350 Words Essay Samples

Four forces of evolution

The introduction of new alleles from the nearby populations resulted in new genetic variation in the populations. The random mutation of the species' genetic codes led to genetic variation that resulted in the emergence of new populations.

My culture

Stanly Jones School of Evangelism and World Mission who defined as an integrated system of learned, shared ideas that people in society carry in their heads, which in turn are expressed in the form of material artifacts and observable behavior that members of society shared in common. In my culture, we have some prehistorical events →

Macaque primates

According to information from Georgia State University's Viral Immunology Center, the Macaques live in various habitats all across the globe and many of them are used in the research of the AIDS virus. While there are several species of the Macaques, the smaller species include the Javas, Longtailed and Crab-eating species.

The dikikka child and homo floresiensis

The fossil caused a rethinking of human evolution due to several of its features. Discoveries such as Floresiensis, Lucy's baby and A.sediba challenge the conventional notions of human evolution.

Clifford geertz’s description of culture

In an alternative formulation, Geertz states, " Believing, with Max Weber, that man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretative in search of meaning" →


Providing a path to education and employment, was the goals of the Dream Act that was placed before congress in 2011, failing to get the Senate vote. This act had provisions for higher education and citizenship status and college availability for those immigrants who have been in the United States throughout school with no citizenship.

Introduction and brief analysis of the yellow wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper Close by its investigation of mental illness, The Yellow Wallpaper offers a study of customary sexual orientation parts as they were characterized amid the late nineteenth century, the time in which the story is set and was composed. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an unmistakable women's activist, who dismissed the trappings of conventional →

Trigonometry in real life essay sample

The angle of elevation can be formed, when an individual to the front of this structure raise his/her head to look at this, making a line of sight with the horizontal. And by determining the distance to the covered court and the angle at which they stand in relation to the top of this structure.

Mathematical modelling of a hyperboloid container essay sample

Empirical modelling involves examining data related to the problem with a view of formulating or constructing a mathematical relationship between the variables in the problem using the available data. For deterministic modelling, it involves the use of equation or set of equations to model or predict the outcome of an event or the value of →

Consumer math

A specific example of annuities is when one deposits a certain amount at a savings plan at the end of each year for five years. Indeed, it is essential for every individual to understand the concepts covered by consumer math because it has a huge impact on one's personal finances.

Composition and inverse

So, f h = 2x + 5 - f h = - = Then upon substitution of 4 into ' x', = = 12 Evaluate the following two compositions: A: would pertain to a composition where the function g is composed within the function f such that g serves as an expression that replaces ' →

Aqr vi.d.9

The specification was the general principle that governed the selection. The beta value of the portfolio is -25.

Real world radical formulas

C/4b = 1/3 d Taking the reciprocal of both sides we get, 4b/C = 3 d Taking the third root of both sides we obtain 3 = d Rearranging, d = 3 c) C= 4d-1/3b b = 13. 5 = d-1/3 0.

History of mathematics

Mersenne used the academy as a forum to spread the ideas of Descartes who was in Netherlands. For Descartes, Fermat and Mersenne, mathematics was their passion.

Discussion question

The order dual of every Boolean algebra obtained by interchanging AND and OR is also a Boolean algebra. On the other hand, given a Boolean ring A, this can be turned into a Boolean algebra by the definition x OR y = x +y + xy and x AND y = xy.

My utopia job

Keep them happy and healthy; make it affordable for all of them and their families.* State of the art facility with the latest technologies available, giving the employee a safe and clean workplace.* My Utopia Job would be a Bench Mark facility.* It would offer Tuition Reimbursement plans so that your employees can extend their →

Utilitarianism and moral rules essay sample

As a matter of fact, utilitarianism justifies the breaking of moral rules by claiming that it is sometimes essential and morally right to break moral rules, such as telling lies and breaking promises. In these cases, utilitarianism justify the breaking of the moral rules because it asserts that if breaking the moral rules leads to →

Free relationships essay example

In conclusion, it is clear that Pauline and Cholly is a happy couple at first in that Cholly pays attention to Pauline who is marked as the outsider because of her foot condition. In the long run, the couple is not happy because Pauline has to endure physical and verbal abuse from her husband.

Why we are scared of artificial intelligence

In any case, we can consider the fate of AI, and how we will create machines that help us. We know our future will be tied up with AI, it's imperative that we know the following level of AI.

Emotional intelligence

Hence emotion Influencing information processing Emotion understanding: rich emotion knowledge base such as cause, bodily sensation, expressive modes and how the emotion functions Inter personally Emotion regulation: monitor and manage emotion In self and others to produce the desired out come In a given situation IQ Is mostly determined by genetics and so It can →

Howard gardner’s eight types of intelligence

Although most people are a combination of many distinct Intelligence types, the TESTS Instructor's familiarization of such Is a great way to contribute to the preferred learning styles and cultural differences In the classroom. They thrive when they sit in the front of the class so that they can examine the body language of the →

Emotional intelligence

Some of the varieties of roles in macro practice include the following: enabler editor, integrator/coordinator, general manager, educator, analyst/evaluator broker, facilitator, initiator, negotiator, immobilizers, and advocate." Macro social work is the practice of helping people solve social problems and make social change at the community, organizational, societal, and global levels". Put yourself In the role →

Critical thinking on hospital billing

The main purpose attached to records of patients is for the documentation of the care of that given patient. Other than documentation of the patient's information, the medical records serve as tools for collecting, storing and processing the information of the patient.

Moving towards sustainable prosperity essays example

Degrowth simply means a change in the living style of the inhabitants that means a cut in the production and consumption activities of the individuals so that such an economic system can be developed that is in line with the ecological system of the earth. Sustainable degrowth involves a simple lifestyle so I will choose →

Activity 1

What are the members of the Solar System? ANS. The large planet is Jupiter.

Non conformists essay sample

The Catholic Church's speculated teachings of the universe were invalidated by Non conformity, the same way The Vigils and Brother Leon lost their power of the students in The Chocolate War; by someone taking a stand for what they believe is right, and other people being open to new ideas. His interest in astronomy compelled →

Literature review on birds of america by lorrie moore

The short story by Lorrie Moore named " Birds of America" is written in English but at times the use of language makes reading the story difficult. The father's words give the reader a sense of the disorientation the parent's feel in Peed Onk, their sleep deprivation and the shock of their baby having cancer.

Free essay about tuberculosis in china

In order to achieve the goal of global tuberculosis control, various strategies such as strong system of health insurance for TB and DOTS strategy, which is a very cost-effective treatment, have been implemented in China since the year 1990. Researchers have also noted that the cost for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is influenced by →


Who were the Xiongnu, the Uighurs, the Khitan, and the Jurchen in relation to the Chinese? What were the major sources of opposition to Buddhism in China?

Peking opera

Nueva Cancion is seen as playing a powerful role in the social upheavals in Portugal, Spain, and Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s. Nueva Cancion started in Chile in the 1960s and was known as " The Chilean New Song".

Ming dynasty and guide – northern eurasia essay sample

What did the Jesuits do to gain converts in China? 17. What was to be Russia's " window to the West"?

Abacus history and use essay sample

The abacus, often called the earliest calculating machine in the world, has a long history. The earliest mention of the abacus can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, where it was mentioned in a book by Xu Yue in about 190 A.

Maya angelou’s what’s so funny: an eye opener

In Maya Angelou's excerpt, " What's So Funny? " she pointed out that vulgarity and crudeness happens to be the direction in which comedians, entertainers, and people take their jokes. A lot of us tend to be confused as to where to draw the line.

The crucible

Elements of Production Major PerformanceThe Crucible is commonly perceived as a complex work, thematically using characters and setting, to establish Miller? s parallelism; my initial misgivings of performing such a classic example of American literature concerned me until the performances itself, but the experience was very rewarding. In this light, Tituba can be perceived, not →

Midsummer nights dream essay sample

For this reason, I believe that none of the couple in the Shakespeare's comedy " The midsummer night dream" are truly in love. However, the love of Hernia and Lysander, Demetrius and Helena, Oberon and Titanic is not completely and utterly true love.

Globalization needs in order to progress?to undergo globalization.

In the aspect of employment, it has opened a lot of job opportunities for the people. Apart from its positive impact in economic aspect, it has also a negative impact and the consciousness of people is now awakened.

Western europe and russia, 1450-1750 essay sample

Many of the core areas of the West transformed; governments increased their powers, science became the centerpiece of intellectual life and ideas on family and marriage changed. Important technological improvements, such as the " flying shuttle," improved efficiency and speed in the production of certain products.

Hate crime: the globalization of hate

The globalization of hate consists of these to explain on how cyber hate, virtual community and strengthening the global movement. Hate groups took the advantage of the nature of the internet through text and messaging.

Culture and self identity.

Culture itself is always evolving and changing, depending on the place, the environment and the community in which a person is a part of. The traditional nationality, religion and community culture all come together to form a unique blend that makes a person who they are.

Aviation market in apac

Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?

Free report on orifices experiment

In contrast, the third orifice resulted into 560 m head over jet with a fixed volume of 20 L and a flow rate of 0. With respect to the flow rate, it is faster as the head over jet and distance increases.

Free article review on open skies agreement

It allows airlines from the involved states to fly in areas within USA and the European Union. Open Skies' implementation of changes is likely to face a myriad of organizational and bureaucratic challenges in the future.

Good natural disaster – flooding research proposal example

The purpose of writing this paper is mainly to acquaint the reader with the consequences of flooding and the steps one could take to save lives as well as protect oneself from harm. As a writer of this paper, my position on the subject is that of prevention and care ahead of the actual flood →

The bush administration essay sample

The first Bush government got involved in a conflict with Iraq, which led to the Gulf War. The United States became the front liner in the 34 nation U.N.-backed coalition force against Iraq when Iraq annexed and invaded Kuwait.

The american red cross essay examples

The principle aim of the Red Cross is to provide disaster relief to the citizens of the United States. The objectives of the American Red Cross are to ensure that all individuals affected by disasters in the United States receive shelter, care, and support.

Systems of natural science essay

This ecosystem is known as the mangrove swamp of the Borneo Island which is a peat swap forest that is located along the coasts of two different countries which are the Indonesia and Malaysia. The soil in the region is known to be rarely flooded and associated with the building up of organic matter.

Research paper on comparison of two sculptures

Perhaps one of the most famous sculptures of the Medieval Age, the Enthroned Virgin is slim and unlike the Degas dancer is almost ethereal like in character. The facial expression of the sculpture demonstrates a certain sense of misery and intensity with the throne being quite an important part of the whole work.

Dance is an art

Hip-hop dance refers to social or choreographed dance styles primarily danced to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. What separates hip-hop dance from other forms of dance is that it is oftenfreestyle in nature and hip-hop dancers frequently engage in battles formal or informal freestyle dance competitions.


One of the traditions and usually the highlight of the Debutante's Ball is the Grand Cotillion Waltz where the Debutante, her Escort and their Court will perform a highly -choreographed dance. Part of the tradition is where the Dad takes the 1st dance of the night, usually a waltz dance.

Looking paper

In The Countess Von Schonfeld with Her Daughter, Elisabeth Louise Vigee- Lebrun used size and placement to emphasize the figures of the mother and the young daughter. It is a painting of a women holding her daughter on her lap, the women being " The Grafin von Schonfeld." The woman is dressed in this beautiful →

Persuasive speech

An abortion is a very dangerous procedure that can cause the death of a woman. ADVICE: Abortion is an unsafe decision that rids the life of a living child.

Athena and telemachus

Here Athena is trying to get Telemachus to realize that it's time for his father to come to Ithaca, and he has to get the suitors out of his home. In The Odyssey Telemachus is portrayed as a boy who has to grow up, he needs to find the courage and guidance to find his →

Differences between achilles and gilgamesh essay sample

The characteristics of Achilles are very similar to the characteristics of Gilgamesh. The death of both of their friends devastates Achilles and Gilgamesh.

Disney’s hercules and the heroic code

Throughout the course of the film, Hercules faces a series of challenges and events which test his strength and ability. By Hercules' masculine nature, divine parent, divine helper, trip to the underworld, and fulfillment of kleos, Hercules would have been considered a hero in Ancient Greek society despite the archetypical traits left unfulfilled in the →

The cold war

Book Review Assignment TITLE OF THE BOOK: " TheCold War: A Very Short Introduction" by Robert McMahon This review focuses on one of the themes of the course, Main Currents of Modern History OBJECTIVE: The aims of this book review are: 1. To study about the final phases of the cold war and its impact →

Why did the us introduce marshall aid?

The Marshall Plan started the Truman Doctrine in June 1947, when it was announced that $17 billion should be given to Europe to help rebuild their inefficient economy and prevent the spread of communism. For the countries in Europe that received aid through the Marshall Plan it was seen as a way of rebuilding their →

The best candidate for scholarship

I set realisticgoalsfor myself and I try to finish anything that I start. I say, " I want to be a successful accountant." Which is on of my long-term goals.

James joyce background information

James Joyce Essay: First Two Pages James Joyce, author of " Araby," " Eveline," and Ulysses, attempts to correct the way of life in his home town of Dublin, Ireland, through his works. From his life in Dublin, James Joyce received ample inspiration from the social unrest of his hometown.

Giraffe evolution

The idea that the giraffe got its long neck due to food shortages in the lower reaches of trees seems almost self-evident. From the giraffe having to force itself in order to live it evolved to having the long neck we all know today.

From africa and back: an analysis of african-american views essay sample

On African-American Education Booker Taliaferro Washington, born in 1856, was known as a great educator and leader of the African-American community. On Returning to Africa Because of problems met by newly-freed black slaves in the early 1800s, including hostility coming from whites, the Back to Africa movement was introduced by the American Colonization Society, composed →

Sociology the family

Sociology The Family Essay Plan Describe and evaluate the following views of the family; * Functionalist * Marxist * Feminist * Interactionist Compare these views making reference to the changing nature of family structures, gender roles and family patterns. Briefly mention the perspectives which are you going to discuss and the main differences when viewing →

According of fact, human beings are pre programmed

The components of reading are the text in the printed form and themessages, the meaning of the text itself. From that definition, it canbe derived that the text is as the symbol of reading and the message is themeaning of the text.

Christians consider the canonization of new testament start of the second century and end before a. d. 100

Christians consider the canonization of new testament start of the second century and end before A.D.100. But it is impossible that the text that the author of the Thomas Gospel, the Gospel of the truth, the Philosophical Gospel of Philip, or just a few fictional acts want is an NT capture section.

Deductive method versus inductive method

And the disadvantage of this method, the students cannot participate because only the teacher is the one who is discussing the topic. Inductive method, in this method the students are more involved in teaching learning process the students can give a lot of ideas about the topic and the teacher will be the facilitator and →

The present moment is always where you are

When our attention is in the present moment, we push fear from our minds. Fear is the concern over events that might happen in the future - we will not have enough money, our children will get into trouble, we will get old and die, whatever.

Production techniques from “gattaca” and their importance essay sample

In the movie " Gattaca", the director uses lots of production techniques to prove his point and ideas about a futuristic world where they " have discrimination down to a science". In the beginning of the movie we are told that the action takes place in the future, but from the look of the buildings →

Critical thinking on design and defend a strategic learning plan

The objective would be to assist the classroom teacher by supporting the teacher in offering additional support to the student. The activity would be referred to as study time where all students would work on academics.

Reply to articles article review

The first article focuses on the basic legal rights stipulated in the civil rights section of the AFL-CIO website. For fear of losing jobs, African Americans avoided fighting for their rights and put up with the harassment.

Dr. george henderson: movie reviews example

Changing from a black community to functioning in a white one. The Day George Henderson Slipped and Became a Racist.

Good creative writing about the four schools of thought: liberalism

It encourages diversity of ideas and products and activities in the society and offers freedom for everyone to enter into the market. The International Relations of Middle-earth.

Business: communism and united states

What do you think Julie would say about the benefits of living in the US and the drawbacks of living in Belgium, and how would Jean-Paul respond? With the capitalist system in the U.S.you have the right to own private property, the right to own a business and keep all that business's profits, the right →

Slavery civil rights movement

But rather it was that in the human species that we have the ability to use reason to create and construct the world in which we live via producing the requisite needs necessary for our existence over and over again. According to Marx, " it is only through creative production that human consciousness is created →

Call an attractive package with many benefits, but

This enables you to pick an attractive package with many benefits, but not feel a dent in the finances why paying for it. In addition, you can also brainstorm with the agent to see places that you want to explore, for which they will make smart inclusions into an available tour plan.

Analysis of abraham lincoln’s house divided speech

Following this speech, the table was set for a series of heavy debates between Lincoln and Douglas. Lincoln's " House Divided" Speech against Douglas cemented his name in the national mind and paved the way for his successful run for president, which was the premonition of a monumental and dangerousCivil Warbetween those going against slavery →


The Internet is such a medium that it can give many options for the kind of information required. Unnecessary sensationalism of an issue may project wrong information to the public.

Some on advertising for a long time. let’s

It's no exaggeration to say that advertising is the engine of theInternet. However, it is difficult to evaluate in real trials, since thereare many variables that determine the speed of displaying web pages.

Assignment template essay sample

And it shows its features It shows some pictures of real people so people will more drawn to the ad and itemIt is shown by the creator so it's a credible source. It shows facts about the item.

How effective was victorian policing?

There were reforms which meant that there were less drunkenness in the force and the public approved the police were seen more as a friend than threat. There was an increase in the number of arrest the police made and the crime rate began to steadily fall.

Functionalists view on crime

Ordinary crime is not a threat to the social order. Society's response to crime in the form of negative feedback helps the citizenry recognize the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.

The effects of drugs on our society and youths

A survey was conducted and showed that most people found it to be true that youths between the of 14-22 use recreational drugs. Recreational drugs are not limited to any particular group in society, meaning that a very wide variety of people choose to use the drugs; including teenagers, parents, business people, and often very →

Sulla (early life, first march on rome, and the first mithridatic wars)

In his first march on Rome Sulla was in the position of counsel as he appointed by the senate. Sulla ran through the walls of Rome and his soldiers overpowered the Gladiators as he angrily addressed the senate.

Ancient greek theater research paper

The choruses were only men, as were the actors and the audience. The plays originally had a chorus of up to 50 people who performed the plays accompanied bymusic, beginning in the morning and lasting until the evening.

The difference between ancient china and egypt

Ancient China and Egypt By: Jessica Isham Ancient Egypt and Ancient China were 2 of the biggest civilizations thousands of years ago. The religion of ancient Egypt was polytheistic and centered on the divinity of the ruler and the eternity of the soul.

Constitutional supremacy

It is also called legislative supremacy because thelegislature is not a body created by the Constitution neither the powerof the legislature is limited by the Constitution. The Constitutional supremacy means that the Constitution is supremeover the parliament and the parliament can exercise its functions beingonly within the bounds of the Constitution.

What do someone’s eyes indicate about his or her personality?

" What do someone's eyes indicate about his or herpersonality? " Personality consists of a wide variety of attributes and traits; therefore I do not believe that a personality can be determined merely by looking at someone's eyes. And have you seem the look in the eyes of a person who temporarily spaces out and →

Article review on research methods and sex differences, personality and cculture

Sample data is used in the experiment of sex differences, personality and culture. The article is able to establish statistically that a relationship exists between sex differences and personality.

Using therefore the e. coli rubisco assembly system,

Using the E.coli RuBisCO assembly system, it may be possible to enhance the effectiveness of plant RuBisCo to increase crop yields. This increased efficient in Rubisco carboxylation decreases the overall amount of nitrogen needed to support photosynthesis and plant growth While the methods established by Aigner et al.were aimed specifically at the expression of RuBisCo, →

Essay on the memory in decision making

It is these pictures that are used to influence the way people think in life. However, in the case that I came to realize of any manipulation, I would have a lot of questions left unanswered, such as, why the publisher or photographer had to go through all the trouble to modify the picture.

Beauty is more than skin deep essay sample

But on the other hand, have we ever taken into consideration the inner beauty of a person, which is of course the core character of oneself. There are a lot of qualities that can make someone beautiful on the inside; it is not only the physical attraction on the outside.

Psychological and psychophysiological stress disorders

What are the four stages in meeting the psychological needs of disaster victims? a. 4) Meditation-helps patients to go into a relaxed state and release stress.

Example of colon cancer essay

The implementation of various healthy lifestyle choices effectively prevents the occurrence of colon cancer. A healthy diet based on whole grains and limited amounts of fat are a healthy choice in the prevention of colon cancer.

Monroe versus madison.

Madison was the first time the Supreme Court declared something " unconstitutional", and established the concept of judicial review in the U.S. Marbury was never appointed a Justice of Peace in the District of Columbia.

Background to primary justice in malawi

BACKGROUND TO PRIMARY JUSTICE PILOT PROJECT In May 1999, the Malawi Government and DFID/MaSSAJ commissioned an external consultancy agency to conduct a study on Primary Justice in Rural Malawi, to investigate issues that are related to the protection, safety and access to justice by the poorest and most vulnerable groups in rural areas in Malawi. →

Good example of essay on lesson plan to build self esteem to tackle bullying

Subject: Moral Science - Lesson topic: Bullying trend among the school student - duration: 15 minutes - Objective:- Also, the students will also learn how to tackle the bullies in school and outside the school.- The students will also learn to build self esteem which would help them in tackling the bullies.- Summary of →

Free article review on sociology

The officer was arrested for 20 years and a fine of $100000. Later in the year the same officer was charged with physically harassing a man who operates a plowing business and took everything that he owned.