2500 Words Essay Samples

Samsung case study

Part one of this report describes the key components of the " Single Samsung" initiative, which is at the core of Samsung culture and identifies the main philosophical perspective that informs this value system. Byung-Chull Lee, the Samsung founder, built the company's corporate philosophy on three key values: * Economic contribution to the nation * β†’

Non-align movement revised essay

This is why the influence of Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, and North Korea in NAM is very important because these countries not only have the power to influence other NAM members in their position regarding the US, but they also have the power to represent the other 114 countries belonging to NAM regarding the organization's position β†’

Spies college essay

The confusion we see of this character also brings in another device that Michael Frayn has employed in order to sustain the tension and show uncertainty in the text, the use of questions once again gets the reader involved in the novel as they are constantly asking themselves questions such as what is the ' β†’

Evaluation of the second shift by hochschild and machung

The discussion of the similarities and differences between the two studies are analyzed to understand the concept of the The Second Shift. According to Gorp, contradiction between the amount of work that Hochschild proposed women were performing due to the second shift and the amount of work that current literature suggests women in today's society β†’

A midsummer night’s dream performance analysis

The idea of Lysander challenging Demetrius to a duel in order to win Helena's hand is an example of the excessive behaviour and heightened action that brings much of the comedy into the play. Whilst in the earlier stages of the play, he is confident, using large gestures and a lot of stage space, at β†’

Sustainability in hospitality industry engineering essay

From the recent research conducted by the National Research Council of Canada, the airframe and landing gear are the major sources of pollution while the engine noise is only half of the noise equation when the aircraft is near the ground. Aircraft noise is defined as the noise pollution produced by an aircraft or its β†’

The body shop marketing plan marketing essay

The purpose of this paper is through analysis the current market environment to establish the marketing plan of The Body Shop in Hull to help it hold the competitively position during the spring of 2013. The context will analysis the external environment and the internal environment of the Body shop in Hull, and based on β†’

Plato and allegory of the cave final paper

His end goal with The Allegory of the Cave is arguably to convince the reader that politicians should not want to rule and lead for the sake of power, but they should rather be against the idea to rule in the first place. The Allegory of the Cave and the following argumentation is supposed to β†’

Influence of christianity in south korean politics – essay

One of the major contributions that the Christian missionaries brought along in Korea was education and through this tool people were made to realize the importance of equality through education and the opposition of the elites. After the liberation of Korea from Japan and the outbreak of the civil war between the North Koreans and β†’

Business essays – fundamental attribution bias

This is the tendency of a person to overestimate the influence of personal factors which are inherent with the person and includes effort and ability and at the same time underestimate the influence of situational factors when giving a quick analysis of someone. An example of this assumption tendency in the work place is of β†’

Strategic marketing analysis of morrisons marketing essay

Though the company differentiates itself from the competitors through its actually marked products, concept ' the Market-Strit ', etc, the kernel of its competitive advantage is in its ability to provide a privilege of cost for its clients. With acquisition Safeways it will be the important requirement for the company to underline the same management β†’

Criminal offfences drug addiction and crime criminology essay

It is the weighing up the nature and degree of the effects of drugs on criminal activities that necessitate that dependable information about the crime, and the lawbreaker is accessible and meanings of terms be consistent. The use of drug courts should be used in a large scale to solve the twin problem of drugs β†’

Reflective report on group work assignment

For instance, if the students can not perceive the objective of the group work in order to achieve a common goal, or to lay back or believe that the work load can be relied on other members of the group making the individual work less and still get an equal grade, the educational benefits can β†’

International business between japan and germany management essay

However, to capitalize on the rapid expanding markets that the company has just possessed in the German market, there is the need for us to manage the cultural diversity between our Japanese managers and the German workforce environment. The forms of leadership and personality are many and are different, but the core values and directions β†’

Colonization on hauora for maori sociology essay

Analyze means answering who are the focus of the research Maori, what is the research all about Impact of Colonisation, why does the researcher want to do that, how does the researcher carry out the research, and when or the timeline of the research. Therefore, it is vital to mold the process and outcomes of β†’

Strategic analysis: nike

Nike Inc was the world leading manufacturer of sports equipment, the most sales of the sports equipment of Nike Inc was athletic footwear. Technology Analysis- Nike Inc was the leader of sports industry in the world and the technology was one of the parts that lead Nike to top by using high technology system.

The need to uncover

The APA Publication Manual explains that a review of literature: defines and clarifies the topic or problem; summarizes previous investigations in order to inform the reader of the current state of research; identifies relations, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature; and suggests the next step or steps in addressing the topic or solving the β†’

Malaysia’s relationship with the us

Malaysia had become a vital partner in combating terrorism due to Malaysia's leadership role in the Association of South East Asian Nations at a time when the region was dubbed the 'second front' in the war against terrorism due to links between its regional militant groups and Al-Qaeda.[3]Moreover, Malaysia's status as a Muslim nation was β†’

End of life and palliative care for patients with hiv/aids

The purpose of this course is to provide a resource to strengthen the knowledge and competence of nursing students in delivering informed, compassionate and quality care to individuals with HIV/AIDS throughout the length of their illness and at the end of their life. Module 1: The Concept of End of Life and Palliative Care Learning β†’

Armani retail marketing plan

Economical The fact that Armani has no debt due to being the sole owner of the brand and all of its holdings allow a single person to make all the decisions related to running the company. Armani Exchange is one of the first to open up in South America and India.

Religion paper- jesus christ

Pilate ordered for the crucifixion of Jesus and he was nailed to a cross on Mount Calvary. Jesus was an example of obedience and how to obey the words that he was teaching.

The productivity in the construction industry economics essay

In other words, productivity is the ratio of output to all or some of the resources used to product that output. The total factor productivity also is called multi-factor productivity measure and labour productivity measures are indicated in the following sub-sectors as the two most commonly used productivity ratios in the construction industry.

Little chef overview and market analysis

Business is focused on b2c business because Liitle Chef focus on the families, individuals, take outs and also will focus on tourist, as it is located in a place where it bring the customers from Kandy and peredeniya and also travellers to Kandy, it includes tourist as well. The following are characteristics of the product: β†’

Society, family, catharsis: male protagonists in β€˜all my sons’ and β€˜the cement garden’

The pastiche nuclear family wistfully constructed by the four siblings in ' The Cement Garden', is an insight into the perception of what was considered to be a desired family unit and the responsibility of men within it in the 1970s. It is this role that comes to be his main focus for development; reflecting β†’

Hamas: history, funding and interventions

Prior to the formation of the Hamas group, the Israeli government subjected the group to thorough economic sanctions. The second branch of the Hamas organization is concerned with the military operations.

Was churchill a manufactured hero 1930-1945

Churchill to the public was a hero who led the nation to a just victory over the Nazis. So on the 13 May 1932 the Disarmament Conference was suppose to bring the nations of the world together through the decreasing of arms.

Marketing strategies in healthcare business

Researching technology of spirulina costs are increasing as the capabilities of spirulina are increasing too, and it makes value-priced product more attract to consumers and business users with traditional way to gain all of the nutrients that body need. We might adds a mark-up to the cost of the product and it eventually will make β†’

The chinese gdp forecasting from markov switching model essay sample

Using the model, the data is analyzed and a forecast made from the analysis.6. A model will be used to make a forecast for the time step, then the actual expected value from the test set will be taken and made available to the model for the forecast on the next time step.

Superman and paula brown

The story 'Superman and Paula brown's new snow suit' is written by Sylvia Plath, the story is set in North America in the city of Boston during the Second World War. At the end of the story she seems to think that her daughter has returned, but this appears to be a fantasy.

The mind of an eating disorder patient

31 Mar.2014." Are Eating Disorders Heritable?" Psychology Today.N.p, n.d.Web. 31 Mar.2014." The Role of Serotonin In Eating Disorders".

A cultural lens on interpersonal conflict and creativity assignment

To bridge gaps in the literature and reconcile these findings, specifically in culturally diverse settings, we present a dynamic constructivist theoretical model on the effects of interpersonal conflict on individuals' creativity in multicultural environments. Multicultural environments may also lead to conflict for cultural psychological reasons that have little to do with either social categorization processes β†’

Review of the nigerian telecommunications industry

The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and Commander- in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, inaugurated a committee with the aim of setting policy that would promote: total liberalization, Competition and Private sector-led growth of the telecommunications sector. The most recent development is the SIM card registration, which required all service providers β†’

Causes of the kaprun disaster


A budgetary control systems accounting essay

The costs of all activities relating to a product would be added together to give the overhead element of the cost of production. This is the beginning of the month and lists the purchases made to enable the company to begin production and sell them at the end of the month.

Marketing research for costa cafe

The four factors that influence the making of the perfect espresso at Costa are; Missile: The coffee blend; Macarthur: The grinding of coffee; Machine: The use of the correct machine and equipment; Mann: The hand skills of the barista In addition they only slow roast beans, this process takes at least 18 minutes-far longer than β†’

The beginning of modernity in europe sociology essay

God was no longer thought to be at the centre of the universe, there was a move from agriculture to industry which saw three revolutions signalling the advent of modernity in the forms of the industrial revolution in England 1780-1840 the democratic revolutions of the United States of America in 1776 and France in 1789 β†’

Mental health and disability psychology essay

Historically disability was elucidated through the use of the medical model of disability, which indicates that disability related problems lie intrinsically in the individual himself and the root of the problem arises due to a functional impairment and the psychological problems that emanate from the disability. The disability related problems are not considered to be β†’

Gender differences in early years sector

Chapter 3 Literature Review Introduction: The aim for this literature review is to examine the literature on the selected topic of men working in the early years sector and to the objectives of this research by acquire knowledge, through familiarising myself with the literature on the area. To identify practitioner's views on why men in β†’

The geographical description of orlando

It is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the north by Alabama and Georgia, and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. The Rosen Inn is located west of the airport and the transfer time from the airport to the hotel is approximately 20 minutes.

Comparison of gender wage gap in japan and germany

The aim of this paper is to analyse the existence of a gender wage gap in Japan and Germany and to evaluate possible reasons for it. The gender wage gap is measured as the median wage of men minus the median wage of women, expressed as a proportion of the median wage of men".

The concept of organization restructuring management essay

The main motive of this chapter is to indicate that the problem which is chosen by the Researcher is crucial and significant enough to accomplish the investigation and method which are used by the researcher are appropriate and practicable to conduct the research in order to have some fruitful, relevant and productive results to add β†’

Effects of globalized capitalism on kenya history essay

The main tribes of Kenya are the Boni, which seem to migrate in and out of Kenya and Somalia looking for food and labor, as well as the Maasai, who mainly roam Kenya looking for food, who wish to remain a part of their own culture and traditions and not be forced into modern forms β†’

Investigating the effect of the flipped classroom on student attainment and self-efficacy in cte

The theoretical framework for the problem and is proven as a foundation for reviewing the literature on the flipped classroom model and the following principles broad-spectrum explanation of blended learning benefits / opportunities provided to students and teachers advantages of implementation and diverse avenues, educational levels, and various subject areas. This is also a valuable β†’

Thomas at pennsylvania state university with abhay ashtekar

The problem is that the QFT leaves out the fourth force, or gravity, and thus by combining GR with QFT, or QT, we can hopefully arrive at the desired Quantum Field Gravity theory, or Quantum Theory, that may explain the concepts of cosmology and astrophysics. As Thiemann approaches this field in his current work, he β†’

Analysis and implications towards our education system education essay

Changes in curriculum happen until now as a way to enhance the ability and skills of students to achieve in certain levels and to produce quality students ever to this nation. The main aim of this program is to rewarding students who contribute excellence results for the school and this will be a source of β†’

Choose a form of television comedy that is not a sit com assignment

In this paper, one of the most wide-spread forms of the comedy, sketch comedy will be researched in order to understand the influences of it on the deferent aspects of life of people of the American society. Moreover, investigating the differences between sketch comedies and the sitcom, which Is the other widely popular form of β†’

Show how transactions in derivatives can be used to either hedge risk or to open speculative positions. assignment

An investor with a portfolio of cash, bonds and shares can take out a hedge to protect the future sale price of her portfolio by selling a corresponding amount of the appropriate futures contract. After a month, the stock market falls as anticipated, and the futures price of the DJIA is at an index level β†’

Sociological prespective essay sample

Wright Mills, this is the interaction of biography and history.* Sociology is the scientific study of society and human behavior, and, as such, is one of the social sciences, which study human behavior, in contrast to the natural sciences, which focus on nature.* Sociology is different from the other social sciences because sociology focuses primarily β†’

Race against time

Every one of the countries is advanced economically and socially enough to offer up the help required of them and to understand that it is not a burden to assist the needy. The fortunate and prosperous countries of the world should be willing and increasingly generous in regards to their foreign aid in hopes that β†’

Why did new brunswick join confederation history essay

This was, however, not the case because the civil war in America and the Fenian disturbance along the border made it encouraged an interest in expanding the union in scope. During the 1860s, the United States of America threatened that it could match the whole of north in to the territory that joined to become β†’

Cipd int diploma reward management assignment

However conversely, If there Is a shortage of skills in the market and the demand for them is still high, the ' price' goes up, so salaries increase. Where policies are not adhered to, this indicates a lack of company control, which may result in legal proceedings and costs to the company, both financially and β†’

Evaluating pharmaceutical outsourcing

8 billion dollar to generic erosion The most important factor for low margins has been the declining productivity in its core operations i.e.sales marketing and research and development The pharmaceutical companies have responded to these challenges by mostly increasing their sales marketing expenditure, extensive research and development in order to bring new products in the β†’

An india pestle analysis economics essay

The first Starbucks opened in 1971 and took their name from the classical story of Moby Dick, since it appeared that the name was adequate for the company that imported the best coffee for the citizens of Seattle. Political factors refer to the governmental policy in terms of the economy, the goods and services provided, β†’

Clothes make the man

Further evidence that Ragged Dick is either content with his life or resolved to it is the fact that he has no desire to save money, the narrator points out that because of his hard work, the bootblack actually earns enough money to live fairly decently. This seems to alarm the clerk because of the β†’

High intake of processed red meat and type 2 diabetes risk

The reasons for this are threefold: processed meat produce heme iron that scientifically proved to be associated with type 2 diabetes; It is a source of saturated fat and cholesterol that widely believed to be the core causes of obesity and type 2 diabetes, and finally the preservatives, additives and chemicals that are added to β†’

Lifestyle factors and poor health outcomes

The evidence highlighting the importance of a healthy lifestyle is significant, with several studies demonstrating that lifestyle changes in diet, levels of physical activity, cessation of smoking, and better nutrition improve the health of entire communities. Perhaps the most important factor in this will be the knowledge and motivations of the care provider and it β†’

Pob sba – life coach

The client, along with the coach defines the services needed and the specialized skills and training possessed by the Coach and the Psychotherapists enable them to render the service. An entrepreneur has the role of conceptualizing or coming up with business ideas, plan how the business is to be run, access funds for the business, β†’

Safety and design in construction

It is important in all the stages of construction, during the use and demolition of a structure, and measures should also be taken for its maintenance and renovation including the services and equipment in use. Safety and Design Considerations The design describes the system and elements of a building and thus affects the construction of β†’

Three generation project assignment

To be completely honest, I had my doubts regarding this interview because I had to be extremely cautious not to make him feel uncomfortable with my questions; however, I feel that my goal of getting to know him a little more personally and be able to understand his age group was reached. S: I usually β†’

Term paper on kendra case study worksheet

She is very lonely, and when she is alone, she feels overpowered by the thought that she will be lonely forever and be abandoned. She has, in all probability, attachment disorder along with depression and anxiety as is shown from her fear of being abandoned and left alone.

The effects of cohabitation in todays societ

For today's young adults, the first generation to come of age during the divorce revolution, living together seems like a good way to achieve some of the benefits of marriage and avoid the risk of divorce. I have been in a cohabitant relationship for ten years and am interested in what the effects of cohabitation β†’

Examining social justice and equality politics essay

Canada is known to be a " social welfare state" wherein social services and income security programs are available to citizens and these programs are provided by the government in various levels. I think that it is the duty of the Canadian government, as a " welfare state" to help its citizens in every way β†’

Effectiveness & impact of journal clubs in medicine

With the growing appreciation of evidence based medicine and its widespread application in clinical decision making, we thought of revising and implementing possible modifications in our journal club structure to improve quality of sessions and weigh their effects on our journal club program. Participants of journal clubs must be in accordance to the aims and β†’

Blood brothers

I think that the reason the director had Jones portray Mickey like this after he was released from prison was that he had given up hope of living and that he was only alive because of the depression pills he was taking, it made the audience realise that Mickey had lost everything, but he thought β†’

Notes on sociology

162 Sociologists use a range of different research methods and sources of data to collect information and test their theories. We will also examine the factors that influence sociologists' choice of what topic they research, and at some of the main practical, theoretical and ethical factors that affect their choice of which methods to employ.

Computational methods for stochastic differential equations engineering essay

Then and As we are be aftering to discourse Stochastic Differential Equations with Brownian Motion, we feel the demand to besides discourse the continuity of the procedure. The more general and usual pick of normally looking into the Ito Integral is due to the fact that it is non looking into the hereafter, which is β†’

Act one of journey’s end essay sample

On the eve of a big German attack, Lieutenant Osborne desperately tries to keep Stanhope from cracking, as he is seen talking to himself and his alcoholism has seen him deteriorate over three years, and it has now come to a point when Stanhope " cannot bear being conscious all the time" and that " β†’

Failure mode and effects analysis

Failure mode and effects analysis A failure modes and effects analysis is a procedure in product development and operations management for analysis of potential failure modes within a system for classification by the severity and likelihood of the failures. Step 1: Occurrence In this step it is necessary to look at the cause of a β†’

Evolution of mobile device technology

The general changes in the mobile devices is the size and the speed as well the quality of the display, but some time do any change in the phone means change the component chips used. The new mobile devices it has the ability to encrypt the date this can be a big challenge to the β†’

Telecommuting: a research paper essay sample

According to the latter, telecommuting is work, ' the location of which is independent of the location of the employer or contractor and can be changed according to the wishes of the individual teleworker and/or the organization for which he or she is working. In this nine-page document, the human and economic costs and benefits β†’

How technology changed design process

The first step was to take a standard sized envelope and dissect, analyse, and recreate it, several times, to get the feel for and a thorough understanding of its design. This ability to draw and recollect from the design ethos of yesteryear, and combine it with the forefront of technology to create something that is β†’

Monitor and support the person team business essay

When their profit is increased, the profit will be distributed to shareholders and stakeholders, that is, the purpose for the establishment is to satisfy shareholders and stakeholders. The direction of the organization is control over the actions of the society, community or citizens in accordance with legislations, therefore the aim of the establishment is not β†’

Organizational culture in gcc business essay

This culture is often in the lines of the goals and objectives of the organization and helps it to achieve them in a structured way. It helps to understand the goals of the organization by studying the vision and mission of the organization.

Environment factors assignment

This is because for the marketing people to carry out their marketing plan, they need the approval and support from the top management of Perodua. After that, as the orders are received, the marketing department will have to pass the number of orders to the manufacturing department.

Earthquake preparedness of staff nurses research proposal

The main objective of the study was assessing the knowledge and practice of the Staff Nurses before and after the administration of an Information Booklet on Earthquake Preparedness in the selected Community health centre of Gujarat state. To assess the practice of the Staff Nurses before and after the administration of Information Booklet on Earthquake β†’

Microcomputers: an analysis

In order to accomplish this we chose to focus on large, highly competitive segments, as well as geographic markets which were in the middle of the cost/size continuum, with the goal to build a market position and defend it as we strive to take the lead and keep it. We also worked with the sales β†’

Early learning environment | reflective essay

In regards of the learning environment and how important it is for the overall learning or development of a child. We proceeded out and I called the children down to where I had set up the activity in the most spacious part of the garden.

Gun in a similar understanding, data usually

This paper will look at various ways of gun control, the available statistics, background checks of control of guns, ownership of guns and the measures that the United States government has taken to control spread of guns and small arms In the United States, the rights of people to bear and keep guns are guaranteed β†’

Marshall plan assignment

Whilst the formulation of these tensions had originated from a shared history dating back to before the war, the culmination of these tensions is undeniably linked to both the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall plan as they ' solidified divisions of Europe'. The Truman Doctrine, through the role it played in outlining the Soviet Union β†’

Why carry out site investigation construction essay

In the broadest sense, the land conditions are understood to include non merely the underlying dirts and stones but besides the groundwater government, any taint and effects of any old utilizations of the siteThe intent of a site probe is to place the land conditions which ma, any taint and the effects o Assorted studies β†’

Were the 1960s an important decade in australia history essay

The Country Party was a mix of elements of both the left and right, and was designed to represent the interests of the country residents and farmers of Australia. The influence of the Vietnam War and the social upheaval which the opposition to the war caused played a major part in shaping the era of β†’

Film analysis troy (2004) | historical accuracy of troy

The military, portrayed through fighting formations, weapons, and naval warfare, the culture of the Greeks portrayed through burial customs, belief in gods and architecture as well as class structure, portrayed through the roles of women, the respect to the king, and the respect to the Myrmidons, Achilles fighting group, are all pieces of evidence that β†’

Socialism in america today

Bernie Sanders is a good example of a candidate that can be a socialist and still advocate for a free market capitalistic economy like the one present in America today. Many people hear that Bernie Sanders is a socialist and are immediately turned away by this without actually considering the changes that he plans to β†’

The recruitment and section process business essay

This is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill them. The usual process is to forecast revenues and the, from that, estimate the size of the staff required to achieve its sales volume.

The functional organisation of the visual system

The psychology and physiology of colour vision. A study in Cognitive Science and the Philosophy of Perception.

Human resource management – effect of culture

The current paper will seek to explore the employee cultural values in the Pakistans multinational companies and the influence of culture on SHRM practices. The most popular model for comparison at the level of national culture is that of Hofstede, which has been the base of numerous studies in the area of management in general.

Economic insight into the baby disposable diaper industry

Since then, the industry has witnessed remarkable magnitude of development and one of the reasons disposable diapers are enjoying overwhelming popularity is due to the rising number of working mothers in the society [citation]. In the inventory cost, the cost of storage remains flat regardless of the type of the product.

Patient satisfaction with public healthcare | literature

The study was aimed to assess the patients' satisfaction regarding care provided in the hospital, behaviour of medical, nursing and supportive staff and availability of necessary services and amenities in the hospital. They performed a hospital based cross sectional study to evaluate the satisfaction of the patients admitted in the hospital regarding behaviour of the β†’

Causes and effects of the current economic crisis economics essay

The fears were based on the fact that the firm was a major player in the market for subprime and prime mortgages, and that as the smallest of the major Wall Street firms, it faced a larger risk that large losses could be fatal. There is a decline in the employment market due to the β†’

Impact of internet addiction on academic performance

Significance of the Study The results of this research study will benefit the following persons directly or indirectly by providing information on the results of the performance in terms of tudent's Academic Achievement that enable the teachers, parents and the students, themselves, to know the possible effects and benefits Internet may contribute to their studies, β†’

The best regime

Aristotle then identifies kingship as the most correct regime above aristocracy and polity since kingship is a regime ruled by only one, and it becomes less likely for all to be " outstanding in virtue" when the regime is ruled by the many. In this second range, it is then most practical for the city β†’

Injuries in sports and exercise | case studies

The fundamental aetiology of the injury was a sudden inversion stress to the ankle which was greater than the ligament could withstand and this resulted in rupture of some of the collagen fibres of the lateral ligament together with the underlying joint capsule. Complicity by the clinician in agreeing that his symptoms may actually be β†’

What aspects of feminist psychology adhere to scientific methods?

Howitt and Cramer claim " a key assumption of psychology is that the considered and careful collection of research data is an essential part of the development of the discipline". In support with Vaughter the revolutionary force of women in psychology and in the psychology of women to change that structure of the belief system β†’

Science and technology communication for youth media essay

It is the responsibility of each and every one of the public to have an adequate understanding of basic scientific principles and language to navigate in today's science and technology-driven world. Part of the advancement of science can be reached through the development of science communication, and through effective communication, understanding and knowledge.

Impact of higher level teaching assistant education essay

There is also the security of knowing that the person covering a class understands and works to the standards but there are difficulties if the HLTA is absent as there are no HLTA supplies currently and so frequently a supply teacher has to be brought in to cover the absent HLTA. Some of the teachers β†’

The history and success of richard branson

In the realm of business, Richard Branson has experienced the equation of success and has experienced his shares of failures. In addition Richard Branson is charismatic and this is one of the key qualities in transformational leaders." His charisma comes from personal warmth and obvious liking for people".