2500 Words Essay Samples

The board of directors of chromsystems gmbh

For example, the vision can be ' To enhance human health' and the mission can amplify on the company product offering: ' It is our goal to be a holistic company and the leading provider of clinical diagnostic solutions to enhance human heath and provide a happy working environment for our employees'. The →

The apple, authentec merger

It is the light of this argument that this investigation delves into the background of this deal, Apples agenda and maneuvers and the eventual take over to bring to light its real purpose. The Process According to Brian , the negotiations between AuthenTec and Apple started towards the end of 2011 with a →

Course work on generic toolkit for sony company

Most of the rivals of the Sony Company have been unable to compete because of the range of the commodity offered by the company. The management of the Sony Company is the root of all the successful moves that the organization has made in the past years.

The cooperation & innovation that tesla motors carries out

Tesla's Entrepreneurship and innovation Strategy According to The outcomes of environmental change, 2018 , the most recent perspective of environmental change and its overwhelming impact on the environment has researchers, lawmakers, and the business network stressed over about the contribution of human exercises to the generation of ozone-depleting substances, for example, the carbon dioxide radiated →

Implementation of total quality management and the balanced score card by sme research proposal examples

The study will be interested on learning how small and medium enterprises are involved in the implementation of TQM and the balanced score card which are key components of the business management. This will help in learning the benefits accrued by the MSE's as well as the challenges in implementation. Research Questions - What is →

Term paper on credit card agreements: non-negotiable contracts

On the one hand the banks want " freedom of contract," while on the other hand the consumer wants transparency from the banks and the right to negotiate terms.(Talking, 2009, thecitizens.blogspot.gr) From the banks point of view consumers have the option to accept or to not accept the terms of the agreement. The Act clarifies →

Case study on a swot analysis of boeing

Most of the available information shows that Boeing is a well performing company in terms of its market share and sales; this research paper will be focused on ascertaining the validity of this information by making an independent analysis of the company. A SWOT analysis is a fundamental part of any analysis on the performance →

Harrington collection

5% whose price ranged from $100-$200. Chart-1: Price Point 2006 2007

Ocean exim india pvt. ltd. essay sample

Analysis and recommendations appears to be quite beneficial for Ocean Exim, as they helped the firm to identify there problems and also helped to firm in plotting there the future line of action to get over this problem. Further discussions are used for understanding of the problem and helping the firm in →

Enron’s financial mistakes

The accounting scams in the US such as Enron and WorldCom have attracted the attention of professionals as well as general public from every nook and corner of the world. The collapse of Enron, the seventh largest corporation in the country, as a result of accounting scams, was a real →

Example of cloud computing research paper

The vision of the computer wizard of the 1960s sounded much like the Cloud Computing that exists today. Another contributor to the realization of Cloud Computing was John McCarthy. Due to relatively little use of the internet before 1990s, dedicated development of Cloud Computing took shape in the early 2000s and late 1990s. The first →

Building a company without borders

Business An American Is Running The German Business By Bart Becht A Frenchman Is Running The Russian Business An Indian Is Running The Chinese Business A Belgian Is Running The Brazilian Business T The Idea You may never have heard of Reckitt Benckiser, but in the past few years the company has outperformed its →

Free morgan stanley company research paper example

The planning methods ought to be both quantitative and qualitative to help balance the reason for the establishment of the company which is to make profits and at the same time provide quality services to the clients. Being in the business industry, their main motive is to make profits and some of their customers are →

Free term paper on cct 110

This includes the description strategy, compare and contract strategy, division strategy, argumentation, process analysis and the exemplification strategy. The content in each case provides a basis for this analysis, the first case is the McDonald campaign that backfired, this article narrates how a campaign by this company resulted into negative feedbacks and the company had →

Concept of crises management and examples of it

The crisis management involves all the stakeholders and policy makers to make the policies to avoid the crisis. When addressing a crisis it is important to structure the writtencommunicationsuch that it clearly tells why we are making the crises management report. Be prepared to handle the post crisis Describe all the precautions and →

Knowledge management strategy of gs ltd report examples

Management of knowledge and its dissemination to the right person is one of the most crucial tasks of knowledge management system. Before managing the knowledge in the organization through the knowledge management system, it is required to adopt a knowledge management model. In the case of Global software, it is suggested a very simple knowledge →

Good research paper on marketing

This may even have customers to use the product of a competitor in order to display authentic interest of another firm towards the resolution of user issues. Features of social media marketing Social media marketing is one of the emergent trends which help organizations to reach out to potential customers easily. Social media marketing →

Marketing consultancy report sample

The internal environment of the student marketing group comprises of the elements within the marketing firm that make up the firm. Using the ten students would also provide a remedy to the issue of measuring penetration and impact of the advertisements run on the lids of the laptops. Management The management of Kiai Marketing →

Example of under amor management case study

The mission of the organization is improving athletes' experience through passion and development of modern designs and through the relentless pursuit and adoption of innovation. Under Armor's objective is to be the leader in the development, marketing and distribution of branded performance products not only in the domestic market but also in the international market. →

Solutions research paper examples

Additionally, it will show that the firm and the clients are working as a team because the needs of the clients and the firm will be achieved. In addition, the Gift-cards are difficult to use, especially if the user is new to the system. It is an essential approach as it will make the process →

Free business plan on target customers

This will be with the intention of taking advantage of scholarship opportunities that are available for Turkish students. Business development strategies The business development plan will be based on strategies that are meant to raise the efficiency of the Education First operations in turkey. The professionals will be able to access business language courses →

Finance: company analysis research paper examples

Additionally, company have also gone to an extent of investing to the society as a way of revealing its togetherness with the people who are its clients as a way of corporate social responsibility. The company have also embraced the idea of environmental conservation by cutting on its carbon emission into the air as a →

Amazon rainforest

August is the Amazon's driest month.[pic]In the southeast of England, the temperature in January is about 5 c, where as in the Amazon it is about 28 c.[pic]The total number of tree species is estimated to be about 2500. Map of the Amazon rainforest The Amazon rainforest covers the area of 2.

The doctrine of separate legal entity: a case of salomon vs salomon & co ltd

The importance of this doctrine and its relevance in the analysis of laws relating to companies is evident in the case of Salomon v A Salomon and Co Ltd [1897] AC22, the leading case which gave effect to the separate entity principle. This case has formed the basis of company law and corporate theory. The →

Burger king marketing & employee motivation strategy.

A holders of Burger King franchises has to follow the strict obligations and duties given by the Burger King; it includes designs of a company, internal and external appearance, brand standards, quality and serving offood, training programs and employee compensation plans Nathan, 2011). Burger King is giving license to the operators and administrators →

Example of critical thinking on historical cost accounting system

It would evaluate the benefits and demerits of the historical cost accounting approach. One main argument for the application of historical cost method often is the need to allocate costs consistently. The objective of information would be defeated in applying these methods to the disadvantage of the target group. It is argued that non-historical methods →

Free research paper on crisis management

Some of the passengers panicked, hoarded the available food and started arguing, but on the other side, a group of passengers in the same ship shared water, indulged in prayers and comforted the children of other families. In this research, I will explore Crisis management in detail by analyzing the types of crisis that would →

Swot analysis of the telus

Broad product and services offerings help TELUS to reduce business risk and to expand in the new and existing market. Advertisements: Advertisements with TV commercials usually have cute and loveable animals is the greatest strength of TELUS. Hence, the mobile users in the Philippines are much higher as compared to the Philippines so there is →

Impact of financial crisis and foreign direct investment in the united states report sample

84% of the FDI inflow in the U.S.in the year 2010 came through or from eight countries: The United Kingdom, Switzerland, Japan, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Canada and the Netherlands. Figure 1 below shows the FDI into the US by country FDI into the US by country Foreign Direct Investment inflow of the United →

Essay on self-reflection essay performance

Our target was to sell the car for $12, 500, or as close to that as we could. The development of our group to perform this task and the tasks beyond followed the Tuckman stages of small group development. However, as the weeks went by, and we learned more and more about the negotiation process, →

Performance-related pay definition and general features essay examples

There are different variants, on which payment can be based, such as performance of the whole organization, its division, team or individual results. Usually PRP involves the following three stages: development of the criteria, with the help of which employee's performance will be assessed, defining whether employees meet the set criteria and link the achievements →

Case study on cultural and managerial issues facing michelin in china

The problems began when the business had to establish its team in the new territory and had to take into account the differences in cultures and the management strategies applied in the different countries. This was a part of the new management strategy to be applied in the new joint venture.

An analysis of mcdonalds

The analysis includes a deeper look into the business side of McDonald's, a discussion on the social and ethical issues that McDonald's holds, and just how this business has played a role in both business, and peace relations with other countries. Background and History of McDonald's The birth →

Critical analysis on the context of multi-agency team work

The conditions that the clients are now living in due to the above being ongoing for some time are now less than satisfactory, and to that end the present situation and what should be done about it, has become the primary focus of the various professionals and agencies involved in care of the clients. Each →

Impact of online grocery sales to the retail sector

It will analyse the different fulfilment models of online supermarkets, the adoption models they can use, the barriers they face, the impact on employees, the advantages and disadvantages of adopting e-commerce, the change in supermarkets relationships with their customers and suppliers and finally, the industry wide effects on competition. This is in addition to the →

Good prices * sales costs > 0 term paper example

The best way to do it is the entry on the foreign market, because the increase of the amount of selling on the existed market is not rational and effective. The Thai market is interesting and suitable for the Molson's expansion. The type of the beer can be chosen from the production line of

Marketing plan for midnite king local food joint essay examples

The degree of success it will have to the market mainly depends on to what extent to which the enterprise will employ the right methods in these fields. Midnite king's ability to put into action what it has learned through the research of the market is a function to being successful in the consumer arena. →

Free essay on strategic management accounting

Therefore, the variance through the use of the costing analysis keeps the management updated on the expectation of the business and especially on the business performance. The advantages of the standard costing The standard costing gives the rule of the measurement that helps in the evaluation of the business performance. In additional to this, →

Growth opportunities essay

The contradiction of the two theories brings the need to unearth the reasons why different companies opt for different forms of capital structures. Gearing gives the proportion of entire company debt to equity capital. This means that the company is unable to reap all the benefits of tax relief.

Managing processes and projects report examples

By the unique designs of the cabins, the frames the cables and hub, the London Eye modestly but strongly locates next to the River Thames. London Eye utilizes the most advanced technology to ensure top security for the visitors. Customers have the chance to speed up the wait by buying the tickets in advance and →

At&t financial statement analysis essay example

It is also the sole chance for AT&T to steal again the number one spot from Verizon as the largest mobile service provider in the country. The current trade policy on corporate merger challenges the two telecom companies on the grounds of monopoly and shrinking market competition. In the US alone the wireless sector has →

Good business plan on sustainable marketing plan of o2 mobile uk

The objectives of this marketing plan include supporting of the youthful and the young individuals in the society in developing skills for life that can lead to the development of projects across UK communities that are linked to the mobile industry. This is because, through this project, the first mobile phones that do not require →

Essay on advantages and disadvantages of individual performance related pay

The PRP methodology can be used to boost the morale of the team, individual and/or company, and it can be used to apply and, in some cases to achieve the objectives of a company. Since the beginning of industrial development, the culture of favoritism and biasness was spreading across all fronts of the global market, →

Free what is operations management essay sample

This is because it will be the operational requirements which will decide the opulence of the company and of their sellers while they supply the particular operations. - Customers: This is the primary group of people who will directly be affected by the business's Five Key Performance Objectives set according to the organisation's manufacturing operations, and →

Should embassy india outsource its it services reports example

On the in-house, the research suggests that it is the best method for the right technology that will be profitable to the business. The results of the six questionnaires issued to the employee and the interview with the CEO was presented.

Planning 3 case study

She can also engage her employees in discussions and brainstorming sessions to determine the potential opportunities. Amanda needs to establish planning premises top take care of threats to growth of her business. During the meetings she ought to execute her organizational mandate through a clear process.Identify the activities of the week.Group the activities into Accounting →

Apple company ground analysis

Apple creates a team that has diverse backgrounds that allows different ideas to be brought up. Stakeholders in decision making: The stakeholders that are the most significant for Apple are the customers, employees, investors and employees of suppliers and distributors. One of those factors are the number of supplier that there are available for this →

Role of corporate culture in business ethics research paper examples

There is the danger with ethical code that employees working for such companies will not take advantage of business opportunities. However, despite these drawbacks, in the long run, the best and the most successful companies are the ones that have ethical code and ethical culture in place. The culture of a company provides meaning to →

Company: trade union – retail employment

What we will learn here is to equalize satisfaction by using criteria that will guide us in reaching agreements and help both sides to get more of what each one want. It means listening closely to each other, treating each other fairly, and jointly exploring options to increase value, once negotiators can find ways of →

Inventory management models report sample

There is the simple EOQ model where there are certain variables, D is the demand for the period, S is the set-up cost, h is the inventory holding costs and Q is the lot size. The company therefore has to find the optimal quantity that minimises the total cost per unit time which is given →

Example of business plan on retsept

The marketing mix four 'four P's are:. - Product - Place - Price - Promotion It is crucial that Retsept use all four components appropriately so that a Retsept products can become known in the United Kingdom and Europe. One of Retsept's strengths is that the company springs from a creative culture. The most promising →

The deforestation on amazon

Human engagement in the wood is centuries-old ; they would do usage of the trees for wood or the woods non-wood merchandises, or for the public presentation of conventional slash-and-burnagribusinessand barbarous cattle-raising. A good portion of business began in the early 1940s, by the creative activity of the " Superintendence of the Plan for the →

Strategic management of human resources essay sample

The company has to invest in and develop the necessary infrastructure so that the there will be no problems once the production starts running. In order to build the plant, the company responds by selecting and recruiting individuals with skills and experience in that field and location. It also needs to be close to →

Strategic analysis of nokia corporation

It is observed that the company consider the change and rearrange the management every year. THE AIMS OF NOKIA: 1. Identify the external factors that cause the modification which affected the company, and describe the approaches that the organization can use to respond to the change. IMPORTANCE OF CHANGE MANAGEMENE IN GENERAL Change management →

Elm city cheese company

Although, the company established by the defendant was in Rhode Island a contiguous state, the proximity means that the defendant would be using the trade secret to compete directly with Elm City Cheese Company in practically the same market. The resolution of the issue is crucial to the exercise of the exclusive →

Good letter of transmittal research proposal example

The platform also aims to serve as a means to connect the students with other students and develop social and academic connections. Introduction to the problem However, the problem that the platform is presently facing is the lack of awareness. Therefore, they need to create a distinctive portfolio of services and need to market →

Marketing plan business plan

Technology has been adopted in a manner increasing the product quality. Strategic Focus Mission and vision Reebok Company targets to increase its foothold in the shoes and clothes in the sports industry and becoming the first option by athletes and the public in general. We ensure that this quality standard will be maintained →

Essay on crisis management plan

This company has four stores within New York and two of them outside the country in Italy and France. Statement from Management to Employees on crisis management plan A crisis plan is an elaboration of the necessary steps that should be taken to ensure that a certain crisis or negative outcome or impact does →

Corporate strategy case studies example

The firms' dedication to better technology in their appliances stems from the dedication of its founder James Dyson, who himself created up to 5, 127 prototypes of his first vacuum cleaner before he arrived at the perfectly functioning prototype. The development of the first prototype of the Dyson vacuum cleaner the DCO1 was a threat →

Overseas marketing- challenges and opportunities research paper samples

Implementation of such rules in a country will adversely affect investment and marketing of products in that country. Political Challenges In most cases, marketing of products and services in foreign countries is challenged by changes in the political climate and instability. Corrupt practices will thus adversely affect the success of marketing products in a →

Example of business plan on frostburg palace theatre

The residents had to come up with a method of how to save the building and the method was the starting of a theatre house where the members of the society could come once in a while and have a good time at low costs. With the changing times and →

Qualification/disqualification, appointment, duties and liabilities of directors essay sample

This is because the board of director has accepted and carried out the instructions and directions as regard to the shadow director and has allowed the de facto director to act as a director of the company. There are many types of directors in company. For a new company that is being registered, →

Starbucks corporate social responsibility

The fact that the ethics of the business directly affects the ethical behavior of its business associates towards their suppliers, customers and other stakeholders; therefore, intensifying the ethics of the business is one of the many roads towards the attainment of its success. Under the Corporate Social Responsibility, an organization must give →

Coca cola marketing plan

Is still rising to this day, and will continue into the future. The finances show vital in the future of Coca Cola as it allows for the promotion of many other products. It is the mission at Coca Cola to refresh and completely satisfy the world and it is the vision to make →

How technology changed the supply chain management term paper sample

Downstream logistics refers to the flow of goods from the company to wholesalers to the ultimate consumers and upstream logistics refers to the flow of raw materials from the company's suppliers to the company. Thus, one of the advantage of use of technology in supply chain is that it enhanced the problem solving skills. - Moreover, →

Google strategy plan

Google Google provides a variety of tools to help businesses of all kinds succeed on and off the web. Innovations in web search and advertising have made Google's web site a top internet property and their brand one of the most recognized in the world.

The long term impact of staff reduction on surviving staff: starbucks experience

The key objectives are as follows: To gain an understanding of the initial redundancy or downsizing process, including the impact of the various selection processes; for example, the long-term impact is likely to be different where the redundancy is voluntary and therefore understanding the involvement of those staff retained in the process is the first →

Improving customer service case study examples

An alternative to that is telling the workforce what kind of services to give to the company and the customers. The third party organization pointed out that the best way of delighting the customers is through integrating the customer service profile into the policies of customer service. The customer service profile is an investment in →

The performance of british airways

In the past years the airline has been receiving negative headlines, which has led to an extreme downfall in the same. To analyze the current reputation of British airways, Reputation Institute has 7 drivers of reputation. The performance of British Airways has been fairly poor and they have not been able to keep it up →

Under armour essay

In order to compete in the global markets against Nikkei and Ideas LILA should consider the following four alternatives: mergers or acquisitions, establishment of foreign subsidiaries, joint ventures, or a continuation of the North American strategy to be used in the international markets. The decision criteria used in evaluating each option looked primarily →

Free people management report sample

Organizational Components The scope of this writing is to analyze the impact of organizational structure, culture and leadership styles on employees' behavior, to outline their role and relying on the examples of best practices to recommend some measures to promote the performance in any organization. Organizational Structure Any organization as a system can →

Euro disney

Staying overnight was out of the question for many because hotel rooms were so high priced. For example, prices ranged from $110 to $380 a night at the Newport Bay Club, the largest of EuroDisney's six new hotels and one of the biggest in Europe. In promoting the new park to visitors, →

Example of globalization, techno-stress and home-work balance research paper

Globalization implies arbitrariness in the workplace, increasingly widening gap between the rich and the poor, pervading threats and ease of employee termination, the rise of superstar Chief Executive Officers and awakening of job insecurity and job loss. Technological advancements, especially in the field of telecommunication, has helped spur globalization to a →

The walt disney company case study

Disney emphasized teamwork, communication, and cooperation in the workplace to make employees feel valued and strengthen their commitment to the company. These values remain at the core of Disney's corporateculture, and have been formally incorporated into their new-hire training program at the company's corporate university. Rebuilding the strength of their television programming →

Current ethical issues in spyware course work

Either way the user is not made aware of the software's installation so I do not see that there can even be a question of right or wrong. There are a variety of methods by which spyware can accumulate information on a system. On the one hand, the software is harmless to the computer and →

Interaction design project used with an iphone report

If the web applications are not designed to take advantage of the extraordinary capabilities of theses famous devices, the users will miss out on important aspects of usability and experience. IPHONE INTERFACE Designing an iPhone user experience is achieved through consideration of three fundamental design principles. - Know the user - Design lifecycle - Attention →

Sample critical thinking on the nokia and microsoft agreement

Marketing Products and Services Theory of Branding Imagery and Attributes Marketing Products and Services Theory of Branding Imagery and Attributes Introduction Literature provides the dimensions of the impact of the theory of branding imagery and its attributes in marketing products and services as applied to this process in the →

Example of research paper on if you can think of a two part title that fits this paper, please put it in.

This paper is devoted to the analysis of autobiographical facts of Dickens' life in comparison with the life of the main hero of his novel Great Expectations, Philip Pirrip. Despite Dickens was considered a master of realism, he had vulnerable temper and was prone to idealize the world to please his readers.

Costco wholesale: competitive advantage and sustainability analysis essay sample

With $71 billion in sales and more than $1 billion in net income for their latest fiscal year, Costco is the leading player in the warehouse club segment of the discount retail industry, the fifth largest retailer in North America and ninth in the world. This objective of this paper is to analyze Costco's →

Free organizational leadership strategies research paper sample

It also leads to the identification of a leadership development strategy that will in turn support the organization's goals and objectives and that will serve as the basis for the development of talent management processes. This paper discusses the organizational leadership strategies that may be appropriate for organizations that operate in developing or emerging economies. →

Decision support systems report examples

It identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the system, as well as some of the problems that can be encountered with its implementation. This report identifies the main strength of a decision support system to be its capability to improve the decision-making process and its cost- and time- efficiency. These tools are industry- or organization-specific →

Essay on concept of operations

As most companies look out to achieving the most in terms of profits and easy management, the company has used the above theory of management of operations to see an increase in its profitability as recent reports indicate. Question 2: Demand Management Demand and capacity are business aspects that need to be in equilibrium →

Study of brand and brand valuation methods

The main objective of the dissertation is to understand various valuation model that will abide the various accounting bodies as well as satisfy the individual country's rules and regulations. The roots of branding is evident in ancient civilisations and some study shows even before Birth of Christ and this is evident from archaeological excavations in →

Example of research paper on amazon.com inc

The employees are expected to act ethically and lawfully in the course and scope of their duty to the company and its clientele. The employees have a duty to act in the best interest of the company.

Employee selection i-o psychology research proposal examples

Therefore, for an organization to become as competitive as Virginia Aquarium it needs to use the selection procedure to acquire the most qualified applicants. Introduction The process of selection in the Virginia aquarium & marine science centre usually involves putting the right employees at the respective position in the organization. Some of the key →

Good strategic management – analysis of samsung company report example

Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Values of Samsung The company's mission is to develop smart and unique products and transform the entire world into a better place to live (Official website of Samsung, n.d).. The chief benefit which Samsung has as compared to its rivals is the fact that it offers a product range →

Apple’s iphone price cut consumers’ reaction

So a good e.g.to give is iPod a revolutionary model of Apple bringing bundle of digitalmusic's introduced by the Apple company in order to exploit maximum home computer market. With this iPod, the company created user friendly product so that the users could download music from the Internet to the player and used technological expertise →

Example of case study on the sources of competitiveness for fedex corporation

The paper will also introduce some of the potential threats to FedEx's competitive advantage in the future and the possible strategies to maintain the market leadership. Porter analysis In order to identify the sources of competitive advantage for FedEx, it is first of all important o evaluate the situation in the market, where the →

Example of research paper on list of figures

Figure 1 Generated and Projected Revenue from global automobile industry6 Figure 2 Total Revenue and Net Profit after Tax of Toyota in Australia during 2008-20137 Figure 3 Total Revenue and Net Profit after Tax of Mitsubishi in Australia during 2009-20149 Figure 4 Total Revenue and Net Profit after Tax of Hyundai →

Zara in korea market

We asked performance of ZARA, UNIQLO and H&M about price, design, quality and functionality. People perceived ZARA has higher Price than UNIQLO and H&M. In terms of total score ZARA is lower than UNQLO , and H&M 6 We made →

Report on business ethics challenges affecting news corp

As unethical behaviors of the company continue to be uncovered, the company will have to deal with the consequences in the near future. The multiple allegations against the company have raised constant questions concerning the company's official ethical stance. It is argued that the News of the World tried to bribe a retired police officer →

Good example of business plan on strength

The first of the brands is to be established in the city of New York and the revenue base is expected to be two million dollars every financial year. There will be free delivery of the products to the customers within a radius of 50 kilometers from the location of the enterprise.

Free research paper on neo-liberalism

It will also narrow down its perspective and assess the impact of deregulation and privatization both in the United States and Africa. Neo- liberalism is a type of philosophy that promotes economic principles and policies that encourage the provision of free markets, free trade areas as well as the deregulation and privatization of most of →

Problem/issue statement case study

As such, it is my proposal for the right leadership structure to be implemented to enhance better performance of the company in all perspectives in your absence. In this case, I propose for the application of the congruence model. In this case, this structure will allow us, as the top management, to make overall decisions →

Free essay on knowledge management

According to Wheatley , all organizations have self-organized communities of practice, which people spontaneously create to help them work more effectively. Key Issues of the Topic Some of the key issues in knowledge management, as identified by Firestone , involve the various conceptions or understandings of the approach to knowledge management; the →

Starbucks global issues

The purpose of this report is to center around a major organisation Starbucks Coffee Company and to carry out a depth investigation into its position in global market and issues related to it. The report will firstly present the research methods used to get the information and justify that. Methodology In order →