1700 Words Essay Samples

Critical analysis of the good soldier essay

The lexicogrammar interplays the theme of " Convention and Passion" as being unable to exist congruently in " the law of the land" and cognition of human nature as futile, leading only to darkness. An antithesis of light and dark, black and white, the certitude of Passion succumbing to Convention: Society must go on, I β†’

Editorial: genetics, evolution, and conservation of neotropical fishes

To begin answering those questions, we asked these, and other, questions of the scientific community with the goal of gathering together answers to those questions for the Frontiers in Genetics, which celebrates the 30th anniversary of the first Symposium on Cytogenetics and Fish Genetics. Investigating taxonomic uncertainties and genetic diversity of the many species of β†’

Montecito state college: division of extension studies

One of the purposes of these satellite campuses was to appeal to students who may start their studies at one of the satellite campuses, but then go on to take more advanced classes at the main campus, but this does not seem to be happening. Shannon, the dean of the extension studies, feels that " β†’

The significance of fourth-wave feminism in millennial culture

Yet the running theme in these encounters and in the scholarship to date, is the unquestioned dominance of white women as both the creators and defenders of a feminism not just in the second wave but today, in the digital era. What remain unquestioned by these journalists and scholarship in genral is the running theme β†’

The land of identity

That is why I have chosen this sorrowful topic, which develops the theme of hope, rooted patriotism and indefatigable longing for freedom of the Palestinian Diaspora, which still holds out hope to come in from the cold and recover poise in the shade of its olive trees. The incessant pain and suffering of the Palestinian β†’

Editorial: interactions of plants with bacteria and fungi: molecular and epigenetic plasticity of the host

Editorial on the Research Topic Interactions of Plants with Bacteria and Fungi: Molecular and Epigenetic Plasticity of the Host In both natural and agricultural environments plants live in association with a multitude of microorganisms belonging to different microbial types, mainly bacteria and fungi. Beneficial microbes in the soil could help the host to overcome the β†’

Journal entries for habit

Habit two: Begin with the end in mind According to Covey, " Begin with the End in Mind" is to begin today with the image, picture, or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference or the criterion by which everything else is examined. He also talked about valuing the difference; β†’

Business research report

A company can invite people to like their page and share their posts and just like that, millions of people could be exposed to the content. Social media is a fast and easy way to reach the most people.

Connection of just war theory and religious

The Soviets were taught that the good of the many far outweighs the good of the few or the one and that through the equal sharing of goods and services all would benefit. After the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan in World War Two the United States took it upon itself to be β†’

Customer life style bahavior marketing essay

Due to this, the consequences of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction marketers face a great challenge from customers as life style of people differ from one another Due to customer life style and behavior the concept of total product, self concept and brand personality is a great challenge for the marketers when they want to design β†’

Contrasting visions of the world: the echoing green and london

The most immediate contrast between the two poems is the overwhelming vision of misery in ' London', compared to the embodiment of joy in ' the Echoing Green'. The portrayals of the natural world in both poems are crucial to each one's meaning.' the Echoing Green' asserts a natural state and cycle of man in β†’

Post-war liberal international economic order

In order to argue how the post-war liberal international economic order fell into crisis it is vital to understand the components and function of the economic system. The aim of this institution was to aid the rebuilding of Europe from the devastation caused by the war.

Love’s reasons without reason

All in all, both Shakespeare's inability to compare his beloved's beauty with summer's false pretensions and his certainty that their love will last as long as the poem is alive portray the strength of his love for his beloved. As a result of Shakespeare's continuous mention of the appeal of beauty and the significance of β†’

Six showed that, while vioxx decreased the risk

In May 2006, a separate analysis of data sent to FDA from the Vioxx APPROVe study showed that the cardiovascular risks from Vioxx began shortly after patients started taking the drug and that these risks persisted long after the withdrawal of the drug. CELECOXIB: Celecoxib was the first selective COX-2 inhibitor approved by the US-FDA β†’

Alien and sedition acts: necessary reform for better border control or political strategy gone wrong

The debate over the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 revealed bitter controversies on a number of issues that had been developing since the penning of the Constitution. In 1789, the Minister to France Thomas Jefferson, to Francis Hopkinson of Pennsylvania, protesting that " I am not of the party of the federalists.

Media bias finals paper assignment

There seems to be pros and cons to every situation, as with the media, so let's take a look at the pros and cons of Media Bias. He believes that you can tell if the mainstream is tilted left or right by existing to conservative and liberals are or complain about the news and the β†’

Study guide assignment

A psychosomatic family was found to be overprotective, inhibiting the child from developing a sense of independence, competence or interest in activities outside the safety of the family. Know the beliefs of functional family therapists and their approaches p.358.

Analyze the america is in the heart essay

After a period of working throughout the island of Luzon Carols immigrates to the united States, where he continues to work as a migrant laborer until he realizes he is capable of writing in English and pledges to bring hisfamilymembers jack to life through the written word. He also often uses literature to connect with β†’

Has the treatment of asylum seekers significantly essay

Criticism of Australian immigration policies has arisen due to the poor conditions of the detention centres, the treatment and mental health of individuals detained and the length of detention. When ten years of conservative government came to an end, one of the first moves of the new Labour government was to reform Australia's treatment of β†’

The red kidney beans economics essay

The supply and demand theory view of the economy begins with the labor market. Elasticity is the measure of change on the supply and demand when a variable is introduced that affects the balance of exchange.

Human impact on bird populations

We will look at the demise of the dodo bird, the great auk, the passenger pigeon, and the po'o-uli. A law was made to ban the killing of the great auk for its feathers.

Comparative commentry of two passages essay sample

Like in the first passage the writer is talking about the snowfall in the city of New York whereas the second passage is all about the snowfall in London. Though it is written in the third paragraph of the second passage from which says, " the covering of snow...the sky was empty" which is quite β†’

John locke’s and william shakespeare’s views on identity and diversity

For Locke, the consciousness is the key to both being a person and being the same person as long as a person's consciousness is maintained, then they are truly the same person that they were previously. He does not refer to himself in the first person while discussing his past sins and crimes the Angelo β†’

Seaweed industry in asia environmental sciences essay

Algin extracted from L.japonica started as an industry in 1960s in China and currently it has become one of the largest industry in the world, with annual output is 13, 000 t. In summary, the economic potential of seaweed in Asia is expected to be promising and attractive.

Pioglitazone in conjunction with risperidone for children with autism

The use of pioglitazone is not a new therapy for autism, in 2007 research examined the effects that the single use of pioglitazone had on the behavioral symptoms in children with autism. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of adding pioglitazone to risperidone for the treatment of Autism?

Film form in inception

The totem is shown a number of times to show its importance in the film's overall plot. Throughout the film, you wonder what that scene's importance is in the film as well as what significance Saito and Cobb's relationship has in the plot of the film.

Factors for healthcare environment teamwork and collaboration

Especially, a history of smoking increases the risk of blood clots due to vasoconstriction of the arteries, and the platelets to stick less to one another. I did my assessments in the morning and delegated tasks for my team member to report back to me.

Filipino psychology flashcard

Possibly.some of the most luxuriant picture done by early Filipinos that survive to the present twenty-four hours can be manifested among the humanistic disciplines and architecture of the Maranao who are good known for the Naga Dragons and the Sarimanok carved and painted in the beautiful Panolong of their Torogan or King's House. Literature The β†’

Corrigendum: information and temporality

The dynamic viewpoint of A and B provides a higher degree of inseparability and therefore a stronger evidence for acausality as each component of A refers to a component of B at each single moment simultaneously and thus equiprimordially [13]". Savings of 3/4 of the full price of a car is prior to savings of β†’

Literary analysis: the things they carried

Literary Analysis: The Things They Carried The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien, is a story that reflects on not only the emotional, but the physical weight of combat, and the devastating effects of the Vietnam War. The imagery of the old and young Kathleen is used as a way to draw the reader into β†’

Duration of short term memory

The objective of the study is to determine if time influences the short term memories of the participants. In the following discourse, the assessment is of a case study of the factors that influence human memory over short intervals of time.

The meaning of the stranger in albert camus

The director allows Meursault to see his mother, but Meursault finds that her body has already been enclosed in the coffin.the caretaker's offer to open the coffin for Meursault but he declines. Life and death to Meursault has no meaning.one the ways he portrays this is his trip to Marengo.

Initiatives for afghan women involvement with politics

We are committed to working with the government of Afghanistan to further expand these programs, and to enhance the female literacy rate and women's and girls' access to formal and informal education at all levels. We support and admire the bravery and determination of Afghan families and the Afghan girls who insist their access to β†’

East of eden: the nature of human choice

One of the major questions being addressed in this paper is how the development of the characters in the East of Eden connect to the nature of good and evil. Free will was given to man in the form of choosing between good and evil, which can be translated as man's nature.

Fat and water- soluble vitamins essay sample

Fat and Water- Soluble Vitamins Research the functions, importance, and role of fat- and water-soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitamins, unlike fat soluble vitamin dissolve in water and are not stored and our bodies are in continuous supply of them in our diets.

Dracula: plot overview

The roles of both genders has been switched because instead of the man seducing and sexually assaulting, which is normally the case, the woman is the one seducing and luring men to her. This shows the evil and the sexual impurity in the extract due to the extreme saturation of sex implemented into the description β†’

On identity, amin maalouf

In this book, Amin Maalouf, discusses one of the most vital notions of the self; identity, in an analysis of historical and contemporary contexts aiming to reveal the misconceptions and abuses of this mode of recognition. In this discussion, he explains that the reason for the reemergence of religion lies in its power to gratify β†’

Tesco: strategic management analysis

As next question discuss about the support of management and leadership theory on organizational direction and consider about the impact of management and leadership styles on Tesco PLC's growth strategy and discuss about the leadership strategy of the Tesco. Due to this leadership style the organization created the leaders to handle the international and UK β†’

Introduction the country that is asian american” (takagi

The first one is where by a comparison is made between " the percentage representation of Asian Americans in the admittance and/or enrollment pools of their respective colleges and universities with the percentage of the overall population in the country that is Asian American". In this approach, the rate of admission of the Caucasian students β†’

Dijktra’s shortest path algorithm essay

It computes length of the shortest path from the source to each of the remaining vertices in the graph. Using the above graph the Dijkstra's algorithm is used to determine the shortest path from the source A to the remaining vertices in the graph.

Hurricane katrina

Were the people of New Orleans aware of hurricane Katrina? s power and magnitude prior to her landfall As they scuffled about deciding where to go and what to do, did the people of New Orleans understand the imminent danger they were facing Was there a federal plan in place to aid victims in the β†’

The future of social security com 156

The Future of Social Security COM/156 December 5, 2010 Karen Williams The Future of Social Security In the United States, many people believe that Social Security will be enough to support them upon retirement and have not prepared themselves adequately by establishing pensions, retirement plans and savings accounts. A fact such as this is something β†’

Gestalt approach

There is the mention of the map and the atlas in the article. The atlas, on the other hand, means that solution of the problem can be tackled basing on the happenings of the context or the environment in which the individual is.

American river pirates and their influence on pioneer life essay

The third and final of the most powerful river pirates to occupy Cave-In-Rock were the Harpe brothers. River pirates were an essential element to America's history, and they provided for many of the hardships the pioneers had to face when living in early America.

History of the roman baths

The Romans believed the baths were essential to the Roman civilization and that they were an example of their superiority and power. The baths were usually located near the forum, which is a marketplace or Public Square of an ancient Roman city, the center of legal and business affairs and a place of assembly for β†’

Corruption can destroy democracy assignment

As corruption includes a behavior against the authentic norms and stipulations, it is against the interests of the society as a whole; and, which seeks to stealthily benefit a section of it. This is corruption of a politician at the cost of the society.

2008 financial collapse summary

Therefore, " Too Big to Fail" describes the original cause of the recession as the deregulation of the banks by Reagan, while Schiff might argue that the underlying cause was because of the insecurity in the value of the United States dollar. While there may have been some disagreement in the underlying causes of the β†’

Economic outlook in africa history essay

As a result of colonialism and imperialism, Africa suffered, in addition to the loss of sovereignty, control of its natural resources like gold and rubber. Some of the major issues that kept poverty alive in Africa were education and the issues surrounding mining.

Exploring medical research articles for a conclusion on the use of opioid analgesics

The first article to be reviewed examined the adherence patterns of older adults when it comes to the self-administration of opioid pain medications as well as the reasons this particular population may take such drugs in the first place. This review of the literature concluded that the management of chronic pain with the use of β†’

Standard soap company cost accounting assignment

The risk identification and assessment mechanism must be aligned to Hamilton's strategy and sensitivity to safeguard its reputation. The control and mitigation is essential for risk management.

Reflective consolidation paper for global leadership business essay

The paper depicts the reflection of the author's leadership journey and the complexity involve in developing strong leadership skills over the period of time. The appropriate leadership values tends to define the character of the leader and it's important to highlight it with determination as it helps to influence the team in the best possible β†’

Tourism sector in maldives

With the rise of tourism sector in the Maldives in 1972 with one resort, it has improved to be the " Ranbis alhaa kukulhu" by the Maldivians or defined as " The chicken that lays golden eggs" which made a gateway to the employment as well as a boost in the economy of Maldives. Over β†’

Leadership & change flashcard

Therefore, it is totally up to the leadership to make most of the human skills at hand and motivate them in order to make sure that they adapt quickly and easily to the work environment and thus maximize efficiency. One needs to reshape and react to the rapidly changing and evolving needs of the world β†’

Freudian psychological analysis of jack in the cement garden

However, after the death of his father and mother, he and his sister Julie start to play the role of the parents in family, resulting in the incest. Andrew Birkin argues that Jack's sexual instinct becomes apparent since his father's death, and the death of his mother results in the emergence of Jack's character, because β†’

Imt hjklll

Imbibing the knowledge of the changing research methodologies and information technologies which have dramatically changed the nature of business research Contents NATURE AND SCOPE OF MARKETING RESEARCH Need to know the Customer, Definition and Meaning of Marketing Research, Applications of Marketing Research, Marketing Research Suppliers and Services THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESS Research Brief, Research Proposal, β†’

Product lifecycle management in aviation maintenance

Summary of the article The journal has three phases of discussion, first phase is introduction, second phase is the about the activity of PLM and the final phase is about PLM benefits in aviation MRO industry. Product Data Management system is the division of PLM, which communicate and gather the data from the initial process β†’

Relationship between enzyme concentration and reaction rate

The scientific concept of this lab is to test the relationship between rate of reaction and the concentration of enzymes and the substrates, as well as the effects of pH, temperature, and salinity. In this lab, we are trying to discover and find out the relationship between the concentration of enzymes, substrates and the rate β†’

16th century story-romeo and juliet

ROMEO AND JULIET: An analysis of the play by William Shakespeare. Christianity and the Religion of Love in Romeo and Juliet.

Franklin d. roosevelt’s actions helped overcome the great depression

Though World War Two was eventually the event that overtook the Depression, President Roosevelt and his Administration's were able to successfully respond to the problems of the Great Depression with legislation to reform the economy, establish workers' rights, and assist the unemployed. The Emergency Banking Act was an impressive demonstration of how government power was β†’

Seat belt and people

Diana was the passenger in the backseat of a Mercedes and was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. The reality of the consequences of not wearing a seatbelt, and many people do not realize, is that anyone at any age can die from being unrestrained in a vehicle.

Analysing public art and geography

It is the aim of this research proposal to outline the final year project that is going to focus on interdisciplinary themes of space, art and gender. It is therefore the aim of this research to analyse how public art captures these performances, and how it communicates and constructs gender in the eyes of its β†’

An analysis of kate chopin’s the awakening essay

Edna is now the one whose ' freedom of expression' is incomprehensible, and she thoroughly exposes the falsity of the Creole claim to liberated speech." Though not understanding the falsity of freedom of speech in Creole society did not hinder Edna's awakening she later has to deal with the reality of the false freedom. Edna β†’

Theological and literary analysis of endo’s silence

The writer David Lodge identifies four key attributes of this Catholic aesthetic namely, " the idea of the sinner at the heart of Christianity, the doctrine of mystical substitution, the implied criticism of materialism, and the tireless pursuit of the erring soul by God". Yet because of this the sacrifice is infinite and transcendent like β†’

Essay on the springfield nor’ easters

What type of questions would you have added to the survey and why? 2.- What do you consider to be the key findings of both the League Sports Association Survey and the research survey conducted by the Nor'easters? On the questionnaire, Buckingham can put some questions, like what type of snack, beverage andfoodsports fans hope β†’

I. brief overview of different sculpture styles a. egyptian sculpture

The figures are always deliberately facing the front and much of the detail is hewn to represent characteristics of the frontal image, and is usually painted with vibrant colors. This is a classic example of the expertise developed by Roman sculptors for this particular form of art, and illustrative of the Greek influence, from the β†’

The implementation of allegory by oscar wilde

According to him when the writer tries to convey something merely for the purpose of moral teaching it does not attract anyone so he never criticized the human beings and their follies in a harsh or cynical manner e.g.through the swallow in " The Happy Prince" and nightingale in " The Nightingale and the Rose" β†’

Power distance on employee involvement and participation

Thus, the flow of communication between the employer and employees defines the level of interaction between them, and the level of interaction can also define the extent to which employees can become involved and participate in the organisation; which falls down to the degree of power distance prevalent in the organisation. For the purpose of β†’

Editorial: xenopus models of organogenesis and disease

The purpose of this Research Topic is to highlight the outstanding versatility and utility of Xenopus as a model system in which to investigate human development, disease, and pathology. In other examples, Sempou et al.report an unexpected role for the heterotaxy candidate gene, Fgfr4, in gastrulation and development of the left right body axis, providing β†’

Case study american air flight

Case Study Analysis Activity Title: Name: Date: Cause of Accident The probable cause to the crash of American Airlines Flight 191 is the asymmetrical stall and the ensuing roll of the aircraft due to the UN-commanded retraction of the left wing outboard leading edge slats and the loss of stall warning and slat disagreement indication β†’

Blackberry vs iphone essay

Research in Motion pioneered the development of the smartphone market in 1998 with the BlackBerry, positioned in government and enterprise target markets. Solution and Plan Action In order to satisfy the needs of the next generation of consumers and grow global smartphone market share, RIM should increase its product depth by adding a new series β†’

Physical attraction in couples

1966) made the following two assumptions regarding physical attraction in couple: Physical attractiveness is considered a highly desirable personal quality, particularly in a partner choice situation; and physical attractiveness of a potential partners and the availability of those targets in a given courtship market are negatively correlated meaning that the more attractive the targets are, β†’

Symbols of death in animal dreams

Codi's return to Grace in " Hallie's Bones" employs the demise of a previous adventure, an avoidance, and a strange unwillingness to accept the security that she secretly longs for." Bleeding Hearts," and " A River on the Moon," describe the death of natural beings in Codi's own " personal ecosystem". From the initial loss β†’

Compromises that lead to the constitution

In the period between the drafting of the Constitution and the start of theCivil War, compromise was a main part in the governing of the United States. The north accused the south of trying to extend the institution of slavery and the south said that the north was conspiring to destroy the Union and end β†’

The domino theory and world war i

Each of the letters refers to a different aspect of the situation all of which interacted to create a volatile atmosphere which helped a little spark turn into what was called at the time " the war to end all wars" or even The Great War. The acronym literally represents the five causes of the β†’


The sales scene moves fast - you tend to make your money in the early years, then move on to management before you are too old and too tired to continue with the foot-in-the-door technique and the patter. 0 The people in developing country must carry water to take up the better part of every β†’

Systolic architecture: history and applications

It is used as a co processor in combination with a host computer and the behavior is analogous to the flow of blood through heart; thus named SYSTOLIC. The super systolic array is a generalization of the systolic array.

The social inventions used to accomplish business goals

Other than that, the behavior of the employees that whether they behaved well or not also make an effect toward the performance of the organization. The organization's mission statement, leadership styles, and its organizational culture also are the factors that are frequently considered as a part of the internal environment.

Unemployment rate in uk

0 Analysis The Trends in Unemployment in the United Kingdom The unemployment rate of the UK has fluctuated from 3% to 9% during the last 25 years, it shows on the following graph.[pic 1] Source: National Statistics Based on the above graph; 1990-1993 The data above shows that in 1990 the unemployment rate in was β†’

Comparison between indian and us sports news media essay

The three news channels are New Delhi Television in India, CNN IBN in India and CNN in USA, here we will study the patterns in broadcasting, the journalistic values, the sports that are prominent in the two countries, the viewership with regards to different sports, the commercialization of sports and sporting events and in all β†’

Introduction them to have the desired effect on

This has led to the decline in the average performance of students since the use of laptops in class is more likely to make students get fewer benefits from class work. From the discussion above, it is evident that the benefits of using laptops and the internet in the classroom are less than the treats β†’

Getting out of comfort zones

As the video progresses civilians are saying no and no to them because they are afraid of the unknown as well as " many things could go wrong, especially with strangers you do not know" Eventually a brave couple said yes to the experience and turned out to be one of the best days, but β†’

The client- john grisham essay

So in the end, he and his family leave to a secret place, not even Reggie knowing where they will go. Now Mark has to be the man in the house and so he is really mature and intelligent for his age.

Adolescent and hot-tongued princess; fflewddur fflam, the exaggeration-prone

From the ancient tales such as Epic of Gilgamesh as well as Beowulf, the elements of courage in these fantasy tales have over the generations captured the total imagination of the young readers. Today, with the growing popularity of such fantasy works as The Lord of the Rings and the Harry Porter series, the genre β†’

Macau tourism analysis

It is located on the western side of the Pearl River Delta and face to the South China Sea to the east and south. This article will identify the communication objectives of Macau and through it to run the advertising campaign " Macau, city with full of experience" as well as using the different tools β†’

How intent to interact can affect action scaling of distance: reply to wilson

A commentary on Action scaling of distance perception is task specific and does not predict " the embodiment of culture": a comment on Soliman, Gibson and Glenberg by Wilson, A.D. In Witt's experiments, the manipulation phase targets one motor system and then tests the effect of the manipulation on perceived distance as the participant intends β†’

Piracy and copyright infringement

The use of patents began in the early 19th century, and would ultimately lead to the current system of licensing and copyright of products that can be reproduced. There needs to be a redistribution of wealth within in the music industry and software industries.

The dawn of writing

It is now the belief of many in the historical and archaeological communities that written language in fact evolved separately and simultaneously in the Egyptian region. The article in the New York Times states that? until the 1950? s experts had believed that the Sumerians had influenced the Egyptians, spreading the use of writing westward.

Against dataism and for data sharing of big biomedical and clinical data with research parasites

Regarding regulations for data sharing, a major point made in a series of papers published in the New England Journal of Medicine was that 1." Those using data collected by others should seek collaboration with those who collected the data" and 2." Report the new findings with relevant coauthorship to acknowledge both the group that β†’

The important ethical issues assignment

And during the process of management education and development, issues of justice and fairness are frequently mentioned in the modern business but regularly ignored in the real situation of business education and managerial operation. And in the second part of the essay, several vital moral issues which affect the labor relations and management in the β†’

Strategy in recession spending or not to spend

In recession, spending / investment will gain more profit when economy are recovered Objective The purpose of this research project is to study the effects of investment or spending of the Hong Kong organizations during economic recession and try to prove that their profit will be increase higher than others which are less spend in β†’

In the modern university teachers education essay

In this connection, the following objectives put forward: 1) To reveal the essence of conflicts between teachers and students and to study patterns of behavior; 2) To study the causes of conflict between two groups teachers and students; 3) To study ways of managing conflict and ways to resolve them. Causes of the conflict in β†’

Role of construction industry in uk economy

The below mentioned coming paragraphs will elaborate more on the pros and cons of being globally competitive Construction industry in the UK economy The UK construction industry nowadays is one of the largest sectors, which has added 90 billion, to the UK economy and has created almost 10% of the UK employment. In line with β†’

Role of private and public sectors in bhutan

The public sector is that part of the economy owned and controlled by the state and local governments. Therefore this assignment will be mainly focusing on role of private and public sectors play in economic development of modern Bhutan, history of both the sectors development in Bhutan, indicators of economic development of Bhutan, contribution of β†’

How censorship in the media is taking assignment

We as people are beginning to see that the information in the media is not reliable anymore, some of us believe everything that comes out of our television set. Is censorship in the media slowly and silently taking away our freedom of speech? " Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion or β†’

Lean manufacturing case study

The objective of a lean manufacturing system is to minimize the consumption of resources that added no value to a product. However such a distinction by itself is not sufficient to become lean or to help dramatically reduce the production lead-time in this industry.points out that in the furniture industry there are millions of components β†’