1500 Words Essay Samples

Pit bull bias in media

Without proper treatment and training, any dog can be vicious; but due to the media's bias, pit bulls and dogs classified or described as pit bulls are the negative focus of dog related stories. Breeders were trying to find a dog with the gameness of the terrier and the athletic abilities of the bull dog.

Thoroughness and accuracy in representation of theory business essay

The three types of employees are the sales representative, the production workers and the administrative staff. Three of the motive theories are, the Expectancy theory, the Maslow 's hierarchy of demands theory, and the Equity theory.

Krispy kreme: resources, capabilities, and core competencies

Many of the people who have not heard the choice of enjoying any of the company's products are lured by the mystery surrounding the company's doughnuts and the positive comments from the company's customers. The company has to increase its marketing and advertising efforts.

Comparing parliamentary systems with presidential

This is another factor and a very important one as it verifies that the parliamentary system is stable as it is a struggle to pass legislation through if it is not in the interest of their constituents. Perhaps it is safe to say that semi-presidentialism is a more stable governmental system rather than the two β†’

Zoonotic disease prevention and control strategies

In addition, the domestic house cat was discovered to be the definitive host for T.gondii, and that an infective form of T.gondii, not similar to the cyst, could be found in the faeces of the cat. A great benefit to human health from studying animal and zoonotic pathogen interactions is the development of diagnostic test β†’

Over the years nursing has evolved history essay

In the past, nurses in the institutions were dominated by females to care for the sick. Florence Nightingale, a significant figure in the development of nursing, showed the importance of nursing to the military during the Crimean War.

Transaction cost theory on the franchise corporations economics essay

The purpose of this paper is to discus the application of transaction cost theory on the franchise corporations. The franchise is one of the best business modes to reduce the transaction costs efficiently.

Offshore outsourcing advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of offshore outsourcing for western companies are as follows: Quality of product or service: When the product is produced by some other company in some other place it might not be necessary that they might give the same kind of service to your product or the quality of product might not be the β†’

Editorial: podocyte pathology and nephropathyβ€”an update

Editorial on the Research Topic Podocyte Pathology and Nephropathy An Update Dysfunction and loss of glomerular podocytes have been found to be the driving forces leading to the development of the majority of the forms of chronic kidney disease. Podocyte injury is pivotal for the loss of renal function and, in line with this, podocytes β†’

Price and non price competition markets

Monetary value of the related good In instance of replacement goods, demand for a trade good falls with the autumn in the monetary value of other trade goods In instance of complementary goods, monetary value demand of a trade good rises with the autumn in the monetary value of other trade goods. The accent is β†’

Cross-cultural english and vietnamese essay sample

Both Vietnamese and British are aware of the importance of nature in their life. As a lover of nature, I find it very interesting to contrast the British and Vietnamese cultures in love for nature.

The republic of the union of myanmar

The country of Myanmar is located in Southeast Asia bordering China to the north and northeast, Laos and Thailand to the east and southeast, Bangladesh and India to the west, and the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal to the south. The official language of the Union of Myanmar is Burmese.

Scouting for identity: interpreting bridget sprouts

The extended metaphor of Austin as the journey destination reappears in the final stanza, as the speaker is " eager to turn on the A.C".to escape the heat and humidity. The next stanza jumps back to the contrast of materialism and nature, as the speaker attempts " to answer the phone in a forest".

Reflective practice in nursing communication

To achieve this I will explain what reflection practice is using models of reflection; evaluate theories of personal development what they are and how they are used. Describe some of the different theories and models of reflection that are available and how they are used.

Strategic analysis of walmarts advantages in its environment

As Walmart operates in the global scale; the performances of the corporate are influenced by the political and statutory law of the country invested. The author indictment that Walmart paying low salary to its employees; to protect its competitiveness in its retails market but it leading to high turnover rate of its employees.

Biography of winslow homer

Homer later affirmed that he was not interested in continuing with his education, and he said that although he did not have a master degree and was not likely to get one, he vowed to continue with his talent as an artist. Following the end of the American Civil War, Homer focused on his painting β†’

Editorial: impact of cancer plasticity on drug resistance and treatment in solid tumors

Editorial on the Research Topic Impact of Cancer Plasticity on Drug Resistance and Treatment in Solid Tumors The Research Topic " Impact of Cancer Plasticity on Drug Resistance and Treatment in Solid Tumors" consists of 32 articles contributed by more than 270 authors in the field of oncology, pharmacology, and translational research. The current state β†’

Joseph stalin

However, his position as General Secretary gave Stalin such tight control over the party machine that, although the failure to publish Lenin's testament and general underestimation of Stalin were contributing factors, this role was the main reason for his success in the power struggle. Although his standing on issues such as the NEP, and the β†’

Study questions

During a moral panic, the behavior of some of the members of a society is thought to be so problematic to others, the evil they do, or are thought to do, is felt to be so wounding to society. In order to label a movement a moral panic the movement must be volatile, there is β†’

Post-war consensus was a myth

Arguments in favour of a political consensus following 1945 also exist, during this period the majority of policies followed by the two parties were essentially the same and were heavily influenced by the Beverage report of 19429, which is considered the foundling stage of the welfare state. The fact that many of Bevin's policies, which β†’

Sales and iventory

MSE is still using its manual system on their transactions that cannot provide the securing and recording of daily transactions, the ability to provide an organized sales reports and the ability to keep track of the inventory, which would be somehow lessen the workload and the ability to keep track of the inventory, which would β†’

Coaching and mentoring essay

The aim of this report is to highlight how coaching and mentoring differs from training, and to also explain how the use of coaching can effectively improve manager performance within the organisation. The report will conclude by recommending ways to overcome the potential barriers and suggest ways to ensure cost effective delivery of coaching and β†’

Micromax mobile

Just as in Europe, where most people's first mobile phone was made by the Finnish giant, it had repeated the trick of getting in first and carpeting the subcontinent with its no-frills handsets. Every product of Micromax had the potential to grab the attention of media as well as the consumers in a market which β†’

Fear of a black president essay

Racism brings upon the belief that Black people are not hard working, and so come with the stereotype that they would not be good employees, thus making it harder for them to find a Job and climb the social ladder leading to a better life all this because of what other people are Judging based β†’

Mobilcom’s major shareholder

T-Mobile was nonetheless expected-prior to the announcement of its alliance with the Spanish and Italian incumbents-to hold merger or sales talks in overheated Holland, 50 where the former Ben has a 13% market share and is still losing money. Thanks to its standard " shock marketing tactics and leveraging its brand across its other business β†’

Competitive strategies: uk supermarkets

According to the market shares owned by major supermarkets in the United Kingdom according to the statistics of 2006 March 9th, first four supermarkets in the United Kingdom own 74. Competitive strategy consists of the actions which are taken to attract customers, to withstand the competitive pressures of the market and also to help and β†’

Understanding the relationship between political theory and ideology politics essay

Empirical political theory is by and large conducted by political science institutions and is intended to describe the ' What is' and from that data try and formulate ideas of ' What works'. Both theory and Ideology have the views of " what is, what works and what ought to be".

Scoping analysis luxury brand management marketing essay

The most important factor of Tiffany's downward sales was the worldwide range of recession between 2008 and 2009 which impact the whole category sales of Tiffany & Co.significantly. When google the keywords of wedding or tiffany or together, a huge number of Tiffany style's wedding scenes that people did it themselves or wedding agencies did β†’

Regression analysis

The multiple regression was used in the context of comparing and estimating the effects of two variables of which one is independent and the other dependent on first one.eg; The increase of population and the increase in demand of land and housing. In the context of multiple regression the powers to the variables were found β†’


Availability of capital gives the power to the entrepreneur to start a business. Availability of markets also has lead to the growth of entrepreneurship.

Government intervention in health care

Government intervention in the health care system was and still is being blamed for the rapid rise in health care cost. The increase in price due to government regulations will cause the quality of service to decrease.

A survey paper on k mean clustering cultural studies essay

And each cluster can have sub clusters, so it can be viewed as a tree, a node in the tree is a cluster, the root of the tree is the cluster containing all the objects, and each node, except the leaf nodes, is the union of its children. A particle swarm is a population of β†’

We like having fun, but when it comes to work we try to do our best

In addition to these events, the distress in the financial sectors was the element, which transmitted the problem to the real economy, causing the deep recession. This kind of measures caused in the Great Depression a fall in the World Trade and in the world production.

Social stratification analysis

Most people know that some people are rich and some are poor, but people in general are usually not aware of the systematic social forces that create the outcome of where they are placed on the ladder or why they are paid what they are. Two of the most important types of inequality are inequalities β†’

The continuing evolution of leadership theory

This article was chosen due to its insightfulness of leader follower relationships, and how closely these can be linked with the early childhood contexts Hard, in " Horizontal violence in early childhood education and care" explores the relationship between the leadership in ECEC, and the internal and external factors inhibiting leadership development of early childhood β†’

Unit 4 psych – learning

90/PAGEOrder Nowreflex actionsautomatic involuntary behaviour that does not require prior experience and occurs in the same way each time - we are born with a large number of reflexes but most of these disappear or are incorporated as parts of other behaviours within several months after birth - reflexes allow people to deal with specific β†’

E.b. white’s faith in nature: the critique of christianity in β€˜charlotte’s web’

White effectively utilizes themes of faith, mortality, and nature to argue against a more traditional Christian understanding of morality, while simultaneously emphasizing a naturalistic vision of morality in which the laws and forces of nature are the basis of morality. It is first necessary to understand the way in which White trivializes religion in order β†’

Work ethics of young people assignment

The mindset is not to work as hard as they can and do a good job, it is to do the least they can to get by. They feel if the customer is rude to them or if the customer continues to ask them the same question over and over again, they have the right β†’

Ford bets billions on jaguar essay

John Egan, the Jaguar chairman who engineered the sale of Jaguar to Ford, said Jaguer and GM had been working together on plans for a joint car at the time Ford started buying shares." Ford's initial aggressive takeover was premature in that we were talking to other companies," said Egan". The fact that it did β†’

Behavioral finance critical essay

However, retail investors are more prone to this bias as compared to institutional investors because they have the information that is available to the general public for example, commentaries from financial journalists, analysts which believe that well known companies are good stock-market investment options, but in reality these two factors are largely unrelated. Individual investors β†’

β€˜the red room’ by hg wells and β€˜farthing house’ by susan hill

In ' The Red Room' the young man is on a mission to explore and expose the tale of the ' The Red Room' that is apparently haunted, we know this when he says, ' It's my own choosing'. In the story the ghost is real and described well.

The bus transport demand supply and elasticity economics essay

The demand elasticity of the bus transportation is relative inelastic as in case of public road transportation all the other form of transportation depends increase on oil as well so the increase in the price will also result in increase in cost of the other mode of transportation. The elasticity of passenger taking bus transport β†’

Sociology ch. 9

It's important for the care of children and stabilizing the personality of the instrumental partner against the stresses of the competitive worldexpressive roleThey believe that there are still social roles better suited to one gender than the other, and societies are more stable when norms are fulfilled by the appropriate sex.functionalismThey believe have historically had β†’

Editorial: pain management in clinical and health psychology

Psychological approaches in managing pain have evolved considerably and now understanding and managing the cognitions, emotions, and behaviors that accompany the situation of discomfort can actually reduce the pain intensity and the interference of pain with daily life. Further research is needed in the clinical health psychology and pain management area, also studying the role β†’

The deconstruction of opportunity: danticat’s narrative of disempowerment in breath, eyes, memory

Throughout Breath, Eyes, Memory Danticat portrays the illusion of opportunity through her construction of Sophie's parallel relationships with both Joseph and Martine in order to explicate her disempowerment and entrapment within the constructs of ideal Haitian womanhood. Throughout the novel, the narrative of opportunity begins to fades as parallels are drawn between Sophie's relationships with β†’

Power influence and promotion

It was surprising to discover from statement 1 that most lecturers said they were unaware of the aims and objectives of the institution, their focus was to teach the curriculum given to them. Lecturers felt that the local Arabs were equally in dire need of training, especially in management and organisation skills, as these seemed β†’

Seven up, inc

Squirt is the best selling carbonated grapefruit soft drink brand in the U.S." Kate Cox, the brand manager responsible for Squirt believes that market targeting and product positioning are key elements in Squirt's advertising and promotional plan development. Some of Squirt's strengths are the fact that Squirt is represented in about 83% of the U.S.and β†’

Computer information

Computer Information The IT worldBy Gavin ViallIt was said that the reason for information systems is to get the right information to the right person or people at the right time, and the right amount, and in the right format. The controller is hardware that manages the transfer of data from computer to the device.

The effects of incidental exposure marketing essay

The research questions proposed to achieve the objectives of this research are: Does incidental advertising exposure affect the implicit memorization of the brand? Does gender and cognitive style affect implicit memorization of the brand name in the case of incidental advertising exposure?

A crispr-cas9 monograph: the potency of targeted genome modulation in vivo

It is important to note that just as this system will largely impact scientific community after its formal approval, so too will it affect much of the legislation, business, commerce, and lifestyle of the future of the biotechnology industry. This monograph assesses the microscopic and macroscopic features of the CRISPR-Cas9 system meticulously to determine the β†’

The structure of pizza supply chains

This report hopes to give overview to the organisational supply chain of both Domino's and Pizza Hut; following a comparative analysis of the various methods used throughout the companies' supply chains; assessing their viability in adding value, reducing risk and producing optimal effectiveness & efficiency towards profiting. The Domino's pizza dough is processed from the β†’

Potential of protein x-ray crystallography in drug design

About 20 years later, protein crystallography started, uncovering a new generation of discoveries in the macromolecular structures of the organisms. The first step is looping, which implies the placement of the crystal in a microloop found on a mounting pin.

Wes anderson’s symbolic use of a splash of color in the grand budapest hotel

This is the very beginning of the use of this color in implications of motivation and relationships between characters, building the foundation for yellow to indicate both trust and friendship throughout the film. Though this scene starts with showing lush pinks and reds as the main color palette, they are simply there to assist in β†’

Breaking down standards

I flipped the paper over and I realized what the obvious elephant was sitting in the center of the classroom. We do not have a problem with the rigor of the work, It's just the way that they grade it is not fair.'" says another student from Maple Grove.

Sex and gender identity: intersex child

" Discuss why the birth of an intersex baby is treated as a ' medical emergency' and the implications of surgical sex assignment This essay will discuss why the birth of an intersex infant is considered a medical emergency, what especially determines the intersex conditions whilst shedding light on the reasons as to why surgeons β†’

Becoming a better negotiator

I think that the questionnaires that I took really amplified what I need to work on as a negotiator. I must take a plan of action to see things from my opponent's perspective and keep in mind the intangibles that go into negotiation.

Describe the strategy of inflation targeting economics essay

In recent years, policymakers realized the weight of the inflation cost on the economy and started to pay more attention to the price stability goal. To address this question, this paper will confront these two monetary policies and try to understand the reasons of the decline of monetary targeting in favour of inflation targeting.

Overview of ict in education education essay

The middle part of the chapter will deal mostly with the problem statement, research questions and the aims and objectives of the study. In view of facilitating the transition of Mauritius to a fully knowledge-based economy and society, one of the strategies of Government is the use of Information Technology as a supporting tool in β†’

A brief discussion about the cognitive theory

Piaget focused his attention on the origins of knowledge as they manifest in children, he was not interested in the amount of information children possessed but in the ways their thinking and inner representations of outer reality changed at different stages in their development, becoming increasingly intrigued by some of the replies he got from β†’

Are we living in an age of communication media essay

Communication is the problem and the opportunity addressed by a great deal of technology design and development. The greater the transparency of one domain to the other, and the greater the transitivity of actions from one through the other, the more effective their interface.

Threat of new entrants essay sample

In the porter's five forces, threat of new entrants refers to the threat of new competitors pose to existing competitors in an industry. A high threat of entry means new competitors are likely to be attracted to the profits of the industry itself and can enter the industry with ease.


Whereas there is little to nothing recorded of the childhood of Jesus, except a story of being left alone by his parents at the age of twelve while they went to Jerusalem for Passover, he went to the Jewish temple and discussed the Torah with the Rabbis, Mohammed was born into a poor tribe, his β†’

The autobiographical truth in long day’s journey into night

With an acknowledgment of the unusual nature of O'Neill's writing, we can begin to examine the autobiographical elements in the play. Eugene O'Neill: The Man and his Plays.

Hemostasis interstitial fluid which is located under

Then the myofibroblasts attach to the fibronectin and collagen in the extracellular matrix and start to pull which contracts the wound by bringing the sides of the wound closer. The epithelial cells come to surface of the wound and close the wound.

Odysseus: the anti-hero essay

In all myths and legends, a hero combats the " monsters." In the typical story a hero is unselfish and fights to protect his people while the monsters are greedy powerful things that antagonize the people. Another reason Odysseus is not a satisfying hero of this Tory is because the main reason he pursues conflict β†’

Luol deng – space essay

Luol Deng's Affect to His State and the World Luol Deng was non brought up in the most munificent life style or from the state of Great Britain. He devotes a batch of his clip to his foundation, the Luol Deng Foundation, which financess basketball enterprises in Britain and the freshly formed state of South β†’

Hamlet college essay essay

As theplay continues the twins are asked again by the king to go to Hamlet and tryagain to find the real reason for Hamlets behavior. As Claudius speaks in council he gives the appearance ofsomeone who is a deserving person that should be king.

Development formal informal special needs standards education essay

Assessment and Evaluation from a Developmental PerspectiveThe most basic use of assessment and evaluation is of course to aid in the development of the learner and to help students reach their maximum potential. Validity: Is there constructive alignment between the Programme Aims, the Intended Learning Outcomes of the module and the method and content of β†’

Human resource management – critical analysis

Human Resource Management Critical Analysis of a Current Hrm Issue Employees' Perception of Fairness of Performance Appraisal Systems BY samhu007007 Human resource management Individual Minor Paper Introduction This thesis aims to identify how employees' perceived Justice of performance appraisals influence their effectiveness and usefulness for an organization's performance management system by critically evaluating the existing β†’

Comparison of the liberalism and marxism politics essay

Liberalism rejected many of the provisions that were the basis of previous theories of the state, such as the divine right of kings to rule and the role of religion as the sole source of knowledge. According to the views of liberals, government exists for the benefit of the people subservient to it, and the β†’

Case study personal swot analysis education essay

My ability to advance and apply my education and knowledge in the field is a key to my personal success. Threats that I face include competition from others in the same field, and finishing my education.

International pay systems

The Human Resource department must be able to work closely with the foreign country in order to understand the customs and preferences of the locals while complying and enforcing privacy, copyright, and Intellectual property laws. In doing this the expatriate Is assured of the same appending power in the host country as here in the β†’

Call him ishmael: the reliability and authority of melville’s omniscient narrator

The structure of his story is a hunt for this rogue whale, a symbol of the pursuit of absolute knowledge that will escape the finding, and indeed, this is the knowledge that will be found". The " Cetology" offered to us by Ishmael is similar to the etymology in that the tone of its existence β†’

Issues on paying college athletes

If college athletes begin to get paid everyone will want to attend and for many that would be the only reason. The principle is that the only way to eliminate this question would be to pay the college athletes, but that would produce a great decline in the population of education.

Phenomenological approach to uncover paternal stress of disabled children

Parental stress, from the parent of a disabled child, exhibit higher levels of stress compared to a parent with a non-disabled child. A qualitative research method could benefit the study of the parental stress the parents of a disabled child experience.

Improving the accuracy of vessel traffic monitoring system displays essay

The aim is to take the discontinuity that exists in the prevalent solution and doing the show of the vass smooth by finding the way of the ship as a uninterrupted watercourse. The anticipation clip in the filter is selected to be the mode value of the clip difference between signals.

Class prophecy essay

As the appointed chairwoman for the said affair, I was about to leave for work and prepare for one of the busiest and longest day of my life when suddenly the phone rang. I approached the group and there I saw Time Magazine Woman of the year awardee and now the executive President of Banco β†’

How to write an sop for grad school

Browse through recent articles from the research field of interest and try to get a general understanding of how the field developed and what are its current problems and challenges. What and when were the major moments in your life that have led you to your current research interest and school/department/program?

For the rate of decent

Equipment list * Card * Scissors * A pair of compasses * Pencil * Meter rule * String * Small Paper clips * Stopwatch Diagram Diagram of experiment layout: Preliminary method -First of all I will find the terminal velocity for my cone, to do this I will drop the cone from the ceiling and β†’

Managerial economics case study essay adecco

Opportunism and Trust Between the parties of exchanging, the asymmetric information is arising because of the seller will have more information than the buyer, this can lead the seller have more advantage in the dealing. For the new market our client entered, most of the time they will use the contract staffing to reduce the β†’

Crito 2 – college essay

He has thoroughly justified his own decision to obey the opinions of the majority and serve out the sentence that his own city has deemed appropriate for his crimes. In establishing basic questions of these two concepts, Socrates has precluded his own circumstance and attempted to prove to his companion Crito, that the choice that β†’

Marketing strategies when dealing with choc. bars assignment

For the success of the company and its products & services in the marketing environment it is necessary for the business to make some important and effective marketing decisions. The change in the economic environment brings change in the buying behavior and pattern of the consumers that also affect the marketing decision of an organization.

Swot pestle of cadburys plc marketing essay

Given the recent takeover of Cadbury PLC by Kraft Foods, and the inevitable fall out of the takeover in terms of the position of the company I the global economy, this PESTLE/SWOT analysis comprise of recent information to do with Kraft Foods and historical market data for Cadburys. Given the historical relevance of the Cadbury β†’

Mba 560 ch 5

TRUE8) Staff authority is the ability to direct the work of any employee who does not have a higher rank in the organization. TRUE30) A significant advantage of the matrix structure is the clear chain of command from top to bottom of the organization.

Drug design

Each diffraction spot has an intensity which is the summation of constructive interference by the atoms in the molecule at a certain orientation, and the dimensions and pattern are due to the geometric positions of these atoms within the protein molecule. The first step which is the most difficult is obtaining a crystalline structure of β†’

Dvt risk assessment tool for nurses using modified delphi

The implementation of the risk factor assessment could potentially save lives and reduce the hospital costs of treating and managing the complications of DVT and venous thromboembolic disease. 1 Aim The aim of the study is to develop Patient's DVT Risk Assessment Tool for Staff Nurses.

Common appraisals in hospitality operations

Actually need to use different methods and techniques to assess staff capacity and performance, we can use surveys to understand the employees job duties, work requirements, enthusiasm, but also can hold regular talks, so that employees have the ability to work and strengthen vocational training, and guests can also visit the hospitality of the staff β†’

The brilliant rays essay sample

As they danced, scintillating radiantly off the jagged edges of the fragments of glass scattered on the floor, I was flooded with a rare moment of fleeting inner calm a feeling I had seldom experienced since the conflict broke out in my homeland. I commenced washing the threadbare garments, each wring of cloth inflaming the β†’

Situations that causes embarrassment, guilt and shame

Suellen Kong Typical situations that involve having Self Conscious Emotion- Embarrassment, Guilt and Shame Abstract The purpose of this research was to identify and differentiate the situations where participants found embarrassment, guilt and shame and to investigate the self-conscious emotions by evaluating unstructured questionnaire responses. They were less stereotypical comparing to the situations in " β†’

Academic honesty: in principle and in practice assignment

Realizing that a part of being honest is to make sure that all your assignments are in my own words and all of the thoughts and ideas of the works belong to me is critical. The Importance of Maintaining Academic Honesty Beginning with my admittance to the University of Phoenix, which I am excited and β†’

Jack london

In the summer of 1897 he was one of the " migrants to the gold fields of the Klondike". Jack London " dramatized atavism, adaptability, and the appeal of the wilderness" in his many books.

Express newspapers hits the press with micro focus and mss

Solution After an internal consultation between all senior members of the IT staff, Express Newspapers decided that it was expensive, undesirable and ultimately not feasible to conduct a full-scale replacement of the mainframe system." There was no way we could realistically move the mainframe from the old building to the new one and so after β†’

Opportunities of non union forms of employee representation

It is therefore necessary to give attention to the study of non-union employee representation since a number of organisations in the society are beginning to adopt it but this form of employee representation has been hugely criticised for its assumption that employer and employee interests are homogenous. As a result, this essay adopts the Unitarists, β†’

Developing reading habits in students

However, the more immediate task is to prepare the future human resource of the nation with the ability and intellectual skills to adapt to the expansion of the Malaysian economy and its globalization. It is futile to assist the students in improving their reading habits if they themselves have no intention of doing so.

Benjamin franklin a man of the enlightenment era religion essay

Franklin's adaptations to the Puritan's ideas embodied the spirit of the Enlightenment- his ideas were supported with reason, were supplemented by the idea that humans had the capacity for progress, and addressed the theological beliefs of the Puritans in a methodical, scientific method. The Puritan God was spiteful and constantly punished humans for their inherently β†’