350 Words Essay Samples

Taxes and policies

Everyone agrees unanimously that the nation needs a clean energy a renewable energy, which keeps our air and water clean and it is high time that US government continues to extend their support by providing more and more incentives for the cause of developing renewable and clean energy. The US hydropower industry has metamorphosed into β†’

A grade 7 science project about pandas essay

During summers, giant pandas mostly feed on bamboo leaves and the rest of the year, they also eat bamboo stems to get enough food. Giant pandas are having a difficult time to survive.

Meteorology and space science

The water bodies of near water are providers of moisture for the landmasses of the world. Groups A, C, D and E are defined by the average temperatures, while B is defined by the ratios of precipitation to evaporation.

Example of conflict in literature essay

Internal conflict is normally seen when a character is internally fighting with an issue and this can be seen through the character Othello. In essence, any form of conflict is used to bring out the attributes of a character as well as developing the plot of the story.

Miss representation

Miss Representation There are many ways artists can convey their message to the world, but the magnitude of effect a good motion picture possesses, other mediums simply do not match it.' Miss Representation' is an interesting documentary, as it gives the viewers a peak into what goes on behind the cameras. I agree with the β†’

Whether to publish a rape victim’s name

This raises both ethical and legal aspect in which the police might fall in the pressure of the public to expedite the findings on the people involve. The rape aspect is a sensitive aspect and therefore requires the media to confide to the victim on whether to publish the story.

Companionship in “of mice and men” essay

The two main characters in this Novel are George and Lennie. George and Lennie have a good relationship because they have been traveling together for quite a long time.

Research and referencing

Moreover, in spite of advanced features, the mobile phone devices are made of extremely trendy design and size so as to persuade the target customers to purchase the specific brand as compared to competitors within the region of Hawassa. Consumer behaviour is a very important term for the industry players of mobile phone segment in β†’

Alfred north whitehead essay

Basically, he was a logician, mathematician and philosopher and is greatly known for his work in philosophy of science and logic in mathematics. He authored the land mark three in collaboration with others which contributed to the logic of twentieth-century in metaphysics and philosophy of science.

Nonprofit marketing

What the target audience members think, want, and how they act determine how a marketer tries to influence them Marketing research must find out What they are like What they will respond to What is keeping them from responding as the marketer wants them to Myths of Nonprofit Marketing Big decision myth: Sometimes the big β†’

Discussion questions-managerial marketing

The impact of recalls can be disastrous to a firm as individual consumers begin to lose confidence in the health and safety that a given business entity promotes. As a result of the negative publicity and exposure that toy-making firms such as Fisher-Price and Mattel have had to face the past several years, there are β†’


The target market for the 2014 advert is segmented to a younger audience. The restaurant promotes the use of its delicacies as birthday specials and appeals to the middle-age group of people.

Essay on elasticity of demand

The law of demand states that a change in the price of a good or service results in a change of quantity demanded by the consumer. The degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded as a result of a change in price varies with the type of good or service.

Marketing math case: washburn guitars

After considering the aforementioned factors and pricing objectives, the actual price of the product may be calculated. In order to determine the best price for Starbucks' submarine sandwiches, a combination of the following pricing strategies should be applied.

Harrods marketing prospective

Harrows The Land of Make Believe In Store and Online at harrows. STRENGTHS -Harrows is well known for its unique customer service and visiting the store itself is magical experience.

Short answers on merchants of cool

4) Marketers have embraced the anthropological approach to study and analyze the teens' trends in their search for the next cool thing. 9) To overcome the resistance, marketers have to embrace the challenge and market the products in spite of their inadequacies.

Ten ways to create shareholder value

Within the article, Rappaport reaches out to business executives regarding the manner in which shareholders' value should be created in practical commercial contexts. In most of the principles proposed by Rappaport, the main theme remains that managers should be encouraged by stakeholders, especially shareholders, in implementing long term growth strategies.

Direct marketing – ethical issues

When certain consumer-direct channels are used to reach out to consumers and deliver the goods to them, the marketing practice is termed as direct marketing. In most situations, marketers and consumers have a symbiotic existence in this type of marketing with marketers having the benefit of increasing consumer awareness and consumers getting information about the β†’

Super bowl commercial 2014

There is no mention of the brand name or image of the Microsoft logo throughout the commercial until the very end of the commercial. Technology has made people's dreams a reality and Microsoft is at the forefront of such initiatives.

Marketing plan

One of the product that Sony has developed is the Sony wristband known as the SmartBand SWR10. The strength of this product is that it is waterproof, has a display styled with dots, it is waterproof and comes in a variety of colours.

Want to open a vintage shop? experts share their secrets.

Owner, The Rabbit Hole, Miami " The smaller your niche, the easier it is to connect with a core customer base. Owner, Los Angeles " The entire business of antiques, clothing or otherwise, is based on who has the most knowledge and the better contacts to resell at a profit".

Article summaries the right way to manage unprofitable

First an organization needs to identify the reason due to which the customer was causing losses and assess their overall relationship with the organization. Next the organization needs to provide more information to the customers and teach them how to use the organization's goods and services properly and this will decrease the cost of dealing β†’

Camp bow wow

Both managers try to make sure that the customers are happy and also that do everything to make the dogs safe and happy as well. The counselors and the managers do not want their customers to think that they only care about their efficient at Camp Bow Wow.

Positioning statement/ marketing objectives

The product will be classified as a luxury product and the company aims to position the product only for the upper-class income group segment in the market.iCar will have GPS installed already and maps of different countries such as United States of America, Canada, Mexico, and other adjoining countries will already be available without any β†’

Conduction of marketing research

95 Let me show you an example of a SPAS data set - a collection of related information This is the role to provide high quality of information to management. Unit 96/17 Marketing Research 2 In the past, surveys were used to get information on customer behavior, awareness levels, attitudes Now, organizations often hold significant β†’

Cutco case

Under the assumption that the knives of Cutco Corporation will be sold in all Oreck stores, it is recommended that the corporation should only sell this brand to specific regions in the United States where the company's brands are well-known. Distribution to these stores will also increase the awareness of Cutco brand and the sales.

Marketing and burger king

Burger King took their advertising tactics to the limit in the carrot website. Therefore, I think it would have been much more dignified of K to accept that It had crossed the line In Its aggressive campaigning strategy.


2 Existing tourism markets: research definitions and concepts of 2 niche markets and what approach is applied to attract tourists.1. 3 Marketing research and competitiveness: Use SWOT, Marketing mix and PEST factors to explain Chester as a tourist destination.

Article abstarct 04

The research question that Winfree and his team wanted to address was how the attendance of a game or match of baseball was affected with regards to the closeness of location of the two the teams. The fans are the main driving force of a team, and they authors did well to show the teams β†’

Principles of business sba essay sample

Executive Summary The name of the business will be Pinky's Tasty Fried Chicken and More. The goals of the organization will be: to establish and maintain a profitable organization, to expand the business operation and to provide great customer service.

Sales function for a company with foreign sales operation

The new selling point of tampons is shifting from the old advertisements of women dressed in bikinis and white pants while driving home the message of comfort to a new campaign featuring local women addressing frankly the issues that had been treated as taboo in many countries. The new aggressive advertisements measures are part of β†’

Pillar of marketing

Limited resources are used to best advantage, targeted at those segments that offer the best potential Levels of Market Segmentation Mass Marketing Same product to all consumers Segment Marketing Different products to one or more segments Niche Marketing Different products to subgroups within segments Micromanaging Products to suit the tastes of individuals and locations Local β†’

Xbox 360 with kinetic system

The language barrier inhibits the ability of people from different parts of the world to communicate with each other despite technological advances such as the internet. The customs of people in different parts of the world are very different.

Marketing channel analysis

With the rise of the digital age, the use of the net is to just limited to advertisements, but has transcended to become a means of direct shopping via the Internet. The success of online shopping portals can be attributed primarily to its wide reach of consumers and its ease of access-? one click away β†’

Marketing distribution management

Part The marketing is a practice employed by firms to identify the d and inferred needs longings s and subsequently satisfying these desires with the most relevant and highest quality products. Microsoft has traditionally held a very mature and adult like persona in the minds of the public due its strong association with Windows operating β†’

The impact of advertising on graffiti

To evaluate how the advertising industry has played a role in the inception of street art subculture, we must compare each institution's role in society, the techniques employed by each, and how past artistic movements have been influenced by forces that propel them into. The advertising industry sells a way of life, not a product; β†’

Skills, education, and the rise of earnings inequality among the other 99 percent essays examples

Autor signifies this fact in his article as he points out that the difference between the earnings of high school graduates and degree holders has become double over the years as demand of skilled and educated workers has been increasing at a steadier rate than the unskilled workers as hard labor and office work becomes β†’

Analyzing three new coffee brands and their marketing mix analysis research paper examples

Promotion: A Starbucks Card has been introduced to facilitate payment and promote ownership of royal customers.- Dunkin' Donuts In America, the target market for Dunkin' Donuts is the middle-working class people. Promotion: The promotion for Dunkin' Donuts is normally through advertising.- McDonalds' McCafe The coming together of idea of McDonalds and McCafe's was to provide β†’

How far the press should be free to report

The argument that is often put forward that it is in the public interest to know what is going on and that secrets should not be kept from the public is a valid one, but there has to be a line drawn between the public interest and what the public are interested in. Another reason β†’

Marketing and segmentation demographic segmentation

Many marketers believe that behavior variables are the best starting point for bulging market segments BY -Armstrong Geographic segmentation calls for dividing the market into different geographical company may decide to operate in one or a few geographical areas, or to operate in all areas but pay attention to ego-graphical differences in needs and wants. β†’

Consumer privacy (marketing planning and strategy) 2

Consumer privacy Is Consumer privacy a bigger issue in the online world than offline world? On the other hand, in the off-line sphere, the client has a chance to know the firm, personnel, or company that is on the receiving end as well as accepting or declining the idea to share their personal data.

Formal memo / psa video

However the law is actively existent to cope up with the problem yet there is plenty of room to control the accidents and the only thing that can help to overcome is to raise awareness about the matter on broad base so people may no more find it a thrill to drive insensibly due to β†’

Marketing communications plan proposal

Marketing Communications Plan Proposal MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PLAN PROPOSAL Opportunity The economic decline in the previous five years has led to sales declines, especially in 2008 and 2009. In the coming year, Moet & Chandon will have to come up with digital brands that should see a boost from developing and emerging countries.

H in china was between 42 and 108

H&M'sl strategy to enter the market at a later stage was made in order to beable to assess the success of other retailers before establishing l its brand there. It was also stated that the amount of productssourced from China was likely to increase with growing sales and an increase indemand in the local market β†’

Content marketing

Thought leaders and marketing experts from around the world, including the likes of Seth Gooding and hundreds of the leading thinkers in marketing have concluded that content marketing is not Just the future, it's the present. According to the 2012 BIB Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends search, 9 out of 10 BIB marketers are β†’

Discussion questions

I often submit a feedback concerning the level of satisfaction I get whenever I use the website and I have noted often that the admin to the website always responds to the comments. The customer feedback should therefore be used to guide managers in making marketing decisions, set goals in marketing as well as evaluate β†’

Example of method essay

Proposal Report The purpose of the report is to highlight the safest dog car sear according to consumer reviews and expert assessments. The report also highlights the dog car seats with the best credentials and the ones that have the highest scores.

Example of local area networks research paper

The communication between the departments will be done through the servers and by way of routers. In all the departments, there will be use of switches.

System analysis and design

However, there is the demand to have advanced degree programs in analytical training that also provide instructions in analytical and business intelligence training tools for collecting and analysing data from social media, sensors and other sources. Universities have been offering the courses to meet the increasing demand for professionals in data analysis.

Marketing strategies of banglalion

With the help of some people we finally were able to finish the task that was assigned to us by the course instructor Said Sabina. First of all, we would Like to thank the almighty Allah Ho has given us the required knowledge and the power to finish this term paper.

Repealing the dcma essay examples

The DCMA is a law enacted to protect the intellectual rights of individuals. However, it has come to the limelight that the law may also do wrong to the market.

Strategic analysis for philip morris

Increasing tax rates on cigarettes especially in U.S.and Western Europe The barriers against outside producers in china, korea, taiwan, japan - Economic Forces Increasing buying power of the consumers in developing countries Incremental costs of alternative marketing strategies Compensation expenditures Shrinking old markets in developed countries Growing new markets in developing countries - Social Forces β†’

Economic impact of patents essay examples

The alternative for the inventor is to keep the invention as a secret, which is more attractive from the point of view of potential profits, but the inventor is exposed to the risks of information leaks. As the potential competitors generic producers are anxious to enter the market with replicated products to earn their share β†’

The analysis of dunkin’s segment and starbucks market

In the coffee shop market, the higher income and professional groups are the target of Starbucks, people who want to stand out as individuals. Thus, the new value proposition is just consistent with the chosen segment of Dunkins and must be recommended.

Managerial marketing

Just in the sat two weeks Faded is working on ways to help the people of the Nepal earthquake. She went the extra mile to organize a search party to help ensure an a-year-old Iambi boy was On track for his necessary eye surgery You wont find that in any corporate guidebook or instruction manual β†’

Porter and bogusky advertising

By this kind of promotion, Crispin was able to expand Burger Kings target market by the use of a campaign that was friendly to a wider market. By this method of advertising it accomplished what the Coq Roq campaign was unable to, that is it allowed the image of Burger King to be more " β†’

Phillip morris

Phillip has researched on the risk related to the products with the main goal being developing methods to assess if a product has the likelihood of reducing disease related to smoking. Philip Morris needs to analyze the effects of such processes on the success of the company.

Marketing mix

Marketing Mix: product, price, promotion and place; the 4 As. The first element of the marketing mix is product.

Baskin robins

Question 13 Baskin-Robins would use secondary data that examine other organizations that have changed their logo in the past to determine the effect the change had on their customers. The secondary and syndicated data would serve to give insights on the viability of changing the logo for Baskin-Robins.

Number one analyze

Pizza hut exists in many countries, and although its menu is the same around the world, it learned to adapt to every countrycultureand heritage by providing services and products that are advertised and sold according to the country itself. It took a long time to expand the menu, but with the right advertising, pizza Hut β†’

Emerging trends in marketing

This conference will provide an opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills required to solve business problems and meet the challenges of a fast paced decision makingenvironment. This conference will provide an opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills required to meet the challenges of a fast paced decision making environment.

Free topic

This area of research is extremely significant because if a mobile service provider enters the market well, it will increase competition to other players, and this will, consequently, reduce the prices to the customers. I would urge all players to adopt this proposal since it will help ease the high network tariffs in our market β†’

Owning a electric car

The current average price of gasoline in the United States is $3. Electric cars are a new product that is going to have a growing demand in the future.

Collaboration and innovation procter & gamble case study examples

In order to overcome their marketing challenges, with the help of innosight, a pilot study was done and consumerism of the product established. Therefore a decision to market it in hospitals and have it recommend as the best product in the market by the clinicians really boosted its marketing and improved its volumes of sales β†’

Topman marketing mix

The product recently purchased is a t-shirt from the retailer Ottoman; the t-shirt is of decent quality for a mass-produced Item the product does not have a long life due to changes in fashion which is reflected in the price. Ottoman Is also available online through an international website, the site stocks a range of β†’

Amazons marketing strategies

It helps the customers find what hey need, it helps the companies gain popularity and helps Amazon to create a much better site as a whole. It allows for the site to have a much larger connection between themselves and the consumer.

Marketing planning and strategy (organizations or individuals) 2

Role of marketers and role of consumers for effective marketing AFFILIATION: Role or marketers versus role of consumers in effective marketing Introduction Now-a-days, the organisations have realised that they can attract customers by involving them in the marketing activities. Hence, the marketers and consumers have to work like a team so that they can reap β†’

Free essay about pay structures

Pay for top executives should be structured to compensate long-term performance and reduce a risk to the business. In conclusion, fairly high remuneration is important for talent management of top executives, the compensation should be able to attract, motivate and retain the talent.

Essay on social promotion

It is most common to students and the academic life, in the sense that the student could be promoted to the next class of learning even if the same student failed the requisite test of the previous class. On the contrary, social promotion has disadvantages, to the extent that it would be using weak social β†’

A market follower

This can be done by either making it convenient for the consumers to use the product or by encouraging people to use it more often. This can be done by making a more tempting ad campaign in which people are asked to use the product more often.

Ethics in promotion essay

These days, innovation is the name of the sales game and that the exact objective of Undercover Marketing. The undercover marketers use this curiosity to help build an anticipatory consumer base as they subliminally sell people on the idea and benefits of the product without letting on that the product is in the process of β†’

Marketing management of ocean park

Reason for Choosing Ocean Park Hong Kong Ocean Park Hong Kong ruled the local amusement park landscape alone. The reason for choosing Ocean Park Hong Kong is thus to study how effectively the marketing strategies are used in the Park against its main competitor, Hong Kong Disneyland.

Free disruptive innovation essay sample

According to him, disruptive innovations are products or services that take shape at the bottom of the market and then go on to beat the market leaders and shift the entire momentum of the industry. Disruptive innovations allow the availability of products and services that were previously too expensive in the lower half of the β†’

Virgin group case study

Transformational leaders succeed due to their ability to inspire others in order to ensure high productivity in the organization unlike transactional leadership that relies on the definition of roles and authority. Richard Branson would be committed to ensuring profitability and high return son the shareholders investments.


Hudson's Bay Comapany Executive Summary The 7 P's of Service Marketing The Hudson's Bay Company has expanded its services marketing mix from 4 P's to a comprehensive 7 P's. The 7P's of service marketing comprise physical environment, people, and price, promotion, place and time, process and product elements.

Good example of essay on restaurant business analysis

Dallas, Houston and WTX are dominated by large restaurants, while CTX is the only region where medium restaurants have the biggest average total sales. Since there are no medium restaurants in WTX, large venues lead the average sales per seat in that region.

Dholakia, zhoa and dholakia

This paper should be a critical review of the article.- Please include: o An Introduction of your essay o A summary of the article where you identify the research background, research problem, research methodology and research findings.o A critique of the article, in which you may wish to consider: - Writing style - Is it β†’

Market strategy and anti-trust regulation

De Beers Company was the monopoly in the industry and created a deadweight loss situation, where it was impossible to achieve equilibrium, as it was the price setter. The De Beers Company had a different market strategy before the year 1990 in comparison to the after years.

Ideal sampling frame in marketing

Reliability of a particular test can be measured, my using the same scale to test again and again, if the test gives different values each time, the reliability of the test is said to be inferior. Probability sampling is referred to the selection of samples that are selected on random basis and not in accordance β†’

Regulatory requirements

Describe the current unmanned aircraft certification process In order for an individual to be allowed to fly the unmanned aircraft, they need to undergo private pilots training, acquire an operator's license, have authorization from FAA and also have a bit of experience in unmanned aircrafts due to the work they carry out. Explain the difference β†’

How can managers adopt marketing orientation successfully

The marketing mix involves developing a product in the right quantities that the consumers want to buy, pricing the product at a price that consumers are prepared to pay, promoting the product effectively to the target market and distributing the product in ways that meets the consumer needs. The price needs to be able to β†’

Assignment example

Departmental Factoids AFFILIATION: Departmental Factoids Importance of Departmental Factoids forCustomers For every organization, it is important that they provide complete details about specialized terminologies that are being used frequently. In order to make sure that everyone has clear understanding about key terminologies so that there is no confusion for everyone, it is important for organizations β†’

Discussion question wk5 dq2

Is direct marketing effective? What is the disadvantage of direct marketing?

Free essay on do supermarket chains have too much market power

The supermarkets' allegations go back to 2002 and 2003, the problem of the energy of markets over both manufacturers and customers is very much discussion. Sydney: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002.

Good example of boeing case study literature review

According to the authors, both salesperson loyalty and loyalty to the selling company corroborates the willingness of the customer to pay a price premium. This helps in building the loyalty of the salesperson to the selling company.

Can netflix regain lost ground

In July of 2011, Hastings announced to his customers that Netflix would be attempting to focus more on online streaming of movies and television shows and less on physical DVDs. To make matters worse, Hastings did not properly inform his customers of the price and service changes, which led to a lot of confusion.

Sales operations & management

Blunders and Successes in Sales Blunders and Successes in Sales The sales department is very essential in any firm. To deal with rejections it is important not to take them personally, I believe that when a customer says no they are saying no to the deal and not to me, it is, therefore, important to β†’

Coca cola marketing 10624

This can be seen as a sort of free promotion for the others in the market. In the long run this can lead to Coca Cola's costs for advertising to increase or furthermore they could lose control of the market and fall into a disequilibrium.

Christine taylor succeed

Christine felt that this will be the best way to grow and expand her business. She also believed that focused in a niche business and a great promotional strategy will allow Aussie Pooch Mobile to attract customers as well as new franchisees.


Despite the fact that the piano lesson is regarded as a play, there are several influences that listeners acquire and play significance roles in their daily lives.a) Through the piano Lesson, we can identify various African ritual dances that take place in the offering of sacrifices moments.b) On the other side, the European dance reflects β†’

Academic suspension appeal

I am writing this letter in an effort to appeal the decision of the university to dismiss me as a student due to my inadequate performance during the past Spring semester. It is my hope that upon hearing about the situation that led to my lackluster performance last semester, the university will find a due β†’

A thoughtful comment about a video

A Thoughtful Comment How to decorate a plate with cocoa and sugar Brendan Cronin is a chef teaching on how to decorate a plate usingblack plate or white plate depending on the available one at home for guests. One the things to note is that the powder used in the decoration of plate will determine β†’


The product had a major opportunity in form of large scale sales opportunity because of the unavailability of the product in the country. Distribution of the product will be in a similar fashion as other Redbull brands: it will be sold in local convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, and bars and nightclubs.


In response, the Cleveland Indians Baseball Team has responded to the racism critics by backing itself up for having recreated its current logo as a throwback to its Indians blue ' C' logo that the team used between the 1915 and 1927. In 1933-1938, there was a change of the logo to a mascot with β†’

Logic & reasoning discussion forum

This is called fallacious appeal to the past or appeal to tradition in which people are made to believe that anything that belongs to the past or has occurred in the past for long is better. The logic is that- how can the age of something relate to its efficiency?


Varghese is a research paper found on the web page of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Varghese is a Professor and former Head of the Educational Planning in New Delhi.