400 Words Essay Samples

The troubles facing homosexual students

The students were assuring each other that they were not concern about what people thought concerning the person they were in a relationship with. This allows students to identify with individuals, based on their feelings, comments, and concerns and not how we view them from the outside.

Reflection on advanced composition

After completing a piece and printing out four copies, I head off to workshop my writing. Responsibility; having a hybrid schedule, online assignments, and workshops, I have found it essential to be responsible for this class' assignments.

Engineering analysis: piston

The piston is a very crucial part of the engine due to the distributions of temperatures, the stress variations and the inherent nature of the combustion chamber of the engine. Due to the high combustion temperatures of the cylinders, copper and nickel are used as the materials to help increase the tensile strength of the →

Assignment example

The firm utilizes cash flow hedges to prevent and minimize the risks. The current currency volatility in Venezuela is Ford's primary concern.

Pitta diet food

Their skin is soft and warm, and they have a lot of body heat and often perspire excessively. Their skin flushes easily and they often have many freckles and moles.

Sales letter

But the GPS cannot satisfy you at present because it only tells you how to go to your destination without reporting the real-time road condition for you. Concerned that the Road Condition System might not work if you are not in the net-covered area?

How the schlieffen plan was supposed to work essay

They knew France would be the easier country to conquer so Alfred Von Schlieffen devised a plan to invade France first. They did not make a plan as to how they would fight Russia as they were certain the first part of their plan would work leaving them with plenty of time.

Ethical standards

This paper will focus on the universal ethics and values and their implications for the standards of morality in the society. The aim of the universal ethics is to have a common good that helps people to be united and dissuade people from having ethical interests which benefit a few people and end up hurting →

Energy transformation essay sample

Heat transfer is the way heat moves through matter to change the temperature of other objects. The next type of heat transfer is convection.

Answer the question

The propositional content of a message serves to make an explicit claim about the subject or the aspect of the message. The relational content serves to indicate the kind of relationship existing between the person originating with the message and the recipient.

Internal control

Internal control is the combination of activities, arrangements, policies and efforts of the workforce in an institution which are aimed at offering a realistic guarantee that the organization will attain its goals and mission. It helps in placing the tone of an organization and adds awareness of the control used on members of the organization.

Opm300 – intro. to operations mgmt. ca

Challenges to a Project Manager The key player in the success of a project is undoubtedly the project manager. Another problem that a project manager may face is the challenge of overbooked and mismanaged resources.

Analyze the assignment task essay

Traditional Dish Healthier Dish Beef burger Vegetarian burger Fried chips Homemade oven cooked chips Coke Fruit smoothie To make the dish healthier I would also- Cook the burger under the grill instead of cooking It In 011; this reduces the extra fat content. Replacing coke with a fruit smoothie will benefit your diet lots as →

Explain how you could promote inclusion, equality and diversity with your current/future learners

As my lessons are mainly practical the learners get plenty of hands on experience with tools and materials this is a simple way of getting them to engage in the lessons. Auditory by explaining in detail to the students the task they are doing and get plenty of Q&A.

Situational irony assignment

When his smile widened to Raindrop's question, Croft demonstrates vanity by indicating how he is proud that he never lost to any human during his dangerous hunts against them." l give them three hours' start... Glenn his quarries a head start, Croft Is confident and prideful that he Is going to triumph In defeating them.

Is india’s unity being undermined by its diversity? essay sample

One of the most common things which most of the people of India perform in our day to day life is making a friend on the basis of their caste. People lose hope in their nation, the unity and belief of the people toward their nation is destroyed and this also brings diversion among people.

Summary of the civil rights movement assignment

The attempts at school desegregation and the bus boycott began a flood of protest demonstrations that engulfed the country, In 1960, students pioneered the sit-in as form to protest, and soon sit-ins sprang up all over the nation. Particular led to the dissolution of a unified civil rights movement, but not the problems of blacks →

Basic bookkeeping – assessment essay sample

The process for reconciling systems for accounts payable and receivable in the general ledger may include: Checking accuracy of creditor account balances. The two types of financial methods of accounting is the ' The Cash Method of Accounting' and the ' Accrual Method'.8.


The issues ethics for these accountants' suits maintaining accurate details of company resources, liabilities and also profits without succumbing to the demands placed on them by managing department or officers in a corporate, disreputable accountant may possibly and easily alter a company's' financial report and change numbers to paint bogus picture of the company's successes. →

Alienation in the 21st century is rife

Alienation between people of different cultures can lead toterrorism, racial and cultural prejudice and pre-determined assumptions and stereotypes of a particular ethnic group. There is no longer a sense of belonging in families and not many people feel ' together' as a result.

Campus food

Provide Interactive menus to college students, using the power of the Internet to replace and/or facilitate the traditional telephone ordering of meals. Launched at the university of Pennsylvania, the company takes thousands of orders each month for local restaurants, bringing pizzas, hoagies, and wings to the Penn community and to dozens of other universities.

Target corporation

The third point that comes out from the article is the credibility of the company's evaluation system that was able to predict returns on lending for a second time at a time when the credit market is in crisis. J, & Warfield, T.D.

Anti global warmingassignment assignment

With the information that the predictions are based on changing how can the predictions themselves possibly be correct. Carbon dioxide is one of the last factors that should be considered because even if we doubled the total amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere the temperature would barley change even a few degrees not the →

Muhammad ali

He won because he was swift and was light on his feet. In his career, Ali showed that he was Muslim after he fought Liston.

Advantages of virtual workplace essay

Advances in technology, changes in political environment, and growing awareness of market forces are some of the factors that have been instrumental in causing shifts in work procedures and overall work environment. In the early 2000 a virtual employee had access to fax, email, and slow dial up connections, and wireless telephones that had no →

Case study: analyzing walgreen’s financial statements

Please discuss the following: Review the Balance sheet of the latest Walgreen Co. Compute the current ratio and debt ratio for the past two years.1.

A brief account of the multi-store model of memory and its strengths and weaknesses

They also proposed that there is a direct relationship between the rehearsal of information while it is in the STM and the strength of the information once in the LTM, meaning that the more information is rehearsed then the better it is remembered in the LTM. One of the strengths of the Multi-Store Model of →

The merchant of venice, act 2

Comment on Jessica's words Scene 6: What happens in this scene? 1 18: what is the news on the Rialto? ll.

Community in literature

Whether positive or negative, the community molds the people as the people inside try to change some things in the community. The community is just a reflection of the people's choices.

Discussion 700

She was inspired by the realization of the importance of partnership between nurses and clients to the success of treatment. One of the assumptions of Interpersonal Relations theory is that nurses and patients can interact.

Values of a probation officer essay

The primary value of probation officers is to supervise their charges and ensure that they are meeting the terms of probation. The values of a probation officer allows them to interact with their clients with sensitivity, respect, and in a non-judgmental manner so they can develop and keep mutual relationships.

Child poverty and hopelessness in the u.s

The video clip about the poverty in the United s of America and the way itinfluences the children was extremely moving for me. I particularly like one of the expressions that the present used closer to the end of the video: these homeless children were able to see the America that they though did not →

Evaluating vodafone’s competitive position

In the United States, Vodafone owns majority control of the company Verizon Wireless giving them exposure to a wide range of competitors and customers. In April, Vodafone sold its deteriorating Japanese affiliate and made the president, Jim Morrow head of the new European market.

Employment of undocumented immigrants

Statistics indicate that by the year 2003, the number of illegal aliens in the United States had grown into 8 million, with a yearly increase of half a million; that would sum up to, 10. This could result to the downfall of the establishment, the mass unemployment brought about by the incident, and the deportation →

My aunt

When my mom talked to my aunt, she said." Do you think that Dougie can come out and stay with you for the weekend?" My aunt said, " Of course I will find a way to get him out here and then we can talk about how he will get home. When my mom came →

The new chemistry of speculation

During the monthly settlements on the iron ore contracts created by Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank the deals are set against an index of iron-ore spot trades establishing a floating price, the price steelmakers pay to take delivery immediately, but no physical delivery is taken. As a global commodity the price of the iron ore →

Case study kimtron electronics assignment

Kimono will pay a license fee of 2 % of sales revenue to Fairytale_ This fee Is tax- deductible in Korea but provides taxable income to Fairytale. Kimono and Fairytale estimate that over a five-year period the other 35% of et income must be reinvested to finance working capital growth.

Lollapalooza music festival 2010

Throughout the concert, I was full of memories of Lady Gaga, Green Day, Phoenix, and the Arcade Fire. She gave a stunning performance and I was able to understand the two sides of Lady Gaga live.

Water bottle history

From the time Cave men roamed the Earth to the day the World ends, Water has been and will be the most depended on resource to all species of life. Big name companies like Dasani and Aquafina are improving their use of plastic in the water bottles and trying to reduce the environmental impact that →

The rhetoric of the declaration of independence assignment

As the list builds up, he intends for the readers to realize the monumental amount of acts of, " tyranny' the King has committed so they can see the logical standpoint of the rebels. Jefferson hopes that the colonists will come to realize the, " obvious" misdoings of the King and become more partial to →

Internal analysis and swot analysis slp 03

The chapter provides the basics of the topic and is simple to read and understand. The website is one of the most reliable sources of information for the company and to gain the all financial figures.

International marketing assignment

Climate and topography also play a huge role In the trade of a region. Climate and topography also play a huge role in the trade of a region.

Psyc 475 db wk4

The Bible acknowledges the presence of potential mental illness and does appear to offer some suggestions as to how to treat mental illness through a number of means, most of which require a mental and emotional commitment of the afflicted person. There are a number of passages in the Bible that seeks to ease the →

Nestle the infant formula controversy

Nestle: The Infant Formula Controversy The responsibility of companies in this situation is to analyze social conditions and possible threats of their products for potential consumers. They should be well aware of educational background of their customers and should not sell a product which can be injurious to health.

Aggression social learning theory

Maintenance through direct experienceIf a child is rewarded for behaviour, he or she is likely to repeat the same action in similar situations in the future. Consequently, the concept of vicarious learning is necessary to explain these findings.

Understanding gender identity

This is with the sole aim of drawing a connection between the aspects of gender to those of biological, physical, social and cognitive influences. The aspect of gender stereotyping could be based on either the positive or negative aspects of gender development and application.

The effect of temperature on the action of salivary amylase

The digestion of starch begins in the mouth, where it is mixed with saliva containing the enzyme salivary amylase, or Ptyalin. The amylase in the mouth, salivary amylase, is called ptyalin.

Cyber risk: why cybersecurity is important

In this manner, any organization must comprehend what the dangers are and the effect of them emerging, and afterward choose whether they think the hazard is satisfactory or not. The leading group of an organization will regularly set some corporate rules for any risk that they will face; administrators and heads of administration will then →

The advantages of internet narrative

The internet is full of information about any topic we can think about, ranging from news to services or even movies. Entertainment is also one of the many advantages of the internet.

Governmentassignment assignment

The framers also established the four-year term, and felt the need for there to be a vice president Just In case the president left office before the term was up. Another power of the president is the power to pardon.

Developmental analysis assignment

The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate your ability to apply a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, and concepts of Human Growth and Development, You will discuss your oven development over your lifetime and how It relates to the developmental concepts discussed throughout the semester. You are to incorporate your empirical →

Should basketball officials end the one-and-done rule?

In case you are not familiar with the one-and-done rule, it's simple: The NBA used to wait to draft players until they had graduated from college, but 5 years ago they changed this policy to allow any player over the age of 19 to enter the draft. Some argue that the one-and-done rule causes too →

Momma welfare roll by maya angelou

Maya Angelou lived a full life and she died only just recently but she was an extremely accomplished woman in her own time despite the many challenges she faced in her life, especially in her younger years. A change took place in the political discourse with the election of Pres.

The that in the absence of the exact

The requirement of the section is that grievous hurt must be caused voluntarily on grave and sudden provocation, and intention to cause, or knowledge that the offender is likely to cause, grievous hurt to any other person than the person who gave the provocation must be absent. It was held that this amounted to provocation →

Unity through uniforms

This is why I believe that school uniforms should be required at every school campus, in order to prevent visible wealth divides, and hassle resulting from distractions to the learning environment. In order to avoid visible wealth division and hassle resulting from learning environment distractions, school uniforms should be mandatory on all school campuses.

Why college football should be banned

The author narrows down the argument and presents his thoughts very explicitly, he goes on to say that the students do not profit from college football, the alumni members profit from it heavily and also the football team coaches profit from college football, it has become a cash cow for them and this is exactly →

In any person. on expiry of the tem

In the case of industrial designs the property consists in the exclusive right to apply the design registered under the Designs Act, 1911, in relation to the class of goods for which it is registered for a maximum period of fifteen years subject to payment of renewal fees prescribed by the rules. The licensing and →

Human behavior essay sample

INFORMATION The Information-Transparency Cycle is simultaneously an organization, an economy, and a way of life. The global Information-Transparency Cycle is critically dependent on the ever-decreasing cost of information technology, or what authors McInerney and White, in Future Wealth, refer to as the " free fall in the cost of information".

Flow state results

The tabulated statistical mean and standard deviation of the flow state was 25. The use of such a video therefore impacts more flow state on females than males.


The McCarthyism movements had greatly affected the lives of the people in the U.S. In fact, McCarthyism not only affected the lives and political thinking of the people in the U.S.but also had impact on the international affairs.

Response to staples’ just walk on

The scenario is a portrayal of how the stereotyping influenced the thoughts of the young woman to disappear from the presence of Staple. Ahmed's religion and the religious attire that he wore influenced the thoughts of the individuals in the party to label him as a terrorist stereotype.

Personality traits-psy

Myers Briggs The development of personality is the of debate in the psychological and sociological disciplines. There are also societal variables such as labels, social norms, and social roles that play a role in the development of the self and personality.

Joan hoff wilsons herbert hoover: forgotten progressive

Herbert Hoover: Forgotten Progressive by Joan Hoff Wilsons Joan Hoff Wilson's Herbert Hoover: Forgotten Progressive is an interesting and insightful book exploring the life of one of the least favored presidents of America, with a sensitive and objective eye. Herbert Hoover's career moved in a usual pattern familiar in the history of the United →

Bz480 international management flashcard

In order to avoid this, market research is very imperative, it is used to determine if the products and services are useful and needed in other countries it markets to. In order to be successful in sales, the sales team organize their plans around their type of customers with the highest and likely potential.

Modern high technology

Modern high technology Is transforming the way we work and Is of benefit to all of society. I strongly agree that modern high technology affects our day-to-day life and is indubitably beneficial to the society.

Gangsterism: gang and extort protection money

Though there are various psychological and physical factors that cause a person to choose to become a gang member, here are some basic suggestions for parents/guardians to help nurture their children with love and respect.* Provide the children with a good spiritual and moral background. Encourage the children to get involved in extracurricular activities and →

An essay on war

An essay on war Let us commence a journey into the much travelled topic of war. Well, war plays a large part in the lives of all.

Michael porter’s five forces for target

Although Target captures a certain percentage of suppliers' business, the existence of numerous discount department stores and specialty stores in the market lets suppliers have negotiating power to control the prices. Due to the high amount of discount retail stores in the market, customers have high mobility and low loyalty.

3 what does advocacy have to do with providing healthcare (see pages 120 and 121 in the text)

THE ROLE OF ADVOCACY IN HEALTHCARE by and The Role of Advocacy in Healthcare Advocacy, according to Merriam-Webster, is the process or act that upholds a proposal or a cause. For example, in health researches, when the patient feels uncomfortable because of the feeling that a participants identity is not adequately protected, the healthcare provider →

The gun by paul langan (bluford series)

Coach LewisAs Tyray shoved the gun in Darrell's face, what did he think to himself? Darrell knocked Tyray's tray out of his handsWhat does Tyray want for revenge? a forty dollar gunWho does Tyray go to first for the gun?

Attorney client privelege

The attorney-client privilege, which dates back to the reign of Elizabeth I, was originally based on the concept that an attorney should not be required to testify against the client and, thereby, violate a duty ofloyaltyowed to the client. Today, the privilege is held by the client; while it may be asserted by the lawyer →

Essay on stop bullying

From " The Reading Ten Ways to Help Reduce Bullies In School," is to have classroom meetings as one way to build communication. In conclusion, the three ways to stop bullying are sending kids to online school when they are bullied, having classroom meetings, and having parents focus on their own child.

Jackson pollock

He used to spread the canvas on the floor and directly splashed paints on it and then with the help of rapid and hasty brush applications, completed the painting. He believed in unorthodox way of painting and poured the paint straight away on the canvas to get spontaneous effect.

English 3- huck finn chapter 34-37

Why is Huck's solution to Tom's problem so humorous? 36 Why is Huck and Tom's night visit to Jim ironic?

Case study – antituburculars

Wanda McKay is 36 years old and homeless, although she sleeps in a shelter nightly and has been going to a day program for the past 5 weeks, where she showers, receives her mail, gets some counseling, and has her meals. When her nurse comes to the day program to administer her meds today, she →

The construction of fear essay

When society as a whole is in extreme fear about an event and it causes the media to get more involved with the event. The high profile story was overly exaggerated by the daughter of a Kuwaiti ambassador to gain support of the war.

San miguel sample products essay sample

28g preform Finish: 28mm PCO Weight: 28g Finish: 28mm PCO Weight: 17g Uses: 500mL-600mL water Uses: 500mL csd/beer, 1L water 17g preform 46g preform 23g preform Finish: 28mm PCO Weight: 23g Uses: 330mL hotfill Finish: 28mm PCO Weight: 46g Uses: 1. 5L CSD 26g preform 85g preform 32g preform Finish: 38mm Weight: 32g Uses: 500mL →

Children’s rights essay sample

It should relate to the question and/or the contention that you stated in your introduction Every other sentence in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence. They should provide specific reasons, examples, and details to provide the arguments to support the main idea of the paragraph.

Often and we imagine were are just

What I have learned at this point is how we can succeed in business and why creativity is important in business " success". Indeed collaboration creative business minds set companies apart from one other so business brain is crucially in every business and has ability of capacity to innovate problem solve and think outside the →

Industrial security analysis essay

The main aim of the professionals was to be able to gather and share information together and together they formed American society for Industrial Security. The Act of foreign security was the one that set the base and ground for domestic and foreign carrier standards at airports due to the fear of terrorism.


The Yohure mask is a mask made by Yohure people who live in Africa between the white and red Bandama Rivers, in the central region of the Ivory Coast. Masqueraders then put on these mask and dance, there dances are supposed to restore the social equilibrium of the community, and to accompany the deceased into →

Humor in islam

Use of Humor in Islam Humor is a great way to diffuse a bad situation or ease an uncomfortable one but it must be used appropriately. Conclusion It is clear that humor or jokes are permissible but one should understand the people and the situation before cracking jokes or playing pranks.

Factorial designs and notation

A complete factorial design is one in which all levels of each independent variable are paired with all levels of every other independent variable. Thus, a 3 x 6 factorial design Is one with two independent variables: the two numbers in the factorial notation each represent a single independent variable.

Statistical problem

The utilities of the remaining profit projections are obtained as follows: Utility of profit $100000 = + = 0. 95 Similarly, Utility of profit $50000 = + = 0.

Halina mountain resort a essay

Summary of the case In July 1977, victor Herrera, chairman of the board of blue heights Realty & Development Corporation was anxious to laugh his company's first big project. In may 1977, Victor Herrera Sr.wrote the ministry of tourism a formal letter requesting approval for the establishment of a resort at his 2.

Domestic violence

There are a number of factors which may prompt one partner in a relationship to desire to control the other. Domestic violence is mainly caused by the desire of one partner in a relationship to dominate over the other.

Knowledge is a product of desire

When someone has hobbies and searches for jobs based on their intellectual interests then they will be more prosperous and know more about their job or hobby if they are like it enough to want to learn more about it. Once the individual has found a matter that catches their interest and inspires them to →

Charlemange as a ruler and diplomat

Charlemagne as a ruler and diplomat Charles the Great, better known to subsequent history as Charlemagne, is the founder of the first Christian Empire in the West and he is immensely popular as a ruler and diplomat. In short, the legacy of Charlemagne as a great ruler and diplomat remains even today, and his rule →

An unforgettable experience.

Dustin, on the other hand, was one of the top guys in the girls' list who was a must-go-date with. I suddenly dreamed that I was wearing a Cinderella gown and hearing the ringing of bells.

Cornell company case study

Another important external constraint is the ability of a producer to gain access to appropriate resources such as the finance to purchase and run a modern production facility. Internal constraints include: The existing scale and capacity to buildings and machinery used in the production recess.

Tablets vs. textbooks

The textbook is something that kids can write in and wreck but books are a lot cheaper than the tablet. The tablet will distract the students more and cause cheating to be easier because of instant messaging apps.

Asc: methods and evaluation

The assumption believes that behavior is manifested in the physical body. It leads to the relaxation of both the body and the mind.

Bullying and its impact on bullying

There aretwo actual types of bullying but it can happen in a lot of different ways, the effects, and the bystanders. Social bullying is spreading rumors, telling people to not be friends with their victim, leaving them out and embarrassing the victim.

Crim discus unit4

Criminal Discuss Unit4 The objectivity of the investigators approach in the report is skeptical because the investigator states the cause of the destruction as arson. Web 12 May 2012.