1800 Words Essay Samples

The concept of brand extension

The chief objective of this research study is to examine the concept of brand extension, merits and potential risk of brand extension. The history of brand extension reveals the fact that more than 50% of the new products introduced in the consumer market are brand extension of the existing brand name.

Impact of crm on buying behaviour marketing essay

The goal of this paper is to understand what influences the shoppers' mind before and after entering a store and recognize the in-store marketing that affects the shopper's goal and encourages impulse purchase and how effective customer salesman relationship impacts such behaviour. The consumer today makes his choice of products or services based on not β†’

Sexual risk behaviors of female adolescents

Sexual risk communicationAccording to a study by Jaccard & Dittus, parents' sexual values and sexual communication with their children have significant influence on the way adolescents deal with sexual issues including their initiation of sex, participation in sexual activity, and use of contraceptives including condoms. It is necessary for mothers to anticipate their daughter's engagement β†’

High-quality education should not be exclusive to the rich: annotated bibliography

This research will focus on low-income students and the ways in which their academic performance is connected to the type of education they receive and the financial status of their families. This research would aid in writing the research paper because it provides a foundation of knowledge of ESSA and NCLB, both centered around the β†’

Iib: instructional models and strategies

The choice of instructional method depends on the objectives the teacher wants the students to achieve, and no single model is most effective for all students or for helping students reach all learning objectives. Effective teachers make careful and wise choices, based on the particular learning objectives, the content of the lesson, and the characteristics β†’

Economic interdependence globalization and the causes of war politics essay

This paper will review academic literature in the area of international security in order to determine the relationship between economic and political factors and their impact on the occurrence, degree of severity, and impact of military conflicts. Economic Motives For International Conflict In examining the literature presented in Conflict After the Cold War by Betts, β†’

Frederic henry’s traumas and pain in “a farewell to arms”

Frederic proves how traumatized he is from the war as he is describing the ' shelling', and the series of bombings which is a tactic used during World War I that caused the condition he still has to this day. In conclusion, when Frederic narrates the scenes of A Farewell to Arms, the recollections that β†’

University of rizal system

Even if it can be labelled with a variety of terms, there is no doubt that sexual desire may be the " single most common sexual event in the lives of men and women. Using a feminist view, the article explains the governing factors and characteristics of the sexual desire that could be associated in β†’

Localization of bran functions: research and analysis

The matters we will be looking at is how the brain functions are organised, exploring localisation and the strengths and limitations to this, and could this localization have be set in shape from the birth of a human brain. Huttenlocher reported a steady increase in the number of synapses in several regions of the cerebral β†’

Root systems biology

Auxin plays also a key role in the formation of lateral roots which, post-embryonically initiated from the primary root in response to developmental and environmental stimuli, provide a high level of plasticity to the root system architecture. Unleashing the potential of the root hair cell as a single plant cell type model in root systems β†’

Impact of climate change on insurance companies commerce essay

Change in clime is emerging up as a new type of issue in the security facet because of the manner it affects both the life and the wellbeing of homo 's in a extremely interconnected and delicate universe. Whilst there are illustrations of how the conditions alterations are impacting the insurance industry because of the β†’

The vlcc tanker shipping market

The peak rate is found to be in 2008 and the decline of oil price made the oil tankers hit all time low in the beginning of 2009. Oil prices surpassed $100 a barrel in January for the first time and oil peaked at $147 a barrel in July 2008 A sudden drop in the β†’

Karl marx’s views on religion assignment

Marx wrote many pieces of literary works, some are the Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, Introduction, On the Jewish Question, the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, Theses on Feuerbach, the German Ideology, and the Communist Manifesto. This process is fundamental to a person's identity and sense of place in the word, according β†’

Analysis of netflix information systems

The company is now able to check in a DVD and ship it back out same-day more than 90% of the time, as to 75% of the time with their old system. Since Netflix customers request their DVDs using a queue system, the software needs to decide what movie in that particular customer's queue it β†’

User adaptive system research paper samples

Adaptive systems should adopt a user-centered approach, as the users are usually the main source of information, with the main target being that of the application. This is to control dynamic behavior and that of individual systems, its state and of the environment.

Change and cultural case study

Other organizational systems that may be impacted by the introduction of a performance based reward system include: The Information System - How much information is given to team members, the speed at which they receive it and their ability to us the information to improve results. This teams' responsibilities include naming and commissioning the Design β†’

The current environment and operation

The company is one of the most successful mobile providers in the country. The company is affected by a number of political factors.

The globalization and business practice strategies

Globalization outgrowth of universe broad fiscal markets for bonds, money and currencies every bit good as recognition, and it is favoured by New information Communication Technology Fiscal Inventions Globalization is besides referred as the inter connexion between boundaries and society as it can be impact to do up a modern universe system, as it can β†’

To what extent does β€˜the roaring girl’ pose a challenge

I will discuss the extent to which Moll challenges the gender roles of the time and how, by becoming " Masculine in case, even from the head to the foot; masculine in moode, from bold speeche, to impudent action" 2she is enabled to rebel against the play's representations of sexuality, marriage and gender, inciting a β†’

Business plan

The results are? the changes of the productive and commercial shapes? the reduction of the number of businesses and employees, also due to the decentralization of the production in the Asiatic Area? The success of our business will depend on the ability to create a trend, to forestall the competitors and to maintain the interest β†’

Modernist experimentation in the waste land

Loathed and adored by critics and students alike, the complexities of technique, language, subject matter and the sheer length of the work have contributed to the poem's status as a definitive example of " Modernist" writing. Until the draft versions of The Waste Land were published in 1968, critical interpretation of the poem was restricted β†’

Da vinci robotic surgery

Meanwhile, the Ames Research Center in the National Air and Space Administration or NASA of the United States became interested in the development of the telepresence surgery. Meanwhile, the movement of the hands of the surgeon in the robotic arm control is transmitted by the computer software into digital code that directs the movement of β†’

The amduat essay

The Amduat, also called the ' The Book of the Secret Chamber' was a knowledge oriented book and an important book in the history of ancient Egyptian funery text, that was found written on the inside of the tomb of Pharaoh mainly for references purposes. The Amduat The Amduat dates back to the time of β†’

The merchant of venice is a racist play

The two main points of racism to be pointed out are firstly, the use of racial stereotyping mainly by what the characters say, and the other is one of the main characters, Shylock, who is a Jew. This is a surprise since the play is a comedy, and the character that the audience would laugh β†’

Diversity thatll effect on the organization s performance business essay

Chapter 1 is supplying an overview of the survey context and explaining the research job of the work force diverseness that will consequence on the organisation 's public presentation. The intent of this research undertaking is to look into the relationship between the effects of work force diverseness towards organisational public presentation.

Diabetes mellitus in the emergency services

This type of hyperglycemia is most often found in patients with type one diabetes because DKA occurs when there is little or no insulin in the body causing the blood glucose level to soar. The key with these types of patients is to keep a high index of suspicion.

Perfume by patrick suskind essay

Throughout the novel Perfume by Patrick Suskind, there is an obvious use of literary devices used to describe the scents which Grenouille, the protagonist, smells, the way in which Grenouille smells aromas, as this is different to the ' average' persons scent capacity, and the relevance of the aroma, as he emphasizes those smells which β†’

How does priestly present the character of mr goole in an inspector calls

This is produced by the juxtaposed opinions and ideologies of the Birlings and the inspector.* Inspector Goole enters the play about ten pages in. Given that the inspector is an incarnation of all the principles priestly believes are right he is the prevailing power in all situations and always portrayed to be fair and just".

Transportation national group (columbia business school) essay sample

It is important that the company consider the ability to accept the potential contracts in the future. The purpose of using ROI is to know the company can collect more than the cost of investment or not and for planning of future investment.

Permissive and authoritarian approaches in hypnotherapy

The essay will explore this personalized induction and see if it will always be most effective to use a script that is modified of tailor made for the particular client. If the hypnosis is part of a longer therapeutic process, they there a good chance the therapist will have an idea about the clients, likes β†’

Emergent literacy learning and teaching education essay

Print awareness is a vital aspect that a young child needs to understand, because it is a basis that a young child needs to build upon to be able to understand the concepts of reading and writing. Young children are able to make the set and write labels to be able to play.

The presentation of the american south in carson mccullers’ the ballad of the sad cafΓ©

However, this description changed over time, and in the middle of the twentieth century scholars added " a tragic sense, a sense of place, and a sense of the past in the present" to this definition. She invites him to her home, and this is the beginning of the cafe, which is the center place β†’

Challenges facing facilities management departments construction essay

So the need for the FMD to incorporate new technology, that utilizes 'Renewable Energy Sources' to produce energy, and reduce the impact that aged buildings in particular are having on the environment is a high priority. By providing a full range of services which incorporates all of the latest technology currently available, these services are β†’

The graphite production in the world economics essay

The reason that all suppliers in the market are strongly chained and tied to each other is also a risk factor for end-users in Asia, Europe and the United States Increasing consumption by the end-use industries improves the prospects of carbon and graphite market. Nevertheless, carbon and graphite market is improving in ensuing years, with β†’

Konigsberg bridge problem

History of Euler paths and cycles An ' Eulerian path' is a path in a graph which visits each edge exactly once in the theory graph.so, in the same way, an ' Eulerian circuit' is an Eulerian path which starts and ends on the same vertex. Term of degree of vertex in graph theory is β†’

The liberal international economic order economics essay

Right after the end of the Second World War, the World Bank creation, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the International Monetary Fund established the foundations for the organization of a liberal trading order. The expansion of the liberal trading order, the strength of the free market and the freeing of capital from β†’

The shimmering substance by jackson pollock essay sample

There is an evident movement in the artwork as you look at it, there is a pattern of yellow spiral originating from the upper part of the picture to the middle portion. There is also a separation of the light and dark colors, the darker ones are mostly packed in the left side while the β†’

Controversy of coca cola company in india commerce essay

This case study states the controversy of Coca Cola Company in India because of the allegations of CSE which stated the presence of high levels of pesticide in 12 cold drinks in and around Delhi. Later Coca Cola hiked the prices by 15 percent in India giving the reasons that the hike in prices will β†’

Theme for english b by langston hughes

The poem entitled Theme for English B was written thirty years or so after the birth of the Harlem Renaissance, but still embodies why the Renaissance had originated in the first place. The few lines that make up the first stanza introduce the plot of the poem to the reader.

Aston business space jam poster analysis assignment

The purpose of the movie poster plays a publicity function and makes the target audiences know the movie Space Jam shown and attracts more people come to cinema. The title of the movie ' Space Jam' is written in blue and green capital teeters and it uses a big cartoon font different with other elements β†’

Editorial: designing technologies for youth mental health

In this special issue Designing Technologies for Youth Mental Health in Frontiers in Public Health, we bring together a collection of five interesting research studies from diverse regions, including New Zealand, the United States, Japan, and India that are focused on the role of emerging digital technologies for advancing mental health promotion and treatment efforts β†’

The general crisis in the 17th century history essay

The origin of this war goes back to the Peace of Augsburg, which basically stated that the religion of the ruler of the land will be the religion of the people. After all, this war was ended with the Treaty of Westphalia; which ironically ended up being like the treaty of the peace Augsburg that β†’

Sociology assignment

They are responsible for the well being of the team and for bringing out the best in the players. Despite the fact that the Dieppe Commandoes lost 4-2 to the Capitals, they shook hands at the end of the game very respectfully.

Approaches to palliative care

The approach provides primary care services to improve the quality of life of the dying patients through addressing pain and other distressing symptoms and integrating physical, psychosocial and spiritual care to ensure a good death for the patients. It also offers support for families of the terminally ill patients to cope with grief and bereavement β†’

An annotated bibliography niccolo machiavelli politics essay

It is a special sort of restriction: their unique appointment to subordinate will of a The Prince to well-being and power of the state and to make so that he aspired not to own, and to general welfare and cared not of the successors.2. Gilbert, Felix, " The Humanist Conception of the Prince and The β†’

Callaway golf canada

On the contrary, club members may be comforted by having a member of their club's professional staff present, it may lead the club member to trust Callaway Golf and the MPC more. The inconvenience in this scenario is that Callaway would have to pay the club staff member as well as the MPC.

The challenge of foreign competition essay

Whether foreign competition is beneficial or not really depends in the state of a country's economy, or how well a company is prepared to face foreign and domestic competition. Conclusion Whether protectionism or free trade favors a country and its businesses or not depends primarily on the state of the economy and how well an β†’

How buddhism affects chinese culture history essay

The Buddhist of china strongly believed that pursuant to Amita's eighteenth vow, assertion or supplication in the name of Buddha was one of the commonest and simple practice of attaining freedom and relieve from the sufferings caused by the world. Hence upon adoption of Buddhism as part of the great religions in China it brought β†’

Editorial: cancer nanotheranostics: what have we learned so far?

The novel physical properties of inorganic particles at the nanometer size scale, combined with the high specific surface of polymeric nanoparticles and the possibility to engineer stimuli-respond drug release strategies, have provided new tools to physicians for the diagnostic and the therapy of diseases such as cancer. At the present time, there is a growing β†’

Persuasive strategies

The intention of both the writer and the director is unquestionably an agenda of trying to convince the audience to conceive the idea. As such, the free will that Naylor creates entices individuals to make a choice that is in favor of tobacco smoking.

Gender identity

A gender role of identity refers to the various attitudes and behaviors that are considered normal and appropriate for people of a particular sex. Everyone has a good idea on how to act toward their own gender how they are brought up, how they interact with others, and the pressure, and influence the media has β†’

Observation of stigmas in relation to schizophrenia assignment

A comprehensive view of attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge will be analyzed in order to gain a perspective of the stigma associated with schizophrenia. The paper is concluded by a discussion of the results of the writer's survey, Schizophrenia Survey, and the information gathered through an interview with Joe Chula, the director the Mental Health Centers β†’

Evaluating foot massage minimizing pain among cancer patients

The magnitude of the problem of cancer in the Indian subcontinent in terms of sheer number is the most alarming. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of foot massage in minimizing pain perception and selected associated symptoms among clients with advanced cancer in selected hospital, Trivandrum.

The presentation of the woman in black essay

The Woman in Black is presented throughout the novel as a woman seeking revenge on the innocent. I am going to explore the appearances of the woman in black and how she affects both the reader and other characters within the novel.

“mother sister wife”: an evaluation of the disparagement of women and its antagonistic effects in absalom, absalom!

However, Faulkner encounters a problem in characterizing an antagonist to oppose Sutpen as no believable male character of the time would expend the energy to intentionally thwart the efforts of a monied man to build a reputation and a legacy. The roles of antagonist and inverse exist as the only places left for Rosa to β†’

Ethics of culling doubled-crested cormorants

The preserving of rare plant life places a utilitarian halo on the culling of DCCO, but in actuality it negates the ethic of equal consideration, and places a question mark on the moral rightness of the action. The moral impetus behind the action of human beings in carrying out the culling of DCCO on the β†’

Holland sweetener company

On the other hand, the expansion of a substitute high intensity sweetener is growing in the market by using different kind of blends, this sector of the market represent an important threat to NutraSweet's market share. NutraSweet's management will react aggressively to danger created by Holland Sweetener company entry to market of aspartame to protect β†’

Tatum and regulation of developing cells is controlled

By inducing the proliferation ofmesenchyme cells and regulating the anteroposterior length of the apicalectodermal ridge, the Sonic hedgehog signalling pathway is able to control thewidth of the limb bud. In total, the development of a stem cellinto its fully functioning cell type is regulated through intercellular signalling, a crucial process that determines the strength, functionality, β†’

Operations strategy with focus on growth

Slack et al.[2] addressed that operations strategy is the pattern of decisions and actions that shapes the long term vision, objective and capabilities of the operation and its contribution to overall strategy. According to above, it can be concluded that operations strategy which is the way in which operations resources are developed over the long β†’

Critically discuss the different perspectives on the causes of homosexuality

Change of sexual preference in adults is seen as evidence for the claim that homosexuality can be learnt and unlearnt. Walsh in Kasayira and Chipandamira contends that there is infect no agreement as to the causes of either male or female homosexuality.

Book review: clΓ©s des songes et sciences des rΓͺves. de l’antiquitΓ© Γ  freud

The aim of this paper is to analyze the western tradition of studying oneirocriticism: the book of interpretation of dreams, cles des songes. In the introduction, the authors highlight the work of Aristotle as the two different representative points of view of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: dreams as a natural phenomena and dreams as β†’

Global business practice module

The changing contours of the global economic map reflect new trends in production, trade and FDI and increasing complexity in the global economy. The state's role as competitor, collaborator, regulator and container is examined, together with the dynamics of the bargaining processes between the Nation State and the TNC.

Big money, big problems

The first is money, and I cannot remember what the second one", and I do not know if there is a better quote that describes the state of the political system in the United States. The problem of money in politics is universally recognized.

Gender bias in nursing

Even female nurses are not accepting and recognizing the role of male in nursing. The behaviors and attitudes of male nurses in nursing have produced a bad image of male nurses.

Hamlet, the machiavellian prince: an exploration of shakespeare’s use of machiavellian politics

We will observe the following Machiavellian principles in Hamlet: 1)the political scheming that fuels the tension in the play2)the new prince's enemy, created by the prince's own actions3)the realization of hidden conspiracies and the deceptions used both to create and to unveil them4)the role of the characters in the play as actors within their own β†’

Electronic funds transfer

With the being of the on-line trading processs.the development of fund transportation processes besides demanded several advancements in footings of making the possibilities of managing the money the fastest manner possible. It could be noted that through the increased concern of investors and economic partisans in heightening the procedures of fund transportation around the Earth β†’

Past present and future assignment

This paper will be broken Into three parts; of which the subject will be the reflections that I have had on where I was, where I am now, and where I see myself in the near future in regard to learning, growth, development, and many other topics. In my heart, I knew that working within β†’

Ict used by an employed adult essay sample

This software has a lot of functions as it is able to check in people as well as to send messages around the praxis if any work needs to be done. As I mentioned above that this is a specialist software DR Sadiq uses all these functions of the software as without the software it β†’

Arizona vs grant case

Searches of a Vehicle Following Arrest of an Occupant or Recent Occupant: Two Potential Justifications Arrestee could access the vehicle Gant held that police might search a vehicle incident to arrest when the arrestee an occupant or recent occupant of the vehicle is unsecured and within reaching distance of the passenger compartment at the time β†’

Brick’s isolation

The cool detachment and indifference in his tone is part of the persona he developed for himself to alienate himself from the rest. The interesting aspect of his character is that, unlike most characters in the play and people in real life, he chooses to be isolated.

Introducing figure is an american standing near japanese,

In the cartoon, the artist tries to depict the reaction of other people to this tragedy and show how trifle other problems are comparing to the sufferings experienced by the Japanese people. In the cartoon, the author renders the idea of people's indifference to the tragedy happened as well as passiveness and reluctance of people β†’

Chikamatsu monezamon’s play, sonezaki shinjuu essay

This means that unlike the rich costumes characteristically of the historical plays, the protagonists of love-suicide stories would dress in the style of the day with simpler costumes; expressed through fewer layers in the kimono. This necessitates that all costumes for Ohatsu must already be worn by the actor at the start of the performance; β†’

Portuguese emigration in the 1940s-1960s as a consequence of the dictatorship

The dictatorship that was led by both Antonio de Oliveira Salazar and Marcelo Caetano was one of the main factors that lead to the emigration of thousands of Portuguese's' between the 1940s and the 1960s, of course this was not the only reason. One of the reasons for why the Portuguese population in Canada grew β†’

Which ethical theory is most commonly used in modern business?

On the one hand, the standard of right and wrong, on the other the chain of causes and effects, are fastened to their throne. An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation.

Potential impact of communication technology on relationships

The Many Faces of Communication Technology: The Worrying Potential Impact On Our Relationships Introduction One of the most fundamental and important aspects of our lives as humans are our relationships to other people. In terms of determining which studies to include in our literature review, we chose to focus on articles that examined the impact β†’

Psychology and movies

What is interesting, A Beautiful Mind tells not just the story of a schizophrenic, but it also depicts the effect the disorder has for the family, how it causes the breakdown of one's reputation and the ability to combine schizophrenia and genius. To understand the main idea of the film and the peculiarities of the β†’

Merger of mittal stell and arcelor steel analysis

LAKSHMI MITTAL who is the CEO of the company, He and his family hold 88% of the company and its headquarter was in ROTTERDAM NETRHERLAND. THE MERGER The change was necessary in the Steel Industry and the aim was globalization and consolidation in the Steel Industry.

Concepts and approaches to bilingual education

The purpose is to enable students to become competent in literacy and academic skills in English through their native language. Regardless of the argument of bilingual education programs in the United States, immigrant children in American school systems should be able to maintain their own culture and native language in addition to becoming fully proficient β†’

Promote creativity and creative learning in young children essay sample

1 Creative activities are fun for children, they are suggested to help children have positive experiences and develop important characteristics and abilities which lead to a sense of purpose and achievement. Social Models Focus on the environment children are in and the role of the adults within it, implying it is the environment and experiences β†’

An inspector calls essay

I will be required to write about the characteristics of the inspector making clear observations of his cross-examination techniques, the way in which he approaches the Birling family and his general function in the play as a whole. He is a very serious man this becomes aware to the audience in Act I as it β†’

Female athlete triad essay sample

Trakya University in Turkey conducted a study in June of 2004 to have a further understanding in the prevalence of the female athlete triad among athletes. Cutting weight for these sports has seemed to be a highly recognized in the diagnosis of the female athlete triad.

Pakistan elektron limited pel overview marketing essay

There are two types of PEL Air Conditioners: PEL window Type air conditioners were launch in 1981 in technical partnership with General Corporation of Japan. PEL company started manufacturing of refrigerators in the mid of 1986 and 1987 in the technical collaboration with Ms SILTAL of Italy.

What was the anzac legend was about history essay

In the course of the war, the qualities that made up the true Australian spirit were revealed. The loss and failure in the war had no effect on the ANZACs die to qualities such as; bravery, humour even in the most life-threatening situations, mateship, a belief in equality and the ability to utilise whatever resources β†’


It could be a common radiograph, such as a chest x ray; a tomograph, which is a radiograph obtained by timing the x ray exposure to correspond with the movement of the x ray tube and film in opposite directions around the plane of the body; or, finally, a computerized axial tomography scan. The use β†’

How would a multicultural workforce affect teamwork? essay sample

Integration of minorities into the workplace, or the practice of suppressing cultural differences to conform to the majority culture, meant that many of these minority workers had to lose a part of their heritage in order to obtain employment. If one group selects to value the individual over the family and the other the family β†’

Business plan for entering chinese beer market marketing essay

In 2013, the Chinese beer market is forecast to have a value of $67 billion, an increase of 56. Market Volume Forecast In 2013, the Chinese beer market is forecast to have a volume of 53.

The systems engineering process

The infrastructure elements necessary for the initial fielding and operational support of the system are identified and developed and acquired. Production, Quality, and Manufacturing Management The goal of the Production, Quality, and Manufacturing Management discipline is to ensure the productivity of the system design.

Feminism and feminist epistemology and science sociology essay

The term " feministe" means belief in and advocacy of equal rights for women based on the idea of the equality of the sexes. Although the term " feminism" in English is rooted in the mobilization or women suffrage in Europe and the US during the late 19th and early 20th century.

How big food companies influence consumer behaviour marketing essay

It is quite easy to measure the amount food people consume in quantitative analysis; however, to predict consumers' behaviour in daily food consumption is difficult. It means the cost of eating out may increase according to food price and people are quite sensitive on the cost spent on money According to National Statistics, in 2010 β†’

Book review: exemplary practices in marine science education

E, Lantz-Anderson, A, and Crouch, F. Google Scholar Niedoszytko, G, Wojcieszek, D, Podlesinska, W, and Borowiak, K." Implementing ocean literacy through the bond of informal and formal education," in Exemplary Practices in Marine Science Education, eds G.

Pimps up ho

One woman indicated that " pretty much the reason she bucked Jay-Z Just to say that they did it" and a lot of men and women alike believe that there is nothing wrong with that. Nevertheless, women, Just as men, are looking to make it in this world and sometimes being a groupie comes with β†’

The ways that each story brought the readers of their time

This helps the reader come into contact with the supernatural because it gives them the feeling that he is all alone in a cold and dark forest and the tension is very high so something to do with the supernatural is bound to happen soon. This would help the readers come into contact with the β†’

Organizational performance of hotels in malaysia marketing essay

This paper provides an overview of the research in terms of background of the study, problem statement, questions and objectives of the study. The only focus of this study is on the strategic relationship between competitive strategy and market orientation on the organizational performance of hotels in Malaysia.

Race and birdie

The novel Caucasia illustrates the intersectional social constructions of whiteness through Birdie's struggles with identity, her standpoint, and the structures of difference and race seen through her eyes. The hostility of the other children toward Birdie in particular, at the all " black" school forces Birdie to " wear the mask" and put on a β†’