350 Words Essay Samples

World war z: an oral history of the zombie war by max brooks

The paper " World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks" is a perfect example of a book review on English. What Brooks is saying here is that at times ignorance can be very costly to the level that it may take away a person's life unnecessarily. The message, in β†’

Forum post 7

So every young person wanted to go to war and die. The law dictates that everything, whether done in public or in private, must be done in ways that respect the laws of the land. Her culture, God and family view justice and patriotism not as a way of blindly defending one's country even if β†’

The lady with the toy dog

The story ends with the two of them preparing to take on the beginning of their mysterious relationship. The relationship that Gomov was trying to create with Anna was similar to the relationship he had built up with his wife. Gomov was looking for something new, but the ending of the story, which is no β†’

Article summary

number Summary The article Fast-Food Workers Seeking $15 Wage Are Planning Civil Disobedience was written by StevenGreenhouse and published by NYTimes on the 1st of September describes the protest campaign, launched by fast-food workers fighting for a $15 hourly wage. The protest emerged in the USA not so long ago. Very soon the campaign is β†’

Racism and discrimination

Racism and Discrimination in Canada Racism and Discrimination in Canada Racism has been part of the world since the time immemorial. Despite the fact that Canada has progressed in a million a ways and field yet the element of racism and discrimination still exists in schools, work place, and streets as well.

Recommendation memo

The conclusions drawn from the interview invoke a lot of pleasure to any professional with the ambition of joining the industry since the motivation, take home salaries capacity building and employee needs are just but a few of the attractive things put in place that will interest any worker with the company. Firstly, basing on β†’

Vancouver, canada

It helps the people gain a deeper understanding of the location and a sense of the life that people in the area experience. The paper critically assesses Vancouver, and offers a general view of the area and gives a description of the area for tourists who would like to visit the area and enjoy the β†’

Post-watching discussion

Cite specific examples. Upon watching the videos, the keys or tips noted that could raise suspicion about the validity of arguments include the need to consider soundness of the any one of the premises used; as well as avoiding fallacious statements that do not provide logical contentions to effectively support a valid argument. β†’

I am awesome

I am Awesome I am Awesome Working harder probably for many hours in a week to climb the ranks to senior positions is not usually an easy feat. Awesome managers listen to the staff since they offer insights on how to run the property better. I always share what I know with my staff not β†’


Women possess physical freedom only; mentally and spiritually they are still manipulated and oppressed; sometimes they even have to conceal their brilliant mind in order not to stand against men. A discrepancy can be observed between the behavior required by the society as a homage to the received education and the natural, non-inhibited aspirations and β†’

Mountains beyond mountains by tracy kidder

These chapters' endeavors to make us understand how the protagonist's childhood shaped him for his future role; how his interest begun, and some of the human privileges that he would have to forego as he sticks to his crusade. In chapter five Kidder takes us into Paul's childhood and home environment. This gives us the β†’

Youve just visited the doctor, and she has given you one week to live. how will you spend your final week on earth

If I were told of imminent death within one week by a doctor, I would tabulate the people I would like to meet, the places I would like to see and the sights and sounds I would like to hear before I disappeared like a tear in the rain. I would begin immediately by visiting β†’

Ice breaker

The process should have considerations such as the age and suitability of the icebreaker to the group. For example, making sure that everyone is wholly inclusive and part of the team comes with a greater challenge is such a large group. It is a novel idea to subdivide larger groups into smaller ones so as β†’

On the book damned by chuck palahniuk

Although the book is a collaboration that focuses on Novels and articles by Chuck Palahniuk, it is very comprehensive on any work done by Palahniuk. 29th November 2012. In this website, the author of the article ' Chuck Palahniuk's Damned: Damned if you do' Justine Jordan comprehensively review the Palahniuk's ' Dammed' giving a picture β†’

Create an inductive and deductive argument

Therefore, in deductive arguments, the premises and inferences are the basis on which the conclusion is formed. In inductive arguments, the basis of logic relies on a probability that one of the premises offers support to the conclusion.

Letter to senate

It is strongly suggested that you vote against the notion of a national ID card. The supporters of the national ID card may suggest that it would decrease the chances of terrorism and would make official government business easier to conduct. Adding another layer or requirement to identity documents would only complicate matters while being β†’

Chose an interesting topic

Day Month Year Reflections on The Queen's Croquet Ground In this part of Alice in Wonderland, Alice finallygets to the garden that she was been trying to catch a glimpse of since the beginning of the book. Alice finds this ludicrous as she is just the head of a pack of cards, and she begins β†’

Eye witness account

The chief and his soldiers set the rules and control the workforce. The working hours increase and young men are forcefully recruited to be soldiers.

The yellow wallpaper journal

Secondly, the woman felt that she was a burden to her husband, which could be an effect of her inability to raise the baby herself and not to be able to perform her role and duty as wife and mother: " I meant to be such a help to John...and here I am a comparative β†’

Popular translation

Making Hydrogen Fuel-cell Cars Reality Making Hydrogen Fuel-cell Cars Reality Chemical engineering is one of the branches of engineering that deals with the physical and life sciences. Therefore, one of the most critical problems is to make hydrogen fuel-cell cars a reality.

Japan and the pacific rim

Reunification of the North and South Korea Reunification of the North and South Korea For decades, the way to reunification of the North and South Korea has been a controversy between political analysts, policy makers, and governments. Together with the evaluation of other people's thoughts on reunification of North and South Korea, I will in β†’

Advocacy organization

First Sur Advocacy Organizations The National Book Foundation website has a mission to celebrate the best American literature, expand its audience coverage as well as enhancing the cultural values and award the great American writers. 7 June 2015. Pulitzer.org, The Pulitzer Prizes | Whats New.N.p., 2015.Web.

Television in modern society has more negative effects than positive effects. discuss

Advantages and Disadvantages of Watching Television and using Social Media Advantages and Disadvantages of Watching Television and using Social Media Television and electronic media is spreading in all geographical regions of the world and therefore, global mindset is emerging. Additionally, all of this became possible with the help of media and internet. Television was β†’

Smart phones

It is critical to go through some of the advantages and disadvantages of these mobile phones in order to gain a deeper understanding. One of the advantages of these mobile phones is that they have more capabilities when compared to the other mobile phones. It is critical to understand that despite the widespread positive regards β†’

Compare and contrast paper. 21 jump street

The main plot of it revolved around two police officers disguised as high school students to capture synthetic drug dealer and supplier from among the teenagers of a high school. Simultaneously, many at times such drug usage, addictions and other illicit habits ruin personal lives and relationships of these officers and β†’

Fallacious reasoning

In the ad hominem fallacy, the reasoning attacks the person rather than the issue at hand while in the appeal to emotions, the reasoning manipulates the emotions of the listeners in order to get their emotions.. Consider an advertisement during the Super Bowl Commercials 2012 in which David Beckham advertises H & M's underwear. The β†’


The shipping news by Annie Proulx Annie Proulxs novel " The Shipping News," is set in contemporary Newfoundland, where there is certainly a lot of drownings. Quoyle is lastly freed from the marriage when his wife dies in a car accident together with one of her lovers. Quoyles aunt comes to assist him together with β†’

Stuffed and starved initial reading

Most of these are the fast foods that are always put at the entrance of the supermarkets. The entrances of many supermarkets are always well designed with different decorations. The fridges always have commodities that are attractive to the eyes.

Rhetorical analysis

The article discusses the growing notion in the society where women who are big in size are perceived not to be as attractive as those who are small. The author is trying to convey the message that, although Marilyn is relatively bigger in size she is considered more attractive than the model.

How disasters have an effect on the world at large

Key Words: Disasters, Environment, Natural disasters, Affected, Experience, Global Warming, How disasters have an effect on the world at large Undeniably, disasters occurrences yield to untold deaths that leave irreparable emotional loss to both the relatives and friends of the victims. Sometimes the affected result to incapable of recovering fully in life due to β†’

The development of critical thinking: does college make a difference

The purpose of Pascarella was to determine if college has a statistically significant effect on the critical thinking skills relative to a matched group of students who did not attend college during the 1-year period of the study. The development of critical thinking: Does college make a difference?

Concrde crash

On the runway, when the Concorde flight was preparing speed one of its tires run over the same metal strip that that made the tire to burst. 27 2014. . Smith, Patrick." Untold Story of the Concorde Disaster".

What should people set there goals in life

Goal setting in life Setting goals in life is an important constituent to long-term accomplishment and self-realization. Setting and achieving goals translate to the feelings of accomplishment and success life.

Societal role in advertising

This role can be both a reflection on the society or the probability of what is expected by the society in future. Recently, a range of companies have picked up advertising styles that incorporates social dimensions. This is attributed to the fact that the society is experiencing a lot of changes through the effects of β†’

Performance in drama and poetry

In light of the focus on a single item, the resulting drama and poem would always be performative. Plays and poems employ characterization, plot and mood to develop the themes, which are inherent throughout the literary piece in question. As the result, I do have a feeling of a participant when reading plays and poems β†’

Physical science

The internet and other credible sources present a wide variety of scheduling resources and systems for lawn owners depending on the level of maintenance one wants to achieve. The second argument is based on inductive reasoning; " turf becomes better the more it is irrigated". This is a red herring argument since it diverts the β†’

Moon journal

Moon Journal I collected data for a whole week, observing the position and phase of the moon each day, and analysed the data and made the conclusions below from the data and my own research: The moon moves in a circular orbit around the earth. Therefore, when the moon is observed, it appears to revolve β†’

Need to add more on the paper

The illustration on student athletes offer sufficient prognosis in view of the mentioned, as they have been treated as marketing strategies of the various schools and in turn, they succumb to pressure to exercise to exploit their talents while apparently putting much focus on training and participating in competitions. Such students pose future detrimental effect β†’

Discussion forum post

Significance of the Set Directions in a Play Naked Lunch The play tells the story of two former lovers, Vernon and Lucy, who have met for a lunch. This hint on Vernon's carelessness and inability to find the right vase for the right quantity of flowers implies hidden conflict of the couple.

Nyeri one in all the large cities within

Despite being one in all the largecities within the newly created Nyeri County, the town has a comparatively little but vibrant business community thanks to the actual fact that it'sprincipally a governmentadministration town. The currentstate in the constituency with regard to standards of living is comparativelylow since there's plenty of food and water as a β†’

Wal-mart & sam walton essay

Wal-Mart executives continue to adhere to the management guidelines Sam developed. The word ' always' can be seen in virtually all of Wal-Mart's literature. Wal-Mart's future will depend on how well the company manages its expansion plans. Also, if Wal-Mart continues to follow Sam Walton's vision of expansion, Wal-Mart will reach its peak in the β†’

Employee for “managers and organisations to grasp

Employee motivation is viewed as " one of theways of organisations to reinforce its performance through its employees byproviding a contributing, impelled setting within the organisation". Worker motivation is predicated on the condition whereveremployees area unit able to dedicate time and fervour to their work byproduction higher techniques to urge the work through with β†’

Contemporary improvement models essays example

This continuous improvement indicates that all business units and employees are constantly involved in devising ways to better the position of the firm and make it competitive. Adding on, if the excitement of the implementation of a new system such as Kaizen fades away over time the project may fail and demoralize employees.

Purpose of college

College is a time for one to have fun, and to become a part of your school you attend. College is a very important thing to me, and it is something everyone should take seriously because it is not free, and you can learn so much from attending college.

Atmospheric issues 1 essay

Provide one key solution to help either reduce the effects or recover from the effects of the selected issue Air pollutants that combine and contribute to Air pollution are mainly chemicals that are released into the air and ozone. These chemicals are both primary and secondary pollutants. Another health issue could very well be allergies β†’

Handloom industry

Indian handloom industry is the largest in the world and it is low capital intensive industry Indian Handloom Sector an Overview Providing direct and indirect employment to more than 30 lack weavers, handloom sector is the largest economic activity second only to agriculture in India. Despite the presence of the powerless sector in β†’

The role of energy in the body

M1- Discuss the role of energy in the body, describe the process of cell respiration and give three examples of how energy is used in the human body Every living cell needs energy. To release the energy from glucose, oxygen is added by breathing continuously to supply to the millions of cells β†’

Hna case

The strategic organization of the HNA group in terms of visible resources, organizational resources, financial resources and human resources allow it to synergize across its business blocks and derive profitability which is higher than individual players in each of these businesses. Looking at major crises that affected the HNA Group, such as the SARS epidemic β†’

Free research paper on audit standards

An information technology audit is needed specially on the aspects of policies and process documentations, physical and logical security of the system, monitoring and disaster recovery of the information system to ensure that it meets the both organizational needs and the audit standards set by several standards organizations such as the International Organization Standards and β†’

Lorenzo’s oil questions

What was the full name of the disease in the movie? What effects did the disease have on Lorenzo's body?

Baltimore maryland industry analysis

The Greater Baltimore region has a very strong philanthropic community supporting the healthcare and education industries with private grants, which coupled with federal and state grants, provide a strong base for expansion and global strategic alliances. Many of Baltimore's healthcare industry strengths are deeply rooted in the some of the finestacademiceducation industries. According β†’

Sex industry

Those employed in the sex industry are typically known as sex workers and might include street prostitutes, call girls, escorts, strippers, exotic dancers, phone sex operators, brothel workers, erotic masseuses, and actors/actresses in pornographic films. The sex industry also includes the managers, staff, owners, producers, directors, photographers, pimps, madams, businesses, organizations, and β†’

Environmental human error (flournoy, 2011). the deepwater horizon

BP and its contributors were drilling well ofthe Macondo oil in the Gulf of Mexico and cementing was done in the steelcovering of the well. 17 were injured in this terribleincident. Due to explosion after such a great disaster, there was anuncontrolled leakage of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

Good example of tragedy of the commons essay

The said congestion has distinct unpleasant impacts on the physical use of roads by vehicles in the transportation industry. The mentioned tear and wear have greatly initiated traffic congestion, thereby impacting negatively on the transportation industry. Traffic congestion in the roads has resulted into misuse of time.

The world of culinary arts

The chef skillfully prepares food that is pleasing to the eye and the palate of the guests. The beauty of this art lies in the skill of understanding various types of tastes, presentations and food's main features.

Fashion, fade and craze in adolesence

The teenagers are mostly attracted to the western fashioncultureand they are triggered by the exotic western dresses like beautiful clothing etc. Students want to create the unique image and for them fashion is like a way to express their inner self and by having the latest clothing they want to look cool. Teenagers β†’

Example of essay on food safety and quality

Food Safety and Quality The main reason as to why the public and sprouts industry failed to get information about the risks of sprouts that could have prevented the problem is mainly because there were no proper channels of communication. It is all about streamlining the communication channels between the different stakeholders in β†’

Bonds market in pakistan essay

SBP and SECP, the two main regulators of the whole financial system are bringing about reforms for the development of capital market of the country in conjunction with GOP support. Recently the main efforts made in this direction can be summarized as under: Capital adequacy requirements have been raised for the participant institutions. Legislation on β†’

Frozen food market: global industry analysis

The study, titled " FrozenFoodMarket - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2013 - 2019", provides an in-depth analysis of the worldwide market for frozen food by assessing the performance of each market segment and the dynamics of every regional market. The global frozen food market comprises of frozen fruits β†’

Sugar gradient lab report

Take a pipette and fill it with the substance in Cup 5. Drop 10-20 drops down the side of the inside of a test tube (you may need to refill the pipette to accomplish this). Take a pipette and fill it with the substance in Cup 4. Drop 10-20 β†’

Traditional and renewable sources of energy

When I read for the first time this question I immediately thought that renewable energy sources would win, but then I realize that it cannot, because this kind of energy is not able to generate all the energy that we need. Having said that I do not mean that the traditional energy β†’

Manufacturing and ratio analysis essay sample

Chris Guthrie was recently hired by S&S Air, Inc., to assist the company with its financial planning and to evaluate the company's performance. Compare the performance of S&S Air to the industry.

Sunrise model of leninger’s transcultural nursing theory

The core concept of the theory is in realizing the need for a global perspective to be formed in the practice of nursing all over the world. This has made it possible for nurses all over the world to practice nursing bearing in mind the cultural context. The theory is mostly credited for reconciling the β†’

The reason to be considered for

Being a very part of it, I feel not only responsible to give it back the necessary assistance, but I also believe that it is a gift to work where I am needed. Considering my past educational qualifications, my outreach abilities and my experience so far, I am confident I can make a significant difference β†’

Economic feasibility of adding a nursing home as a healthcare profitable

In analyzing the need, the company must determine if there is sufficient need for nursing home slots in the region to fill the beds and if there is a continuing need. The administrator should also take into account changing health care trends including the tendency toward longer life expectancies and later need for nursing home β†’

Dorothea orems self-care model

This essay examines various elements of this model. Dorothy's Orem paradigm is the self-care model of nursing. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/oremstheory/description-of-the-model Dorothea orem's self-care theory..

Reaction paper

I validated that the participant got the recommendations by the fact that they came in a language he would understand and the fact that his memory was equally sharp. Health promotion is important to the group in that it derives a better understanding on heart failure and its variance with age.

Literature review matrix

Retrieved February 24, 2015, from American Nurse Today: http://www.americannursetoday.com/special-supplement-to-american-nurse-today-best-practices-for-falls-reduction-a-practical-guide/ Clinical Review. Review of 30 articles Data collected from peer reviewed studies Multidisciplinary approach to data analysis A combined approach of technology, people and and processes would reduce incidence of patient falls. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.. Retrieved February 24, 2015, β†’

Discussion board post response

In so doing, the manager in my organization is able to guide employees in dealing with their problems and give them the support they need to be able to concentrate on their work. Kelly Leonard, my organizations approach is analogous to yours in that trust, communication, respect, and support are the key elements that support β†’

Winshield survey summary and relection

The community of a client is the referral of the community as one base entity in health nursing due to the relation of the people and exposure to similar aspects as they share the same geographical space. In this way, community partnerships arise in the form of the community members working together with the various β†’

The future of nursing in an evolving health care system

The Future of Nursing al Affiliation: The Future of Nursing Research indicates that a critical number of nurses expect to leave their current position for another occupation or resign early, and in nursing schools, large portions of those enlisted forsake their studies. The nursing shortage will increase the demand for better services in the healthcare β†’

Analysis and critique jean watson

It moves beyond ego-self and transcends to spiritual connections between a practitioner and their patient. The ten carative factors and theories of nursing help in understanding Watson's caring-healing-loving-model. Nursing the philosophy and science of caring.

Who is your role model and how did that person impact your life

Three years before he became the president, I did not know him, but now I have come to know him as an inspirational leader and he is now my role model. Obama is a hero to many, but to me he holds a special place in my life because he has taught me never to β†’

Blood glucose levels

The duration is dictated by the lifespan of red blood cells, which is averagely 120 days. When diabetes is not controlled, blood sugar levels rise and the sugar combines with the hemoglobin in erythrocytes, becoming glycated. Therefore, people living with diabetes are advised to maintain a level as near normal as possible to prevent long-term β†’

Nurses in politics

The congresswoman has served California, and her main aim is ensuring that her constituents access quality health care (Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries, 2011). Public health care institutions are funded by the government that also formulate policies to govern them. Lois Capps plays a crucial role in policy setting and determination of budget in the health β†’

Reaction paper

Reaction Paper: Safe Family Project al Affiliation Reaction Paper: Safe Family Project The article en d " Safe Family Project" written by Brackley has provided comprehensive information regarding the Safe Family Project, a project which was allegedly designed to train health care practitioners to address health care requirements of victims of domestic violence β†’

Nursing informatics at all levels of patient care

As a matter of fact, nursing informatics is a growing discipline, defined as the " use of information technologies in relation to those functions within the purview of nursing, and that are carried out by nurses when performing their duties. Therefore, any use of information technologies by nurses in relation to the care of their β†’

Core nursing competencies

Moreover, Community, psychiatric and gerontological heaths are included in the curriculum. The interviews continued to reveal that because of BSN is regarded as being higher, and then nurses on this category are paid higher than their counterparts in the ADN. They generally felt that they were on top of their career hence the satisfaction. In β†’


All of the relevant data is analyzed for popularity and the most popular scores are " The Measures of Central Tendency". It gives a good measure of variance and shows the average distance each observation is from the mean. Research " Measures of Central Tendency and Variability"..

Free realism essay example

According to Werner Herzog, realism seek to demonstrate the relationship of the film to reality and the specific role that a film plays in helping us understand our society and the world as a whole. The two ancient films by the Lumi re brothers have demonstrated the use of realism. β†’

Film and box office essay sample

By extension, the term is frequently used, especially in the context of the film industry, as a synonym for the amount of business a particular production, such as a film or theatre show, receives. The projection and analysis of these earnings is very important for the creative industries and often a source of interest for β†’

Genius hollywood movies of the 40s movie review samples

In the movie, the camera moves with the actors, and the deep focus is used. The American comedy musical " Singin' in the Rain" by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen is one of the best musicals of all times. The spectator enjoys the movie on the normal widescreen, that is to say side masking pulled β†’

Diffusion and osmosis

It moves from the higher to the lower concentration because of the concentration gradient which is the difference in concentration levels between two adjacent regions. Osmosis is simply a type of diffusion in which water moves from high concentration to that of the lower water concentration.


The problem is managed through inhibitory control, which prevents the processing and creation of irrelevant information in the brain that could affect achievement of behavioral activities. The assumptionis that, if a person has a severe disease like PKU, there would have to be some alteration in some of the chemicals handled in the body.

Of the outbreak 1995

Jimbo stole the monkey with hopes of selling it in the black market; however, after failing to sell the monkey he releases it into the jungle. Despite releasing it, he is already infected with the virus, and so is the pet store owner whom he wanted to sell the monkey to.

In madeleine lengle’s children’s novel a wrinkle in time, the mitochondria in one of the characters start to die

Describe what would happen to people who lost their mitochondria, and explain why it would happen. Mitochondria function as the powerhouses of the human cell and people who lost their mitochondria would manifest symptoms of mitochondrial disorder, a metabolic disorder affecting muscles, brain, retina, extra-ocular muscles, heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, gut, bone marrow, and endocrine systems β†’

Immunological techniques assignment – lab report example

Immunological Techniques Assignment Draw the results obtained from each of the three procedures.Electrophoresis: Radial immunodiffusion: Ouchterlony: Plate 2: Plate 3: 2). Explain the origin of each of the precipitin arcs in each of the drawings. Immunoelectrophoresis: We obtain arcs of precipitin showing the existence of Ag-Ab reactions. The ring diameters can be used β†’

Earwig insect

The unique feature of the earwigs is the cerci, which are forceps pincers pairs located in the abdomen. The earwigs utilize the " skin wings" order name; because of the membranous wings located under the short forewings. 2.

Free essay on artefact analysis

There is a name " hailha -12" stamped on the piece probably the name of the owner or the studio in which the piece was first exhibited. The artist might also have made this piece in tribute or honor of a noble child.

Public art

This is a statue of Rosa Parks, and by making her memories be put on a public site, the focus is on extending her work against segregation, social justice and inequalities to the present. What is most striking of this public work is potential meaning. She is placed right in the middle of a public β†’

Race and gender roles

It's a perfect follow up to the independent attitude of B'Day and lays the groundwork for another exploration of what it means to be a woman in the world today. While, on the other hand, it portrays the role of a typical wife clearly taken with her husband and getting hurt and jealous in the β†’

Let’s talk about sex

In the United States, the parents emphasize on the danger of sex and fail to discuss the subject with the teens. On the contrary, the Americans are strict and vigilant in matters involving sex, and curtail the freedom of the adolescents to decide about the issues of sexuality.

The protestant reformation

The shift in the emphases of Protestant art was influential in dictating the works of art that emerged after the Reformation. Protestant Reformation art involved the use of ordinary daily scenes and showed a significant downplaying of previously significant mysteries of faith. The Sistine Chapel ceiling painting was part of the High Renaissance art and β†’

Broke back mountain and titanic

In Titanic's case, it is the necklace " Heart of the Ocean" and the nude picture of Kate Winslet which Leonardo De Caprio sketches as a symbol of his love. Both are portrayals of tragedies in a time when people were judged by their wealth and social status.

Animation question

Upon hitting and reaching the ground, the ball flattens out because of the gravitational pull on it. The principles of stretch and squash would make the scene appear more appealing to the audience.