1400 Words Essay Samples

Becoming american, becoming ethnic

The other thing I found to be interesting and out of the normal in Abu Dhabi is the absence of a division of gender statuses and roles. In the American cultures, both genders are treated as the same and have equal access to the opportunities that are found in the economy.

“ultimately, the tragedy of a view from the bridge is the inability of the main characters to articulate their feelings.”

While Eddie's incestuous desire for Catherine is the impetus of his downfall and the threat of Rodolpho the catalyst, what ultimately causes his destruction is his inherent inability to understand or express what he feels. Catherine fawns over Eddie, " walking him to the armchair," " taking his arm," and lighting his cigar for him, →

Surviving trauma in the assault

By introducing one of the main conflicts in the novel, furthering the characterization of Anton, and through the use of symbolism, Mulisch illustrates how despite one's best attempts of suppressing the past, it is embedded in one's subconscious and cannot be escaped. The introduction of this conflict is vital for the progression of the novel, →

Wi-fi technology and its application in business organizations assignment

Wi-Fi is a wireless technology brand that is owned by Wi-Fi Alliance Wi-Fi Alliance is a consortium of separate and independent companies agreeing to a set of common interoperable products based on the family of IEEE 802. Whenever a computer receives any of the signals within the range of a Wi-Fi network which is usually →

Personal classroom management system assignment

The classroom management plan needs to be strong, but also flexible since not every class is the same and the teacher needs to be able to change around the plan to fit the needs of the current class. I will send two copies of the rules home for the students to give to their parents.

Systems analysis project

The call center would field any calls that were missed by the supervisor or the secretary, and the caller would be given the opportunity to leave a personal message or transfer into a voice mail box. After the installation we moved to the training and documentation portion of the project.

Thematic analysis of faerie queene literature essay

Some of these varied issues include; the reality a bout truth and faith, the unending evils, the confusion of love and the persistence search for purity. The strength of Knight and the lady Una is as a result of boldness, courage and sheer determination to achieve victory by fervently fighting evil and false religion.

Design and implementation of chebyshev filters engineering essay

The ripples in the pass band have a constant magnitude Rp which is considered as an important design aspect of the filter.from the figure ripples in pass band and sharper roll off in the stop band can be observed Figure: Frequency response of type 1 Low pass Chebyshev filter These filters are also called as →

Introduction to romanticism

There was hardly any room for imperfection, and these characteristics became a part of the romantic movement only in response to the changing nature of the world. Realism was a direct response to the Romantic Movement and was exactly the opposite of all that the movement stood for.

Marketing objectives assignment

You will need to develop plans for managing the marketing activities for the organization, with specific attention paid to the integration of marketing and sales activities and the delegation of roles and responsibilities to individuals and teams within the organization. You will need to develop materials to communicate the marketing objectives and management processes for →

Semantics & pragmatics assignment

Where pragmatics is the process of recognising the " invisible meaning" of lexical items and expressions; taking into account the speaker's/ addressee's intention, the status of hearer/ receiver and the actual situation. Also based on the pragmatic analysis of article 1, the lexeme " sympathy" which occurred in the first paragraph of the actual article →

History of professional wrestling

Pro wrestling has been a form of entertainment for a very long time, and has seen its share of ups and downs, but the storylines that have been used in the WWF have become legendary and something similar to the soap opera of the sporting world. The WWF expanded nationally through the acquisition of talent →

Andrew marvell, “to his coy mistress” essay

By using the Old Testament image of the great flood that purged the earth as a start point and then the image that Armageddon will ultimately occur at the conversion of the Jews as an end point, Marvell's speaker tries to show the vastness of predicted human existence. Time here is portrayed as chasing the →

Starseeker by tim bowman essay

When Luke enters the house, he hears the sound of weeping and it appears the noise is coming from the attic. Luke decides to phone the number on the identity bracelet and, on finding out that the people he is speaking to are Natalie's parents, he tells them to meet them in the lay-by near →

The exit strategy within a business plan

The second major determinant of the value of a business is the " future risk". Factors to be considered in assessing this risk include:- the dependency of the business on the promoters - sustaining the competitiveadvantage - intellectual property of the company - growth and profit trends & projections - business practices - culture and →

Banks and other financial institutions

5 million, what would be the amount of the owners capital? c.if total liabilities and capital were $14 million, and $1 million of deposits were withdrawn from the bank, what would be the amount of the owners capital? a. If the total liabilities and capital were $14 million, and $1 million of deposits were withdrawn →

Social and cognitive biases

These results add support to the documentation of even-handedness in the cognitive functioning of depressed subjects, and of self-sewing biases in no depressed subjects. Similar to the characteristics of anchoring bias which is the tendency to overly confident or be reliant on certain information or a certain value and then adjust to that value to →

Digi is a leading mobile telecommunications company

The latest of the DiGi TV broadcast advertisement is about DiGi broadband and DiGi prepaid packages. The purpose of the songs and also the yellow man is to create awareness of the DiGi companies to the customers mind and also to promote their products to everyone.

Why philosophy

Now, you can make the decision to turn your wheel to the right, onto the sidetrack, killing the one worker, and sparing the five workers on the main track. The significance of this hypothetical is that about 90% of people choose to turn their wheel to the right in the first situation; however, about 90% →

The need for nutrition by living organisms

The need for nutrition by living organisms is essential for survival in the sense that it provides energy and material for growth and repair and for the general function of the human system and its maintenance. The first step of digestion is by ingesting the food; this is mechanically broken down and crushed by the →

The quest for virtue in plato’s “meno”

Socrates blames Gorgias for acclimating Meno to the habit of answering questions confidently, as is appropriate to the ones who know: " r oV touV ".[2] Socrates frequently uses various forms of the verb " o " in this part of the dialogue while referring to the knowledge of what virtue is. It appears that →

Reaction paper assignment

By the end of the 17th century, the upper classes in the colonies began to embrace the European concept of gentility. The symmetry of the Georgian style is present in domestic and religious buildings.

Knowledge of technology

GUI, command-line interface, voice recognition Graphical User Interface: Graphical User Interfaces, or GUIs is the user interface for the interaction with a computer that generally involves the inclusion of images and graphics along with text to display information to a user. Although the Graphical User Interface is usually considered as superior to the Command Line →

Henry ford, hero or villain

The conveyor belt moved each car to the workers who only needed to add one part to the car as the car went round the conveyor belt, the assembly line drastically cut the time as well as the price on the manufacturing process of each car which enabled Ford to reduce the price of the →

Christianity, culture, and conflict in the river between

In contrast we see the Chege, coming from Kameno, represents the Gikuyu tradition and is portrayed in a more positive light " Makuyu was now home of the Christians while Kameno remained the home of all that was beautiful in the tribe". However, for myself, the part of the ending that stands out the most →

Modern and postmodern traditions in power and law

To achieve an understanding of how, at the beginning of the 21st century, law has come to be understood as a manifestation of social power, it is necessary to place the question within the framework of the dominant intellectual paradigms of the past one hundred years. The rule of law is intended to be impersonal →

Here you can find how to write an article review

The format of your article should always match the style of the quotation that your professor assigned to you. We hope that now you have a good understanding of how to write a review of the article.

From biblio to sinny: how faithful an adaptation is kubrick’s a clockwork orange?

Why make it practically impossible for viewers without a handy glossary nearby to understand the dialogue when the novel could remain faithful to the myriad other literary elements equally as important while manipulating the visual power of the cinema to remain faithful to distancing aspect of Nadsat? That point of view for at least half →

The economy and mining industry of mongolia

In the summer time, it has become drought lately, and brought on the lack of pasture lands, and in the winter, brought on huge amounts of snow that resulted in the death of many million livestock. The Mining is continuing to rise as a major industry of Mongolia as supported by the number of Chinese, →

Political culture

Due to technological developments, the political culture of Jamaica is less dependent on local culture. Globalization and Social media have had a huge effect on the political culture, as these seem to have more of an influence than the local culture.

The adventures of tom sawyer essay sample

The first stage of Tom Sawyer's development and march towards manhood can be described as the time when he is fully under the influence of Huck Finn. Tom Sawyer does not quite have it in him to do that type of thing, but throughout the story, one can see how much he wishes that he →

A touch of god reigns out

It was the foundation of God and the love of my friends and family that surrounded me that allowed me to stray from drugs, cussing, anger, and eventually sex. I eventually began to have a good understanding of God and the Devil.

Growing market for software testing

The goals of a long-term collaboration usually also include the optimization and standardization of test processes, increasing the level of testing automation and the use of consistent and proven methods, best practices and suitable testing tools. In contrast, dedicated contracts for testing and quality management exist and account for more than a third of the →

Jetty rats essay

The night when Hunter catches the mulloway is when he forgives the photocopies. Another example of this is Hunter and the Fairchild brothers.

The door of opportunity

Despite having her chrysanthemums to make her somewhat happier in her life, in the end she fails to confront her dissatisfaction in every other aspect of her life, ultimately leading to a lifetime of unfulfillment. This is a sign of her softening and opening up completely to the man, in a way that she does →

Totalitarianism in orwells 1984 politics essay

Totalitarianism is the " form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual's life to the authority of the government". By removing the pleasures of sex and all pleasures of society, the Inner Party is free to exert its will upon the citizens of Oceania".

Burj khalifa: the world’s tallest building

Burj Khalifa" has returned the name of the " World's Tallest Structure" back to the Middle-Eastern structures where the Great Pyramid of Giza claimed that honor for millions of years before the construction of Lincoln Cathedral in England in 1311. The corridor walls of the wings extending from the central core to the end of →

The quagmire of love and marriage in smith’s white teeth

The idea is that the ideal, budding relationship is fostered out of a love so powerful that it transcends both time and circumstance to ultimately bring two soul mates together, and while the text does hint at Archie's consideration of this possibility when he meets Clara, the pervasive motif of chance makes a significant showing →

Carrie underwood see you again analysis

In the music video, Underwood shows images of the Sandy Hook shooting memorial, and the tone allows the audience to recall past memories such as 9/11. The audience see's the diming of the light as if losing hope after the catastrophe of the attack on the twin towers.

Consumer protection act 1987

Hence, the Directive imposes strict liability upon those found responsible for producing defective products within the common market.[1] It is questionable whether the Act does in fact, provide sufficient protection to consumers, though it is a far cry from the previous system where negligence could only be proved under the common law by showing that →

Has science done more harm than good? a reflection

I came to the conclusion that science has indeed done more good than harm, and it is humanity that is solely to blame for the problems that their irresponsible use of science has caused. There is no doubt that with the development of science, mankind has been affected; the way we think, the way we →

Block schedulling essay

The 1994 report of the National Education Commission on Time and Learning states, " Schools will have a design flaw as long as their organization is based on the assumption that all students can learn on the same schedule". Flexible scheduling patterns are a much better match in order to meet the educational needs of →

Composite materials in automotive brake disc

Abstract The aim of this paper is to explore the uses of ceramic matrix composites in the automotive industry, their advantages over current grey cast iron discs, their manufacturing processes and potential commercial applications. The thermal and electrical properties of the composite are a result of its constituents, namely fibers, matrix and pores as well →

Kfc unethical practises essay

In September 2013, there were 296 KFC outlets in India.[95] As well as the standard KFC offerings, the chain sells a chickpea burger and hot wings with chilli lemon sprinkles.[96] A major franchise holder is QSR Brands Holdings, which operated 26 outlets as of 2012.[97] The first Indian KFC opened a two-story outlet on the →

Arguments for the existence of god

The development of biological life form will be void and in the Universe the life of any origin would take place.[7] Imagine the " infinity, from star system to stars, to subatomic particles, the constitution of cosmos, there are the constants and quantities" of the Universe. The existence of life in the earth and how →

Four forces leveraging cash flow of a company

Lines of credit should be used to ensure the profitability of a business. It is a disciplined and systematic approach to the management of product categories as strategic business units.

Alcohol negatively affects american indians

The American Indian Culture is one of the most alcohol consuming cultures in the world. In the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, and " Sociological Perspectives on American Indians", by Matthew Snipp, Alcohol causes American Indians to commit severe crimes.

Comparative political systems france germany politics essay

Their parliamentary and democratic constitution is based on the Constitution of the United States and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789. The executive power is in the hands of the President, the chancellor and the Lander.

A true muslim essay sample

Plants can grow well when there is less amount of chromium in the environment whether in case of high concentration of chromium it is carcinogenic to plants and animals. Rhizobacteria play an important role in reducing the toxic effects of chromium in plants as it is growth promoting bacteria.

The resonance of croesus’ fall in kapuscinski’s travels with herodotus essay sample

In the wake of an ill-advised war he is to become the slave and advisor to his enemy, the Persian King Cyrus. For the Great Wall...is also proof of a kind of human weakness, of an aberration, of a horrifying mistake; it is evidence of a historical inability of people in this part of the →

Seismic of structural elements. in this paper, first

In this type of analysis, the criterion is the amount of displacementof the structure, so the force increases to a point that the desireddisplacement is provided. The main components of the studied structure i.e.the elements that resist the earthquake force in order to achieve the desiredlevel of performance are braces and columns beside the braces →

Kimberly clark case

The internal and external environment in turn affects the performance of the company and plays an integral part in the organisation strategy and decision making process. Measures taken to improve the performance of the company, strategic approaches, and limitations of the company are mentioned about in this report Finally, this report gives an overall conclusion →

Cry of the kalahari

In 1997, they returned the United States to work in the North-West of the United States and to record their data from their years in Africa. The climate there in the summer is from November to the end of March and usually very high temperatures, also very rainy and cloudy.

Counting by 7’s

It had a tree as a mascotIn the novel Counting by 7s, due to her clothing, Willow determined a girl thought she was what? a maintenance workerIn the novel Counting by 7s, how long did Willow last her first day of middle school? less than 3 hoursIn the novel Counting by 7s, when Willow made →

What kind of threats are there from using information technology

Some of the files in that cabinet are inferential but the same lock is used as the one to open the cabinet. One of the advantages of using an information system is that if the lock varies slightly in the physical case, the thief will likely access the information, however even the slightest change in →

Ethnographytrobriand islands assignment

With reference to the Transponders' Kulak, gift exchanges during Christmas, and the flea markets in Singapore society, this essay discusses the importance of reciprocity and the circulation of gifts for the establishment and maintenance of social relations. This ultimately signifies a women's wealth and is seen as a sign of respect for the couple due →

The tragedy archetype

This suggests that there is a part of the Rebirth archetype in the Tragedy archetype. This means that in the tragedy archetype, ' the light' which is the rebirth of the character, can be seen only for a moment before it dissipates with the main character's demise.

Data structures: final exam review essay sample

If operator, pop two trees T1, T2 from stack, and form a new tree whose root is the operator, and whose left and right children are T2 and T1; push new tree onto stack Binary search tree: binary tree with the property that for every node X, the value of all items in its left →

Brothers & keepers and sociological theory essay

Perhaps the theory most useful to explain the story of the two brothers is under the school of social ecology. From that, the social disorganization theory is attributed to the professors associated with the Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago between 1920 and 1932.

Is democratic media environment good

In such a society media and press are free, democratic, being able to cover all stories and mistakes of the government. The problem is that, in a democratic society, there is a lot of information that is to be known.

Activity based costing – case study essay

This will be questionable production and costing practice by higher authority as the standard costing has to be followed from the BOC group costing standard given the similar settings, any variations in setting is of course adjusted for the variation. Long term Strategy The current commercial climate for Fiji is in volatile situation from the →

Suetonius compare and contrast paper essay

It seems that Situations gives very good treatment to those emperors that he likes and very harsh treatment to those emperors that he dislikes, which says quite a lot about his integrity as a historian. He Was a humane person who had a good share of adversity and uncertainty in his life.

The malaysian education systems education essay

The curriculum design based on three areas which are communication, man and environment, and development of individual emphasizes students study in group and interaction between teacher and students, students and students are very stressed in this. In short, changes in the era of globalization require a change in the balance of the education curriculum like →

The benefits of cooperative learning for ell students

The first thing to consider is the fact that cooperative learning is beneficial to all students, regardless of their classification or primary language. Another way that cooperative learning is helpful to ELL students is by lowering their anxiety level so that they feel more at ease and are able to comfortably focus on learning the →

Music publication through what was relevant in society

It appealed to the audience and created success as it was the best selling singles chart in the UK and in a sense influenced the audience in what to listen to and what was part of the music scene. This was because technology was growing and so was the young audience.- NME responded to the →

Mass uprising 1969 in bangladesh

The racial repression and the deprivation of the Bengalis within the frame work of Pakistan and, to the contrary, starting from the language movement the feeling of separate identity together with struggle for autonomy had direct influence on the mass upsurge of 1969. Accordingly the programme was launched with the gherao of the bungalow of →

Power dimension in family

The third and the Important dimension of of power Is Ideological power, by which thoughts and wishes of public can be altered of influenced -We can see this in Voting patterns and manipulation for Narrate Mood led AND by Middle class even AND was opposing Public distribution system which benefits the lower middle class the →

A survey of azerbaijan economic policies

Azerbaijan is the biggest country of the Behind the Caucasus region, bordering the Caspian Sea in the east and Russia, Georgian on the north; Armenia on the west and Iran on the south. With a GDP of around $ 63 billion, Azerbaijan is the 70th economy in the world, with the next biggest being Luxembourg, →

The influence of imperialism on the canadians history essay

Strong ties still remained to the British Empire, as was shown by the people of Canada in their dedication to the monarchy as well as supporting Britain's war efforts. As Canada moved forward into the Great War, imperialism was still a strong force in Canada, as she began to grow into a powerful nation-state of →

Levis case study essay

Comparisons of figures for Spring and Autumn of 1999 showed a reduction in the number of people in the UK who were able to identify the Levi's brand. Levi's objective is to reclaim the brand.

Classroom etiquette and dealing with disruption

If the situation requires an immediate response in class, calmly and courteously ask the student to stop the conduct and to talk to you after class or during office hours. You may want to inform the class that students may be disciplined for disrupting class, and to reiterate that message if you talk with an →

American struggle over health care reform | article review

Review and Reflection of Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle over Health Care Reform by Paul Starr Paul Starr author of Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle of Health Care Reform captures a chronological order of the historical journey of American health care. Starr affectionately refers to the third foundation as the rollercoaster →

An overview of volkswagen group automobile industry marketing essay

We took Volkswagen Group as a manufacturing company and we try to know what are the line business, major competitors, and the goals of Volkswagen Group. Then we start to make common size analysis for both income statement and balance sheet from year 2005 to 2009 to see the financial performance of the company over →

How does the mise-en-scene and point of view suggest two different sides of travis bickle and his detachment from society essay

The camera is used to great effect throughout the whole film to illustrate the fact that none of it is real and that he is just imagining everything. Also in this shot he is never in the centre and the camera is below him at a low angle and only moves up to the level →

Ebusiness plan online furniture shops marketing essay

The rest of the report will determine several other elements required in the e-business plan for Online Furniture Shop.A. Markets in E-Commerce There are three types of markets in the e-business sector Business-to-Business, Business-to-Consumer and Consumer-to-Consumer.

The importance of marketing in small business

A business which is operated and is owned by the private entity with a limited or small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales is known as small business. To identify the problems and opportunities in the early stage, Farmer Brothers & J.D.

Chapter 18-19 test review

Nothing the application is Windows Installer-enabled When configuring a GPO to deploy a software package, what is the difference between assigning and publishing the application? Public Which of the three Windows Firewall profiles is most appropriate for a company file and print server?

The theme of self-interest in ‘the merchant of venice’ and ‘the crucible’

The triangular relationship among Antonio, Bassanio and Portia in The Merchant of Venice and the friendship between Abigail Williams and the girls in The Crucible are both based on selfish motives. Even the Court of Venice that is supposed to be a place of justice and equality, serves to the self-interest of the powerful class →

R&d implementing essay

If a firm has the option of investing in R&D implementing the technology is the exercise price nature of the option benefit of exercising the option the value of the option Instructor Explanation: Chapter 7, page 143 1. It would also affect the new technology fit with the firms position in complementary resources and the →

Depiction of the valley of the ashes in chapter 2 of great gatsby essay

Fitzgerald's depiction of the Valley of Ashes in Chapter Two The Valley of Ashes, a landfill site solely for ashes, is painted by Fitzgerald to greaten our appreciation of American Society and the themes it generates such as social decline, moral ambiguity, the loss of hope and faith and the dominance of shallow materialism. Fitzgerald →

Othello – explore the relevance of rank and race in shakespeare’s representation of a tragic hero. assignment

The play seems to be based around the Aristotelian classical model of tragedy, and Shakespeare incorporates the hubris and harmartia in the character of Othello to further enhance the effect of Iago's attempts to ruin him. Othello is proud of his status, and his reputation is a crucial aspect of the hero's perception of himself.

Dubois v. washington

He needed to reassure his sponsors that the philosophy of the university was not meant to challenge the Jim Crow Laws or lynchings, it was only meant to inspire African Americans to have an industrial education. Following his studies, DuBois returned to the states and observed the lynchings and abuse that African Americans were now →

Disneyland resort paris

The universal strategy of Disney Company is to use Disneyland resorts to connect the real world and the magic world. An Effective Improvement to Make the Resort to Survive in Europe Disneyland in Paris had five approaches to improve its business: * Change the name of the park from " Euro Disney" to " Disneyland →

Corporate strategic communication: laline essay sample

The Stores are designed according to the concept, chavy- chic white And are located in prime locations as part of the network's strategy to be on the main avenues of shopping malls and leading shoping centers.2007.* The Category of mind and body Nurture did not exist and never been defined.* a study for the brand →

M.l.k and malcolm x compare and contrast

I assert that while nonviolence and racial integration underMLK's vision would almost certainly lead to a more peaceful society, I find that Malcolm X'slegacy of self-defense and revolution is more applicable to today's society because it is doubtfulthat humans will ever achieve totalequalityin any sense due to both the tragedy of power and the inherent →

Destroyers in the name of progress: bazarov in “fathers and sons” and mr. fortune in “a view of the woods”

The destruction of tradition in the name of progress exists in Flannery O'Connor's " A View of the Woods" and Ivan Turgenev's Fathers and Sons through the main protagonists in each work. Fortune, the protagonist of O'Connor's " A View of the Woods," is uniquely different from the characters of Fathers and Sons in that →

Citibank’s e-business strategy for global corporate banking

Hint: use Porters 5 forces) The statements below are the impacts of the internet on the competitive landscape of corporate banking: * Intense competition which further increased the rivalry amongst existing competitors * The challenges of serving corporate customers with a variety of needs in terms of size of organization and how progressive and open →

Inherent dangers of the present system law constitutional administrative essay

An element of inequity can be noticed by everybody in this system and in that it overthrows from the system a political party which rallies a significant percentage of the electorate. In an extreme hypothesis, it is remotely possible for a party to win more than 75% of the seats with a minority of the →

Communication in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease palliative care nursing essay

Because of the difficulty with the prognosis of COPD, it presents a challenge for physicians and healthcare practitioners to provide adequate care to patients. Curtis defines palliative care as the goal being to prevent and relieve suffering and support the best possible loyalty of life for patients and their families and their families, regardless of →

St of the impossible stone to argue essay

Meaning it is impossible and illogical, which satisfies Aquinas's theory of omnipotence, saying that ' God' can do everything which is within the logical boundaries. But if, like me, one party is agnostic it is easier to believe that ' God' is omnipotent in the sense of Descartes' definition.

The concept of globalization tourism essay

With the advancement in technology, it has brought the world to be a connected place with the introduction of the internet, telephones which have made created easy communication within the world. With regards to the golden straight jacket, Caribbean countries need to recognize the position that they are in and implement different strategies to suit →

Management and leadershipexample essay

Managers supervise subordinates and leaders motivate and inspire to focus toward the vision of the organization and overcome obstacles in reaching goals." Central to effective leadership is power the ability to influence other people". In Frito Lay's servant-leadership culture, the role of the leader is to serve the needs of the employees by supporting and →

Women in roman society

The women who came from the wealthy levels of the society had the daily chores done by the slaves since the lives of women were determined by their position in their society. USA: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Environmental degradation: causes and effects

The aim of this paper is to identify what urban environmental degradation is, and then understand the reasons and effects of this issue. Hackett writes that urban degradation is a result of the rapid growth in urban population and industrialization which causes many negative impacts on the urban landscapes and living quality of cities, such →

Finance plan

Legal trademark will be obtained for the business name " Cereal to Go! " all potential physical hazards will be identified in and outside of the store. Marketing plan will have an influence in the location of Cereal to Go!

Free research paper on drug and alcohol problems; heroin: where is the epidemic

Virtually all media centers seemed to point to the possibility of an uptrend in the use of heroin in contrast to that of its relatives in the opioid group. In the late 1990s, the use of heroin rose further to reach peaks of 1.