3000 Words Essay Samples

Gdp failure to measure standard of living economics essay

Thus, ' GDP per capita tells us the income and expenditure of the average person in the economy' The standard of living is a measure of economic welfare. Although the expenditure to improve the environment is added to GDP, it does not mean that the standard of living is increasing.

Link between household saving and economic growth economics essay

The main result is that the real interest rate, expected in ' ation, the ratio of the all-government scal balances to nominal GDP, and the ratio of household net worth to personal disposable income are the most significant determinants of the trend in the personal savings rate, as measured in the National Income and Expenditure β†’

Wheat industry of pakistan

The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the wheat price policy and the factors that shape and guide the formation of this policy as well as the impact of different pressure groups and stake holders. The success of the second objective is estimated by computing the variation in the domestic price and comparing β†’

Positioning of the new product marketing essay

It is difficult to analysis the market size for bubble tea as it is still a brand new market in the most of western nations. The current market trend in beverage is people are more concern about the health issues and would prefer a healthier drink, and there is a expecting continuingly grow on the β†’

Computer crime 3403 essay

These numbers are looked at by hackers and then used again, when the hacker calls up the number and gets on he's presented with a logon prompt, this is where the hacking really begins, the hacker tries to bypass this anyway he knows how to and tries to gain access to the system. The thrill β†’

A phenomenon of rising prices economics essay

The impact of inflation on an economy is a rise in the cost of living and a reduction on its purchasing power of the population. It is the manipulation of the amount of money and credit available, and the cost of that credit to borrowers, that is, interest rate in an attempt to influence total β†’

Managing people and organization in kfc

KFC's strategic use has always been demographic, the following factor are included in the demographical of the pest of KFC. KFC support the work of research and development in order to introduce the new technology.

Students perception towards social networking sites

Page 1 of 7 ANZMAC 20091Students' perceptual experiences.experiences and beliefs about the usage of Facebook in topics at an Australian UniversityBackground to the Study In many universities.faculty members are strategically encouraged to integrate new media engineerings into their topics with a position to prosecuting pupils and heightening their acquisition experiences. In footings of integrating new β†’

Theories of development in class

The society then evolves in the second stage to a state of potential development, where capitalistic entrepreneurship and the formation of the state begins in their early stages. It is by this model that core countries become incredibly rich, and become the controllers of the trade market with the periphery, which must remain in an β†’

Sin tax bills pros and cons economics essay

This thesis paper aims to show the pros and cons of the Sin Tax Bill reforms to the Philippine economy, presented before the Senate and the House. Since the real reason behind the implementation of this law is to discourage the people, especially the youth to smoke cigarettes and indulge themselves to other vices, Department β†’

Frankenstein essay

Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long time traversing my bedchamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep". The wind fanned the fire, and the cottage was quickly enveloped by the flames, which clung to it and licked it with their β†’

Research paper on octavia butler

And speaking of awards, in the summer of 1995, I received a MacArthur Fellowship from the John D.and Catherine T. During her stays in the past she is forced to assume the role of a slave to survive.

Is clausewitz relevant to modern warfare politics essay

Many critics have pointed to Clausewitz's preoccupation with armies and the control of territory- ' albeit the principal instruments and stakes of warfare in continental Europe in his time- and to his neglect of sea-power and the related questions of colonies, trade and empire'[3]. Of course, in the immediate aftermath of the ' West's' Cold β†’

Problem based learning pbl

The study found that " the PBL students increased the accuracy of their hypotheses more than the nonPBL students". The researchers concluded that " the PBL approach can improve the quality of the learning environment in both cognitive and emotional ways".

Quality of employee work-life

Organization success is not only depends on how the organization maximize the capabilities of employees but also have to consider on how to maximize the employees' commitment on work by improving the quality of employee work life. The term of quality of work life was introduced in the late 1960s as the way to improve β†’

Report progressive hospital

The Core Switches act as the routers for the site, handling traffic flows within and between the sites. The main weakness of WEP is the way in which data is encrypted and the fact that a hacker can use a ' sniffer' to crack the encryption key.

The different factors of individual language learners in second language acquisition essay sample

The Different Factors of Individual Language Learners in Second Language Acquisition Recently, Second Language Acquisition play important role to language learning and teaching as second language that SLA refers both to the study of individuals and groups who are learning a language subsequent to learning their first one as young children, and to the process β†’

Risk assessment analysis on arcdem engineering

It involves the supervisor of the plant operations since he's the one who is knowledgeable on the operations and that he ensures that all the workers are knowledgeable on the risk on the company and roved them trainings. The personnel who plan this are the supervisor and the executive secretary with the help of the β†’

Responsibilities of organisations operating globally business essay

THE RESOURCE AND MARKETING - The market and resources of the country and host of their new business, the strength of the business in the country. COMPETITION - There will be competition among the local business of the host country, the local business will give them a lot of threat because the people have already β†’

Video games and other online activities may improve health in ageing

These new text genres are very relevant not only for the individual player but also for the rest of the team because the players can use the information to initiate actions which influence the behavior of other players. The risk always exists that excessive use of the Internet, particularly in a way that is repetitive β†’

Analysis of india’s cosmetic industry

The war paint of the Native American, the tattooing and scarification practiced by many peoples, and the use of woad are all forms of cosmetic adornment. Sulfides of calcium and barium have the property of removing hair from the skin and are generally the active agents in cosmetic depilatories.

Premature infants essay

Foetal and Neonatal movements and postures contribute to the moulding and continued shaping of joints, skull and spinal curvatures in infants. In conclusion, this assignment has considered the potential positioning, and postural support strategies to protect and promote the motor development of premature infants.

Status of women in pakistan sociology essay

In Pakistani society women is considered in reproductive roles as mothers and wives, where the main objective of women is to look after her home, husband and children while men is regarded in a productive role as bread winner for the family. Social status of working women In the 21st century where a lot of β†’

Role of performance management case study pizza hut

Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, was well aware of the role of workers in a successful business and devised policies to get the support of the worker and consumers from the start of his business.Mr. The researcher takes Pizza Hut as a case study and tries to prove that Performance Management and appraisal system β†’

Walter is the largest retailer in the united states

A Strength In Walter's most recent advertising campaign Is called " The Real Walter" this advertising campaign consists of people from all walks of like shopping at Walter and explaining the Walter offers, but the positive and productive aspect that Walter is for the American economy. Walter is constantly changing and adapting their methods to β†’

The internet and contemporary business environments

The Internet is supportive of such efforts in that it facilitates monitoring of competitors and provides access to resources used for the design and manufacture of new products. Email content With the accessibility and convenience of email, it is easy to believe that composing email messages would be an easy task.

Research paper on hybrid cars in the us engineering essay

The concept of hybrid vehicles first originated in 1905 when an American engineer filed for a patent on a car that would use an electric motor to boost the power of the traditional gasoline engine. Hybrid electric vehicles combine the internal combustion engine of a gas emission vehicle with the battery and electric motor of β†’

Role of marriage in society

In many cultures, extended family which includes married couples staying in the home of their parents is a form of showing love and respect for example in Pakistan; marriage is also basis for having children in those societies. Husbands and wives are compared as garments to each other Marriage gives tranquility of mind in the β†’

An overview of quality by design engineering essay

Quality by Design is a newer approach that has been offered by the United States Food and Drug Administration which if understood well and implemented properly can save considerable amount of time and cost and at the same time can improve final product quality and regulatory compliance which can increase the speed of product to β†’

Foundation the story behind the foundation

Campbell to tell him the plot of a new story I was planning to write, and the catch was that I had no plot in mind, not the trace of one. Why should not I write of the fall of the Galactic Empire and of the return of feudalism, written from the viewpoint of someone β†’

Relationship between depression and social support

Perceived needed social support is one's perception in respect to their need of support and the degree to which they believe they need support and received support refers to the help than one actually obtains from others. There are many factors that play into the link between depression and social support such as the source β†’

Mcdonalds competition against burger king

The strong foundation that he established continues today with McDonald's vision and the commitment of our talented executives to keep the shine on McDonald's Arches for years to come. By the time they sold their company to Pillsbury in 1967, Burger King had become the third largest fast-food chain in the country and was on β†’

The development of students socialization sociology

This concern raises the inquiry of whether or non, in the recent moves to implement single-sex schools, the development of pupils ' socialisation accomplishments are besides adequately considered and justifies the worthiness of this paper. The following subdivision will so try to stress the importance of socialisation and its accomplishments development and the demand for β†’

Air conditioning: emerging trends in engineering and technology essay sample

The design of the generator, which is the focal part of the system, is novel yet simple. As the main heat consumption in the desorption phase is due to the adsorption heat, low values of adsorption heat are beneficial to the coefficient of performance.

Criminal law exercise assignment

In order to prevent the public and the government from learning of the adverse side effects, the directors of the hospital placed the original documents in a warehouse, falsified the research findings, and submitted the altered documents to some very prominent medical Journals that published the information.3. After taking the original documents from the warehouse β†’

Non-chemical distant cellular interactions as a potential confounder of cell biology experiments

These studies showed that there is a significant difference in the magnitude of the effects between the detector group and the non-detector control group. 0005086 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Foletti, A, Lisi, A, Ledda, M, de Carlo, F, and Grimaldi, S.

Jetblue management case study

It is actually only one step beyond the strategy of accepting the customer's reality as part of the product and part of what the customer buys and pays for.". The theory and technology already have been tested and proven to be a competitive advantage as David Melanin's first airlines, Morris Air, became a pioneer in β†’

Importance of employer branding concepts

The concept of EMPLOYER BRANDING was created in the 1990s by Simon Barrow, who founded People in Business and was the co-author of The Employer Brand. When employees have accepted the sincerity and accuracy of the employer brand, they will carry it forward, actively promoting the brand to colleagues and customers.

Marketing planning jollibee identify a assignment

At present, it is in the process of being renovated, while the opening of a second branch in the country is currently under consideration. There are now a total of 26 Jollied stores in the U.S.

Effects of endosulfan

Certainly, any well informed student will be familiar with the need for a good pre-talk and the establishment of rapport, will have to be quite familiar with the process of inducing and deepening a trance, and, undoubtedly, with the deployment of the suggestions and commands that are, perhaps, the ultimate purpose for the creation of β†’

Enhanced uncoupling of the mitochondrial respiratory chain as a potential source for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Here it is discussed, whether enhanced activation of the sympathetic nervous system in concert with raised uncoupling of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in muscle tissue might be a potential key factor that could initiate the onset of ALS. The first observation that tentatively connect certain activity of muscles to ALS has been published in 2003, β†’

Bear river essay

The primary objective of Connor's troops was to relieve the Mormons of the task of guarding the Western mail routes and telegraph lines, a temporary assignment given the Mormons by President Abraham Lincoln. Somehow the Indians learned about the coming of the troops, cut the ferry rope and moved the camp north and into the β†’

The discrimination of asian-aamericans

The discrimination is pronounced in the education system; the prestige of the school that one attends is determined by the economic status of an individual, this implies the economical inequality narrows down to education system, hence majority of the Asian Americans attending low standard schools. The racial assimilation has played a positive role in relation β†’

An inspector calls – discuss the representation of the inspector

This suggests he is a time traveller as he starts in the year 2000 by going through the audience and he enters 1912 by going up onto the stage where the Birlings are, but he is from 1945 because of his clothing. He makes good use of the phrase ' knowledge is power', the more β†’

How any two films work with the narrative and stylistic conventions

Using the semantic and syntactic conventions outlined above, an analysis of two specific films, The Fly the story of an intense scientist Seth Brundle, who has a vision to alter the boundaries of space and time through the use of a teleportation device, however, somehow manages to, when experimenting on himself, to combine his DNA β†’

Sources of stress among teachers psychology essay

It is to be noted that in this study, the term ' work related stress' and the term ' occupational stress' has been used interchangeably however they are distinguished from each other work related stress includes cases where work may have aggravated the stress experienced hence work may be a contributory factor but not necessarily β†’

Literature review: modeling responses multivariately in a multilevel frame work

In this instance, the measurings are the flat 1 units, the pupils the degree 2 units and the schools the degree three units.2. As a consequence of developing the proficient environment, the package such as STATA, SAS and S plus are emerged in to the Statistical field by supplying facilitates to manage the multilevel informations.

Advantages and disadvantages of the erp method

The current essay does not attempt to be an exhaustive discussion of all the advantages and disadvantages of the ERP method for investigating cognitive functions and dysfunctions, or all the areas where the ERP method has been used, but attempts to highlight important issues in some of the areas where the ERP technique has been β†’

Arguments for and against shareholder democracy

This statute provides that the directors must act in good faith to " promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole"[6]and that in doing so will have regard to; the long-term future of the company[7], the employees[8], suppliers, customers[9]and the environment[10], amongst the company's reputation[11]and the other members[12]. β†’

Chenab group analysis marketing essay

In furniture Chen One provides the latest designs and trends in its products that create a distinguished place for it in this category. It's a pride of ChenOne that the 100% leather products of this renowned, trendy and stylish brand are available in Pakistan exclusively at its stores.

Editorial: cellular and molecular mechanisms of mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence

Editorial on the Research Topic Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Virulence Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacterial pathogen that causes the majority of human tuberculosis, the leading infectious disease in the world. Moreover, deletion of the citE genes from the Mtb genome reduced the resistance to oxidative stress, intracellular replication in macrophages, and growth β†’

Case study claim for damages in negligence scenario law essay

However, in the case of civil actions for damages, such as those arising on the facts of this scenario that Steve and Tina are now looking to claim for, the burden of proof normally falls upon the party that is affirming something to be the case and not upon the party that is looking to β†’

Validity of gre test in predicting the final gpa scores and degree completion frequency

From the data collected by the dean of the school of education, the dependent variables in this study is the GPA score while the independent variable is the GRE test score. The null hypothesis is that having a high score of GRE is an indication of scoring a high score on the final GPA score β†’

The comparative essay essay sample

Choose a basis for comparison and write a comparison of the approaches to the relationship between youth employment and the economy presented in " Can Generation Xers Be Trained?" and " The Sweet Bird of Youth Is Showing Signs of Age".2. Moreover even though people who are in the bracket of 18 to 35 have β†’

Stop and search, and the human rights act

PART A The power of stop and search is a general term used to describe the powers of police or occasionally the officials to search the members of public in a various context without a warrant.[1] Such powers are governed primarily under Part 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.[2] Besides PACE 1984, β†’

An analysis of microfinance and poverty economics essay

They underlying objectives of the Grameen Bank was to eliminate the exploitation by landlords, perk up the standard of living particularly for women and to reverse the old age vicious cycle of ' low income meant low savings resulting in low investment. Self employed women workers and are quite active in the economic sense and β†’

Gcse business studies coursework

As the product I chose is not known by many people I asked the only UK distributor of the product if they could distribute the questionnaires to staff and customers on my behalf. Half of the people that participated in this questionnaire have used the product, 25% have not and 25% do not no if β†’

Antihypertensive properties of lemongrass

The general objective of this study is to determine the presence of ACE inhibitory and antibacterial peptides from the leaves of Lemon grass. Rubisco is thought to be the most abundant protein in the world and comprises up to 50 % of all soluble proteins in plants and it is a very large and complex β†’

Petroleum as the core business of petronas

The paper will outline the background of the company followed by identification of the actual and potential impacts of globalisation on the company. Recommendation of strategies which the company might use to respond to the impacts is covered in the last part of the paper.1.

2,4-di-t-butylphenol c14h22o structure

0 C at 760 mmHg Flash Point 115.0 0. 0 C Molar Refractivity 64.9 0.

Role of physiotherapists in promoting positive ageing

Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to investigate the role of Physiotherapists in maintaining the health and well-being of older adults to encourage positive ageing through the promotion of physical activity. The UK Chartered Society of Physiotherapists recently developed a campaign to promote PA in older adults called " Never too late", it has β†’

Islam in the philippines assignment

The political approach of the Americans seemed effective in winning over the response of the Moro Sultans and Datus to come to agreement, whose conditions included the non-interface of the Americans in the local affairs of the Moro Sultans and Datus. On the granting of independence to the Philippines by America in the year 1946, β†’

Impulse buying emotional effects and subsequent future behaviour

While much research has been done on giving in to the impulse and on losing the internal struggle, information on the effects after an impulse purchase and its relations to post consumption behavior is rather scarce. In order to make this research useful, and to determine how the emotional effects of impulse buying are related β†’

The impact of organisational structures

The discussion covers first the overall structure of the Oxfam which is followed by the organization of the Oxfam team at Haiti for carrying out charitable work. Then there is the post of Director who is the Chief Executive and is responsible to the Trustees for the management of Oxfam.

Bicycle braking systems

Excluding the original design quality of the equipment and materials, caliper brakes are often affected mostly by the moisture that is on the rim, as that will significantly hinder the ability to stop. One of the most important features in the success of the disc brake is its ability to dissipate the heat generated from β†’

Human rights

THE STATUS OF THE CONVENTION UNDER ENGLISH LAW PRIOR TO THE HRA 1998The attitude of the United Kingdom courts towards the Convention has, in the past, been the traditional one adopted in relation to treaties. The House of Lords ruled, on an appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions from a decision of the Divisional β†’

Internal and external analysis rosetta stone assignment

The rest of the employees work at the core of the company, quite a substantial amount of employees work on the research and development of their product and then there are the marketing and sales department and general administration. One of the key activities of the company is the research and development within the company.

The uppsala model essay

If a firm does not have a position in a network relevant to the foreign market they are about to enter, it is said to suffer from the ' liability of outsidership' which could stall the internationalization process, as the firm will have a lack of market-specific business knowledge. The model further suggests that the β†’

An assignment of the connection between economic concepts

Before diving into the depth of the classical economist theories of value I would like to quote the generalization of classical ideas of the group from Sim Taylor". One of the greatest components of lowing value was the division of labor Division of Labor The idea of division of labor was first brought forth by β†’

Cost classification and material management assignment

Again taking the leather sofa example to illustrate indirect costs, the salaries that are paid to the management do not affect the cost of producing the sofa itself even though they are associated with the production of the sofa. Fixed v Variable costs: The costs of expenses whose total does not change in proportion to β†’

A sociological analysis of rising student loans

The issue of student loans clearly falls under the definition of a social problem, as the issue has a vast scope, extent, and population affected, a rich history in the past few decades, and needs to be addressed with a solution. However, with the government already funding a large portion of student loans and carrying β†’

Computational tools to investigate genetic cardiac channelopathies

The essential role of ion channels, particularly in the control of cellular excitability and epithelial transport, was demonstrated at the beginning of the 20th century, even before much was known of their molecular nature. The demonstration of the important roles of ion channels in numerous diseases, coupled with the fact that ion channels are excellent β†’

Business decision making in different ways

In the study of business decision making us mainly focus on the knowledge of different methods of data analyses and how it is useful for business contest and then the presentation of data in an appropriate way to make decisions and predictions. In modern clinics and hospitals, and in many public health departments, data in β†’

Business law class notes essay sample

The directors often forget that they are elected or appointed to the position of the director by the shareholders based on their qualifications and with the responsibility and trust to protect the shareholders interest and maximize their gain. A director is held liable under the following circumstances: * If he does not work in faith β†’

Traditional views on stranger rape criminology essay

According to Susan Estrich, there are two types of rape: " traditional" rape described to be a violent rape committed by a stranger and " non-traditional" rape described to be a less violent rape committed by an acquaintance of the victim. The second part will discuss about and compare the two types of rape: " β†’


The company had doubts whether the office staff would like the coffee made from the coffee machine and its flavor, whether the staff would be in a position to operate the coffee machine and on to top all this, whether the office managers will agree to pay a premium for such coffee prepared by the β†’

Bio ethics essay

In spite of this, the primary goal of the act of euthanasia is the relieving of a person's suffering, and is ultimately seen as the right thing to do. Theravada Buddhism focuses on the medical implications of dukkha and supports the act of euthanasia in attempt to aid the release of the mind and induce β†’

Reinforcement of anchorage in orthodontics

The resistance of movement is achieved through that of the roots, tissue, bone and other teeth, each of these processes form ' varying degrees of resistance' that is required to be overcome before movement can occur During tooth movement the surrounding bone goes through a biological process when the roots of a tooth press against β†’

Sex generalisations and stereotypes

This is a frequently used stereotypical view of women, and in my project I aim to discover whether this aspect of representation is still prevalent in the media of today. This is another aspect of the non-parallel treatment investigated by Miller and Swift in 1981, as this feature is often applied to women, but rarely β†’

Psychological theories of life span development psychology essay

So it is the responsibility of the parents and the teachers to judge their abilities and motivate them and guide them in to the right direction. Middle childhood: 6 to 12 years of age: This is the stage before puberty, the mind is still young and innocent and not aware of the worldly matters.

Strategies to develop critical thinking

Therefore, in order to think critically, there must be a certain amount of self-awareness and other characteristics present to enable a person to explain the analysis and interpretation and to evaluate any inferences made. Regardless of the answer, the student must think critically about the topic to form a conclusion of how the field experiences β†’

Challenges faced by the automotive industry management essay

Logistics management is that part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective, forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements". According to National Science Foundation Report, " The Rouge facility β†’

Social anxiety disorder in children and adolescents

That is, the difference between a seemingly shy person and a person with a social phobia is that although a shy person may be hesitant in their engagement with a social situation they are able to adapt to the circumstances of their engagement and gradually become more relaxed. In reference to the definition of social β†’

The ambulatory healthcare services responsibilities business

The concluding aim of human resource is to keep affable dealingss with the employees and their directors so that the work can be done in the organisation in the most effectual mode. The senior direction in AHS extremely values the function of HR in their organisation and it is one of their top most precedences β†’

The u turn from integration to forced repatriation law international essay

The main research objective of this study is critically examined the Memorandum of Understanding which is signed Between " the government of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia and the government of the kingdom of Norway" in light with the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The concept of home and community β†’

Internationalization strategies: european car makers

The automobile has changed the lives, culture, and economy of the people and nations that manufacture and demand them. At the time of purchase FSM was riddled with the inefficiencies commonly found in state-owned automakers in Central and Eastern Europe, but Fiat pledged to invest $2 billion in Poland by the year 2000, and part β†’

Meeting diverse learning needs

Special Education Guide state that inclusion can be overwhelming to a general education teacher due to the complexity involved in integrating disabled students in to a mainstream school, but with the appropriate training and guidance this can be overcome. It was also stated that the child and the child's parents were to be fully involved β†’

Bimstec and bcim initiatives & their importance for india

The BCIM is conceptualised on the basis of Growth Zones, which involves cooperation between 3 or more member countries for the development of a geographically contiguous region comprising of a part or the whole of each of the participating nations. In the speech at the Second BIMSTEC Summit in New Delhi, the then Prime Minister β†’

Theology of suffering assignment

It is known to happen to everyone, that it is a part of this world that we live in and essentially, there is no escaping it. They do not believe that God created it, but it is a byproduct of the choice they have to love Him back.

Tea marketingassignment assignment

Like a forecasting problem, the dissertation named " The marketing strategy of Vietnamese tea products: current situation and ways for improvement", also has to look back and analyses the data in the past to work out solutions for the true: review investment situation of Vietnamese tea industry; then lead to the right direction to limit β†’

Editorial: reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics

4500 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Parkes, L, Fulcher, B, Y cel, M, and Fornito, A. 2010 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Zuo, X.N.and Xing, X.X.

East asian currency crisis of 1997/98

In the years leading up to the crisis there were some important factors that contributed to the vulnerability of the Asian-5 to economic collapse. The intense pressure on the exchange rates in the region led to a 20 percent fall in the value of the currencies of the four South East Asian countries.

How does culture affect international business marketing essay

With the recent increase in the pace of globalization, culture has gained further introspection than before, especially the role player by culture in the performance of a new business unit in a foreign region or mergers and acquisitions in businesses. Therefore it implies that if the nature of culture has a major impact on social β†’

Offshore structure subsea production system engineering essay

An offshore structure, referred to an oil and gas platform where it is a large structure with facilities to drill wells and extract and process oil and natural gas and export the products to shore. The first subsea well was in one of the Great Lakes in the USA and was in only a few β†’

National kidney foundation leadership

With regards to National Kidney Foundation, both the organization and its stakeholders were concerned over the issue of funds being misused, a lack of transparency and the lack of enforcement of laws internally. When the funds of the NKF were not properly accounted for, the public become skeptical and doubtful of NKF.