350 Words Essay Samples

People of kerala: an amazing race of people essay sample

Kerala Martial Arts and Sports: Sports and Martial Arts take prime importance in the life of a Malayali. Not only are sport competitions part of the Festival customs, there is, in Kerala, a tradition of martial arts training.

Example of creative writing on an annoying ad

The part where the music is played in the bar can also be scratched off and replaced with some other important aspects of the phone illustrations. However, I recognize the fact that the advert may be pleasing to some other people with a different opinion. Works Cited HTC." New HTC One commercials highlight BoomSound β†’

Brandenburg concerto no. 5 by j.s. bach

The concerto has a continuous line moving and extends with the addition of instruments as the composition progresses, which is peculiar to the Baroque style. Brandenburg Concerto No. The finale is depicted with the dramatic introduction of the violin and the cello. Brandenburg Concerto No.

The influence of music to the influence of books

The kind of books or music a person chooses can describe him well. Music and books have many things in common. In a time like the one we are living in, books and music can influence a person positively and he may not give up. We can also see from the history that music β†’

Example of essay on bullying

Due to an increasing number of bullying cases, there is an increase in the effects of bullying among teenagers. But, the coming of social websites has globalized the problem of bullying. Teenagers become easy targets on social websites in terms of bullying.

Internet costumer acquisition strategy at bankinter

Ann Peralta, the director of the Internet network is facing the problem that she has to valuate which channel is the most profitable for Bankinter in terms of per costumer profit earned as they had established different platforms in the internet banking with different segments of people using them. All the issues β†’

Effects of technology essay

The positive effects of this technological change are that it affords the individuals of this country the ability to save time and participate in things that would not necessarily be able to accomplish if you did not have the ability to access the internet. In addition to the internet saving you time it also affords β†’

Threats to america

Failures in intelligence due to events such as the Boston marathon bombing, WikiLeaks, and the first attempt at Osama Bin Laden's demise increase the need for concrete countrywide strategies, organized information databases, stricter punishments for criminals that breach security, and clear knowledge of intelligence policies and protocols. The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 was passed β†’

Marketing strategy of china southern airline

It is also the fourth-largest airline in the world in domestic passenger traffic and the sixth-largest in scheduled domestic passenger-kilometres flown Marketing Strategy. 1. These are China Southern Airlines Group's purpose and mission. China Airlines and China Southern Airlines signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Guangzhou.

Computer science fair project ideas

Then copy the formula in cell E4 to cells E5: E10 to calculate the remaining increased monthly expenses. Copy the formula in cell F4 to cells F5: F10 to calculate the remaining increased annual expenses. Create a formula in cell E11 that calculates the total increased monthly expenses.

Manchester airport analysis persuasive essay

Suppliers, although appear to be outside the scope of the marketing department, impact closely on the airport. Customers of the airport are the airlines and retailers.

Changi airport

Covering an area of 13 square kilometres, Changi Airport is a major Asian aviation hub and the main airport in Singapore. Furthermore, the airport is one of the busiest cargo airports in the world, handling 1.

Haze: air pollution and current visibility problems assignment

In response to the 1997 Southeast Asian haze, the SEAN countries agreed on a Regional Haze Action Plan. In 2002, all SEAN countries except Indonesia signed the Agreement on Turnarounds Haze Pollution, but the pollution is still a problem today. CA] In the United States, the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments program β†’

Cause of air pollution assignment

So these chemicals and pollutions are very harmful to humans and other living things. Another main cause is vehicles and machines that use of burning fossil fuel. Most of the vehicles and machines are using the burning of fossils fuel that releases carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas that can cause to global warming.

Arguments against gay marriage

From the Biblical point of view, God said to the Israelites in the book of Leviticus, " do not lie with a man as a man lies with a woman". With the partners belonging to the same sex, the union ignores a child's best interests by denying it the presence of a father or mother. β†’

The american view of the poor is that they are much different than us. in your opinion how do the powerful benefit from such a wide held perspective what impact does the concept too big to fail have on the american perception of justice

Perceptions of powerful Americans over poor Americans Perceptions of powerful Americans over poor Americans There is a wide gap in America between the poor and the powerful. The paper analyzes how the powerful benefits from poor in the America. There is a larger gap when it comes to the perception of the poor getting poorer β†’

Spiritual worldview

The importance of my religion also agrees with the majority of Muslims in the United States. The topic of government protecting morality is a taboo subject for many Americans.

Analysis on state and local taxes on the poor

It will also seek to describe the effect of increasing the minimum wage. Contrary to the belief of many, low income people pay relatively low taxes at the federal level. This is due to the fact that poverty is also a function of population density ad not individual households.

Phone calls made home by undergraduate students

Because a significant main effect for the class was demonstrated, a post hoc test testing the differences between levels of this factor is necessary. A Bonferroni post-hoc test was chosen and is included in the appendix of this document.

Public speaking and presentations

Though I have a friendly audience, my classmates, I always am focused on the tutor and get scared out of my brains. I was pretty sure of the topic with plenty of interesting information on hand, but I was a lot nervous again due to my fear of the audience.

Current issues

Therefore, it is evident that there are a couple of issues that the governor and lawmakers be pushing for in the current year, which form our current issues in Minnesota. References The States and Localities: The Top 10 Legislative Issues to Watch in 2014. The Top ten Legislative Issues to Watch in 2014.


The review of the Palestine history shows that the current crisis arise due to the Al-Aqsa intifada known to introduce the recurring Palestinian prototype of economic despair, fratricide, miscalculation, religious radicalism and self-destruction. At he end of World War I, Britain and France prejudiced the League of Nations in giving them the quasi-colonial. The state β†’

Ethics and the criminal justice profession

That puts him in a position of staying within the law when he is off duty. My answer has to be yes. The off duty policeman should be held to a higher standard than the public and because he knows that when he becomes a police officer, it is fair.


Abortion Abortion is the deliberate act ending of human pregnancy before delivery can take place. Reasons Women Choose Abortion, 2014.Web.

“the crucible” by arthur miller

Hale's effort to convince the prisoners to confess fails. Reputation is one of the major themes in the play. Reputation refers to one's image in the eyes of other people; it is the public opinion regarding a person.

Research paper on old testament law pertinent to today’s laws

The 365 negative laws remind us to avoid evil acts every day of the year whereas the other 248 positive commandments represent the total number of bones in the body; symbolically, Hebrews and Jews use this to show the need to honor laws of the Lord with their whole body. β†’

Political culture research paper example

In a survey conducted in America, it was established that 44% preferred that the federal government should avoid interfering with the local property taxes, 32% opted for a new value added tax, while 14% opted for a high income tax levy on the upper class to relief the low class. β†’

The median isn’t the message critical thinking example

Some of the measures of central tendency of numbers are the mean, the mode and the median. He discovered that there are a number of boundary conditions within which the statistical measures can be valid.

Deontology and computer programer

I, the computer programmer, have sworn an oath to never intervene in any government action. If I were to interrupt the launch, that action would be ring, because I would be intervening in government actions, without giving any thought to the consequences after the launch. HTML) So let's put this to the test- β†’

Use of computer in pharmacy

Prescription Processing: Prescription processing is invariably one of the main activities going on within a pharmacy on a day-to-day basis, and computers are used to make this process more reliable and efficient. Both the customer service side of pharmacy operation and the dispensing aspect are today carried out through the use of β†’

Computer forensics specialist

Computer Forensics Specialist Computer Forensics, also called digital forensics, network forensics, or cyber forensics, is a rapidly growing field that involves gathering and analyzing evidence from computers and networks. A computer forensics specialist must have knowledge of all aspects of the computer, from the operating system to computer architecture and hardware design.

Bus and lcd module interfacing 15338

The strobe line from the parallel port was connected to this input. We hooked the chip to the circuit and tested it.

Data protection act and computer misuse act essay sample

Accurate and kept up to date data subjects have the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected or destroyed if the personal information is inaccurate to any matter of fact.5. Processed in line with the rights of individuals this includes the right to be informed of all the information held about them, to prevent processing β†’

Categories of computer crimes

Another crime that relates to this category is Techno-trespass, which means that the offender is basically walking around exploring the computer; in cases like this the intruder Just looks at a file violating the owners privacy. In all of these crimes, the offender uses the computer to obtain information or to damage programs. β†’

Americans take their education for granted

Children must learn to accept responsibility for the results of their own actions. Students must learn that their grades are a direct result of the effort they put in to learn the material.

Daniel marino

She went to college in Harvard, and was receiving $12, 000 a year. The name of the school that Elizabeth Murray first attended when she decided to Return to school was called the Humanities Preparatory Academy, or Prep.

Role of teaching assistant

Day-to-day tasks could include: * planning, delivering and evaluating teaching and learning activities * preparing the classroom for lessons * helping pupils who need extra support to complete tasks, individually and in groups * observing pupil performance and reporting on observations to the teacher * supervising art and craft activities and displaying work * looking β†’

Role of a teaching assistant

Duties and responsibilities: - To provide educational, emotional and physical support to pupils.- To work with individuals and groups of children under the direction of a class teacher.- To support the class teacher in developing and preparing specific activities and programmes of support for the children.- To organise the availability and care of class room β†’

Example of essay on why and to what end do i teach

I fully believe that establishing a fun, yet productive classroom environment is the best way to go, as the most difficult task a teacher often faces is grabbing the attention of the students in the first place. Far too often, students can be glib and cynical, doubting the efficacy of β†’

The competent teacher

Leadership and management is the idea that a competent teacher is a leader who wins the hearts and minds of the students and sees value in working with parents, colleagues, and other professionals at any and all given times. Personal effectiveness is the idea that teachers have to hold themselves to the highest moral and β†’

The perfect school

The perfect school The perfect school would have to be appealing to the students and offer a pleasant environment. The students would be close to nature and they would learn to love and protect trees, flowers and animals.

Negotiating with learners

By recording this information, plans towards teaching can be made so every learner feels included and progress in theirlearning experience. The information will determine the learners starting point; the learners may already have skills and knowledge that relate to the subject taken, the teacher can also identify Literacy, Language, Numeracy and ICT β†’

Khan academy

The way the gaps began to be filled, was that it actually challenged me to a greater potential that I thought could not be achieved. In fact many others in my class treated the program as a game in a good way, as on the Internet program one wins a copious amount β†’

You make a difference

yHave you guys ever heard the talk of our school recently? what I mean is the song dedication activity on valentine's day ! it sounds so exciting; we can express our love to someone who we like through this activity , especially for someone like me who is a shy guy, because we can β†’

Newspaper article

First, I think that children are not being challenged because the teachers are showing sympathy and just letting the children pass the class. Then, when students get home they show there parents the work and they say the work they are getting is stressful to the kids.

Public, private and home education

Despite that, private schools are more open to suggestions and opinions from parents, students and teachers which would benefit the school and students. Students would not have the opportunity to enroll in certain courses offered by public schools.

Choosing a global strategyβ€”which one?

Since Snapchat Inc.has high pressure for cost reduction and relatively low pressure for local responsiveness so Snapchat Inc.should opt for Global Standardization Strategy. This strategy emphasizes on efficiency and forgoes the responsiveness to local markets. Since Snapchat Inc.serves more or less the universal need for sharing photos to peers so global standardization strategy should be β†’

Critical thinking on exploitable weakness in terrorism

The article titled, Sun Tzu's war theory in the twenty first century by Li-Sheng Arthur Kuo, seeks to extrapolate the theories that are instrumental in shaping up the policy of leading nations against terrorism. This will weaken the links and joints of terror groups.

Free essay on team leadership

Under his leadership, the corporation has grown into becoming US' largest and most admired airline. Kelly displays three leadership qualities that that makes him an effective leader. He not only lets his employees offer their contributions, but also encourages them to use communication for their strength of character. According to Stuart , Kelly portrays β†’

Birth plans article review examples

The article " Birth Plans: Are They Really Necessary?" discusses the practice of using birth plans in regulating relationships between womenand labor and delivery facilities. Birth plans do not merely express parents' desires, as argued by Stacy Lepsch, but represent a product of an extensive dialogue between the future family and caregivers.

Heritage of india

One has only to see the various architectural marvels and cultural institutions that dot the geographical expanse of India to glimpse the richness of our heritage. Thescience and technologyof ancient India was quite advanced. Even today, the main terms for compound analysis are taken from Sanskrit. India β†’

Free essay on why we tuned out

It did not turn me into a TV addict in the way that most kids are nowadays, but I still managed to enjoy the TV viewing time that I had. Although I also understand that parents would want to prevent their children from watching TV in order to shield them from the harsh realities of β†’

Fax number essay example

Lehtinen. RE: Plight of the vulnerable children in foster care. Children under foster care are abused, molested and neglected due to extreme circumstances that occur in households, requirements to be a foster parent are not adequate to sufficiently keep children in good hands and they should therefore be revised. Various reasons may cause a parent β†’

Literature review on a rose for emily william faulkner

From the description of the big frame house, the story goes into the life of Miss Emily and how she got to where she is. The talk of the town had it that it was her dad who drew all the young man away. Nevertheless, Emily did find someone to fall in love with.

Argumentative essay on the negative effect of divorce for the family

These children may have several adverse long term effects than children belonging to two parent families. One of the biggest problems that divorce forces on children is the decision to choose to live with one parent. It was also found that very young girls have developed negative relationships with their mothers and very young boys β†’

Free should the state respect the wishes of christian scientist parents regarding treatment essay example

In line with this, the state should practice democracy and respect these ideas; however, not in all cases because in extreme situations, there might be a need for the state to force the parent to allow the child to receive medical treatment. On the other hand, the State should not allow Christian Scientist parents block β†’

Example of essay on childhood education

Many I fear do not embrace this challenge with the seriousness it calls for since this gives them the foundations of independence as well as maturity. The trick in achieving the best in successfully preparing the children for adulthood is starting the training as early as possible. The children should β†’

Free creative writing on an anglo-saxon poetry

The young warrior Prince Anglo-Saxon poetry The young warrior Prince The obscene ravines of deceit swamped his sinful, dismal dwelling Misreading his own grave glower as power, King Rother bullied his kinfolk and kingdom Tinged in malice, tainted with fraud, the overseer retched bane of wood Trampling β†’

Worker deaths in confined spaces

In connection to this, he consulted a contractor who gave him the cost estimates of installing the access portal at the bottom of the tank. The contractor after carrying out his assessment told the owner of the tank that it has to be drained, and all the sludge removed before he puts the access portal. β†’

Legal aspects associated with performance management programs – part ii

The reason this area of your post caught my attention is that I have previously worked in an organization where the staff base was so distant from the collective structure of the organization that the top hierarchy did not see the need to take responsibility of any lapses from the lower ranks. Meanwhile, quote β†’

An employee refusal to work overtime

It is necessary to consider the arguments from both sides of the parties involved in the case. As much as there is an increase in the amounts of time spent on overtime duties in the US, it is necessary to consider the possible effects.

Equal employment opportunity

According to the EEOC data posted pursuant to the no fear act, out of the number of complaints that were filed and the number of complaints made and 2 repeat filers in 2002, still 33 were under investigation, 30 were still being heard, and no disciplinary actions were recorded. This means β†’

Db reply 2

It is usually the duty of the employer to ensure that the necessary modifications are made to ensure that these employees are comfortable. Family needs should be a very major consideration in any organization. The HR is therefore required to point out the various instances of poor performance before reprimanding the employee. Pay Discrimination β†’

Diversity in the workplace

Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the Workplace Many employers and HR professionals face a new challengeof managing diversity at work. Good code of conduct helps them to develop a shared vision and understand each other better. In summary, it is a hard task to manage diversity in the organization; at the same time, it β†’

Proficiency and glib expertise of a person

Next, the average cost is calculated after dividing total costs by total units produced. Part 4 Average total cost = TC / TU = 600 / 40 = 15 Average total cost = 900 / 100 = 9 Average total cost = 1400 / 200 = β†’

Ethics in group counseling

Moreover, the paper postulated that parental abuse also is an important area of focus because substance abuse issues are a serious problem in the home and substance abuse often leads to physical abuse. The article then provided an overview of group counseling. Parental disclosure is considered an important issue insofar as the group leader must β†’

Collaborative learning in the virtual workplace

Virtual instructor-led trainings will define the future of learning and therefore the goal should to identify technologies that enable improved collaboration and interactive participations. References 1. Collaborative Learning in the Virtual Workplace. 3.

What are the types of discrimination

Types of discrimination Types of Discrimination Discrimination can be regarded as the unfair treatment of one person over anotherwhere their ability to perform a particular task is similar. One of the types is discrimination by association; this is when a person with disabilities is discriminated from working with the other employees.

Assignment (training and development )

A collection design compares a trained person to an untrained person or the same individual prior and after the training process. Moreover, when the comparison is made with an untrained person in a non-random manner, it forms the quasi-experiment design. Experimental collection design for training evaluation offers the best design to use in the determination β†’

Measuring employee performance

This means the candi is expected to be the corporate representation of the company to the outside world. The last goal seeks to promote continuity, which is a major component of effective performance attainment. REFERENCES Aguinis, H..

Case study: the avon way

Describe the wage structures at GM and Wal-Mart. The wage structure at GM is very high compared to that at Wal-Mart apparently as a result of the fact that GM is unionised while Wal-Mart is not. The benefits of the employees at GM are also higher than those at Wal-Mart and the other β†’

The human resource in the area of business

Performance evaluation is very significant for every organisation since it is meant to contribute positively to the growth and development of business through human efforts towards the attainment of set goals. The process of performance evaluation is very important to every business in that priority is given to the needs of the employees who are β†’

Ip5 hhrr

This will ensure that they are fully represented thus fight for any position indiscriminately. Advantages of the employment equity act The act promotes equity in the place of work so that nobody is deprived of job opportunities or profits for unrelated reasons. It corrects the situation of shortcoming in employment by creating awareness to β†’

Key characteristics of the position of an art director

Work functions include; collaborating with the copywriter to produce the best form of advertisements, providing briefs to other members in the creative team and editing the final piece. The position of an art director requires leadership skills. Similarly, art directors should be creative; the ability to come up with and implement new ideas. Learning advertising β†’

Free supply and demand essay sample

In economics, supply refers to the amount of goods and, services available for purchase while demand refers to the number of people available and, willing to buy those goods and services. The law of demands states that when the price of goods and services increases, the quantity demanded decreases assuming other variables remain constant.

Discuss the ways in which the language used shows the closeness of the relationships between participants.

In the friendship context, speech is more relaxed and casual and there is more use of dialect and colloquialisms than if it were a formal situation. In the transcript, there is a lot of interruption which shows they know each other quite well and would not get offended by it.

Sip experience and key learnings

For the period of first 20 days I worked along with my industry mentor and learnt the basics of pitching the particular scheme to a client or a customer. Also learnt the that how to persuade a particular person to invest in particular scheme of mutual fund.

Observational design essay sample

Maldonado and Greenland also said that causal effect is effective in studying one target population under two varying exposure levels. The researchers of the study used observational data in conducting the research. Observational research method uses observation which is one of the basic forms in solving an inquiry (Advantages of Observational Methods, n.d)..

Germination in plants

The growth rate slowed in the second half of the twentieth century; the population is still growing, but at a slower rate.1b. The population growth of a country slows after it has completed the demographic transition.2c.

The scope and limitations of the study essay example

To achieve the same, appropriate sample and population ought to be used to accomplish the same. The sample in this study is a representative sample; this is essentially because the chosen participants include VTE patients and nurses among other people without the condition to be used as a control sample β†’

Research design essay samples

Since the study was focused in evaluating the effects of the policy aimed at reducing the prison population, the study involved delving into the county database to find cases from the initial eight months of the implementation of the policy, and creating a control group within the same period of the previous year to β†’

Hong kong’s aging problem

5, Female 88 Aging of the population of the elderly * 12. Sustainable public health care * To build more hospital and provide affordable health care for elderly 3.

Selecting the right study sample essay examples

Calculating the required sample size is determined by the precision, variability and confidence level the research. Calculating the sample size using Raosoft sample calculator is done by filling in the percentage margin of error, confidence level, total population and the expected percentage of response distribution. 5 and confidence level of 95 percent where the actual β†’

Example of essay on on health information systems

Should be very user-friendly. - System design in Modular Style and depending upon capacity, can be easily increased by addition of modules, and - Data Input is possible only at a few service locations called entry points, by data input officers. B) Decision types that are made possible by β†’

Business plan on economics

After civilization, this has not changed much and leaders still adhere to the past expectations In conclusion, china has a very healthy business environment since religion dominated in numerous running of activities in the society. This in turn raises the GDP of a nation and livelihood as well.

Alternative hypothesis essay

Alternative hypothesis An alternative hypothesis is a statement or assertion that the parameter of the population differs from the value expressed by the null hypothesis. Generally, hypothesis is a statement or assertion about the parameter of a population. The null hypothesis (a statement that the parameter of the population like the β†’

Inappropriate use of statistics essay sample

The use of statistics and its interpretations must be done correctly and precisely as its inappropriate use may put the outcome of its use in jeopardy even if it is done unintentionally. An example of the inappropriate use of statistics is when it is used for sample surveys because the result can be misleading although β†’

Bilingualism and biculturalism in australia essay example

The integration of the migrants in the Australian cultural diversity is a complex process especially because of the large diversity of migrants. The results of the study indicated that the students speak mixed, Arabic and English at home, while they prefer writing in English.

Essay on majority rule with respect for minority rights

The relationship between the concept of majority rule and the aspect of the rights of the minorities can therefore be observed to be of a contradictory nature. The concept of majority rule and minority rule is provided for in the first amendment of the United States Constitution.

Human population essay

The current increase in population is due to high fertility rate. This means that by 2050 the world population will be over 9 billion. Technology has been used to alter nature to meet human wants and needs.

This discussion is based on susan kingsley kent’s the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919: a brief history with documents. essays examples

The aim of the book was to establish the actual impact of the influenza pandemic on the population of the world in relation to the overall challenges in the world after the First World War. The author sought to deliver the actual aftermath of the First World War and its impact on the population. The β†’

Essay on action plan analysis

The need for a population-centered approach to handling obese cases in Alameda County has been necessitated by the documented evidence of the disparity in healthcare afforded to this community. Language barriers have also placed a major challenge to those tasked offering the education programs. On the other hand, the use of population statistics requires a β†’

Using equity and debt to finance investment opportunities

They look for deeper involvement other types of return beyond the financial. Under equity financing, capital permanently invested by the investors entitles them to share in some form of earnings distribution and therefore to be considered part owners in the business. However, raising new capital through equity financing would mean giving up β†’

Hearing maintenance will extend the life of your

Try to fix the following common issues, or contact Creekside Hearing Aid Service for professional help: Hearing aids are not producing sound. Often, this indicates a dead battery or a clogged sound outlet. This is a simple way to ensure the performance and long service life of your hearing aid investment.

Why do people make the difference in the organization essay

This is because even the finest of the systems cannot take decisions without the providing of inputs and most of all; they do not understand the emotions.. People are the most important aspect of any organizations.