2000 Words Essay Samples

King of jazz: louis armstrong essay sample

At the early ages of Armstrong's childhood he ended up in the care of his grandmother and uncle along with his sister, Beatrice Armstrong. Armstrong played in brass bands on the riverboats and steamboats of New Orleans Armstrong attracted a lot of attention to the boats.

Political aspects of the spanish inquisition of spain essay

The establishment of the Inquisition was a very curious happening in the sense that the monarchs of one of the most powerful countries of Europe used the authority of the Catholic Church to legitimise and provide religious sanctity to a state-controlled institution, which dealt primarily with the investigation and punishment of religious heresy. The Founders β†’

Mission statements

Strategic Management in a Global Context MODULE LEADER Miss Grace Sharkey ASSESSMENT A Mission statements may play an important role in the strategic management process but the creation of a ' sense of mission' is even more beneficial to organisations Submitted by Lukas Radzevicius 20th October 2010 2201words This essay is to debate the question β†’

The difficulties single fathers face

The topicality of the subject and its narrow presentation in scholar studies has motivated us to focus attention on this problem in order to find out whether single fathers really face many problems in child fostering and their personal life and what ways out there are for them to make things better. In this way, β†’

Dueling brothers: the duel of alexander hamilton and aaron burr

Ellis gives the reader the rules and instructions that were given to Burr and Hamilton, and tells of a peculiarity in the story that goes against what Hamilton had said about not wanting to shoot Burr. Rather, Burr fired while Hamilton's pistol was still in the air and the impact of Burr's shot caused Hamilton β†’

How influential is subliminal advertising?

The main objectives of the study are: To portray the current scene of Subliminal Advertising utilization in business organizations To examine the usage of Subliminal Advertising as a marketing tool by business organizations To investigate the impacts of Subliminal Advertising on consumers To find the evidence about the benefit of Subliminal Advertising in terms of β†’

Existentialism in the metamorphosis

In this story, Gregor represents the working class, and his father and the manager he works for, represent the bourgeoisie. The author makes this evident, when he makes that Gregor, at the moment of waking of, even though he realizes that there is something unusual going on with his body, the first thing that he β†’

Russian foreign direct investment economics essay

The Russian Federation was part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the most part of the 20th century. The solution to this problem was to increase the level of FDI in the country.

The impact of murals essay

The impact of murals: the process and the paintings Jeanine Guidry, 10 July 2011, Richmond, VA Introduction Ron Chew, in his excellent essay " Community-based arts organizations: a new center of gravity" mentions the interesting, and widespread, acknowledgement that traditional European art forms like ballet, opera, and the symphony can no longer be considered the β†’

A multiple choice test on julius caesar

He says the Caesar deserved to die, and the people should thank the conspirators.C. The ghost of Caesar frightened him to death.D.

Public service broadcasting financed media essay

As the name suggests, a broadcast television should serve the public, that is, citizens of the state in which it is established. The simplest way to reduce the number of employees is through the change in the number and structure of the original creation.

Organisational directions of infosys technologies

It will examine the power of the stakeholders have in the organisation and their likeliness to use that power. These key stakeholders will be very interested in the organisation's events and are useful in the development of the organisation.

My leadership engine

To assist leaders at all levels of responsibility, and to examine their philosophy, values, and behavior, The Leadership Engine, a book by Noel Tichy, Professor at the University of Michigan School of Business and former head of General Electric leadership training, provides a useful tool called, " the Teachable Point of View". A manifestation of β†’

Follow-up imaging: molecular imaging is likely best as a single modality, but multimodality imaging is the future

The goal of this manuscript is to provide the latest information on positron emission tomography molecular imaging, offer other options within the realm of molecular imaging, and to let the reader's ultimate decision regarding follow-up imaging be made on a case-by-case basis based upon available resources and user experience. There has been considerable discussion and β†’

Crusades to the east

People went on crusades to the East was because of the role of Pope Urban II. According to Phillips, Pope Urban II's speech willed people to free the city of Jerusalem from the clasp of the Muslims.

“the crucible” by arthur miller essay sample

In Proctor's mind, saying that to Abigail was a finalization of their affair and gave him the closure that he needed to truly forget what he and Abigail had. He said to her, ' I mean to please you, Elizabeth,' in which she replied with hesitation, ' I know it, John.' Proctor noticed this hesitation, β†’

Medical and paramedical care of patients with cerebellar ataxia during the covid-19 outbreak: seven practical recommendations of the covid 19 cerebellum task force

Because neurological disorders are not uncommon in COVID-19, it may be relevant to remind patients, caregivers, and paramedics that the ataxic syndrome may worsen due to the lack of rehabilitation or the interruption of medications. In case of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in CA patients with more severe manifestations, both the motor and non-motor features β†’

Relationship between sociocultural diversity and mathematics

The accompanying paper plans to talk about the significance of connecting science to culture in the homeroom, the utilization of ethnomathematics as an educational apparatus, tending to arithmetic as a social build and methods for actualizing ethnomathematics into the educational modules. Ethnomathematics ought to accordingly strengthen a socially significant educational programs and consolidate understudies' comprehension β†’

A property valuation report commerce essay

In terms of the local suburban market with reference to the housing market, the property price in Burwood's long term trend is increase for house and units. The site is easy and continence to get in.

Why is it difficult to define a new social movement?

It is, therefore, the aim of the NSM's to highlight these issues and bring them to the attention of either the politicians or the general public in the hope that government policy will adopt a different strategy. One important ramification of this is that the adherents to social movements are prepared to step outside the β†’

What science has taught us about stonehenge

And the story is complicated even more by the fact that, like many ancient landmarks, Stonehenge was not built in a day...or even in a century. From what we can tell, workers first dug holes for the rocks to sit in, and then hauled them upright, probably with the help of ropes, A-frames, and lots β†’

Why did euro disney fail but disneyland successed history essay

The Disney characters that everyone knew from the cartoons and comic books were on hand to shepherd the guests and to direct them to the Mickey Mouse watches and Little Mermaid records. In the 1970s, the triumph was repeated in Florida, and in 1983, Disney proved the Japanese also have an affinity for Mickey Mouse β†’

Is ch 7

A) peer-to-peer B) wireless C) packet-switched D) circuit-switchedD) circuit-switched Which of the following is not a characteristic of packet switching? A) disassembling and reassembling of packets during transmission In a telecommunications network architecture, a protocol is A) a device that handles the switching of voice and data in a local area network.

Global crossing

Another factor that was related to the industry was the impact of the Telecommunication Act of 1996 which substantially increased the completion in the " global long distance market by allowing the entry of local exchange carriers" and subsequently leading to overcapacity of fiber-optic networks. The conflict of interests of its audit committee was clear β†’

Introduction and aesthetics. despite existing for a short

The findings of Freud and Einsten, as well as the technological innovations of the Machine Age, registered distinctively new ' modernist' modes of feeling and perception. The text, which was written with a great deal of absurdist humor, has references to several precursors of Surrealism that represented the Surrealist spirit before the declaration of the β†’

Exercise referral scheme

The role of the general practitioner is to prescribe and inform the client about a suitable exercise referral system, once a physical examination and a medical history of the client is obtained. The role of the instructor is to do a pre-exercise assessment to assess the client's current physical status, and to create an exercise β†’

Eating green: no schemes, no screams, and no broken seams

Even though there are a wide range of benefits that can be provided in a lifestyle that includes the consumption of meat and animal products, much of the world and the earth itself would benefit if more people went vegan because not only does it lower humanity's overall carbon footprint on the environment, but it β†’

Do seasons have effect on e coli levels essay

This purpose of this study is to find whether or non there is a connexion between E.coli and the seasons and how the E.coli affects the people populating along the Msunduzi River.1. In the less showery months of the twelvemonth, there is less H2O flow in the Msunduzi River and E.coli settle to the underside β†’


I also do believe that it is in the best interest of the company to monitor an employees computer activity even if they are using it on their own time. Plus it is not that employees property and their owner or manager has the right to see what they are looking at because it involves β†’

Ignatius and irene: partnership and polarization

In particular, the attitudes and activities of Irene Reilly and her son Ignatius determine the tone of the novel and guide its course of events. Ignatius is clearly aware that he is unable to intimidate, and is afraid of the ramifications of his behavior.

Cons and pros of cloning essay

To cure Leukemia they can cure the bone marrow and that was one of the first benefits that came from cloning. Cloning can cause the world to be dictated by one leader." The history of cloning is replete with defects, deformity, and death" Cloning can cause serious defects and mutations that may be very disturbing.

Therapeutic recreation

According to WHO- The worldhealthorganisation, health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health. The therapeutic recreation personnel, at this stage of the continuum must provide direction and structure to the client as means of an intervention due to a feeling of helplessness that can ultimately produce β†’

Mental disorders are somatic disorders, a comment on m. stier and t. schramme

In the following, I present my personal argument for: why neurobiological research offers the potential for identifying curative therapies for mental disorders despite the lack of a valid explanatory model on the mental level; and that such research is needed to establish more valid disease models on the mental level. Furthermore, I argue that the β†’

The ca3 region of the hippocampus: how is it? what is it for? how does it do it?

The hippocampus, in the temporal lobe, is phylogenetically one of the oldest parts of the brain and forms part of the limbic system. Recurrent synapses and circuits in the CA3 region of the hippocampus: an associative network.

Financial statement analysis tesco sainsburys economics essay

The Internet subscriptions have increased by over 50% and it is expected that the Internet is being used by 70% of the inhabitants in the UK. Z-score above 3: The company has no chance of bankruptcy and is considered safe.

Prison rape

It also discusses recent efforts to put a stop to prison rape, such as the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 and The National Prison Rape Elimination Commission as well as organizations such as Just Detention International. Through PREA the Department of Justice was ordered to put the prevention of prison rape as a top β†’

The topic of sustainable tourism

This report reassess the growth of the term, commencing with a debate of the confusion arising from the vague and contradictory definitions of the concept, and the need to differentiate between sustainable tourism and the development of tourism on the main beliefs of sustainable development. To review the topic of sustainable tourism Measuring the growth β†’

Difference between inflation and deflation

Inflation redistributes income in the favour of the rich and the profiteer class at the cost of the poor masses the wage-earners and consumers.2. Inflation is unjust because it affects different classes of people in society in different ways and different degrees.if inflation were to affect everyone in the society in exactly the same manner β†’

Classical hollywood systems

The myth of the G-Man is the movie which enforces the stiffer production code. Murder movies are the next front line genre which attains success because of the thrilling and mystery sequences present in the movie.

Does media violence cause aggression in children? assignment

The articles include " The Influence of Media Violence in Youth" which supports media violence causing aggression through the use of evidence that includes short and long term effects of media violence, theories as to why media violence causes aggression, factors that influence aggression and ways to counteract the negative effects The second article " β†’

Emerging space capability of china cultural studies essay

It is therefore imperative for India- a space capable progressive nation to address the issue of future impetus in space militarisation and to plan a definite roadmap to counter the same.4. In contrast to the secretive Chinese space policy, the Indian space programme has remained highly open and focussed towards peaceful use of space technology.

Should couples have health screening before marriage health essay

So, through health screening, there is a chance for couples to have a preparation before they start a family. Improvement in terms of quality of life is another reasons for couples to have a health screening before marriages.

Cultural diversity: impact on multinational businesses

MNC works in a global market it must be ready to identify all potential changes in the global environment and it should be able to communicate and adapt the uniqueness of the company to match with the environment. But they have a propensity to feel that their culture and their mode of doing things is β†’

Computer science – personal data manipulation

It's only attributes are the head of the tail pointing to the first Node and the tail which point to the last Node of the list. Starting with the constructor we see it initializing the head and the tail of the list to NULL since when the list is instantiated it's empty.

A brainer on neurotoxicity

1712081 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Barenys, M, and Fritsche, E. 035 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Leist, M, and Hartung, T.

Impacts of terrorism on sporting events

While the threat of terror attacks is one that we see on a regular basis, the fact that large scale events such as the FIFA World Cup draw thousands of spectators to one confined area means that terror attacks and the threat thereof should be addressed as part of the risk assessment for the event. β†’

Scrutinising the theatrical effects used by jb priestly

B Priestly sets the play in the fictional city of Brumley in the year of 1912. It is quite obvious to see that the " obligatory scene" is a key main in the composure of a well-made play.

The family homes protection act essay sample

The family home protection Act, 1976 was prompted as a result of a report published in 1972 by the commission on the Status of Women, the purpose of the act was to prevent one spouse, in whose sole name the family home was vested, from dealing with the property without the knowledge and/or the consent β†’

The apa code of ethics

Psychologists are committed to increasing scientific and professional knowledge of behavior and people's understanding of themselves and others and to the use of such knowledge to improve the condition of individuals, organizations and society. A Psychologist should get inform consent when doing research, assessment, and therapy, to protect the right and privacy of those they β†’

The implications of the greek referendum’s outcome

This paper will examine the social welfare and economic implications of the recent 2015 referendum on Greek bailout conditions offered by the ECB and IMF, starting with and examination of the history behind the crisis, the resulting series of financial bailouts along with the conditions imposed and their economic and social welfare ramifications, and the β†’

Daydream believers: a report

Written on the themes of the post-Cold War phase and the role of allied nations in the global socio-political scenario, Daydream Believers: How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power by Fred Kaplan masterfully outlines the loopholes of administrative arrogance. With the precipitation of the Soviet Union in 1991 as the major adversary of the β†’

Is human evolution is gradual or punctuated? essay

The liquid from the tubings that received RNase, peptidase, lipase, and the carbohydrate-digesting enzymes was still able to transform the R strain of pneumonia into the S strain. What is the function of RNA in DNA reproduction?

Oscar triplett case analysis

She claimed that she had seen him before she reached the top of the hill and that he had opened the cellar door before Statesman reached the top of the hill. Temple asking him for help with loading the magazines; in the statement he gave at the inquest he claimed that had to show her β†’

Consensus theories – new right

Professors George and Wilding made the statement in their study of welfare and ideology that the New Right 'proceed by assertion' - that is to say that they make over generalised and unbalanced rhetoric about the state provision of welfare. For the New Right, the market is the most efficient and rational way to operate β†’

Progression in the learning of addition and subtraction education essay

This assignment will look into the progression in the teaching and learning of addition and subtraction from nursery to year 4 considering the " understanding diagram", models for addition and subtraction, oral/mental and written methods, resources used, learning facts and the using and applying/problem solving method. During these activities it is also important for the β†’

Life in the iron mills

Life in the Iron Mills takes readers down, into the thickest of the fog and mud and foul effluvia to describe the social unrest in American society. The author pays a particular attention to the description of the territory her cousin works in.

Respiratory system and breathing

The main purpose of the respiratory system is to provide oxygen to all the cells in the body and to remove the by-product of carbon dioxide. This indicates to the nurse that there is abnormal quality of the patient's breathing and indicates a respiratory problem.

Are western management concepts flashcard

Whereas South East Asia is living in a world of Collectivism and has a large Power Distance, the US and the Netherlands are more individualistic and have small Power Distance. You see that there are existing dissimilarities among the dimensions and if we now take into account that the term HARD, according to Hefted, is β†’

Patterns of world history vol 1

Writing was a major expansion of the conceptual horizon of humankind that reached back to the first flaked stones, ornaments, figurines, and cave paintings in the Paleolithic. The Shang Dynasty used the horse to drive chariots, which transformed the Chinese warfare for transportation, which linked disparate regions of China and helped the Shang to expand.

Interference and remembering words in short term memory

Afterwards the result clearly shows that the participants' long-term memory was not affected as they were able to recall the first words from the list, while on the other hand differences occurred when recalling the words at the end of the list. A timer was used in order to control the length of time participants β†’

Why african metallurgy is important history essay

In the past, some of the metals in Africa were exploited which then resulted in the rise of some of the most ' impressive indigenous African states, while others have been utilized only recently, as participants in the modernization and industrialization of a handful of countries at the southern end of the continent'. It was β†’

Essay summary of lupain ng taglamig

The common perception of the period of 1000 years or so between the ancient Greeks and the European Renaissance is that little happened in the world of mathematics except that some Arabic translations of Greek texts were made which preserved the Greek learning so that it was available to the Europeans at the beginning of β†’

Declining educational standards in karachi pakistan education essay

Majority of the respondents had the position that the bing uneffective course of study and rating system are the chief grounds of worsening educational criterions at secondary degree in Karachi, Pakistan. Advancement and prosperity of the state depends on the sort of instruction that is provided to the people.

Editorial: extreme eating behaviours

We are currently increasing our understanding of how obesity and EDs are associated with changes in the composition of gut microbiota, in the intake of macro- or micro-nutrients, the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, and how these changes lead to physical and mental health consequences. It consists of a variety of articles and study types β†’

Main barriers sustainable development developing countries initiatives overcome economics essay

Such countries are said to have rapid growth in their economy but have still not reached the standard of the First World, these are highly developed countries Almost all countries of the third world can be categorized as developing, they including all African countries excluding South Africa, all countries in the Middle East excluding Turkey, β†’

Importance of capital structure choice

Many academics have researched the relevance of capital structure choice and used many drivers to explain the choices of capital structure, being the drivers of cost of debt and capital core focus of many researchers. Key drivers of choice of capital structure According to Myers, the main drivers of the choice of capital structure are β†’

Coaching session evaluation essay sample

The sports hall policy about appropriate sports wear and shoes was already mentioned in the invite.' To produce the safest environment possible for the athletes and the coach', further essential risk management, within the introduction, included the explanation of emergency exits and the procedure of raising the alarm and informing the University Security Office through β†’

The importance of active listening and communication of empathy in the counselling relationship

Body language and facial expression can reveal much about the client and supports the helper to uncover the ' unspoken' words in the story the client is trying to tell. He believes that for any relationship to develop, the client needs to feel that the helper has a non-judgmental, accepting attitude towards the client and β†’

A cellular network

The main purpose of BSS is to set the connection between a Mobile Station and the Base Station. The first component of a BSS network is the Base Transceiver Station, which is responsible from air interface and creating a bridge between the network and the Mobile Station.

The astro malaysia holdings berhad business essay

Employee stock option plan is a companywide incentives plan whereby the company contributes shares of its own stock or cash to be used to purchase such stock to a trust established to purchase shares of the firm's stock for employees. Employees will have an incentive to work hard for the company as they become the β†’

Democracy nation to be stronger. following his

However, Indonesia seems to be ahead of this country in regard to the state of democracy. This country has a long way to go and it has to learn from Indonesia in order for it to improve the state of its democracy.

What is the likelihood of finding a suitable stem cell donor

As described by Schmidt et al [15], the probability p for a random patient from a given population to find at least one matching donor in a registry including n individuals of a donor population is given with p is the matching probability in " n" sample size, fi being the frequencies of the i β†’

Bacterial transformation efficiency: e.coli with pglo

This creates pGLO a plasmid which is used in the experiment in the transformation of the bacteria. The purpose of this experiment is to find the efficiency of bacterial transformation in E.

John steinbeck’s use of realism, characterization assignment

Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath both tell of the hardships people went through and also the harsh conditions of their situations. The characters in both of these novels play and important role In personalizing the occurring events for the reader, making the novel more effective In getting the writers' messages across β†’

Corporate compliance plan for riordan manufacturing assignment

It is the responsibility of the key personnel to create a culture within Riordan which promotes the highest standards of ethics and compliance; Riordan expects its leaders to set an example and be in every respect a model. To prevent the risk of economic injury and to protect Riordan's reputation the Compliance Officer in conjunction β†’

Is goffman a systematic social theorist or a β€˜cynical observer of white american middle-class mores’ essay sample

There are In The Presentation of the self in Everyday Life Goffman seeks to outline and illustrate what it is about the minor happenings in the day to day life that makes it a vitally important area of study in sociology. But whatever the intention of the actor it is in his best interests to β†’

Comparing literature

The theme in a story is a representation of the idea behind the story? I? m Going? is the same in that the female in the play is nagging at the male?

Is parole a successful form of rehabiliation?

Considering all aspects of corrections and rehabilitation, the essential goals remain the same: the resocialization of the offender and the protection of society. While some inmates are released straight into the community, the majority of those released will be on parole, under some form of supervision and ' bound' to a set of conditions.

Auditing standards: objectives and importance

Professional bodies worldwide carries a duty to set auditing standards to play a role of assisting auditors in performing duties in order to provide high level of confidence to intended users of the Financial Statements. It is a form of benchmarking the intensity of achieving objectives of the professional bodies in being a role model β†’

An analysis of resiliency in victims of childhood sexual abuse

In a study of 256 children with a history of sexual abuse, Lahtinen, Laitila, Korkman, and Ellonen found that 80% of participants had disclosed information of the abuse. A prospective examination of the impact of child sexual abuse on internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems.

Theoretical from the perspective of principal agent theory management essay

Hence, an important mission of scholars and educators in the areas of management, health, education, and social work is, on the one hand to conduct researches that contribute knowledge to a scientific discipline, and to apply that knowledge to the practice of management as a profession, on the other. Therefore, the theory concentrates on the β†’

Use of timber in projects construction essay

The informal interviews revealed some additional factors, not discussed in the literature review, which may have helped to shape the position of timber within the marketplace in the UK. This lack of communication or cohesion in the design of the engineering element of the building can have cost implications and act as a disincentive to β†’

Uop watsons theory of caring

The caring process requires that the nurse be knowledgeable in human behavior and responses to actual or potential health problems, an individual's needs, how to respond to others, and the strengths and limitations of the patient and his or her family as well as the strengths and limitations of the nurse. The concept of health β†’

Birth order and personality

The followers of Adler's are called Adlerian psychologists; they believe that the formation of an individual's personality is affected by the order that the individual and the individual's siblings are born. The first idea is that birth order has a huge impact on personality development and of course the second idea is that there is β†’

The national liberation movement in india history essay

In 1920 the Nagpur session of the Congress Party declared that the attainment of swaraj was the party's fundamental aim. In 1929 the Lahore session of the Congress Party declared its task to be the achievement of " full swaraj".

Literature review of business change due to technology

Because they innovate and merge harmonizing to the facets of civilization.see the enterprisers that comes with the activities that exist in response to cultural conditions.defines the distance between civilizations. With the aid of cultural values and belief informations studied the impact of an entrepreneurial civilization on regional alterations in formation rates of the new houses.

Nagamandala essay

The Story of Rani and Appanna The story deals with the life of Rani and Appanna. Rani is asked by the village leaders to perform the ordeal of holding the hot iron rod to demonstrate that she is a chaste woman and faithful to her hushand.

Out of the silent planet essay

Along the way to Oyarsa, Ransom requires the help of a Sorn, a second of the three types of creatures that lives on Malacandra. The conversation leads Oyarsa to an understanding about humanity, and it also describes the peaceful intellect of the aliens to the humans, as well as the different connections to the same β†’

Math studies sl internal assessment essay

The measure of boxers' reaches and their records of wins and losses will be used to determine if reach is one of the larger factors that affect an athlete's chances in a match. The investigation shows that there is a very low correlation between reaches and win rate for boxers regardless of their gender.

Early signs of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes

Objective: Determine the most efficacious evidence based interventions for the detection of the early signs of peripheral neuropathy and thus prevent diabetes related foot ulcers among patients living with diabetes. Implications for practice: An overall better understanding of interventions used to detect peripheral neuropathy in the goal to prevent foot ulcers will guide HCPs to β†’

Marketing strategy of the times marketing essay

The marketing managers of the Times have devised a strategy where the design, the look, the appeal of the newspaper has been changed so as to deal with intense competition, and changing readers' preferences whilst bringing about increased revenue. Positioning: The Times positions itself as a " thought leader" in the world of journalism so β†’

Global olympic movement

The seniors are definitely some of the groups that need to be considered when looking at the impact of the movement and its activities in the various parts of the world. Considering the fact that the global Olympic movement is also a strong advocate of a sustainable environment and practices that support this principle; the β†’

Essay on theory of psychosexual development

Freud formed the opinion that the early experiences of childhood were responsible for the development of personality, especially during the first five years of life. According to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world.

The green party | political analysis

In Harmel and Robertson; Hauss and Rayside " Cleavages or strains; institutional factors, such as characteristics of the electoral system and centralization of the government; and more directly political factors, such as the position of trade unions and the configuration of existing party competition" were identified as factors behind differential success. However, it is highlighted β†’

Strategic marketing for football clubs

The latter's support of the club even included the opening of a concessionary outlet on the fifth floor of his Harrod's store in Knightsbridge. Building a brand that emphasises values is important to the supporters and other stakeholders alike...' Furthermore, there are inherent dangers in the categorisation of consumers into convenient segments.