350 Words Essay Samples

Clime letter

However, my pizza was delivered very late and was lacking a few of the other food items that I did place with my order. Enclosed is a copy of my receipt for the transaction in question. I am looking forward to your response and resolution of this situation.

Academic report on video game addiction social responsibility

The article goes on to present the argument that there should be a certain amount of social responsibility involved in keeping video game addiction at bay through government regulation, particularly when it comes to overly violent games. The article would be helpful for a research paper on the topic of video game addiction and social β†’

Response # 2

However, I decided to give the paper a chance and wait until I had read the whole paper before passing final judgment, Unfortunately, this sample paper from Jane Doe only went from bad to worse and, as far as I am concerned, deserves to get the student an F. The title was wrong for the β†’

Is a new walmart a good thing for a community

A number of positive attributes make the company suitable for the community, as the company is identified to be offering products and services at economical rates. The company also engages in Corporate Social Responsibility on a regular basis.. Despite such advantages to the community, Walmart is engaged in a number of problems such as exploitation β†’

Global issues

Global Issues The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas The issue of pursuing happiness in the presence of cruelty, pain, and evil is impossible in the contemporary society's culture. It is apparent that the city's culture upholds the challenges faced by the disadvantaged and unfortunate children as necessary to the creation of happiness, a practice β†’

Gourmet review about great wall chinese food (experts review)

Gourmet review about Great wall Chinese food The Great Wall Chinese Food Restaurant specializesin Chinese cuisines and has its branches in several locations in the US. Its food has been modified to include healthy menu which encourages people to be healthy while enjoying great food at the same time. I liked the food provided in β†’


My response The point of view that the uses is that of the first person, that is in the perspective of Katniss. The story begins with Katniss seeking Prim's warmth only to find that she is absent since she had a bad dream because " this is the day of the reaping".

Sample essay on feminism and psychology

They disagree with the categorization of some diagnoses such as sexual and mental disorders which they consider to be demeaning of the status of women. According to Landrine and Russo , the number of feministic ideologies in the medical profession has been on the rise in over the years.

Free essay about employee training

Training gives the employees an opportunity to prepare for the jobs which require handling of modern technology and to get familiar with the tools and strategies of the company. Training is necessary for the development of skills while education is related to knowledge.

Essay on administrator training program

Adult Education Advance Placement Fee Reimbursement Arts and Music Block Grant Bilingual Teacher Training California Association of Student Councils California High School Exit Exam California School Age Families Education Center for Civic Education Certificated Staff Mentoring Charter School Categorical Block Grant County Office of β†’

Example of comments to some postings on succession issue essay

Steps that the PPP Project Officer can take to ensure that his or her successor has a thorough understanding of the history of a project, and the agreements made between the institution and the private party at a stage when he or she was not yet appointed. Proper continuity of a project, in cases β†’

Essay on health care information system technologies

Information technology enhances healthcare and in the recent past and it has really improved the delivery of the healthcare to the humanity. Another strategy that needs to be in place is to develop a common surveillance system that will allow the exchange of information between the health practitioners and the patients.

Week four

Nurses understand that their close proximity with patients and their families is something that allows them or gives them the opportunity to influence the patients in regards the treatment they should take or even purchase. In hospital environments decisions that are concerned with staffing, salaries, and issues that have to do with the practice environment β†’

What are three differences between medical diagnoses and nursing diagnoses

Medical and Nursing Diagnoses A medical diagnosis is formulated by physicians to identify a client's specific disease, whereas a nursing diagnosis is made by a nurse to note how he responses to the condition. In the dominance of the medical model in healthcare, nursing is sometimes seen by society as subordinate to medicine.

Psychiatric nursing environment

In psychiatric nursing, the atmosphere includes surroundings, conditions, and controls that bound and influence the growth and behavior of the person. These abilities help to meet the goals of psychiatric care: control of symptoms, provision of therapeutic relationship, identification of nursing problems, and provision of nursing intervention that assist in returning the patient to β†’

Journal e week 2

A nurse can serve a jail term if found guilty for violating the standards of the nursing profession. In teaching nursing students about the ethical and legal issues in nursing case studies are very important and effective. In this manner, the nurse will be able to apply the ethical and legal aspects of nursing in β†’

Corticosteroids use

The nurse should be prepared to educate the patient regarding the inevitable side effects of corticosteroids and how to deal with them. However, the nurse should be prepared to guide the patient in the usage of the drugs to minimize the side effects. References Burke, S..

Ethical dillema

In the culture that she belongs to, it is believed that the males in the family have the right to take all the decisions regarding the family members. Moreover, the patient can succumb to the pressure from the males in the family and decide to say that her health is improving even if she does β†’

Specificity and sensitivity

However, Tappen further noted that these tests are dependent on the limiting value above or below which the test indicates positives results. According to Lovallo et al , sensitivity of a given clinical test refers to the ability of a test to accurately classify those patients with disease while specificity refers to β†’

707 discussion 2

In addition, tethered PHR also offers patients' access to medical information and can therefore promote self-care for better quality of health. PHR influence health information exchange though provision of data bank on a patient's information, from a patient's records. An electronic health record, however, is a maintained database by healthcare facility that uses electronic systems β†’

Nurses’ uncertainty article review examples

The study is " Recognizing and Responding to Uncertainty: A Ground Theory of Nurses' Uncertainty" (Carnley, Doran, Tourangeau, Kushniruk, and Nagle, 2012). The study was conducted to develop a substantive theory to help understand nurses' experience and respond to uncertainty in practice. The aim was to explain how nurses seek information when uncertain and β†’

Advanced nursing role

Advanced nursing role due: Differences of Nurse Managers, Nurse Administrators and Nurse Executives I agree that Nurse Managers, Nurse Administrators and Nurse Executives are connected in the management of nursing care of clients. Upper-level managers are specialized in management and administration of the healthcare organization; by establishing goals and strategizing plans. Nurse Managers versus β†’


Thus oxytocin causes rhythmic contractions of the strong uterine muscles and helping in easy birth of the birth and prevents chances of post-partum hemorrhage (Odent, 1998. Milk production after the birth of the child is initiated by another hormone called prolactin. Blanks, A and Thornton, 2003." The role of oxytocin in parturition", BJOG: An International β†’

Discuss the mechanism of replication

DNA polymerase is capable of catalyzing the chain growth in the 5 to 3 direction as a result the DNA formed in one strand is continuous and is called leading strand while in other strand DNA is formed as fragments called Okazaki fragments and this strand is called lagging strand. This protects the lagging strand β†’


Biology Assignment The company Red Dog OPS is the top polluter in the United s, the company produces 481578816 pounds of toxic wastes to the environment. The top chemical released in my county is Hydrochloric acid, of which 11024228 pounds are released. 7.

Modeling cancer biology

The article points out that the mathematicians' works are rarely referred to or put to use by the biologists and stresses the need for collaborative work between them in the light of the benefits revealed by the cases cited. Natalia Komaroa models the inactivation of APC tumour suppressor gene, the initiating event in colon cancer, β†’

Itn 267 class discussions

Children's Internet Protection Act has played a significant role in ensuring that children are enlightened on the ethical use of the internet. Generally, is oriented towards enlightening children on online wellbeing. Legal features expected in a commercial e-mail It is vital to note that protection in commercial e-mails is a key subject in ensuring β†’

Apple pay at walgreens

While card payments are still widely used, the momentum is fast moving towards mobile payment due to their convenience and retailers are taking note. The Walgreen Company, the largest drug retailer in the United Stated is one among many companies which has implemented the latest payment solution in the world and the results are clear. β†’

Game to learn it security crime

The program, called, CyberSecure, is designed to use the in-game avatars to simulate and safely test and improve the outcomes of the staff as a whole. Avatar game makes it security training less painful. InformationWeek-Healthcare, 1.

Operating system software and application software

The paper " Operating System Software and Application Software" is an exceptional example of an assignment on information technology. Operating System software is the software of a computer system which guides one computer user to perform his computer functions from the time he switches on the computer until he switches it off. A β†’

Ms excel as a tool for interpreting data

However, in no way must its results be used to profile the future hires of the company as well as for the ideal employee of a company. Since the respondents in the survey came from different companies, their level of job satisfaction is based on different scenarios and factors. It will be discriminatory against men β†’

Security threats and defenses

Consequently, every company is at a risk of being attack by one of the many techniques in use. Preparing employees to recognize and respond to social engineering techniques will at help to protect the company in many ways, which include: 1. Use strong passwords. By using strong passwords in the computer network, they will protect β†’

Variables, expressions, and data types

Variables Expressions and Data Types Programming and mathematics share the use of logic and development of algorithms to solve or complete a certain action or solve a problem. Reference variables are declared to a specific type and used in accessing objects.

Drm and trusted computing

DRM AND TRUSTED COMPUTING The setup in which trusted computing when used to enforce DRM is vulnerable to man in the middle attacks because of the ARP spoofing. Computers that use unencrypted networks are vulnerable to attacks by the man in the middle because their network traffic is easily grabbed. In order to β†’

Estimation techniques – work breakdown structure

Each activity is represented as a block over time and the performance recorded as time and then related to the planned deadlines. Advantages They are useful in planning time scale for projects and estimating the required resources They are useful in planning, coordinating and tracking particular tasks in a project They are β†’

Animal cruelty: what can we do to stop it

We can learn this from the personal experiences, by working with a number of animal saver groups, and from time to time, we will realize the results of this unkindness are so offensive as to make one shiver at the thought of people doing such a hateful thing. This only thing can prevent the propagation β†’

Kinetic and potential energy

Kinetic energy is the energy a moving object has because of its motion. The kinetic energy of a moving object depends on the object's mass and its speed.

An earthquake report

The words used in the reports appropriately described the effects of the earthquake and tsunami. Department of the Interior & U.S.

Econometric analysis – math problem example

Taking the first, with the French data as example, it can be said that economic theory holds that consumption should be directly proportion to income while it should be inversely so to interest and unemployment rates. It is, of course, incumbent upon theorists to interpret why there is variance, if evident after analysis, and this β†’

Young” and “the bean eaters” analysis

For instance, " The Bean Eaters" and " Young" both have an example of hyperbole since in Young says " a million of leaves sailed on there strange stalks" and in The Bean Eaters it states that there was " crumbs, receipts, etc'" covering every corner of the old couples single bedroom. An hyperbole is β†’

Essay about poetry

This poem had a lot of alliteration the roots ere and re were repeated very often, and the only roots used in the poem. This is cleverly placed to bring the attention of the reader o the conclusion.

Leper’s poetry

Given that he could not see anything because of the sun in his eyes he describes the situation through the shapes he could see of their bodies. By using this simile to describe how the image of the silhouettes of two boys appeared in contrast of the sun, he is trying to convey a sense β†’

Horror of war in dulce et decorum est

In the first of four stanzas, Owen presents the death-like calm before the storm of the gas attack. We do see it - through the vitality and freshness of Owen's language.

Essay interpreting “one art” by elizabeth bishop

Essay Interpreting " One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop In " One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop, the speaker's attitude in the last stanza relates to the other stanzas in verse form and language. The last line repeated, to the effect of " The art of losing is not hard to master" suggests that the speaker β†’

Ap english language – synthesis essay example essay sample

Despite the fact that there is statistical evidence, there have been controversies as in how much effort should be put in to solve the issue of global warming. The seriousness of global warming is evident." In the 20th century, the world's average surface temperature rose by...the fastest rate in any period over the last β†’

Soil concentration

The salt concentration found in soil solutions is measured in form of its salinity. The amount of Cl- present in a given soil solution determines its salinity, which is required for proper plant life.

Chayenne georges

Here Athena is trying to get Telemachus to realize that it's time for his father to come to Ithaca, and he has to get the suitors out of his home. In The Odyssey Telemachus is portrayed as a boy who has to grow up, he needs to find the courage and guidance to find his β†’

The end of dating: what i learned about marriage essay

In his opinion, the core of this problem is the fact that people get married thinking that it is the solution to all life's problem. When compared with arranged marriages that grow in progression, the idea of passionate love from the beginning to the end is a myth.

Arranged marriage is not relevant in today’s society

Thus, the technology plays a major rule in our life's today. Besides that, educated is one of the reasons why arranged marriage is not relevant in today's society. In a nutshell, arranged marriage is not relevant in today's society because of several reasons.

Heart of the matter

She's harried but content with her choice, perhaps because her husband, Nick, is the spousal ideal: a hunky pediatric plastic surgeon who loves kids. While a nice butt and a compassionate bedside manner are a plus, they are not enough to show why he's worth all the fuss.

Emotional intelligence

Put yourself in the role of a social worker at the macro level and who is using macro practice skills to effect planned changed within the field of practice you selected. For example, you might be working at the Department of Health and Human Services and your job is to develop better programs and services β†’

Example of the modest proposal essay

The author claims that the remedy of poverty by the Irish Children is to sell them to the opulence in the society. Swift and Jesse observe that Irish people such as the landowners will find the meal of children as a delicacy.

Causes of high school dropouts essay

Students suffering from financial problems often drop out in order to get a job and help support their family. Growing up with this kind of influence and pressure, even as a teen, to make money and help out with the family, causes stress and is likely to cause dropouts. All of these factors and many β†’

Romanticism vs rationalism

He is trying to conform to the ' imaginary' rules of society. On the other hand in the poem " Saturday at the Canal" by Gary Soto, there is a 17 year old guy that hates where he is.

Child labour essay sample

In effect, these are activities that are detrimental to the physical and mental health of children and that hinder their proper development. Child labourers are at a high risk of illness, injury and even death due to a wide variety of machinery, biological, physical, chemical, ergonomic, welfare/hygiene and psychosocial hazards, as well as from long β†’

Primary delinquency prevention measures.

The successful prevention of juvenile delinquency requires efforts on the part of the entire society to ensure the harmonious development of adolescents, with respect for and promotion of their personality from early childhood. The need for and importance of progressive delinquency prevention policies and the systematic study and the elaboration of measures should be recognized.


The Factorial ANOVA with Random Effects emphases on how random the outcome's observations vary across within-subject variables. For example, let's put in consideration that you are in some way interested in the outcomes or effects of people with social anxiety' new therapy , as well as the number of the days they use yearly as β†’

Manager interview assignment

What aspects of her position are the most frustrating? What is the most challenging aspect of her position?

History of world migrations-kindle chapter 3

Lecturer History of Migrations Migration started during the origin period of the human species. In the early modern duration, migrations again connected the continents by the process of colonization and also coerced migration of people or communities.

Although that the company enters into master

The company is also exposed to credit risk on its trade accounts receivable andvendor non-trade receivables related to its long-term supply agreements. The company's10K shows that trade receivables as of September 2017, in which AAPL had twocustomers that individually represented 10% or more of total trade receivables, each of which accounted for 10%. In terms β†’

A position to plan, design, develop, implement, and evaluate the security of corporations – resume/cv example

A Position to Plan, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate the Security of Corporations CAREER HISTORY: 2008 Conducted training for an Executive Protection Team in China. Conducted Due Diligence and In Country Assessment for a multi-national Oil and Gas Company. Enhanced the security program in China, in various areas: Threat Assessment; Security Management β†’


Although by doing this the company has been able to avoid a higher cost for better solvent, it is unethical since the company does not seem to take care of the employees' interests. The company has received several complaints from female employees regarding sexual harassments but failed to act since such behaviors are " acceptable" β†’

Case study example

The sales organization received the changes made by Westerly, via memo that gives her directive as well as the reasons for her actions. Complains The complains from the field consultants, immediately erupt as they complain of decision infringement on time spending and insensitivity to the relationship of business development. This had serious implications that β†’

Social era in retrospect

Scientific management was the dominant theme in the 1920s, but sociologists and social psychologists introduced the ideas of behavioralism in management. It was out of this age of confusion, trauma, and diversity that the modern era in management thought was about to begin.

Media journal

She says that this problem seems to persist due to the fashion magazines such as Seventeen Magazine that portrays girls with perfect figures and faces. Julia meets many of the girls in her Ballet class and she often hears them pass weird remarks about themselves such as their skin is blemished or with pimples or β†’

The importance of marketing research

The market research also refers to the financial analysis of the whole company because the companies profit depends on the kind and quality of product they produce. The factors that must be considered are the quality, edge to other company's same products, stability to the market and the kind of promotion of the products.

Specific guidelines essay sample

On successfully understanding the external environment, the next step is for the organization to interpret the possible effects of such external environment on its strategies. What has been the impact of political instability on business operations and strategies in countries where such has been experienced?. Secondly, the organization could employ scientific methods such as market β†’

Swot on american airlines

The employees did not want the company to go bankrupt so they offered a percentage of their pay. Prices of food/drinks. The prices of their airline food is so expensive that not a lot of people buy it, yes when they do it helps make a profit but maybe they need to work β†’

Burro genius

Victor did not know what to do because he liked Howard a lot that did not want Howard to get in trouble for getting around bad dirty people. The next day Victor brings not one but two knives to school.

Biographical criticism: to build a fire by jack london

It is in itself, a combination of the writer's imagination and his real life. The story " To Build a Fire" is not just the work of imagination by Jack London.

Araby symbols

With attention to, the priest became the symbol for the unknown narrator in the story. For the time being, the narrator is eradicating in the room and he finds books.

My lord the baby by rabindranath tagore

And so he thought that his son is the reincarnation of the young master. Raicharan gave everything and anything his son would want, he made his son live like a rich man up to the point that he is sturbing himself to death.

Essay about reading

I love to submerge myself into a book and get the chance to go on adventures I never can in the real world. I love when a book is quick to get into and interesting.

My essay on macbeth essay sample

Each instance of Shakespeare's foreshadowing contributes to the believability of the apparitions' appearance in the play. Before Macbeth enters, the witches are mixing a poisoned concoction, implying impending trouble. This shows that the witches and the apparitions are closely related and similar to each other. The apparitions profess three things Macbeth believes are β†’

Ethics, moral dilemmas, and the law in philadelphia, pennsylvania 2013

It should be noted that, regardless of the current condition of the patient, the nurse still has no right to concede with the patient's wish to attempt to take his life. Instead, the nurse should advice the patient that whatever their condition, it is just temporary and their status will change after some time. Moral β†’


The remedy was successful and my recovery was successful, arsenicum album, has always been one of the best homeopathic remedies for fevers, digestive problems such as food poisoning, allergies, and other related ailments. The use of arsenicum album goes back in history with initial use being on animals, but gradually gained a lot of popularity β†’


The same factors affect how patients present the interview and how they respond to the patients. Interpretation of what qualifies as health or illness varies across cultures. For instance, minority groups in American society have less degree of trust in the health system, which in turn affects how much information they give to nurses. Very β†’

Discussion question 13

I need to develop inquiry skills, courage and vitality, as well as engage in activities that will enhance my aptitude to use literature and theory in order to guide practice, improve my writing skills and have a competitive ability to not only design research, but to also disseminate scholarly documents or materials. There are various β†’

What role do nurses play in the provison of safe quality patient centered care

Role of Nurses in Providing Safe, Quality Patient Centered Care Role of Nurses in Providing Safe Quality Patient Centered Care First, nurses acknowledge a patient as the basis of control in offering considerate and organized care that is focused on high opinion for the patient's first choices, values, and requirements. To do this, nurses need β†’

Challenges in lobbying strategies

It is clear that the sender is effective in written communication than oral message delivery, thus the choice to communicate the ideas through e-mail has some advantages. Consequently, it remains clear that email cannot replace face-to-face communication if the message is to be delivered precisely and win the hearts of policymakers.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus

By so doing, the patient will understand that the illness is a result of the lack of insulin and that the only way for them to function normally is to provide the body with insulin, which can only be injected. The RN also needs to inform the patient that he or she will take some β†’

What is the association between nursing staffing levels and adult patient falls in hospitals

Nurse Staffing and Adult Falls Wards for adult patients have been associated with high number of patient falls due to inadequate nurse staffing. At hospital level, number of registered nurses should be increased to monitor patients in the wards and provide the required services.

Nursing situation

The IPCP calls for pulling of data or information to arrive at a specific or a common solution. For instance, the 26 years old patient that is brought to the hospital with unknown medication condition should have been subjected to medical diagnosis using the IPCP medical principles. For instance, having suspected that the patient was β†’

Course reflection

The future issues that face the nursing fraternity have a direct bearing to the ethical code of conduct of the nursing profession. OJIN: The Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing, 13. Home, A., & Care, P..

Impact of standardized terminologies

As a practicing nurse, the Implementation of NIC would have varied and diverse impacts on my nursing practice. First, apart from the better communication between other health providers and me, NIC would provide me with an increased visibility and clear view of nursing interventions. Third, a practicing nurse with knowledge in nursing informatics, NIC will β†’


Through activism, an individual will feel empowered to contribute in doing something to change the situation for the better, which is likely to lead to the realization of some of the changes needed. Question 3 The citizenry, media, as well as nurses are responsible for advocacy, lobbying, and activism since they are in a β†’

Nursing capstone phase 2

Informatics is one way of preventing the occurrence and severity of blood transfusion reactions. Article 1 Gwaram et al , in a study to determine the incidence, risk factors, and clinical presentations of acute blood transfusion reactions, found that there was a 3. They conclude that that there should be a well-structure program β†’

Protecting and improving quality

Protecting and Improving Quality Protecting and Improving Quality A report on the of health services revealed many discrepancies in the American health sector. Legal suits may interfere with operations of the facilities (Lewin, Altman, & Institute of Medicine, 2000). In order to improve quality service in the health sector, performance of professionals in this sector β†’

Legal iss ues

Moreover the unique areas of nursing practice are advocated by the specific organizations of the ANA. The organizational and community issues which affect the practice of nursing are the areas of focus by the ANA.

Discussion board post response

Effective relationships in the workplace are imperative as they contribute to improved job satisfaction, nurse retention, and also improved results in nursing practice. In reference to your example, favoring some employees could make other employees feel devalued and hence leave the organization.

War of 1812 movie notes

How did the U.S.respond to the Indian threat? How close was the vote to go to war?

The bridge to san luis rey

He has taken on a mission to find out why the five people had to die with the collapse of the bridge. Juniper decided to research the lives of the five victims and figure out the reason of their deaths, why God chose the lives of these five people. He wanted theology to take the β†’

The life of walter mitty (alternate ending)

The life of Walter Mitty By Gregory Jones 9/17/12 Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last." Walter! " his wife yelled " what are you doing cannot you see I am ready to leave! " Ok Mitty replied they got into the car and Mitty turned on the radio. The Football game had β†’

Persepolis view on culture

Though she is born and raised for much of her life in Tehran, Marianne Satraps is as much of a product of Western culture as of Middle Eastern culture. The size of the layout is fairly big so you can see the Nine's logo and her full outfit.

How to escape from a bad date

When the friend gets on the phone, explain to her what is going on, and instruct her to give you a call in ten minutes and then hang up on that friend. The best response to this would be to just say you are not really interested.

Antonia snowden

I was not sure if she would make it or not. But most of all she said to me that whatever to her that my life will still go on and to live it to the fullest.