400 Words Essay Samples

The under the old textual law {the following

Under the old textual law {the following relations were entitled to claim maintenance Wife, Minor children, Unmarried daughters, Aged parents The persons who were liable to maintain them were as follows: The husband was bound to maintain his wife The father was bond to maintain his minor sons and unmarried daughters. Similarly, on the same β†’

Exercise and cycling

Cycling can reduces the signs of ageing and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. As a result, cycling can help us reduce the risk of cancer.

Chapter 2

CloudClients, the Internet, and service providers are basic components of this type of computing. Search servicesMaintain huge databases relating to information provided on the Web and the Internet.

It’s their own financial standings.with the world

It's true that for a majority of people, the easy personal loans are the keys to obtaining the things that they need but quite impossible to have due to their costs as well as their own financial standings. Personal loans are those funds granted by the banks and other financial institutions with the aim of β†’

Counseling counselor, pastoral counseling is part of

Pastoral counseling must be counseling that is rooted in the Bible. Sometimes this comes in the form of rebuking, correcting, and training of the people that need counseling".

Shiloh by bobbie ann mason

Shiloh by Ann Mason Leroy Moffitt, who is the narrator in Shiloh, possesses qualities which are stereotypically feminine including sentimentality and sensitivity which cause him to be a man in three dimensions rather than a masculine stereotype. The story is set in Shiloh, which according to Leroy is more like a park rather than the β†’

The state of the eiffel tower

The State of the Eiffel Tower Europe is said to be famous for its beautiful landmarks like The Colosseum and The Stonehenge, but among these structures the most well known is Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. This architecture stood the test of time despite its original plans as a temporary structure This gracefully shaped structure β†’

Hr profession

CIPD reveals HR profession map to replace old standards By Louisa Peacock on 21 Apr 2009 in Careers in HR, CIPD, HR qualifications, Latest News, The HR profession The CIPD has unveiled an ' HR Profession Map' which will replace the institute's professional standards structure ahead of the launch of new qualifications next year. Orme β†’

Informative speech ebola essay

Bola is one of the most deadly diseases to humankind A. The Bola virus is spread through " H2O" A.

Defining sports

Therefore, professionalism is required to keep the legacy in sports alive and help athletes get value of their time and sacrifice. Sociological approach Sports sociology defines sports from a social perspective in the sense that sports is directly linked to society norms and expectations.

World war 2 – synthesis essay

There were many historical articles that explained with great detail the tragedy and devastation of the dropping of the bombs, such as the famous Truman Articles, The Hiroshima Articles and Other very important articles filed. The famous Truman Articles, The Hiroshima Articles and other very important articles were articles that described in great detail the β†’

Torture ever an acceptable method of obtaining information

For most of us, our gut Instinct Is to say 'no' and studies have shown that Information obtained by the use of torture is unreliable. Here's a news story clip about the effectiveness of torture: It's become the conventional wisdom that the tortured will say anything to make the torture stop, and that " anything" β†’


Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It's volume and mass are about 1/18 that of the earth and it's average density is approximately equal to that of the earth.

Christmas spirit

These answers would probably have something to do with spending time with family, or having that warm feeling inside as you sit around a fire on Christmas Eve with your loved ones. If you were to ask me what the " Christmas spirit" is I would not say spending time with my family, or opening β†’

Globalization questionnaire assignment

Corporations that have Investment, manufacturing, or other divisions of the company In another country Is definitely an example of expansion globalization. Corporations that have investment, manufacturing, or other divisions of the company in another country is definitely an example of Some of the major drivers that affect globalization are competition, less money to meet sales β†’

Public relation report project

The American Fisheries Society Endangered Species Committee is mainly organized for the preservation of the animals that live in the various bodies of water in America while the Endangered Species Coalition is dedicated to conservation of animals from various ecosystems such as rainforest and marine life to name a few. When these people work hand β†’

The longest day in my life essay

The school bell rang far the first lesson thankfully my first lesson of the day on Monday was PE, My most cherished lesson, I sighed with relief, muttering to myself: yes P. I picked up my pace and raced to the changing rooms, I could not wait for a game of football with the lads.

Case study on social media

All these types of data exist together in the Internet and operated, managed by professionals in order to provide people with information of all kinds, no wonder, social media is expected to be the single ideal type of mass media which will not leave a chance to newspapers, magazines and television soon. Nowadays people are β†’

The diary of a wimpy kid

Diary of a Wimpy kid is about Greg Heffley, a kid in middle school who has a younger and an older brother, and Greg says, his younger brother Manny never gets in trouble, even if he really deserves it. The book starts with Greg saying that the book is a journal, not a diary, and β†’

Pollutionassignment assignment

The three types of pollution is land pollution, air pollution and water pollution. The cause of land pollution is littering.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression in adolescents

The eight week MBCT program participated by a group of adolescents yielded six major themes that were true of the participants after partaking in the mindfulness based cognitive therapy. From the conclusion of the study, the adolescents appreciated the social and emotional value that had imparted on them through the study.

Unit two music lab questions assignment

What was the influence of CBS' Latin division on the explosion of Latin music in the US? Why did the Latin music influence decrease?

Blue hotel

The Easterner sums up the cause of the Swede's internal conflicts when he says, ".this man has been reading dime novels, and he thinks he's right out in the middle of it-the shootin' and stabbin' and all". This internal conflict between the real world and the one in the novels cause the first external conflict β†’

The tragic hero

In Oedipus The King by Sophocles, Oedipus is an example of Aristotle's true tragic hero. Obviously, Oedipus is a true tragic hero by reasoning of Aristotle because he has the criteria.

Ap english certainty vs/ belief

Certainty is the inner strength that everyone has, just not many want to express, that is why there are leaders and followers, strong and the weak, living and the dead. Doubts are what control you from succeeding, they hold you back, tie you down, and strangle you from what you want, and just in the β†’

Monotheistic religions: assessment

How are the three major holy books of the monotheistic faiths both similar and different? They all record the beliefs, the laws, and the histories of its religion.

Case study on asthma

The easiest and the most effective way to prepare a case study is to take advantage of the Internet. With the assistance of a well-formatted free sample case study on asthma children one will be able to construct a logical unique paper himself and impress the teacher.

The media too. whereas the whistle blowers are

The Right toInformation Act is an Act of the Parliament of India " to provide forsetting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens" andreplaces the erstwhile Freedom of information Act, 2002. The RTI activists use the formal mechanism as mentioned in theprocess of RTI Act for getting the information, whereas the whistle β†’

Ted bundy case free essay sample

What are the main features of the acquisition, retention, and retrieval stages of memory according to Loftus? Stage one is acquisition in which the perception of the original event is put into the memory system.

How successfully did the liberal government attack poverty essay sample

They had been convinced by the writing of Charles Booth and Seebohm Rowntree that the poor were rarely to blame for their own poverty and they were shocked that they had no way of getting out of this poverty. However, what had the greatest impact was the laws the Liberal Party passed to help prevent β†’

Teacher metaphor assignment

I am a fisherfolk and my students are the fish. My teaching methods were mainly aligned to the power oriented metaphor where I am in charge of the learning environment.

Employee motivation in a government organisation assignment

Having ensured that the organization and the employees are working towards the same objectives, managers can then focus on exactly which motivational techniques can be implemented to facilitate the achievement of these goals. Offering rewards and incentives is indeed motivational, but It Is Important to make sure that these are deserved and that recognition Is β†’

Case study example

This is a mode of advertisement and has led to an increase in overall revenue for not only Lonely Planet but other competitors in the market. All relevant information should be on the website only for a small amount of time.

Non-invasive diagnostic techniques

The strength of a magnet in an MRI system is rated using a unit of measure known as a tesla. Maintaining such a large magnetic field requires a good deal of energy, which is accomplished by superconductivity, or reducing the resistance in the wires to almost zero.

David a battle isn’t always the strongest, the

David and GoliathThe story of David and Goliath can be thought of as a timeless tale of1) good versus evil and 2) the fact that the win does not always go to thestrongest or biggest, it goes to the most determined or strong willed. David's strength, it seems, dwelled in " the name of the β†’

History of the united states: world war i

OI think when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor was when the United States could no longer avoid being involved in the war. OI think when the Lend-Lease Act was involved the United States was no longer neutral.3.

The fall of the mayan civilization

The Fall of the Mayan Civilization Elizabeth Putman Professor Jennifer Adrienne Humanities 111 January 26, 2012 Mashkan-shapir was a typical Mesopotamian city, located about 20 miles from the Tigris River, and connected to the river by a network of canals. Decline of the maya.

Apples overall strategy

As of the year 2008, Apple Inc was the third-placed in terms of market share in regard to the PC market. Due to Apple's continuous innovation and focus on the end-user, the Company has gained an edge over some of its rival competitors in the PC industry.

A wall of fire rising

Even though, the " poor" or known as the low class was in effect the government still provided education to the children and history as well. Little Guy got to be in a play known as a character named Boukman, born in a Jamaican Haitian slave but was known as a leader of the Haitian β†’

Technical writing argumentative essay

The goal of technical writing is to enable readers to use a technology or understand a process or concept. Technical writing is a method of researching and creating information about technical processes or products.

Seton partners

The Dean will plan and deliver professional development sessions as well as seek out professional development opportunities for the entire staff in the areas of data-driven instruction, best practices, and blended learning, in partnership with Seton Education Partners. The Dean of Instruction reports directly to the Principal, who provides guidance and sets school policy and β†’

Business expansion: arbitration clauses for international contracts

Both firms may be required to correct the deficiencies inhibiting the effectiveness of the distribution agreement. New Jersey Inc.should ensure that the products delivered to Castilla S.L.meet the quality standards stipulated in the agreement.

Marketing plan for retail store assignment

My store is made up of cement and it was painted. Some business is made of cement but it was not painted and their store do not have trash can.

“what actions can lead to”

Malcolm X's only difference was that he wanted to fight an " Eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Taking the negative comments coming towards his kind in a gentle way, he wanted to deal matters in such a way that would help both sides of the issue.

Explain how different types of interventions can promote essay sample

Can link to further sources of help.* Speech and language therapists can work 1: 1 with children to accelerate learning and development in communication. Can also provide training and support to parents and carers.* Educational Psychologist can identify behavioural and learning difficulties, create individual plans and give advice and support.* Youth Justice Service can help β†’

Adidas case study

The Integration of Ideas and Rebook supply chain activities was expected to result in cost savings of 105 million of euros by year-end 2008 and contribute to improvements in both the company's gross margins and bottom line and the management expected that the Rebook acquisition would boost 2008 revenues by additional 250 million euros. Strategic β†’


Children who, at a very early age for instance, have been acquainted with numerous aspects of technologies through the gadgets they have instant access on and with the notion that almost everything can be learned and obtained via the worldwide web, they are inclined as well to think of the insignificance of classroom education. This β†’

Inventory processes. the high-flow facilities have an

They are high-flow facilities whose focus is on the 20 percent of SKUs, that aresold in high volumes, that amount to 80 percent of the store's capacity orlow-flow facilities that are sold in low volumes and require manual processes. Most IKEA products have flat packaging, which makeshandling easier, so that it occupies less space both β†’

Why the generation is obsessed with the anti-hero

The first reason for hating while loving the antagonists is the fact that these characters are a reflection of who we are. Another reason for the love of villains is the psychological mindset that beautiful is good.

Kris retchiel e. mangubat

So I told the client that it's good that she knows what her priorities are and encourage her to not procrastinate in order for her to have an extra time for the other stuffs. Plan: I recommended the client to just continue making the timetable since it is an important and very useful tool for β†’

Chemical engineering

I am very interested in chemistry and in biology. I am a very disciplined student, but I can be creative, too.

Application software

Enterprise Application Software * Software developed to benefit the entire organization.* Enterprise resource planning software; set of integrated programs that manage a company's critical business operations for an national and international organization. Application software is integral for information Decision Support, and Specialized Purposes.

Boeing 787

During the process of building 787, Boeing changed their traditional way to build a commercial airplane, instead, they decided to inviting 100 global suppliers to collaborate on the design, engineering, and manufacturing. Collaboration with foreign suppliers is the strategy that Boeing used to achieve their goal which is build higher level of a commercial airplane β†’

Analysis of asian american

The United States has become the most diverse society on the face of the earth. Gatewood, " non-European immigration to the United States began in the late 1960s and has accelerated at rapid speeds since the early 1990s after a long hiatus due to restricted immigration.

Sustaible development essay

Still accommodating more and more IT firms in the heart of the city has led to many environmental issues like, dense pollution, low quality of air, water pollution, solid waste pollution etc. According to Times of India, a famous national News daily, 20% of lung cancer patients who die in the city are exposed to β†’

Health promotion program

Presenteeism is the decline in the workplace productivity because of the employees' health problems and the health issues did not lead to absence from work. Health promotion programs in the workplace are focused on reducing, preventing and also eliminating any health hazard that can lead to poor health of the employees and also enhances the β†’

Why polytechnic students take up part time jobs

Executive Summary The main aim of this report is to present the various reasons why polytechnic students take up part-time jobs and develop an analysis. Background Statistics have shown that there is a gradual increase in the number of polytechnic students taking up part-time jobs.

Read the chapter 8-9 from this book indian art, rev. ed., by roy craven

Introduction Ise Shrine and a Modernist Construction of Japanese Construction which is an academic research that has been carried out by Jonathan Reynolds focus on the aesthetic value that the shrine holds and it's impacts on the Japanese architectural culture of construction. The history representation of Ise Shrine According to Jonathan, the Ise shrine played β†’

Informative speech on nutrition essay

A random survey of fifty Cumberland College students reveals that the eating habits Of students are Often not similar to good nutrition. A brief history of Nutrition and students excessive consumption of fat.A.

A modest proposal

However, the suggested reforms differ or contradict with Swift's " modest proposal" as other than sacrificing the children of the poor, it will call for the wealthy sacrificing part of their luxuries. Swift's suggestion is trying to encourage the Irish to promote the local produce, products and industries.

Nietzsche arguments persuasive essay

Perhaps the most convincing arguments Nietzsche makes for the idea that God is either dead or does not exist is the idea that God is a creation of Western society, a universal ideal of morality, truth and ethics. In Nietzsche's argument, the next step after the acceptance of the death of God is a step β†’

Both the british psychological society (bps) and the

The APA adopted the ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct in 2002, then amended it in 2010, andagain in 2016. The participants were therefore made more aware of their right to withdraw inthis study than in Milgram's.

Monitoring c.w essay sample

It is the amount of fluid lost from the body to the amount of fluid taken into the body. Explain the purpose of the FFP for C.W.

Religious experience for the existence of god

30 marks) AO1 Religious experience can be argued to prove the existence of God, for example the inductive argument could argue for the existence of God as if something is experienced then it must exist and as people claim to experience God, therefore God probably exists.* A) If an entity is experienced, it must exist β†’

Marcus cicero’s quote “history is the witness that testifies to the passing of time…” essay sample

With his great orations, and essays on matters such as old age and friendship, it comes as no surprise to know that such a great intellectual wrote the following quote, which I will break down and explain, as I understand:" History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time, it illuminates reality, vitalizes β†’

Abstract several limitations, in particular insufficient sampling

The main objective of these studies was to develop a bacteriophage that would destroy this bacterium. During this experiment, I attempted to investigate the effects of MSa phages against Staphylococcus aureus.

The value of life argumentative essay

In It's not about the bike: My journey back to life, anautobiographyby Lance Armstrong, he is a great inspiration to America for winning one of the most grueling sporting events on the face of the earth, the Tour de France. To further conclude this statement, the way society should assign value to life is the β†’


JavaScript is an interpreted computer programming language.[5] It was originally implemented as part of web browsers so that client-side scriptscould interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that was displayed.[5] More recently, however, it has become common in both game development and the creation of desktop applications. Newer β†’

Personality assessment and theories essay sample

Personality Assessment and Theories September 20, 2013 Personality Assessment and Theories To understand how the personality assessment and theories work one would have to understand what personality is and why each method is different. According to Morris and Maisto, trait Theories is " permanent dispositions within the individual that causes the person to think, feel, β†’

Childhood developement and sexual behavior

Also in the process of exploration, they look at others when they are undressing and try to determine what the difference between them is. The sexual behaviors at this stage include masturbation, oral sex and sexual intercourse between the boys and girls.

Average day of high school

Everyone is looking forward to the only break during the day and this is lunch. We all go to class and learn the same things.

Db5 part 1

551407Jackson Pollock's Convergence Jackson Pollock's paintings in the Convergence series are important to the world of art as an innovative new form of expression, and as a social statement about the convergence of the old with the new. As an artist, Pollock was the leading innovator of bridging the gap between the old and the β†’

The birthmark

Who is Aylmer? a brilliant scientist and natural philosopher who has abandoned his experiments for a while to marry the beautiful GeorgianaWhat does Georgiana's birthmark look like and where? a tiny red mark in the shape of a hand on her cheekWhy does Aylmer say that makes Georgiana cry? bc the rest of her face β†’

Eh 202

A flood whisks away the town and the baby dies in Kentuck's arms. The StormAuthor: Kate Chopin Characters: Calixta, Alcee Summary: A storm begins and Calixta's family is separated before an old lover arrives.

Employment law 5

According to Goldman, and Corrada 74, this is a path way to discriminating potential employees especially with the belief that those involved in unions has a better and strong voice when it comes to airing their grievances. In essence, Goldman, and Corrada 87 argues that, the federal and state law does not allow employers to β†’

Response sketch: james joyce’s β€˜eveline’ essay

Response Sketch: James Joyce's ' Eveline' My first thought after finishing ' Eveline' was " that's it? " I felt that the story was lacking in information: I hardly knew anything about Eveline's father, how did Eveline's mother die, and how did her brother Ernest die. If I do not know anything about the people β†’

Bridge and wood glue

Using your blueprint, create a model of your bridge using toothpicks and type of bridge you will build and create a blueprint of the bridge on graph paper. WSDL you make any changes in the design of your bridge?

Situational reaction assignment

He was quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not the significances. Not because he was wet, but because having to light a fire and dry off was going to delay his arrival to the camp.

The purpose of higher education

So in order to secure a good position in a company, higher education is often a requisite. In relation to landing a dream job, higher education is also viewed as a magnet for good money.

Brief analysis of 2 plays

The Importance of Being Earnest and A Raisin in the Sun: a Brief Analysis An Assignment Submitted by of Establishment XXXX, Section XXXX, Fall 2011 Featuring dynamic characters, both plays, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, 1895, and A Raising in the Sun by Lorrain Hansberry, 1959, made the growth of their main β†’

The right of refusal

If the treatment plan is compromised to the point of not being successful, the doctor needs to evaluate his position of responsibility and keep himself out of the gun sights of a lawyer who would love to prove that the doctor did not do his job. To treat a patient and not really know what β†’

Shirley jackson’s

The story clearly shows the evil in the lottery, which takes away the lives of people. The lottery.

Knowldge sharing case

When a company implements the strategy of KM into the business the company is attempting to improve the culture of the business. This is why it is difficult to implement the strategies of Knowledge Management within a company.

Samsung electronics assignment

Samsung was market leader in memory chip technology and constantly remained ahead of its competitors. Samsung was able to create new market was developing new applications of memory and latest better technology.

Short run vs. long run

In the short run, the quantity of at least one input is fixed and the quantities of the other inputs are varied, but in contrast in the long run the quantities of all inputs are varied. A third important source of costs in the business industry is overhead costs.

Law peter sutcliffe case study plead to guilty essay

Peter Sutcliffe is guilty on the grounds of Actuse Reus of Murder as he committed an unlawful act that caused the death of Rita Rytka who was 18 years of age and therefore, by definition of law, was a human being. Peter Sutcliffe is also guilty on the grounds of Malice Aforethought, Express Malice and β†’

Imperialism causes

However, with the combination of the Industrial Revolution, the unification of nation-states and a period of sustained economic prosperity, the new imperialists set their eyes on a more omprehensive form of domination. Political Apprehension: once the race for colonies was on, nations were compelled to enter the race in fear of being left in the β†’

Saudi consumed by the united states comes from

Saudi Arabia the largest of the Gulf countries possesses both the world's largest oil reserves which are 25% of the worlds proven reserves, and produces the largest amount of the world's oil. Kuwait is said to have 8% of the world's total oil reserves.


Another trend that the world will see is the increasing popularity of online shopping. In the music industry, one can envision a decline in the business of record labels.

A beautiful home

I remember that my favorite room in the house was the kitchen. I would always be the first of my siblings in the kitchen, ready and willing to set the breakfast table.

Women and minorities in psychology

Because of the school of thought at the time in the 19th century of the superiority of the white male's women and people of color were not granted the opportunity to pursue a higher education in the case of African American no education at all. Reference: Contributions of African Americans to the Held of Psychology β†’

Emergency nursing discussion 3

The intent of implementation of this rule was to improve the experiences of the patients by causing a reduction in the delays in the emergency departments in various hospitals of the country through streamlining for admission and discharge. Potential positive outcomes The main positive outcome of this rule is formal addressing of the established " β†’

Child poverty in developing countries essay

There are 2 billion Children on the planet of But, what is poverty? Their Is having no work or having to work when other children in other countries are In poverty, lack of education, unemployment or government polices.

The great south bay of long ireland

Moreover, the quality of water has deteriorated because of the large amounts of pesticides, copper, and other chemicals that have been used to increase production. As a result of the changes in water quality and total control of water began to spread.


I remember the day I learned that I would never see you again. I did not get to see you when you were sick, and despite me not being able to stand aside you and fight, I am grateful for that because all the memories I have of you were the ones of you being β†’