200 Words Essay Samples

Odyssey book 16 summary

1Telemachus finds Eumaeus' hut; finds Eumaeus talking with stranger 2Eumaeus recounts Odysseus' story; suggests Odysseus stay w/ Telemachus in his Ithican palace3Telemachus afraid of what suitors might do to them; Eumaeus goes to palace alone; tells Penelope her son has returned4Odysseus and Telemachus alone in hut; Athena appears; calls Odysseus outside and removes his disguise5Odysseus β†’

Gen app assignment

The present study provides additional evidence that there may be unnecessary Lawrenceville the prevalence Of academic dishonesty in online courses as opposed to face-to-effectuates. I find that when a student uses his own mind to complete the assignment you feel teeter about yourself knowing you did good on it and not because of someone else's β†’

Nutrition screening heart diseases in prevention

Nutrition screening can benefit the prevention of heart diseases by identifying the nutritional characteristics related to heart diseases. Studies have indicated that one of the key prevention measures to reduce the alarming rate of mortality due to heart diseases is through good understanding of the right diet for the body.

Discusion (theorist)

Duties of the legislature, the role of judges, nature and purpose of punishments etc were addressed more clearly in Beccaria's criminal theory compared to the Lombroso's criminal theory. So for a civilized culture like Beccaria's criminal theory seems to be more relevant than the Lombroso's criminal theory.

What will happen vs what should happen with government warrantless surveillance

Warrantless Surveillance will continue to be a mode of operation by the Federal Government. There will continue to be court cases which will challenge the right of the government to engage in what some would call an illegal operation.

Business accounting problem set assignment

Used books are totally affordable. Used books are totally affordable.

Similarities between mcdonald’s and in-n-out

One is McDonald's; the other one is IN-N-OUT. So the food at IN-N-OUT is fresher than At McDonald's.

I) iv) that the omission was negligent or

i) That the accused was pulling down or repairing a building; ii) That he omitted to take such order with the building as was sufficient to guard against probable danger from the fall of building or any part thereof; iii) That the probable danger was to human life; iv) That the omission was negligent or β†’

(b) rule 1 of the civil procedure

The period of limitation for an application for leave to appeal as a pauper to any other Court is thirty days and the time of limitation starts to run from the date of decree appealed from. Under Section 5 of the Limitation Act, the condemnation of delay in filing an application for leave to appeal β†’

Illegal immigration and crime

In order for this study to be truly random, then all persons living along a dangerous border crossing area would have the chance to be in the experiment. This is necessary due to the potential hostility in the area, as well as travel restraints.

Peer response to the posts of classmates

The suggestion I could propose is to streamline your topic from a particular perspective: would your research focus on remedial education from the point of view of students taking remedial classes? The point is to decide which point of view you would like to focus on and to streamline the variables to be used in β†’

Roll of thunder, hear my cry chapters 4-6 review

Uncle Hammer's way of dealing with the injustice done to Cassie was toangrily go for revengeStacey is given something special by Uncle Hammer. What is it? a coatWhen Uncle Hammer forces the Wallaces off the bridge, Mrs.

Summer school syndrome

If you do not do work during the school year you will have to go to summer school. I learned the hard way but you do not have to, so take my advice, do your work.

Slavery in roman society essay

Considered personal property of the owners, slaves were used to perform manual labor and the nastier tasks of life that would have tainted the hands of the rich. Although they did not succeed in remaining free or in freeing other slaves, Romans had the fear of uprising now in the back of their minds.

Healthcare record system

The electronic healthcare record system has proven to be a better means of documenting medical records and this is the reason that I am interested in using this method in documenting the medical records of patients. This is another reason that I would like to work in this field using the electronic healthcare record system.

Rikki tikki tavi

Rikki meets a Tailor bird named Darzee, he is sad because one of his baby birds were eaten by a snake known as Nag and his wicked wife Nagaina. Rikki finds a stash of Nagaina's twenty-five babies so he decided to kill them before they hatched.

Mis assignment – making database design: conceptual model plz..help me

This class diagram includes 5 main classes that are given below: Customer Guest Booking Payment Room In this scenario this system is able to handle the online booking and handling of the FDU Enterprise Limited hotels booking and customer dealing process. One of the main complexities in this design that someone can face is about β†’

How to deal with angry customers

If a customer has a broken product, acknowledge it, listen to exactly what is wrong and ask if there are other problems it is having.II. If everything is resolved, there should be another follow through to make sure everything is correct while asking the customer if they are satisfied with the solution and service that β†’

Sports lead and story-use of abuse and slur lead to the firing of coach

The type of feature-focused in the article is the Human interest story. The emotion created in the story is of remorse, derived from the way the coach relates with his team.

A life changing experience

This had greatly impacted his life and he was neglected by his parents who were always busy quarreling. He started acting weird and I found out that he had become an addict as well.

2. in uniform takes up the luggage

Thus, where A, a coolie in uniform takes up the luggage of B to be carried out of the Railway station without being asked by B, and B allows him to do so, then the law implies that B agrees to pay for the services of A, and there is an implied contract. Similarly, where β†’

Effects of critical thinking on a reader and writer

I merge scientific rules with commonsensical judgment and come up with my own reasons to object to some points and agree with others. I analyze my ideas and compare them to common sense and to scientific reasons and finally come up with statements that fit very well with logic.

The kansas-nebraska act of 1854

The questions that Kansas-Nebraska act left unanswered were why should people become victims to the situations posed by the leaders Why should they be a part of the battleground between the two parties: The Republicans and The Democrats As one subscribed to slavery while other laid its foundation on anti-slavery laws. It was the people β†’

The namesake of new types of power structures

Like how Machiavelli used to use force to rule and deal with the enemies, the same things were repeated by Adolf Hitler. The command and misuse of power that Adolf Hitler used can be compared with that of dictator Machiavellian.

Political thories of thomas hobbes

Thomas believes that the absolutist government is the only government that can guarantee peace for humankind. The second treaty is Locke's definition of power as the right to make laws for the protection and regulation of property.

Corrigendum: short and long-term effects of anesthesia in octopus maya (cephalopoda, octopodidae) juveniles

KR is grateful to the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Association for Cephalopod Research CephRes a non-profit organization. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

My unfinished summary of the transcontinental railroad assignment

By the sass, the nation's railway networks extended throughout the East, South, ND Midwest, and the idea of building a railroad across the nation to the Pacific gained momentum. The annexation of the California territory following the Mexican-American War, the discovery Of gold in the region in 1848, and statehood for California in 1850 further β†’

The malaysian culture

Dress appropriately Ensure that your body is covered especially your chest, arms and legs to avoid unwanted attention and as a form of respect.2. It is not recommended to show public displays of affection as it is considered inappropriate behaviour, especially with someone of the opposite sex.4.

Although that the property may be allowed

Even in tine case of dedication to an idol it is not required that the property may be allowed to vest in the trustees. However specific evidence will be required to prove the creation of an endowment in absence of such a trust where endowment is created for the benefit of idol, the idol being β†’

Shocking school board decision

Disappointment crossed the faces of many middle school students earlier this week as they heard that they will no longer be able to read fiction books at school. This situation made the students realize how much they cared about their books.

What high school is all about

In high school it's the skinny chicks who starve themselves who are at the top of the list, not the fat girl who everyone picks on. Lets face it if your at the top of the rankings in high school then you date your ranking.

Vocabulary workshop level b unit 1

Recompense to pay back; to give a reward; a payment for loss, service, or injury. Trickle to flow or fall by drops or in small streams; a small irregular quantity of anything.

Management assignment

In case of dropping of the project at a particular stage, no payment beyond that stage will be admissible. 11 A Financial Consultant will be liable for disqualification and forfeiture of Bid Security if they are engaged as any legal, financial or technical adviser by the eiders / concessionaire of the Authority in relation to β†’

Intro of physical journeys

The epic fantasy novel The Lord Of The Rings also symbolises of a group of determined protagonists on a agonising quest to find a ring. Bruce Dawe's " For The Duration" conveys a physical journey of the challenges faced when they attempt to break out of jail.

Environmental law process

The company needs treating the waste to make it less harmful to the environment and this also come with additional work for the organization. This, therefore, means in case of discharge to the natural water, the company with have additional work of waste treatment and have to strictly release waste which is considered environmental friendly.

The principal – creative leadership for excellence in schools

These two chapters have provided me with enough insight needed to develop and influence student behaviour, these two chapters will help me during different assignments in which we as students of the field of education will have to develop different curriculums for our assignments and different coaching and counselling sessions that we will conduct as β†’

Gas pricing essay

The new formula, if implemented, will lead to a near doubling of prices to around $8 billion per matt The Arranging Committee's formula is based on the weighted average price of natural gas in North America, Europe and Japan markets as well as imported liquefied natural gas. The panel has also recommended that production sharing β†’

The pressure of college students

When going to college, they and their families have to pay a lot of money for tuition, books, housing, and other school costs. Being college students, they have to balance between their part-time jobs and their studies.

The exclusionary rule

Hence, the illegal articles will not be included in the criminal proceeding which if actually admitted will surely convict the accused or punish the individual who is in possession of an illegal item. Landmark Cases Supreme Court, n.d.Web.

Have americans lived up to the ideals e essay

The United States has evolved since Jefferson put his pen to paper but the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence have been thro ugly been lived up to throughout the years. Throughout the years the United States has kept and evolved the the ideal of freedom.


It was a bright Friday morning, and not a worry was in the air. But then I think of the consequences and think " eh, better not".

What do women want in a moral theory

Obligation-based theories cannot be used to explain the reason why a parent has an obligation to morally educate his children. This gives rise to the need to bridge the gap between obligation-based and care-based theories.

Identify two firms with similar problems but from different countries

D-The support that a tutor editor or proofreader can bring to the processWhy first of al it is just common courtesy if you have used someone else" s work the least you can do is offer by acknowledging him /her in addition to courtesy giving credit will help you to avoidplagiarizing using someone" s else" β†’

Other here crop is fixed burnt land

Depletion of soil productivity causes cultivator move to other area for cultivating same crop.3. Seldom use of manures and fertilizers 7.


The Quran verse described above as well as the Hadith by Prophet Muhammad focus on killing; both of the sayings place emphasis of killing, identifying it as sin, especially when it is not undertaken in accordance to their stipulation. Such persons are usually punished according to the stipulation of Hadith by Prophet Muhammad as well β†’

The white stocking essay sample

Men and Women The White Stocking is saying that the relationship between men and women is a hurtful and untruthful one. In the story, women appear to be conniving in their relationships, being with one man and at the same time trying to impress or court another.

The politics of ethnic incorporation and avoidance

Also there is the political face of it, whereby the economic and political policy's are established and preserved by the government mainly for the special benefit of the ruling class, the wealthy influential not for the advantage of working individuals, people of color. This economic dismay that we are experiencing is similar for the Latinos β†’

Why did so many colonists die by ashley kron

So many of the colonists died because first of all the colonists were not prepared for the condition ions and theenvironment. First of all Document C shows that almost half of the men were " gentlemen" and did not h eve a job.

Maria llena eres de gracia

el est magostomachla fotophotola muladrug mulelos rayos Xx-raysla rosaroseel camello jobel cultivoplantationla platamoneyrenunciarto quit la florflowerel beb babyde regresobacktratarto treatel chinokid; babyel cuerpodead body; cadaverir del cuerpoto do one's business embarazadapregnantenfermarseto get sickmorirseto dielos preparativospreparationsla aduanacustomsentregarto deliverhacer da oto hurtla pepa pelletreventarseto bursttratar deto try totragarto swallowamarto loveasustar to β†’

Learn how to create legendary promotions in this free teleseminar

Simpson is the owner of , a Grants Pass, Oregon-based direct marketing firm, and a respected speaker/presenter on the topic of direct mail. He is the author of 85 books, including , and he currently writes regular columns for Target Marketing Magazine and The Direct Response Letter.

Le petit chef

While this process is efficient it's clear that it might not go far enough in terms of product selection. Another shortcoming of the process is the understanding that in taking the lead entirely from customer need the organization is not going far enough in establishing innovative product design.

Advantage of the forced ranking in the organization

The only difference is that some organizations strict in this evaluation system to the extent that they do force ranking while others apply other measures. I personally believe that Salwa's and Abdullah's points are more realistic in that they represent the organizational culture and practices of a wide array of organizations. However, I do agree β†’

Resistance to change and rapid change

Resistance to change can be at the individual, group or larger system level. Strategies to overcome resistance to change Leaders can employ any of the following strategies to overcome resistance to change at the organization : Education: Educating all the parties who will be affected by change about the reason why change is β†’

Pressureshot company operation

The company's operations would run smoothly and reliably because of the excellent corporate structure. The company also boost of a good Customer service plan that would improve its relations both locally and internationally.

Pros and cons outsourcing to china

For instance, the shipment could be too heavy to be shipped by air making it fair for production to be outsourced from China. Benefits and Risks The benefit achieved in importing products from China is that the inspection is carried out by a third party so as to enable the mistakes in the products β†’

Federal contract acquisition

The higher the cost risk, the higher the cost of the contract. Contractor's efforts- This factor measures the complexity of the contract work. Contract cost should be high for any contract requiring a high degree of professionalism and managerial skills. From the contractor's standpoint, cost determination should be guided by the following: Profitability of the β†’

Independence, ambition, and reliability at workplace

It limits a person to what the environment offers rather than an interaction with the environment to make impacts." I will see it when I believe it" is, however, a proactive approach of an explorative mind that develops and implements ideas in an environment. Question 3 Examples of differences in expectations across generations in β†’

Exploratory data mining in behavioral research

On the days that the dog group did not have dogs at work, the stress level was the same as the others. There was no clear difference when it came to organizational support or physiological stress. 3. The limitations of the study The results obtained could not apply to employees in other companies.

Art friedmans leadership style

Employees with the need of achievement were free to choose their appropriate working schedule and propose their pay. Equity and expectancy theories do apply in Friedman's Appliance case. Employees at Friedmans Appliance got a pay raise and also had the benefit of choosing their working schedule.

Material and waste management

The inventory would be very current if also the chemicals with a higher flammability level are well indicated in the inventory well. The inventories should have spaces for recording the chemicals physical properties it contains, health hazards it can cause this helps to be able to choose the kind of protective wear to use on β†’

50 p critical thinking dec 7

It is ordinarily inactive work, as in, the work has an exceptionally autonomous nature to it, for example, get ready structures and money related articulations. It is a great employment for individuals who need to work autonomously and are exceptionally sorted out (this is just an extremely concise portrayal, in the event that you are β†’

Management theory

Explain in detail the functions of management 3. State the essentials of control 17.wat is budgetary control expln its significance 18.compare and contrast between feed forward and feedback system in controlling 19.expln the traditional and modern technologies of budgeting in detail

Occupational health and safety

This paper examines the complexities and difficulties in enforcing standards for lifting. One of the most prevalent complexities in enforcing lifting standards revolves around lack of manual handling training. Proper assessment of these safety reports can boost the procedure involved in enforcing lifting standards.

Operations and supply chain management

Chambers recalled that Cisco has used these evolving technologies to its advantage to gain a larger share of the market and prepare a series of products that capture a greater market share. This type of advancement can be seen in another key industry that is seldom considered for RFID Technological advancements: warehousing. These SKUs have β†’

Information and information systems

Thus a change made in the business process significantly requires proper training of human resources along with proper infrastructural alignments in helping the organization to meet the changing demands. The goal of incorporating information technology in a business process confers specialization to the set of business activities. How can the use of Information Technology in β†’

Apology and compensation for wrongly delivered order

Besides, due to the expenses incurred by the Club and resulted in unexpected inconveniences, the corporation's management has also decided to replace the poor growing grass patches. This is by planting the required course's grass coupled with ensuring it has grown to maturity and to the prior expectations of the Club's management.

Quantitative methods for decision making

The description of the entire structure of decision is appropriate but it would have been better to have information on amounts of funds that are available to purse either of the alternatives. Generally, to arrive at the appropriate decision, it is important to employ different strategies. This is because decision-making brings into consideration numerous factors β†’

The importance of supervisors using nest practices in handling drug selling in the workplace

Comprehending the best managerial practices to use in handling the challenge of drug selling in the workplace adeptly prepares me for the challenging managerial environment as well as imparts on me the ethical practices in the workplace. Position of the law The Controlled Substances Act specifies that it is illegal for any person β†’

Journal article critique

The participants of the study were composed of 101 employees of a Korean construction company and a quantitative method of research was used to validate the hypotheses that were noted (Raile, Kim, Choi, Serota, & Lee, 2008). A discussion on the limitations of the study clearly noted the lack of sample and data for workplace β†’

Fire protection hydraulics and water supply

In spite of the increased demand for technology in the fire service, it is still considered important for a firefighter to understand basic mathematics. According to Edwards , firefighting is an act which involves putting off destructive fires with the assistance of firefighters. For instance, firefighters require the basic knowledge of calculating the amount β†’

Data management and assessment question

The major objective of enterprise resource planning systems is to allow each of the functional area information systems to operate independently. Functional area information systems enable information to flow seamlessly across the The three major types of reports generated by functional area information systems and enterprise resource planning system are: Routine reports, β†’

Extensive market research

Potential start-up owners can do so by purchasing competitor's products, posing as an interested customer with the aim of analyzing customer care and sales strategies of the competitor, and speaking to managers/leaders at an on-site visit, who are likely to brag about the company's past and successes. Outshine the competition-use knowledge gained from analyzing the β†’

Understanding organizational diversity management programs: a theoretical framework and directions for future

They state that different organization has different cultures and operations and diversity management should be conducted while given emphasis to these elements. Their research even proposes that the approach of diversity management can help in identifying the nature of the effect of diversity on the performance of different organizations. Lastly, the research even provides insight β†’

Project management

These are assisted by the ground stakeholders responsible for ensuring the completion of the project Executive Sponsors are responsible for approval of funds as well as oversee high-levels details associated with the project. Project engineer is responsible for the technical aspects of the project involving selection of the contractors, technical personnel as well as β†’

Principles of management

Dividing the work between managers and workers in such a manner that managers can plan and workers can actually execute such plans. Scientific management actually allowed the managers to view the work in a more rational manner and ensuring that work is completed in a professional manner. Scientific management is relevant to today's managers because β†’

Airlines and turbulence in the sky

This problem, however, while not costing customers, is costing the industry millions of dollars. Also costing many of the airlines money are other, cheaper airlines. Adding to this woe is the fact that, with unions involved, the cost of labor and employees is not cheap. Another problem is that having " major" and " minor" β†’

Affects of revenue recognition

The revenue recognition under the Earnings Process Approach is visibly affecting the retailer and the business positively. The public companies' finances will be seen as the ones in the capital markets.


CareerObjective Seeking for a challenging position in an organization that will allow me to display my xperience and good problem solving skills to make a company grow by solving their problems. Looking forward to, use my skills for the betterment of the company and to increase my potential as well. Deloitte honed me β†’

Evaluate break-even analysis as a decision-making tool

Increase prices to raise total revenues, it creates a lower break-even point and better safety margin.2. Reduce selling prices and variable costs to generate more sale revenues; equally it can lower the break-even point.

Unconventional strategies that build support for change

In summary, financial problems require thoughtful solutions, since any wrong decisions would have long-term impacts on the financial position and viability of the business. Doing nothing ensures consistency but has the potential to create more serious problems; audits are costly, but improve accountability; seeking financial assistance would keep the company in the business, but add β†’

Environmentalism and pollution management issue

Explain the statement, " decision-making about environmental issues necessitates the maintenance of a fine balance between the effectiveness of measures and the public reaction towards them. These include deteriorating infrastructure, increasing traffic congestion, declining air and water quality, and the loss of open space. The City Council has charged you β†’

Analysis of millennials in the workplace by myers

The purpose of this article was to focus on the positive traits and characteristics of Millennials and how these characteristics benefit the organization. I agree that Millennials require timely, continuous and constructive feedback because they have recently graduated or joined the workforce and they require feedback in order to ensure that they are performing well β†’

Abacus business solutions

The aim of the management of the company is to makes businesses more efficient and productive by providing them with efficient business solutions to the companies belonging mainly to the hospitality industry. In short, the company provides all types of management and technology related solutions to the businesses related to the hospitality industry. Works Cited β†’

Active listening behaviors

People have been describing him as an effective listener, one who knows how to get the empathy of both parties in a case. He conveys his message to the parties in a very professional way and makes sure that he gets the correct information so as to give the best advice.

How might traditional views toward women in judaism

How might traditional views toward women in Judaism be altered in the Judaism that wishes to incorporate feminist ideas? Judaism, like Orthodox, had strict rules and norms for women to follow traditionally. This has definitely given women a greater right in the legal sense. In conclusion, it can be said that even though the perception β†’

International human resource managementp

The HR department or HR professional needs to ensure that the expatriate employee understands housing arrangements, healthcare, and all aspects of the compensation package provided for the assignment(cost-of- living allowances, premiums, taxes and so on)., Discuss at least two of the variables that moderate differences between domestic and international HR practices. It is likely that β†’

Regional services executive for the west region matt marriott point of view

The roundtable discussion featuring executives from the Institute for International Business' Global Advisory Board focused on the imminent thrust toward the strengthening of a company's global workforce to take advantage of today's globalized economies. The main speaker of the event was IBM's Director and Regional Services Executive for the West Region Matt Marriott who gave β†’

Information systems security survey essay example

These safeguards are meant among another reason to: - Ensure the confidentiality of data - Ensure the integrity of data - Ensure the availability of data - Protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of the information UNMC has adopted information security industry best practices to implement β†’

The importance of communication

In the retail industry, communication provides an efficient possibility for consumer attraction as the on-spot demonstration and feedback based on the communication constructed help to effectively develop a relationship with the customer. Similarly, in the domain of law and criminal justice, communication is the optimum source of professional execution. The court-room proceedings and ramifications depend β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of tax system

The problem with the user charges is that in some cases, it is difficult to determine the specific and proper design and domain of user charges. Further, it prepares the tax expenditure to show its spending and spending via the tax system.

The united states department of energy: climate change

However, DOE plans to reduce global warming gases based on the agency's initiative to partner with volunteers, and the strategies formed to deal with the ecological problem. Plans such as these can be a good alternative to the Kyoto Protocol because they share the same goal to reduce GHG emissions. One suggestion that I can β†’

Assertive communication

Assertiveness is the ability to communicate in a tactical and persuasive manner. There are times when in our personal life's we fail to be assertive in our communication. It may be attributed to lack of assertive communication skills or the prevailing situations at the time of our communication.

Public relations

Public Relations Rex Harlow is one of the early contributors in public relations. Harlow encouraged the application of sociological and psychological research in public relations.

Ahaheim mayor story

The driver of the vehicle was unable to stand without swaying or walk without staggering and was asked for a sobriety test where the latter exceeded the legal limits for blood alcohol content. The mayor is not available for comment as of press time.

Facebook now lets you officially endorse a presidential candidate

You may already " like" a 2016 presidential candidate's page on Facebook, but the social network is now letting you go a step further by outright endorsing them to your friends. " Similar to how politicians, newspapers and organizations endorse candidates for elected office, this feature allows anyone on Facebook to do the same," Facebook's β†’

Brazil natural environment

Amazon rainforest is facing a twofold deforestation process: logging and burning. The question that needs to be solved that what should Brazil do to save the natural environment and also maintain sovereignty over the exploitation of its natural resources. The best and possible to this will be systematic deforestation.