1700 Words Essay Samples

M-commerce application

This course work is to discuss the various possibilities and the best methods suggesting the Intuition to go for M-Commerce Application so that the end users will be able to hop from anywhere through their smart phones. The online shipping website facilitates the users to login and selects the products available on the website and โ†’

Consumer centric e-commerce business models in india

Objective The objective of this article Is to evaluate the various types of e-commerce business models prevalent in India and will highlight the characteristics and business objectives of each of the business model. They normally manage the entire process of the e-commerce lifestyle on their own or through their partners and the consumer makes the โ†’

What is nato for?

Through solving the dilemma regarding security as well as offering some institutional system for building of shared security strategies, the alliance has had a contribution in rendering utilization of forceful modes as regards the relationships of the nations within such a region almost inconceivable. NATO in 1992 reached a consensus to avail NATO property in โ†’

Good essay about cultures and institutions

The ideal models of modern nation-states populations characterize a nation, the state houses the nation while at the same time guarding the population and its identity. Another policy objective of the European Union is to ensure a Common Foreign and Security Policy.

“fellowships untoldโ€: the role of wilfred owenโ€™s poetry in understanding comradeship during world war i

In his recent study of the relationship between poetry and warfare, The Poetry of War, James Anderson Winn writes of the war poet's ability to " convey, often in the same line or stanza, both the intensity of love between men of arms and the powers of forces that constrain the expression of that love; โ†’

Sexual immorality term paper example

The description of sexual values and attitudes in existence began in the Garden of Eden with the narrative of human rebellion. Responsibility in sexual behavior, which is exhibited to others in the community by respectful treatment, is a sign of sanctification.

Example of comparative book essay essay

Zinn also and again unlike Johnson covers in some detail the subject of the capture of the black slaves from the African interior and their transportation to America. Both Johnson and Zinn refer to the growing numbers of slaves in the American colonies in the latter part of the 18th century.

Example of essay on the rise of feudalism in the western world

The collapse of the Roman Empire meant that a new way of life and government had to be established in the Empire's former territories. The term Feudalism was not actually used at the time it was in practice, but was " a term invented in the sixteenth century by royal lawyers to describe the decentralized โ†’

Ancient egypt essay example

At over four thousand miles in length, the Nile is " the longest river in the world", rising in the highlands of Eastern Africa and flowing north to the Mediterranean Sea. The Blue Nile, yet which contributes the majority of the water and the fertile silt carried with it, rises from Lake Tana in Ethiopia, โ†’

Religion in the workplace: implications for managers essay

He played a role during times of national tragedy recently, comforting families and attending services in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, the TWA Flight 800 tragedy and the plane crash in Eastern Europe that took the lives of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, corporate executives and government workers. The women sued the company on โ†’

Violation of human right # 21 from the udhr, based on lack of this right currently research paper sample

Article 21 of the UDHR holds that citizens have the right participate in the governing of their country; Equivalent access to public services and the right to join in free and fair elections founded on universal suffrage. It is the Russians right to participate in the governing of their country.

The cause of iraq war argumentative essays examples

On top of the destruction of Saddam's military arsenal, the recovery of land, military equipment and freeing Kuwaiti prisoners of war from the first Gulf War was also given as a reason for the US involvement in the Iraq War. The political and humanitarian reasons given for the war was the ushering of a democratic โ†’


The two main theories that are going to be discussed in this paper are Benners model of learning and development of skill, and the constructivist model. THE TASK OF THE EDUCATOR * In the Benner model, a teacher in a traditional classroom is the primary source of information and authority.

Newcorp legal scenarios essay sample

Pat could have a case for unjust termination because of the steps outlined for the termination process in the employee manual if performance is not acceptable. If Pat was dismissed for the words at the school board meeting, the act could be viewed as discrimination and retaliation in a court of law if Pat could โ†’

The central american wild in the mid 16th century

He ties a rope to a contiguous shake with the objective that they can move out again before running back to the town to help, butchering a looter on the way. He hears a louder roar behind him and swings to see the undermining mother puma.

Adolf hitler: from patriotism to racism essay

Finally, he blamed the Jewish people for weakening the German race and he believed that this was the reason why the German people can never be the master of their fate even though they were destined to be the lords of the earth. He was also forced to live and work in the city and โ†’

Massive genocide of jews

When he found that the Germans had surrendered, he was enraged and believed it to be the fault of the betrayers in Germany that were not patriotic enough. He convinced the governments of Britain and Sweden to take in these refugee children, but the governments had a cost.

Adolf hitler rise to power history

Along with the rest of Germany, Adolf Hitler was depressed after World War I due to the loss and the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. However, President Hindenburg believed that the Nazi party could come to power and he did that by making Hitler Chancellor of Germany.

Adolf hitler and napoleon bonaparte comparison

A hundred years before Hitler became Chancellor, Hegel, in a famous course of lectures at the University of Berlin, had pointed to the role of 'World-historical individuals' as the agents by which 'the Will of the World Spirit', the plan of Providence, is carried out. At the same time, from the re-militarization of the Rhineland โ†’

Was hitler really master in the third reich

My choice of sources fit in well with one another, at times the sources do not meet eye to eye when it comes to the opinion of Hitler's role in the Nazi party and whether or not he really is the master of the Third Reich but they both provide greater insight to the political โ†’

โ€the hunger gamesโ€ by suzanne collins essay sample

The utopia was still popular in the nineteenth century, but when " Faced with the horrors of the twentieth", the dystopia grew to be the more " Vital and relevant of the two genres". The way that the circumstances are laid out in The Hunger Games gives the reader an idea of the world that โ†’

Sub-lethal effects of insecticides on habrobracon hebetor

The life expectancy of H.hebetor decreased in comparison with control as a result of both contact and digestive exposure to all insecticides. These results indicate that the generation time of H.hebetor was shortened in both Vertimec and Proteus treatments in comparison with control.

Detailed macroeconomic study of a country: india

However, there has always been a sharp increase in the prices of goods produces and services rendered, and hence, it is not the nominal GDP, but the real GDP that reflects the actual growth of the economy. During the year 2006, the rate of growth of money supply is more than 16 per cent and โ†’

Example of essay on facilitator

The mythology had an immense impact on art and literature during the Decadence era as it gave rise to the concept of Symbolism in Europe. The mythology had an immense impact on art and literature during the Decadence era as it gave rise to the concept of Symbolism in Europe.

Inaccessibility: fiction and miller

Thomas quotes Miller, to synthesise " Conrad's fiction in the context of the history of ideas", and later on takes up Miller's suggestion in the evaluation of The Nigger of the " Narcissus" by Conrad to demonstrate that there can be " decisive unveiling". Miller picks out the passage of Marlow's narration of life sensation โ†’

To the lighthouse by virginia woolf essay sample

It is in the location of the lighthouse that the characters resolved their issues and remember the past. The general interpretation of the lighthouse and it's themes cannot be extended to the characters in the novel.

Motivational factors

In order to achieve these goals, employees need to be well trained and motivated by managers which are the key factors in the success of this task. Everything starts with a common cycle of motivation that needs to be fulfilled to attain the motivation desired of the employees.

Intercultural awareness report halls low and high context cultures

In a high context communication situation, the subject already knows most of the information and there is very little hidden in the subtext of the message. In a high context culture you are often expected to understand the meaning of words or social cue's through the context of the message.

Good challenges of a young woman of mixed parentage essay example

The challenges she had to deal with and the difficult times she lived through finally to get an identity of her own, an identity that she felt right with, made me want to write this paper and share this experience. That being said; the Concordia Chinese Students Association was a pleasant surprise as they allowed โ†’

The impact of mindfulness meditation

And the meditation is one way to exercise and relax the mind from the over-stimulation of daily activity, multi-tasking, and stress of the day are eliminated by focusing on something other than self in an attempt to reduce the haste of life.found that the overall mass of the brain increased as did the well-being and โ†’

Holden caulfield and depression in the catcher in the rye

After the play Sally and Holden see, Holden sees all the people and views them all as " phony", " At the end of the first act we went out with all the other jerks for a cigarette. Holden is acting like a duck in the way he avoids having to deal with his issues.

Example of the ideal society constrasted with ancient and contemporary thoughts essay

It causes the reader to ask the important question of if and when it is permissible to break the laws of a society for reasons associated with an individual within that society. The justification of the king Creon's austere demeanor with regard to his kingdom's laws being imposed, and then contrasting the happenings within Creon's โ†’

Good analyzing a play essay example

The story of Will's life is given to the audience through self-narration and the travelling which the main hero of the play performs during the play. The play opens with Willy sitting in the kitchen of his house, in semi-light since he is about to go back in time and enlighten all those aspects and โ†’

Aristotle and john stuart mill on happiness and morality

Aristotle and John Stuart Millon Happinessand Morality In this paper I will argue that Aristotle's conception of eudaimonia disproves Mill's utilitarian view that pleasure is the " greatest good." The purpose of this paper is to contrast Aristotle's and Mills views on the value ofhappinessand its link to morality. Aristotle presents his concept of the โ†’


I am sentimental and caring towards the people in my day-to-day life. I am very attentive to facts and details and have a vivid memory of my reflections.

Opportunities in accounting career essay examples

I have personally majored in accounting and this being my final semester in college; it is only fair that I give a brief reflection of the various things that I have learnt in my four years in college. In this discipline I learnt about the role of accounting in management and also clear distinctions from โ†’

Example of michel foucault and the authoritarian reality of modern society essay

Foucault's critique of modern society is libertarian in the sense that he did not call for overthrowing the old ruling class, but also the bureaucracy and technocracy of the state that had its origins in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Foucault has all the flaws and virtues of those movements in that he had a โ†’

Research paper on solar system

The following are the important objects in the solar system: The Sun is the largest object in the solar system and is the centre of the solar system, with all planets, meteoroids, comets, asteroids and dust orbiting the Sun. Mercury is the smallest and closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System, it takes โ†’

Reaction paper: parenthood essay

Upon provision of food by their husbands, it was the duty of the females to avail the food to the family in the form acceptable by the community. In addition, they had the role of responding to the desires of the children's fathers' desires.

Free research paper on mackenzie phillips

She later emerged to reform the version of her father's show the Mamas & the Papas in a new version known as The New Mamas and The Papas. However, in the overall, the world tends to listen to Mackenzie's version and have since believed that she was a victim of incest by her father.

Father quigley(tm)s sermon and the presentation of religion

In this novel set in the 1950s Belfast, Brian Moore closely relates to the recurrent theme of religion, he shows his distaste through the despair and escalating loss of faith suffered by the lonely spinster Judith Hearne. Moore's attitude to religion throughout The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne relentlessly reveals to the reader that he โ†’

History and museum essay sample

National Museum of China combined from Museum of the Chinese Revolution and National Museum of Chinese History at 2003 to make it the biggest history museum of China with over a million items. National Museum of China in this case obviously taking the role of spreading national identity and education China is a multi-ethnic country โ†’

Hum 186 short answer

One of the greatest benefits of social media for individuals and society is the convenience. How has the Internet changed the way many Americans consume information Explain the importance and value of the availability of information on the Internet.

Computer information paper

One of the component variations of a computer is the hardware. The clock speed is responsible for the amount of time that the CPU takes to translate data and send the information to another storage device.

Globalization between rich and poor countries

We will find that the impact of MNCs on LDCs can be under many aspects crucial to the development of the latter, even though it is important to bare in mind the positive contribution MNCs can bring in to LDCs. On the other point of view, the dependency theorists, do not deny that internal changes โ†’

Legislation and ethics in the travel and tourism sector report examples

At the heart of the debate is the current configuration of legislation relating to airline safety and security. This is in line with the CAA guidelines on Flight Deck Monitoring, which prescribes that the PM to monitor the control and progress of the aircraft, while secondary tasks are to be addressed only when the primary โ†’

Dissemination plan: hourly nursing rounds essay sample

Hourly nursing rounds will be adopted at this institution as a patient centered nursing intervention, with the purpose of improving patient safety and satisfaction. With a nod to the emotional aspect of nursing care, I have decided to use Kotter and Cohen's Model of Change in disseminating hourly nursing rounds to the institution and staff.

Ella are almost always specific reasons that certain

I think that beer was very important in the growth and diffusion of the earliest societies. Wine in Mesopotamia was a symbol of great wealth, and only the elites had the privilege to drink it.

Good the history of roman baths and hamams essay example

This paper is a kind of case study which based on the study and analysis of the three paintings, each one of which holds its own share in people's admiration, proves the magic attraction of Roman Baths and Hamams and how they managed although being simple public Baths to generate so much interest and inspiration โ†’

China: one child policy

For centuries China has stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences. The one-child policy solved the overpopulation issue in China, but it also introduced a variety of other problems to the country.

Similar themes in iliad and odyssey

The implication of this is clearly that Telemachus is to trust this man, as there is a history of loyal relations between their families this is the Athene's purpose in disguising herself as Mentes, as she is at Ithaca to reassure the young man of Odysseus's life and advise him on his best course of โ†’

Pandoraโ€™s box: what the myth means today essay sample

This is a very similar beginning to the story of Adam and Eve in that a woman is blamed for all; thus, the story of Pandoras Box becomes relevant. In some perspective, it has similarities to the story of Adam and Eve.

Can we live with a nuclear iran?

Second, I will do the opposite and summarize the reasoning for the possibility of a nuclear Iran. Another reason why the west could live with a nuclear Iran is that there currently is a country in the Middle East whose possession of nuclear weapons did not initiate an arms race, this country being Israel.

Research paper on langston hughes

Only a select few can achieve such a task and it does not come easy; to be able to relate to a great amount of people and know that they have the same ideas. He was a true activist and brought hope and inspiration to many black people." Langston Hughes is one of the essential โ†’

Gender and feminism in ‘why i want a wife’ research paper examples

In all of these instances, one group holds all the cards, and it is up to the agency of the lesser group to make the necessary changes in society to make it better. Because of the husband's natural expectation to not have to do work, and for allowing the wife to be the economically independent โ†’

The a sign and instrument both of

Since the Church is in Christ like a sacrament or asa sign and instrument both of a very closely-knit union with God and of theunity of the whole human race, it desires now to unfold more fully to thefaithful of the Church and to the whole world its own inner nature anduniversal mission. As for โ†’

Effective listening

It is difficult to define listening, but generally it can be defined as " a receiver orientation to the communication process; since communication involves both a source and a receiver, listening consist of the roles receivers play in the communication process". The next element that helps to improve effective listening is analysis and evaluation.

What is the future of human geography

As a result of different approaches to geography emerging from the 50s, physical geography had grounded its roots in the universities of the UK and human geography was also doing well with a similar level of success. Overall, I feel the future of geography needs to define and ground itself, as a discipline whilst at โ†’

Youth aging out of foster care essay sample

Summary of Article #1- Transition to Adulthood for Vulnerable Youths: A Review of Research and Implications for Policy The article Transition to Adulthood for Vulnerable Youths: A review of Research and Implications for Policy begins with a brief explanation of the effects of youth who have "...spent large parts of their lives in substitute care...generally โ†’

Reading among youth

If I compared the youth today from the youth before, I can say that the youth before is more into reading than the youth today. That is why I recommend these kinds of books to teenagers since we are the people of tomorrow and as people of tomorrow, it is good that we already know โ†’

Nonviolent movement

This was the case in the campaigns of the Indian National Congress for independence from Britain in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. One more difference between Gandhi and King lies in the paradigm of their activity.

Communism and fascism in europe essay

The differences notwithstanding, it is essential to appreciate the fact the all the fascist and communist nations in Europe were ruled by dictators some of which remain in records as the world's worst known dictators. In fact, it is recorded in history that Mussolini as a member of the Socialist Party vehemently opposed the participation โ†’

Bill clintonโ€™s doctrine of enlargement of foreign policies

Since the American troops showed little effect on solving the situation in Somalia, Clinton withdrew the entire force next year, which the embarrassment led to the resignation of the Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and damaged Clinton's reputation. In his remarks to the U.N.general assembly in the White House on October 22, 1995, Clinton gave โ†’

Advertising in american airline industry

Advertisement helps the business to develop trustworthiness which is essential to kindle growth as one will able to cherish the business name among consumers due to frequent advertising and finally the word of mouth will spread which also acts as an advertisement. Advertorials An advertorial is a method of advertisement that is intended to appear โ†’

Beauty and media essay sample

Hundreds of studies confirm that media influences attitudes and behavior in which the influence of the media on the proliferation of eating disorders cannot be refuted. With the influence in the media, many of the young women think the women shown throughout the media are the ones they want and have to be.

The principal function and goals criminology essay

The above quote emphasises the importance of the functions and goals of imprisonment for any individual who commits a deviant activity and is then incarcerated in prison. In Conclusion the principle functions and goals of imprisonment are to punish an individual who commits a deviant criminal activity by the method of imprisonment, thus leading on โ†’

Free causes of xerostomia essay sample

Xerostomia Xerostomia is a medical term used to describe the dryness of the mouth resulting from thickening of saliva, reduction in the usual volume of the saliva or complete absence of saliva flow. The dryness of the mouth manifests through the cracking of lips, splitting of the corners of the mouth and soreness of โ†’

Drug war: failure or success?

The people from the another side of this argument begs to differ, as they claim that the drug war is an utter failure, ex-presidential candidate Ron Paul explains, " This war on drugs has been a detriment to personal liberty and it's been a real abuse of liberty". In retro-spec of Ron Paul's previous statement, โ†’

Antonyโ€™s rhetorical superiority analysis essay

Most importantly, however, Antony's greatest ability was the way that he presented himself almost simultaneously as both a common man and the mighty noble that he was, using Ethos to its utmost effect and connecting to the mob in ways that Brutus and even Cassius could not. Using parallelism, and continuing to juxtapose the incontrovertibility โ†’

The ancient city of uruk

Low entree to these stuffs led to the desire for trade and the formation of extended relationships with other metropoliss, which, along with other factors, led to the enlargement of Uruk, an event which can be displayed by a rapid population addition and drastic societal alteration. As Uruk's influence, as the trade Centre of the โ†’

Personality theories

Furthermore the essay discusses the relationship between personality and job performance and the relationship between personality andmotivation. It is suggested that personality is the term used to describe the overall combination of characteristics or traits that reflect the nature of a person and the way they react to and interact with others.

Free essay about what is happiness

Since personality traits are thought to influence the level of happiness one experience, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Abbreviated was used to assess the levels of neuroticism, extraversion, and psychoticism among participants, with the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short Form used to measure happiness. Carl Jung was among the first in the field of psychology to hypothesize โ†’

How conjoined twins develop their personality, behavior, and coping skills through exposure to numerous environments

Applying the definition and relating it to the present case study, the psychological category pertains to the different subthemes wherein the co-researchers of the case study elicited the strengths and weaknesses of their mental state. Relating to the study, it is the awareness of the conjoined twins on how they perceive an idea of their โ†’

Photography: saving nature

Photography is a combination of both art and science, and with the help of a camera, it gives one the ability to record a moment in time, forever. These photographs show that these photographers aimed for " close-up images of items from the natural environment" such as specific plants or pieces of wood." The chief โ†’

Importance of building a relationship for a salesperson

If the salesperson is able to win the confidence and trust of the customers at the first instance, he is likely to enjoy a competitive advantage in the market over other business people. Teaching of presentation skills is done in the aspect of and in the context of creating a trustful and open relationship between โ†’

Study guide for 12 angry men

Were there any examples of the fundamental attribution error or the actor/observer bias in the film? - For the play: - Explain the term " protagonist." The protagonist is the main character of the play, usually containing a positive connotation, normally seen as the hero or heroine of the work.- Who is the protagonist in โ†’

Juvenile justice critique essay

But, I think trying juveniles as adults should be consistently allowed because juveniles are mature enough to that murder is wrong; it reduces crime; having consequences harsher for violent crimes in juvenile act as preclusion to the youth; and trying juveniles as adults allows society to express a simple message Maturity ought to determine culpability, โ†’

Citizens united case

However, through the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act which " prohibits corporations and unions from using their general treasury funds to make independent expenditures for speech that is an ' electioneeringcommunication' or for speech that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a candidate", the United States District Court for โ†’

Character analysis: iago in othello

The two passages in question, the first a speech Iago makes at the start of the play, and the second, a short soliloquy at the end of Act one, introduce the audience to the character of Iago and the feelings he has towardsOthellowhich will drive the action of the play and shape the tragedy. Iago's โ†’

Bullying in schools essay

In order to promote a schoolculturethat can seek to eliminate bullying and cyberbullying, the United States should reform and establish more effective bullying laws, support more programs that can assist students, and encourage students to increase confidence and participation to stand up against bullying. For example, the state of Georgia provides guidance to the bullied โ†’

Chapter i

The purpose of this system is to minimize the time required in computing the payrolls and lessen the errors. The Objective of the study is to improve the payroll system of Bollozos Trucking.

The palliative care approach in australia: a deeper understanding essay sample

Teams work directly with professional in the community and the facilities to coordinate care of patients receiving palliative care as they near the end of their lives. Pesut et al.feel the evaluation of palliative services is important for a rural context due to staffing constraints and access by patients to care.

Barriers and drivers to sustainability

How to overcome common barriers and make the most of key drivers to sustainability About this guide This guide draws upon research completed in 2009 fo r the Urban Sustainability Support Alliance by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, Univer sity ofTechnology, Sydney, into the Barriers and D rivers to Sustainability in Local Government. The guide โ†’

Self-concept: meaning of life and ideal self

As illustrative of this, the concept of self-identity is referred by theorists using a diversity of terms such as: the authentic self; the cohesive self; the core self; the saturated self; and the possible selves. He is aware that he is made up of both material and immaterial constituencies and, as a result, his self-image โ†’

Good essay on plan for investigation

In a bid to evaluate this policy, this investigation will reconnoiter the core events that led to the policy to be valid during the Vietnam War so as to discern whether the war was carried out in concordance with the requisite effectiveness. The same will necessitate a detailed exploration of the objectives of the Vietnamization โ†’

Example of managing conflict: macroeconomic policies and measures of national income essay

The term " Macroeconomics" refers to the study of the aggregate performance of a particular economy. The general economic policy framework is made up of the following:- Monetary Policy - Monetary Policy is defined as the measure that the government performs or implements to influence the supply of money and credit in the economy โ†’

Q. critically analysis last year budget and suggest how you can improve it? note:

4% where as in respect of imports there was an increase of 14.7%.* The present government has taken new steps in the last four years.* 70% share of the divisible pool is now being transferred to provinces and specific area.* The amount in the 6th NFC award in the 2010-11 fiscal year was 999 billion โ†’

The external environment ( strategic management)

Human Resources: Nature of the Labor Market A firm's ability to attract and hold capable employees is essential to its success. So, the companies assessment of external environment is to anticipate the situation and condition of the company in current and future.

Bachelor of technology (mathematics and computing) essay sample

Tech Minor Project Report entitled " TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF INDIAN STOCK MARKET", in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Technology in Mathematics and Computing and submitted to the Department of Mathematics of Delhi Technological University, Delhi is an authentic record of our own work carried out during a period โ†’

Creative writing: national service

Due to my schooling I entered the army as captain, so I was in a better position that most of the soldiers. I was not able to hold it back any more, I had to lean over the side of the transport vessel and vomit.

Impact of violence in movies and video games on children

A report published by the surgeon general back in 2001 pointed to a steady increase in youth violence for a decade from 1983 to 1993 with a quote " The report found strong evidence that exposure to violence in the media can increase children's aggressive behavior in the short term and concluded: Research to date โ†’

Bagobo tagabawa beliefs essay sample

Among these is Tiguaima, the creator, assisted by the lesser gods like Mamal-e, creator of the earth, Macoreret, creator of the air, Domacolen, creator of the mountains, and Macaponguis, creator of water. The blacksmiths call on the spirits to accept the offering and to watch over them in the field.

Re-examining the โ€˜step-and-slideโ€™: sex differences in pedestrian collision avoidance

A chi-square test found a significant made a number of observations including that people tend to form two lanes whilst walking upon the pavement, with one group walking on the inside, away from the road and the other group walking on the outside and close to the road. The predictor variable was the sex of โ†’

Single sex classrooms

It also expands ideas of educational opportunities and core values for both boys and girls, and the classes generate custom created learning strategies and instructions to better learning. Girls at single sex schools are more likely to take nontraditional classes such as physics and advanced math because they have the opportunity to excel in them.

To what extent was bismarck responsible for the unification of germany? essay sample

The aim of this essay is to firstly examine the importance of Bismarck in the unification of Germany and then to look at other factors which played a part, to eventually reach a balanced conclusion. After the failure of the Frankfurt Parliament in 1848, he believed that idealism and talking were not going to result โ†’