1700 Words Essay Samples

American healthcare system

The author notes that various executives in the healthcare industry have tried measures such as introducing better discount rates, lowering the administration costs and offering higher rebates to reduce the net medical costs and the net-drug costs. 2011 According to the author, the problems in the healthcare industry are caused by a restricted market.

Porters 5 on kraft foods

The Kraft Foods Vision Statement describes the values, services and the company's vision for the future. The Kraft Foods Vision Statement describes the values, services and the company's vision for the future.

Partial fulfillment of strategic formulation management

This project is as the part of assignment for the partial fulfillment of Strategic Formulation Management course of fourth trimester, where the objective is to know and analyze the various strategic concept of Mahindra & Mahindra tractor. The tractor industry in India has developed over the years to become one of the largest tractor markets β†’

Lean six sigma implementation industry essay sample

Quantifying the variability with objectives and advantages of reducing it in the manufacturing process is the prime activity of the process management. Process Capability refers to the evaluation of how well a process meets specifications or the ability of the process to produce parts that conform to engineering specifications, Process Control refers to the evaluation β†’

Colloidal processing of ceramics

Throughout all the steps involved in colloidal processing, the focus has to be given to the stability of the material to form components with the desired properties. The paper will cover the chemical process involved, the design elements of reactors involved in colloidal processing, preparation of the colloid, product separation and purification, limitations of the β†’

Rogers chocolate

The issue facing Rogers' Chocolate is how they will be able to gain new customers and sustain their current customers. Rogers' Chocolate will need a strategy that will help position them to be able to grow the way they want it to.

Good securing america’s railroads and passengers essay example

The most immediate threat to railroad system security happens to be the people employed to work in them. Monitor and strengthen the security of any remaining connections to the SCADA system is important to carry out a vulnerability analysis associated with SCADA networks.

My as my career. whichever industry or

I also found the time and inclination to fullyparticipate in a host of extracurricular activities. Duringmy graduate study, I would like to strengthen my concepts and knowledge in thefield of industrial engineering and engineering management.

Social media strategy – retail boutique

You want to use Social Media to be able to communicate with your customers much better and to be able to dynamically interact with them on a daily basis in order to really build those relationships. Like Box is a social plug-in which you add on your website so your visitors are able to like β†’

Good research paper on ahmed k. ahmed

The beat to the song was epic and had a great tune to it that will make you jump out of the seat, and the combinations with his vocal skills made the song amazing. It's a complete headache to see a bunch of unknown artists show up with a good song using auto tunes, and β†’

1 addition climate change has changed temperature and

2 shows that the final adsorptionpercentage of nitrate ion decreases with increasing temperature and in first 5minutes the rate of sorption process is higher in warmer temperatures. Hchanges indicate that the process is exothermic and the products areenergetically stable with a high binding of nitrate ions to the adsorbent sites.

Feasibility study sample food cart

Included in the variations in flavor is the taste of the consumers, like in the Philippines where there are a lot of tourist visits the country, the need for different kinds of cuisines is in demand. The DTI is the agency that monitors the prices of the products to maintain fairness in between the buyers β†’

Entertainment in the hotel industry

It is, after all, the ultimate purpose of the hotel industry to provide the best accommodations and other value-added services that goes along with it, in the utmost quality to their clients. Perhaps this is one of the most important reasons why it is highly relevant to discuss the issue of entertainment as it pertains β†’

Tavaris jones essay samples

The music group The Temptations has paved way for the future of R&B and pop artists across the globe. The group, The Temptations was the first Motown group to ever receive a Grammy Award, and they changed how pop and R&B music was viewed in the society.

Violence in hemingway’s the sun also risesΒ and indian camp, and west’s miss lonelyhearts

This essay will compare and contrast the way violence is portrayed in both of the authors, Ernest Hemingway and Nathanael West's works. In both of his works The Sun Also Rises and In Our Times, the " Indian Camp," he recruits one protagonist in each story; Jake Barnes in The Sun Also Rises and Nick β†’

Great expectation coursework

The first visit Pip had to Miss Havisham's house frightens and intimidates him 'the passage were all dark, and that she had left a candle burning.' Dickens uses dark imagery to show a bit of clue to the audience the kind of person Miss Havisham is and it emphasises the dark side of Miss Havisham. β†’

Symptoms of mental disorder in don quixote novel

Throughout the text, Don Quixote is convinced that many of the negative events that he encounters can only be attributed to the sorcerers that are determined to destroy him. Furthermore, the first chapter of the text states that for a long period of time prior to his journey, he was engrossed in the delusions of β†’

”ode on the death of a favourite cat, drowned in a tub of gold fishes” by thomas gray essay sample

The production of " Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes" initiated from an occurrence of events that resulted in the untimely death of a much-loved house cat. Yet, Gray's preference for the male gender and the growth of the unsuspected reign of female poets and their β†’

The battle between good and evil in east of eden

Although it is evident through her manipulative ways and wickedness that Cathy is the satanic ' Eve' of this retold religious story, by the end of the novel her monstrous nature is questioned and Steinbeck opens the possibility that Cathy is much more vulnerable than she originally appeared. The murder of her parents is Cathy's β†’

“the triple mirror of the self” by zulfiqar ghose

The purpose of this thesis is to locate the identity crisis in the novels of Zulfiqar Ghose, find out the socio-cultural and political reasons for the crisis and throw light on some grey areas which were either ignored previously or could not be discussed sufficiently. In his autobiographical account Confessions of a Native-Alien, he narrates β†’

Race in america in the souls of black folk, how it feels to be colored me, and recitatif

A connection between the poem and the song is that the poem was written by a white person and the song was created and sung by Negro people. The putting of the poem and the song also shows how similar the poem and the Negro songs are.

Analyzing the house on mango street

However, because of theirfinancial difficulties, she is bound to swallow her pride and just accept the dilapidated new house. This is just the way things are on Mango Street, but the narrator will not give up her dream of the promised house and she is determined to pursue it.

Example of cognitive development: piagets theory of cognitive development research paper

It also involves the emergence of the child's ability to comprehend the events in the surrounding environment. It focuses on the ability to process information, learn a new language, problem solving ability, the process of mental development and the perception the child has towards the world.

The future of robots essay examples

In an article for Interactions magazine, Norman suggested that a built-in kitchen robot might be able to not only communicate with all the different elements of the kitchen but might be able control the passing of items and utensils around as required. Reed, P, J." The Future of Robots in Hospitals"..Web.

Example of essay on the science of older and wiser; new york times

Most psychologists agree that if you define wisdom as maintaining positive well-being and kindness in the face of challenges, it is one of the most important qualities one can possess to age successfully and to face physical decline and death. Elkhonon Goldberg, a neuroscientist in New York and author of " The Wisdom Paradox," says β†’

Research paper on cataract and the corrective surgery procedure

Visual loss due to cataract is due to clouding of the lens of the eye leading to the inability of light to pass through it and focusing on the retina in the back of the eye; the vision loss can be partial or complete in the affected eye. Unlike the epithelial cells found in other β†’

“mirror image” and robotic development essay examples

While the twentieth century began in an atmosphere of optimism in the face of the technological promise of the twentieth century, the events that the new technology brought to pass served as a major impediment to the development of that optimism. Between the years 1914 and 1945, the world saw the advent of the armored β†’

Research paper on friendship in fried green tomatoes at the whistle stop cafe

The activities of the white supremacist group, the Klux Klax Klan are mentioned, and through the story, a change in the perception of the society is depicted through the use of narrations. The theme of friendship and its guiding principles is well explored in the book.

Example of creative writing on selection creteria

I had also obligation to establish and maintain a therapeutic relationship with the patients and families appropriate to the clinical setting and which is inclusive of psychogeriatric and cognitively impaired patients. Described different models of cars to the customers and also accurately explained the details and the care of the merchandise.

Can love us and which we can love argumentative essay examples

But a sublime hope cheers ever the faithful heart, that elsewhere, in other regions of the universal power, souls are now acting, enduring, and daring, which The writer of this paper finds Emerson's claims to be logical and reasonable and is in agreement that indeed friendships are harder to find and establish as our standards β†’

Environmental impacts of gas flaring essay

These information sources include, but are not limited to: " Brief Summary of the Nigerian Crude Oil and Gas Integrity" Group, 2012), IMPACT OF PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT ON THE ENVIRONMENT: A CASE STUDY ON THE NIGER DELTA, and Gas Flaring in the Niger Delta: the Potential Benefits of its Reduction on the Local Economy and Environment.4. β†’

Example of essay on research response paper on the importance of being earnest by oscar wilde

Filling In The Gaps: A critical dialogue with the lacunas in Suchismita Hazra's article " Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest: A Critique of The Victorian Society" This paper proposes to launch into an analysis of Suchismita Hazra's article " Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest: A Critique of The Victorian Society" and β†’

Example of kohlbergs moral developmentname:institutional affiliation research paper

Another limitation to Kohlberg's theory is that the entire system of moral reasoning is based around justice. Kohlberg's theory is not a theory of the people but only a theory of the western people.

Good how people will motivate and change essay example

The story of Michael is a perfect example of a woman who looked beyond colour and class just to motivate positive change in the life of a hopeless young man. The fact however is that in as much as people want to succeed in what they do especially if the consequences of the contrary are β†’

Second reflection paper essays example

When you put down the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, I saw the fear and sadness in the eyes of America. In all of these unfortunate events that both your country, your people and the American people have experience, I, with my teaching, would like to support you to" become the change you want to β†’

Free research paper on reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance risug vasalgel

The problem lies in the quantity of mature sperm produced on daily basis thereby making it more difficult to target male reproduction as compared to the one egg developed once in a month of the female cycle. The development of a polymer that can be injected to cover the inner surface of vas deferens and β†’

Free public health research paper example

The research questions being asked include: the effects of exposure to violence to human health; the general influences on children welfare and classroom studies, and the co-relation between social status and the presence of enhanced violence amongst others. Public Health: The Ecological Model on Individual Health The Ecological Model on Individual Health The ecological model, β†’

Report on group work project

The scope of my understanding about the symptoms of this condition further widened because I have to learn other symptoms which some of the group members had researched on. Being the leader of a group will also do me good since most of the time I will be in control and most of the things β†’

What are the unique challenges to managing a virtual team? essay sample

Virtual team management faces several new and complex challenges in overcoming time, distance and cultural boundaries, in building trust, collaboration and team cohesion, in supporting and controlling team processes and outputs, and adapting to technology driven communication. These boundaries are the basis of the definition of a virtual team, and are also the basis for β†’

Transfer of learning

In add-on, for bettering instruction non merely this transportation of larning construct is of importance but besides the development of the teaching staff is indispensable The subject of this survey is to look into if instructors within the module of wellness medical specialty and life scientific disciplines of the University of Maastricht besides are cognizant β†’

Aspects of data communication in costa rica and united states

Telecommunications were introduced in Costa Rica in late nineteenth century, with the advent of telegraph and telephone services. Internet services in Costa Rica fall under the control of ICE, and as with most monopolies, it is said to have poor customer service and charge higher prices.

Verizon communications and sql slammer/sapphire

The GTE-Bell Atlantic merger, effective on the 30th of June, 2000 as a result of a definitive merger agreement recorded on July 27, 1998, is considered one of the largest mergers in the history of US business, with the initial exchange rate of 1. The corporation's computer system was in a " slam," and the β†’

Concept of phytoremediation

The pollutant can be stored in the plant, volatized by the plant, metabolized by the plant, or any combination of the above. The vapor can either be the pure pollutant, or the plant can metabolize the pollutant before it is vaporized, as in the case of mercury, lead and selenium.

Organizational communications analysis women’s resource center at norman, oklahoma

They learn how to effectively communicate for the situations that they are in where there is a high risk to the women that they are talking to. Without this they are not able to give back to the organization what is needed in order to be effective in their management and other skills.

Applying bowenian and structural theories essay sample

When this theory is applied to the family in focus, these goals, techniques, and expected outcomes emerge. Each approach has a unique perspective on the family and how to help improve the overall wellness.

Good essay about foundations of law

Under that principle, the obligations to the contract are binding to the parties that actively participated in the formation of the contract. Under the prevailing precedents in the postal rule, it is the postulation of this paper that the contract so entered is binding and legal and that failure by any parties to meet their β†’

Principles of communication in adult social care essay sample

Reasons why people communicate in different ways is to make sure that they can be understand it what is trying to be said, the point that is trying to be made or instruction that need to be told. 5- There will be lots of different types of support and services that can help you and β†’

Polygraph research

The NAS reported that contrary to the APA's pride in their more than 80% accuracy in detecting deception, a majority of the research was unreliable, unscientific, and biased. The APA responded that the NAS findings were confined to a review of the research on polygraph testing in particular, and how it relates to personnel screening.

Texting vs. calling

As a person you choose whether to text or call that is the way you recognize as the best way of communicating, the best way of communicating is by calling someone. If you want to express your feelings in a way that's not confusing then texting is the way to go because you can use β†’

Goal setting in medicine essay

I tried to practice in my clinical placement and let the facilitator to assess my communication skills. After I spoke to the facilitator, I realized the need to improve my medical terminology skills and to make a plan for studying.

Analyzing an accepted nursing theory essay examples

The relationship between the nurse and the patient is described in this theory. The theory focuses on the relationship that develops between the nurse and the client based on the interpersonal and therapeutic relationships.

Analyze the interpersonal communication essay

These are but a few of the tools that we use and I find that I am no stranger to most of them. I have to say to this, at times, I must be subjective, sometimes, objective and to the best of my ability I try to be as self-disclosed whenever possible, so they may β†’

Theme essay: beowulf

The epic Beowulf is the epitome of how fate always lurks behind the scenes of what happens. Finally, the dragon's fiery breath catches a patch of Beowulf's skin, and this is also a manifestation of the workings of fate.

Is lady macbeth a fiend-like queen

Macbeth is a play set in the 12th century, which focuses on the trials and tribulations of Macbeth a Lady Macbeth. This is more proof that she is a " fiend-like queen." The audience would have been disgusted and gob-smacked at Lady Macbeth being so nice to the person she is planning to kill.

Western self and the eastern other english literature essay

The romantic Oriental poems of Coleridge, Shelly and Lord Byron present the colonial relationship between West and East that was abundant with over-fertile stereotypes." According to the Stereotype, the Oriental subjects have no power over their will, and live in an exotic, timeless never-never land closer to the realm of mythology than history. Orientalist is β†’

Gibran shahzad

Since the pigs are manifestly the cleverest out of the rest of the species on Animal Farm, they are the ones who take the leadership role, in order to get Animal Farm on the right path. Hence, Snowball and Napoleon are similar in the matter of desiring Animal Farm to prosper.

To what extent does baz luhrman succeed in engaging

In the beginning the first few lines of the film are said by a news reporter on television showing that the situation of the rivalry is dominating the thoughts and news of the city Verona. This gives the audience the image that Romeo is a " fish out of water" in terms with the character β†’

A refutation of gilbert and gubars anti-christian perspective of jane eyre

Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubars The Madwoman in the Attic is the seminal analysis of Jane Eyre, particularly with regards to feminism. To pluck the mask from the face of the Pharisee, is not to lift an impious hand to the Crown of Thorns.

Laertes and ophelia as character foils in hamlet

In ' Hamlet', there are numerous characters, many of whom belong to either one of two families focused upon in the play: there is the royal family, consisting of Hamlet, his mother Gertrude, the Queen, and his stepfather Claudius, the current King of Denmark; and there is the family of the King's chief counselor, Polonius, β†’

Rebellion against conformity

The narrative, more experienced Jane recalls, " I was not heroic enough to purchase liberty at the price of caste"; because Jane reveres the glamour and comfort of the upper society, the prospect of poverty for the sake of freedom is too formidable to consider. To the reader, it is obvious that Rochester is imploring β†’

The tragedy of vengeance in shakespeare’s masterpiece

William Shakespeare's Hamlet comfortably fits into the genre of the revenge tragedy as it opens with the melancholy Dane in the depths of human misery, at the center of a topsy-turvy world where his uncle is now his father. One of the great ironies at work in Hamlet is that even though these elements are β†’

King lear and the drawer boy comparative essay

The role play portrayed in Shakespeare's King Lear and Michael Healey's The Drawer Boy is best defined as the acts or attitude of a person differing from normal in order to attain a better point of view, social interaction, or a goal. In King Lear, Edmund is described by his father as the " bastard β†’

Essay on hamlet vs othello

The first of these plays, Hamlet, speaks of a young man, Hamlet, seeking revenge on his uncle for the murder of his father and the taking of his father's throne and wife. Hamlet in this way designates his revenge to be interpersonal and impotent for the time as he determines his course of action, instead β†’

The gift of free will

Humans have the will to act freely, and both Erasmus' and Shakespeare's works can be seen as supporting the same side of the controversy between fate and free will, regardless of the author's original intention. The way that the characters in Romeo and Juliet view the role of fate as a supreme power differs greatly β†’

Warnings against social castes and contentment in brave new world

The highest caste, the Alphas, is the dominant class both in intelligence and status, and contains the leaders of society both through the government and in the various sciences. Through the use of soma, the society of Brave New World was ensured to eternally have comfort, and the basic contentment that comes with it, but β†’

Ways for enhancement of career plans nursing essay

The age was the obstacle in order to bring the knowledge and experience and the career plans were affected by this age in the case of getting health insurance in organizations. I need the support of this organization in order to mitigating the challenges in career plans.

Example of essay on comparing two nursing theorists: florence nightingale vs jean watson

Watson model of caring supports the massive paradigm shift in the nursing profession while nightingale's approach befits the traditional and conservative approach to nursing. Watson and Nightingale contributed to the modern paradigm of nursing.

The stages of dying and subsequent bereavement nursing essay

By Genieva Barfield When approached with this case, your first instinct should be to look at all the given facts, determine what palliative care is being provided, the age of the individual, the stage of the illness and what treatments can be provided. The palliative care team works with and supports the patients and their β†’

Advanced nursing

Credentials for a specialist require current licensure as a registered nurse, at least a master's degree in nursing, current national certification in the advanced practice area, and approval by the board of nursing,". Unfortunately, inability of government to establish in a timely manner guidelines for advanced nursing practice results in a conflict between the roles β†’

Hypnosis research paper

While these media descriptions of hypnosis is somehow true given hypnosis' definitions, many are left unaware as to the true nature of hypnosis and how beneficial it is to the public in terms of therapy and understanding how the mind works under a trance-like state. With psychologists showing the capacity of hypnosis to target the β†’

The history of bioimpedance spectroscopy nursing essay

The aim of the present study is to determine the prevalence of pulmonary congestion in hemodialysis patients, to measure the effect of standard ultrafiltration dialysis on ELW, to investigate the relationship between WLW, body fluids volume status, and echocardiographic parameters of cardiac performance and to test the prognostic value of extravascular lung water. The sum β†’

Nursing sociology : how class affects health

The change of scale reflected the changing nature of occupations, the growth of middle class professions, the levels of social esteem that these jobs attracted and it ranked the occupations according to the level ofresponsibilitythat the job entailed. It demonstrated that although the health of the nation had improved since the introduction of the Welfare β†’

101 reasons to become a family care nurse practitioner

101 Reasons to Become a Family Care Nurse Practitioner Abstract Family Care Nurse Practitioners are advanced practice nurses with a specialty in family care. The daily functions of a Family Care Nurse Practitioner include providing care to people of all ages.

Free movie review on cool hand luke

Stuart Rosenberg, the director of the film, Cool Hand Luke, is one of the most noted filmmakers in the history of world cinema. The article talks about the " unforgettable" opening scene of the movie in context and then gives a brief description of the plot of the movie.

Film techniques

A shot Of a person landing to set a bomb in a building would for instance require the film maker to use a close up or better still an extreme close up to show the tense feeling in the characters' eye. It is an opening shot that is used to tell the viewer the exteriorenvironmentthat β†’

Awakening of abused woman in “the color purple”

It is not until she lets women into her life, which lead Celie to her epiphany, that she realizes that she deserves more out of her life and that she is worthy ofrespect. Celie is so magnetized to Shug's independence and freedom that she loves spending this time with her.

Synthetic vs. natural: an analysis of costuming in blade runner

Bukatman talks of Blade Runner's design, touching on the narration, the production of the props and set, special effects, and cinematography of the film. In this film, Pris is the polar opposite of Deckard.

Werner herzog’s movie grizzly man: the creativity of self referent and acting

Another quality of the reflexive mode that is present within the film is Herzog's own approach to the interviews and interactions with the historians, doctors and Treadwell's loved ones. The embodied voice and presence of Herzog throughout the film makes the viewer feel as though it's a communal journey in the unfolding of this man's β†’

Example of education literature review

Yasuko Kanno and Sheila Dermer Apple Baum claim that ESL students are having an issue of raising their concerns in the classroom as they have limited vocabulary or some students may have not the awareness that they have the same right to raise their concerns. Patricia Duff agrees that ESL students need to have in-depth β†’

Hawaiian islands

AAU is the closest island to Kuaka and is the home of Pearl Harbor. Hawaii is home to the Luau and the Hula dance.

Argumentative essay on war on drugs

The amounts of drugs that penetrate the borders of the United States are ever on an increase, with the number of addicts on the rise, as well. This paper seeks to explain the ineffectiveness of the war on drugs and why the government should consider the possibility of having the fight abolished altogether.

The rights of americans to have gmo labeling

More and more people are fighting for the right to have GMO labeling because of research, because the U.S.is one of the only countries without GMO labeling, and simply because Americans want to know what they are putting in their bodies! Even though this may seem beneficial to farmers since the plants will not be β†’

Free essay on my political identity

The class will also enable me to understand the type of world that I am and that which I wish to live in especially given that there are specific people charged with the responsibility of managing my world. My last inspiration towards voting and political affiliation is the idea of the love of Americans to β†’

Good whatever happened to inflation essay example

The Federal Reserve stayed silent for a while after the crisis started in 2008, and the Federal Reserve has helped the American government to stimulate the economy by implementing the expansionary monetary policies. The individuals were losing their trust in the American economy, and the Federal Reserve could not take the actions to lead the β†’

Good example of research paper on how african american

It is thought that the hip hop culture during the 1970s was a mere declaration of the African American's sense of a fad and that it will soon come to pass, however, the popularity if the culture today speaks of the fact that is more widespread as ever. During the early days of the rap β†’

Example of essay on cultural differences between saudi arabia and the united states of america

It is a fact that cultural differences and preferences exist for a number of reasons, such as, in the following: Food: Just like in the US, Saudi Arabia also has pizza, fast food and restaurant chains. Anyway, whether in my country of origin or in a foreign country such as the US, I always find β†’

Neoliberalism and its effect on the quality of democracy in latin america argumentative essay example

The effect of such neoliberal policies is that the social territory is left to the mechanisms of the market with no or little interference by the state. This is crucial, coming against the background that it is the state which is the protector of these significant sectors of the economy and caters for the unemployed, β†’

Free essay on critique: experiences of preconception, pregnancy, and new motherhood for lesbian

The key concept of the article was to explore the preconception, pregnancy and new motherhood experiences of the non-biological mothers in the lesbian couple. In the current, it was not possible to anticipate the content of the experience gained during the preconception, pregnancy and the new motherhood by the lesbian non-biological mother.

Microbiology laboratory questions

The burning candle utilizes the oxygen in the jar and creates an anaerobic environment suitable for the cultivation of microaerophiles and obligate anaerobes 9. What is the significance of VRE?

Utilization of miswak silver nanoparticles biology essay

Here in the current study, the synthesis of silver nanoparticles from the extracts of miswak that can be used to treat peridontitis has been developed. The characterisation of the silver nanoparticles is performed.

Hydroponics outlook

On the other manus, Jones and Gibson argue that " the hereafter of the continued enlargement of aquicultures for the commercial production of works is non-encouraging unless major discovery occurs in the manner the technique is designed and used ". The advantages of this system are expounding of the work's roots to sufficient supplies of β†’

The dietary requirements necessary to maintain a healthy biology essay

The most crucial ingredient is nitrogen and is in the form of amino and nucleic acids. This form of sugar is transported within the body via the bloodstream and is used by the body.

Anthropology book report

The writer gives a voice to the homeless youth and highlights on their everyday lives, the condition in which they live and the experience they go though in the streets. Finkelstein discusses how the youths in the streets are prone to victimization by the society; they are ill treated, oppressed and discriminated the youths reiterate β†’

High corrosion resistance even at high temperatures biology essay

However, most of the ceramics are crystalline structure and that makes the definition of ceramic is often restricted to inorganic crystalline materials, as opposed to the non-crystalline glasses. Kaolinite is used both as a filler in the bulk of the paper and to coat its surface.

Sordaria fimicola crossings linkage analysis and frequency biology essay

After ciphering the frequence of traversing over, the map distance of the cistron to the kinetochore in the sunburn colored cistron observed was 32 map units, significantly different from the projected void hypothesis and expected 26 map units. By mensurating the sums of intercrossed MI asci and MII asci, and ciphering the frequence of crossing β†’