaviour. A sociologist is interested in the study of both collective behaviour and social movements not just because such a study is highly fascinating.

Substance use

One of the main aspects of abuse that continues to be the focal point of this discussion is the abuse of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. One of the key reasons is the fact that amphetamines have a medium severity for high capacity for abuse but can be utilized for medical use.

Types and symptoms

The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation dispels many myths and legends in popularculture, " Although some individuals with albinism have reddish or violet eyes, most have blue eyes. In less pigmented types of albinism, hair and skin are cream-colored, and vision is often in the range of 20/200.

Baobab – african tree of life

Baobab fruit also provides a good source of fiber, protein, and probiotic activity, as it stimulates good bacteria in the gut. A 2009 study published in Food Science and Nutrition reported on an analysis of the composition and nutritional value of baobab fruit.

Benefits and limitations of technology essay sample

Evaluate the benefits and limitations of using technology in learning and teaching The use of technology in teaching is now a widely encouraged concept. Along with this there is the question of lack of IT skills in both teachers and students.

The importance of being ernest setting analysis essay sample

The Importance of Being Ernest is set in the late 1800s in the bustling city of London. The background of the play contrasts the differences in the characters Jack and Algernon as well as further developing the plot line.

Tinker v. des moines school district

Unfortunately, this decision came to the attention of the management of the Des Moines school where the management decided to suspend any student who wears the armband and refuses to remove it in the school premises. This portrayed that the school and the Tinker's had different values about the norms happening in the society.

Maus i chapter 6

No he is really interested in seeing his own story written and having others interested in it as wellOn page 136 Vladek says that he was able to pass for a member of the Gestapo but that Anja's appearance was more Jewish. Anja has a tail, she is more visibly JewishGiven the fact that the β†’

Saving lives! free essay example

Keep calm and become a nurse Associate's Degree in Nursing this is the most common way to obtain a Registered Nurse License. As a Registered Nurse you are required to hold a state nursing license.

Lincoln electrics case study

Their management system is so successful that people refer to it with capital letters-the Lincoln Management System-and other business uses it to benchmark their own? The company's system success is largely is due to the organizationalculturebased on openness and trust?

Child development

Thus, the main objective of this study was to" determine the relation between housing instability and school readiness among national samples of five year old children".P.104. Results Results showed that on language and literacy, children who had never moved had a mean score of 94.

Newnote takes over cointrader

Newnote has decided to obtain the existing Cointrader exchange instead of continuing the difficult process of developing their PureTrade Bitcoin trading platform. We are not exiting the company," he said, adding it has yet to be determined in what capacity he will be serving at Newnote.

Letter to students

As your English language and Literature teacher, I have been privileged to be your chaperone and learner. Be as independent and interdependent in your thinking as well as your actions and stay connected to your core beliefs.

City lovers by nadine gordimer essay

Hence Gordimer decides to marry the black woman in the name of her servant. Firstly, Gordimer takes the advantage of that and marries the black lady secretly in the name of her servant; no one could question his actions since it was expected blacks to be servants of whites.

Althenopis composition

It is a text halfway between the autobiography and the novel We are in the late thirties to the fifties. Particularly important and interesting is the figure of the grandmother, a strong, extravagant woman and lover of food.

Personal vision of ministry

Personal Vision of Ministry Statement " Creative, loving, and inspired ministry that loosens the burdens of religion, and leads people to a lifetime, obedient relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ." Each word in that vision statement is very significant to me and describes my spiritual being to this point. Love is the central theme of β†’

Leadership style assignment

The problem solver of the group made themselves available themselves available and part of the leadership consisted of demanding the team to stay on track and following the outline of the course. The Problem Solver and Developer worked well to motivate the team to live up to the vision and the goals of tasks.

Training and development of employees assignment

In HARD it is important to carry out, Strategic / Organization analysis in this intent Could you please tell us in the analysis that how do you identify the following? A. Please provide the details.Q.

The flashy outsider

Not only did Faulkner have Homer stand out by being just an outsider but also by describing him a very flashy manor. Faulkner also has Homer stand out by not only his flashy cloths and by being an outsider but also by making him the center of attention.

How that you ensure that you have

It is necessary that you ensure that you have given the process of selection of the keto diet the seriousness it deserves so that you can be sure that you will get the best services. It is in this way that you can be sure that the services of the company will not leave you β†’

An incredible journey essay sample

Having an outline of the story will keep the essay organized and help keep you on track in telling the story. Clearly tell the story that you have mentioned in the purpose.

Database sql project ideas

3 Central Library Management System The Central Library Management System project Is developed to store record. Com/ Database Project Ideas Sql Server By inhalant 1 The Central Library Management System project is developed to store record.


The reason behind lower impacts is that the rich countries take advantage of the deforestation, intensified farming and other factors occurring in the poor nations. What do you observe from looking at the maps of the two regions in the respective articles A.

Credit protection and identity theft

To correct any errors on your credit report that you may find, all you have to do is get a copy of your credit report and collect all the data you can find that will prove your case. A very good example would be to keep your social security card locked away somewhere safe in β†’

Marketing management midterm

List all of your sources again in the bibliography. Do not put your name anywhere in the document.

Nursey rhymes

Nursery Rhymes Paper The essay aims to identify themes or messages from some Mother Goose nursery rhymes that seem to condone violence and abuse of children and women. These are only a few of the nursery rhymes that have been written with utter disregard for significance in the content and the substance that the messages β†’

After graduation

After five years of graduation I can see myself in the field of Interior Design has gained experience and skill of the engineering office I work in so that I could gain fame, expertise and experience in practical life and give me the ability to incision my own way. Ten years after graduation I will β†’

The realationships between teaching style, subject, and computer use

Second, over the half of the teachers in social science and natural science use computer in their class while only the half of the teachers in the other two fields do. On the contrary to this, discussion can be done without computer because students should talk a lot in this teaching style.

Mada’in saleh essay

Traces of Lihyanite and Roman occupation before and after the Nabatean rule, respectively, can also be found in situ, while accounts from the Qur'an tell of an earlier settlement of the area by the tribe of Thamud in the 3rd millennium BC. The long history of the place and the multitude of cultures to have β†’

Bartelby & story

The narrator tries all the way through the story to truly empathize with Bartleby, but he never digs too deep because he is concerned about saving himself. He is throroughly unexcited about life in general, and the narrator is maybe a little afraid that he is too much like Bartleby.

Should nationalism be discouraged substantiate your answer with facts and examples

The concepts of nationalism have mainly raised questions concerning the notions of a nation's ethnicity, their cultural ties and common origins. The concepts of nationalism have previously been used by different people who have mainly been unsatisfied by the inconsistencies that exist between the social orders of their people and their identification with a country's β†’

Hotel industry

HOTEL Introduction A hotel refers to a service industry that deals in a variety of foodstuffs, fixes them for s and charges a fee for the foods given to their clients. This paper aims to critically analyze the hotel service industry business in light of the profits realized, the organization structure as well as the β†’

International business – bella healthcare

Bella Healthcare India al Affiliation: Question For a company to develop new products it needs to have market research ability to enable it to understand the tastes and preferences of the target market, qualified workforce to spearhead the work of developing new products, and, an effective organizational structure to deal with internal and external issues β†’