2500 Words Essay Samples

French maginot line a defensive failure history essay

The plan of investigation is going to be an analysis and evaluation of the history behind the French Maginot Line and why it failed. The reasoning behind the construction of the Maginot line comes from the immense French losses during the WWI.

The beatles

The Beatles pop music is undoubtedly the greatest, the most influential and the most successful band both in academia and in business in the history of the whole pop music. The Beatles revolutionized pop music in regard to the development in the music itself and influence on the society.

Mat salleh

However, the history of his struggle was put him as the top figure in the list of the greatest sons of Saba defend the sovereignty and rights of the rule submitted Burundi Sultanate and the Sultanate of Sulk to the British that have not been exploited arbitrarily. English is not happy with the Mat Scales, β†’

Management of long term conditions assignment

A case study of a 22 year old female patient who suffers from asthma will be used to explore the significance of compliance In the management of asthma and the benefits it can have to patient outcomes. Therefore this highlights the importance of using a systematic approach to patient assessment by the GAP during the β†’

World history study guide essay sample

Wilmot proviso one of the major events leading to the American Civil War, would have banned slavery in any territory to be acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War or in the future, including the area later known as the Mexican Cession, but which some proponents construed to also include the disputed lands in south β†’

Plato and nietzsche on authority essay

One of the main problems is if you should surrender your own personal judgement independent of the content of the authority's ideas both Nietzsche and Plato would say that one should, as their leaders are both an authority on a topic and have the right to rule. The philosopher's knowledge of the Forms would include β†’

Global plan to eliminate new hiv infections

Abstract The study assessed the progress of 20 priority sub-Saharan African countries in the attainment of the targets outlined in the ' Global Plan for the Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children by 2015 and Keeping their Mothers Alive'. By the end of 2015, the estimated number of new HIV infections in children is β†’

Critical review of a study of digital citizenship

According to Lindsey, the first three research questions centered on " How does the TISS influence instruction of digital citizenship in a teacher preparation program?", " How and to what extent does instructors' use of the TISS to teach digital citizenship influence teacher candidates' beliefs about promoting and modeling digital citizenship" and their " intention β†’

Martyrdom: an analysis of protest and civil disobedience

The text was written after King and his followers were arrested in the City of Birmingham, Alabama, due to their protests in regards to the treatment of Black American citizens in the city. In the case of The Chicago 10, the Democratic National Convention was being held in the city of Chicago at the time, β†’

Computer hacking is ethical essay

Finding a competent hacker on the internet is the equivalent of going to Iraq and looking for AY Quad. Malicious hackers will always have a hard time as long as the be is full of white hat hackers to make their Job, or hobby more difficult.

Perceptions of administrative and academic support

Services by StudentPerceptions of Students in MSA Courses " Perceptions of Administrative and Academic Support Services by Students Taking Courses in the Master of Science in Administration Program" Abstract This paper focuses on the analysis of empirical data relating to the perceptions of students currently enrolled in courses offered in the Masters of Science in β†’

Is space exploration worth the cost?

I would like to see NASA and those members of Congress most supportive of the manned space program convincingly let the public know that the value is there, where the value comes from, and why it is there. The space program I chose was the manned program to the Moon consisting of the Mercury, Gemini, β†’

Arguments for and against columbus day

In the other side, people concurred saying that we should celebrate Columbus because he brought hope to the nation of Spain and helped with the civilization of natives. Even though people in favor of celebrating Columbus Day have strong and clear points however Columbus destroyed and humiliated the ancestors of Latin America and that is β†’

Plato’s republic essay sample

Plato's primary value of art may be to have the individual serve the state, but he sees it working by serving the individual to make him of value to himself and the state. Is it not the duty of parents to " expose their children to good material and shield them from bad material?" Is β†’

Federated science fund

However, because I knew I could not rely on this I also mentioned the possibility that we could come to an agreement and I could better Jamie's offer. I should have realized that this is a part of business, and my partners were willing to do the same thing to me.

Organizational development thinking and practices for global businesses settings assignment

This is because, according to Cummings and Worley, OD was " developed and practiced predominately by American and Western European practitioners and its practices and methods are heavily influenced by the values and assumptions of industrialized countries." As a result, traditional OD practices that promote management practices often tend to conflict with the cultural and β†’

Honda bcg report analysis

The idea of breaking away from the typical stereotype of bikers was Hondas main concern and to insure this both of the cases had the campaign for Honda which was: " You meet the nicest people on Honda" Case A and B both show success results with the smaller motorcycles been offered in the US β†’

General study

Morgan, the sales manager of Oceanics' New York office, met the group and drove them to the main office of the Atomic Products Company. Jack Toole asked Holpine to explain in greater detail the use of the vessel in the reactor system and to give Mr.

Theory of the case study research

The research interviews are the mediums where the knowledge is produced in the interaction of interviewer and interviewee. Moreover, the results of case study research are in big quantities that it is hard to conduct and analyse.

Objectives of the masala restaurant commerce essay

To capture the market and have a diverse group of customers some of the spicy Indian foods are made light and sometimes sweet to cater to the New Zealanders. It can be the owners, the employee, the customers, the suppliers, the marketers or the advertisers and more.

Understand the organizational purposes of businesses commerce essay

This type of organizations whose purpose of existence is to provide jobs and other benefits to public of the society. Organizations doing business in a society must have to understand their responsibilities related to the society, towards the society people's health, safety and prosperity so that they can meet their basic needs with the help β†’

Use office equipment

If a fault does occur, I know that it is something to do with the equipment and it is not anything that I have done. When using equipment it is important to maintain it and keep it clean to prolong the life of the machine and for you to get the most out of it.

Impact of rising food and fuel prices

This article analysis the causes of the rising international food and fuel prices crisis with direct and indirect situations, the impact to householders and the economic in their countries, especially the organization appropriate policy response to support the agricultural products. The price of food had panic since the 1950s; therefore, the government had the green β†’

Theory of motivation and literature review of sales management

It has been in the centre of interest for many fields due to the fact that it is a way of finding, understanding and explaining the reasons why people choose to behave in a certain way and the possible outcomes that they expected from certain behaviors and actions. As Huczunski and Buchanan defined goal-setting theory β†’

Bds assignment

To determine the relationships between the level of stress and work performance, correlation coefficient was calculated. To determine the effects of stress in employees job performance 1.

Attracting more people from diverse communities regardless of their cultural and ethnic background

There are many new benefits like good wage, occupation security, publicity within the industry of diversified and enhance effectivity of work force in Australian administrations where the figure of migrators in the work force from Asia and European states have increased and particularly Gen Y is attracted towards Australia and working in corporate houses and β†’

Summitry analysis and diplomacy

In respect to this, Churchill questioned the crowd during one of the House of Commons' meeting in 1953, " if there is not at the summit of the nations the wish to win the greatest prize of peace, where can men look for hope?". This is due to the nature of the summit in which β†’

A review report on nigerian breweries management essay

Secondly, the paper looks at TQM as it relates to the manufacturing industry; this will include definitions of TQM and quality, the concept of TQM, applications and the different frameworks. There is a reduction in waste and the overall cost of production.

Hr challenges of international business

In a capitalist economy like the United States, the companies dealing within the border of the country encounter only a limited set of economic, cultural and legal variables. For example, the study of 330 managers in Hong Kong, the people's republic of China and the United States found that the US managers are most concerned β†’

I itself, as far as meaning is

The point is that no matter how good the the consumers fish dinners are, the more that is consumed, the less satisfaction will the consumer have compared to the initial portion. The elacticity of supply measures the responsiveness of the quantity suppled, to a change in the price of that good.

The identified problems in yahoos strategy

Beginning with the scrupulous analysis of the Yahoo!'s peanut butter manifesto, It explains about the diverse theories and different levels of strategies embroiling with the various organizational levels in the pursuit of decision-making. Besides that it brings out a broad understanding of the contrasting differences of strategy in accordance with the industry and also exhibits β†’

Different methods of chromatography – analysis

Ion exchange chromatography A Adsorption Chromatography: The principle underlying the separation of the compounds is adsorption at the solid liquid interface, for successful separation, the compounds of a mixture must show different degrees of affinity for the solid support and the interaction between adsorbent and component must be reversible, as the adsorbent is washed with β†’

It’s a wonderful life analysis essay sample

In this line of the poem McKay solidifies the want of meaning in the deaths of the soldiers. At the time that Neidig began her service to her country, the Women's Army Core was being dissolved and it was a time of revitalization in the Army.

Refinery industry processes and operations engineering essay

Besides the workers besides can setup roar around the armored combat vehicle which is leaking so that can roll up oil from the H2O and will absorb the oil that flow around it. The causes of the Exxon Valdez oil spill is failed to supply a proper pilotage to a specific topographic points, the captain β†’

Book review jean jacques rousseau discourse on inequality philosophy essay

In the preface Rousseau advances the thesis that the most useful and least-advanced of all human knowledge is knowledge about the man himself. And further, the author speaks of the wild man: " His soul, agitated by nothing, follows only the sense of the present existence, without any vision of the future, no matter how β†’

Marketing mix of omega ladymatic marketing essay

If the price of OMEGA Ladymatic is changed suddenly, it will stimulate the market and consumer demand a lot. With a register of the online shopping websites and an account of the internet banking, it is quite easy for the customers to buy.

Black diaspora in literature | essay

Many of the contributions in Diedrich argues, similarly to Gilroy, that the diapsora was a key event in the development of black literature, defining, as it does, a framework for creativity, through analyses of violence, of culture, of trans-national thinking and working. As we have seen, therefore, the work of Phillips and Marshall both deal β†’

Does csr help or hinder a company’s performance

The novelty of our analysis comes from its dynamic aspect and from the buildin g of a CSR index that intersects two of the three main international indices, in order to be objective and to have a representative sample. The main results seem to support the idea that the CSR firms are the more virtuous, β†’

Attitudes of health care providers to persons with hiv/aids

Respondents' level of knowledge of HIV/AIDS was computed by judging their answers to the causes, modes of transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS. 4% of the respondents felt that health workers and in-patients are at very high risk of contracting HIV.

How tesco motivate key workers and comparative analysis with other industries and different economic situation

According to Stephen Lockley, employees are the most valve able assets of an organisation, so ensuring that they are motivated and committed is the key to successful and productive workforce. The idea of the programme is to take people with you and to gain the hearts and mind of others in order to improve individuals β†’

Decreasing catheter associated urinary tract infections

This research proposal has the potential to enhance the culture of safety and accountability in nursing practice through the creation of a new gold standard of care. The research question under investigation is: In hospitalized patients that require a urinary catheter, what effect does the implementation of two-nurse urinary catheter insertion protocol, in comparison to β†’

There and the decisiveness of lincoln’s suggestions.

There can be many ways to interpret a historical event, yet the evaluation of the Reconstruction results will depend on four key factors, which are the unwillingness of the President to provide efficient reforms, the lack of funding for further development of the process, the resistance of the white population and the reluctance of the β†’

Artificial intelligence

In the artificial intelligence community, the proponents of expert systems have approached the challenge of simulating intelligence differently than their counterpart proponents of neural networks. The design of the neural network caused the response of the surrounding pixels to react in the same manner as in biological retinas.

Abolition of death penalty in india

Tracing the history of abolition of death penalty in India, it dates back to 27th January1931, when this issue was brought about in the legislative assembly headed by Shri Gaya Prasad Singh.[2] Death penalty is one of the oldest forms of punishment, even though the method of execution has evolved over the years. In light β†’

A life of ronald reagan

The words of Reagan struck the hearts of the American people, as he was able to council them in a time of need. Reagan did all that was in his political power to educate the citizens of the United States of the evils of communism and fight against the U.S.S.R.

Contrastive analysis

Gass and Larry Selinker words, they believe that this analysis is questioned because of the concept of difficulty as the basic theory of the CA is concerning the difficultness. This error shows that the German speaker is in the process of improving his or her target language.

ο»Ώmargaret atwood “spotty handed villainesses” essay sample

In order to portray a positive sense of identity of women, the composer must portray men in a less equal way.allusion " Adam is so subject to temptation that he sacrificed eternal life for an apple" making him seem inferior and foolish in order to amplify the equality of women.rhetorical questioning, " Is not bad β†’

Financial disasters: the enron scandal

The resulting energy markets made it possible for companies like Enron to thrive, while the resultant price volatility was often bemoaned by producers and local governments.[2] Strong lobbying on the part of Enron and others, however, kept the system in place.[3][4] By the late 1990s Enron's stock was trading for $80-90 per share, and few β†’

National rifle association nra politics essay

But as time goes on, with multiple incidents throughout the United States that involve massive casualties in regards to misuse of firearms, from the Virginia Tech to the latest Sandy Hook disaster, the NRA had to take a stronger stand against the new firearms bills in addition to the repeated attacks towards the Second Amendment β†’

What are the factors affecting the employee motivation business essay

The demand to increase productiveness and efficiency in the work topographic point of any organisation has led to increasing academic involvement in the country of motive over the old ages. Factors which bring about occupation satisfaction are normally called satisfiers or incentives and were found from the survey to be related to the nature of β†’


Not only will the expansion of these services to an online format Increase the market to which this business Is available. Adding an online presence to the service will put the business at the fingertips of many users at the same time they are looking for a Job or job related services as offered by β†’

Pathophysiology: guillain-barre syndrome and cauda equina syndrome

Possible Diagnosis (listed in order of likelihood) Signs and Symptoms seen in This patient that make you consider this as a diagnosis Guillain-Barre Syndrome: Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP) Difficulty with bladder/bowel function Back pain that may get worse at night Weakness Unsteady walking Tingling and numbness in hands and...

Student calculator use the need for limitations education essay

Overuse of calculators often leads to student loss of confidence in mathematical skills and abilities, a misunderstanding of the role and function of the calculator, and overdependence on calculators as tools only. While students know the basic processes of calculators, they are not aware of the special functions, keys, and features calculators have, or the β†’

Applied business ethics assignment

Team work is the main aspect for the company and this principle need to be passed on to the rest of the companies in other different countries. If Berries stay for work, he will help the company to maximize it welfare and this is known as Utilitarianism.

Simple network design

Before that, all of the hosts in all the departments are connecting to one vast global network, it made the performance degradation due to the large volumes of data need to be transfer in single networks. Highest layer is the core layer which is the backbone of the network.

Three factors that form individual ethics philosophy essay

Ethics in the field of philosophy means that the revise and assessment of human behaviour in the glow of moral theories. According to Mary, 1956, ethics are the relative to our observation of authenticity, and are also based in the lead of a detailed viewpoint.

Tea and sympathy: a foucauldian analysis

In the concluding scene, the personal liberation of discourse is exemplified through Laura's unsent ' confessional' letter and her desire to confess her feelings to both her husband and Tom. Although society has conditioned Laura to believe that adultery is wrong due to its subversive effect on the integrity of the family unit, it is β†’

Concept of martyrdom in islam and sikhism religion essay

On the other hand the old religions of the east: Hinduism and Buddhism, does not seem to have adopted the concept of martyrdom while as Sikhism being one of the youngest religions in the world, originating in India has adopted the idea of martyrdom. Martyrdom in the cause of Allah is considered one of the β†’

Case study ducats

It is also a good strategy to put the emphasis on the strengths, such as the brand, design and the " World of Ducats". Advantages The biggest advantage in following this option is that Ducats can reach out to a broader market, and more potential customers.

Sentinel event

The SP's mother told the hospital security officer that she and the SP's father were divorced and she had full custody of the SP and the SP's siblings. The CNO met with the SP's mother and alerted the security team and local police to the disappearance of the child.

Graduate employment opportunities in china

In the graduate labour market, the people who are seeking a job is the supply, and the employer offering the job is the demand. The supply have to make they known in the marketplace, and the demand have to let people know they have a job and they want to fill.

Lady gaga analysis essay

As a saying of Gaga in the video: ' Once you kill a cow, you goat make a burger', when there is affair, the media makes products out of it, even better if it is the death of reputation. The overview of the video is the representation of rebellious women gathering up in prison, which β†’

The corrosion of metals engineering essay

Both the anode and cathode are submerged in separate substances respective to the elements of both electrodes from which the positive ions are attracted to the anode and the negative electrons are attracted to the cathode. In practical terms, this could be considered the ' pitting' of the corrosion process which can be defined as β†’

Toulmin argument

Warrant questions: What are my Warrants? - " To believe there is an issue with the criminal justice system, you must recognize the problem as well as believe that cops are not trained to nflict physical abuse on citizens, they are trained to help the community and to only get physical when demonstrating self-defense." - β†’

Challenges facing the health care industry

The first is that of the need for integrating technology into the current framework of best practices in the health care field, and the second is the problem of proper leadership for resource management. With this arrangement of the review of related literature, the researcher hopes to proceed in the exposition of the paper in β†’

Early childhood language development in the digital age: a review of research

Early childhood language and literacy development for the children aged 0-8 years old is strongly influenced by the linguistic environment of the child." Many educators and researchers have attempted to address the literacy skills that children will need to succeed in the 21st century and, in doing so, have discovered something of a paradox. The β†’

Josh hamilton

Hamilton was then traded to the Texas Rangers where today he has become one of the best hitters in baseball. Benjamin Franklin was driven to achieve success in business, politics, and human relations, and he mastered the techniques of success.

Julio cortazar casa tomada analysis

Then this will lead on to the analysis of the treatment of characters that are considered as " outsiders" in the story focusing on the different interpretations of the main characters and the unknown invaders that take over the house. The northern district of Buenos Aires where the protagonist and his sister live is the β†’

Dracula as feminine

When Mina relates the events of the evening to the men, it is the only time in the novel that the reader gets to see Dracula actually feeding. The natural state of her motherhood and the fact that she is a woman only serve to remind the reader that Dracula, even though he is a β†’

The to defraud is something different than

It may be a claim to anything, as for instance, a claim to a woman as the claimant's wife, a claim to the custody of a child as the claimant's child, a claim to be admitted to a law class in a college or an university or other examination or a claim to continue in β†’

Influence of uniforms in school on students essay sample

With the proliferation of acts of violence that have a close association with the gangs as well as shooting inside these schools, there has been a preference by the districts for the enactment f the policies related to the school uniform in anticipation that this is a creative approach for the purpose of the improvement β†’

Re-sternotomy simulation based nursing

Even with a lack of experience and training, nurses are still expected to know the tools needed, the process of opening the chest, and how to respond during this emergency. With the implementation of this proposal, staff will be encouraged to access the simulation and re-sternotomy policy and procedures.

Phd proposal writing | contributing to knowledge

This definition however may be construed as too broad and can be complimented by the reasoning given by Grix who says that a ' substantial contribution to knowledge' means " you must have produced original research on a given topic and embedded it firmly in the ' received wisdom' of a particular field" To pin β†’

Candidate signature essay

An explanation of how to support others to promote diversity, equality and inclusion a) A description of the legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, quality, inclusion and discrimination. This type of good practice is based on a foundation of respecting, recognizing and celebrating individual needs, differences, beliefs and preferences.) An explanation of how β†’

Working and non working mother health comparison

The objective of the study was to observe the presence of anxiety in working and non working women with reference to their education, family system and the number of their children setting. The study was designed to compare the stress, and anxiety level among different profession of working women.

What is policy implementation politics essay

1Definition: As a general concept policy implementation can be defined as the third stage of policy cycle its means the stage of the policy process immediately after the passage of a law, or the action that will be taken to put the law into effect or that the problem will be solved. 1 The top β†’

Toothpaste and colgate

Colgate is the brand that people trust, for complete oral care protection for themselves and ones they lov COMPANY HISTORY * 1806 - William Colgate starts a starch, soap and candle business on Dutch Street in New York City.* 1817 - First Colgate advertisement appears in a New York newspaper.* 1820 - Colgate establishes a β†’

Posting to hadrian’s wall proved a hard one for a roman soldier

Hadrian's Wall was built in 122BC by the Emperor Hadrian in an attempt to build a barrier to keep the Scottish barbarians out of the empire and to protect the existing state lines of the current empire. It may also be interesting to note that this tablet was written on May the 18th, and it β†’

The tragic plights of the democratic republic of congo

Like the chimpanzees, the people of the DRC are treating each other and their environment unkindly because of a lack of resources. Eliot Schrefer, the author of Endangered, believes that: The difference between widespread conflict and widespread harmony lies in access to resources.

It important it was for him to make

Itis no suspect that the United States counts with the highest performingathletes in the world who have dominated the world of sports in countlessoccasions. Tensions rose to such a high level that the United States amedia attempted to destabilize the Soviets by accusing them of inadequatesportsmanship conduct and that their presence in the Olympics would β†’

Creative teaching report paul slater assignment

Evaluation was ained by using a student satisfaction survey in the form of a questionnaire which used the Lickert Scale as a means of measuring the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process and in particular the creative and innovative activity. The learners enjoyed this lesson and in particular the creative activity stage of the β†’

The human side of organizations

One of the first steps in understanding the roll of management is to realize that management is to realize that management is a separate career. Controlling activities include evaluating the performance of equipment and people, analyzing the usefulness of information, measuring the performance of financial and people, analyzing the usefulness of information, and changing resources β†’

Causes of aggressive behaviour: anthropology theories

In contrast, Malthus believed war to be a functional mechanism imparted by God to humans to reduce populations at necessary intervals through an innate expression of aggression and a need for in-group cohesion to maintain a sustainable equilibrium. The example of aggression via dominance complies with the laws of mutual aid and mutual struggle.

Health, ethics and environment assignment

I choose not to buy meat, leather, or eggs because I believe that the torture and enslavement of feeling beings it is the ultimate form of disrespect to the creator. Often for the latter, their own health and well-being came second to the welfare of other creatures, with strict vegans suffering poor health as a β†’

Emily elizabeth dickinson

According to Wolf and Dickinson, Emily was traumatized and troubled by the " deepening menace" of death and particularly of the people close to her such as her cousin Sophia Holland who was also a close friend. The ill-health of her mother made it hard for her to move out of the house as she β†’

Youth travel for tourism in kenya tourism essay

The study seeks to identify and analyze the youth travel behaviour in Kenya in order to establish the potential of youth travel as a market segment for the tourism industry in Kenya. This study seeks to establish the potential of youth travel as a viable market for tourism in Kenya.

Reflection on becoming a teacher

Although I am relatively new to the profession I am ] However despite the challenges that face me I am trying to remain positive and make the best out of this situation Before I started writing I felt the best start way to reflect on my practice was to conduct a... However, one thing what β†’

Drug courts and their effectiveness criminology essay

The best way to solve this growing epidemic is not to turn to a regular court system which is designed to punish the criminal, but to a special court system designed to help the drug offender." The goals of the drug court are to link defendants to community-based treatment and to reduce drug use and β†’

How fall of enron raised concerns about accounting issues

Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm responsible for Enron's auditing, was destroyed because of the violation of complying the US GAAP in conducting an audit and conflict of interest over the significant consulting fees paid by Enron. Under mark to market rules, the contracts and assets are revalued in market prices, and the present value of β†’

Microsoft corporation is a public multinational company

Microsoft generates revenues from the development, the production, the licensing and the supporting of computer related products. One of the main reasons why we are interested in this economic measure is the fact that, it affects the exports and the imports of the economy.

Strategic management asos

The report will explore current and future trends in the online fashion industry and analyze where ASOS is at the moment in terms of a market place and what strategy do they need to pursue, in order to achieve more financial stability and profitability in the future. Competitive Strategy of ASOS Internet fashion retail is β†’

Stan case study: psychology essay sample

Stan talks about being helped as a kid by someone who cared about him and he wants to pass on this altruistic gesture; demonstrating an innate awareness the Adlerian principals of " social interest" as it relates to living on the " useful side of life" and " to see with the eyes of another, β†’

Comparison of the red badge of courage and the veteran

The Red Badge of Courage and 1896 " The Veteran" perpetuate Henry's psychological isolation through a young soldier's inner monologue of the Civil War, paralleling the isolation both sides of the War Between the States feel and the isolation of America from the world after it reestablishes itself during the Progressive Era via the waves β†’

Loreal company project analysis

The L'Oreal Group is known for their continuous innovation in order to improve the quality of their products and the services they have to offer to their consumers. Valuing of the people's culture and ideas is important to the L'Oreal Group, in order to best serve the interest of the consumers, the employees and the β†’

Majestic wine plc uk marketing essay

The policy was instrumental in increasing the number of customers by 54000 to 472000 in the course of a year. The objective of this Business Report is to recommend to the shareholders of Majestic Wine PLC on augmentation or reduction of their investment in the company.

Normal distribution

5 P = P = area to the left of x = -. 5 The area to the left of z = 3.4 is.