2000 Words Essay Samples

Relationship between drug use and crime

This is supported in the work of Makkai whereby the argument that much of the Australian discussion on illicit drugs and crime ' is ill defined, simplistic, and lacking in evidence' where an assumption that there is a causal relationship between drug use and crime is made without sufficient supporting evidence. The aim of this →

The aftermath of the scramble for africa history essay

Great Britain was the ultimate supremacy on earth at the time, and throughout the Scramble for Africa, it was the British who did most of the grasping. The civilization and religion of the colonized citizens was frequently destined to attempt to contain the citizen move in the approach of the westerners.

Tissue engineering for skin

The full-thickness biopsy of the patient's skin is cut finely and enzymes are added to cause disaggregation of the skin into cells. Research is still in-progress to develop skin in bulk quantities, mainly for burns patients, and to mimic all the mechanical and properties and functions of the natural skin.

Observation report

The one-hour observation includes the child listening to a story, and playing during " center time" with the interaction with other peers and Mrs. I also think that when A.is not listening she is exploring the environment around her to get a better understanding of it and her peers.

Dangers of confirmation bias and how it affects society

Considering this, people who are under the influence of confirmation bias may give the same weight of a low-credibility information source to that of high-credibility sources. The power of confirmation bias is incredibly strong, it's important to recognize this in our own lives.

Impact of world war one on the british workforce

From the journal Women's Wages in Britain and Australia During the First World War, the wages of women were not regulated during the first 9 months of the Great War and not until 1915, women in Midlands working as munitions work gained 33. To conclude, World War One transformed the workplace in terms of unemployment.

Effect of blind dates on “leftover women”

In the course of blind-dating, many leftover-women have realized that dating the rich or getting married to the rich is not a realistic dream. This is the spiritual effect that the blind dates bring to leftover -women and it is harmful to seeking love when they are dating.

Alliance boots pestel analysis business essay

Alliance Boots Pharmaceutical Wholesale Division is experiencing a rapid growth and global sales; the company believes that its product innovation and development competences are some of the resourceful factors, which enable the company to develop new and existing products for global consumption. It is important for Alliance Boots to continuing promoting its product with the →

How does roal dahl create unease and tension in the landlady

The fact that it is night and the moon is up over a starry night, gives the town an eerie sense to it, as if it's a special night, and a night where something is going to happen. If this is true, then the isolation of Billy in a sort of a " Dead area" →

Marketing problem and selling opportunity

The opportunity of Premier product is the brand of Premier has become a market leader in the market share. In the marketplace, the consumer behaviour always changing while the Premier product can using promotional tool to promote the Premier product and reinforce the features & benefits of the product.

Dangerousness and dangerous offenders

While this is certainly a function for the tool of ' dangerousness' in the criminal justice system, ' dangerousness,' as a designation that leads to predictive judgement, is a blatant attack on the concept of ' innocent until proven guilty'. This is clearly pronounced by the fact that all criminal acts are determined in a →

Changing approaches to preventing terrorism

It is yet to be seen whether the Counter Terrorism and Security Act will, having made the ' Delivery of Prevent a legal requirement', have an effect on the involvement of local police officers in prevent on campuses,[19] Thesecond imperative duty of local police officers involved in Prevent-delivery istraining educational institution's staff in identifying extremism. →

Reflection | physiotherapy placement

As a result of the Health Act and for registration with the Health Professions Council, CPD is a legal requirement that must be completed in accordance with the Standards of Continuing Professional Development. Preparation of an individual for this role, through self assessment, is central to its success, in which the skills developed are lifelong →

Concept analysis

This paper will follow the Walker and Advant method of concept analysis to identify the concept of patient advocacy from existing literature with the aim to analyze and provide clarity and direction for enhancement of advocacy in nursing. However, due to the limited number of quantitative empirical studies of patient advocacy in nursing, the definition →

Smart pumps

Study objectives: These studies assessed the impact of smart pumps technology in one of the following: Medication errors, the incidence and nature Errors reporting rate Type, frequency and severity of medication errors Matching of preventable IV adverse drug events with safety feature of smart pump. In addition to all that, the study illustrated that the →

The porter generic strategy

Product development: Product development occurs when a company wants to launch a new product into an existing market with line extension strategy, taking the advantage of current customer relations and the economy of scale and scope of current product to launch next generation of the product or related service to the current market So as →

Should capital punishment be reintroduced in the uk

The term ' capital' originates from the Latin word capitalis, meaning the head and a ' capital crime' was originally punishable by the severing of the head. From the 1800's to the 1900's many capital crimes were reduced from the death penalty to imprisonment and murder was the only ' capital crime' still punishable by →

Trailer of memoirs of a geisha essay sample

Trailers are not thought of simply as bits and pieces of the actual movie, but as a condensed version which transmits the essence of the movie to the audience without actually revealing the whole ' heart' of the story. The trailer of ' Memoirs of a Geisha' has manipulated both colour and sound in the →

The domestic business environment of china

However since not all parts of China are infested by instability and issues of business environment, such as corruption and bribery in Guanxi according to Dunfee and Warren, it is best to determine the movement in the domestic business environment of China by exploring the important aspects affecting the business climate. Economic Environment The economic →

Essay about life span development

This paper will define the development of humans throughout the lifep and describe the characteristics of the lifep perspective. As the unborn child enters the world theenvironmentin which the child exists begins to influence the child's development.

Corporate social responsibilty essay sample

The meaning of CSR given by the European Communities is " a concept whereby companies integrate social & environmental concerns in the business operations & their interactions with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis" This underlines the importance of getting it right in the overall view of an organisation to all stakeholders. It can be →

Amazon kindle case study

It will clearly define the dependent and independent variables of the study, state the null and alternative hypotheses, and the methodology used to test the hypotheses. The samples that are selected and produced are described, including the methodology used to collect the data and a description of the survey instruments.

Development and importance of adam smiths economic ideas economics essay

Impact on Western Economic Thinking by the Classical Economic Theories of Adam Smith[NAME OF STUDENT][NAME OF INSTITUTION][NAME OF INSTRUCTOR][CLASS] Western Economic thinking was greatly impacted from Adam Smith's publication of An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Smith proposed that to measure the wealth of a nation one must →

Women and feminism in sir thomas more’s utopia

In a " normal" society, the act of child nursing is considered as part of a woman's motherly duties, but in More's Utopia it is monitored by all members of the community. This in part brings back the public sphere of Utopia as to the topic of gender and the prevention of individual privacy.

Organizational behaviour and strategy for happy gift song company

There is a need for the development of a strong unified team that will show loyalty and commitment to the company and contribute to its continued growth and success. As employees commit to the company mission over time, loyalty is developed and a culture focused on company and individual success emerges.

Chapter 51 and 52- understanding the sensory system- med surgical- eyes external eye structures

A: small ducts bring tears to the front and blinking help spread the tears over the surface Q: what enzyme inhibits the growth of bacteria on the surface of the eyes? Nursing Assessment for the EYE: * Usually test for children * Corneal Light Reflex * To test for lazy eye or strabismus: * A →

Is identity personal or social? theories of identity

There are two psychological theories, which explore personal and social identity; the social identity theory and the identity theory. Identity fusion: The interplay of persona and social identities in extreme group behavior.

Western music history assignment

Such is the legacy of the man that after over 200 ears Of his death, his middle and surname would be taken as the Stage name of rock/metal band Skid ROWS frontal. After the passing of Bach in 1750, six years later a boy would be born also in Germany, and just like Bach, have →

Racism and huckleberry finn: a look below the surface essay sample

This casually racist comment which, in itself, embodies several of the racism-based arguments for the censorship of Twain's 1884 novel is one of many that pervades the forty-three chapters of the classic American work. Though on the surface Twain's novel may appear to be an example of the " racist trash" that some critics have →

Different definitions of art and photography

Bazin would argue that the artiste can still express his personality in a picture, with the items he chooses to shoot, but in a photograph, as opposed to a painting, the central attraction remains the objects in the picture and not the artiste personality.' A painting of a cart does not really refer to a →

Sibling relationships and parental conflict in divorced families

Literature review of how Divorce affects sibling relationships Little research has been focussed on the sibling relationships in divorce, tending to focus more on the attachment of the parent-child after.'Sibling relationships provide a unique and important contribution to a child's development'. The aim was to further the understanding of the effect of parental divorce on →

Easyjet and the recession

Composed of several vital tenets, this paper seeks to establish the relation between management and the Competing Values Framework, and how the model can effectively be implemented and their influences in an organization. Political Factor Due to the war going on in Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of Middle East, the threat of airline attacks →

Introduction qualitative analysis, though there is much more

In government setting, rationality becomes practical if the involved decision makers and the stakeholders agree on values, nature of the problem and the solution to such problem with total avoidance of engaging in politics and conflict of interest. In this approach, the decision makers has to assess the implications of each program and finally choose →

The person i idmire most essay

By 1571, when Lopez de Legaspi established the Spanish city of Manila on the site of a Moro town he had conquered the year before, the Spanish grip in the Philippines was secure which became their outpost in the East Indies, in spite of the opposition of the Portuguese, who desired to maintain their monopoly →

The great gatsby is a story of infatuation

The novel satirises the hedonistic society of the past, explores the futile search for the American Dream and reveals the comparisons between glittering illusion and harsh reality. The reader learns the truth of Gatsby's origins at the end of the novel and the futility of his efforts and emptiness of his dream make the ending →

Theory and empirical evidence

The vision of the team is to gain marketleadershipin the tiles business and to improve profitability of the company. Communication A well planned and creative communication process both to the employees of BATL and the customers is proposed.

The unattainable force in do not go gentle into that good night

Thomas' poem suggests a new notion of religion that describes a force that is both unattainable and unstoppable to humanity as evident in the end rhymes, diction, symbols, and images of the poem. The dance of these words suggests that the tradition and definitions of life as humanity understands it may be motivated and controlled →

Legal aspects of commercial contracts

AC 535, the court held that in order to protect the goodwill of a company it was essential to uphold the restriction that prevented the plaintiff from competing with the defendant. Ben had to export the pizzas in a week's time.

Critically examine the need for tourism policy and planning essay sample

A Tourism policy is usually planned out between the government and maybe some general private company that wants to contribute towards a project." In many developing countries, the state usually plays a central role in formulating and planning tourism development policy " As stated by Jenkins the government is a key figure in the implementation →

Impact of internet usage on the academic performance essay

Statement of Problem: The study investigates how students of St Stephens College are affected by the use of the internet.St. The use of the internet is one of the major factors affecting the academic performance and social life of university students.

Ginsters market and company analysis

The pasty enabled the men to remain clean and have warmth throughout the day and also to retain the flavour. Ginsters were praised by the judges for its innovations in marketing, and for the commitment to local sourcing.

Private and public pension provisions in the uk economics essay

With Lord Hutton's completed review of UK state pensions imminent and the 2012 reforms primed to take effect, there are many changes expected in both private and public pensions over the next 5 years; not least of which is the increasing popularity for the shift from final-salary to contribution based schemes. In a salary related →

Investigating the companies of tesco and oxfam business essay

The aims and objectives of Tesco's are; To capitalize on sales Develop and maintain the number one retail business in the UK. For Oxfam the ' stakeholder' which would be the panel of directors would influence the organization because, if they were not to listen to their member's/donors thoughts then they could make the wrong →

Psychology issues

And the main task of psychology is to understand them and to explain their influence on people. Perception is the interpretation of sensation and it makes sense of every thing in the world that is around us.

Regulating the hospitality industry law general essay

They need to respond very rapidly and work for protecting the public from environmental and sanitation threatsIn addition, the responsibility of an EHO in hospitality industry is to educate the employers and employees about the different types of health issues. The responsibilities and objectives of a hospitality operator are to reach a high profit for →

Obsessive compulsive disorder: theories and treatment

It is believed that the low levels of certain chemicals in the brain such as serotonin are factors contributing to OCD.getimage This part of the brain is believed to be the area of impulse control. The role of the cognitive therapy is to prepare the ground for the implementation of the behaviour therapy and to →

Causes effects and solutions to famine

Similarly, unwise government policies has led North Korea to experience famine in the mid-1990s, and Zimbabwe in the early-2000s.in the early 1970s and 1980s, both Ethiopia and Sudan has suffered from famine due to their dictatorship governments, as food was shipped from Wollo in Ethiopia to its capital city in order to be sold with →

Approaches to the broken windows policy explained criminology essay

If the toleration of minor law violations leads to more serious crime on the street, it would also follow that the toleration of minor law violations by the police will lead to more serious crime on the force. Vouchers would be sold to people in the community and they can give them to the panhandler →

Psychosocial influences on the individual’s perception and response to health and illness essay sample

This essay will focus on the psychosocial influences of a seventeen year old female; who for the purpose of the essay will use the pseudonym Katy in compliance with the NMC Code of Conduct regarding confidentiality, who is non compliant with her type 1 diabetes regime and will look at the psychological and sociological issues →

The ethical dilemma of forced chemotherapy on a teen

The respect is not only a substance of attitude, but it is a manner of acting and recognizing the autonomous actions of the patient. The problem states that the employee has been asked to manipulate some reports for the benefit of the manager and the company.


While Wordsworth is more concerned with the idea of the power of place, Coleridge, like Whitman, is more interested in the relevance of shared experience, and its ability to potentially transcend barriers of space and mortality. Since for Whitman the birthplace of poetry is in the self, the best way to learn about poetry is →

Society in sparta as seen in gates of fire

In describing the exercises, Xeo says that " The hardship of the exercises is intended less to strengthen the back than to toughen the mind. The exercises the Spartans endured were designed to drive all fear from their mind, so that in the face of battle, the Spartans would be fearless and fight to the →

Reliquaries analysis

The cover of the reliquaries had narrative scenes of the life of the saints which in contained inside. Christian beliefs in power of relics, the remains of the holy persons or the objects the holy people used.

Research on fashion retail management flashcard

In order to achieve this goal, they have developed a comprehensive understanding of their needs, strive to win the confidence of the consumer and offer best in class products with affordable prices.* We will be in the forefront of fashion and our services by anticipating and exceeding the expectations of the customers.* Our leadership will →

Business organisations in a global context commerce essay

The international economy consists of the economies of all the countries in the world. They have to understand their social customs and economy of the country.

American romanticism –

American Romanticism Romanticism originates from the Germany of the 1770s and from that time on it has captured the rest of Europe and from about the 1820s America, as well. The Norton Antology Of American Literature.

Company and product analysis of the tata nano

Tata Nano is not just the accomplishment of Ratan Tata's promise to middle class Indian's, but Indian's promise to the world and a crystal clear proclamation that the coming days the world has to look into India to see innovation, determination and technical of domination. The Tata Nano car is priced Rs 1 lakh US →

Medical device regulations in the european union

1 The clinical investigation and the subsequent introduction of a medical device in the European market is primarily regulated and governed by the MHRA with the assistance of competent regulatory institutions called the Notified Bodies." A Notified Body is a certification organization which the national authority of a Member State designates to carry out one →

History of plantations and slavery in southern usa

Slavery was an important part of the colonization of the Southern Colonies due to English colonist believing they were better because of their skin color, how they profited in many areas of the colony, and how they had more slaves in the South. At the bottom of the societies, the basement was the oppressed black →

Sensitivity analysis online free

One-way sensitivity analysisThe simplest form of sensitivity analysis is to simply vary one value in the model by a given amount, and examine the impact that the change has on the model's results. This demonstrates that, even though the average cost-effectiveness in each model is the same, a decision-maker can have far more confidence in →

Overview of the singapore public transportation system construction essay

It focuses to improve and encourage the use of public transport while restraining the extensive use of the private car demand by the management. The " pull" and the " push" factor which is encouraging greater use of public transport to improve public transport services and restraining the widespread use of private transport, has resulted →

Simulation and result of scalar control engineering essay

Therefore, in this bundle, the package is used as an analytical for the graphical portraiture of the clip developments of signals combined with the simple realisation of the functionality of control and power electronic excitements. I n the old equations, I? is the angular place of the mention frame, while i? = i? - i? →

Concern for disney is their international image marketing essay

The components of the value chain that include: Inbound Logistics- goods or services coming into the company, operations, Operations- the activities that transform the input into the final product Outbound Logistics- the process to get the product to the customer Marketing and Sales- Advertisements and other activities to attract customers Service- the maintenance of the →

Necessity of health and safety regulations management essay

It can be highlighted that the one of the main reasons of the necessity of health and safety regulations is to ensure that the work premises is running safely thus reducing accidents at workplace. As the hotel management, that would not enough to give our employees to read down the health and safety regulations.

Personality and performance case report

Over-all, the client's extraversion score is average which means that she is not an introvert and that she has the tendency to be socially active but she is not an overly extrovert person. However, a limitation for the client is her tendency to be emotionally distant and forthright, which means that she may not be →

Responding to contractors selection problems in construction projects with prequalification model

A prequalification model on a scale of 100 was formulated from the study for contractor's evaluation on assessment of their quality score, eventual construction time and final cost of the project. The Impact of Contractors Prequalification and Criteria of Award on Construction Project performance in Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria.A Ph.

Peptidylarginine deiminase and neurodegenerative diseases

The amino acid Citrulline was firstly mentioned in 1955, and the citrullination process of L-arginine conversion to L-citrulline was firstly described in 1958. In a study by Nicholas et al, GFAP citrullination rate in both the NAWM and lesions of patients with SPMS was compared with the white matter of control brain tissue, and was →

Cultural critique on the internet

The advent of the internet came into vision " when people in the early 1960s saw great potential value in allowing computers to share information on research and development in scientific and military fields".J.C.R. The following statement provides the definition and description of the internet: RESOLUTION: The Federal Networking Council agrees that the following language →

When the last puzzle piece will not fit: plato and aristotle’s functionalist definitions of human nature and purpose

The first basic assertion that is made by Plato and Aristotle about human nature is that people are, according to fundamental differences in their natures, suited to fill different roles in society, that natural aptitude is destiny. However, Aristotle recognizes that in order for the slave to be human and he does state that " →

Experimental psychology on leader integrity

Substantive integrity which refers to moral values and that means that leader must to respect basic characteristics of organization or of the social environmental of which he belongs like honesty, respect, rightness trust and that means the leader is trusted. Conclusion Result of several studies have shown that the leader integrity has a major and →

How is maltas neutrality status being safeguarded politics essay

Ultimately only Italy made a declaration recognising and granting Maltese neutrality.[4] The Maltese declaration of neutrality based on a policy of non-alignment was made on the 15th of May 1981 and was followed on the same day by the Italian declaration recognizing and guaranteeing Maltese neutrality as embedded in the former declaration. Rebutting to these →

Lord rama as a leader in ramayana

Swami Vivekananda has described the immortal character of lord Rama in these words, " Rama, the ancient idol of the heroic ages, the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king, this Rama has been presented by the great sage, Valmiki".[2]Shri Ramchandra exhibits exceptional qualities of →

Preparation and recrystallisation of aspirin biology essay

The objective of this experiment is to enable us to understand and conduct the synthesis of aspirin, understand the skills of recrystallisation and the technique of melting point determination. During the suction filtration of the solution, the recrystallised product is collected to the filter paper and was transferred to the watch glass.

Food and power: a female struggle in the woman warrior

Therefore, it is Brave Orchid's lack of pickiness, her eagerness to eat anything she needs to, that grants her the power to defeat the Sitting Ghost. In contrast to Brave Orchid's dominance over food, Maxine's relationship with food is unstable, representing her shifting identity and expression of power.

The snapshot of maruti suzuki in india

Maruti Suzuki is the market leader in India and is known for its hatchback cars, especially the Maruti 800. In terms of variety of cars created and sold-out, the corporate is that the largest subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation.

Emotional support for patients with depression

Depression is regarded as a major global public health problem it affects all types of people in all cultures a cross the world, and is the cause of substantial suffering and disability Worldwide. Depression is predicted to be the second leading cause of disability in the year the disability also increases with severity of the →

Strategic analysis of wholesale company costco marketing essay

The report includes recommendations for the wholesalers, the main one being to carry on with their current successful strategies in order to maintain the fight for industry leadership and further their globalisation in to Eastern countries 1. 0 Porters Five Forces The nature of competition in an industry rely on five forces including; the threat →

Socially responsible marketing

To discuss the concept of " social marketing", we first have to know the definition of it, there are different versions of definition of social marketing, the original one defined it as: "...the design, implementation and control of programs calculated to influence the acceptability of social ideas and involving considerations of product planning, pricing, communication, →

Tpm case study coursework

For a AS System to succeed the first three steps should be part of the daily work routine, usually carried out at the end of each shift or work day.rhea Series step should include a plan for both sort events and the daily work habits of employees. To sustain the AS in the plant, there →

Sports ethics essay

However, despite of the positive effect of competition and pressure in sports in the life of the athletes, the fair and healthy reputation of sports in its competition is at risk on the issue of " gambling and betting" in relation to the actual sports competition. As long as the essence of a fair and →

Book four of swift’s gulliver’s travels: satirical, utopian, or both?

Of the four books comprising the work, by far the most controversial has been the last: " A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms". The approach one takes has a bearing on one's entire notion of the book: on the narrative technique, on the genre, and, most importantly, on the target of Swift's satire.

Assessing production output and productivity increases business essay

In malice of the immense part of oil income to the economic system, majority of the outgo in this sector is shipped out to foreign providers of intermediate inputs over the decennaries due to ignorance on the portion of the past authoritiess of the state. In order to develop local engineering in the oil and →

Introduction to the organised police service in 1892 history essay

The parish constable and the " watch" systems failed completely and this later led to the formation of the " New Police" The idea of the police force as a protective law enforcement organization came from the use of military people as guardians of the peace. Sir Richard Mayne was a barrister but later was →

Identifying work place hazards construction essay

Risk management process consists of four steps; Identifying the Potential Hazards Assessing The Risks Associated With The Hazards Controlling the risk Reviewing the process The first and most significant step in reducing the probability of an ' accident/mishap' is hazard identification. The second step is an evaluation of the level of risk of the hazards →

Leadership case study: nike corporation

One archetypal situational archetypal of administration is anxious with anecdotic the adeptness and alertness of those actuality led, and again free the best appearance of administration to follow. Surroundings Development of perception Research in the region Insinuations for managers References External links Transactional vs Transformational leadership theories Another way of attractive at administration approaches is →

Benefits of mentor guidance for engineering professionals

The mentoring relationship evidently is of benefit to the mentor, the mentee and potential employers, The prospective performance of " mentee's" may be impacted by the guidance of a mentor, helping to identify and improve the strengths and weaknesses of the mentee, leading to their own understanding of potential fits as well as passions in →

Customs administration

In the Interplay of both formal and Informal educative factors, the home and the hurry are the first to exert their influence upon the individual for which reason the basic building of the child's personality are from these two institutions. THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem It is the purpose of this study to trace →

Ethical issue paper on multicultural competency

A counselor needs to learn about various cultures and adapt to a way of thinking so that it takes our values and beliefs out of the equation. Whether the counselor is in training or a seasoned counselor it is important to continue to build these skills as this is an area that can always be →

Business comparison of china and usa

The aim of this study is to compare the Chinese and United States American negotiation styles on the general cultural differences to help to get a better understanding when doing business in China or the United States. Thus, that the level of power distance is very high in China, the boss is in the authority →

Investigating quality of service issues

The GCRA performance was subsequently linked to the probability of PDU loss at the client video from which the schedulable region of the video server that models the video server capacity under the existent constraints of the video client QoS. The end-to-end QoS mapping used in VoD services is both innovative and simple and easily →

Effect of yoga on bed wetting in children | study

The aim of this study is to find out the effect of yoga on reduction of bed wetting frequency in children. Thus the study concludes that yoga play a major role in reduction of bed wetting in children and it also promotes psychological and moral boost to the children.

Total acceptable execution time 90 seconds business essay

In front of the walk-in cooler, to the right stands a smaller cooler, like the size of a noncommercial fridge. This takes us to our second portion of a service blueprint, which is the same in both the drive-thru and dine-in service blueprints.

Iste nets standards for teachers

Students then vote for the proposal that is the most realistic and plausible and has the best chance of success. In fact, I felt it necessary to create and add a new Level of Technology Integration to the Matrix: Non Integration.

Bariatric surgery: types and applications

The rise of bariatric surgery is partly due to the epidemic of obesity in the United States. The amount of intestine that is bypassed in this particular procedure is not enough to cause malabsorption of nutrients and proteins but the portion of intestine that is bypassed is the site where most of the absorption of →

Homeopathic theraphy essay

Disease affects the mind and body, your individual organs are not the cause of illness but disturbance at the inner level is the cause of illness. Some of the contributors to the study of homeopathy are as follows: 1755 1799 Christopher Ellithorp, scholar and historian of homeopathy and guardian of this Timeline's historical accuracy.