1600 Words Essay Samples

The colour purple theme

The Power of Narrative and Voice Walker emphasizes throughout the novel that the ability to express one's thoughts and feelings is crucial to developing a sense of self. Most important, Celie's ties to Shug bring about Celie's gradual redemption and her attainment of a sense of self.

Ralph the duck essay sample

More specifically, when he sees and talks to Fanny, the narrator remembers his daughter and the life he had before her death. To his relief he is able to get her in the truck.

Galbraith’s theories on economic growth bring together two opposing sides: pro advertisment and against it

A way that this imbalance can be fixed is to impose taxes on the consumer goods and services, and to use these proceeds to increase availability of public sector goods and services. This is generally the concept of the dependence effect as explained by Galbraith, where wants and needs depend on the products that producers β†’

Consumer priority between cadbury and nestle chocolates

In this research the product performance and buying behaviour of two famous brands of chocolates Nestle and Cadbury, which is use by people of all ages, is surveyed. The decision we make concern on our consuming behavior affect the demand for the basic raw materials, for the conveyence, banking, production; they effect the service of β†’

Future predictions in futurama movie

One example of this includes the re-election of Richard Nixon's head in a jar in the episode " A Head in the Polls" in which he is allowed to run again due to the Earth Constitution stating that no ' body' can run for president more than twice. For me, this places the show in β†’

Definition of underclass and youth offending criminology essay

By beginning to understand ' underclass', is to begin to ' distinguish the mindset of the poor' and to explain the breakdown of law and order within their segment. Therefore it can be termed the underclass is a ' dependency culture of the estranged and idle sustained by state benefits His underlying cause however is β†’

Cognitive theory detailed outline

If the schemas that are built within are faulty, they can cause a domino effect of inappropriate thoughts, emotions and behaviors until the faulty view is challenged and the old schema is replaced with a new one.ii. CT is " structured active, collaborative, and psychoeducational" and " emphasizes a scientific approach".xxv." The goals of CT β†’

Did you ever hear the one about the horse that could count?

In this case, as in some others in our field, the test itself was creative, unique, and exciting, and the performance by the animals tested was adequate to suggest they might be doing something interesting and perhaps reflective of cognitive processing. In the interests of full disclosure, I cannot say I have always been perfect β†’

Comparison of hiit exercise and cycling

Write a brief overview of the research topic by explaining the purpose of the study, the purpose of the problem being studied, and the results and conclusions. As the obesity epidemic and chronic disorders continue, which occurred due to a lack of physical activity, it was clear that the purpose of this study was to β†’

Similarity between the ussr and the party

Between the Party and the Soviet Union there are many similarities between them, which are the benefits that government official receive, their ability to rewrite history, their thirst of power, controlling other people's lives, and the way how both governments use Doublethink. One parallel between the Party and the Soviet Union is the many benefits β†’

Pizza hut

The Chinese Supreme Pizza will be a marketed as a specialty pizza and will be sold both domestically and within the Chinese market. With positioning in the Chinese market, Pizza Hut will be able to offer a more traditional flavor in a more exotic style and setting.

A overview of the kashmir issue history essay

The establishment of Kashmir and the repressive government of its rulers were of high importance about the following faith of the state. Fanatic terrorists attack India in direct and indirect ways to show the world that Kashmir is a part of Pakistan.

Marx’s critique of classical political economy

Marx therefore argued that the failure of classical political economy to separate human nature from the superficial construct of the economic class system possessed a dominant influence upon the ignorance of the proletarian class and the consequent focus upon the bourgeois class prevalent within society. Furthermore, Marx continued to route his critique of the classical β†’

Nursing theories and their applications in the profession

Nursing is flourishing the health facilities, promotion, and development of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, through diagnosis and treatment of a person's psychological and physiological behavior, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations. The first section of this paper will discuss the relationship of development of nursing theory β†’

Gilgamesh and the early 17th century

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a poem that was written on a historical king by the name of Gilgamesh. In the poem, " the god of the Sumerian, Enlil, demanded Gilgamesh's mortality and his authority over his people, and Enkidu, interpreting a dream for his friend, explains to Gilgamesh both the extent and the limits β†’

Could genders be termed as their own race?

As gender and sex complicate and are complicated by race, it is impossible to hold women to the same standards as other races. It is possible, though somewhat complicated, to use these comparisons and the technical definitions of sex and gender to classify women as a race.

Processes of business research

Subsequently, we have learnt about ' how research contributes to management, identification of the research process such as; discovering the management questions and research questions, research proposal, research design, data collection and preparation, data analysis and interpretation, report writing and etc. In Business research we learn about research concepts which explains definition and application of β†’

Mcquail’s communications theory

As the message is relayed from a person with creditable knowledge, this model assumes that the effect of the message is easonably direct between the sender and the receiver. With the Internet, it opens up a new dimension for public discussions of media content which in turn increases the commonality between the " sender" and β†’

The consumer

First of all, I would like to outline the background of the food origin in order to support my idea for the benefit package and to carry out the analysis of the most acceptable type of benefits packages to chose. In order to get more information and understand the human choices in food, it is β†’

Ultimate responsibility lie for the death of santiago nasar essay sample

" On the day they were going to kill him"[1], is the opening to Chronicle of a Death Foretold, by Gabriel Marquez, is a novella written in the form of a pseudo-journalistic reconstruction, in which the reader is told about the ' murder death' from the first line. Here comes the importance of the theme β†’

Is the leadership born or made flashcard

Warren Bennis, The truth is the most people have the potential to become effective leaders. Vince Lombardi " The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born that there is a genetic factor to leadership.

What is intelligence

In this paper I will explore the origins of intelligence, theories of intelligence testing and, issues of validity when applying these theories to minority groups. John McKeen Cattell was the first, in the study of understanding intelligence, to introduce the idea of the " mental test".

Are humans responsible for their own actions?

The notion of human behaviour is a complex one, there are many factors that intertwine with human behaviour such as the conscious and the subconscious, the voluntary and the involuntary of our actions. The subject of Free Will is important when engaging whether humans are responsible for the actions that we commit to partake in.

Towards multinational growth & sustained success essay

Giordano has in the past adopted the best practices of the apparel retailer industry and should continue doing so and at the same time crave to become a trend setter in itself by means of starting its Giordano community and blogs which provide a great insight to what the customers are looking for. Giordano would β†’

Development of learning objectives through reflection

The Williams report is based around educational best practice to enable young learners to acquire an understanding and appreciation of mathematics and its importance to their lives." The foremost concern, drawn from Ofsted and the Primary National Strategy findings is the need to strengthen teaching that challenges and enables children to use and apply mathematics β†’

Tom brennan & witness

This forms the basis of the development of one? s identity and this is clearly evident in the novel the story of Tom Brennan and film Witness. Tom? s world is turned upside down due to the consequences of the crash as the town shifts the blame and hatred towards the Brennan family.

The rationales and strategies for change management essay

The downsizing was in response to drop in demand and due to shift of product market. In case of Holden, Ford and Fletcher downsizing was the only strategy implemented to cut cost of operation and restructuring purpose.

Overfishing to briedahl, “they are the most diverse

Due to my research the overall trend of the landings of skates and rays shows that there is been a decline in the total landings of skates and rays around the world. According to Newell, most of the landings reports from the Mediterranean and in the Atlantic were underreported.

Are symmetrical faces more attractive than natural faces

The first condition presented was the natural faces and the second was the manipulated faces. The independent variable being manipulated was the symmetry of the faces, and the dependent variable being measured was the attractiveness rating.

Environmental law – the republic of hungary

I carried on with the research and discovered a book on the Environmental Policy in the European Union, that book assisted me to obtain a wide knowledge of European environmental law. In the last decades of the 20th century an increasing attention was paid to the environmental questions and to the impacts of human activities β†’

Decision making and problem solving business essay

Communication is the most essential key successful management and leadership; this phrase is very common....yet managers to be as well as politicians want to the most essential means to a venerated business leader's accomplishment. Regardless of whatever values those effective leaders deem to be most vital, communication is the golden thread tying the rest to β†’

Issues in public health funding

In this paper, we evaluate the current landscape of funding for public health initiatives, the lack of uniformity of financial accounting standards for public health spending, and our proposal to address the existing funding structures of the public health system. For the Public's Health: Investing in a Healthier Future.

Not for profit

Nussbaum is the author of the book, " Not For Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities." The book begins by drawing the reader's attention by explaining the " Silent Crisis." She describeseducationin the eyes of the government, and in the eyes of the people. This should be the true meaning and importance of education, not β†’

Why it is important to add blueberries to your breakfast

And we have to mention that vitamin C is the main regulator of collagen production in the skin which repair the unhealthy skin and support the outermost layer of skin called epidermis- which means that vitamin C protects your skin from wrinkling and aging. It is so important for a pregnant woman to have a β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of computer technology

In education, technology is used in researching information and many online learning courses, technology is a necessity for people or children with disabilities e.g.might not be able to talk but learn how to use a computer and can communicate like everyone else. In the medical field, the development of digital x-rays have saved a lot β†’

Organisational behaviour three subject areas and reflection

Organisational behavior is an academic and a new discipline, which is concerned with the prediction, description, understanding, and managing human behavior in the environmnet within the organisation. The base for it, is to see or hear the person and then there is an ability to gain the understanding of this personality.

Romeo and juliet essay sample

He portrays the Headquarters of the Montagues and Caplets as skyscrapers to signify to the audience that they are important figures in the city. The mattresses give the audience the impression that there is a lot of homelessness in the city and give something familiar for the modern audience to relate to.

Research on functional food in malaysia

Their interest on functional foods has led to major development of functional food in Japan which in turn lead to increasing awareness for the importance of such food products not only among the Japanese but in places like United States and Europe as well as in Asia-Pacific countries including Malaysia. The unclear definition and different β†’

History of the transition to agriculture history essay

On the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in Mesopotamia and the Nile in Egypt emerged civilizations that were to have profound influence on the history of the eastern half of the Mediterranean. In most of the cities the majority of the inhabitants were peasants, who left the city to work on their land β†’

Standardized testing: expedient or a waste of time?

These students test on specific material for the entirety of the 3 hours, and that is not even including the overtime for students that did not finish this test during the allotted time. In this major debate it is important to align oneself with the facts, and the facts show that although the education system β†’

Export strategy for a chilean winery marketing essay

The US situation is a complicated one but Montgras' marketing strategy is wanting and as Cabo suggests, the company needs to adapt a very aggressive strategy for the market if it is turn around the status quo of the market. As the marketing strategy stands, the company is better suited for the UK market than β†’

1.the increased mobility also allows journalists to

A journalist is able to shoot and edit videos, take photos, writestories and send the finished packages straight from the field to the newsroom. It is useful if you are alone in the forest and have to fend foryourself.

Pest analysis – hsbc holding plc

It is significant for all companies to identify the external environment in which they are operating business in order to help the company to make decisions and to manage long term survival strategies which will also help the company not to fail when the external environment change. According to the annual report of HSBC, HSBC β†’

Climate change a major problem for biodiversity biology essay

In the latter half of the twentieth Century, there was a period of rapid planetary heating, which leads to earlier reaching of spring, longer turning seasons, altered seasonal forms and biotic interaction of species. Females in the late established populations chose to put eggs on the most widespread host works used during range enlargement, instead β†’

Dog grooming business viability case study

We feel that there is a good first start tit the business plan being proposed but feel that It Is in the best Interest of this future company to tweak a few areas of concern. Grosbeaks, 2013)" The internal organizational problems that are causing this issue are the fact that they are starting off with β†’

The determination of wage in india

Realizing that industrial peace is essential for progress on industrial as well as economic front, the central govt.convened in 1947, and a tripartite conference consisting of representatives of employers, labour and government.Govt.of India formulated industrial policy resolution in 1948 where the govt.has mentioned to items which has bearing on wages Statutory fixation of minimum wages β†’

Politics a: analysing theories of the state and individual evaluation of pluralism

Pluralism is a term used to describe a form of government, the type of government that can be seen in the UK and USA and is often referred to as Liberal or Representative Democracy. The collective but distinct power of these associations and groups representing different interests provide a counter to the tyranny of the β†’

Acceptance must be final and unconditional law contract essay

The purpose of the essay is to analyse the Australian case law whether the cases apply the rule of acceptance which is final and unconditional. The offer was not indicated to be subject to or condition upon the execution of a formal contract.

A chance for children

Each and every one of these children are given a life full of opportunity, a chance to obtain happiness, hope to light the path to the future, and imagination to shape the world; however not all are given that chance. This is because parents on welfare do not possess the emotional intelligence and empathy for β†’

One that the impact of media on

Several the modern- day scholars advance an assertion that the definition proves to underestimate all the sophisticated entity of the given field of studies; one should be conscious that body image is likely to refer to many different constructs starting from judgements in respect of the issues of weight, size, to being satisfied with the β†’

Factors affecting motivation of employees

Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation is to dredge out the factors that affect the motivation of the employees working in call centres and to contribute to research in the area of motivation among call centre employees. Benefits of the study: This study will be of great benefit as it responds to the call for β†’

Hostel ddday

Tech Degree as our Crown, We landed here, here we lived, here we matured, here Spent best years of our life, With best pals of mine, here learned basics and felthappinesswith sorrows, People of Old hostel, To thee I bow" It feels like yesterday when all of us came together as " freshers", when we β†’

Analysing the effects of overpopulation in developing countries politics essay

To some extent they would be a living justification of Thomas Malthus statement that " the power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man". In this essay, I seek to give an in depth explanation of Malthus principles on population growth and food production and further β†’

Organickidz: marketing strategy

The report contains an analysis of the situation, problem statement, a list of the options available, the criteria for evaluating these options and a final recommendation with the proposed plan of action. The options available are: to accept or reject the offer or to create a new design to be sold only to Costco.

Commentary: probing genomic aspects of the multi-host pathogen clostridium perfringens reveals significant pangenome diversity, and a diverse array of virulence factors

A Commentary on Probing Genomic Aspects of the Multi-Host Pathogen Clostridium perfringens Reveals Significant Pangenome Diversity, and a Diverse Array of Virulence Factors by Kiu, R, Caim, S, Alexander, S, Pachori, P, and Hall, L.J. 1470 gene families, and a larger accessory genome compared to only 10, 197 in the Kiu et al C.perfringens analysis.

Diseases affecting different parts of the body

They are: Bacterial pneumonia: The most common cause of pneumonia in adults is a bacterium called Streptococcus pneumonia. It is then more difficult for air to get in and out of the lungs.

1. relaxed: distinction between β€˜pakka’ food and

Changes in the Role of Caste: The caste system in its attempts to adjust itself to the changed conditions of life has assumed new roles. Changes in the role of caste must also be understood in the light of the influence of these factors.1.

Women in fiction essay

Wolfe states, " All I could do was to offer you an opinion upon one minor point a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction; and that, as you will see leaves the great problem of the nature of woman and the true nature of fiction β†’

Ability to efficiently process local stimuli psychology essay

The independent variable was the congruence of the stimuli, and the dependent variable being measured was the participant's reaction time in seconds. Summary This study examined the ability of participants to identify local stimuli when the associated global stimulus was either congruent or incongruent.

The case national biscuit vs stroud law company business partnership essay

On this basis, any conduct of the partners in relation to carrying out the affairs of the business has an impact on the liability of the partners. The duties of a general agent in a business association are to conduct a number of transactions that involve the continuity of service.

Implication of monroe doctrine on china

Basically James Monroe told to the crowns of Europe to " stay out of the America", He said " as far as I am concern the era of colonization is over, stop giving us the side eye and stop looking at maps to decide where you may place a colony next, No more European colonization β†’

Ecological and evolutionary implications of genomic structural variations

In this research topic, the contributed articles offer insights into the ecological and evolutionary implications of genomic SVs, emphasizing the advances, limitations, and importance of studying the evolution of structural polymorphisms in model and non-model organisms. This study provides a starting point to examine the role of SVs in the diversification and speciation of cichlids.

Samuel taylor coleridge addresses humanity’s relationship to the natural world

In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the final revision of the poem, many differences to the original are evident. In the first version, through its strict adherence to the traditional ballad form, an ambiguous critique of pre-modernity and modernity is insinuated.

Ethical impact of knowledge

Moreover, a rather interesting phenomenon that occurs in the academic world today is the existence of the foolish scholar; the man who harbors a veritable cornucopia of knowledge, but has little understanding of the practical aspects thereof, or of the use that other humans might put this knowledge to. While the possession of knowledge always β†’

Rhetorical evaluation of president trump’s attack on the four congressional women

This paper will analyze the use of rhetorical devices ethos and pathos in President Trump's tweet and to analyze how the media presented the issue to their audience. These were the opinions of a Bloomberg article published in the wake of the tweets.

Editorial: international society for microbial electrochemistry and technology: outputs from the 2018 regional meetings

Editorial on the Research Topic International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology: Outputs From the 2018 Regional Meetings The International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology is the premier scientific society for all research involving microorganisms and electron exchange. From a purely ecological perspective, the study of METs can inform our understanding of which bacteria β†’

Supply chain management in e commerce

In order to construction and discourse the study, it is critical to first understand the significance of following footings and their relationship with each other in an online concern to consumer to consumer context. Ecommerce Retailing over the cyberspace between concern, authorities, consumer etc Nariane R, 2003 B2B Exchange concern informations to carry on concern β†’

Identifying and meeting the needs of an individual client

By providing Mr jones wheel chair and took him for a walk to a nearby shopping mall for fresh air and to have a good communication and interaction with Mr jones and to arrange a GP visit for therapy for a day care basis and occupational therapist to assess Mr jones activities of daily living β†’

Interprofessional education assignment

We delegated a nursing and a pharmacy student to conduct the Interview with the Intention of providing 2 different viewpoints from the questions asked as well as to provide a more focused and centered conversation.2.2. Firstly, prior to the interview, we did our research into the interviewee's background and tried to understand his roles and β†’

Good example of diagnosis and treatment planning case study

These are the types of manifestations to which the families and the friends of the schizophrenic person become accustomed. The production of the neurotransmitters and the chemical imbalances that are caused by the abnormal amounts of production of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine has caused Joseph's condition.

A case study about vodafone company marketing essay

Over 19 million people use Vodafone services with the goal of Vodafone UK is " to be the world's number one leader of mobile communications" and a key element of this is to ensure that customers beliefs and approve of the company. Vodafone lunch new products and technology for developing countries in order to provide β†’

Unit 4 a

That is why, the emphasis of a certain value in order to come up with a decision has a role in relation to whose interests will be greatly promoted, which will result in an ethical and acceptable decision. Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development diffuses the emphasis on the realm of what to incorporate by β†’

Challenges in cross cultural communication

In these critical times we are always dealing with multimodal process relations of non verbal and verbal communication which play a key role in helping us comprehend the meaning of the communication process as well as be in a position to challenge the perspectives of education in relation to new behaviors and needs. In addition β†’

Argumentative essay on world war 2

The United States Operations in the European Theater began in January of 1942 and lasted throughout the duration of World War ll. The United States proceedings in the European Theater were beneficial to the final victor of the war.

Commentary: consistency of eeg source localization and connectivity estimates

The resting condition is a challenging state for source-level analysis, and likely represents a major source of inconsistency in the source localization and connectivity outcomes. Consistency of EEG source localization and connectivity estimates.

Editorial: immunomodulation of innate immune cells

Editorial on the Research Topic Immunomodulation of Innate Immune Cells We are delighted to present this Research Topic for Frontiers in Immunology, focusing on " Immunomodulation of Innate Immune Cells". Papers included in this collection highlight recent advances in our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms controlling activation and regulation of innate immune cells, as well β†’

Existentialist philosophy in sartre’s “no exit”

The commonplace setting of the work and the diversity of the basic character types allude to the applicability of the themes to reality. Throughout a large portion of the play, Garcin attempts to convince Estelle and Inez that he is not a coward for having abandoned his civic duty to enlist in the military.

Contrast assessments in education

David Boyanton and a group of educators conducted a study to determine if the emotions felt by a student could affect the outcome of the student's learning. Emotions are used during the procedure of learning, and as a result of learning." When a student is truly engaged in learning, he will naturally produce some emotion β†’

Cell to cell communication

Direct contact: When cells are very close to one another, some of the molecules on the plasma membrane of one cell can be recognized by receptors on the plasma membrane of an adjacent cell. Include a brief description of the three receptor super families.-When a receptor is a transmembrane protein, the ligand binds to the β†’

Ladri di biciclette (1948), director vittorio de sica – review

Ladri di Biciclette, on the surface, talks about a lower middle class jobless father's despair and frustration after his working tool, his bicycle, gets stolen; yet, in all its subtlety, the movie explores the disparity of wealth and treatment between the middle and the upper class in the society; and questions the importance of morality β†’

What is medical diagnostic imaging and radiology?

Pediatric conventional X-rays and computerized tomography require special examining protocols and techniques sets by the radiology department that are suitable to the patient's age and to the indication for the study in order to prevent the patient from unnecessary dose. This article is to discuss the principles of radiation protection for pediatric in general radiography, β†’

Urban planning, design and management

The arch theme is repeated in Christ Church; the arches over the building's semi-circular windows bring a sense of splendor to the place of worship. The painter uses light to portray a sense of hopefulness; it is entirely fitting that St.

Philippine election system essay

It also includes the manipulation of the result the election by the political elites, the " boboters" in Philippine election and the awareness of the public on the " ills" of election. Instead of being motivated to vote wisely, the " ills" of election just give the voters the concept of voting just for the β†’

Platos apology and charges against socrates religion essay

He studies things in the heavens and below the earths Socrates is an accused of being an evildoer person who is curious and walking in the air searching things that are under the earth and those in the skies thus he is identified by the jury as being a ' natural philosopher' and according to β†’

Comparison of quality management philosophies

Juran developed the Juran trilogy or the quality trilogy that addressed the planning, control, and improvement of quality. I believe that Juran's quality trilogy is a way of enhancing the value of goods and facilities for businesses to use efficiently on the business world.

Developing a software program

If there are leaks in the design and programming tactics and technology implementation then there would be a lot of leak in the system as well that result in a very severe or drastic problem. If there are leaks in the design and programming tactics and technology implementation then there would be a lot of β†’

How does acid rain affect buildings

Hypothesis: I think that the pH of the rain in Munich should be around 5-7 because of the industrial regions in Munich and the Automobiles using fossil fuel producing gases responsible for the formation of acid rain. In nature however rain is naturally acidic due to the carbon dioxide in the air which has been β†’

The effectiveness of hand washing nursing essay

The strength of the hierarchy of evidence is that it acknowledges the valid contribution of evidence generated by a range of different types of research. However, hierarchies only provide a guide to the strength of the available evidence and other issues such as the quality of research also have an important influence.

Gender differences in communication | essay

Most women and many men communicate differently and adopt different speech skills according to the situation they are facing, the purposes and the roles they have in society and at work. In the book, Men are from Mars and Women from Venus, John Gray wrote: Men mistakenly expect women to think, communicate, and react the β†’

Muller-lyer illusion

The line on the upper right of the screen had outward-drawn wings, and the line on the upper left had no wings. The results demonstrated that the 27 participants perceived an increase in illusion by the end of the experiment.

Assessing strategic options for the organization commerce essay

Therefore, the merchandise development is one of the of import strategic that HP used to convey their merchandise out of their company to the market and easy develop to other state and go internationally good known. This new merchandise have success attracts a tonss of the people due to the design and convenient which the β†’

Implementation of scientific management in an organization

The main directions of scientific management are: Improvement of forms of division and cooperation of labor in enterprises; Improvement of the workplace's organization and maintenance; Rationalization of techniques and methods of work; Improvement of work quota setting; Preparation and training the workforce; Improvement of the working conditions; Rationalization of work and rest; Strengthening of labor β†’

Phrases for analysis

The gist/core of the problem raised in the story is... The main idea/message of the story is....s the main thread of the story.

Factors affecting consumers willingness pay for luxury brands marketing essay

The factors influencing the customers willingness to pay for luxury brands differs from developed and developing countries. This has lead to a decrease in the purchase of luxury brands among the customers.

Do you think zayas is supporting or subverting the dominant ideology of seventeenth-century spain essay

In La Burlada Aminta, the minute Aminta dresses as a man to avenge her honour, she adopts a braver persona and even vows to undertake the task of actually killing her enemy. Her partner in this task is a man, and it would be naturally understood that the man in the pair would be the β†’