350 Words Essay Samples

Schizophrenia and statistical findings essay

Schizophrenia develops usually in the late teens for men and early twenties and thirties for women. However, some rare cases have been reported of the condition occurring in early childhood. Psychological and social interventions are sometimes invoked in the management of the illness, for example CBT , neuropsychological rehabilitation and family therapy. →

Good critical thinking about evaluation of a video: repairing the santa monica freeway after the 1994 earthquake

The video entitled " Repairing the Santa Monica Freeway after the 1994 Earthquake" shown online through YouTube illustrated the exemplary capacity and dedication of the project leader , C.C. Likewise, the video also proved that in government projects, the ability to cut through red tape had significantly assisted in completing the project ahead schedule →

Overview, history, and introduction to research methods in i/o psychology essay examples

The ideas of Thomas van de Water, in his article Psychology's Entrepreneurs and the Marketing of Industrial Psychology, are as insightful as are the views of Ludy Benjamin in his article Hugo Munsterberg's Attack on the Application of Scientific Psychology, with regard to the different reactions received by psychology testing technologies and scientific management. →

How do the simple actions of individuals add up to the complex behavior of a group

From the article " Swarm Theory" by The National Geographic, it is clearly that individual animals that make up the swarms are not as intelligent as they may appear, and that it is the collective environment within a swarm that enables these animals or insects to coordinate their activities towards a single cause of the →

Good essay about diversity

While inclusion accepts the cultural differences and aims to maintain them in spite of the predominant culture, assimilation calls for blending or infusion of the minority culture into the predominant culture. However, managers are advised to embrace inclusion since it brings diversity into the workplace. As a good manager, I would pass down such knowledge →

Harmonized code

In the case of the united states, the units will have to be a net foreign exchange earner however, they will not in any way be subjected a pre- determined value addition or any form of minimum export performance. In terms of the domestic tariff area by the special economic zones have to be a →

Success factors of knowledge management

It is imperative to reward knowledge workers and measure the efficiency of the workers. Identify and analyze the meaning of knowledge management.

Talent management

It has however been argued that it is possible to use education and training to better a person's talent. From a business point of view, talent may be seen as a creative skill to use innovative techniques in solving problems that one is often faced with in the business environment. Because it is used as →

Triple bottom line critical essay

The triple bottom line takes into account three criteria for assessing organisational performance; 1.economic, 2.social 3.and Environmental. The financial or economic performance of an organisation is the easiest of the three criteria to measure accurately. The social criterion of the triple bottom line takes into account the impact that a business has →

Free research paper on cybersecurity against virus attacks

A computer virus can simply be defined as a piece of code or program that is able to replicate itself, runs on a computer against the owner's wishes, and spreads from one computer to another. All these measures ensure protection, readiness and solutions in case of an attack. Prior to cyber attack, various computer →

A comparison of the codes of ethics

While UNA's COE simply states that an educator should have a commitment toprofessionalismand ethical standards and leaves the interpretation of this up to the educator, the Alabama Educator COE goes more in depth. Standard 2 focuses on trustworthiness, and Standard 3 concentrates on unlawful acts. UNA's COE uses Disposition 3 to concentrate →

Deliberate vs. emergent strategy in marketplace

On the other hand, a consistent use of actions or behaviors by an organization that was not previously intended comprises an emergent strategy. From the understanding of various business strategies, our group opted to stick to the initial plan. The study performed a systematic analysis of the competitors and the performance of the market and →

Child endangerment essay

The child will be placed in the care of the state, or foster care services, until documentation can prove that the offender has undergone any or all of the following, and has thus been " offense free" for a period of no less than six months: alcohol and/or drug treatment, counseling, family therapy sessions, mental →

Followers and organizational problem solving

Upward communication is generally a neglected sphere of research in the area of leadership in organizational behavior and functioning. An effective line of authority and meaningful leadership evolve in an organization when there are multiple types of information channels even going much beyond the ' two-way flow' of information within an organization.

How modern leaders lead: dick smith

The products provided by the company acts as the alternative to the products offered by the foreign companies in Australia. Additionally, the company also aims at generating large-scale employment in Australian companies as Dick Smith observed that about 85 percent of consumables of Australia is produced and sold by foreign organizations.

Lean vs six sigma w3 om

In terms of similarities, both lean and six sigma can be said to be methods that emphasize on efficiency and effectiveness. Root cause analysis is one of the major strategies that most producers have used to identify errors as part of the six sigma. Reference Bollen K.A..

Performance measurement

Describe your personal experiences with performance measurement in the workplace. Performance management system is a set of strategic objectives as well as metrics of performance that organizations apply in order to gauge the productivity of not only individual workers but also for the entire organization (Besanko, Dranove, Shanley & Schaefer, 2010). In a broader perspective, →

Acquiring leadership skills necessary for public administration

It is for this reason that I have taken my studies seriously so that I can reach to my fellow countrymen and help transform their lives as well as create a better environment for me and those that come after me. I joined the National Academy of Public Administration in Viet Nam for a Bachelor →

Project management: organising a concert

The aim of the project is to change the phase of the society in several perspectives. Taking communal responsibility is necessary in order to develop the society. Project objectives This meeting is meant to discuss the way forward in improving the state of the community.

Patient experience

The quality of care and treatment is the main thing that distinguishes a good patient experience from a bad experience. The things that mainly shape patients' experience include quality of treatment/care and that of the hospitals' environment, which include noise, music, and light (Shattell, Hogan, & Thomas, 2005). Therefore, we can say that quality and →

Ethics and leadership in teams

At this stage, there is a lot of subjectivity in the assessment of risks and opportunities because they are yet to materialize. This is the stage in which results of the planned course of action are achieved.

Budget processes essays examples

The forecasting process typically looks into the future to anticipate any changes that might occur in the business environment and come up with action plans that are required to achieve the planned goals, all these are based on the current organization's performance. Importance of Budgets and Forecasts Budgets and →

Personality testing

Due to this fact, the introversion trait of my personality can be hidden in a social situation. Managers are required to have skills that can allow them to develop good relationships with their employees. However, the assertive trait of my personality can negatively affect the way I relate to employees, as it would not allow →

Training techniques for managers going oversees essay

Field experiences: They provide a view that is deeper of the values, behaviors and customs of the host country. These experiences are valuable, as they give the employee a preview that is more realistic of what they expect in their international assignment. References Tung, R.L..

Managers essays examples

A manager has to exhibit a Sense of Commitment. A manager has to display a high sense of dedication for others to follow. Organizational commitment and Organizational culture Organizational commitment.

Andrew carnegie (u.s. steel originally carnegie steel )

Andrew Carnegie (US Steel- Originally Carnegie Steel Company) of the Management of the Concerned April 9, Andrew Carnegie (US Steel- Originally Carnegie Steel Company) There is no denying the fact that the unique management style of Andrew Carnegie was pivotal in the success of the US Steel. As in the initial stages of his career →

Continuous improvement essay sample

The changes have been formulated by Kurt Lewin, a social psychologist to take place in three stage process. The first step, unfreezing stage is very important for leadership and management team, because it is necessary in preparing the workers and the entire organization to get ready for the planned change. →

Good example of the leadership gap case study

Leaders are required to work closely with all the teams and ensure efficient delivery of the projects. Leaders are also required to bring organizational changes in order to respond to changing business environment. Situational leadership style allows leader to take actions after considering the demand of the situation.

Business management and behavioral studies

All the assets of the company are in good working condition and marketing respects for the products are also promising. However, the company's organization structure is designed inappropriately and therefore has serious shortcomings and weaknesses which create impediments in its operations and are responsible for the company's unsatisfactory performance. Identify and explain briefly →

Creating a sense of communiy

In this regard, there are many cultures in the world including but not limited to the Indian culture, the Chinese, culture, the African culture, Mexican culture, Arabian culture, and the American culture. When it comes to African culture, a number of aspects arise due to the conservative nature. Overall, culture plays a very significant role →

Second city case study examples

All of the actors and managers in Second City are very talented and it is their skills that make Second City the icon it is today. The management in Second City also focusses on the goals of the company to maintain a sense of organisation. This has helped to develop →

Sam 445 unit 1

Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting According to Weyandt, Kimmel, & Kieso , managerial accounting is a process that identifies measures, analyzes, interprets and communicates information that seeks the goals of an organization. These are decision-making, planning, directing operational activities, and controlling. Planning Planning as a managerial function in accounting perspective ensures efficient communication of the →

Life cycle of the service industry

This essay seeks to describe the service industry at each of these stages regarding demand for technology, products and competition. At the introduction stage, the demand for the service is low because not many people are aware of this industry. The competition is intense- there are price wars and exits.

Week 5

Hence, it is first important to understand why the manager is avoiding conflict before confronting them. With the exception of the above two cases, an employee must confront the manager if a conflict is being avoided. It is only when an employee trusts the manger to act in the best interest of the employee that →

Guideline for making manager resume

In theeducationsection of your resume, list the schools you attended, the degrees you attained, and any special awards and honors you earned ; In descending order, beginning with the most rent education ; If not yet graduated, indicate " Diploma in Integrated Events Management Candidate 2013" 4. Highlight your strengths →

Artificial the hot topics of today’s world.

Machine learning is rapidly growing and infiltrating today'sworkplace that could be related to various businesses of all shapes and differentsizes. Machine learning in simplest terms, is a combination of fields that includesstatistics, computer science, and information retrieval and this in turnteaches computers in recognizing various data patterns. Sentiment analysis isalso a hot topic in this →

Managing in sacred cows organization

This includes the process of change adoption and implementation. The overwhelming quest for a change in the organization, by James, has resulted in the attainment of conflict in the organization. Consequently, James has decided to engage all the stakeholders of Quart Limited into a forum, which will discuss the necessity of change in the organization →

Managerial mistakes

Moreover, managerial mistakes can lead to litigation. it is important that employees understand the policy of the company and strive hard to stand by it. Misdeeds like sexual harassment must be treated appropriately so as to save the face of the company if eventually a legal redress is sought by the individual →

Describe 297) heart failure is defined as

Hypovolemic Shock is the most common type of shock,." In any emergency, the onset of shock shouldbe anticipated by assessing all injured people immediately the underlying causeof shock (hypovolemic, cardiogenic, neurogenic anaphylactic or septic).must bedetermined. Hypovolemia is the most common cause".Cardiogenic shockNursing management of the hypovolemic patient is to preventshock monitoring for fluid deficits and →

Time management for dummies ebook free for a limited time

You will find out how to eliminate late nights at the office and spend more time with yourfamily, friends, or even just yourself. Note from the author : Time Management For Dummies is about using your time more effectively to create greater results at the office and at home. Note that in the →

Global outsourcing expert sodexo

In the case study, the issue of flexibility in employment has been well elaborated. Flexibility of work schedules to the employees such as the flexibility to meet the family needs, personal obligations and life responsibilities has hampered employees' career progress in many companies. This may be very dangerous because employees not be innovative and think →

Meeting jane goodall essay samples

I was already secretly hoping to meet her because I am a big fan of her work and inspirational message of peace and what I received on that fateful day, was unimaginably better than what I had ever dreamed of. Upon crossing paths with her, I garnered my courage and →

Example of organizational evaluation research paper

Organizational evaluation refers to the process of assessing the effectiveness of the operations of an organization. The evaluation may be carried out prior to the implementation of a program, during its implementation or after implementation, with the main aim being the improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of operations. There are undoubtedly a number of →

Wireless network management

Otherwise, the medium is free and the station is allowed to transmit the desired information. The problem with the CSMA protocol is the case where a collision occurs. If the medium is free then the destination station will respond with a packet called CTS which will include the same duration →

Innovative technology

The difference between implementing internally and externally is that, in internal implementation, the technology is designed internally to fit the organization needs but in external implementation, you have to consider an existing technology that will meet the required needs of the organization. In both issues, resources and support, and costs are an important consideration. When →

Learning team paper

This paper will seek to answer that question. In the case of the supply chain, there has to be a critical look at ones suppliers. The company deals with material of a delicate nature and one must ensure that the suppliers also adhere to the highest standards possible.


The execution of the strategy then becomes easier because it is well understood by the employees. How the factors listed above contributes to successful strategy execution within the corporate environment The factors listed above are important attributes of a successful strategy execution. The secrets to successful strategy execution.

Effective team management essay example

For a team to realize its goals the team manager who is entrusted with the responsibility of steering, the team should possess qualities essential in the management. The first quality is the team leader should have trust with his/her team members; this is the most essential quality because if tour →

Summarize how currency exchange and labor rates impact trade

Summarize how Currency Exchange and Labor Rates Impact Trade Task Summarize how Currency Exchange and Labor Rates Impact Trade The downturn in global economy dealt a great blow in the outsourcing of jobs as it put managers managers in a trance on whether to outsource in order to reduce costs, or to in-source in order →

Assignment 2

Bank of America Mission ment current The bank's mission is to offer investment and lending products with characteristics such as: Service to low and moderate income people and families. Improving low and moderate income societies. Creation of practices with sustainability for the longer haul. Mission Statement revised The new mission should focus on offering →

Barangay information system essay sample

Specifically, the study aimed at: providing a profile of LGU officials in the barangay, determining the barangay leaders' knowledge of and perception about the barangay hall as a base for BIS; finding out the existing information systems in the barangay; documenting the process involved is establishing and →

The self-parking and driving car

Also as they will be able to access real-time information on the status of the roads, traffic jams and grid-lock may become a thing of the past, also they may ease movement for the visually impaired and physically challenged. Driverless cars are still illegal and ultimately it will be up to lawmakers to adjust the →

Line managers support hr initiatives

Last year, the HR department was tasked to write the unwritten policies of the company and to review and revise all of the other written policies. HR was able to complete the required revisions within the time frame to the delight of members of the Executive and Management committees.

New opportunities in community settings essays examples

According to White & Hall , nursing case management is special in the sense that it is a dynamic and follows a systematic approach that offer health care services to a particular population. It is vital that the nurse case managers to be able to identify and facilitate →

Cultures in organization : two case examples

Besides, the firm has a culture of employing new production procedures, while incorporating technological knowhow, in an endeavor to foster efficiency. In the second firm, the management had developed a culture of continued conscripting new and qualified employees within short time spans. A culture of integrity and accountability within the management and other employees was →

Free research paper on bridging cultural differences and conflict resolution

The rise of telecommuting and improved technology has led to emergence of virtual teams within organizations. - The definition of a virtual team - The scope of work done by the virtual teams - The presence of various cultural backgrounds in workplaces Types of Conflicts There are various types of conflicts faced by virtual →

Financial republic, slovenia, spain, united states of

Forexample, Mandell examines financial literacy for a sample of high schoolstudents and finds that these students are not receiving a sufficient educationin financial matters. Often the tendency to incur excessive debt develops at avery young age. There is very little data that examines the financial literacy ofyoung adults and the extent that they →

“al futtaim group” current industry situation

It was established by Majib Al Futtaim in 1992 who manages three operating branches which are Majid Al Futtaim Properties, Majid Al Futaim Ventures and Majid Al Futtaim Retail. At the end of the year 2014, Majib Al Futtaim unaudited financial and operational results confirm growth where total revenue growing by eleven percent to twenty →

Case study leadership assignment

You would determine if external stakeholders are impacted by How would you determine if organizational culture and subculture would support a shared governance model? Nat types of nursing councils might be created to provide a framework for operation? Include what they would be responsible tort No would be the members on these councils?

Recruiting and retaining talent: the generation divide by nancy lewis

The employee turnover is explained by the author to be caused by the dissatisfaction of the employees with their career advancement opportunities, work/life balance, by the feeling of being unappreciated by the employer. In my opinion, the author of the article indirectly points to the at-will employment, a form of employment widely used in the →

The role of fathers article review

Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families; Administration on Children, Youth and Families; Head Start Bureau, 2004) Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons a dad might be separated from his kid. A competent, caring men figure can nurture and guide a kid effectively and contribute to all areas of the →

Management consultants

With this function it is possible to observe predictions of the number of passengers to a specific degree of certainty which is about 90%. This exponential function is a good alternative to the given one. It is probably possible to produce a model that is way more accurate than the provided one in this assignment.

Event this week

A representative of Greece creditorshave called on Greece to commit to the previously agreed reforms. The strong Euro currency has been dropping with time and has actually recorded a 12-year low as of today. Relation to Course learning The Greece financial crisis ties very closely to this course.

Nursing essays examples

The second method involved conducting interviews on the institutional leaders to assess their levels of cooperation and willingness to implement the proposed solution. The first variable to be measured is the levels of acceptance of the decisions made by the current leadership. In cases where the leadership involved all the →

Freshdirect company and jit production strategy

What internal resources and assets did FreshDirect have that gave it a competitive advantage? The company use JIT production strategy to reduce in-process inventory and other costs, good supply chain management which provides direct link with producers, and total quality management system that scans quality. All of these ensure that the company offers low prices, →


Management Questions and Answers Chapter 11 "Enterprise Systems" 4)What are two types of knowledge gathered and manipulated by a knowledge management system? The type of knowledge gathered and manipulated by a knowledge management are Background knowledge and Explicit or Rule-based knowledge. Background knowledge is a contextual and communicated knowledge that is expressed in texts.

Problem/ puzzle

The department concerned is the Credit Analysis Department which is responsible for making reports to be submitted to the Credit Committee. The Players: The primary character is Ms. B thought that he will be promoted as the Head but the Bank decided to hire Ms.A.Mr.

Reaction writing #1

She was critical of the style of over management that was represented in organizational theories such as Fredrick Taylor's ' Scientific Management', and instead suggested that what was more important was to boost the different kinds of interactions between the senior management and its workforce. Theory. In her understanding of human relations, Mary Parker Follet →

Leadership diary: excel software company

I used the opportunity to organize and coordinate activities and above all, I helped in collecting litter and emptying the litter bins. Day 5: It was a holiday, so my siblings and I went visiting the game reserve and animal orphanages. By so doing he used his leadership skills to instill the need for morality →


Climate Change The research will focus in a description of various effects of climate change in Madagascar on a general basis and how it affects the adaptation characteristics of reptiles in this region. 1. It is an imperative issue to assess in this research. Cultivation and infrastructural developments are the major land uses caused →

Environmental lab

This is achievable by clicking on the duration bar at the bottom and then reading changes in quantity of other ecosystem occupiers, and then I recorded. Results/Outcome Years Zebra and Quagga Mussel Phytoplankton Zooplankton Cladophora Biomass Foraging Fish Lake Trout 0 →

Social phobia

When categorized, social phobia falls into the group of stage fright and panics and are considered to be a form of social anxiety disorder. In addition, the disorder can be caused due to environmental factors which are responsible for shaping the attitudes and behaviors of individuals within a society. Works Cited " Social Phobia ".

Towards an understanding of human resource management

Employee's demission and training, and the negative attitude become major obstacles in the way of our company's development. After discussion and analysis, I am cognizant of the long-term relationship between staff and organization is important for company development.

Is children’s behavior better or worse than it was years ago? essay sample

In an opinion poll, it shows that many people have seen more and more poor behavior today than 20 years ago. In an opinion poll, it showed that about seventy percent of responders believe that child behavior has worsened over the years.

Example of argumentative essay on positive effects of washington initiative 502

The law legalized the use of specific amounts of marijuana, tax people who deal with the drug and use the revenue collected in the fight against drug and substance abuse. The use and possession of marijuana is however, restricted to person above the age of 21.

Good justification report essay example

Most of the staff hired in the accounts, supply and legal departments are aligned to the head of departments in the particular sections. The second phase will be a research will be a study of an organization that has used this in their structure to correct a similar problem.

Risk management

Risk Management Risk Management Risk assessment is important because it provides organizations with a clear view of the risks posed by current and future processes, investments, or operations. This is because organizations that perform risk assessment effectively operate more efficiently and have a better understanding of their industries. Risk assessment is used in determining the →

The definition of macroeconomics

The great depression in the 1930's has given a major boost for the study of the economics of a country and to frame policies which when faced with a crisis will provide sufficient inputs to successfully overcome the crisis. Macroeconomics also helps to understand the distribution of the national income among the different classes of →

Monopolies – gas and electric

Monopolizing business sectors like electricity industry and gas industry is both beneficial and detrimental to any economy, thus requires maximum regulation by the government of the given country. Government's intervention leading to monopolization of the gas and electric sectors of the given country will have positive and negative implication to the general economy. Moreover, government's →

Discuss the overall trend in postwar aggregate productivity in the us

In the next episode, from the late 1970s through early 1990s, there were lower MFP growth with an average of 0. In the last episode, from the mid-1990s up to now, experiencing an intermediate level of MFP growth of 1.

The price elasticity of gasoline in the united states has been estimated to be 0.15. if this is so, should profit maximizing gasoline stations raise their prices explain why or why not

Explain why or why not Arguments One of the important concepts that can influence the pricing strategy is price elasticity of demand which shows the change in the quantity demanded of a certain product due to change in the price of the same product. Another important concept is the income elasticity which refers to →

The provided $150 million in free media

Dove focused on how to reframe the purpose of purchasing beauty products, they concentratedon the utilitarian view i.e. the quality of the product and the price which isnot virtually shown in the ads. Also, it reflects the mission of dove's advertising campaign, which is to redefinebeauty.

How facebook profiles predict job success

Also, photos of you in social situations with lots of people are a good thing, compared to pictures of you alone on your couch. This newfound method of screening potential employees on Facebook to evaluate the " Big 5" personality traits could cost you a job in the future.

Every american needs to know about israel/palestine

Every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine Israel-Palestine conflicts The conflicts between Israel and Palestine are one of the world's major causes to global instability. On the contrary, no support was extended to the Palestinians. The United nation has been working on resolutions that have greatly targeted Israel and Palestine.

The us and the soviet union terror after 1945 essay

The US and the Soviet Union Terror after 1945After 1945, when the World War II was over, the United States started developing fear of the Soviet Union. These factors led to the Soviet Union so fearful of the United States.

teachers day essay sample

On this day, we gratefully remember the great educationist Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, whose dream was that " Teachers should be the best minds in the country". Hence, Teachers' Day is very important for all our people, for our students and even for all the parents, as the teachers lay the foundation for creating enlightened →

Fahrenheit 451

The dystopia Montag is surrounded by and the brain- washed society he lives among, leads him against society to demolish censorship, nd gain the knowledge he has been longing for. In his novel, Bradbury demonstrates to his readers how censorship was fought against to prevent the destruction of society and government, the fighter →

Huge base of distance swimming

Swimming made it into the Olympics in 1896." With this said the main training from the 1 Boob's to about the 20th century was all with a huge base Of distance swimming. Your performance over time deteriorates because your muscle contractions are impaired. Sprint training helps you get used to this kind of fatigue and →

Short answers

Unemployment according to classical is as a result of lack of utilization of all the resources in the economy. This is done through Central bank that ensures that there is more money in circulation. The classical would advocate that the Federal Government supply money so as to match the rate of unemployment growth.

Unit iv assessment#1 biomass exposure

Unit IV Assessment Biomass Exposure The calculatingly compare biomass with LPG to designate the adverse effects brought about by poverty and ignorance on the use of fuels. It was also a pertinent comparison of the adverse effects of biomass as compared to LPG, expertly intended to discourage people and governments to avert using biomass. Exposure →

Essay on skills, education, and the rise of earnings inequality among the other 99 percent

Assignment #: Skills, education, and the rise of earnings inequality among the " other 99 percent" In my opinion, neither of the two propositions is fully consistent with David H. According to Autor, the key reason for growing income inequality is the increasing wage premium on education and skills.


A clone is a group of cells or organisms which are genetically identical and have all been produced from the same original cell. Human cloning leads to the commodification and commercialization of human life.

Pkg 381 #1

When disposed, they decompose over a short period of time. Environmentally Harmful Package: Plastic Filtered water are mostly packed in plastic, these plastics take hundreds of years to break down when disposed and are also expensive to recycle. There should be laws to help us manage our environment and avoid laziness.

Define a job-seekers reservation wage and its relevance to the expectations-augmented phillips curve

Jobseekers Reservation Wage and Phillips Curve by + Jobseekers Reservation Wage and Phillips Curve Unemployed individuals seeking jobs usually have wage expectations relative to the existing wage rate in the labor market and play a significant role in determining whether they will accept a job offer. Hence, the job search models indicate that optimal →

Collapse of oil prices

Collapse of Oil Prices An article posted on the Wall Street Journal on 14th of May, reflects on the IMF outlook regarding the collapse of the world's oil prices. However, in the second phase, the oil prices for the crude oil dropped further to $ 50 and IMF suggests that a decrease in the oil →

The effect of trade unions on causing labour market failure today essay sample

However as the market changes, this cause of LMF is losing significance. As the market forces of supply and demand settle on a wage rate of W1, the presense of a union increasing the rate to W2 will cause LMF by causing employment to drop from L1 to L3 This is despite their being →