1600 Words Essay Samples

Henry viii’s succession acts assignment

The Act of Succession 1534 is a statute issued by the English Parliament under the reign of King Henry VIII, which confirmed the annulment of Henry's marriage to Queen Katherine and validated Henry's marriage to Anne Boleyn. The validation of this marriage on Cranmer's ' grounds of judgement' is said in the Act to be β†’

An inquiry concerning human freedom

However, the only experience of the future being like the past is that in the past, the future has been like the past. To assume that the future will be like the past on the basis that that has happened in the past is to assume what was to be proven, which is circular reasoning β†’

Editorial: physiology and pathophysiology of the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor

The aim of this research topic is to group research articles and reviews that highlight the latest discoveries on the multifaceted roles of the CaSR both in health and disease. In the present research topic Zhang et al.review the newest insights into the molecular basis of the structure and functional cooperativity of the CaSR, describing β†’

Truth is that which the community settles to

The reason the sun looks yellow to earth's community is that the light emitted by the sun scatters in our atmosphere and creates an illusion of the color changing. According to Pierce, if the whole community settles down to the belief that the sun is yellow, the truth is that the sun is yellow, but β†’

The politics of shelley’s “ode to the west wind”

In his impassioned paean " Ode to the West Wind", Percy Bysshe Shelley focuses on nature's power and cyclical processes and, through the conceit of the wind and the social and political revolution prompted by the Peterloo massacre of August 1819, examines the poet's role therein. Stanza II compares the " loose clouds" to the β†’

Frederick douglass, “what, to the slave, is the fourth of july” assignment

The Declaration of Independence stated itself that, "[they] hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are the Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," but what's not commonly grasped is that the effects of the Declaration β†’

South africa’s economy and fiscal objectives

In measuring the appropriateness of the South African fiscal policy stipulated in the general budget for the 2011/2012 period, one must look not only at South Africa's current economic position but rather the state of the economy over the last five years as well as the context of the ASGISA outcomes and the overall economic β†’

Healthcare organization: strategy for pressure ulcers

If a patient is admitted with a pre-existing pressure ulcer, it is vital that the patient is repositioned to promote blood flow to those tissues and the removal of wastes from the tissue. This is very important in the healing and prevention of pressure ulcers.

Class conflict in kenya assignment

The Traditional view, which reigned in the sass's and sass's held the idea that conflict was a negative feature Of society and was evidence Of dysfunction brought about by inadequate communication, and a lack of trust and openness between different groups in society. In the pursuit of interests, resources are scarce and this leads to β†’

Temperature effects on radish root development essay sample

During the 12 hour dark period, the " cold" group was kept in a refrigerator set at constant 4 C and the " hot" group was placed on a heating pad set at a constant temperature of 30 C. Effects of Soil Temperature on the Growth of Bean Plants and Their Susceptibility to a Root β†’

Editorial: toward consumer 4.0 insights and opportunities under the marketing 4.0 scenario

We also propose research lines based on the combination of two key factors: the advancement of technologies and the impact of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. Studies on " Big Data" illustrate the importance of capturing and analyzing huge amounts of information and Rubio et al.underscore the importance of virtual communities on the co-creation process.

International frontiers

This is the base of analysing US's extreme leniency and favour towards managers, to the disadvantage of the shareholders. In the event that a takeover is imminent, and unavoidable, managers can change their incumbent role of preservation of the corporation, to maximization of shareholder value through sale.

Lying: a metaphorical memoir by lauren slater

By the end of the book, they begin to also believe that she wants to ask them, as a last resort, to help her in her healing process by the following: giving her much need attention and through that, letting her clear her conscience of guilt over the wrong acts that she had committed. So β†’

Expatriate selection process relation to success and failure business essay

With more houses traveling planetary in hunt of competitory advantage, the success of the exile is built-in to the company. The ground for exile failures in these MNCs is that there is a deficiency of a proper standard for the choice of the exile.

Imitations as part of child development

They are doing this by informing parents and adults that what they are exposing their children to are going to affect their social development, motor and cognitive development as they get older. The people and things that infants and children are exposed to affect their social development, motor and speech/language skills, and cognitive development.

Scientific method assignment

This study is conducted in order to asses the effects of caffeine In the endurance of the atheletes. The respondents are in the good shape to conduct this research and agreed on what might be the side effects of the caffeine during the research.

The song of roland

The Benevolent God in Inferno is portrayed to be the all-powerful and all-good; the same is assumed by the medieval characters in The Song of Roland. The Franks, according to The Song of Roland, represent pure good in the heart of man and are moved by the will of God.

Is seed and soil theory suitable for metastatic spread of pituitary carcinomas?

Based on analysis of autopsies in 735 fatal cases of breast cancer, Paget suggested that the spread of metastatic cells was organ-specific and not merely anatomical and involved interaction between the cancer cells and the host organ and that metastases developed only when the seed and soil were compatible. The purpose of this commentary is β†’

The paris peace settlement

But the more he promised in the way of reform, the louder grew the demands for an overturn of the whole monarchical regime, and to such demands the counsel of the American President, Woodrow Wilson, gave point and cogency. The history of the German Empire of the Hohenzollerns was thus almost exclusively the history of β†’

The sense datum theory philosophy essay

For the subject, it sensibly appears to be the case that something has the quality of being gold and according to the phenomenal principle if this is the case, then there really is something with the quality of being gold. In the car example, if the car which is in fact red looks gold to β†’

Reflection essay on huck finn

Throughout the book, Twain uses Huck, the Duke and the King to compare and contrast different forms of lying, and to illustrate how context plays a large role in the moral weight of a deception. Unlike the more serious and character damaging lies of the King and the Duke, Huck's deceptions are, for the most β†’

Ryan’s daughter

The key thing to remember about their relationship was that she failed to recognize all of the signs in the beginning. Though she was not able to pursue a relationship with the Major, she experienced love in a way that made her come alive, and that is admirable.

Social class – jane eyre/pride and prejudice assignment

Charlotte Bronze's own social background was that of being relatively middle class as she was the daughter of a allergen, which may have impacted on Cane's attitude towards the ranks of society: it is shown at many points in the novel that social classes are unfair and prejudiced. Bronze's reluctance to have Jane and Rochester β†’

Classroom observation paper assignment

There was a schedule on the board showing the times for each subject and a calendar with the current and previous days dates on it. It started with a chosen student that sits in the rocking chair and reads the class rules to her peers, who are sitting in a circle on the rug in β†’

A standard costing and variance analysis

If a difference between the actual cost and the standard cost is observed, an investigation is required since it suggests the inefficiency in the calculation of estimates. Definition of standard cost: " a pre-determined cost calculated in relation to a prescribed set of working conditions, correlating technical specifications and scientific measurements of material and labor β†’

Elements of tort negligence with reference to specific cases

In doing so may not be the cause of an accident however can contribute to the significant injury, which in this scenario both the plaintiff and the defendant have partial fault in the causing the overall incident. With the duty of care of the defendant, the plaintiff claimed that the defendant failed to notice the β†’

Debate paper final thomas essay

Physicians, as the healers of society must consider the implications of prescribing medical marijuana, morally, and ethically in relation to the health of the patient. The practice of using marijuana to treat patients with serious health conditions has been prevalent in the medical community for many years.

Background and dissent from teoh law constitutional administrative essay

The provisions of an international convention to which Australia is a party, especially one which declares universal fundamental rights, may be used by the courts as a legitimate guide in developing the common law.[7]On the other hand, Mchugh J disagreed with the majority, he treated the legitimate expectation identified by the majority as one involving β†’

Krispy kreme objectives

In this case, we will discuss about Krispy Kreme strategies, the reason why Krispy Kreme need to revamp its own strategy plans as well as the environmental factor that influence the company. This is the opportunity of expansion: in the final quarter of the year 2003, worldwide sales of Krispy Kreme doughnuts increased nearly 29% β†’

Adult education critical analysis

The aim of adult education is to help adults acquire more knowledge and skills that they did not acquire in their formal education. Conclusion Adult learning is essential both to an individual and the organization as a whole.

The key to understanding fractions

They need to understand that the dividend is the number of parts in each share, while the divisor refers to the fraction name of the share. In this case, " the fraction represents a comparison between the number of parts of the partitioned unit to the total number of parts in which the unit is β†’

Role of triage in emergency care

The decision is made to prioritize who had the best chance of survival, and what level of care for the survivors In the last 20 years, this concept has become applicable in response to the increasing traffic to the emergency rooms and several tools have been developed to assess, prioritize and sort patients coming to β†’

Captain shannon’s character: the question of the dehumanizing effects of war

The novel is based on the proverb ' the first casualty of war is truth', and this is depicted through society's perception of Shannon as a stereotypical brave and selfless soldier, when the truth is that he often behaves in a callous and ruthless manner towards those he encounters, demonstrating that the true nature of β†’

Humor & persuasion essay

Humor is one technique that is used, because by using humor in persuasion, it gets the listener to connect with the one using persuasion. With persuasion increasing in the world today, various people have started to use various methods for their message to be successful, and using humor is one technique.

The gibson girl takes america

There is more to the style of the Gibson Girl than just fashion and looks, it reveals a lot about her utility as well. The Gibson Girl is a superstar and a revolutionary in that her image was plastered across many popular publications and other forms of media across the nation.

Japan: economic and environmental analysis

Japan, the land of the rising sun, has experienced a devastating history of turmoil, but nonetheless, the nation has redeveloped itself into one of the most important and influential markets in the world. Japan is home to some of the largest and most recognized firms in the world.

The impact of penal populism on policy change criminology essay

Both penal populism and populist punitiveness are used to refer to the presumption that it is the harsh attitudes of the general public that drives and justifies a harsher stance on crime and punishment policies. Penal populism has enabled new policy agendas to be created, redefined official opinions on crime and punishment and Pratt states β†’

Analysis of construct traits in personality theory

DEFINITION In considering the importance of the construct traits in personality theory, the author will look closer at the definition of personality and that of the construct traits.2.1. On returning to the question, and considering the above definition of personality, it would appear that for the construct traits to play a significant role in personality β†’

Matt leeds

Leeds was interviewed by managers that impressed him but he was also told he would not know who his boss or assignment was until the first day of work, He was also told he would become an engagement manager within 2 to 3 years. Lyle tool Leeds his initial Job was to work on project β†’

Great tragedies in hamlet by william shakespeare

In Shakespeare's play Hamlet, the protagonist Hamlet is sane in reality but appears to be insane to accomplish his desire of executing his father's murderer. Even in the play, most characters like Polonius, Claudius and his mother think that Hamlet's insanity is not true.

Now you see me

This aspect of the coordination between games and living with illusions is a major characteristic of Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? and is introduced by the game that George calls Humiliate The Host. Although taking the role of game designer throughout a majority of the novel, Martha leads the charge in the first game.

Mary and norma bell

The body was inspected and the came to the conclusion that the tentative way in which the cuts had been inflicted strongly suggested that it had been the work of a child. She had been with Mary and Brian the day that Brian was killed.

Critique of picasso at the lapin agile assignment

By breaking that third wall between the audience and the play, Martin makes a very humorous act and allows one of his characters to use the play pamphlet to site the location of the casts' order of appearance. You have to be an artist to be able to think of the vast universe and there β†’

Literature comparison: one flew over the cuckoo’s nest and 1984 essay

In One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Kesey tackles the problem of mental institutions and how the categorization into the sane and the insane can be used to secure conformity and docility. It can be said that while both of these books address the issue of hidden methods of coercion, Nineteen-eighty Four provides a bleak β†’

Felix hoenikker: the man, the disorder, the misperceptions

Furthering the argument that Hoenikker's Asperger's are to blame for the destructive weapons created by Hoenikker is Matt Wallace in his article Dr. First, with the theory that Hoenikker has Asperger's in mind, Felix would not have been able to understand the concept of manipulation because of his Asperger's.

Manual inventory

Tracking sales is much simpler because all the calculations are done by the computer and can be printed out in a number of financial reports.financial reports can be customized to show profit by day or by item.medium to large inventory with more than one item in stock a computerized system may be more effective in β†’

Gsi company essay

The objective of the paper is to analyse the role and benefits of GSI system in supply chain management. The case study attempts to look into and analyse some of the standards offered by the system sustains supply chain In an effective way, It analyses the formation of the system, the standards it applies, products β†’

Reflective assignment on inter professional education

In this assignment I will use Gibbs model of reflection to reflect on some of the work that the group and myself carried out and ways in which it could be improved. If this had happened again and the original idea was a definite favourite of the group I think the group should approach the β†’

Kautilya also known as chanakya

Kautilya, also known as Chanakya or Vishnugupta was the key advisor to and the genius behind the strategy undertaken by the king Chandra Gupta Maurya who stopped the advance of Alexander the Great's successors and introduced the Golden Age of India.[2]The Mauryan kingdom united and amalgamated the Indian sub-continent into a single entity for the β†’

Move and position individuals in accordance with their care plan essay sample

It is also important to move and handle correctly to ensure nerve fibres are not damaged as they are delicate structures and also important as they send impulses to muscles which enables the muscles to contract and relax. If you are assisting an individual to move it is joint responsibility of yourself and your employer β†’

External communication

External communication should be interactive and work in both ways External communication should be sensitive to the needs of both the organization and its stakeholders with whom the organization intends to communicate. The form and the content of the external communications should be appropriate to its objectives and serve the needs of the intended audiences.

Determining the molar mass of carbon dioxide

The volume of the displaced water is equal to the volume of the gas produced in the reaction. So we will measure the mass of CaCO3 and HCl before the reaction and the mass of the substance in the beaker after the reaction + H2O ) assuming that the difference will be a mass of β†’

Corrections trend evaluation

They are aware and informed of the overwhelming explosion of inmate population in the United States of America. With the voice of citizens being the center behind the progress in any nation, this may fail to receive a positive backing in eyes of the society.

Understanding the globalisation of technology firms business essay

Globalisation of engineering is introducing and development of the new engineering in ain state every bit good as internationally and besides seems to environ in the cultural system, labour market, national institutional, authorities policies, jurisprudence establishments, school, houses, national concern Centre, MNCs, corporate institute, concern Centre etc they all are the comes under the globalization β†’

Genetic drift assignment

Genetic drift is the gradual change in the genome of populations over time, even in the absence of natural selection. The net result of such a disaster is a reduced genetic variability in the population.

Ethics of organ donation and transplantation history essay

In the Christian tradition, Saints Cosmas and Damian are famous for replacing the diseased leg of a true believer with the leg of a dark-skinned Moor, thereby becoming the patron saints of physicians and surgeons.[i] Many Roman and Chinese myths cite transplants of legs and hearts by saints and medicine men, but the first account β†’

Beyond farce

The subtlety of this inversion and complexity of the play is revealed through the language in the play displaying the irony of the alter-ego lacking earnestness having the name of Ernest. This infers that the play is most definitely a fusion of both a farce and comedy of manners.

Angela`s ashes critique essay

Frank is on his 10th year and was preparing for his confirmation and after being confirmed, he had a nosebleed and was rushed to the hospital and found out that he has a typhoid fever. His life together with his family in Limerick shows a side of poverty in that place that was never known β†’

Coping mechanisms

As seen in the article titled " Denial" by the Changing Minds Organization, and in the beginning of the novel, Melinda, the protagonist, employs denial as a coping mechanism to overcome the emotions she has after her rape. Melinda's lack of support cause her to hide most of the feelings she has post trauma, but β†’

Understanding social change

4) Research Methods: i) Conduct a questionnaire to be carried out in Exeter.ii) Collect secondary data relevant to the project iii) Map the shops and services in the high street to gain an understanding of what age groups Exeter wants to attract.iv) Find out if there is a strong sense of community by finding out β†’

The sociological aspects of the media and popular culture

There is also an argument that corporate monopolisation of media ownership and modes of production mean that the media have become the instrument of private capital and mediated colonisation. The essay will discuss the sociological aspects of the media and popular culture with reference to the social impact of the internet and related technologies and β†’

Symbolic interactionism and dialects theory essay sample

Behavior is not defined by forces from the environment such as drives, or instincts, but rather by a reflective, socially understood meaning of both the internal and external incentives that are currently presented Herbert Blumer set out three basic premises of the perspective: * " Humans act toward things on the basis of the meanings β†’

Editorial: at the crossroads: lessons and challenges in computational social science

The Editorial on the Research Topic At the Crossroads: Lessons and Challenges in Computational Social Science The interest of physicists in economic and social questions is not new: during the last decades, we have witnessed the emergence of what is formally called nowadays sociophysics [ 1 ] and econophysics [ 2 ] that can be β†’

Editorial: from biology to clinical management: an update on aortic valve disease

In the present topic, Nchimi et al.performed a systematic review and meta-analysis in order to evaluate the role of imaging biomarkers in predicting AS progression to clinical symptoms and mortality. Aortic stenosis in the elderly: disease prevalence and number of candidates for transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a meta-analysis and modeling study.

Webdespix ltd case study questions

The main features of a private limited company include:* It is owned by the shareholders.* It is controlled by the board of directors.* It is managed by appointed managers.*Financecan be gained by borrowing from banks or selling shares.* The profits go to the shareholders of the company, in the form of dividends. How much dividend β†’

Epidemiology of the influenza virus

The central focus of this paper is to investigate the methodology of disease transmission for the influenza virus. An intensive examination will be made of the social determinants of health and how those components factor into the ailment along with the epidemiologic triangle in relation to the flu infection and the chain of contamination.

Integration in the lonely londoners

The first point that makes Cap a singular character among all the others, besides his origin and that he comes to study, is the specific way he is represented by the narrator when compared to the other boys. He is the one who knows all of them very well, as in the end of the β†’

Sustainability and corporate social responsibility in universities

University as an intermediary to cultivate future talents to society, has the responsibility to educate their students about what it means to be socially responsible and how to take social responsibility to in order to achieve the long-term sustainability. However, if a university does not take social responsibility, it will be perceived as selfish, it β†’

Marketing on starbucks

But because of the hundreds of other products that they offer such as a Frappuccino, which is my favourite drink, I would consider going to a coffee bar to get it. It is quite hard to have easy access to a Starbucks coffee shop as the nearest one is in Middlesbrough, therefore in that case β†’

Assignment ob essay

2 explain how the relationship between an organization's structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business Culture and structure is working like a backbone in the organization. In the positive way it differentiate the organization to the another one which do not have a culture and structure.

Health professionals of prevention in italy: the value of expertise during covid-19 pandemic

The Health Care Professions of Prevention includes two degree courses to train professionals able to use prevention methodologies for the community or the individual health: Health Assistants and Prevention technicians in the environment and in the workplace. Covid-19 and the power of public health.

The affects of seasonal affective disorders

The results of the experiment would be read from the behavioral and physiological parameters obtained from the two categories of the male rats. Ethical dilemmas The research that was conducted in this study involved the use of rats and an examination of the behavioral and physiological consequences of subjecting the two different groups of rats β†’

Valuing project achieve

Valuing Project Achieve In order to forecast the value provided by each customer type to Project Achieve, we must first identify the breakdown of customers based on the probabilities given in the case, and then forecast the cash flows associated with each type of customer. The valuation of Project Achieve is extremely risky considering the β†’

Active citizenship coursework

This final stage of the planning required lots of paperwork to certify the route to meet the criteria required, such as organising the insurance for the group.[improvement - possibly choose skills I have not already undertaken] What I have done for the award There is a large area of work which I have done in β†’

“the daughters of the late colonel” as a modernist work

This strong symbolism/ abstraction is another aspect of the story that situates it in the Modern period. The fact that these girls are alienated from the rest of society and do not have faith in God shows this to be a Modernist work.

A caring and helping profession nursing essay

Nursing philosophy forms the framework for nursing practice and guides the application of nursing process to effectively manage the complexities of evolving nursing roles." Developing a nursing philosophy requires that a nurse embarks on a journey of self-discovery", Rew, 1994. The science of nursing is based on the principles and theories of behavioral and natural β†’

Rheumatic heart disease: prevention techniques

Gupta the more severe a bout of rheumatic fever or the more frequently a patient is exposed, the more likely to have permanent heart damage, causing rheumatic heart disease. Conclusion In conclusion, the ideal prevention for rheumatic heart disease would be a vaccine to prevent initial development of a strep throat infection.

The shuttle challenger tragedy address: a speech by former president ronald reagan

The third part of the address which is to deal with the position of the United States as a superpower with an excellent space program and its significance in the Cold War era was inserted in the middle of the speech in a more subtle manner but there again there was no way the audience β†’

Communism and the need for political action

The mode of production is characterized by the extent of the division of labor." The existing stage in the division of labour determines also the relations of individuals to one another with reference to the material, instrument, and product of labor," says Marx. This organization and centralization is one of the steps that Marx defines β†’

Marks spencers enterprise system

The customer relationship of Marks & Spencer was summarized by the slogan " The customer is always and completely right". Main purpose of customer relationship management is to avoid miscommunication between customer and Marks & Spencer to have a quality customer satisfaction.

Physician assisted suicide analysis

Vital organs could be saved and used allowing doctors to save the lives of others, people could die with dignity rather than endure tremendous pain and suffering, and the right to die should be a fundamental freedom of each person. Physician-assisted suicide is the voluntary termination of one's own life by administration of a lethal β†’

Management and leadership (m&l) reflection in nursing

I have decided to take advantage of this opportunity and utilise available human resources in order to provide care for the clients in my unit and delegated a member from the " over staffed" unit to help us. Awareness of the workload and the " routine" of work in the dementia units allowed me to β†’

Imperialism in the century assignment

Of the countries present at the conference, only half of them had their own colonies in Africa and none of the represented nations were the nations colonized or any other African nation. The culture and religion of the colonized people was often condemned to try to have the people move in the way of the β†’

Fidel castro: early life

Analise and Discus the Influences and events of significance in Fidel Castro's early life that lead to his abandoning mainstream politics and becoming the leader of the Cuban revolution. How is it that a man of this privileged upbringing, became the leader of a socialist revolution in Cuba, brought the world to the brink of β†’

Boston college students and the bus ride experience

On board the bus, the students joke with one another, saying that the resort is probably glad to be rid of them for a few hours, and they reminisce about the past week in a happy daze. Yet, something shifts once the bus teeters off the resort property, and now the jokes that run back β†’

Parenting styles and effects on children

Abstract The purpose of this study is to help understand and bring awareness to educate more people on the parenting styles and the effects on children. The method the researcher used to help better understand the dynamics of parenting styles and the effects on children is a meta-analysis.

Value of education

Angelia 5443747 has requested that you respond to the Transitions: Angelia, one way to establish a good flow of ideas in your essay is to use transition words. The conclusion is a chance for you to recap the important points of your essay.

Affirmative action assignment

The question is " Is affirmative action still necessary in the United States today? " Simply, the answer to the question is yes. The purpose of this research is to show you why affirmative action is still a necessary here in the US, in the present time.

A study of the role of women in bram stoker’s dracula

In the first fifteen chapters of Bram Stoker's Dracula the author examines and subtly comments on the role of women in Victorian England through the actions and words of Mina and Lucy. In particular, evidence from the passage that appears on pages 164 through 167 of the Norton Critical Edition of Dracula suggests that through β†’

The great pyramids as art

The Pyramids of Giza are the largest The Great Pyramid is the most significant of the three large pyramids located on the Giza Plateau. This is why the Pyramids are built on the West side of the Nile so that the bodies of the deceased can travel with the sun god through the night and β†’

Essay on the holocaust

In secondary school, Hitler soon realized he was not at the top of his class and was not liked as well as he was in primary school. One of his fellow soldiers even said that he was " odd and peculiar" and that Hitler was a very isolated person and would randomly make negative speeches β†’

Psychophysiological methods in lie detection

The polygraph, which is usually referred to as a lie detector test, measures the physiological responses whilst asking the individual a series of questions. Although commonly used in the USA, suspects and employees cannot be compelled to take the test, and similarly with other European countries that do not use the polygraph, an individual's common β†’

Counseling theory: case study

It has been hard as a beginner to read some chapters of the Corey text and Richen text, and to be able to raw enough information to use to make a comparison of these two counseling theories, both of which are complicated and have a number of different aspects. The psychosocial factors in my life β†’

United nations convention on the rights education essay

As countries are obliged to make regular reports to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the state governments have moral obligations to provide for the children as stated by the UNCRC. Most of the United Nations millennium development goals are focused on the realization of the rights of children, such as to β†’

Artworks that challenge china’s political system

Modern China in recent times has gone through a surplus of political changes, much like the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s through the implementation of Chairman Mao and his leadership. To resume, the seeds were exhibited on the floor covering it completely, with the ability for the people to walk overtop of the seeds, and β†’