1500 Words Essay Samples

Commercial contracts under nigerian legislation

A voidable contract is that which is valid in the first place but may be ended at the instance of one of the parties to it. An agent is not a trustee of the goods in his care not being the legal owner.

Marketing mix of pepsico business essay

Pepsi Co is one of the leading consumer product companies of the world that has the expanded business all over the world. It is the larger manufacturer of cold cereal and different popular bran of Quaker is famous in all over the world.

Chapter 6

Network NeutralityConcept that ISPs must allow computers equal access to content and applications regardless of the source or nature of the contentFalseISPs want net neutrality because it allows them to charge different prices to individuals based on internet usageTrue Computers do not work in isolation, data exchange provides advantages, data exchange can take place over β†’

Social structure of pompeii and herculaneum

Freeborn men and women were classified as the high-class residents of Pompeii and Herculaneum, both politically and socially.[4]Freeborn people lived on altering their lives to satisfy and impress the people of Pompeii and Herculaneum.[5]It was important to publicly show that they were elite and important and in doing so freeborn men and women dressed with β†’

Personal reflection on leadership

In my opinion, he was the true leader because he positioned the team at the centre of everything and took the responsibility of growing everyone. The experience of working with people from diff cultures and backgrounds in CASS will further improve my people skills.

Privacy with the u.s. government, epic has

They say because of the security over the widely growing Internet, but what it seems like to me and the public is mostly an invasion of the users privacy when companies get to greedy and want to know every thing about you, and your life. With this IP address host computers know where to send β†’

Prostitution as a source of power and independence

However, throughout the novel, Firdaus continually turns to prostitution as a way of life, and it's her decision to become a prostitute that poses the question as to whether or not Firdaus can truly defy the social order of her society. Therefore, Woman at Point Zero challenges " the social order which has assigned women β†’

A few good men case analysis essay sample

Friction immediately develops between Kaffee and Dawson and Downey, the former believing that Kaffee is not up to the challenge of defending them and the latter guided only by his devotion to being a Marine and his dedication to his superior, namely Dawson. Despite goading by Galloway and Dawson to allow the trial go to β†’

Primary health care in nigeria: 24 years after olikoye ransome-kuti’s leadership

This opinion aims to inform policy decisions and actions by examining the evolution of PHC in Nigeria, the role of Professor Olikoye Ransome-Kuti in the implementation of Alma Ata Declaration, the present state of PHC, the challenges and opportunities in implementing PHC in Nigeria, as well as ways to maximize the opportunities. Investing in Health: β†’

Drug mechanisms and reactions

Drugs can be metabolized by oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, hydration, conjugation, condensation, or isomerization, whatever the process, the goal is to make the drug easier to excrete. Alcohol Oxidation by Alcohol dehydrogenase: This enzyme catalyses the oxidation of many alcohols to the corresponding aldehyde and is localised in the soluble fraction of liver, kidney and lung β†’

Outline and discuss the principle features of organic amnesia essay

Organic amnesia is the loss of memory due to physical damage to the brain and is also known as the amnesiac syndrome. Amnesia is linked to causing bilateral damage to a number of structures located in the forebrain; including the temporal lobes of the cortex, and parts of the limbic system underlying the cortex, in β†’

Rise of automobiles in india (before independence)

Belonged to Francis Spring, at that time Secretary of the Madras Railway Board and, IN 1904, to become the chairman of the Madras Port Trust and father' of the Madras Harbour. In 1904, when it was experimented with steam cars, it built a ody on a Turner-Miesse chassis and supplied it to Gwalior, when it β†’

Blink – book review

Gladwell calls this process of swift intuitive conclusion, " thin slicing" and explains the concept by citing a series of experiments and instances - how a psychologist named John Gottman predicts the strength of marriages just by listening to a few minutes of conversation between a couple, how a psychologist Samuel Gosling was able to β†’

Virtual organizations assignment

To access the virtual organizations section of the student website, choose the Classroom tab at the top of the page next to the Home button with will be highlighted in blue. Browsing the Organizations By clicking on the organization you wish to view, you will be taken to the homepage of that company.

The pearl

Javiera RamirezDoes this novella dramatize the plight of a man who was caught in between the material and the spiritual world In this novella, The Pearl, by John Steinbeck; the plight of a man, called Kino, caught in between the material and spiritual world is dramatized. The reader may infer that the pearl has become β†’

The economics of sport economics essay

The salaries professional players earn in the world of sports today has been an increasing interest in the economics of sports, particularly to economists. The first factor is the increase in marginal product which means the more the player improve and contribute to the team, the higher the salary he/she will receive in their next β†’

Schizophrenia and the effect on social cognition

In a meta-analysis of over 18, 000 subjects, researchers found a decrease of 2% in intracranial volume and brain volume of schizophrenia patients. Results of the study suggest that a reduction in brain matter can be related to a combination of early neurodevelopmental process abnormalities and progression of the illness In a study comparing early β†’

Breviary of philippe le bel essay

But simply because the art-Historical reception by Benjamin focuses primarily on the given essays that deal with photography and film, it is apparent that it has failed to recognize Benjamin's texts pertaining to mimesis, on the given epistemology of form and perception, and, most importantly, on the philosophy about history however significant they are in β†’

The bonds that ties us together in to build a fire and the open boat

Indeed, "[t]hat there should be anything more to it than that was a thought that never entered his head"; the protagonist, this inexperienced chechaquo, does not consider this environment as anything more than a passing obstacle that he will surely overcome so surely, in fact, that the thought of his death in the tundra, and β†’

Marketing management in the bama companies

The Bama Companies began as the Bama Pie Company in the kitchen of its founder, Cornelia Alabama Marshall, in year 1927. About Bama Pie, the most thing impress me is the mission of the company.

The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid

The Fortune at The Bottom of The PyramidThe Fortune at The Bottom of The Pyramid The first thing I want to say is about? How is it measured Who are the poor In his definition, the poor generally lack a number of elements, such as education, access to land, health and longevity, justice, family and β†’

Ludwig wittgenstein’s study of religious language essay sample

For Wittgenstein, when playing a game it is important to know which game you are playing and play by the rules of that game. The meaning of the word ' language game' is determined by the ' rules' of that game.

Advantages or disadvantages to popular tourist areas

However, this essay will elaborate advantages and disadvantages of the way in which modern tourism affects the popular tourist areas in relations to the local services, local economy and environment and the local people. Besides that, the transportation and public services have an impact on the tourism industry, which also influence the local people's living β†’

Editorial: the role of play in child assessment and intervention

The significance of play in childhood has led to its frequent use in the assessment of child development and in the implementation of child and parent-child psychological and educational interventions. However, as a whole, contribute to the evidence of the important role of play in psychological assessment and treatment in children.

Multiple perspectives in “agamemnon”

The play Agamemnon involves a variety of characters who introduce and contribute towards some of the major themes of the play, such as justice and revenge. The difference in perspectives adds depth to each character and dramatic interest to the play, and complexity and variety to the dominant themes.

Abstract use of fibers in brittle matrix

Table 1-1 Effect of fiber content on the toughness index Fiber content % Toughness index Hooked fiber Straight fiber 0. Figure 3-9 shows that the existenceof polypropylene fiber enhances toughness of concrete.

Promotions a communication link between buyers and sellers marketing essay

In this the main idea is to give an impression of friendly professionalism, to create rapport, to build credibility, and to start a relationship. It is the management function that evaluates public attitudes and procedures in response to public request.

Freud’s “anna o” and the meaning of private theater

The long quotation is the best path to understanding the relationship of the phrase to the patient. It is a reaction to the cause itself, as opposed to the twisted, unconscious memory of that cause.

Introduction the government to ensure safety for

Even though the corporate sector may argue that it is the work of the government to ensure safety for their citizen by taking care of all environmental and social issues which may arise in the course of business undertaking by the corporate sector since they pay taxes to the government. The companies may need to β†’

The portrayal of womens imag in magazine advertisement

Visual images in advertising is especially important since, according to Bovee and Arens: " most readers of advertisements look at the illustration, read the headline, and read the body copy, in that order". In some advertise consumption of the product is implied to lead to being loved, cared for and protected by a man and β†’

Advantages of downloading copyrighted philosophy essay

Some sites are adding some of the articles or songs and claim that with the consent of the author, but in fact the opposite, which leads to legal prosecution for fraud they had and infringement on the rights of others. Resulted in the roping the idea of some sites that are developing some of the β†’

Electrical engineering case study

An example of this is the manufacturing of the Intel microprocessor in 19944. An electrical engineer is part Of the company that makes the session to employ cheap labor, and so they can be in a position to influence this decision.


Protection is but the law of nature, the law of self-preservation, the law of self-development and the law of securing the highest and best destiny of the race of man.[It is said] that protection is immoral.... Some of the arguments for protectionism In order to protect a country's economy and the peoples standards of living, β†’

The life of whitney houston

But by the time she was eleven, she refuse to be in the background any longer and desired to take center stage one evening to sing a solo I entered this because I thought it would show how she desired singing and wanted her voice to be acknowledged. Whitney did not mind giving to the β†’

Gender differences within the education system

It could be argued that this is down to the changing views of society, along with the introduction of a compulsory national curriculum where both girls and boys where required to take foreign languages, English, sciences and maths. Experts say that the reason for this may be down to the difference in nature and nurturing β†’

Thomas hardy’s, tess of the d’urbervilles

From the very start of Middlemarch it is apparent of the route Eliot plans to take in her treatment of religion. The religion at the time was Evangelicalism, a form of religion, which allowed people to sin, and as long as they repented they would not be doomed to the fearful kingdom of Hell.

Corporate social responsibility: coca cola

The activities of the company cannot leave a society unhurt in one way or the other in terms of the quality of the products, how it handles the employees and how the activities affect the environment. Shortage of water in India and other parts of the world is as a result of Coke Company activities.

Child sexual abuse essay

According to the Employment of Educators Act Sexual contact between educators and learners is illegal regardless of the willingness or concent or age of the learners. It is estimated that Teachers are responsible for a third of all rapes of schoolgirls in South Africa, this according to a survey by the country's medical research council β†’

A critique of the cartesian doubt philosophy essay

We can then say that he could have doubted his doubt the very first place, but is not it that you cannot doubt the very idea that you are in a doubt? Descartes then said that there is one thing that he cannot doubt and that it would be the idea that he thinks.

Argument for and against anti social behaviour criminology essay

According to the survey on young people and children that they have not had any knowledge of ASBO and they felt that ASBO is targeted towards them. According to the survey most of the young people when they been given an ASBO they did not that their behaviours was a anti social in society in β†’

Comprehensive protection plan essay sample

There is a requirement for the joint efforts with every member of the community in the fight against terrorism and therefore some efforts towards the education of the members of the community is a positively contributing factor towards the success of the project. The package should be placed down calmly with no dust being let β†’

Major contemporary issue affecting organisational behaviour today commerce essay

According to Griffin and Moorhead, " Organisational behaviour is the study of human behaviour in organisational settings, of the interface between human behaviour and organisation, and of the organisation itself". Organisational culture: Every organisation has a culture and it is this culture that defines the performance as well as the excellence of the organisation as β†’

Are monarchies more stable than republics?

Many of the political observers stood bewildered and astonished against how to explain the ability and solidarity of the Arab Monarchs, Emirs and Sultans to ride out and stand against the storm and the tide of the Arab Spring Revolutions that have swept the Arab Countries during the past three years. Typology of Regimes: Political β†’

Implications of internet piracy

Internet Piracy " Internet piracy in the digital age has put great pressure on both the individual and the organization within the modern business world. With all the expansion on the Web plus the elevated quantity of Web people in the world, the globe is becoming too many digitalized.

Vaccines: to be or not to be?

At the time, smallpox was the culprit of the death of millions; so, Jenner postulated that by injecting a much milder form of the disease, the body would build up immunity to smallpox. By doing this, he invented the technique of vaccination, which is defined in the article as, " injecting a dead or mild β†’

Vincor international analysis

More precisely Vincor International strategy for growing the market shares involved the six following strategic actions: " emphasizing the development, sales and marketing of wines in the fastest growing segments of the market, particularly the premium wine segments; continuing to participate in the premium wine category through the development of premium brands that we own; β†’

World religions assignment

Phenomenology- study specific to the study of Religion from the perspective of the believer. Samara is continuously going through the cycle of life and death, giving more Hansen to unite the two.

The major security issues in malaysia criminology essay

There have been several major security issues that have shaped the outlook and approach to security in Malaysia since WWII. More recently, the 9/11 attacks and myriad other non-conventional and non-military threats continue to challenge and shape Malaysia's approach to national security.

Women religion

Anne Hutchinson stood for the fact that a person had the capability of linking directly to God and they were not supposed to depend upon others for explaining religion to them. Despite of this, the gap had provided sufficient time for the women to get a clear picture of their religion and this raised their β†’

Effectiveness of motivational interviewing (mi)

This study design will use two groups; an intervention group which will receive MI and a control group whom do not receive MI, this allows comparisons between these groups at the end of the trial to establish this relationship, to minimise allocation bias we will be using a method in which participants are allocated to β†’

Virtual 3d thermal human modelling

The digital human body applied to fashion and functional design and manufacturing need be endued with more efficient information of the human body. Due to the significant importance of body temperature in indicating the pathophysiologic features of the human body as emphasized by medical researchers in clinic, functional clothing with thermal functions like rehabilitation and β†’

Weapons of antiquity

The more advanced the weapon, the better the chances of conquering were. As a replacement to the Gladius, the spatha was straight and long and was used throughout the first millennium AD in various parts of Europe.

Deinstitutionalization of mental hospitals in 1970 criminology essay

In essence the whole program has failed to achieve its objectives and has led to mentally ill individual suffering in the boulevards and dungeons, as well as in the shelter homes, and beggar's homes. The policy of deinstitutionalization is a recipe of the evil that is done to the mentally ill persons in the US.

Slower growth in emerging markets

But compared to average levels in 2014, the euro and the yen are still at depreciated levels and will, therefore, continue to support the recovery in the euro area and Japan in 2015" 16. As noted in earlier WEO reports, in many other emerging market and developing economies, much of the growth slowdown in recent β†’

Expatriate failure assignment

The use of this definition can be misleading and can cover up underlying issues, as it implies the completion of duration of expatriate tenure is a definite success and completely forgets the important factors like achieving performance objectives, repatriation difficulties and undervaluing the skills and knowledge developed by the expatriates. For this further researches and β†’

Twenty four hour truce

We live in this world where when it is deemed necessary in the public eye men and women are equal, we have seen and embraced theleadershipskills of women, the inventors and of those have proved to be twice as strong in combat. But not in the near future, equality is system that will take a β†’

How successful was queen elizabeth i?

Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots The person with the best claim to the English throne if Elizabeth was to die would have been Mary, Queen of Scots. Elizabeth was very successful in her battle plan to defeat the Spanish.

Introduction renewed technology and telecom sectors and a

It is important to inform the customer as to when as product would be ready for delivery and keeping up the promised time in crucial. The customer is also having keen to get effective and economical after a sales service especially in the case of customer durable and like electronic item and automobile.

Is psychology a science philosophy essay

Now that we know that psychology is the science of mind and behavior, it is time to discover how the definition of science lends some insight into helping answer our question. So if psychology is the observational study of people and science uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain then this basis can lend β†’

Gastrointestinal involvement: human monocytic ehrlichiosis

Gastrointestinal involvement of human monocytic ehrlichiosis, including a novel finding of elevation of pancreatic lipase. SUMMARY A 57 year-old man presented to the hospital with septic shock. He was found to have human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) with constitutional symptoms, as well as multiple gastrointestinal manifestations, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatosplenomegaly,...

The effects of the multicultural act of 1985

An integral part of nursing is the ability to understand the lives and the cultures of the patients. One of the problems presented was that although the Multicultural Act helped to preserve cultures, it did not have the effect of bringing the Canadian people together.

The new source of competitive advantage

Operating within this valuable framework proves to society that the company is making a genuine effort to reduce it's 'ecological footprint', and provides standards by which to measure and report the environmental impact of their activities. The work of Leal, Fa, and Pasola compares the traditional view that protecting the environment is in conflict with β†’

English in modern times

American English is one of the most influential idioms of the English linguistic communication, to the extent that it now influences the vocabulary of British English. Regional idioms in the United States by and large reflect the elements of the linguistic communication of the nationality of the original colonists, or those who have consisted of β†’

Muslims in america

However, the exact number of the Muslim-American population is not that significant if one's purpose is to fully understand the Muslim-American community and examine how it has assimilated and contributed to the economic and social development of the United States. As a matter of fact, the number of Muslim-American servicemen exceeds one percent of the β†’

Health law: regulation and compliance essay sample

Employment Discrimination The legal foundation for all citizens to purse the profession of their choosing and to advance in their chosen careers subject to the limitations of only their individual qualification, talents, and energies is represented by The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Legal Requirements Health standardization can be beneficial and β†’

The significance of scientific investigation within the works of h.g. wells’ the time machine and mary shelley’s frankenstein

The subject of logic in science and the supposed incontrovertibility of scientific investigation very much presents itself in both Shelley and Wells' works and serves as a warning of the limits of human knowledge and the differentiation between theory and practical action. Manlove discusses the criticism of industrialization and scientific advancement in the Victorian era, β†’

The impact of tourism on economy of singapore essay sample

According to the statistics from Travel and Tourism Economy Bureau of Singapore, travel and tourism contributed 18 billion Singapore dollars, which is 7. The number of jobs created by travel and tourism in Singapore is expected to decline from 167, 000 in 2009 to 137, 000 jobs in 2019.

Contribution in a study examining social well-being.

Andrew Sarnadsky Abstract The purpose of this study was to implement a Critique on a study by Julie Godden on Social Well-Being as part of a requirement for a fourth year Bachelor of Psychology student at CQ University. Personally, I felt that the survey would be a useful contribution to other research using the correlations β†’

Mothercare plc is a british retail company marketing essay

Mothercare boosted its presence in the retail toy market with its purchase of the Early Learning Centre in the year 2007. The growth strategy of the Mothercare group is focused on four key levers that will deliver the potential of the Mothercare and Early Learning Centre brands.maximising the synergies from the integration of the Early β†’

Iceland crisis and causes led to the crisis

Britain's use of anti-terrorismlaws, in an attempt to protect their economic investments in Iceland, essentially labeled Iceland as a terrorist state which only continued to stagnate the inflow of foreign capital. Although without a doubt the primary cause of the Icelandic financial crisis was economic, political factors such as the relationship and interdependence between Iceland β†’

Influenza oh case study

What will be done with the doctors, nurses, and other staff whose duties will be Impacted, changed, or eliminated during pandemic Solutions: The issues presented at LASH due to the influenza pandemic are substantial, but through the use of our conjoined wealth of knowledge and expertise and the plan provided, the hospital can limit the β†’

The benefits and detriments for affirmative action and employment at will

The Benefits of Affirmative Action Cases Affirmative action can be an asset for many reasons inside the confines of the workplace and outside those walls. Benefits of Employment At Will As there have been advantages for affirmative action, there are also benefits to employment at will in the workplace.

Yesterday and today

It Is Important to note that development of the wheel Is one of the most Important steps In the history of mankind and technology. Technology as a whole has helped in the improvement of transport and communication systems all over the world.

Johann winkelmann essay sample

The statue is believed to be that of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty and was later to be termed, the Aphrodite of Milos, or the Roman version, Venus de Milo. The discovery of the Venus de Milo created a shift in opinion and the statue is considered by some to be the β†’

Dornbusch model

One of the remarkable features of Dornbusch's paper is that today it is still just as easy to read and understand as it was back then. The final element of Dornbusch's model is the price adjustment equation.

Sensation perception and attention

The good thing about working in a team is we have several people to call. Through this, we were able to identify our sensory perception on how the team is facilitated.

Fall assessment analysis and prevention plan

The female, who will be referred to as NH, has a history of a fall in 2014 with surgery to correct excess bone and injury in August 2018. The cost of falls compared to the cost of fall prevention was discussed and well-received by both NH and BH.

Management essays – corporate skeleton closet

In the case of Skeleton in the Corporate Closet, the reputation of General Parkelite Company is subject to question. The weaknesses of the internal environment of General Parkelite Company was the discovery, invention of Parkelite was actually the invention of Karl Gintz and not by Parker.

Introduction it exposed the unsanitary practices which went

Though both books talk about the food industry and the ills that plague it, it is important to establish that, Eric Schlosser's aim of writing Fast Food Nation was to make the public know the problems that plague the American fast food industry and more so, to expose the dishonest practices of managers operating in β†’

Networking etiquette around the world

Here are three areas where cultural differences mandate a closer look at networking etiquette: The business card means much more in the Asian culture than it does here in America; it's truly an extension of the individual and is treated with respect. It was in- Consideration Of 'Personal Space' When networking and meeting others with β†’

Historical archaeological proposal of las pinas salt beds essay

The paper tries to answer the question of the role and ownership of salt beds during the era of colonial trade. Another important question the paper will try to answer is that if the salt beds turned into fish pond in the rainy season, does this signify the incapacity of the Manila Bay produce for β†’

What was life like in australia at the beginning of the 20th century? essay sample

As the establishments of our fledgling federation initiated at the launch of the 20th century, the inhabitants in Australia lived and worked in a society that the government interfered little in, known as the " laissez-faire" policy. At the time it was the era of massive changes in technology and improvements in quality of life β†’

Push vs. precious essay sample

Although the book and movie are similar, the movie differs from the book in that it is not as specific when detailing the series of events that is happening in the book. She tries to do whatever she can to help Precious and to give her an opportunity to get out of the situation she β†’

Modifying a simple hydrolysis of sucrose experiment to measure michaelis menten essay sample

The model takes the form of an equation describing the rate of enzymatic reactions, by relating reaction rate to, the concentration of a substrate S. 0%) Dependent variable: Height of the suspension-sugar level Controlled variables: Temperature, heat treatment length, concentration of yeast suspension Hypothesis: Hydrolysis of different concentration of sucrose and graph's tangent would make β†’

Users of accounting statements and their needs

They have been mentioned as follows: These are the external users of financial statements who generally use the financial statements to assess the financial strength of a particular company. The common people are the biggest users of the financial statement of a company.

The columbian exchange christopher columbus history essay

As he started his journey he completed his four voyages including first journey to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa, Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola and Spain, then second voyage was the exploration of Caribbean sea and Hispaniola and Haiti then the third voyage was to verify the existence of a β†’

Deterrence depth and breath: literature and evidence

The author also contends that delicate combination of taking a stance through military capabilities, and bargaining behavior that can provide minimal leeway to bring parties closer to each other by which both can potentially get away without losing face, can lead to successful deterrence.[2] In the second reading, there is not yet a perfect deterrence β†’

Equine assisted psychotherapy (eap) for addiction | proposal

As alternatives to standard NHS sponsored CBT and pharmaceutical treatment are sorely needed, this dissertation proposes research into the effectivity of EAP in the treatment of addiction. Based on answering these research questions this dissertation seeks to prove the following two hypotheses: Those suffering from addictions find EAP is a powerful and effective therapeutic technique β†’

Examining concepts of leadership and reflection in nursing essay

Autocratic style of leadership the opportunity to make decisions centralized in the leader and the leader has the power to control and command the team members. THE IMPORTANCE OF REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IN NURSING LEADERSHIP The maintenance of a personal professional profile is important for the attainment of maximum reflection in education and practice after the β†’

The roots of identity contingencies sociology essay

The very knowledge of the negative stereotype's relevance in the given situation made the assessed group fear that frustration on the task could be misinterpreted and seen as confirming the stereotype. The aim of the research is to prove the importance of identity contingencies and of " understanding identity threat to personal and societal progress".

Marketing plan bliss yogurt marketing essay

Bliss Yogurt Center is a new style of yogurt shop in Ho Chi Minh City. There are 24 yogurt shops in Ho Chi Minh City now.

Definition and measure of unmet need health essay

Although the concept of unmet need for family planning is the discrepancy between fertility preferences and contraceptive use, the definition of unmet need for family planning has been under continuous revision and development since the 1960s. The study seeks to identify proximate determinants of unmet need for family planning and not estimates of unmet need β†’

How people learn and affects lesson plans english language essay

From the scriptural narration of the autumn of humanity which I believe was the foundation of larning from the beginning in relation to how Eve 's disobedient influence learned from the Satan efficaciously caused Adam to disobey, and the how Christ 's influential obeisance instructions learned of worlds efficaciously transforms the outward nature of what β†’

Gordon gekko: the true hero of wall street

In Wall Street, Gordon Gekko becomes the Lucifer character and he is supposed to be the villain; yet, the movie's popularity is due to Michael Douglas' performance which inspired a generation of financial professionals. In the character of Gordon Gekko, insider trading is a minor concern.