300 Words Essay Samples

Domestic violence

number The Nature of Domestic Violence in Modern World Domestic violence is one of the most acute and widespread problems of modern society. There is a number of researches attempting to discover the causes of domestic violence.

Chapter 15 – brave new world

When John gets to the hospital, he incites the people taking Soma and there is a confrontation between the authority and the crowd. This is evidence where the police comes in and sprays Soma vapor to the crowd for the sake of controlling the riots.

Local revision worksheet

To achieve the right length for each paragraph, ensure that a single paragraph contains five to six well-structured sentences. There are a few paragraph transition words and phrases used throughout the paper.


Speech Coherence in speech It is very essential for a speech to organize in a coherent and meaningful manner. It is a proper habit of speech presentation to change one's tone while mentioning transition statements such that an audience takes the cue while the speaker is moving into a new sub-topic.


Evaluation Introduction Marketing is a world-wide field fully developed and harnessed and it is only fair to say that the largest marketing activities and product consumption is in the United States. The roles of women in the society have made a turn for the best and it is evident that they are better performers in β†’

Demonstrative speech (3-4 mins)

After you got it rinsed, pour some clear water over the rice, so that the level of water would be twice as high as the level of rice in the cooking pot. Put the cooking pot on the hot plate for cooking the rice you have prepared.

The story of an hour

Full Theme Explained Through the Setting The Story of an Hour paints the picture of Louise Mallard with a heart trouble in the opening of the story which prepares the reader to look at it not just as a condition to explain why her sister, Josephine had to break the news about her husband's death β†’


From the stated sum of money, the partners can limit their expenses in accordance with their priorities and about to the following areas: Size of the wedding The wedding size is influenced by the guests' numbers who have the maximum consequence on the total cost. Foods and drinks The section is among the prime expenses β†’

Self-esteem in self-sufficiency

Body 1: Poverty Nora had to find her own way to struggle through poverty when she would been raised to be cared for I had to find my own way to struggle through poverty when I was just a child when I was not well-prepared for how to deal with it Both Nora and I β†’

History of english

HISTORY OF ENGLISH French is one of the most spoken languages of the world. Its opens the door of French companies for you and can help you to flourish economically, and therefore it is said to be the language of job market.

Fainel exam

The Brown house 1 is a painting that reflects a different from of house in a certain environment. Textures and window is a painting in a natural setting.


E The article by Al-Houqani, Raghib, and Cother explores smoking as a public health issue in the U.A.E.these authors observe the use of Arabic traditional pipes have been on the rise, alongside smoking practices that involve different type of tobacco. In this respect, the ultimate plan is to use this article to understand the dynamics β†’

What the course offers

What The Course Offers The course provides information concerning learning and its activities, helping students to understand the relevance of learning and the part it plays in their lives. In addition, the course explains why the learning activities are necessary to the growth of students.

Trouble relating to women

The Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act is the core subject of analysis in the ad and the position of the presidential candidate on the subject being the topic. The Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act was one of the critical issues affecting the Americans, as they wanted an understanding of the position of the future government β†’


She used to suggest that to study better for this class, I might want to concentrate more on the book as it has a clear explanations for all the assignments she used to give us." To be well prepared for class, do all the reading I ask you to do". I chose to talk to β†’

Moments of excitatory

The author of " life work" makes a deep exposition on the topic of work in a wide perspective such that it becomes easy to realize different aspects of work that we have never thought about before. It is evident from the reading that definition of work can be as many as the people we β†’

Reader response

In order to understand the housing crisis, the ensures that all aspects of the crisis are laid out for all to see by bringing out statistics of those affected and the severity of the crisis on a countrywide scale. According to the author, the focus and cause of homelessness is as a result of reckless β†’

Saudi night

It helped me a lot with the transition to MSU because I felt assured there will be people who will assist me in the school. In the future, I will attend such event again to show the same welcoming spirit to newcomers and become a good example like those who has shown me good.

Objective and subjecive ( you have the file you can read and see its dont have to be the room at algoma u any room

There is an LCD television hanging from the ceiling in front of the students that is used for power point presentations and other lecture purposes. The computers are mounted to each table and each student uses a top of the line LCD monitor for class lecture purposes.

Journal nine/ten

It is a play depicting the inefficiency and the ineffectiveness of the court system. The network connection is faulty, the guards frisking the people are more of a bother, and there is no freedom to smoke.

Irony in oedipus rex

October Irony in Oedipus Rex The novel Oedipus Rex is full of different types of ironies: dramatic irony, double irony, and verbal irony, just to name a few. While he makes this commitment with the audience, the audience knows that the murderer of Laius is Oedipus, which makes it an example of dramatic irony in β†’

Summary of a chapter of book

Studies show that most adolescents are spending more time on the internet nowadays, playing online games and developing virtual relationships with more people than they can make in the real world. This shows that literacy is not achieved only within the classroom but also in a bigger world, the virtual world.

Journal entry #9

The article written by Butler entitled " How Are Nonnative-English-Speaking Teachers Perceived by Young Learners?" and published in the TESOL Quarterly presented a closer examination of the role of accents in the general listening comprehension of Korean students; as well as the students' attitudes towards teachers with " American-accented English and Korean-accented English ". How β†’

Rombo – rick santorum

The ad is for Rick Santorum, who was a Republican Presidential candidate, and his rival was Mitt Romney. Additionally, the look-alike of Romney in the ad is wearing a white dress shirt that is pitch-perfect along with a tie.

See below

On winning the match, Billie King flung her racquet in the air, and hugged her husband, who lifted her to the crowd's applause. A necessary spectacle: Billie Jean King, Bobby Riggs, and the tennis match that leveled the game.

Summary and response 1718

The reader may not know if the fleas are good to the dog while we know that fleas are not desirable. Ai not so/ Is not In this text, it is suggested that we try to use our own terms and words when writing.

The onion news network reader response

Bringing humor to real stories, the fake news provides entertainment on real issues in the society, as well as the events shaping the political circles. In essence, the news satire has continued to raise civilian awareness on various issues that arise in the society.


The reader hears of his experiences and that of other characters in the story directly. Changez reflects on the world and informs the American of the gravity of the situation at home, as compared to America.

Nonverbal coommunication ( anthony f. grasha )

For instance, people in the USA and China have different attitudes to their private space. Chinese people have a different understanding of private space, and they can stand closer to their American friends than it is allowed.

Abstract assignment

As presented by Arlington Heights in his article " Does Giving Antibiotics to Animals Harm Humans," animals fed on antibiotics grow healthy as per the expectations of the U. Using antibiotics in farm animals as growth promoter will be seen to have side effects of antibiotics such as the resistance to Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, β†’

Transfer to the university of illinois

The university is recognized for having the best faculty and is marked to be one of the finest universities in the United States. I wish to continue my education under the best guidance and in an intellectual environment and all these opportunities will be provided to me in the university.

Technology in the news

HP was of the view that someone was attempting to purchase Autonomy under them. There are rumors that some executives of HP may have tried to halt the appointment of the CEO by hiding Autonomy's negative information.


Electronic commerce al affiliation Electronic commerce The drastic development in information technology has resulted into significant effects in the use of computer. Cyber bullying and harassment, through the use of computers, has become common in this information and digital age, resulting into unethical behaviors.

Analyzing point of view

This is what happening in " The Gift of Magi" where we do not see what Jim is doing during the story but still he chooses Jim to tell the part of the story. The point of view helps in shaping my reading as it describes the life style, the position of the characters and β†’

Six dimensions of wellness

Emotional wellness is a dynamic state that influences all the dimensions of health. Intellectual- The height of intellectual health includes openness to novel ideas, capacity to think critically and the willingness to master new skills.


Lecturer's and Number: Submitted Evening in the Sanitarium The poem of ' Evening in the Sanitarium' is a poem that has sadness in it. This is seen in the last line of this stanza where this woman is given possible chances to meet new person and home to live in.

See the order instructions

of Gothic elements from the Short Stories Gothic literature is characterized by a number of elements allowing the readers to evaluate the clarity of story's plot. As per the evaluation of A Rose of Emily, the element of gothic literature comes to visibility such as the transition of a woman from good to traumatic.

Child abuse

Child Abuse Topic Child abuse Tentative Research Questions In what ways is child abuse related to drug abuse by parent/guardian? 2. Then, based on my readings, I decided to narrow down the topic to child abuse.

Journal entry (economics topic)

Value Added Tax in the Economic Crisis Value added tax was introduced by government to address the shortages of revenue that hindered government operations. In conclusion, the government may increase or decrease the charge on VAT to address the economic crisis of the day rather than resulting to other measures to increase tax receipt.


The title of the play " Endgame" is derived from the game of chess. Hamm talks of how his life is close to the end and he would like to finish it.

Demonstrate how to show not tell the action

English Welcoming the troops back home The airport terminal is a buzz of normalcy. It is the Budweiser moment of fame.

The glass ceiling

Bypassing the Glass Ceiling in Psychology The glass ceiling is something that prevents women professionals from being able to enter in to the highest echelons of a profession. Though recent advancements for women in the workplace have allowed them to achieve higher rates of entrances in various professions, there are various systematic and cultural barriers β†’


To evaluate the extent and impacts of the reliance on computer technology as the best innovation To explore the possibility of a superseding innovation and importance of computers in the past decade, possibility of survival without computers and effects of overreliance on computers First supporting paragraph With its application compared to that of other devices β†’

Engage gladwell, olson, and nathan in a conversation to explain how individuals

Heba Relationships The need for a mature relationship is essential owing to the contemporary diversity of the world. Building national and international schools, encouraging intermarriages, and promoting open-mindedness are some of the reliable ways of reducing racial discrimination and ethnicity.

Db #4

Analysis of Nicholas Christakis Argument In his TED talk, Nicholas Christakis employs the use of rhetoric to persuade, appeal and inform his audience on the hidden influence of social networks. By talking about how he conducted his study by taking care of the sick and terminally ill patients, Christakis uses the rhetoric proof of Pathos β†’

Summary of an asian father’s gift: permission to fail

The author said that her transcripts will be ruined and therefore, she will not be able to attend College. The author says that, at that particular time she realized that her father had given her the permission to fail, and that is when she started looking at life differently.


Logical argument: King points to the fact that he is disappointed by the way church leaders are carrying out their leadership activities. Relationship of the paragraph to the Rest of the Letter King decides to speak this way after realizing that most black people were being discriminated in church matters and therefore it is imperative β†’

Critique of a report

A Critique of a Health Care Report of Affiliation The British journal of healthcare assistants has for a long time dealtwith issues related to children health. The author makes a good use of past health records collected from a vast resource base to help paint the picture of the present health problem.

Writing is an art

Didion states that the act of writing is nothing but the imposing of the author's views and ideas on a particular audience. It had taken her a great length of time to realize that she was passionate about her writing and wanted to be a writer.

Answer the question

It was alleged going against the rules that advertisement, and undermining the national practices and culture of the Chinese. The advert of the panda urinating on the streets may work as it aims to make the Chinese behave while abroad.


It is also true that the use of examples can increase the interest of the audience in any essay. Also it was very helpful to see a guide of an exemplification essay in the chapter.

Individual case study

Blog Questions on Joe Camel Blog questions on Joe Camel I will look at Camel cigarettes because the cartoon Joe camel according to a survey was found to be targeting children. The case and American business Joe Camel case created a lot of controversy as issues related to smoking and health continued increasing.

Reading log 2

Do the fast food industry companies truly care about the children and their amusement or are they simply using the innocence of the children to make themselves wealthier at the expense of the health of the children and the parents' income? This question is challenging because it raises the pros and cons of these playgrounds β†’

The crucible

Comparison of the roles of Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams in the Crucible The Crucible mingles around a love triangle between Elizabeth Proctor, Abigail Williams and John Proctor. Abigail lies for the purpose of getting what she desires.

The impact of social media on our society

The popularity of and easy access to social media has definitely contributed to the society in a positive way, bridging gaps between different communities and helping people to grow and market their businesses. It also originated and brought to the multimedia sector a new underestimated and now critical aspect of science and technology: social interaction β†’

English composition

English Composition According to Michael Segell, our present culture and society needs to make aharder attempt to go beyond the set traditional standards of masculinity and femininity. According to Segell, the traditional standards of masculinity and femininity has overridden over society and therefore these standards have to be altered to think beyond it and find β†’

Journal 8

Cinderella is gravely miserable since she cannot make to it the grand ball and just in time, her Fairy Godmother emerges and provides a gown and a coach so that she can attend the ball. The protagonist in the story is Cinderella who is saddened by the fact that she cannot go to the ball; β†’

Personal journal entry

Personal journal entry of the The creation of a standard platform makes the language havethe consistency that makes people from various backgrounds communicate with easy and understanding. The audience determines the content and how the message needs to be delivered.

Drama- los vendidos ( luis valdez)

Los Vendidos is assertive of social injustices such as the oppression of Chicanos during the 20th century, in the US. For instance, the dialogue between Sancho and a customer with regard to the maintenance of the Mexican models is implicit of a stereotype regarding Chicanos' traditional foods, as well as their conventional work ethic.

Persepolis and satrapi’s why i wrote persepolis h r

Lastly, she sought to have a simplistic but impactful case around the grave events that were taking place within Iran at the time the original setting of the events in the graphic novel. The best way to embody this characteristic into her work was through the use of a child narrator who easily fits the β†’


Article Summary The article by Lissa Petersen focuses on meeting the needs of international in learning and understanding the English language. When the students decide to pursue their studies in the US, they imply that they are proficient in English, but as a second language.

Complaint letter

The lines have gotten to the point where I will enter the store to make use of one of the side services, such as the money order counter, and leave to purchase my groceries and other items at a different store. In this way, the cleanliness and orderliness of the store is not neglected, but β†’

Why i love dogs

I would go as far as saying that dogs are the only animals that seem to connect with a man emotionally, better than other animals. On the other hand, when I act in a friendly and cordial way, my dog stays around me and reciprocates by producing sounds to show that it is comfortable.

Steve ballmer’s new life as an nba owner- team builder

Therefore, the entry of Ballmer to the Los Angeles Clippers will bring a lot of changes in the short run and long run. In the long run, the Los Angeles Clippers will be a top team in the country.


Strictly implementing security procedures to lessen contact or interaction people and continuously updating the public of the epidemic's status can contribute to the prevention of the spreading of Ebola. Going to medical specialists early can stop the spread of Ebola.

The role of music in my life

For instance, when I am feeling lonely, I listen to classical music because the kinds of Bach and Beethoven have a soothing effect that penetrates the heart. I turn to music, to songs that convey messages that relate to my situation.

Topic about drugs

The effects of the drugs abuse are also different in various people and therefore, it is may be not easy to generalize the condition but many impacts on different people can be implied. The effect of drug abuse can be broadly divided into three parts in the categories of health of the individual, societal effects β†’

Gun control

However, this should not be used as a gateway to allow the public to run out of control in regard to ownership and use of guns. Guns, Gun Control, and Elections: The Politics and Policy of Firearms.

Why pathologies of hope

In the case of Barbara Ehrenreich, she used the word to define a state of mind that is being pushed by life coaches and other psychiatric professionals in the treatment of their patients. Ehrenreich chose to use the word to define the case of " hope" as a study of a state of mind.

Kind of sport ball

Kmart has successfully managed to establish and market its brand name, which is a trusted and well-known national brand as designer clothing and a private label that has several low-cost, well-located, and leased stores throughout the U.S. It has employed expertise that plans the appearance and layout of stores to satisfy different customer segments.

Culture and the way to rainy mountain

He uses the descriptive language of the story to help create a trail of litany that reflects a journey into the heart of Kiowa culture which is the antecedent and ultimate benefactor of the aura of Rainy Mountain. As the story draw to a close Momaday uses the symbology of his dead grandmother to depict β†’

Recommendation letter

I have known [Surname] for the last 17years and I can confidently attest that he has all the qualities that one needs to excel in the field of civil engineering. In his final high school grade, [surname] performed excellently in math and this I hope you will confirm in his certificate.[Surname] usually consult with me β†’

Comtemporary humanity

The connection that the author is making here is that the theatrical existence and experiences are the basis of market economies in the current society. This is because acting provides the basis for social, cultural, and political directions in the society.

The style of writing in consider the lobster

The Style of Writing in " Consider the Lobster" The writing style used in " Consider the Lobster" centers on elements of scene and truth. In Wallace's essays, transparency and ease originate from a language that corresponds to views about the purpose of his core argument.

Fitness assessment analysis

This individual is normal as he/she has a height of approximately 67 and weight of 121 that gives a BMI of 19. Of all the results, flexibility and sit ups that are low.

Billy rose theatre division in the new york public library-creative writing

Billy Rose Theatre Division in the New York Public Library Billy Rose Theatre Division in the New York Public Library Originally known as William Samuel Rosenberg, Billy Rose was a celebrated writer, producer, director and lyricist based in New York. He was the writer of lyrics of some of the most celebrated songs in the β†’

Should the concept of race be removed from all legal documents in the united states

Though recognized as citizens they remain discriminated against in employment, housing, and in the education systems. Such racism in the education sectors is where they are forced to ride at the back of the school bus.

Privite high school vs public high school

This paper tends to reflect on this: private high schools are unique in many aspects, but cannot beat public high schools in affordability. Public high schools are cheaper than private high schools, and thus, lots of people get their children admitted in public high schools, resulting in a large number of students in every class.

Topic of cancer by christopher hitchens

He was a credible author, a greater contributor to the New Statesman, the Nation, the Times Literary Supplement, the London Review of Books and the Atlantic. He sought to bring out that having cancer is always described as a battle, and when someone is free of cancer that they had " won the battle".

Free writing journal

The Yellow Wallpaper taught us that a woman's strength is her creativity and imagination, to the point that men would think she's crazy. They will catch all the attention that was deprived of her when she was set aside.


Division ification Division ification The chapter stresses the importance of division and ification in our daily life and in writing in general. Division in writing actually brings purpose and meaning to the writing which is why it is important to use division to maintain audience attention.

Self portrait exercise

This taught me that in everything that I do, dedication and perseverance is the key. Bowling now is my hobby and I love it.

Free writing journal

There are many closing doors in the story, a symbolism of Miss Emily's refusal to adapt to the changes. Miss Emily's refusal to accept the changing nature and behavior of the society and her environment made her a recluse.

Creating the content of the speech

Assignment 3: Creating the Content of the Speech al affiliation: Topic Information protection and security In the wake of technological advancement, application of information systems and technology is no longer an option. Pervasive technologies A new paradigm of physical computing technique worth understanding in the field of information systems and technology to be acquitted with β†’

No child left behind act

The No Child Left Behind Act No Child Left Behind The no child left behind act was implemented by the American government in 2001 to help in the reauthorization of the elementary and secondary education act. The action has been successful in reducing the gap between the minority and the majority as well as improving β†’


How popular culture change According to Delaney and LeRoy, all aspect of popular culture is subject to change. The Rising of Popular Culture: A Historiographical Sketch.

About translation

On the contrary, a major in Arabic to English would enhance me to understand western civilization as well as the language for me. Therefore, it is my sincere hope that a major in English translation would be great for me not to mention the broad career it would offer me in the future.


Finally, Kluger emphasizes that for women, what begins as special treatment to their own healthiness soon extends to the whole family. However, Kluger states that father's involvement in matters of family health-care are supposed to not be minimized; they should also be involved in their families' health-care; because " a present-and accounted-for family normally leads-to β†’

Operation fine girl

The only thing that I could think of while listening to the testimonials of the female rape victims was that something has to be done to put a stop to these atrocities. They need to be taught that the rape was not the end of they are.

Easy a

Easy A I have chosen two reviews; one is by Beck Cinema Crazed - Celebrating Film Culture & Pop Culture". Cinema Crazed Redirect.N.p, 17 Jan.2011.Web.

Free what do you think about the ideas of english as a lingua franca specifically critical thinking example

In fact, the issue of competence is not well brought out in the Kachru model thereby Jenkins seeks to show that there is no uniformity in the various varieties that exist. It is generalizing just like the Kachru Model and pits none of them as superior to the other.

Sam sheppard questions and answers

Is there additional information regarding injuries to Sam Sheppard at time of incident? It seems there is no sufficient information with regards to Sam Sheppard at the time of the incident.

More with the moves

On the other hand, the painting tries to convince the customer on the quality products they have so as to attract more of them just as the name "...the old reliable..".implies. The flowers are the beautification of the premise.

A male from saudi arabia

I have lived in the United States for about three years now with an aim of completing my studies, in the country, and earn myself the highly regarded U.S.certificate in education. As a writer, one strength area is in my choice of words during the process of writing.