350 Words Essay Samples

Free patient care essay example

If the patient corporate with the Physician, it becomes easy for the Physician to treat the disease well. It is for the benefit of Physician- Patient caregiver relation.

(love) ethical issues in healthcare

Describe examples of each morality type Personal morality is the contrast of right and wrong according to an individual's own perspective and own set standards. Group morality on the other hand is the contrast values of right and wrong that are stipulated by each group according to the group dynamics and its organizational culture.

Discussion authorship & guidelines

This kind of development is significantly tied to the growth and development of the professional body of knowledge. E, Riner, M.

Community of practice

Community in Practice Community in Practice Hispanic Community Potential community and family stressors Among the Hispanic community, the aspect of family is highly valued as it is considered as a source of support and joy. Religion is regarded as a major community and family stressors in the access of healthcare services in dealing with such β†’

Think about a time when a patients cultural beliefs, values, or customs created a conflict between the goals of nursing and health care and the dictates of a patients cultural background. how did you resolve this conflict what changes will you make

This was one case of real conflict since such a culture is not in line with the healthcare regulations and codes of ethics. Another measure is to champion for healthcare promotion which helps in mitigating such effects of cultural beliefs in the outcome of patient's healthcare.

Health care a td #2

In order to reduce the rampant use of mobile phones by teenagers and other drivers, the best advocacy efforts would be to post visual images on the internet and set up bill boards along the streets to sensitize the youth on the dangers of texting while driving. On the internet, the best approach would be β†’


In order to research current application of the concept of perceived control in health related research aimed at adults. Theoretical perspectives of perceived control in older adults: A selective Review of the literature.


My understanding of the reading relates to my work at the organization as derived in chapter 4 of the book, " Images of organizations" by Gareth Morgan. As such, an understanding of the brain would help us to understand our organization.

Application of a borrowed nursing theory to a nursing issue

According to Watson, the theory of human caring offers a structure that nurse leaders can employ to reinstate the nurses' value-oriented mission of care that permits the leaders to care for nurses and promote wellness. Nursing The philosophy and science of caring.

Healthy people 2020 evaluation

The strength of Healthy People 2020 is exhibited in their public health goals which are more comprehensive and standard than those of other streamlined programs in existence. In as much as Healthy People 2020 is present to increase the health status of the citizens, it has been incapacitated by the level of poverty and illiteracy β†’

Example of antidepressants and children essay

One of the controversies of diagnostic label is that they can bring lapse in treatment because the clinician might decide that the problem has already been found after listening to the patient's labels. The therapist's experience and expertise also determines the success of psychological treatment because lack of the therapist's skills will slow the treatment β†’

Discussion board seven

As a profession, nursing constitutes a field of study within the healthcare sector that focuses on the care of individuals, families, and communities with the objective of maintaining, attaining, and recovering optimal health and quality of life. As they advance, nurses are exposed to both theoretical and practical knowledge pertinent in the field of nursing.

The role of nurses in improving hospital quality and efficiency

Moreover, the legislation has led to the redefining of the health care system by introducing changes that have improved the quality, accountability and efficiency of the health care system; hence, helping reduce costs of providing health care to Americans. The roles of government in improving health care quality and safety.

Application for the nursing post – resume/cv example

In line with the requirements of a modern nursing professional, I believe that I meet several of what would be needed in my duties if my application were successful. I offer to make positive contributions and cooperation as required of me during the processing of my application.

Applying servant leadership in practice 2

Alternatively, extrinsic motivation is the aspiration to achieve an external reward in which an individual work hard to receive the reward. As a result, the difference between the two is the source of the motivation that stimulates one to improve his or her skills.

I concur with your discussion that a prerequisite of a bachelor of science in nursing (bsn)

I concur with your discussion that a prerequisite of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing is a current trend in the healthcare field. Response to Kimberly Baumann Kimberly, I concur with your discussion that the use of social media is a current trend in healthcare.

Difference between group at risk and vulnerable population with examples

Difference between Group " At Risk" and " Vulnerable" Population with Examples The group ' at risk' in relation to poor health refers to those individuals who remain under a constant threat of facing health related issues, as they are exposed to certain risks. On the other hand, the group of ' vulnerable population' β†’

Example of abnormal psychology essay

However, the symptoms must be proven to negatively interfere with the functioning of the patient, and they must have been noticed at a relatively early age, preferably before 12. The theme that was most appropriate for questioning was hallucinations as it is the most common symptom of the condition.

The importance of effective communication to quality nursing care

It involves the passing of information between the key players in the care of the patient. The quality of care provided to the patients is improved which is determined by the result of the whole process.

Talking of the mission and domains of grand canyon university essay sample

Talking of the Mission and Domains of Grand Canyon University and to compare it with the college of nursing Mission, it can be said Grand Canyon University focuses on the goal that is set by the American Association of College of Nursing, for advance practice nursing in relation to master education. With all said by β†’


Therefore, as an organization that works with them, Burns and Grove input can be implemented so that both student nurses and baccalaureate nurses can understand nursing research and implement the research in their practice at the workplace. The organization can also ensure that it introduces a research facility that nurses can use in terms of β†’

People all over the world prefer to watch foreign films much more than the locally produced ones. why is the case? should the government give financial support to the local film industry?

A comprehensive analysis concerning the reasons of this phenomenon and whether the government should provide financial aid to support the local film industry will be discussed in this essay. Supporting the local film industry will enable the widespread of its culture and this seems an essential approach to help a country be more powerful in β†’

Good evening honored guests, ladies, gentlemen andΒ studentsΒ –

As the Graduating Class of 2013, we need to express our gratitude for the wonderful opportunities that we were exposed to. Take a moment to look back and to see and appreciate just how far we all have come.

Reaction paper on the film “a beautiful mind”

With this illness, he was not able to separate the imaginary world from the real world he is living in, with all the hallucinations and nonexistent friends he has. Lucky for him that he has understanding wife, because if it was not for her love and support, he would not be able to get through β†’

Lord of flies movie review essays examples

To add to the aspect of manning a territory, we can see from the movie that the choir boys made spears from wood which made them like the soldiers in the group. The notion in a way shows that they kind of made a single tribe where they could understand each other.

Review of β€œfootball factory”

It is showing us a world and a way of living that is hard and impossible to relate to. In the beginning of the movie, he says " The best thing next to violence is sex" and that is what he is living and breathing for.

Road accident

The motorcyclist somersaulted over the car and was found lying in a pool of blood. The taxi driver stopped his taxi and I quickly ran to the nearest to the nearest telephone booth to inform the police and the hospital.

Homeless to harvard movie review essay sample

She is able to turn her onerous life around by getting off the streets and going back to high school. Liz is a truly unique person and I feel she has touched the hearts of those who have heard her story.


The irony of the story is that Cordelia was assumed to be a prostitute until she was offered money for her affections. Cordelia gave him the clues that he was used to.

The bloody chamber

Suspense in ' Weekend' can hardly be compared with the suspense in ' The Bloody Chamber'. Whereas the suspense in ' The Bloody Chamber' makes you curious and continue read, in ' Weekend' you do not necessarily have the feeling that it is a riveting read.

Critical thinking on he hadde made ful many a marriage

Based on your reading of The General Prologue, what do you believe are some of the predominant aspects of English society that Chaucer intends to write about in The Canterbury Tales? Chaucer begins his descriptions of his fellow pilgrims with a description of the Knight and then proceeds to describe all the other pilgrims roughly β†’

Robert m lafollette

Education: Attended University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Wisconsin Law School. Contributions: As governor, he created corporate tax and implemented " The Wisconsin Idea", a plan to use government as an agent of social and political reform.

Example of essay on the higher education of women in america prior to 1860

The establishment of Massachusetts' Harvard College, in 1636, was the beginning of American higher education. In spite of these advancements in the campaign for education of women, only a handful of colleges in America educated women prior to the 1861-to-1865 civil war.

Kent vs us

Assuming that the District of Columbia juvenile court would consider waiving jurisdiction to the adult system, Kent's attorney filed a motion requesting a hearing on the issue of jurisdiction. The Court ruled the waiver invalid, stating that Kent was entitled to a hearing that measured up to " the essentials of due process and fair β†’

Colon cancer is the third leading causes of cancer deathsin the united states

Although mortality and morbidity rates of colon cancerdecreased in US over the past decade due to improved awareness and screening, there will be an estimated 93, 090 new cases of colon cancer in year 2015 and 5%of Americans would be diagnosed with colon cancer in life time. In thisstudy we will show these new dimensions β†’

Culture wars creative writing sample

The Democrats believed in the significance of traditional family values and religion. Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America; [making Sense of the Battles Over the Family, Art, Education, Law, and Politics].

9/11: a marine’s opinion

In New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, across the United States and the world, people carried out rituals now as familiar as they are heartbreaking: American flags unfurled at the new World Trade Center, and tears shed at the base of the Pentagon. I am going to be a full-fledged Marine in less than a year, β†’

A century of dishonor

The government grants everyone the right's of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This document serves educational and gives an insight to readers on the treatment received by the Native Americans.

Research paper on should the us strike syria

It is difficult as of late to find a headline that is not about the US's potential strike on Syria for the regime's use of chemical weapons. This is a similar line of reasoning the US had for not wanting Cuba to become communist, that the rest of the countries in the region would follow β†’

The progressive era in the us essay

It is possible to single out a number of persons who can be regarded as symbols of the Progressive Era, symbols that contributed into development of particular areas in the US society. These people's activities were aimed at improving welfare of Americans and they managed to reach their goals as they started a new era β†’

Louisiana purchase treaty of 1803

Because of concern with French intentions, the purchase was to be for a tract of land on the lower Mississippi, or at least, free navigation of the river. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory was of an enormous benefit to the United States.

Example of the results of the twelve-year war fought in afghanistan research paper

United States of America was dragged into a war and invasion in Afghanistan in response to the attacks conducted against the World Trade Center. The war has led to organization of rebel groups and other factions' establishment in Afghanistan.

Case texas instrument

The major management system of TI is OST System, which is Objective, Strategies, and Tactics System. Planning and control system on TI encourage the development of new product.

Chapter 7 summary

On page 136, Zinn expresses how the U.S.lied in the statement: "'a permanent home...which will under the most solemn guarantee of the United States be and remain theirs forever.' It was another lie." This movement to get rid of the Indians was aided by General Jackson, who set the Indian removal into effect in the β†’

It’s their culture. but even culturally, ethiopians

There have been many allegations made in the past about the adoption facility's putting forth children to be adopted that were not orphans, this would sometimes be called " child harvesting", and a lot of the time with these cases the parents would not be able to afford helping their children and giving them the β†’

Jesse owens annotated bibliography

It shows how he had to quit running because he tookmoneyto run but even though his career in running was over he was forced to do plenty of other jobs. He was a speaker for the Republican candidate and was good enough to start his own public relations firm.

Reflection paper: sociology of food

The Agribusiness Threat to Farmers, Food, and the Environment. Following the Food Chain Back To Iraq.

Minor parties or a common feature of united states politics

Minor parties make important contributions to the United States political system in spite of the institutional obstacles to their candidates' success. Describe two of these contributions.a)Describe the point of view expressed about minor parties in the political cartoon above.

Latin america culture

In the immigrant descriptions help to personalize each of the different groups and allow the reader to identify with their stories. Also, Gonzalez stresses the important differences between each of the various Latino immigrant groups in the United States.

Essay 7 apush

The impact of the market revolution on the Northwest and Midwest can be seen through the movement of people to northern urban areas to work in factories, the increase of wheat production in the Midwest due to technological improvements, and the beginning of an independent national economy. Also, the creation of interchangeable parts by Eli β†’

Crime control v due process essay

Due Process Model Herbert Packer, a law professor at Stanford University, created two models, the crime control model and the due process model, to represent the two competing systems of values within criminal justice. If I had to choose between the crime control model and the due process model, I would choose the due process β†’

Charles darwin and the theory of evolution

Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin is widely known as the father of evolutionary biology. Whether Dawin's Theory of Evolution is true or not, Charles Darwin vastly expanded our knowledge on the world we live in.

Urinary disorders i

Smith has developed arteriolar nephrosclerosis which is associated with people of his age with hypertension, this condition is associated with hardening of walls of the arteries and arterioles in the kidney and failure in kidney functions, this is evident by the frequent headaches, swelling of the legs and feet, increase in weight due to edema, β†’

Not a magic wand – massager original hitachi magic wand

The infection developed to Hemolytic Uremetic Syndrome, and was affecting me to the extent that the doctors were unsure if I would survive. It is because of this that the shiga toxins are not able to internalize and circulate in the cattle's bloodstream.

Biological resources

Therefore, biological resources are vital and essential for the survival of living things. Water sources are important for transport, the fishing industry, recreation and for the general survival of living things.

Blood formation and maturation

The outline of the red blood cell gets attained at this point, and the cells still contain the ribonucleic acid. On the eighth day, the red blood cell is mature without the ribonucleic acid, and no synthesize of the hemopoietic.

The circulation

From the left, 70% of the blood then flows through bicuspid valve to the left ventricle when the heart is relaxed. The contraction of the atrium leads to 30% of the remaining blood to flow and fill the left ventricle.

Discussion chapter 6

In view of the above, it is proposed that the corn subsidy be instead transferred to subsidy in grass to produce bio-fuel. Given the scenarios above, it is highly recommended that the subsidy for corn as source of bio-fuel be totally abolished and replaced by a subsidy for grass.

Reaction between valine and serine

Once the 2nd amino acid is bound to the 1st one, the 1st tRNA will be released and the 3rd one follows. This process is repeated until the so-called stop-codon in the mRNA terminates the growing protein synthesis.

Evolution of western ideas

They present a code that has to be encoded by the spectator and an image is estimated as successful in case the majority of the spectators encodes it in the desired manner. Scientific study of visual art started in the age of visual mass media and consumer culture when it was no longer possible to β†’

Interpretation of lens essay

She argues that gender in reality is performative, which means that gender is real only to the exact extent to which it is performed. She states that gender is not a fact but the various acts attributed to particular genders bring to life the idea of gender, and in the absence of those acts, the β†’

Eo wilson the process of evolution

According to Archibald, in page 46, the pattern of radiation and alternating the extinction has a long-term effect on species. The fall of one set of species, such as dinosaurs later gives a rise to another set of species.

Zha reflection week 7

The experience and interest has played an important role in shaping my understanding from the materials. Based on my experience and the interest, the title, ' a hidden genetic code,' reminds me of the potential that gene arrangements have in understanding and managing disorders.

The evolution of chil custody arrangements

Over the years the government has shifted its views from the child's mother being the best fir for primary custody to " the best interest" of the child. The necessities include the ability to providefood, shelter and a a safeenvironmentare important but also the stability of the parent psychologically and their mentalhealthalso begins to become β†’

Commercialisation of women’s body

According to Fredrickson and Roberts, objectification of women has become a permanent part of the western culture and the increase of sexualized female images in mass media has been so rapid and pervasive that it is impossible for anyone, anywhere or anytime to avoid them. The depiction of women in media is often criticized as β†’

Air quality – lab report example

Maximum concentration in one hour- 0. Maximum concentration in one hour- 0.


In terms of the elements of design, colour is the focal point in fauvism. The three main characteristics of colour then can contribute to the message of the painting such as the hue, the value and the intensity of the colour.

Film critical analysis – the future of food

The Future of Food lays bare the way Green Revolution benefitted the large corporations and how the industrial farming of food negatively impacted the small farmers. The objective of the Green Revolution was to facilitate a massive increase in the overall production of crops in the poor or developing nations by promoting an extensive use β†’

Quot;thinking about music and censorship” 350 word response paper essay

In his next point, Gabe highlighted the necessity for limiting the access of potentially explicit material to those who may not want to hear it or those who should not hear it yet. In his final point and conclusion, Gabe discusses the success of efforts to restrict provocative music from those who do not need β†’

Age of enlightenment and how it affected art

The age of enlightenment was a cultural movement of various intellectuals during the 18th century in Europe. One of the work of art was painting.

Art and design: whats the big difference

Difference between Art and Design In many occasions, people tend to refer to art and design interchangeably as if the two words are meant to mean the same thing. Personal perception on the difference Many people tend to think of the artist standing before a blank canvas and simultaneously think of the start and the β†’

Gallery report

The National Gallery consists of two great buildings and is also known as one of the renowned art museums in the world. The intensity of the hues utilized portrays the intensity of the conquests of King Alfonso of Portugal.

My view of the film the red detachment of woman

My View of the Film the Red Detachment of Woman What surprises me about the film The Red Detachment of Women is the depiction of woman in the movie as a fighting force for change. The film depicts the transformation of the slave girl, Wu Qionghua, as the spirit and nature of the Communist Revolution β†’

Visiting los angeles county museum of art

A Visit to Los Angeles County Museum of Art I recently happened to visit the Los Angeles County Museum and oh my! I did not however enjoy this one aspect where every piece of art had a placard giving its name though it did not give sufficient information concerning the art and the artist behind β†’

The political atmosphere which influenced the russian avant garde

The political atmosphere which influenced the Russian avant garde Many Russian artists developed and adopted futurismand cubism during the 20th century's first decades. This shows that the avant garde in Russia affected many artists and the manner they carried out their work.

Carlo carleis film: romeo & juliet

Love also causes the conflict that happens in the film because of the brutality it brings to the families and the two young lovers. Suicide is manifested in the film as a resultant occurrence of a violent love relationship between the families of Romeo and Juliet.

Court essay examples

It discusses the history of visual description of dreams and a connection between art and dreams. The second part of the video talked about art inspired by dreams.

Two images – soundarya and by hallinan

One of these was the appropriate use of colors and the exhibition of the right forms of emotions that accompanied the character in the painting. This is because with the title of " awaiting woman", the image tells a story of a lonely young woman who is awaiting company.

Art history

of the of the Submitted Response to the Readings In Purity and Danger: An analysis of the concepts of pollution and taboo, the author presents a very strong case for how belief systems are determined and dictated by the common precepts that a particular society deems good or bad for its survival or continuity. In β†’

Kandinsky composition vii

Wassily Kandinsky's " Composition VII" To begin with, one should that Wassily Kandinsky is a Russian artist and the theorist of art who had a deep impact on development of modern fine arts. Kandinsky was the one who created the basis for evolution of abstractionism, and his influence on the world of art forever changed β†’

Week 3 discussion post

Visual Art Male gaze The article " Spectatorship, power, and knowledge" relate to the male gaze concept. Male gaze, a subset of the gaze concept, refers to the concept of heterosexual males sexualizing female characters, which is still relevant today.

Visual aesthetics in: once upon a time in the west

The camera work, lighting, and costumes assist in producing the aesthetic visualizations of the film. Another part of the movie's visual aesthetic is the rather stilted animations that occur between certain scenes of the film.

I would like you to open a word document and in no more than 300 words describe your initial impressions of digital imagery compared with that of analogue imagery. any photographers referenced should be noted. your document should include processes, wo

Digital Imagery versus Analogue of Learning Digital Imagery versus Analogue Granted, the quality of image produced by a digital camera is better than that of an analogue. While digital cameras will hardly exhibit digital noise in their pictures, the film grains of an analogue camera are able to affect negatively the image produced by this β†’

Cinematography attributes

Scene 2: This scene shows a close up of the character. In this scene, the figures stand in the middle of the composition which makes them the center figure of attention.

Works of shahzia sikander

The male face in the middle of the drawing, for example, has a very clear head shape and brow line, but as the cheek line descends from the eye, it transforms into the outline of an arm belonging to another, much smaller scale figure to the right. I like the novelty of this because it β†’

Framing of aboriginal art by irwin, r & farrell

The Ecocentric approach is effective in categorizing the life of aboriginal people in terms of art since art is the surest way of understanding the social and cultural beliefs of the aboriginal people. They addressed the dynamics of each controversy and related them to Eurocentric and aboriginal conceptions of art in an effective manner.

Citizen kane and william randolph hearst

As the film was released, Hearst understood the connection between the new film and his own life and attempted to thwart Welles's new motion picture. But Citizen Kane was ultimately voted by the American Film Institute as the greatest film in history, vindicating Welles's attempt to expose the life of William Randolph Hearst.

Significant others and art partnerships

The marriage of Frida Kahlo and Diego Riverais remains a standout amongst the most acclaimed collaborations between artists. Both Diego and Frida accepted the fact that their need to paint was an unconstrained desire with a biological point of view.

Art leonardo

Art Leonardo The most intriguing masterpiece of Leonardo is the last supper. Leonardo da Vinci: the complete works.

The silence of the lambs

The film contains the atmosphere of evil personified, with a serial killer and a cannibal.b. The forensic psychiatrist turned cannibalistic killer, the serial killer, a young detective, the Senator, murders, etc.greatly accentuate the plot and the effect of the film.

Perspective rendering discussion

Perspective rendering discussion How does the artists use of perspective enhance the message communicated in the rendering? Comparing the one-point perspective system to the two-point perspective system, what are the pros and cons of each perspective system?

Some questions about the art

The Rear Window A film auteur can be described as the of the film. This person is able to retain a creative control through a body of work and uses a series of stylistic and themes that make the film recognizable.

Art image

The issue of controversy is the inclusion of men in the advert and the connotations it adds to the image. The level of creativity depicted in the image is high with the focus being on the figures and the text.

Realism: gustave courbet, the artists studio: a real allegory summing up seven essay sample

Gustave Courbet, one of the best known realist artists of the 19th century, created his painting The Artist's Studio: A Real Allegory Summing Up Seven Years of My Life as an Artist, in 1855. It is an attempt to summarize the seven years of Courbet's life as an artist, presenting on one corner his rural β†’