400 Words Essay Samples

Edmond dantes character analysis essay sample

Everything was going swell for the young sailor as he was soon to marry Mercedes, the love of his life and had been promoted to captain of the Pharaon but that all changed when his sneak conspirators plot against him. Edmond who later changed to Count of Monte Cristo, kept his bitter, cunning and cold β†’

World literature

The political strategy of Hitler relied on the doctrine of duplicity and spectacle, as he time and again projected himself as the true redeemer of the German people, while justifying his acts of genocide at the pretext of purifying and saving the German race. Response: Though Niccolo Machiavelli comes out as a paragon of deception β†’

Quarks same mass as an electron but

There is no real way of telling a quarks mass, but the quantity scientists call quark mass is related to the equation F= ma. Like the antiparticle of an electron is a positron and it has exactly the same mass as an electron but a positive charge.

Stress in school

Students and teachers have stress in school, kids stress about tests, but you can make stress go away. As a result school gives stress to students and teacher but it goes away.

Hoover motor express co

The trial court ruled in favor of Clements in holding that Hoover's offer had not been revoked on January 13. There was no offer continuing up to the time of the attempted acceptance on January 20.

Hum/111 week 7

To the citizens of our community: It is with great concern that I am writing this letter to address the public health of our community. Upon further investigation, it is has come to light that the reckless policies of our local gas company are endangering the health of our community.

Reflection on mercy killing

I think the mercy killing is not the correct method for pets and other animals. I just wish to show above from all points of views and realize that Mercy Killing is not a reality although their original intention or motive is good.

Business ethics

BUSINESS ETHICS Business Ethics Business ethics varies from one to another due to differences in culture and value systems. In the United States, for instance, bribery to acquire a business is forbidden.

Lessons from invictus

The second lesson that the movie teaches about leadership is that a leader does not delve in to the self-serving act of revenge. The forth lesson that the movie teaches us is that a leader must have a lot of self-belief.

Ethical law enforcement officers

With the distrust of law enforcement police and community relationship suffer; and the status of good, assiduous and ethical law enforcement officers and their organizations are stigmatized. Even the most enthusiastic advocates of law enforcement question about the credibility of the police and the police department.

Globalization: surplus & minimalism advantages assignment

Globalization: Advantages and disadvantages of surplus and minimalism Surplus and minimalism, two opposite ways of living, in which one states living with the less as possible, and the other to live by having an amount more than needed, and in this text it is going to be analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of this. First β†’

President abraham lincoln’s thoughts assignment

I have a duty to deliver this address, not Just to honor the dead; but to inspire the living. The country is in turmoil, and the Battle of Gettysburg is the bloodiest to date.

Case study-southwest airlines essay

This essay will discuss the visionary and servant leadership and indicate which one is applied to Herb Kelleher and how The visionary leadership describes a leader who brings to the situation a clear and compelling sense of the future and an understanding of how to get there. As a leader of the company, Kelleher made β†’

Resume of wuthering height

After five weeks, Catherine back to Wuthering Heights with Edgar and meet Heathcliff. Soon Linton died too and the property belongs to Heathcliff.

Video games benefits

People wonder what genres or types of games are good to play to help in class and should they play all video games for school. Video games help kids with social skills and in classes so you are good around others and school.

The comprehensive structural reforms

The trend towards a liberal economic policy had fund its full expression in the early 1990 s with the Government of India announcing a series of packages of stabilization and structural policy reforms. The economic policy reforms seems to have been guided mainly by concerns regarding the globalization of the Indian economy, in proving internal β†’

Improving teen driver safety

Taking the issue of speeding as an example, the important point to emphasize is that the faster you drive, the higher the impact of a crash, and the greater the damage that is done. The important aspect of the program is that it is an interactive one that maintains interest and allows teens to make β†’


It is the means which must gain ethical consideration as it is for the cognitive development of the family, the smallest unit of the society and hence of the society and the nation. It is a means that brings us close to the nature and prevent environmental hazards.

An analysis of les miserables’ bring him home essay

It is sung by Jean Valjean in Act II of Les Miserables as a signifier of supplication to God in order for a immature adult male named Marius to be able to return place to the adult female he loves. Valjean sings to the Lord.appealing to Him.and seeking to ground to Him.that Marius deserved to β†’

Religious theme in the novel jane ayre

Charlote Bronte's characterisation of Jane in the novel Jane Eyre reflects the traditional role that was required of young, impoverished women in the middle of the nineteenth century. Jane's upbringing in her foster family, and then in Lowood school, is strict and she is made conscious of her status as a person relying on the β†’

Essay on a journey by bus

I was looking at the houses, trees, and meadows through the window with a cheerful mind. The Journey by bus was really a pleasant one.


23rd June Question According to the article, Michael Eisner is not genuine in his relationship with the Ovitz. Based on the high compensation that Eisner is exposed to and conflict of interest within the board of directors, the CEO seems not to provide good leadership strategies that may jeopardize the operations of Disney.

W, agreed upon. 4. that the plaintiff has

That on the 1st of January, 1949, the plaintiff and the defendant mutually agreed that the former should serve as the General Manager of the latter's factory for a period of five years on a monthly salary of Rs.500.2. That in pursuance of the above agreement the plaintiff entered upon the service of the defendant β†’

Remembering an influencer

He was only 46 and was the youngest of all the President's to die so young. Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee of the Texas School Book Depository from which the shots were suspected to have been fired, was arrested for the murder of a local police officer, and was then charged with the assassination of β†’

Devoted records between oceanand land origin thereby

This partly introduce to the differences of thevertical land movements estimate for the same station used in the afore-mentioned literatures owing to the the time differencesthe analysis had used. The three TIGAglobal solutosns were combined and aligned to ITRF2008 using Combination and Analysis of Terrestrial Reference Frame software Altamimi et al.2011.

Mlk and karl marx connections assignment

However, with their new and unique views entering the human society, not everyone will accept and follow it. In The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail states: " I will not pay one copper penny to an unjust government!

To machines, code programs in c++, invent

Bearing in mind the profundity of his experiences and his sophisticatedperception of life, Vaibhav possesses an extraordinary maturity beyond hiseighteen years. In addition, he has also been an active competitor in variousScience and Mathematics Olympiads since sixth-grade.

Design of foundation engineering

At the same time, if the surrounding area has trees, there is a possibility that the trees would absorb the moisture from the clay, and hence, the foundation may experience settlement to a significant level. A mat foundation is considered to be that type of foundation, which is placed over the entire area.

The principles of relationship building

Taking time to listen to others and showing them that you are paying attention is an important way of establishing a respectful and professional relationship with a child, young person or adult. Try not to interrupt and maintain eye contact, in a child's case lowering yourself to their height is less intimidating and will allow β†’

Il case study

Custom duties and Tax considerations Product form: It is very important for the logistics planner to decide on the form of the product in which the product is being shipped. Some of the leading shipping lines which are available In India are: 1.

β€˜how accurate is the film gandhi in accounting mahatma essay sample

It is true that Gandhi did speak this language when he lived in South Africa; and few of the Congressmen felt at home with the English language; but the Mahatma switched to talking in Hindi to identify himself with the peasants. Gandhi, in the movie, shouts out, " Oh God!

Summrize and paraphrase

These include the functions such as assessing the different dimensions and providing for a more accurate design and observation of the different angles within the modeled structure. Assembly constraint is a concept that is associated with the consideration of ensuring that the different design aspects and prerequisites are fulfilled.

Nature and importance of on-the-job training

Nature and Importance of On-The-Job Training On-The-Job Training is one of the subjects in the B.S. The adviser of the student-trainee, Mr.

Half-full or half-empty?

Or at " every clouds has a silver lining", " the glass is always half-full? " and that no matter how awful life is has been " there's a light at the end of the tunnel." Otherwise, you were at varied enormous principle, raised on the belief that by thinking the worst of everything and β†’

Behavioral vs. humanistic perspective

Davis, & Palladino, 2010) Perhaps the best known experiment that exhibits this is " PavloVs dogs" By observing reaction in the dogs and creating a controlled experiment was able to " teach" and the dogs " learned" the behavior of salivating when the dinner bell rang. The similarity in both of these is that there β†’

The adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain

Huck has had to make a decision whether or not to rescue Jim when he is captured and held for return to slavery, as he faces the question of whether he should obey the law and turn in Jim. In his life in the river with Jim, Huck learns and does many things that would β†’

Dear reader

One day when Dave was home alone with his mother she made him take off his clothes and tried to make him lay on the to stove. Dive's mind set is wrong and all messed up because of what his mother does to him.

Business ethics – enron essay sample

When Jeff Skilling took the major energy company Enron over, he contributed to the hiring and development of an entire corporation with a crooked staff whom were corrupt all the way from the bottom employees to the top executives. In my opinion when the Enron decided to develop a system for the company, becoming the β†’

How have i improved assignment

Undo it very difficult to keep the focus on my thesis, and it showed in my writing, With help from the corrections made by my peers and my teacher, I can score perfect on organize action in my essays. When I look back on my writing I do not really think I have actually improved β†’

A conflict resolution strategy

For instance, when a policy is perfectly explained by a group of individuals seeking self-interest or goals, those who aim to justify the policy must plea to the interest of the public and the intellectual merits of the case under discussion. In addition to that, in compromise, the true demands of a party are not β†’

The use of personality inventories in personnel selection

The reliability of cognitive tests is in the differences in the environment, in the domains and the specificities. The key findings of the article are that most of the common personality inventories applied in organizational settings are not adapted to measure the Big Five factors.

Anatomy of the bean seed assignment

The Anatomy of a Bean Seed Subject Area: Plant Science Unit Title: Parts of Plants Seeds Grade Level: 4th & 5th Objectives: To create an understanding of the deferent parts of a seed and their functions. The bean seed has a slit going down the middle of the seed.

Generally accepted accounting principles and sunset boards essay sample

Tad Marks, the founder of the company, is in charge of the design and sale of the surfboards, but his background is in surfing, not business. Because the initial investment was relatively small, and the company has made surfboards only for its own store, the investors have not required detailed financial statements from Tad.

Good essay on no

As such, the application of the benefits and costs of tourism to the Island of Barbados was expounded through an evaluation of its overall impact to society. The information contained in the readings presented the need to balance the positive and negative effects of tourism in a society's economy.

Child psychology – evaluation of a toy

True to their character these toys makes different sounds when moved or touched and some also have added attractions like the mirror in one of the wings of the butterfly. On the whole this collection of toys is designed to improve sensory and motor skills.

Imperialism copy assignment

But then Europeans, especially the British, found something that the Chinese would buy: the sass British free trade policy unleashed a flood of opium In China, which threatened China's.4. The biggest reason that Europeans were able to extend their grasp over so much of the world was the same reason they wanted to do so β†’

Nitrogen of the high energy explosive compounds. variations

The empty gap in complex is trapped by the nitrogen results in the formation of different colourcentres. Detailed studies about N content and defect in detonation NDs formed by the mixture of TNT and RDX was done by various authors 20 22.

Sociology and bathing suits

Throughout the story Updike informs us of the difference in social class between the clerk and the girls. The girls are viewed to be stuck in a world of freedom and choice.

The evolving finance function

In order to maintain and increase their market capitalization in the future they felt the need to come up with a model which can help them to effectively analyses the returns on their investments in future.* They faced immense competition from the local players in generic drugs and to maintain an edge over them they β†’

Ethics facing healthcare essay

According to the article the law took effect January 1, 2009, that requires the healthcare entities in California to report all incidents of unauthorized record access. Healthcare professionals that perform unauthorized access to patient's records are guilty of breach of patient's confidentiality.

The the company token reserve. the bitcar

In addition to the team's passion for Exotic cars, over the last 2 years the team has built up substantialknowledge in and developed a clear strategy around target Exotics and their tokenization for the cryptocommunity. BITCAR tokens are the utility token of the Platform and will also be used to incentivize users of the Platformand β†’

“for hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face,

Romeo and Juliet prove their love as Romeo agreed upon changing his name for their love, and Juliet was going to stab herself in order to remain as Romeo's wife, and Romeo was going to drink poison and die as he found out that Juliet is no more. This quote proves how desperate Romeo is β†’

Paper on family day essay sample

Though I did not spend the Family Day with my family due to schedule with conflict, I was still able to spend it with my friends. Though my family was not with me, I spend every day with them.

Crash analysis

Peter & Anthony * Peter and Anthony stealing Rick and Jean's car * Jean grabbing Risks arm in the mall 5. Anthony vs.

Research on vitamins water

Sealed in Bottles for distribution and consumption, and this product classified under energy drink. Objectives First-Year Objective Increase the popularity of the product by promotions and advertisements.


Later in the play, she disguises herself as a man, then assumes the role of a lawyers apprentice whereby she saves the life of Bassanios friend, Antonio, in court. The strength of Portia as a role has made it attractive to many notable actresses.

Moonlight goodbye

Watch what you say, watch what you do because if you do not they will eat you alive. So tell me this, will you come back fighting for the things you want the most or will you let yourself be controlled.

Ms. hobbs – educator of the year

As a teacher, she want to help her students to the best of her abilities and that's exactly what she did. Hobbs is an outstanding volleyball coach, tutor, and teacher, but she's also a fantastic friend and without her I would not have been able to pass geometry.

My impression from eleonora by edgar poe

A very important time was when he related to the death of his beloved cousin Eleonora. The writer expressed how he fell in love with Ermengarde and that he believed Eleonora was okay with his broken promise to love somebody else.

Production of popular culture

Importance of popular culture in business and career: The understanding of popular culture is important in business, popular culture is produced in order to shape the perception of the masses, therefore when businesses are selling their products they will have to propose certain popular culture in order for the consumers to accept the product, this β†’

Defense mechanism

He does not quit, though, and does not recognize the impact of his drinking on himself and his family. John explains his failure on the final by the fact that he had a long phone call from his parents the night before the exam.

How various concepts and components in business works

In our case, we reduce our costs and expense to only 740, 749 which is one of the lowest in the game. We may have one of the lowest costs in the game in terms of numbers but if we relate this to the revenue generated, we are in fact one of the costliest businesses β†’

Mayans customs & traditions

To get in touch with the supernatural, such as the jaguar spirit or other transformations, the shaman would use hallucinogenic plants found in the jungle with a doobie. According to Mayan beliefs, it is common for them to have ancestor worships, especially to the royals as they believe that they have re-joined the gods.

Oligopoly, monopoly and monopolistic competition essay sample

One type of imperfectly competitive market is an oligopoly which is a market structure in which only a few sellers offer similar or identical products.this means that a small number of companies dominate the industry and have to compete with one another with price and service. This means that one of the main differences between β†’

Concealing it to be likely that he will

The procedure applicable to an offence under Section 117 is the same as in the case of the offence abetted. The procedure relating to an offence under Section 120 is exactly the same as in the case of the offence abetted.

The principles of design

The " Triumph of the Name of Jesus, Church of Il Gesu" painting is well balanced as the weight is well distributed. The focus and emphasis of the painting is at the centre.

Earth and reaction paper assignment

Sun rays trapped in the earth by the ozone layer which results the earth to become hotter. Because of this, there is a big change in temperature and the ices in North Pole are now melting which is very dangerous.

The impact of globalization on small and large corporations assignment

It seems to me that they are doing a good Job of that with 98% of Americans having at least one of the brands in their pantry. I think this company is looking to do the same in other countries.

Business studies case study

Also, growth of the business might be one of its main objectives and the size of the business can be increased with a merger. These documents are sent to the Registrar of Companies and if successful, the company will be awarded the Certificate of Incorporation and can begin trading.

Case study on conflict management in hotels

Conflict management in hotelsis the issue related with the resolution of conflicts in hotels which occur between clients and staff of the institution. First of all, the number of hotels in the world has increased enormously and the competition in this sector has become quite tense and hotels have to improve the quality of β†’

Week 4 discussion

Unless dealt with, such inconsistencies may create a false impression and the view that the victim is lying in all aspects of the account may be shared by jurors. Why women dont report sexual assault to the police: The influence of psychosocial variables and traumatic injury.

Racial diversity in society worksheet analysis

There have been quite a number of examples of the dfferent levels of well-being amongst the different races and research shows where there are different cities in the United States that are almost all of the Hispanic/Latlno race. There are examples in Brooklyn, New York and Little Havana, a Cuban neighborhood in Miami, Florida that β†’

Story carnival essay

It + V + such + + N + that + S +V, e.g. S + V + adj/ adv + enough + + to dosomething, e.g.

American lliterature

In his view, the outcome of the war and the war itself will prove to the world that a nation can be liberal and thrive. In the second inaugural address Lincoln blames the war on the inability of both parties to reach a solution amicably for the war.

Difference in values/cultural values between thailand and japan, uk, germany

Difference in values/cultural values between Thailand AND Japan, UK, Germany One difference that Thai people commonly share with the Japanese, British, and German people is their approach to law and order; the Japanese, British, and German people place more value in law and order because they have witnessed serious wars in the history originating in β†’

Week 1: supply chain management

Running header; Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management This is delineated as various approaches adopted to integrate suppliers, stores, manufactures efficiently with the view of producing and distributing merchandise at right quantity, locations, and time so as to minimize costs at the same time meeting the requirements. Source- The senior management should develop a delivering β†’

Modernism: historical events that took place essay sample

There were many historical events that influenced the ideas and attitudes of the people during this period. As with every age in literature and art, what is taking place at the time greatly affects the results of authors and artists.

Week 4 discussion tqm

This arises from the fact that, in order to attain the same level of effectiveness, as is the case of face-to-face teams, virtual teams' leadership demands a lot of effort. Virtual teams differ from face-to-face teams based on four pitfalls, namely: absence of concise goals, prioritize, or direction; absence of concise roles among team members; β†’

What bugs me about this school? essay

And the price of the books and the type of food the serve and the transportation to the campus. And it is really official or me when I do not have my car so that can drive and eat outside the campus in any restaurants.

Quantum tunneling

Of course, if the barrier is too wide or tall, the chances of quantum tunneling occurring becomes scare because of the increased time needed needed to repay the amount of energy borrowed. Considering the size of our sun, quantum tunneling is always happening and giving us sunlight to absorb.

Race essay

All of us have different stories, may not look the same and not come from the same place but we have similar hopes and we all want to move in a positive direction. Also the issue of race can not be left untouched because we will not be able to come together to face other β†’

Sa in re-studying course material and incurring further

Years of attacks by South Australian Labor, in government for almost 16 years, have caused the current crisis. The capacity of TAFE to deliver quality Vocational Education and Training courses has been eroded by funding cuts.

Asean cured by economic instruments promptly, the

As well, the geography of Southeast Asia is atropical rainforest, meaning that the region is prone to diseases such asdengue fever, HIV and other diseases which also a considerable threat to thehuman security in the region. In my opinion, to improve the situation of humansecurity, countries must improve legal framework, and as a part of β†’

Educational leadership case study example

The necessity of the creation of a school leader appeared in the beginning of the 20th century which the development of science and human rights. In order to improve the condition of a school, teachers, parents and students are united into the special committees which discuss the problems of the school, the distribution of its β†’

Hiro of the sun

The " Hiro" of the Sun had a confusing and mysterious role in World War II and expansion of Japan. He had no choice of approving the attack on Pearl Harbor and the declaration of the war.

Ups’s package tracking system

What are the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS's package tracking system? -Inputs, Processing and Outputs of UPS's package tracking systems include the scan able bar-coded label, Delivery Information Acquisition Device, bar code devices. Package tracking information is then transmitted to UPS's computer network for storage and processing in UPS's main computers in various locations β†’

What was the ultimate importance of the sino-soviet split in the context of the broader cold war . . . how may the cold war have played out had this split not occurred

Full Sino-Soviet Split 30 January The Sino-Soviet split during the critical period of the Cold War era happened from a difference in viewpoints between the leaderships of the two communist giants. The Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World.

In under land reforms. ix. according to national

In an agricultural dominat economy, the landless labourers, marginal and small farmers are treated as target group, who should receive a high order of priority in the strategy of planning for rural development. The small and marginal farmers holdings constitute around 75% of the total holdings in our country.vi.

Requisition and distribution flow in the army

He tells you the item is a Class II item, and he inputs the requisition into PBUSE * PBUSE sends the request to the SARSS-1, which is located in the Distribution Company, BSB * SARSS-1 looks at its inventory.* If item is on hand Material Release Order * If not on hand, SARSS-1 queries other β†’

Bitcoin buyers looking for privacy

One of the problem that buyers of bitcoin are facing is the lack of privacy when going through the transactions is the pseudonymous nature, where people can track particular buyers. And when all the addresses are there, the root of each transaction's buyer cannot be traced back as it is now shuffled and jumbled up.

The hidden curriculum

American Marxist economists and sociologists Bowles and Gintis believed that through education there is a " Hidden Curriculum" which helped to achieve the objectives of the capitalists. 2) Bowles and Gintis claim that the hidden curriculum prepares school children for working life, by teaching them to behave like a mindless workforce.

Social skills in adults with adhd

The article " Social Skills in Adults with ADHD " by National Resource Center on ADIHD engages this issue in a thorough and elaborate way. The article claims, " there is a great need for more research on social skills and ADHD in adults".

Reflection on evidence

Indirect evidence on the other hand is evidence which has been inferred from the defendant's point of view in that the events preceding the crime actually led to the actual crime occurrence or are circumstantial in real sense. Relevant rules of evidenceRules of evidence are used to prescribe the general procedures which provide descriptions regarding β†’

Exhaustion of oil reserves – the after effects

The GDP and national economy of various countries would be adversely affected, especially Middle Eastern countries, which would be more vulnerable. If the oil reserves were to get exhausted, these countries would face a lot of political and economic problems.

Medical genogram

In the genogram drawing; a square is drawn to represent a male, the circle represents a female and the lines connecting show the kind of relationship they have. Beck discussed many advantages of the genogram one of them is that constructing a genogram can consolidate relationships within a family and to guide individuals to better β†’