300 Words Essay Samples

Evaluation of a stage-specific intervention

The findings of the research revealed that market segmentation can still be achieved even through the use of mass media channels and telephone interviews. It could be noted that the researchers did not put undue pressure on the participants of the research.

Example of critical thinking on project management

Success of every project depends on the ability of the person in charge to keep the project organized and focused. In addition, project manager deals with project environment, standards and regulations of the project, management and interpersonal skills.

The great depression – causes resolution research proposal example

The Great Depression - Causes & Resolution The research intends to verify on the causes and resolution of the great depression and this involved the stock market crash of 1929. This was the prime cause of the Great Depression.

Coca cola gb marketing and economic strategy

Additionally, the campaign has to feature a UK's celebrity, for example, a soccer star. The campaign has to look like the celebrity chosen, drinks a Coca Cola drink and crazy events happen in the streets. The hope is to bring Coca Cola close to the people, and to build trust with the customers. The celebrity β†’

Marketing in schools case study

The worst form of marketing is the organizations that use exclusive agreements with the schools by offering the schools a percentage of their profits to obtain a monopoly for their products. Marketing to children is now a billion dollar refit for corporations that want to corner the young consumers into buying their products β†’

Digital marketing strategy for funky ape cooler bags

List of companies whose progress I am benchmarking (companies I would aspire to being s successful as) Alphabet Books; Blue Manatee; The Lion & The Unicorn 6.'Region's Children's Books' Brand Overview Top of mind: What is the first thing I want people to think when they are introduced to my business? Value: My company's values β†’

The metrics that will make your cmo love you

The paper " The Metrics that Will Make Your CMO Love You" is a good example of a marketing article review. The article, " The metrics that will make your CMO love you", has highlighted initiatives used by marketing officers to ensure higher returns by attracting more customers. A marketer has to balance the three β†’

Aid for trade is beneficial for developing countries but disadvantageous for firms in the developed world

Moreover, it has often been observed that there is a lot of talent found within developing countries which is undiscovered due to financial and other resource based constraints, therefore proving people of such country with aid for trade would enable their talent to flourish and help them lead a good lifestyle. It has also been β†’

Product launch

Research on the market of this product had been underway for years and it was proven that the people of Canada were more than willing to install this radiant heating process in their homes so this will be a huge success due to the availability of a ready market. The competition from competitors is low β†’

Advertising is a wasteful expenditure or an investment

Its main advantage to the customer is that we become aware of the products in the market and have a competitive advantage in buying the products and services. Its main advantage to the seller is in the manner of informing the prospective customers of the values of the products and capturing them. β†’

Oscar mayer: strategic marketing planning

In this campaign, we need to make people take notice of safe sex is effective in stop spread of disease, the way to ensure health both of you and your partner 's. Our objective is let people realize the importance of safe sex, radically reduce health issue, unplanned pregnancy, induced abortion and negative β†’

Integrated communication marketing

Viral marketing According to Kotler & Armstrong , viral marketing is an internet version of word of mouth marketing and involves creating websites as well as email messages that are so infectious that customers will want to pass them along to friends. These bonus points can be redeemed for a product that is being marketed. β†’

Free essay about theme: imposing incentives and disincentives manages citizens behavior

Click it or Ticket model's main objective is to support and encourage states to implement specific safety belts checkpoints, adopt basic seat belt rules and assign patrols to officers' monitoring the situation. When setting up prices for products, programs or services, it is important to note the objective of the price, access to the market β†’

Government should not reduce the cigarette market essay example

This research will support the fact that government should not intervene to reduce the cigarette market. Looking at the revenues generated from the sale of cigarettes, reducing the market will lead to welfare loss to the society. This will reduce the total welfare in the economy. Reducing the cigarette market will interfere with the right β†’

Organizational use of standards to improve performance essay sample

The topic is the use of standards to improve organizational standards. The report intends to encourage most of the business organizations to work hand in hand with regulatory bodies. The performance of the organizations will then be compared with how they faired after adapting the standards.

Packaging analysis

Type the document [Type the document sub [Pick the [Type the company The chocolate is wrapped in aluminum foil which is covered on the outside by a layer of brown paper. The package aids in promotion of the product since the makers are always inclined towards making something that works; the packaging is old and β†’

Planning at the westwind resort case study examples

Wendell, the managers and the board of directors working together to come with a desired mission statement (Planning at the Westwind Resort, 1). A mission statement should be reviewed by either the staff or board members so that an organization can move forward in growth. Q3 The SWOT analysis β†’

Global marketing management

Topics include analyses of the underlying forces in international trade, opportunities and threats in the world rake, estimation of market potential, regional differences in customer behavior, and the formulation, implementation, and control of global strategies. Green, Global Marketing, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education, 2013.also acceptable) Conceptual materials will be presented through lectures, class β†’

Discussion questions

Discussion Yes, virgin group should diversify its operations in order to capture the opportunities brought by technology and shift in business trends, in addition, they have also diversified their operations to spread and mitigate the risks that are bought by the unstable global economy. In order to stabilize its revenue, the organization should also consider β†’

Website evaluation

The site emphasizes on correcting grammatical errors as its main service, then continues to outline at the bottom that it is also a plagiarism checker. Firstly, the homepage has lots of information that the users might not get to read all of it.

Push and pull strategy

Push marketing is great for generating brand awareness, promoting a new product or service, or delivering a time-sensitive message. Examples of some push marketing tactics you could use to generate awareness of your new product: Display advertising - Run display ads and video ads on relevant websites such as sports blogs and sports news websites. β†’

Psychology and visual merchandising to influence customers assignment

If a brand has a good brand image and people generally say positive things about the brand, the brand itself is likely to have good sale records. An organization with a good brand image may find that there is no need to spend huge amounts of money on advertising as the products sell themselves. If β†’

Strategic planning process for harley-davidson

The first step includes a Competitive Profile Matrix, a vision statement, a mission statement and an external and internal analysis of Harley-Davidson, Inc. The goal of this objective is to have a long-range effect of increased sales of its heavyweight motorcycles as the high-performance and lighter-weight motorcycles are often starter motorcycles for first time riders".

Free essay about bullwhip effect

The bullwhip effect is an event in the supply chain where there is variance between the orders sent to the suppliers and the sales made to the customers. It leads to underestimation of demand for the product due to the irregular orders. One of the impacts of the bullwhip effect is the distortion of β†’

Description of the current brand

The strategy has allowed them to have multiple variations of the brand and sub-brands that has enabled it to cater to different market segments. The organization has eleven brands. In addition, it enables it to compete in different parts of the world due to differences in consumer needs. In addition, the organization has sub-brands.

Marketing and considerable repeat business

What should be your thoughtful reaction? , Your company is about to introduce a new product that will increase the fuel - mileage on ANY gasoline-powered car by 25%. This is a genuine product that REALLY works and has received endorsements left and right as a tool to help America become less dependent on foreign β†’


This makes it easy for the business to expand its operations in the market. Custom marketing is cost effective. This is because it informs and persuades the customers to purchase the products or services. With the increasing levels of competition in the market, custom marketing is the best strategy for business-to-business market.

On opportunities case study samples

This is given a rating of 4 relative to the popularity of e-commerce and e-based technology in the health care industry along with increase in the usage of certain technologies because it warrants the openness of the market to the development of innovative ways under the said condition. In addition, the strengthening of the foreign β†’

Case study

Countries in Persian Gulf believe in heavy breakfast and consequently a wide variety of food groups are available to choose from during breakfast. Problem and solution The main problem that Kellogg faces in the Gulf of Arab countries is the notion with the consumers that breakfast cereals are goodies for babies and not adult β†’

Gdp as a measure of the economy 1791

The formula for calculating the GDP ignores a large percentage of the activities that transpire in the nation's economy. In general, the GDP includes several items that in reality do not indicate the nation's economic level while excluding a large proportion of the activities of the nation. The GDP does not include several things that β†’

To buy or not to buy…that is the question

Some consumers' styles and standards of living determine the type of products and services to buy. In summary, there are many factors ranging from minute to huge factors that influence consumers' choice of buying certain products and services.

Air compressor set

A small control panel would be fitted alongside the platform, and the whole set would be enclosed in a fabric glass case. Transmissions would be sealed in PVC, and the whole interior of the set would be lined by the same material.

Foodservice marketing

They also display their logo that makes it easy for the customer to recognize the brand. At Olive Garden, they do their merchandising in a different way. The strength of McDonald's technique is its attractive display and prices that customers are willing to pay for the products.

Customer experience

Once the s enter the mobile shop, they will feel comfortable because of the modern design inside the shop. The music is cool therefore; the customers will not feel disturbed when making critical choices. When being given service, the customers will feel appreciated because the attendants will use etiquettes and respect the decision they make.

Example of international production and distribution of uncle bobs products in canada research paper

Effective establishment of distribution networks in Canada should be measured against achievement of a certain volume of business and a specific geographical coverage in Canada, all within a specific period of time. It is important for the company to consider competition in the foreign market. What will be the cost of labor in the new β†’

Marketing simulation

In finding ways to incorporate the important factors that matter most to our customers is what will bring in new customers and keep our existing ones around for the long hall. My strategy for Minnesota Micromotors, Inc.that I have entered into the simulation game for 2015 Q2 were based on similar factors that I had β†’

Bull run in indian equity market

95 in opening trade and Sensex was trading at a record level of 37, 690. The valuation of market is also a big concern and there is a need for correction in the market.

Marketing planning and strategy (ethical challenge) 1

Marketing planning and strategy (Ethical challenge Segmentation is one of the most instrumental strategies to marketing as it helps in identification of a suitable market for commodities. In addition, such segmentation may for a basis for identification of the challenges facing the groups and therefore expose them to stigma.

Principles of marketing

Principles of Marketing Affiliation: Knowing s in terms of what they want or need even before they do it themselves is what leads to creating loyal customers, building customer relationships and maintaining them. The creativity of the advertisements is what will bring customers' interests in the products and what will eventually profit the company.

The greek island crete

The Greek Island Crete The island of Crete located at the of eastern Mediterranean is the largest of Greek islands measuring about 260 km length and a width of 60km. The Island covers eight square kilometers and contains a high mountain range formed by three mountains relating to; the White Mountains to the west, mountain β†’

In the news

In the News In the News The article focuses on internet advertisement and how it will play a formidable role in the future of overall advertisement. The article argues that this trend will continue to grow in future as interest of the people in the internet is expected to increase in coming years.

Good article review about urban sprawl

These insights can be very crucial in planning and development of policies such that development occurs to lead to the maximum benefits. The markets in an urban centre tend to direct development in a certain direction, and this can be very important in planning.

Integrated marketing communications 3/1

Integrated Marketing Communications 3/1 Trade and Consumer Promotions Module Trade and Consumer Promotions Discuss the difference between trade and consumer promotionsThese are marketing strategies employed by companies to promote product sales. Consumer & Trade Promotions as Marketing Strategies.


As he stared at the rather sterile neighborhood environment, he was content that, for once, he could enjoy his day in peace without the regular disturbances of human aggravation. Indeed, how he hated people and their foolishness. As the man entered his home, he thought about the burden of being a teacher, having to deal β†’

Speech outline

Speech Outline: " The Fakebook Generation" by Alice Mathias Speech Outline: " The Fakebook Generation" by Alice Mathias Change is animportant aspect in human behaviour, but not every change is good enough for the welfare of the society. Alice Mathias contributing in The Blair Reader, argues that the Internet generation is a fake generation which β†’

My most attractive adversary

Part of the problem lies in the fact that there are more men than women in senior positions in the workplace. Men who make flattering remarks to women want to show that they are in control and part of the dominant group.

Are we getting overly dependant on technology

I do support the argument that we are getting overly dependent on technology. These days human being can do almost everything from the use of internet, mobile phones, computers and satellite at the comfort of the own. For an instant, a CEO who does not want to attend a meeting in the office, one can β†’

Analyzing an artist””””s process

She licked the front up to the nose through the mouth, on the eye and back over the ears to the bun as well as around the neck and down the back. When she walked, Antoni could appear as though to touch the horizon.

How is language influenced and shaped by culture

How Culture Influences the Language Insert Insert Culture is the traditions and beliefs of people from a certain community ranging from the language, religion, and social habits. Different cultural groups use language differently. Language is important to any culture, and every culture has a language to communicate with.

Not a license to murder

Not a license to murder In the of development of the common law, a very vital human right law has evolved. It is a violation of the human right to life to allow use of lethal force even in situations with means of retreat and require minimum force.

Article example

He reacted in such a manner because he thought that prison would provide a better life out of the injustice of the outside world. Question #5 The irony is the case where the state, on behalf of the church, forces Thoreau to pay taxes to the church that his father and not Thoreau attend. β†’

Which habits of the mind you are going to set for yourself as your highest personal goals for the rest of this semester

This essay will discuss about my habit of mind which I am going to set for rest of the semester which is striving for accuracy and precision. Discussion Striving for precision and accuracy highlights the significance of craftsmanship and accuracy that are needed to produce exceptional outcome and results. Goals set by me might β†’

Calvin college

She is one of the few members who have never skipped my bible class. I first got to know her in autumn 2009 when she started attending our church. One of the reasons that she chose Calvin College is because she believes that Calvin College can help her to become a successful nurse.

Public speaking

Clueless we can see the main character's makes an effort to provide the answer to the question " Should all the oppressed people be allowed refuge in America?" Cher pointed out that there is a strain on the resources and used a metaphor of her father's birthday which should be the R.S.V.P.party, but β†’

Vodun and african culture

African Culture and Beliefs: Vodun Vodun is one of the examples of many traditional African Religion, which are a variety of indigenous religions native in the African communities. A person is linked to another person using a soul tie, which commonly links the living and the dead and it is a form of a curse. β†’

Globalization and the environment

It is an issue because the west is concerned about the environment's well being in expense of the people's well being, in developing countries. There is also an element of double standards because most of the global corporations operating in developing countries belong to the west. Globalization is positive The author recognizes the positive β†’

Paraphrase and summary

In these latter days it has become unpopular to speak such a way to be understandable, to make what you are saying clear and to show people that you understand what you want to bring them through your speech. The matter is that we do not even know when exactly it started. People should speak β†’

Critique on the speakers corner

Many people are of the opinion that the speakers at the corner are immune from the law and can speak in whatever manner that they feel to express themselves. In the current set-up, speakers' corner is set loose its meaning and will soon become a thing of the past if the current trend is to β†’

Experiences of a slave

Although the story was written at a time when the American society was divided right between the native privileged slave owners and slaves, it clearly shows the rot in the Christian world. It is quite unfortunate that the native slave owners never bothered to know what they ought to have done as Christians. It was β†’

Why we should send a manned mission to mars

The President is looking to decrease missions to Mars in the hope of reaching a planet that could prove vital for our future. Manned missions to Mars can recreate the achievements of that decade and even surpass them.

A recent trend using cause/effect pattern of development

Technology applications however have effects on real time and quality of time that families spend together, aspects that I discuss in this paper. One of the effects of technology is on the real time that families spend together. March 28, 2014. Parenting1." The long-term effects of technology on family time".2014.Web.

Growing up in the midst of class and gender woes in coetzees boyhood

The paper " Growing Up in the Midst of Class and Gender Woes in Coetzee's Boyhood" is a worthy example of a book review on English. While autobiographical, Coetzee's Boyhood is written in the third-person perspective and has fictional aspects because Coetzee plays with the notion of time. During this time, Coetzee also witnessed the β†’

Using ethos in designing of websites

An example of a website that uses ethos to appeal to its audience is the Basecamp website at https://basecamp.com/ The website for project management tool, Basecamp uses Ethos to appeal to its customers by showing its credibility. The answer from the second man proofs that the website is credible and reliable in project management.

The tempest for shakespeare act i

Insert The Tempest Act Central moral action: Miranda man s his father to ensure that nobody comes toany harm. As the play unfolds, the shipmaster requests his board crewmembers to call for mariners in his bid to ensure that the ship does not wreck. The ship in the tempest set assails to the highland from β†’

Water shortages at jordan

Water Shortage in Jordan Water Shortage in Jordan People cannot survive without water; it is the reason why water shortage is a threatening issue in many world countries including Jordan. First of all, the government develops the water management model to make sure that the supply of water is growing and the demand is decreasing.

Summary of malcolm x

This new freedom was difficult for Malcolm X to obtain, but he was diligent in his studies. Malcolm X said that he had a difficult time understanding books because so many of the words were unknown to him. He also said that his handwriting improved greatly while doing these exercises. As a result of this β†’

Elements and genre

It fulfills all expectations of romantic comedy movies without crossing genres. The movie The Imaginarium of Parnassus is an example of a science-fiction movie. This movie fulfills all expectations of the movies of this genre.

A piece relating to the road by cormac mccarthy

The road by McCarthy Prologue of the story The novel starts with the man and kid in the forested areas, the kid sleeping, as they are making their trip along the street. The story is situated in a post-prophetically catastrophic world, date and spot anonymous, however the onlooker can accept its some place in what β†’

Reading log (summary+respond)

The writings of Davis reflect on the body language, the cultural differences and the perception of maintaining the required distances between the two people as they chat with each other. An example of interpreting the conversation would mean many Arabs liking to remain within a breath's distance from each other as they aim at building β†’

Living with diabetes

She did get remission from diarrhea; however her family physician asked her to get blood checked in laboratory for parasites, hemoglobin, leukocytes count and cholesterol level. On seeing blood report, doctor said that her fatigue was not due to lack of hemoglobin. Since she was suffering from shortness of breath and no infection was apparent, β†’


Oedipus: Antigon's Fate At a time when women were not highly esteemed in the society, one woman defies the king's order to grant her brother a decent burial - Antigon the soon to become daughter-in-law of King Creon. First, being aware of the king's pride as evidenced by his willingness to defy even the gods, β†’

Bridging the gap: faith and diplomacy

Bridging the Gap: Faith and Diplomacy From the article written by Madeleine Albright en d " Faith and Diplomacy" and published in The Review of Faith & International Affairs in 2006, the author proffered pertinent issues concerning the role that religion plays in foreign politics and governance. One story focused on Pope John Paul's ability β†’

Gay couples

Your full November 25, Persuasive Essay Since nurture part of the nature vs.nurture debate holds a great importance, it cannot be said that same sex couples are not able to raise children having normal sex orientation." There is no proof that children who are parented by same sex couples turn out to be homosexuals in β†’

Journal 2

I, coming last, am therefore Least" This statement suggests that Heat-Moon Identified himself to his culture and heritage and to honor the kinsmen of his Native land. The second theory that Heat Moon puts across is the theory of nature and the environment through the idea of fertility and procreation. He also describes β†’

Journal entry

Through his work, he advised people to have a compassion for their work so that they could enjoy their work for a lifetime. People seek employment in sectors they consider more rewarding and guarantee money protection throughout their lives. Prior to composing poems and children books, Donald Hall was a teacher; he did not enjoy β†’


In addition, structured social protection policies would enhance livelihood of Britons and migrants as they adapt to effects of mass migration. It is imperative for UK government to possess the responsibility of urban regeneration through paying of urban facilities improvements. Moreover, since the government has foremost responsibility of subduing migration and its effects, they should β†’

What i’ve learned from men by barbara ehrenreich

On Being a Lady In " What I have Learned From Men", Barbara Ehrenreich thinks that women today are still ladylike when it comes to battle of the sexes , viewing being ladylike as just being weak, and nice. Being ladylike does not demean women but in fact, can be used to empower them. β†’

Arab spring

Arab Spring Introduction The ' Arab spring' begun in December in Tunisia, and got characterized by demonstrations and protests across countries in North Africa and the Middle East. The term ' Arab spring' got coined to call these revolutionary events which were meant to usher a bright future for the nations where it took place β†’

Environment does/does not make people who they are

One of the articles read to inform this particular piece of research was that of Gloria Steinam's piece entitled " A Balance Between Nature and Nurture". Within this piece of research, Steinam denotes the fact that both nature and nurture play a powerful and definitive role in defining the individual and their life experience/world view.

Hu300 unit 8 topic 1

The morals of the film and other artistic features used in the film will also be analyzed. Morals in the film The film mainly talks about the life cycle of a plastic bag. The effects of these elements in the film are to portray the journey of the plastic bag to the point of β†’

A review of ligeia and william wilson stories by edgar allan poe

The story of Ligeia is not a true classic as it represents some aspects of life that are not real. A timely story is relevant to the age period in which it is told.

It takes all kinds

Of all these, the best way to classify people remains that of economic classes. In the past, people were classified as either rich or poor. Arrival of automobiles added a new feature to this classification where the middle-class was born.

Climate refuges

Climate Refugees Up until the time that I came to view the movie " Climate Refugees", I never thought of the problem of climate change as one that has been causing the calamities around the world and the seemingly massive migration of the people from the affected countries to other places around the world. The β†’

Negative messages

In fact, I have enjoyed working for your services and I would also appreciate the most if you came again when you visit our country. It is not my intention to break this news to you. It was own responsibility as customer to study your insurance coverage, in that you may have known that the β†’

Emergency letter from dr in eyes to the son of the patient that he can get leave of absence from the compagny so he will be able to help his mother during and after the surgery

Your valued presence will improve the chances of recovery for my patient along with giving her a sense of security that she must feel with you besides her. In the light of the matter I would request you to obtain a leave of absence from your company to be besides your aging mother in these β†’

Compare my ometown wich is saudi arabia to the city i live in now wich is murfreesboro tn

This paper will show the differences in freedom, weather, and respect for the law between Saudi Arabia and Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and why I would love to reside in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I would love to live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee than Saudi Arabia because of the differences in freedom, weather, and respect for the law. Everything has β†’

Classic and non classic analysis in likelife

ic and non ic analysis in ' Likelife' ic style is identified by a collection of techniques which are used by the writer rather than the attitude depicted towards writing.' Likelife' presents a mixture of classical and non classical forms of writing in literature as the writer uses these styles to explain the events that β†’

Walter williams

26 July Critical Analysis of Walter Willliams's Argument Passing the Senate Resolution 26 does not mean that the African Americans have to be compensated, and if by any means the compensation has to be made, the money has to be retrieved from the American government. The biggest fallacy in Williams's argument is that reparations have β†’

Respond: what is the american dream

The American Dream The American Dream...this issue seems vulnerable for many citizens of America. The author of the article states that the people's perception of American Dream did not only change their life for better but on the contrary caused more problems.

The company man

THE COMPANY MAN By Location of the The Company Man " The Company Man," is one of Ellen Goodman's writing that clearly shows the picture of the corporate America. At his funeral, the company president describes Phil as hardworking and a difficult man to replace.

What you learned in this class

The outline of the research with the thesis statement is included in the paper. Formatting the paper is important in business letter writing, research paper writing and establishing a movie review.

Thomas jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson, third president of the united of America, was a farmer, a scientist, an aesthete and a violinist. However, not everyone saw this side of Jefferson, such as Ellis, who disagreed with the ideologies of Thomas Jefferson in his article " American Sphinx: The Contradictions of Thomas Jefferson".


The case went to the Canadian Supreme Court and a ruling was made in 2013. References News, C.. Retrieved from http://www.rappler.com/nation/15858-kennedy-to-sotto-this-is-a-clear-case-of-plagiarism

Spend the money

Receiving one million dollars opened countless doors of opportunities to fulfill the desires and dreams that were left untouched because of financial restrictions. The first thing I would like to do with my money is to build a dream house where I can live with my family. Moreover, I want to be a part of β†’


Journal Entry: How not to be Alone al affiliation Journal Entry: How not to be Alone Summary The article " How not to be Alone" by Jonathan Safran Foer tells the impacts of technology in getting the world further from peoples' hearts yet bringing getting the world at peoples' fingertips. I saw myself in Foer's β†’

Response writing to a chart

From the chart provided it is clear that female in Canada are underrepresented in the sciences with over 4000 male against 2000 female ones, mathematics with 3100 male students against around 2900 female ones. In legal studies, the numbers are almost even with the female students having a small lead over their male counterparts; however, β†’