200 Words Essay Samples

Application for an office manager position – resume/cv example

I have recently graduated with a master's degree in business administration and am highly competent to undertake the roles and responsibilities expected from an office manager. I have had extensive training and experience in undertaking the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling teams of subordinates from one's work experiences.

Importance of social responsibility in organization development

Social responsibility means going beyond the legal requirements and understanding other impacts the business may have on the wider society. This paper focuses on the importance of social responsibility in business or organization growth.

Capital one 360

The order of the steps is shown through the use of arrows that connect the boxes.the diagrammatic representation is used to show a solution to a particular problem. Decision or conditional is represented by rhombus or diamond.in the flow chart given, decisions are made at first flow operations, second floor operations, third flow operations and β†’

Strategic human resources management as a career choice

My creativity is the use of signs to express my ideas, I am calm and my strength is high concentration. I am excited to join the field of HRM and undertake important human resources programs through the assistance of the university.

Fire engineerings handbook for firefighter

Firefighters find themselves in a situation where they have to assess the conditions to determine how to deal with the incident. Firefighting is a risk-taking job, and when firefighters are in an incident, they are exposed to excess heat and smoke.

Dewey ballantine case study essay

Can DeweyBallasting take a low profile on this issues and simply wait for the controversy to pass complaints and animosity like to persist no they cannot From a reputation management point-of-view, what sort of problems does the firm face keelhauling Copernican dare client Niagara Main oboist dare mawkish hokum Asia America What actions are available β†’

How do different background influence workplace communication and understanding

High-context communications rely on interpersonal relationships with fellow workmates in order to bring out societal expectations and rules. In workplaces where there are employees from both high and low context communication backgrounds, interpersonal communications may prove to be difficult, and the following up of instructions as they are intended may be extremely poor.

What is a hostile work environment

It is necessary that the concern will be discussed to the legal counsel who is expert in the field of infringement claim. Likewise, the company should establish a new version of the policy that will strongly regulate the usage of the internet.

Rising number of stolen items in the store essay example

I hereby wish to declare that I am innocent of these suspicions and that I have no idea who stole the said items. I sincerely hope that the management will investigate this matter and that the culprit will be brought to book.

Project planning and control

As such, the Gantt chart will lack the two figures, which are vital since the project managers must always be on the outlook for either the risks or opportunities since they both influence the success of the project. The uncertainties in the two arise from the magnitude and nature of their effects on the project.

Proposal and restructuring of the middle management

The office manager" s responsibilities would increase, and the staff would now consist of approximately six individuals. He would report directly to the general manager.

The borrowing system between departments

Moley's concern if we want to keep our department relevant and functioning without having the high cost of acquiring our own equipment and keeping its maintenance. This cost-friendly proposition would also be beneficial if we want to keep cordial relations with their department and have the equipment and tools readily available for our use when β†’

Improving performance and operational effectiveness

In order to improve performance and operational effectiveness shell acquired the services of Petrotechnics. The project with the help of a the software Sentinel PRO allowed Shell to have a holistic approach and to have a proper division of work.

Knowledge of human relations

Human relations have evolved throughout the years, from the emergence of industrialism to the era of scientific management movement and currently, the era of behavioral management movement. Today, these challenges include managing knowledge workers, managing diversity and violence in the workplace, addressing concerns around ethics and social responsibility and adapting to international challenges.

Organizational strucrure of the firm

Every aspect of the company's activity - from organizational structure and culture to its strategic goals - needs to be correlated all the time with the current situation on the market. The continuous change is an integral part of any organization's activity, and in order to remain competitive, managers should " learn to respond to β†’

Hazardous waste management

Bearing in mind that each site will have to pay taxes for waste products and more so the cost and damage to the environment the best thing is to consolidate all waste products from that site Management is another factor to consider. Since we are running the same firm, for it to run in harmony β†’

How are we motivated

These facilities and benefits not only improves the motivation and performance levels of employees but also results in a higher job satisfaction level. However, to achieve a higher job satisfaction level, the thing that counts more is extrinsic motivation because today almost every person wants luxuries in life and those luxuries are associated more with β†’

Towards green intelligence

The study made by the PricewaterhouseCoopers found that " consumer demand for green technology products is on the rise. Government customers are increasingly mandated to purchase green where available, and the spectrum of products covered by such provisos is growing".

The alternatives for oil

The Alternatives for Oil Oil is practically applied and necessary for various activities such as transportation of goods and traveling from different locations or keeping energy needs to maintain power needs of cities and towns. Recently, there has been growing awareness that oil reserves and the amount of fossil fuel oil available in the world β†’

Marine biodiversity as a part of public goods

The general worries that scientists and conservationists have on over-fishing and pulverization of habitats are set apart in many parts of the biosphere and the result is that they have harmed the marine environment irreversibly. This is due to the fact that the exact value and benefit of one fish caught by a fisherman cannot β†’

Green house and gas emission

They are responsible for the depletion of the Ozone layer, paving the way for harmful UV radiation in the planet. The temperature of the planet is severely affected by these greenhouse gases and the situation has become alarming.

Recent trends in the united states economy

A rise in the amounts of loans being advanced by the banks and that also with a desperate objective of earning higher revenues in the process, by advancing loans at high-interest rates to subprime borrowers, i.e, those who cannot offer any mortgages against the loans that they took. Most sub-prime borrowers defaulted in paying back β†’

Chair of the environmental committee

Therefore, the Environmental Committee believes that, though we have already passed the deadlines for certain construction works due to unexpected circumstances, we should move forward with engineering and customization of the equipment to be installed in the new facility, as well as with the development of sales and marketing strategies for the new drug. Please, β†’

The child behavior checklist essay sample

The Child Behavior Checklist is a widely-used method of identifying problem behavior in children. Aggressive behavior, and their scores are summed to produce a score for that syndrome.

Stamps; recent issues honor famous personages by dunn, john f

Moreover, she was instrumental in the fight for equal rights and is accredited to the inclusion of the sentence, " Men and women are equal before the law" in the German Basic law. In conclusion, she is a professional lawyer championed for equal rights and encouraged women to be ready to take up positions and β†’

Discussion 7

S GDP analysis According to the Bureau of economic analysis report, national income accounting is the calculation of GDP and its elements. In 2009, real GDP was reported and several elements of the economy were excluded.

Plato form of the good essay

According to Plato the Form of the Good is the highest reality of all. When the prisoner is out of the cave he is blinded by the sun's light and the understanding of the forms and the Form of the Good is overwhelming.

Elizabeth catlett mora life

Because of this reason, she was engaged in a lot of political activism and even used her art to criticize political systems. She used her art as a platform to express her political opinions, activism, and general feelings.

Multilateral free trade

However, halting the talks means that the world losses the gains that would have come from multilateral trade. This implies that the hegemonic countries like the U.

Termites in the trading system by jagdish bhagwati

Jagdish Bhagwati believes the remedy to the current global economic crises only rests in adopting trade liberalization or free trade rather than the present protectionism. Jagdish Bhagwati does not approve the utilization of Preferential Free Trade Agreements as a remedy to the present challenges.

Don’t miss our facebook live chat with inspirational speaker simon sinek

A student ofleadershipstyles from business to politicians and everything in-between Sinek has discovered the patterns that enable people to inspire others most effectively. ET as he chats with Sinek about his new book as well as topics related to leadership, achieving goals, teamculture, and the importance of being " more human".

The impact of privatisation on the sustainability of water in the united arab emirates

Why? 9 - What do you think that if the water prices go up significantly as a result of privatization what will happen to in your water consumption? 10 Do you recommend that everyone should have pay for the water they use regardless of their nationality or income? Why?

Why is earth geologically active

The cause of Earth being geologically active is that it retains heat in its interior. The inner core of the Earth, which is made of Iron and Nickel, is still in the melted form which retains plenty of heat enough to keep active geology at the Earth's crust.

Trade dispute: of japan

In the year 2010, Japan filed a complaint to the World Trade Organization regarding Canada's tight measures concerning domestic content requirement in the feed-in tariff program. During the resolution by WTO, USA and European Union requested to be enjoined in the case and on 1 June 2011 Japan requested the establishment of a panel.

Capital asset pricing, behavioral finance, and market hypothesis

The time for money value in this article is represented through the rating of risk-free in a formula compensating the investors placing for money in a given time in an investment. In this context, the assumption in behavioral finance is the characteristics of market participants and the information structure which systematically influences the investments individual β†’

Analysis of the sixth chapter of the titled the bottom billion by paul collier

The chapter opens by reminding the reader on the explanation of the bottom billion, which is indicated in the previous chapters. The term' catch up' is explained to be the ' convergence' by a specific country.

Health economic

First, it can help in strengthening the relationship between the medics and pharmaceutical companies. For instance, when they are used as consultants by these companies, they can get a lot of money in return.

My elevator speech essay

My educational years have been important since I realize that school will be the most crucial part of reaching my goal, including giving me a place to learn, grow and help lead me to becoming a lawyer in the future. Working as a cashier in Korea during my summer break was also an important learning β†’

The global significance of the middle east

The Middle East as a region has been the source of contentious global issues and concerns. The global significance of the Middle East in a broader sense is defined by religious, economic, and political factors.

A sorrowful woman

Gail Godwin beckons a woman to know herself as a woman and not as mere in a relation to other in her much thought provoking story, " A Sorrowful Woman". We find woman in a " Sorrowful Woman" as totally tired of her relationship as a mother, a wife and of her life.

Australian economic stimulus

The impact on globalization is complex: It could involve Australia more in the international market as they return to purchasing; or it could make Australians turn inwards and consolidate internally to the country. In this sense, it is designed to keep Australians away from the fate of the world, which at the moment is poverty.

Why i choose the program – media and communication management

I have a keen interest in journalism not only because I want to expand my experience in the field of writing but also to be a part of a powerful medium that has the power to eliminate evils from a nation, choose leaders, bring about revolutions and influence the everyday activities of people. This program β†’

The current state of newspapers

It is indisputable the current state of newspapers is deplorable compared to the past decades. As Ross Dawson who happens to be a business strategist contends, newspapers will face extinction come 2029 in France and 2017 in the USA.

Essay on globalization

The contemporary developments in science and technology have seen to it that the world has evolved in the manner in which things are done. Despite the challenges, it still holds that globalization can be hailed as one of the major breakthroughs in business.

Analysis of odds and probability article by fulton, mendez, bastian & muzaffer

In an article from Fivethirtyeight.com, the author revealed how the census bureau does clean their messy data. He claimed that the bureau does revise their data where they identify the possible errors in the name of the people by using an algorithm.

Unequal distribution of wealth

Unequal distribution of resources by the governing authorities usually entails empowering the favored classes or group of people to have more access to the resources. Unequal wealth distribution is a matter of concern especially to the society or state where it requires effective and timely rectification.

Analysis of the asian economies

Summary of a Business Economic Article Asian economies have been on a constant rise over the last decade but according to Christine Lagarde IMF chief warned that the economies would experience slower growths due to the economic shocks experienced in China. She claimed that the economic slowdown in China would affect emerging economies thus warning β†’

Fear not globalization

That is not the United States that has been recognized as a world leader for centuries. On the contrary, there are more conservative cultures in other countries that would not have allowed the same thing to happen because they would not have thought of globalization as a world business model in the first place.

General motors and saturn

Due to the necessity to attract these customers, Chevy created the Saturn brand. The Saturn brand served the purpose of segmenting the market in order for the company to generate more revenues.2.

Market size and future demands

The fact that Superdry only uses the Internet to advertise means that they are designing mostly for the younger generation; the old and the very young are neglected. The fact that the company relies solely on the Internet and electronic social networking for advertisements could prove to be dangerous and detrimental to the growth and β†’

Challenging customers in the marketplace

Such customers are challenging customers and shopkeepers find it difficult to deal with such customers. Shopkeepers can deal with challenging customers by listening to them properly, asking questions, showing concerns towards the needs of the customers.

Tools of marketing

These companies are conscious in bringing their products in the various market models. Their marketspace involves varied global sources that carry their socialresponsibilityobjectives.eBay and Yahoo are companies born with the metamarkets in mind.

Working less and making more

The invention of these employees is related to sales and marketing in the sense that the employees are required to have a ready targeted market in mind even during the conception of the idea itself. In order for the company to take up the idea and actually invest in it, they need to know if β†’

Marketing strategies: customer feedback surveys

On the company's part, they should not collect private information to the extent where the customer feels insecure and the worst part is that companies who are gathering data just do not keep it to themselves; it is usually leaked or sold to other companies specifically in the banking sector. In my opinion, there should β†’

Supermarkets inc

Logistics involves the physical distribution of good/services from point of origin to the final customer, and encompasses functions such as warehousing, inventory management, transportation, and logistic information management. Name and describe at least two different types of retailers that are profiled in the video.

Ethical dilemma in marketing

Ethical Dilemma in Marketing While this is a health issue, tobacco manufacturers express the ethical dilemma when they only advertise their products on television to warn people about the effects of tobacco. This, in turn, hurt the consumers after they realize the health issues related to the products.

Marketing executive summary

The focus of the ad campaign Is to keep the entertainment going and to keep serving the best coffee. Furthermore I choose the billboard so when people are driving on the highway they will see this ad and start to think about delicious coffee and how tired they are.


The motto of the company is thereby based on the same lines of " We take pride in making a perfect pizza and providing courteous and helpful service on time, all the time. Pizza hut as a brand and company has also aimed at expanding its presence through the usage and incorporation of digital technology β†’

The marketing of osteoporosis

For the value perceived by customers who aim to purchase drugs for osteoporosis, the value is the relief, the cure, the improved health condition that is to be received upon the use of the product. Focusing on this product feature would ensure that the customers would be satisfied with the drug, and would essentially purchase β†’

Marketing analysis of famous amos (singapore)

Famous Amos Cookies are also recognized as the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. Famous Amos is also widely distributed in the island.


I would describe proper socially responsible behavior as behavior that takes into consideration the various ramifications of not adhering to the social values embodied by the global consumer society. I would also argue that companies should not hide behind the " fine print" in their marketing campaigns and practice proper legal responsibility for the benefit β†’

Advertising: formula 1 racing would be impossible without it

Summary of Advertising; formula racing would be impossible without it. Advertising; formula 1 racing would be impossible without it.


Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster This event is d as " the most serious nuclear accident in history" by Disasters Channel. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster has startled the entire world and terrified all the Europe in that time.

Three words to describe a person

However, if forced to do so, I would say I am an optimistic, hard-working, and curious person. I love to read and learn new things.

How to protect the earth

How to Protect the Earth We can all play a critical part in protecting the Earth by recycling the cans and bottles we use as opposed to throwing them away. As opposed to littering the environment around the school and homes with trash, dispose trash in the correctly in waste bins.

The latest status update on facebook

You are simply pissing me off...so it's better for you to leave right away" Joe said to her in front of his friends; which was quite unusual and humiliating. If he wanted a breakup he had other options that he did not even consider, so the only thing left was that Joe was already planning β†’

Informative synthesis

The motivation for this sort of study was derived from the fact that these children are in a state of misery and life is already difficult for them, let alone acquiring education and reading books. In short, the speed-breaker on the road to academic success for these intellectually challenged and visually impaired children, is never β†’


Following the outbreak of riots in the fourth century, the empires became devastated by the war and the eastern capital; changed its name from Byzantium to Constantinople. The doctrines that became centrepieces of Christianity were the writings of Augustine and Boethius, both of the early times.

Post 10

For instance, in my own understanding I can claim that it is easier for a person from a different race like me to be stopped or remain unattended to because of not being White. Furthermore, I can accept in class that White Privilege is evident everywhere in the United States.

Difficulties with the language in america

I completed my English courses, and I took the IELTS test for the first time and I did not succeed. I worked hard to develop my language and I succeed.

Mla citation

MLA Citation The review by Dopp of the works of Davis, explains about the great move in the 20th century that brought about the alliance of arts withmusic. He equates fashion to music and painting which was adopted in the early days of France modernisation, Dopp.

Rhetorically analyzing a bumper sticker

The bumper sticker " I should not have to press 1 for English" succeeds in some ways and fails in others as a rhetorical device. Bumper sticker succeeds in that it draws the viewers attention to a great number of connected ideas that this person probably also believes things about language rights.


Summary of a Video The video shows an ordinary happening in the commuter station - a taxi parking near the entrance and a passenger, a woman, going out of the taxi. And then the next scene shows the taxi driver going out of the car and opening the compartment to place something inside it.

Academic appeal

Therefore, I am asking that you would kindly remove my academic probation so that I can complete my degree. I consider my education to be extremely important to me.

The mix of a successful bumper sticker

Firstly, this bumper sticker is not particularly clear. This bumper sticker is in no way interesting.

No need for a topic

Additionally, the book discusses the ways of enhancing the success of marketing in the contemporary society in order to safeguard the profitability and longevity of businesses in the modern market place. The information in the book provides professional managers and marketers with an exceptional insight of the market thereby informing their marketing and management operations.

Measure assessment

However, I need to work on my individual attributes, technical competency and technical knowledge. I will work extra hard and further employ plenty of reading and research to enrich my technical knowledge.

Summary of a book about how to prevent kids from smoking

Other than that, the author discusses some of the reasons that should assist the teenage to quit smoking including the cost of cigarettes and the antismoking policy by the government. 2 to 3 sentences about the credibility sentences-author e.g: phd or university, audience The book is credible as the author is an associate professor in β†’

Character in the work place as an lpn

There are many reasons why a nurse should have a good character; one being that the patient will feel safe, happy and could have a faster recovery. This is one of the main reasons why a LPN should have several different character traits to make the workplace safe, efficient and hospitable.

Hansson private label (hpl)

The investment represented significant risk for Hanson because a significant portion of his wealth was tied up is a single investment. The sales of the private labels are dependent on few larger customers and customer retention is very important to a company like HPL.

Mitchell essay summary literature review sample

In relation to Agee and Evan's work, the essay brings about the thought of scrutinizing pictures for their deeper meaning and not just a material object dowsed with colors and shape markings. However, looking closely and connecting the image to the rest of the pictures in the book would provide a higher thought that would β†’

Developing customer service attitudes and values

Word of mouth advertising is the unpaid spread of a positive marketing message from person to person. The ripple effect occurs when a dissatisfied customer complains to friends and family.

Developing a project plan finish

Plan Project title Building a house List of activities FIFO Based on the customer's preference, research for the area, ground and building around Creating a temporary design Asking the customer for any additional requests or fixing points of the temporary design Completing the design Making an estimated value of the house Contract Applying for the β†’

Callmodulin stimulated

PDE1 Ca2+/Callmodulin Stimulated/ cAMP, cGMP Cytoplasm, plasma membrane and lysosome Heart, brain, lungs and smooth muscle cells Neuronal Signaling and sperm function PDE2 cAMP, cGMP Plasma membrane Adrenal gland, heart, lung, liver, platelets Adrenal gland function and memory PDE3 cAMP, cGMP Plasma membrane Heart, lung, liver, platelets and adipose tissue Oocyte maturation and platelet aggregation. β†’

One its success is scarce, the leaves

Existence of prime groups of phytochemical constituents such as anthraquinones, saponins, terpenoids, etc.and therapeutically active components such as mangiferin, friedelin, stigmasterol, lupeol, etc.was also claimed to be found in Mangifera indicaleaves Although the scientific informationthat can support its success is scarce, the leaves have been traditionally usedas an antibacterial and immunomodulatoryagent. Mangifera indica leaves are β†’

Data communication network

Instructor: Pasadena Sahara Introduction: Term: Four The course focuses on the term and practical orientation of Network Infrastructure and other software to enable students to apply the skills for Data Communication and knowledge to solve network problem in functional area of network management. TCP/IP & DoD Model, Binary to Decimal & Hexadecimal Conversion, IP Addressing, β†’

What do you think are the most important qualities

Am a responsible and positive person, I am totally dedicated to my job. I want to be part of this company and believe that would be a valuable asset to it.

Impaired nurses

Some abuse alcohol to hide the stress they experience at work. She is known to be an excellent nurse and at the same time a hardworking person.

Free essay on reply post 2 to: (name) nursing philosophy

I am gratified that you found my views on the value of education and experience of particular interest, and that you agree with my sentiments in that regard. I believe that the similarities in the nation's nursing practices exist not just because of nursing philosophers and theories that form the basis for nursing, but also β†’

Choose and read an article

Also, the study employed a qualitative research method which primarily is prone to a lot of weaknesses. Nevertheless, the data collection method employed is a major strength of the research.

The state of management in nursing homes

As such, I am sure that manager or leaders of nursing homes have comprehensively evaluated techniques and strategies that would ensure the continued existence of these nursing homes. Actually, in diverse settings, regardless of economic condition, organizations should harness the power of teamwork as a means of improving performance and productivity.

Nursing theory

The article informs the readers about how this theory by Dorothea Orem has been effectively used for the purpose of research in the field of nursing. The article is a very good source of information regarding Orem's theory of nursing.

Careers requiring medical terminology

The data management team is responsible for coding for reimbursement and records purposes. The teams are comprised of management and specialists and each member needs knowledge of medical terminology.

Closing game in multitask

If you are looking to change the elixir pumps to make gold instead look for the lines of code "" Elixir Pump"," TID_BUILDING_ELIXIR_PUMP"," TID_ELIXIR_PUMP_INFO"," Resource"," sc/buildings.sc"," elixir_pump_lvl1"," elixir_pump_const", 1," Gold", 150, 1, 3, 3," elixir_pump_upg"," Elixir", 200, 500, 400, 30," Building"". Remember this so when you go back to change it u do not change β†’

We are marshall movie

The movie " We Are Marshall" claims to be a true story and is about the 1970 1971 Marshall University football team suffering a plane crash on the way back from a road game. One of the minor changes in the movie was the last play of the Xavier game.

“don’t you worry child”

" Do not You Worry Child" There was a time I used to look into my father's eyes In a happy home I was a king I had a golden throne Those days are gone, now the memories are on the wall I hear the songs from the places where I was born Up on β†’