350 Words Essay Samples

Race as a social construct/white privilege

Of the five, the one that I find as most common is the claim that " races have genetically determined differences in athletic and musical ability". The reason this is said to be the most common is that there seem to be a lot of real life experiences and facts that seem to justify this →

Chess game

Chess Improves Academic Performance al Affiliation In my opinion, the article en d " Chess Improves Academic Performance" by Christine Palm is very categorical in highlighting the ways in which playing chess improves students' academic performance. According to my opinion, this is a clear proof that playing chess improves the academic performance of students.

E mail response

I will also avail adequate and timely instructional handouts to the students so that each has the necessary materials meant to tackle the assigned tasks during lectures. However, discouraging the latter entails clear explanations besides motivating students to inquire where they may need assistance both in class confinements and even outside.

Human relations writing assignment 2 select any 3 of the following words and create operational definitions for each one. why did you use these definitions and measurements what made this assignment easier or harder (a tip: remember operational

Suffering is considered mild if the person is still able to cope with the pain, doing more exercises and other physical activities such as attending to daily tasks. Suffering is said to be intense when the person in pain is not able to move around freely.

Japanese public schools

Difference between Japan and American schools The education system of Japan is far much better in comparison with that of United States of America. The number of days that a student in Japan attends to school is much higher in comparison to the number of days that a student in United States attends school.

Student in university

Though a common phrase, the manner in which the strategy to manage time is laid dictates the end result. For the reason, the automate result is a stroke balance between education and social life.

Mr. green body paragraph

Green, a parrot that outlives the grandfather of the narrator who is also the man who caught the parrot from the wild. There is an example of this relatively early in the story when the grandfather refuses to move from the north with the rest of the family because he is afraid the ancestors will →

End of course reflection

The course has modeled me in all aspects; educationally, socially and morally, thus I am in a better position to solve the current problems in the field and the world since the skills that I possess are enough to enable me come up with a formidable solutions to the current problems in the field. Finally, →

Lgbt individuals are challenging the homophobic and transphobic structures of the monotheistic religions. discuss this statement in relationship to only 1 of the following religions, judaism or christianity or islam. be sure to use primary as well as

LGBT individuals are challenging the homophobic and transphobic structures of the monotheistic religions". In this regard, the subsequent sections of the essay will delve into the opposition of LGBT individual against the homophobic and transphobic structures perpetuated by Christianity.

Open letter

At the same time, the researchers conducted in a great sample of cattle allowed the scientists to conclude that use of GMO in cattle feeding causes no unnatural or disturbing effects both in cattle and on people who consume meat of a GMO-fed animal. Though the topic is debatable and there is no decisive position →

Information response letter: indirect outline

This is a response reveals a breakdown of your performance and the various stages you underwent during the evaluation process. We wish you all the best in pursuit of your dreams.

Game of her life by tim crothers

Game of Her Life by Tim Crothers Tim Crothers follows Phiona Mutesi, a 14 year-old chess prodigy from a slum in Uganda, to deliver this inspiring story Game of Her Life, which centers on inspiration from chess. In this regard, she plays and uses chess to help her solve the problems in her life due →

Writing as a career choice

With the technological advancement in the career, there is need for acquiring the requisite skills so as to benefit from the increasing writing opportunities. With a projection of 3% growth between 2012 and 2022, there would be increasing opportunities in the career.

6th grade report no mla- among the betrayed- by margaret peterson haddix

Among the Betrayed Among the Betrayed is a book of fiction series referred to as the shadow children. After the arrest she is required by the police to identify other shadow children but she does not.

Flexible citation

Another writer who does not cite or acknowledge her sources is Hariette Surovell in her article " Queenpins of the Cali Cartel". This technique is in a way effective since at the end of the post Harriet states that she is from the U.


Apparently, it is intoxicatingly fascinating to note that the meaning of words evolves from time to time and culture to culture as necessitated by cultures and customs. Work cited " Love - Definition of Love in English from the Oxford Dictionary".

Rewriting by joseph harris

Rewriting by Joseph Harris Assignment The project of the is to outline the importance of self learning through the use of the real life experiences of the character in the article. The aim of the article is to enlighten the reader about the importance of reading and writing in general education.

Discussion board

The Hounds of the Baskervilles in relation to Twenty Rules for writing Detective Stories The Hound of the Baskervilles isa criminal book written by Conan Doyle published in 1902. According to Van Dine's rules of writing detective stories, both the detective and the readers of the story should have equal opportunities for solving the mysteries →

My trip

Figure 1: Langkawi The best tourist attraction of Malaysia for me was Langkawi, this place happened to amuse me the most in Malaysia because it consisted of lush white beaches along with hills that were covered with jungles and being a 16 year old I loved swimming in these beaches and exploring the hills. Huge →

They say, i say homework

Importance of being a critical and intellectual thinker in debates The ability to think intellectually and critically is an important skill in life, but it is unfortunate that many people lack it. The new ideas makes one a valuable contributor in the conversation.

Topic selection 3

History of bankrupt companies Introduction History Bankruptcy is the legal of being in debt to certain creditors, and when a company is bankrupt, and then they cannot pay their debts. It dictates that a company should be more careful with the services and products that it is offering to the public otherwise there will be →

Kate chopins the awakening

It all depended upon the company which he found over at Klein's and the size of " the game". Chopin says, " It all depended upon the company which he found over at Klein's and the size of " the game".

Personal ethics inventory

My blind spot includes the fact that I cater to my own needs and prioritizes myself over others who are reliant on me, which is true as a person living independently free of responsibilities tends to adapt this behaviour which is commonly seen in the society. Though, I analyze racial differences and stereotype notions in →

Inequality undermines democracy

Which key sentence I find most important and how come The key sentence which I fine most important is the sentence in paragraph 24 that says " Inequality provokes a generalized anger that finds target where it can-immigrants, foreign countries, American elites, government in all forms-and it rewards demagogues while discrediting reformers". The anger that →

Key points in plot

The historical time mentioned in the novel shows how people at the time lived and their sources of help by churches and hospitals that helped them at the time during the world war one. The cider house rules is a novel that shares the different opinions on abortion and how it has affected the people →

Frankenstein analysis (mary shelley1818)

Specifically, he is tries to learn language, and this is captured when the monster was observing the cottages: " I perceived that the words they spoke sometimes produced pleasure or pain, smiles or sadness, in the minds and countenances of the hearers. It can thus be argued that the singularity of the monster, combined with →

Is global climate change man-made

However, as years have passed, global climate change is a transition that is affecting people and the world; yet, humans have only contributed towards the increment of this problem. This can increase the temperature of the atmosphere and change the climate on Earth.

Experiences as a writer

Finally, as a writer I have learned that the most important aspect of writing has to do with respect for the reader. I cannot be judgmental or argumentative in the way that I write because it is not my job to influence my readers.


Your School Ecological Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster and Number Paper Due Ecological Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster 22nd April 2015 is known to be the anniversary date of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which occurred in the Gulf of Mexico 5 years ago. The BP Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.Web.

Persuasive apology

1st September, 2014 Dear Professor Anderson, I sincerely apologize for the extreme measures I took in implicating the professor as a liar and a really bad tutor while in the real sense I am the less honorable student and individual. I sincerely pray that you may find it in your heart to forgive my actions →

Transfer to the college

It is very imperative that an individual should receive a comfortable and soothing environment that can support his learning process, and the absence of such provision often results in the failure of even the brightest students. In this regard, it is my utmost desire to become a part of your reputable institution, as I have →

Personal responsibility for college success after 50

Personal Responsibility to College Success After 50 Lecturer's Due The average college spends half of his or her time in class compared to high school student. Time management should also apply in the professional and social life of a student in order to ensure that one has enough time for family and work, which are →

Eng blog rev..jb

This paper seeks to analyze gender bias in toys deeply by reviewing a blog titled Gender Bias in the Toy Aisles. The ' girl' toys in the blog are reflected as having that nauseating pink too.

Of man and the stream of time by rachel carson

Of Man and the Stream of Time by Rachel Carson The essay " Of man and the stream of time" is a reflection ofthe author Rachel Carson. In the essay, the effects of man's routines and activities on the nature and his role in the changes of the environment are evaluated.

Bad news message

Patel, Thank you for your letter about the refund or replacement of the $1, 000 piece of equipment that you bought from our company three years ago. You can however choose to repair the equipment within our service centers or acquire a whole new set of equipment.

Tutorial 13

Moreover, the tutorial content as explored in the paper remained reflective of the society and positively influenced my life. Regarding the levels of formality, it is not bad to use contractions in academic writing provided that they are not used in excess, occasionally used, and well executed.

The undue weight of truth on wikipedia by messer-kruse

The main thrust of Wikipedia as an online contributor-based social encyclopedia limits itself to the assertions and writings of a book and the stance of the majority to the exclusion of others. This occurred as a reaction to the Wikipedia entry on the Haymarket riot and trial of 1886 and involves an attempt to modify →

Education class for teaching profession

According to the teacher this theory seems to be important because of the following reasons: It constructs the knowledge within the learner It gives an opportunity to the learner to unfold himself It gives a chance to the learner to share his knowledge and learn on his/her own abilities. It will also help the teacher →

Assignment-progress report

This is a wine producing company that wasformed in 1970, and its headquarters is in the district of Stags Leap, California. One of the famous wine products for the organization is the Cask 23, and it is a blend of the Cabernet Sauvignon fruit from the Fay and SLV vineyards.

Library and information science

Library and Information Science Number October 3, Faculty Library and Information Science The article by Markey focuses on the way online library cataloguing had lost its attractiveness with its users. The author also notes that there was required a change in development and design of the online library cataloguing to reflect the long-term demands of →

Poem analysis

Comparing the lines in Yeats' " Second Coming" with Sassoon's " Glory of Women", I would say that one of their similarities would be how their poem described the dire conditions of the World War and how it seeps out the life and joy of people. The Second Coming - Yeats.N.p, n.d.Web.

I am j and the question of gender

" I am J" by Cris Beam Cris beam in his book " I am J" touches the sensitive topic of transgender and explains it through a character called J. Marcia who was J's friend also a transgender thinks that all of us possess some masculine and feminine qualities.

Discussion board 5

Discussion Board # 5 Some people will argue that knowledge and technology go hand in hand therefore a gap between the two should not and does not exist. It saddens me to see this gap constantly widening because technology has far outpaced the spread of knowledge already and has mistakenly allowed people to think that →


This apartheid regime passed the 1962 Sabotage Act in response to the constitution of militant units and increase in sabotage. The rights of the Africans continued to be held in the hands of the apartheid which maintained social control and propagated destruction.

Based on your reading/viewing of pollan’s article answer the following questions

Pollan perceives Julia Child's shows to be more educative, comprehensive and centered on the subject matter unlike new age TV shows on cooking that are strained, regularly interrupted and add less value to the audience.4. The decline in cooking has been due to the technological advancements that have made it easy for food companies to →

Choose a good topic for me

Longer School Hours and Shorter Holidays In an article written by Judith Burns, " Gove urges longer days and shorter holidays for pupils" published in BBC News, the suggestions given by Education Secretary Michael Gove have been elaborated. He implies that longer school hours would be family friendly and also enable the child to prepare →

Reading response-gay marriage

The plaintiffs demand equal rights and recognition of the law and be given the right to engage in the institution of marriage. On the contrary, banning gay marriage is a violation to those who engage in it.

Refusal letter

One of our legal policies is to present terms and conditions of service to our clients before we enter into contract with them and we allow the client to review condition of the available facilities. Consequently, we assume that you placed an offer for our services based on your assessment of the state of the →

Blog #3

Safety in the construction industry al Affiliation: Safety in the construction industry The construction sector is among the most dangerous industries in terms of safety of the employees. The fast safety measure on a construction site is the gear that a person is putting on while on site.

Awards for excellence

It is a record of sorts, to have bagged the prestigious awards more number of times, than any other department since their inception, 8 to be precise! The awards are a proof of the teaching efficiency levels at the EN department.

Banned books

Banned Book: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men is a story of two friends George and Lennie who dreamed of becoming rich someday despite the financial challenges of the Great Depression. 22 Apr.2014." Of Mice and Men: Steinbeck's controversial banned book for 50 years".

English 2 – db 5

Even though it is really difficult sometimes to write effectively, I believe that research writing is beneficial for all students because it teaches them to communicate in writing and express their thoughts clearly, I perceive any writing assignment as a challenge because there is no limit of perfection in this case. Currently I lack some →

Observations on images

This assignment looks at visual literacy, media literacy and communication of information which are part of the three images talked about in the lecture notes. Communication of Information Images and sounds are important in communication information.


Five Principles of Design As the means of successful visual communication, the principles of design guide the relationships between the elements and help to organize them into a single composition. To start with, the principle of balance is responsible for placing the parts of an image in the arrangement in a way that is pleasant →


The Importance of the Family Unit Details: al Affiliation: The Importance of the Family Unit By its very definition, the family unit is but the basic structure that forms the society itself. As Carson notes in his book titled " Think Big", " life is but a series of partings"; as much as individuals may →

Poets’ expression of fillings

Wordsworth, in his poem, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, describes the various aspects of nature and concludes by appreciating their presence saying; I gazed and gazed but little thought, What wealth the show to me had brought Similar romantic themes are focused in the works of Donne, Frost, and Shakespeare as well as the →

Genre of instructions

Genre of instructions Question The genre of instructions as would be borrowed from the work of Tebeaux & Dragga, is one that involves attention on the communication process, the structure of texts and the characteristics of different languages used in different contexts. With this in mind, it is possible to create different forms of meanings →

Journal 6

If speaking to my peers, I would change my language and accent, and speak in a manner that is acceptable to them. On this basis, my accent and language would always change, based on the relationship that I have with the person I am speaking to.

Battered women

Battered women article: Desperate lives of women domestic workers exposed to appalling exploitation, physical violence and sexual abuse in Qatar Thearticle is about the plight of women migrant domestic workers in Qatar which are exploited and sexually abused by their employers. The purpose of the article is to advocate for the reform of the Kafala →

Reasons for transferring and objectives to achieve

That is, to use the skills I have learned to make a living out of my passion. Photography has always interested me and I feel that I have the ability to make a living out of selling the photographs that I take.

Sales and ethics

Ethics in sales encompasses the moral values and principles that guides the actions of the sale people, the marketing manager or the marketing function in making a marketing or sales decision when faced with a moral dilemma. Ethics in sales require marketers to disclose the safety of the product information, the reasons for change in →

Were are you going, where have you been

If we do not like a specific situation, we have everything that we need to get out of the situation or to change it to our liking. We have the ability to make choices in our lives and to change something that we do not like or agree with.

Summarize poor economics

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo's " PoorEconomics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty" is a book that questions the decision making of poor people. Lack of resources and access to medication is a leading factor in the demise of children and adults alike in countries that are less developed.

Research proposal

Cultural Inscription of Gender When the question " what gender are you?" is posed, it has the implication that gender is not what one is said to have, but an attribute of what the person is. The feminist approach of gender postulates that it is a cultural interpretation of sex.

Journal entry #2

Journal Entry 2: Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL The article entitled " Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL Students: Visions and Realities" written by Peyton, Jones, Vincent and Greenblatt and published in the TESOL Quarterly focused on discussing the challenges and experiences encountered with by teachers who participated in The Books →

Synopsis on the broadway musical wicked

Synopsis on the Broadway Musical " Wicked" The land of OZ is celebrating the death of the Wicked Witch of the West. Elphaba flies to the West as a manhunt is launched for her.

A discussion by lanston hughes

Their sense of loss is magnified by the feeling of not having married the person of their first love, of having families and kids now of their own but it is amplified by the awkwardness of their chance meeting in the busy park in early autumn after years of no communication, each hurrying on the →

Market reaction paper

Market Reaction Paper Last week when I was in Manhatten I thought of visiting Citarella Market. It was a nice time to spend at Citarella market and I loved the way its vendors and sellers deal with buyers.

Evolution aspects of ships. (source: redirect notice) 1.

Evolution of Container Ships & Other AspectsSince 1950 container ships were become to play a majorrole of transportation industry. The size furthestreaches of the Panama Canal, which came to be known as the Panamax standard, wasaccomplished in 1985 with a limit of around 4, 000 TEUs.3.

What is multimeter

The multimeter that is commonly called as multitester is also known as VOM or volt/ohm meter is an electronic measuring device that has the capacity to measure the current, resistance and the AC or DC voltage accurately. That's why, see to it that there is a fuse before using the multimeter and the insulation of →

Cathay pacific essay

Outsourcing was bridging gap between the IM department and business side." Systems development and Support" was changed to " System Delivery" as it started to focus on delivering IT systems to business units rather than writing code and developing applications so that systems can be delivered faster with less cost and reduced risks. Smartsourcing was →

Since me bag 94% in mathematics in high

I chose to contribute towards Robotics workshopsorganized in the college and was later on made responsible to organize ' SOLDER-ON-WAR' a key event in Robotics for inter-engineering studentsPost-graduation, I sought to gain practical experience of the latesttechnologies used worldwide hence I underwent Cisco Certified Network Associate training. I wish to witnessthis growth by being a →

Advantages and disadvantages of fast food

It is a fact that there Is a rapid rise In the number of Mc Donal, KFC, Bugger King.restaurants over the world as a obllvlous evidence for the hot trend of ready-food In fast-paced and sedentary life. In conclusion, there are many debates amongadvantages and disadvantages of fast food.

Summary & response

In his essay, he said that " Scientific alarmism is becoming a way of life in the United States." We all know that alarmism can cause misunderstanding and trouble for listeners, but it can cause our life to become miserable if it becomes part of our living element. The U.S.almost destroyed the economies of Peru →

?ccording of opportunities for insurers in rur?l m?rket

Study in Indi? n Life Insur? nce Industry" find new trends such? s hybrid distribution ch? nnel, regul? tory trend, difficulty in designing m? rketing mix, online policy, cl? im m? n? gement, customer servicing? nd FDI? nd growth? ccording to Sh? hi, Pr? rth? n? in her p? per on " Recent Trends in →

Battery rule

The sequel of the event at the office party led to the legal pursuit of Caudle, the employee, suing the president of the company for his inappropriate action leading to serious nervous damages to the former. Because of which, this author argues that the plaintiff did not participate from the horse playing thus it is →

The fashion channel case analysis

Analysis We recommend the third scenario of targeting both the Fashion's and the Shoppers/Planners because it offers the highest ad revenue potential. On the other hand, if TFH targets both Fashion's and Shoppers/Planners the CPM and the average number of viewers will increase, exulting in higher revenues.

Assigment manufacturing process

Explain.2.a) What are the primary considerations in tool selection? b) What is the advantage of a helical-tooth cutter over a straighttooth cutter for slab milling? c) What are the consequences if a cutting tool chips? 3.) Why might it be desirable to use a heavy depth of cut and a light feed at a given →

Consumer behaviour towards readymade garments essay

Due to the higher level of industrialization, the textile importers and exporters of the country have pioneered the import export industry, creating new trends in the International market. Garment and textile exporters of the country have managed to fill in the gap and serve as a catalyst to level the gap.

Swot analysis of ?»?sandwich blitz inc.

One of the most notable of these strengths is the Return on Investment of 30% in 2011. Opportunities - One of the biggest opportunities Sandwich Blitz has when undergoing expansion would be the opportunity to start serving dinner.

Tata nano summary essay

External Threats Fuel costs Volatility and pressure of competition high in auto industry -All the safety ND emissions norm was to be strictly adhered Pressure Of the peers As the time passes the cost of production could not be kept low for long Regional politics could be a major threat Suppliers with quality and cost →

Get 30 percent savings now on this terrific espresso and coffee maker, plus more great deals

You can program this machine to remember your settings once you find your perfect cup.$500 is a great price for a high-quality automatic coffee and espresso maker and can easily save youmoneycompared to going to Starbucks. This is one of the best deals you can get from Amazon since for many people it's like cash →

Youth are available, timely and will go

First of all, this sector has grownstronger due to the lack of reliable transportation in urban and rural areas. Saving money is worth the effort, it gives them peace of mind, options and more to accumulate additional savingsit will be easier.

Lg background essay

The LG Group was a merger of two Korean companies, Lucky and GoldStar, from which the abbreviation of LG was derived. In 1995, GoldStar was renamed LG Electronics, and acquired Zenith Electronics of the United States.

Five forces analysis in the pc industry

The PC manufacturers focus on the reduction of cost rather than differentiations of the products. The growth of the PC industry grows slowly, because the appearance of the tablets.

Fashion positives

In the production of clothes we can see that non- recyclable materials are used and this also has a negative effect on the society and the health of the people in the area. Positives of echo fashion: Echo fashion on the other hand promotes a more environmentally friendly way of producing clothes, where they used →

Example of research paper on goal setting theory modification

The second variable is the healthcare in an effort to provide quality healthcare to help in prevention of death of the population, this calls for the increase in health care personnel to provide such services. The persistence of the industry in achievement and sticking to the goals of providing the affordable healthcare for the population →

Suitable nutritional care

Replacement of the fluids lost benefits the body by eliminating the general discomfort not only the thirst and to regulate the body. Post-game nutrition is more important, significantly helps out for exhausted person to recover and restore all nutrients and fluids lost in the body.

Strategic players have increased significantly, the market is

In addition, while the bankingbusiness and the needs of customers are changing, it is imperative for banks todifferentiate their service. This enabled to gain competitiveadvantages by lowering overall cost compared to that of competitorsespecially the private banks which is entitled with heavy charges.

Importance of electricity

IMPORTANCE OF ELECTRICITY The greatest scientific achievement of the nineteenth century is the discovery of electricity. The twentieth century is making use of electricity so extensively that it has almost changed the face of the earth." Electricity carrier of light and power, devourer of time and space, bearer of human speech over land and sea, →

Ben and jerry’s is still committed

In line with this, we will be forwarding your concern to the production department so that we can continue to satisfy the needs and wants of our customers and prevent these things from happening again. I hope that you will still continue to patronize our products because we will never cease to put our best →

Budget airlines

In both Europe and North America, established airlines are desperately cutting costs in order to compete with the increasing number of budget airlines. A critical question for the established airlines is whether any differentiation characteristics are capable of creating more value for customers than their costs to the airline.

Aloft hotel adds siri-equipped rooms

If you are in one of the hotel's new Siri-equipped rooms, you will get an iPad to play around with that comes with a customized app that lets you control many of the room's options by yelling " Hey Siri"." Forget the phrase 'at the touch of your fingertips.' Today's early adopter, hyper-connected global traveler →

Dress code: overview

Another benefit of having a dress code is that it will prepare students to dress properly for different places. Having a dress code in high school will help students adjust to the real world.

The hotel owner cared so much about the wife

During their stay in the hotel, the wife of the American saw a cat outside the hotel who was trying desperately not to get wet in the rain by crouching under a table. By the end of the story, the hotel owner sent his maid to the room of the Americans to give the wife →