1600 Words Essay Samples

Phonemic awarness essay

Phonemic awareness is characterized in terms of the facility of the language learner to manipulate the sounds of oral speech. In order to tell whether two words rhyme, the child must attend to the sounds in the words rather than to the meaning of the words.

Historical and social contexts in ernest hemingway’s hills like white elephants

Although, the girl and her companion have a conversation through the story, neither of the speakers truly communicates with the other, highlighting the distance between the two. The road to the Madrid where they are heading to has a negative description of the land with no trees and no shade, that if Jig will go →

Is memory a constructive and active process?

Memory researchers have developed various theories to help to understand what regions of the brain are involved in making memories, and memory operating processes, how memories are constructed and how these are not always remembered exactly in the memory as they happened. It is the dynamic side of the memory that allows us to develop →

Single parenthood: literature review

In each of the categories, the percentage of children who had done these things from a single-parent household, was consistently higher than the percentages of those raised by both parents. Also in his article, Amato says that children from single-parent households have more exposure tostress, through many circumstances such as dealing with the financial burden, →

Development of tuberculosis treatment

In order to evaluate the therapeutic applicability of compound ' 9u', showing highly significant activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H 37 Rv strain, toxicity evaluation in target host cells i.e, human lung epithelium cells-A549 was done at and above the anti-tuberculosis effective doses. Our findings also demonstrate that there was a statistically insignificant transit shift in →

State and civil society: exploring the proper relationship

For Marx and Engels, they preferred equality to liberty as a relationship of the state and civil society as " the executive of the modern state" is nothing " but a committee for managing the affairs of the bourgeoisie". In viewing the relationship of the state and civil society, it is helpful to delve into →

Editorial: biogenic amines and neuromodulation of animal behavior

The first review by Ichinose et al.discusses the role of spontaneously firing dopaminergic neurons in the fruit fly brain and how they reflect the behavioral/internal state of the animal. Genetic manipulation of the activity of dopamine neurons resulted in changes to the behavioral state of the fly.

Food and beverage sector analysis

Because of the inconsistent fiscal year in the UK listed corporations, Y-0 was identified as the fiscal year which is the nearest year to present. Y-1 stands for the previous year of Y-0 and Y-2 stands for the previous year of Y-1.

Safeguards and policies to protect children from harm

The environment in which the children and adults are working within should be safe and clean, and any equipment and resources that are being used by the children should be safe and in good working condition to ensure they are protected from any harm. Protects children and young people from harm and abuse Enables staff →

Racism in martinsville, in

The incidents that affirm the racist image of this town, and things the town has done to erase that negative image are plenty. I think that the funny thing about this story is, the man who murdered this Black woman in Martinsville, Indiana that set in stone the racist image of the town, was not →

Helvetica: its significance and its impacts on our society essay

The typography is there, that is all it needs to do, but the bottle and glass of coke have to sweat to make their efforts to adhere to the properties which Helvetica depicts; modern, simple and the most effective word, refreshing. Generally, most graphic designers do not believe that it is necessary for a typeface →

Editorial: redox and metabolic circuits in cancer

Editorial on the Research Topic Redox and Metabolic Circuits in Cancer Biological processes in living cells require a constant supply of energy that primarily derives from the oxidation of biomolecules such as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. While the couple NADP +/NADPH is crucial for the antioxidant response and anabolic metabolism, NAD +/NADH and FAD/FADH2 convey →

Plato’s view on the souls

In the republic, he formulated ideas on the allegory of the cave and the theory of the forms. Plato's views, are best described in his analogy allegory of the cave in which it depicts a " prisoner" that escapes the cave metaphorical for this life- and goes on to discover everything he once believed in →

Which panel to ac. inverter advantages includes single

A modified sine wave can be seen as more ofsquare wave than a sine wave; it passes the high DC voltage forspecified amounts of time so that the average power and rmsvoltage are the same as if it were a sine wave. It is in this capability that the option of a closed loopcontrol circuit →

Green roofs advantages and disadvantages

The green roof helps to filter out most of the heavy metals and nutrients present in rainwater. Some types of green roofs especially the intensive green roof require a very strong water proofing material to prevent water and roots from penetrating the water proof membrane.

Fayol and mintzberg management roles

In the era of modernisation these days, it appears that the purpose of managers in every single organisation is becoming so essential that we are required to understand the real concept behind management as well as the actual tasks performed by a manager. The objective of this essay is to identify and provide evidences of →

Understanding the differences between the compellence and deterrence

Deterrence and compellence are not without their limitations and challenges, such as needing to be able to follow through with the threats made, and the risk of threats having an effect other than what was intended. This event is interesting because it not only displays multiple nations using deterrence methods to prevent each other from →

Core conditions essay

This can also apply to the clients behaviour outwith the session, it may be that the therapist has strong feelings about certain matters that the client is involved in, these feelings could also prevent the therapist from being able to provide the appropriate environment for the client. As we can see from the above, congruence →

Peter singer’s sticky situation essay

It is clear that this application of Singer's argument is in the present. In short, Singer's argument is effective for examples similar to the ones that he details, but does not function well as a general principle.

Response: commentary: a construct divided: prosocial behavior as helping, sharing, and comforting subtypes

Children readily distinguish between a person's proximate and ultimate goals, indicating they are attuned to the root of a problem. Emotional cues also communicate the intensity of a negative state, which may support children's decisions about when and how to respond.

The history of the canadian labor movement history essay

The Knights of Labor had been founded in Philadelphia in 1869 with the aim of facilitating the improvement of pay and better working conditions. This was based on the fact that the financial might of the Labor Congress of Canada was realized due to the limited skilled trade people.

The effect of volcanic eruptions on climate

This paper will examine the role volcanic eruptions have in affecting climate through the ejection of volcanic ash and the emission of different volcanic gasses including CO2, H2O vapour, and sulfuric compounds, and the impact certain historic volcanoes have had on climate by ejecting all of these kinds of particles. The kind of effect SO2 →

2002 salt lake city olympics

To focus on the role of the new management in redesigning the organization to ensure successful execution of the 2002 Winter Olympics; 2. The bribery scandal and how it underpins the sequence of events The bribery scandal had a huge impact on the planning of the Olympics as the financial viability of the games depended →

Dress to express

In the High School Handbook, the dress code is vague for a reason so that each violation of the dress code can be based on a case by case basis. According to the Melton versus Young case in 1972, when a student wore a jacket with the confederate flag on it, many students and faculty →

Exploiting the network: synergy, product placement

Synergy: The True Meaning of Cross-Market Advertising " We are reaching a position where the challenge for the 1990s should be to seek a greater understanding of the best ways, creatively, to exploit the potential for media synergy" The concept of synergy is not new, however evidence suggests it has only been fully realized and →

Symbolism set out into the worldas his father

The fire escape, a visually prominent part of the set, is an important symbol for the imprisonment that Tom feels and the possibility of a way out. Tom addresses the audience from the fire escape, and his positioning there, standing alone between the outside world and the space of the apartment, points to the painful →

Impact of parental overaspiration

To address this question, the study defines parental aspiration, parental expectation, and parental overaspiration as the desires or goals that the parents have for the student's future, the realistic beliefs that the parents have for the child's future, and the extent by which parental aspiration surpasses parental expectation, respectively. It was found that the participants →

Marketing audit narrative

Figure 1: Three-step procedure of marketing audit he company officer and a potential auditor to explore the nature of the marketing operations and the potential value of a marketing audit. Figure 2: Future research basic framework utility in a variety of situations, it is important to note some of the problems and pitfalls of the →

Explaining the symbolic interactionist model sociology essay

Humans are seen as ' pragmatic actors' who must adjust their behaviour to fit the appropriate actions of others." In order to understand the action of people, it is necessary to identify their world of objects" The actor firstly indicates objects in their environment which are regarded as meaningful and secondly, combines objects in an →

Impact of interprofessional working on service users

In order to optimise the health care and well-being of the SU, health care professionals must work together to achieve the best possible outcomes. This is further supported by Department of health stating that, to optimise the care of the SU, successful interprofessional working is essential.

To be human in robinson crusoe religion essay

When the reason sets in, he decides that the sign of the foot print could be the remnant of a cannibal tribe's visit to the island. He accepts the invasion of his island as simply God's punishment and vows that it was his unquestionable duty to resign himself to the will of God and also →

Physical environment in counseling and planning

According to Pulvino et al, " types of chairs can generate power or influence." In case of our offices, the planners' chairs, that are more expensive and usually higher than the ones provided for clients can produce an unwanted feeling of inferiority and discomfort for some of the clients. I think that everybody, including planners →

Psychosexual racism in going to meet the man

Jesse's obsession with black sexuality is ultimately merged in the ending when his nostalgia for a lynching that he saw as a child makes him hard and ready for intercourse." He thought of the boy in the cell; he thought of the man in the fire; he thought of the knife and grabbed himself and →

Shakespeare: magic and supernatural occurances

In A Midsummer Night's Dream, a love potion from a magical flower is used and misused to provide comic relief and resolution to love's difficulties, supernatural ghosts are used to condemn a horrific murderer in Richard III to ensure his downfall and deserved death and finally, magic from Prospero's book in The Tempest is used →

Thurgood marshall: supreme court nomination and confirmation

As head of the Legal Defense and Education fund of the NAACP, he garnered an impressive success rate arguing cases before the Supreme Court, which likely earned him the appointed to the Second Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals by President Kennedy. Marshall was nominated to fill an anticipated vacancy in the Court →

Sociological profile analysis paper essay sample

From a sociologist's perspective, he is the perfect epitome of an entity which is accountable to society and in return, his background is shaped by the kind of sociological environment that he has. Because of his father's dedication to public service, he was elected to a government position the governor of their province.

Crisis management big companies

The factor that determines how a company will withstand a crisis is its ability to respond to the crisis." The public forgives accidents, but it does not forgive a corporation if its response to the public is inadequate". Once a crisis occurs, the company is suddenly a target for the media, who are acting on →

Intention of life interest

According to Hanbury & Martin, when a husband gives his estate to his " widow for her life, and after her death to their children" but allows the wife to decide the shares for each child it is a valid power to " appoint using her absolute discretion with a gift in default of equal →

Case study example

In fact, during the trainings for its employees, Mike's discusses with its employees the latter's experiences in the outside world in terms of services they had received as employees and turns the discussion towards how the employees can do the same thing to Mike's customers. Mike's vary the prices of its services to distinguish the →

Rhetorical analysis of three academic articles essay

In the article, this can be found right in the foreword, when the writer was introduced to readers as the main author of the book ' The End of Oil: On the End of a Perilous New World', which was published in 2004. It states that America must not be complacent to the attacks of →


As a senior leader in an organization what can you do to change the culture and in turn increase performance of the business? As an HR leader in an organization what can you do to change the culture and in turn increase performance of the business?

Voluntary simplicity & the conundrum of consumption essay sample

The overall picture we should gather from this is that even if we were to dismiss the psychic stress imposed by the consumer lifestyle on individuals, it is difficult to endorse its continuance in the face of the environmental crises it generates. However, even a movement such as voluntary simplicity is insufficient to address the →

Creative product promotion

Conclusion Introduction In this task you design a promotional campaign for a given product/service to meet the needs of a given campaign/creative brief @ Fair trade Max Havelaar. Campaign brief Background to the proposed campaign The Max Havelaar Foundation grants since 1988 in the Netherlands, a hallmark of coffee at a fair price for producers →

Appeal of the nazi party history essay

Nevertheless, the Nazi party was capable of gaining control for a number of reasons; using the past government's mistakes for their benefit, they used the existing economic troubles to attract people to their party, they used the help of the always appealing and nationalist Hitler but the Nazi party was able to maintain control and →

Company culture – secrecy and the possible drawbacks

The main disadvantage of a secretive company culture would have to be the way communication is handled throughout the company. To take Toyota's side for a moment, what might be some of the strategic advantages deriving from the very Toyota company culture that is now getting such bad press?

Hypothetical situation the gym example philosophy essay

It is in the knowledge of the university that there is a difference of usage of the boys and girls gym with the boy's gym being used more than the girl's gym, if the usage has to be seen in relative terms. In the second scenario, the attempt is to see whether the decision of →

Theories on the economics of poverty

On this hypothesis, individuals are in poverty in light of the fact that they end up in gaps in the monetary framework that convey them deficient wages. It takes from this that devastated individuals are not the same individuals consistently and the best way to diminish poverty is to modify the financial structure to lessen →

Unification of spain

Unification of Spain: the Good, the Bad, and the Really Ugly Alexis Wilson The Europeans wanted to expand their minds and their wealth with what the " unknown" world had to " offer". After " discovering" the diversity of the Indies, intellectuals of Spain argued over the humanity and proper social role of the indigenous →

Fredrick winslow taylor essay sample

Louis Brandeis, who was influenced by Taylor's writing, coined the term scientific management in the course of his argument for the Eastern Rate Case, which Taylor used in the title of his monograph The Principles of Scientific Management, published in 1911. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management.

Sputnik college essay

Sputnik led to a wave of near-hysteria in the United States about the perceived in adequacy of the nation's defense. A decade earlier, the RAND Corporation had foreseen that the launching of the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth " would inflame the imagination of mankind, and would probably produce repercussions in the world →

The difference between natural law and legal positivism

Kelsen was of the view that the only law is positive law, which is the product of the will of the people, there are no natural laws, therefore. Legal positivism declares that morality is irrelevant to the identification of what is valid law and that the criteria for the validity of a legal rule of →

Impact of digitisation on media consumption

This is because, it is not the creator of a virtual product that is spreading it to the mass, but it is the masses who are spreading it among one another and their networks. Thirdly, through Trump's tweets the representation of a paradoxical connection with globalization is evident and this allows information to be instantaneously →

Bennett explores the fine line between wisdom and foolishness in ‘the history boys’. discuss with reference to this comedic drama.

This does show him to hold some wisdom, however, as he was smart enough to cover up the fact that he did not attend Oxbridge, even if the lie was not successful, and that he is wise as he does want the best for the boys, but again, this is outweighed by the foolish decision →

Medea and the women of the tale of genji: trapped in a man’s world

To begin with Medea, Medea, like the women in The Tale of Genji, is a victim of a society that holds unrealistic gender expectations for women; in many cases men in society even hold women to a double standard. The expectation for women to be selfless is described in the following lines; " And she →

Running head: prx and drug to drug interactions

This paper therefore seeks to explain the types of the PXR drug to drug transactions, and the advantages that have been accrued, and how the procedures have been administered. The drug to drug interactions also include the herbs and drugs interaction that has recently sparked a lot of unprecedented interest among researchers who are now →

Nutrition project: analysis of dietary causes and effects

I have selected the lose weight option that sets a target for the number of macronutrients and kilojoules I should be attaining, and the application also calculates micronutrients that make it easily assessable for individuals due to the variety of analysis. Four out of the five days of tracking my intake, I did fall under →

National flood insurance plan: efforts in reducing flood los

According to the city code statutes of the City of St. Further education for the citizens of the city is on a detailed web page for the City of St.

Electronic health record (ehr) system potential threats and measures taken to protect it

People tend to migrate to a different area or country, thus making it difficult to transfer piles of paperwork and medical records to every point of medical institution which a patient is seeking treatment. Patients and doctors are aware of the security requirements base upon the system with the usage of communications over open and →

What kinds of explanations do scientists offer and how do those compare with those offered in other areas of knowledge? essay

What are the differences between theories and myths, as forms of explanation? " The kinds of explanations offered by scientists compare and contrast to those offered by myths. Theories are now more believable than myths due to the fact that they are explained by logical tests and factual evidence.

Problems that epiphone faced essay sample

Although the market was certainly ripe, the recording guitars were not successful accepted by the market because the recoding guitars was lack of celebrity endorsement and the volume of recording guitars was too small and arguably too ornate if compared to the mighty size and volume of the Gibson L-5. In addition to the fall →

Behavioral support plans in early childhood education

The main purpose of having behavior management in the Early Childhood Education setting is to help the children be able to exhibit behaviors that are conducive to learning and to be able to teach children social behaviors so that they will know how to behave appropriately at school and at home as well. If a →

Effect of neutralizing activity on discomfort

The article concur the fact that the neutralizing thought or the activity used as a retort to invasive thinking that gets rid of the anxiety is the foremost aspect of obsessive-compulsive disorder. People who are used to neutralizing fail to comprehend that the invasive thought does not have the supremacy to convey the thought in →

Effect of technology development on entertainment

The continuous development and advancement in the digital technology continue to make a tremendous impact on television, playing an important part of family lives' by offering quality entertainment and increasing the way of family bonding. The show not only caters to mostly female audience demographics where most females are at home watching TV; the audience →

Factors impacting child and parent perceptions of products

The material and structural design of the children's product packaging affects parents' perceptions of the product. Parents' perceptions of children's product packaging are influenced by the material and structural design of the package.

Education: the social institution | research

According to the curriculum the students are provided to learn the subjects that tell about the way of living, the way to speak, dress, stand, sit, and walk, it also provides norms, value and persuade the young Cambodians to love and protect their own national heritage; moreover, the information the students get is to follow →

group case study: emphysema essay sample

Since D.Z.is on azithromycin, what nursing actions need to be added to the plan of care? Carefully dilute the medication in the proper amount of solution Azithromycin is a drug that needs to be reconstituded/diluted.

The country wife and reversal of power dynamics

The women of the play, in a less powerful position due to the time period's unfortunate gender roles rather than by choice, similarly use deception to gain power over their apparently more powerful husbands by using Horner's treachery to their advantage. The power wielded by Horner and his lovers is shown to the audience most →

Healthcare costs in canada: an analysis

More importantly it shows that the people are willing to take part in shouldering the expense of the government when it comes to health care and this is proven in this poll in that nearly 70% of those polled have ideas on how to make the health care system be as functional and as efficient →

Why do people get depressed

There are several studies which suggest that people with a depression or a bipolar disorder may have irregularities in number and sensitivity receptor sites for serotonin and norephinephrine, especially in the areas of the brain inculpated in the management of emotion e.g.hypothalamus. From a cognitive point of view it is the person's false interpretation of →

Strategically designed program

The ability of the system to be able to respond to the slightest of movements, will allow banks to enhance protection of their money and be able to access the system at any time even if off location. The system has a device attached to the door, and thus whenever the door is opened, the →

Impact of obama on us regulatory system

One is then forced to question whether the purpose of appointing unfitted people for the jobs is to render the regulatory system useless. The President is elected to be a leader.

‘jane eyre’ written by charlotte bronte

According to the question put forward, Charlotte Bronte used the characters Mr Broklehurst and Miss Temple, from the novel ' Jane Eyre' to make known her views on the Victorian society. The main difference between Mr Broklehurst and Miss Temple is that, Mr Broklehurst is a man, and Miss Temple is a woman.

Positive and negative contrast media

Contrast media is composed of two types of ionic and non ionic contrast media is devided into two categories Positive contrast media Negative contrast media Positive contrast agents are agents that have the atomic mass and a high rate of obstruction high. Generally, a positive contrast agent is the key to ensuring that the patient →

The effectiveness of l-ascorbic acid and retinol in the treatment of skin

The objectives that were determined in the clinical trial included the impact of the chemicals on the skin texture and consistency, the effects on pigmentation, the effects on fine lines, the effects on skin moisture content and the effects in skin surface texture. The method that was used in the trial was the application Retinol →

The metamorphosis by f. kafka

The first sentence of The Metamorphosis announces Gregor Samsa's death and the rest of the story is his slow dying. What Gregor awakens to on the morning of his metamorphosis is the truth of his life.

Serial killers karla homolka and paul bernardo

We chose Karla Homolka as our famous serial killer as she shows the public the first time a violent criminal can be a woman and how dangerous a women criminal in the 1900's could be and how her involvement in the crimes went almost unnoticeable. It was known that Karla was more of a bossy →

Criminal investigation term

Owing to the magnitude of the effects of a fire, there is a need for a thorough analysis and enlightenment on the causes of such destructive fires, the burn indicators, fire setting, and mechanisms of initiating fire, establishing the motives of the arsonists as well as means of locating the suspects. For example, an accelerant →

Effects of science on changing knowledge

There is a constant change in knowledge that is accepted because the view that people have on the world is never written in stone. The use of the word discarded in the statement given does not necessarily mean that all previous knowledge is thrown away and an entirely new idea is accepted, but it actually →

Thomas hobbes and francis bacon in english history history essay

Regarding Thucydides' great History of the Peloponnesian Wars: Hobbes stated," For the principal and proper work of history being to instruct, and enable men by the knowledge of actions past to bear themselves prudently in the present and providently in the future, there is not extent any other that doth more fully and naturally perform →

Key features of the psychodynamic approach in psychology

Psychodynamic approaches are those that assume that the human personality development and disturbances is rooted in the interplay or dynamics of psychosocial energies that is the drives, needs and instincts within the individual or between the individual and society. Since the id, ego and superego are always in conflict, and the id and superego were →

Feminist gender sport

Women are capable to play good in the sports and they should be allowed to play and should be given proper facilities in the sports, as given to men. The concept of Feminism is used to highlight the gender inequalities in the society, which are obvious in all the fields of the society.

Food safety and sustainable development essay sample

Improving the quality control system of production, distribution, processing and marketing is important to ensure food safety. Generally speaking, the issue of food safety includes quality security, nutritional balance and sustainable supply.

The native and the foreign

In these texts, the foreign and the native are described as the latter having a superiority complex, being physically violent to the former, but are also, in both cases, self-mocking; however, in The Histories of Herodotus, there is some form of respect, compassion, and curiosity of the foreign in the native eye. The only contrast →

A comparative study of three pre-1914 love poems

Stress is placed upon the most important words and the rhythm reflects the heart beat of the writer, changing depending on the scene. The word " sun" is a homophone of " son" and is used to great effect in this example.

Gestational development and preterm birth health and social care essay

Therefore, cortisol is a biological marker of stress and may be a useful measure of the stress experienced by pregnant women and verify the relationship between stress, depression and preterm birth. Therfore; the purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between maternal stress, depression, cortisol level and preterm birth.

Editorial: multi-omic data integration

Indeed, the possibility to have a omic view on virtually all molecular layers pushes to integrate the study of systems at yet another level of complexity, a run harmed, and not negligibly, by the difficulties in formatting, storing, and reusing the deluge of data encompassing every level of biological organization. 1038/227561a0 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full →

The female gothic: edith wharton’s “pomegranate seed” and “afterward”

We see her anxiety manifest itself in the haunting details of opening the letter: the " deep silence of the room" and the " human cry" dispelled from the tearing of the envelope. She is seen as living in a golden cage, blissfully unaware of the ugly truths of the world and her husband's business.

Editorial: the bacterial cell: coupling between growth, nucleoid replication, cell division, and shape volume 2

The contributions to this volume are divided to three Chapters: Coupling between Major Cellular Processes, Cell Growth and Division, and Bacterial Nucleoid and Initiation of Replication. In this view both initiation of replication and the processes leading to cell division are coupled to growth rate, as also emphasized by Kleckner et al.

Marketng analysis of bajaj fans

Those steps are; Analyze Vision and Strategic intent where we want to be future Reviewing mission statement in terms of rationale for existence of the business and value of the business. Under that product marketing plan strategic business unit has analyze, create and developed strategies to support the corporate strategies in the every aspect.

The microbial nitrogen cycle

Kirkpatrick et al.and Fuchsman et al.report on denitrification and anammox processes and the microbes involved in those transformations in the narrow suboxic zone of the Black Sea water column. Concurrent activity of anammox and denitrifying bacteria in the Black Sea.

Impact of eurozone crisis on singapore economics essay

The current Eurozone crisis began in the year 2010, where the world economies are not in the pink of health to respond to this crisis shortly after the United States subprime crisis. 8 per cent in the year 2010 after world economies recovered from the effect of United States subprime crisis, in the following year →

Physical therapy assignment

Although they may always have a lot of paperwork to do, and can sometimes work long hours, they are paid fairly well and they receive the satisfaction of helping people which makes this an honorable and rewarding Job. Typically, when a physical therapist arrives at work, they check their vocalism and schedule, and they tart →

Parliamentary derives from dicey’s, his perspectives of parliament

Custom perspectivesof parliamentary sovereignty derives from Dicey's, his perspectives of parliamentare the following; the first being that parliament is the ultimate law-makinginstitution and may sanction any law, the second being is that no parliament isto be bound by a forerunner nor bind afuture successor and the remainder of Diceys principles is that no individualor body →

The serious problems of climate change politics essay

To deeply understand why it is, let's briefly look at the overview of the climate change, why it is a big problem, the response that Cambodia have made, and finally we will examine on those initials whether they effective or not. Furthermore, it is even more impossible because the international approaches also fail to regulate →

Online college vs. traditional college

Shortly after that I attempted to go to a local community college in my city and I just did not have the motivation to go to school anymore. Online college just makes life a little easier to work around when you do not have the time to attend classes during the day or even in →