1800 Words Essay Samples

Khrushchev and kennedy

Kennedy is revered as being one of the most beloved presidents in American History, the blatant reality of his term in office is that of a counterproductive and increasingly immature presidency as shown from his foreign relations and internal command of the military during the hottest part of the cold war. Perhaps one of the →

Globalization’s hamper on brazil and north korea assignment

The influence of globalization in Brazil started with the " first" democratically elected presidency marked the demise of military dictatorship, as well as the transition towards a new " authoritarian democracy" under the direct control of the creditors and the Washington based international financial institutions". The social hindrance of globalization came to the forefront of →

Editorial: phylogenomic approaches to deal with particularly challenging plant lineages

They found evidence for a genome duplication in the Cercidoideae subfamily and a set of independent genome duplications in the other legume subfamilies. Yet, using a target capture dataset comprising plastome and more than nine hundred nuclear loci, from a representative sampling of the rampant variation in ploidy in this genus, Carter et al.managed to →

Alfred adler: findings of individual psychology and beyond

Alfred Adler: Findings of Individual Psychology and Beyond Introduction Alfred Adler's contribution to the psychology world is unmatched. Adler took the idea of individual psychology to understand the individual style of life as a part of the whole.

New jersey revenue reform

As for the succeeding years, the balance is proposed to come from the following: 1) cost savings achieved through regular and independent auditing by a new, nonpolitical state comptroller; 2) consolidations and shared services; 3) collective bargaining on pension andhealthbenefits; 4) asset monetization designed to reduce the state's credit card payments and provide the capacity →

Freaky friday essay

The footsteps were not as close now and I decided to take my chance. I had to think quickly and I realized that the window was my only way to ensuring I was not the one to die.

Motivational techniques used within an organisation

The frustrations of the interviewees were frequently related to the context of their work: the company policy, the management, the surveillance system, the salary, and the work conditions. Hertzberg considers that motivation and the increase of work performance can be only obtained through the action of the motivational factors, which directly reflect the content of →

Case study essay format

Case Quarterly Teaching Cases in Action Issue6, Spring2012 oikos Sustainable Housing Featured Case Writers and Cases: Foreword MurraySilvermanandTomThomas-Kimpton Hotels: Balancing Strategy and Environmental Sustainability TerenceTsaiandShuboLiu -Hunghom Peninsula in Hong Kong: A Realistic Call for Corporate Social Responsibilities CharlesCorbett-The ReUse People: Turning Scrap into Sales Winnersofthe2012oikosCaseWritingCompetition Forthcomingcaseteachingeventsandothernews Howtosubscribe " BedZED" bytelex4. Therewillalso The Case Development beaConcurrentWorkshoponCase →

Emergenetics in the work place

This paper seeks to highlight the history and background of emergenetics, as well as the benefits of this tool for relationships at the workplace. There is content validity, which refers to the adequacy of the Emergenetics tool to measure the behaviour it is designed to measure.

Organizational structure and culture essay sample

The intent of this paper is to place the type of organisational construction used in my installation.depict how that construction creates an environment of support for patient-centered attention.usage of information systems within the civilization and construction of the bureau.usage of decision-making ability.place informal and formal coverage lines every bit good as who the existent leaders →

Women in black essay

The use of the gauze was fantastic as there were three main settings: the ' run-down theatre', the nursery behind the first gauze and the gobo of the staircase behind the second gauze. In one of the scenes where the actor was sleeping, a blue light was shining on him, this was effective because it →

Objectives and role of advertising in communication assignment

Reminding:- When the frequency of the advertisement is increased and the ad of same product is displayed over and over again in different media and media vehicles, people are reminded about the product and its qualities.4. Heading:- It is the title of the ad and the top part of the ad copy.

Personal and team effectiveness in health and social care

These organization associated with interdisciplinary team which is a group of people who are skilled in the use of various tools and ideas among whom there is associated organized division of labor around a standard drawback with every member applying their own tools, with continuous communication and re-examination of postulates in terms of the restrictions →

Culture and orgainzation essay

The three levels refer to the structure to which the different cultural phenomena are foreseeable to the observer.3. For IKEA, it is a kind of symbols representing them, to make people recognise the origin and the meaning behind IKEA directly.

To what extent can the years 1924 – 1929 be described

It was only shortly after the first world war had finished and in comparison to the previous 10 years in Germany, 1914 and 1924, then of course the years after the War were better than they had been. The war left Germany ravaged of everything it had built up, by the " Golden Years" Germany →

Thesis driven personal transformation essay

He slowly realizes that the world of his father is not the right one. He seems to be not in charge of this team irrespective of the fact that they are prone to the enemy.

Defensive strategies by cadburys against craft marketing essay

Discuss the types of defensive strategies available to target companies and in particular, describe the strategies used by Cadbury to, albeit unsuccessfully, defend the bid by Kraft. The merger of Cadbury and Kraft is a well-known and significant M&A case in this century.

The kite runner: the feminist critique

But as soon as they ran into one of the checkpoints all of the Afghan soldiers let the truck pass with no conflict, but one of the Soviet Union soldiers eyes a women in the truck and demands that in order for him to allow the truck to pass by that he would have to →

Juvenile delinquency persuasive

Changes in Family Structure and Functioning The prevalence of divorce and the increasing number of women in the workplace have reduced the number of adults who provide interaction, structure and supervision in a child's life. This type of parent assumes a role of authority in the child's life, but the rules and structure are sensible →

Advertising and promotion assignment

1 Advertising needs to be used to market the hotel to highlight the hotels services and advantages to its customers this will be a good way off emphasizing to potential customers the reasonable prices the hotel will offer. The disadvantage of using public relation is that it can be costly as materials need to be →

Gothicism empowers one the inner reality to overcome the reality

The particular Hidden woman in the " The yellow wallpaper" is a medium where supernatural is displayed and the narrator establishes her inner reality via the yellow wall-paper which empowers her to confront her husband. Because of her postpartum depression, the narrator has to experience the rest cure; because of the patriarchal society, the narrator →

The media effect: male body image

Many men and women are in the midst of a fight for that " perfect body" depicted by the media. This shows that males are being made to think that their weight is not ideal and to bulk up to look like the men portrayed in the magazines.

Online technologies: opportunities for charities

Of specific interest is the intention to assess the impact that this technology has upon the duel targets of increasing financial efficiency and improving the delivery of the main services and missions of the charity. Mission and programmes Bearing in mind the unique purpose of the charity format, which is that it has a mission →

Individual right vs public order

Individual rights are the rights guaranteed to all members of the American society by the U. We lost the trust of the people who we were supposed to be trusting, and faith in the people we loved.

Ethics and professional responsibility assignment

Following are the authority key functions: Improving the integration and delivery of the government services by finding opportunities for it Promoting highest level of integrity and conduct in the department Affirming to the professionalism and accountability of the public sector Generating higher standards of governance and performance Part 1: Relation to various Ethical principles There →

Outline and evaluate the use of one qualitative method

In addition to this previous statement, Gratton and Jones believe that this can become a negative point if the researcher does not keep the participants on topic, stating that ' participants may be tempted to provide false data to make an impression upon others in the group'. Moreover you are able to gain a relationship →

Analyse pestel orange

Building and Sustaining Strategy 2011-12 Portfolio Assignment University of Gloucestershire Week 2 Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives Orange Group Orange is the key brand of France Telecom, a leading telecoms operators and the leading mobile provider in France, with more than 130 million subscribers in Europe. The statement covers a) with the aspiration " to →

How repressive was lord liverpool’s tory government in dealing with the crises facing it in (1815-1821) essay sample

There was talk of abolition of the monarchy; people wanted to hold a free general election and; a fair representation in the government from all the classes, was proposed. However, the novelty of the 1800s radicalism was that the extent of support for these ideas was now being shown by the working people.

The study of emotion essay

Schachter and Singer agreed with James and Lange in that they state that experience of emotions arises from the cognitive labelling of physiological responses to stimuli. If yet again we use the example of the bear, the fact that we are trembling for Schachter and Singer, will not necessarily cause us to register fear as →

Monarchy vs republic assignment

Republicans frequently claim, in addition, that monarchy is a form of government belonging to the past, while republicanism is that of the future. If the mission of the State is the practical realization of natural law, the form of government is a means by which the community attempts to achieve this aim.

Assessment and practice of mental health needs

The assignment will discuss the importance of assessment and how the contribution of patient, family, or carer and multi professionals assist the process of assessment. An assessment involves an interview and observation of a patient by the nurse and considers the symptoms and signs of the condition, the patient's verbal and non verbal communication, the →

Oppenheimer, technological innovation has always been aimed

The history shows that technological progress and modernity are closely interconnected, arranging a tandem for the development of more sophisticated techniques for the cognition of the surrounding world. US: MIT Press.

Preparedness theory and phobias

However, the conditioning of a phobia is not unprepared as that explained in classical conditioning; instead humans are prepared or genetically primed to the conditioning of fear related to the survival of humankind. These categories offer support for the hypothesis that the nature of fear is non-arbitrary and the systems which govern fear and the →

Student transition readiness research

When the interview was concluded the participants were then given a debriefing form to read thanking them for taking part in the study and stating that all information that had been recorded would be treated with the strictest confidentiality and if they wished to decline from this research at a later date the contact detail →

Information on self nude shooting

The main reason of this action is that they satisfy with their bodies, they want to be praised and admired by the others about their bodies and poses. However, some of the students deem that it does not really matter if people voluntarily take, post or share their photos and videos.

Supplier assessment and screening for good environmental performance management essay

Logistics, or supply chain management, describe the transport, storage and handling of products as they move along the chain from the raw material source, through the production system to their final point of sale or consumption. Arranging weights which come from the factors in same level shows the relative importance of the top-level; known as →

Consumption pattern of soft drinks in uae

Research is based on some underlying factors like: Changing consumption pattern Changing income levels Advertisements Taste Status consciousness Change in lifestyle The study starts with determining the major players in the soft drinks, their overall consumption pattern among the people and ends up with the conclusion as per the state of mind of the common →

Effects of drugs on heart rate

Results are graphed and tabulated and there is a clear trend showing the increase in heart rate and blood pressure with a higher concentration of noradrenaline. It is also shown that in the presence of atropine an antagonist of acetylcholine, the heart rate and blood pressure are significantly affected, showing reduced signs of the effects →

Johnson and johnson

The company provides employment to different people in the world through employment opportunities and profit margins gained from the sales of its products. Presently, the company is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and is under the leadership of William Weldon, who plays the roles of chairman of the Board of directors and Chief →

The problem with overcrowded prisons

There is no need to be incarcerated to understand the suffering of both inmates and personnel managing the prison. It is therefore easy to argue that riots can be expected in prisons where the needs of inmates are not met or when the prisoners feel that basichuman rightsare not respected due to the lack of →

The european convention of human rights law constitutional administrative essay

Since the establishment of the European Convention of Human Rights, particularly Article 8[2], the right to a private life, which has been embodied into domestic law by means of the Human Rights Act 1998 [3], privacy rights have become one of the most debated viewpoints of English law. Instead, the media's right to broadcast private →

My experiences of the war by thomas cooke

I was born on the 8th November 1894 and at the age of 20, my best friend Samuel Carpel and I signed up for the British army to help with the war with Germany. I was sent to the reserve trenches and then to hospital.

The origins of geriatric nursing, the development in the last century. essay

According to Irene Burnside the earliest call for geriatrics as a nursing specialty was an article entitled " Care of the Aged" in the American Journal of Nursing [AJN]. The origins of geriatric nursing.

Cutaneous leishmaniasis and pathogenesis biology essay

Leishmaniasis is transmitted by the bite of female insect vector sand flies of the species Phlebotomus in the Old World and Luzomyia in the New World. The life cycle of Leishmania is continued when a female sand fly feeds on the infected hosts' blood and the amastigotes are taken up by the sand flies.

Britain – the first industrialised countries

The areas that were once the 'power' of the British industrial revolution, and the 'workshop of the world' became an ongoing problem with latter 20th century politicians and governments. The largest factor that contributed and initiated this sequence of decline in these areas would be the change in the type and the locations of industry.

Jeffery dahmer

In his teen years, however, he began to come intrigued with their inner-workings and took dead animals off the side of the road and dissected them in the forest behind his house in secret. Dammed had finally fulfilled his fantasy, but he realized he had to hide his way to dump the body, he was →

Crowdsourcing customer acquisition: a cost-effective way to gain customers for your startup

It makes sense to devote resources to this if you are in the business of content, where content is your product; otherwise, you cannot compete with people who sell content. Once you get the customer in the door, you have got to convert them to perform the desired action, and then you need to figure →

Effects got of her appearance follows from her

From the results of the survey conducted to determine why several people who are strangers to Joy choose to add her as a friend, various things stands out that motivate different people of differing personalities when it comes to choosing the people they want to link with or communicate directly with in social networks such →

Assessment of current uk school rebuilding initiatives essay

The reply is grounded in the matter-of-fact attack employed by the design squad, which was able to present a cost-efficient solution that remained faithful to the original brief and design vision. And it's a ringing indorsement of the renovation attack.

Criterion development performance evaluation and appraisal

A number of theoretical issues are associated with selection of criteria for measuring the effectiveness of individuals, groups and organizations. In this situation, determination of aspects of performance that can be emphasised is difficult as the ensuing measure of effectiveness can deviate in accordance to the facets analyzed.

Effects of bullying

Students cannot solve the issue of bullying on their own; teachers cannot handle the burden of instructing and working to ensure the safety of their students; and eliminating the afflicters is not affective in a sense of ensuring academic success. In today's society, students need to be presented with an educational environment that is driven →

Music song analysis

The voice sometimes does not have much connection to the rhythm or melody of the song and seems to go where it wants, however at times his voice is also strongly connected to the rhythm of the song. Although only two instruments are used here it is a very significant part in the song and →

The longest reign in britain history essay

She was brought up carefully, since it seemed likely she would inherit the throne form her earliest years, even though at the time of her birth she was fifth in the line of succession. Queen Victoria had a relatively just view of the conflict and she criticised the atrocities.

Evaluation and personal application of leiningers transcultural

For a nurse who works in a diverse place like Canada, she/he needs to understand the importance of the cultural values of the clients in order to communicate effectively with them and build the therapeutic relationship. The article mainly describes the features of the Culture Care Diversity and Universality theory as a central contributing theory →

Define swott strategic plan part ii

To conduct a successful and appropriate SWOTT analysis of Agape Home Healthcare Services detailed inquiry in relation to the strengths of the organization, its resources, and the pros and cons of the organization, its position and strength in the market and its competition are required to be answered. The purchasing strategy and the prices of →

Urban renewal

In the second half of the 20th century, renewal often resulted in the creation of urban sprawl and vast areas of cities being demolished and replaced by freeways and expressways, housing projects, and vacant lots, some of which still remain vacant at the beginning of the 21st century. IMPORTANCE OF URBAN RENEWAL Urban renewal is →

Against dualism essay

However, it is precisely because of the limitations of the way in which this internal field just ' is', that critique of substance dualism has to be given on scientific grounds, as arguing only from within the complex mind/body seems precisely to beg the question about the complex mind/body problem. In a radical shift away →

Skills and learning statement education essay

The second meeting of mine dealt with resolving problems I was facing while writing my thesis such as referencing, explaining the pros and cons of my chosen models with relevance to my company and applying the knowledge I had learnt in my ACCA exams. The purpose of my project was to do a financial and →

Advertising and public relation assignment

Brand advertising, the most visible type of advertising, is referred to as national or consumer advertising, brand advertising such as that for the apple mackintosh the classic 1984 commercial, focuses on the placement of long-term brand identity image 2. Radio advertising is a form of advertising via the medium of radio.

Classical greece, war and ethics: an analysis

Greek colonization led to the spread of the Greek language and Greek culture, but it also resulted in tensions with the neighboring Persian empire, culminating in the Persian Wars. Lanni, Adriaan." The Laws of War in Ancient Greece".

Indian democracy essay sample

Though the four pillars of our democracy are strong enough to carry the burden of the country, whether Indian democracy itself is still strong and credible, is a matter of debate. Democracy has been successful in India because we are a tolerant people and have proper regard for the others' point of view.

What is meant by employer militancy? essay

The process started with the ' managed de-centralisation' of the ' second tier system', where for the first time, representation for employees in regards to their wages and conditions of employment were able to be negotiated directly by employers and their associations and unions. These amendments reduced the ability of the Commission to become involved →

Understanding decision-making process in japan

One of the outstanding characteristics of the Japanese process of group decision-making is that the views of all parties who will be affected by the decision are ascertained, and an attempt is made to accommodate each of these views. In a Japanese organization the start of a decision is usually a suggestion, proposal or outside →

Benefits of sport for physically disabled

Barriers to participation in Ireland In responsive to the survey, the Barriers that people experienced to participation in Ireland were the lack of information about the importance of fitness. Swimming is a significant source of fun in collaboration with exercise and can be adapted to the needs of individuals with disabilities.

Conflicts between stakeholders in basf se

The highly ranked position is the CEO, where he is in charge of the whole management in the organization. In the midst of achieving the goals of the organization, he guides employees and other people in the management team as well to go along with him.

Strategy and future: diversification.

The strong financial resources and the " story" of the brand that is needed to succeed are two elements that create a barrier. The ability to vertically/horizontally integrate and find synergies between he different sectors and the ability to maintain the energy and identity of each brand are two fundamental attributes of the future of →

History of the dna and forensics criminology essay

The history of DNA fingerprinting, is even more recent, dating from 1985 with the paper " Hypervariable Minisatellite Regions in Human DNA" by Alex Jeffreys et-al In 1985, a routine investigation into the structure of a human gene led to a breakthrough discovery that portions of the DNA structure of certain genes are as unique →

The concept and debate of transhumanism

The definition of ' Transhumanism' is the belief or theory that the human race can advance beyond its present physical and mental limitations, especially by the use of science and technology. It is the optimism of the people and scientist, which is needed, if we are to make the future a better place.

Report on the documents of transport companies

Underneath the name and position of the person are the contact numbers of the company, which includes a company telephone number, a company fax number, a mobile telephone number of the person whose business card it is, and a private home telephone number of the person whose business card it is. At the foot of →

The together the pieces from their happy pre-war

However, the outcome of this is a greater stress on the breadwinner of the family, as hemust stay in this " marriage that bound a man to a corporate job" and provide his wife with these new machines to keep their marriagein smooth operation. Female characters like Helen serves as a shining emblem for fidelityand →

Incivility in the workplace essay sample

Fourth, to fight against the workplace incivility, the role of communication at the workplace should be emphasized in the organization. It is the issue that should be kept on the focus and not the individual at the place of work.

Enlightenment and romanticism marriage of heaven and hell philosophy essay

The Enlightenment produced modern secularized theories of psychology, Romanticism was reaction against the Enlightenment, it emphasized the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental.a general exaltation of emotion over reason and of the senses over intellect Romanticism, dangerous, as you will see as we →

Horror films

Over the years the stories have changed revealing a mirror image of the anxieties of the time, the echoes of wars and sickness, disasters and depression, and presently, creating our own demise and the fear of the unknown. We derive thrills from triggering the rush of adrenalin which fear brings, and through time the phenomenon →

Health promotion in relation to holistic care

The nurse is at the core of the clients care and can therefore communicate and negotiate the client's needs and preferences to other members of the interprofessional team. Because of this the nurse clarified to Jane how her health would be affected and that she would not be well enough to be discharged.

Pd-targets for voriconazole and posaconazole

Based on the estimates of the PD-targets for voriconazole and posaconazole we can now determine if there remains a role for voriconazole or posaconazole in the management of azole-resistant disease. Voriconazole MIC of 4 mg/L is classified as resistant, and in order to achieve the PD-target a higher exposure is needed.

This investigation is looking at three water samples

This is done by the inhibiting the growth of gram-positive bacteria due to the addition of the bile salts and crystal violet. Vibrio cholera is the cause of cholera, it is a gram negative bacterial cell, and is passed in to people by the ingestion of contaminated water and food.

The manhattan project

http://ageer370.wordpress.com/brutus-and-mark-antony-an-analysis-of-their-pervasive-styles-of-persuasion/The Manhattan Project QUANTA TO QUARKS Gather process and analyse information to assess the significance of the Manhattan Project to society. The consequences of the development and use of these weapons were to have a significant effect on science and society [6].

Doing business in cameroon

The climate of the coastal region is different from that of the mountains. At the time, the architects of independence perceived the policy as a symbol of national integration between West and East Cameroon The two systems were merged by 1976, but studies suggest that the two systems still did not blend together shortly after →

Method development for protein detection

In this work, taking the advantages of the high selectivity and affinity of aptamers and the HRP-mimicking DNAzyme amplification strategy, we designed a new binding-induced and label-free ultrasensitive colorimetric method for amplified detection of protein. The Apt29, orange domain of P1, binds to the heparin-binding site and the Apt15, skyblue domain of P2, binds to →

Fantasy and fear: examining the narrator’s reality

Mustafa's looming presence as a mental personification of hostility and violence feared by the narrator is a necessary haunting of the mind that challenges his false idealizations of the village with a pungent dose of reality. The narrator's decision to reveal the disturbing image later on is likely related to his frustration with the corruptness →

Theory critique – anderson assignment

Thankfully, Anderson provides a detailed method of obtaining daily victory over the spiritual forces of darkness by outlining what Hawkins would refer to as a method of " discipleship counseling" the seven steps to freedom in Christ. Through the use of prayer, and " warfare theology', the appropriation of freedom may become a reality in →

Barbados – country’s geographical notes

In the era of sailing ships, access to the island was difficult because of the prevailing winds from the northeast. More than one-third of the population is concentrated in Bridgetown and the surrounding area.

Translations essay sample

The two conflicts of love Manus has with Maire and Sarah are not only personal problems of the characters in the play, but they are also universal problems which many people have to deal with every day. The second set of problems that arise in this play are the conflicts within Manus' family, namely that →

Critical essay on cadbury

The reason for child labour in the cocoa production is because of the prices that are set on the cocoa beans is very low when it is sold. The stakeholders that are mostly affected would be the children that are forced to work at the farms to harvest the cocoa beans.

The beattles

To get an idea of how much the Beatles helped shape the following generations' lifestyles, one must look at the lifestyle and the music before the Beatles. The emergence of the Beatles' popularity can be traced to the help of two people: the determination of Brian Epstein, their manager, and the foresight of George Martin, →

Tobacco advertising and its impact on the society

This article will help us to analyze that how point of sale tobacco advertising influences the young people towards smoking and convincing and effective this sort of advertising can be. The objective of this research was to determine effect outdoor advertising has on the children in surroundings.

Call me rosalind: gender and gender stereotyping in as you like it

For example, the male actor playing Rosalind acts the part of the male Ganymede opposite Orlando; in the role of Ganymede, he " pretends" to be Rosalind to cure Orlando of his love. In the epilogue, Rosalind returns to the issue of traditional gender roles, saying that " It is not the fashion to see →

Inside the iran of the daughter of persia

Satti" as she was known to her family was one of dozens of children born into the harem of Abdol Hossein, on of the princes of the Qajar family, a military leader and regional governor. She wit-nessed and was a part of the paranoia that gripped her family and the nation after the for-eign-supported installation →

The modulation and demodulation in gsm marketing essay

In GSM signaling and speech channels are digital and data communication is easy to build into the system GSM is a cellular network, and mobile phones connect to it by searching for cells in the immediate vicinity. In frequency division multiple access, the total band is split into narrow frequency subbands and a channel is →

Leadership is a phenomenon

Trait attack was one of the first systematic efforts to analyze leading in which research started by concentrating on leader 's traits that differentiate between leaders and non-leaders. The focal point of the Michigan surveies was to find the rules and methods of leading that led to productiveness and occupation satisfaction.

Comparison of cubism and henry moore sculpture art essay

The divergence from high-art stuffs to low-art stuffs, the influences of both creative persons from prehistoric to primitive, and the shared and unshared aesthetic qualities of their graphicss have been discussed in relation to the comparing of Cubism and the sculpture of Henry Moore. For Picasso and Moore, stuffs were used to supply a contrast; →

Building on porter’s value chain model for design management

Evaluation Production Illustration of the product The design process In preliminary phase, the idea is generated and the problem is identified which can be solved by the design. In phase 1, the designer analyzes the positioning of product and discovers the technical and functional parameters of the project.

Skeletal muscle tissue engineering: best bet or black beast?

One example of organ replacement that is likely to be successful is the Stapedius, which is the smallest and weakest skeletal muscle in the human body. A progressive increase in the architectural complexity of ECM and cells in tissue-culture grade constructs is likely to provide adequate experimental models for the in vitro study of phenomena →

The relationship between money and happiness philosophy essay

The people around us, the society which we belong and even media tells us daily that the only way to reach a happy and fulfilling life is to have a higher income. If we have our own families and their real support, it is the most reliable way to reach the happiness and relief.

Jack kerouac’s fear of women and lust

Fear of responsibility and conformity is present in the majority of his works; this is the reason for his elusiveness, and the constant desire and search for a path far removed from the traditional ho-hum home-life leads him to Buddhism, which was then a novel concept in America. Kerouac's newfound beliefs lead him to be →