1400 Words Essay Samples

Nursing: ha health care financial management essay examples

Case mix index assigning a relative value for a diagnosis of a group of patients and the resources available to them . - Interview with a financial manager in my health care organization The finance structure of my organization consists of the Finance Director; next is the Assistant Director of Finance who β†’

Ltcm-letter to investor

Losses of this magnitude are a shock to us as they surely are to you, especially in light of the historical volatility of the Fund. Hence, our losses across strategies were correlated after-the-fact from a sharp increase in the liquidity premium. The majority of the Fund's risks are in our core investment β†’

Ethics in media

With the expanse, diversity and power that the media is now enjoying, it has hugged the limelight because of the increasing incidence of unethical behavior among the different kinds of media practitioners. Objectivity holds it that the primary loyalty of the media is to the public.

A the right-duty concept. this implies that

The understanding behind dead men not being persons in theeyes of law can be simplified by stating that the personality of a human being commencesat the time of birth and ceases to exist at the time of death. Hence, it can be said thataccording to Will Theory, all the rights of a dead person like, β†’

Does pinocchio promote or critique educational art essay

For many of us the narrative will be merely in our head and imaginativeness, nevertheless it is helpful, when reading a kids ' s narrative, to hold in head the practical jobs faced by the manufacturers or the characters seeking to construe the narrative. Surely the secret plan of Pinocchio is exciting and full of β†’

Health care and change

The effectiveness of change will be determined by the Proper communication between the organization and the staff: The staff and the leaders will communicate effectively about the change; they will discuss how the change has affected them positively and negatively, The saying goes that " Once man understands an idea; he can identify with it, β†’

Lab biochemistry

005 0 0. 005 0 0.

Organic synthesis of aspirin chemistry formal lab essay sample

Theoretical Yield = # of moles of limiting reagent X Of aspirinMolecular weight of aspirin 4. H2SO4 *Ethanol: C2H5OH *Acetic Acid: C2H4O2 *Acetylsalicylic Acid: C9H8O4 Procedures: Followed the procedures listed in the University of Winnipeg, Department of Chemistry Laboratory Manual, β†’

Catalase lab report

If the speed is surpassed, bonds begin to break and the enzyme becomes less effective. The purpose of this lab is to test the effects of different variables mixed with the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and yeast, yeast being the catalase. Another variable that was tested was the temperature of the water β†’

Case study of producing acidic oxide: sulfur dioxide

The concentrated ore is now predominantly CuFeS2 and is roasted in air with the following effects - 2CuFeS2 + 3O2 ' 2CuS + 2FeO + 2SO2 This is the first time sulfur dioxide is produced in the extraction process. A more common effect on society and the environment is it dissolving β†’

Laboratory techniques and measurements essay sample

Use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water in the beaker using Celsius units. The mass of the paper will add to the mass of the object to be measured, so the mass must be eliminated by taring the scale to set the scale to zero.

Hydracoach: the intelligent water bottle essay sample

The results are often catastrophic. In the case of proper hydration a man or woman relies on that subtle feeling of discomfort that is usually felt in the mouth and throat a signal that is interpreted as thirst and therefore the need to rehydrate. In simpler terms this bottle is equipped with a computer β†’

Good example of research paper on a possible new way to satisfy both sides

Like any other use of technology or technological enhancement, sonar testing has its advantages and drawbacks as will be seen in the ensuing discussion. Thesis statement The use of navy sonar testing is very sacrosanct because of the gains accrued from it, despite the staggering pitfalls that accompany it; β†’

Slavery and racism

In Africa, the slaves and the slave owners were of the same race. The large plantation owners were white and the slaves were black. Because of the racial divide in the owners and slaves, many forms of racism were justified.

Comparison of crito by plato and a letter from a birmingham jail by king jr term paper

Under such a situation of wilful decision to remain in the city despite the unjust laws, Socrates sees no reason to attack the city on the account of his unjust conviction. King should not talk of the explanations he ought to give to his children regarding the segregation since he had, of course by wilfully β†’

Example of harper lees to kill a mockingbird thesis

Through the innocence of Scout, Harper Lee presents the varying aspects of intolerance and racism evoking the vivid racial discrimination around the melodramatic town of Maycomb; provoking the distinctive characters to challenge their values to the extent of their abilities. Introduction and main thesis racial injustice and the disruption of β†’

Reasons for alienation and ways of its elimination

The loss of identity and traditional values, the heavy regulations and expected discipline is what will bring a person down and closer to feeling alienated. According to Karl Marx freedom of work and creation is essential for a person's identity, for their well-being and for their development as a human being, but throughout the recent β†’

The thirteen american arguments essay sample

Conservatives against same-sex marriage typically argue that the institution of marriage is defined as a religious union between a man and a woman," It is a privilege, not a right".they insist. According to a statement made on July 31, 2003 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and approved by Pope John Paul β†’

No heros no villians essay sample

James Richardson was the accused in the case of the deceased NY Police Officer John Skagen. At that point Skagen was at the bottom of the stairs he raised his gun aimed and fired a single shot with hit James Richardson in the shoulder blade he still kept running.

Working weeks

I would define this key strategic issue in two particular contexts; the first of which being how the generic working week is structured, and the second being the average amount of normal weekly hours a full time worker must work to maintain a livelihood. Companies would gain two extra hours a day of an individual's β†’

Ap bio work

What is the atomic number of helium? Here is a list of the types of bonds and interactions discussed in this section.

Good essay on the unlikely disciple

Nothing in this was new for Kevin as a previous student of Brown, but as an author these were very important revelations and he mentioned everything in his book in order to make his book more realistic. Since Kevin was undercover in the ultra conservative Christian university, he had to take care of a lot β†’

Justin pineo

Many claim that grades are necessary to motivate students, but what really happens is that the students become less interested in learning and doing the work. What this showed was that the students did not really want to think about the questions asked for the paper; they only wanted the answers.

Economics: relationship between international student and american in us term paper examples

This is optimally a clear reflection that the students have brought in good and constructive relations which leads to them accruing positive factors from their studies. The comparison comes hand in hand in effect of the mutual relationship that comes in between them in the essence that seeks to illustrate β†’

Palate-able delights: new modes of trade finance

For larger orders, a documentary collection method of payment provides PAD with the flexibility it needs in order to sell the goods to an alternate customer should a dispute arise before the products perish, while providing the customer with much less complexity and expense relative to a documentary letter of credit. Introduction and β†’

The festival of diwali in india

The third day of Diwali comes with the most effective climax that's on the third day we people get to experience the darkest night of the month Kartika. The food most closely related to the festival is Indian sweets, that are available a spread of colors and flavors. The third day or the Diwali, Lakshmi β†’

Silk invention & progression in china

She was the wife of the Yellow Emperor who is said to have ruled China in 3000 BC and is remembered as the inventor of the loom, introducing sericulture to the Chinese society. This practice was put into place because of the importance of silk to remain in China for as long as possible.

Multidimensional digitalization of indian economy

In many parts of the country people are still not using the Internet as they are not aware about its benefit and function which is the biggest challenge in front of the government. Digital services are not robust enough to cater need to large customers at a time. Potentials of digital India: Digital India has β†’

Journal article review essay examples

The transformations provide the basis for evaluating the challenges that are most likely to face these economies in the 2010s, and for drawing essential implications for the world at large. The findings are well explained and supported by various economic theories and literature. The paper findings indicate that 2000s was the period for massive economic β†’

Top 5 kartrocket alternatives in india

It is available as a free to download version (to be installed on your own server) as well as a hosted service (where you need to pay for the hosting). Some of the key features include: Customer support Email marketing Store customization Facebook store Order management Mobile app Integration β†’

Organizational communication: the merits and demerits essay example

Though the majority may opine that it is of absolute good, there exists still a considerable amount of evidence that points to the demerits of organizational communication due to the possible gaps that exist in virtually all communication theories. In this case, the organizational system is not taken to represent the various departments in an β†’

Example of concept of law 5 essay

This particular theme is presented on the plot of the story of the movie Unknown, which was released for public appreciation in 2011. With all the twists and turns of the situation that represented the overall storyline of the movie, several conditions of identity theft and how it is won β†’

Self governing protectorate-panacea a forensic assessment of the feasibility, pros and cons

' Nigeria, like many parts of Africa, has suffered from the careless, some will even say criminal methods by which the different parts of the newly discovered parts of Africa were divided during the grab for colonies by the rival European powers. Most difficult for Yorubas to swallow will be the stationing of thousands of β†’

Ict in language teaching

Multimedia and languages: Students can create their own multimedia software, to help in their learning of a foreign language. Thus Students can the language in a playful way. E-learning: E-learning is defined as an interactive learning in which the learning content is available online and provides automatic feedback to the students learning β†’

Sophie’s world by jostein gaarder essay

Information about the author and his time 20%Jostein Gaarder is a Norwegian worldwide author of several novels, short stories and children's books. He was born in 8 August 1952 in Oslo and grown up in a scholar family within his father was a headmaster and mother was a teacher as well as a writer β†’


The idea put forth in this essay is to prove that the brain of a bilingual person is agile and nimble. This work is a recompilation of the advantages of being bilingual.

Junk food should be banned from elementary and middle schools research paper

Children in this age group tend to eat a lot of junk food in school and outside of school causing health problems (Lytton, " Why is there so much unhealthy food in schools?", Fooducate.com). Junk foods are very greasy and overly salty. There should also be replacement of healthy foods instead of junk foods in β†’

Obesity in children

The student discovered the causes of middle childhood obesity, the effect of obesity on a child's health, psychosocial, and cognitive development, and ways to counteract obesity in middle childhood. Effect of Obesity on Children's Health, Psychosocial, and Cognitive Development According to " Overweight And Obesity" , one in three children in the United States β†’

Good essay about public health intervention for obesity in bowie, md

Therefore, a community-based intervention utilizing tertiary health prevention strategies is warranted to decrease the existing rate of obesity while an intervention utilizing primary and secondary health prevention strategies is warranted to maintain low obesity rates and prevent the growth of obesity rates in the future. Current Health Interventions In β†’

How literature challenges the foundation of our beliefs

During the peak of communism, many took the route of to challenge the religious morals of the public. Russian writers Fyodor Dostoyveski and Leo Tolstoy lived in a dissimilar time than what modern day individuals have come to know. Although religious literature became illegal either after or near the end of the two author's lives, β†’

Free international political economy essay example

Globalization Globalization in its simplest definition is an increase on the levels of international trade, communication and investment which is advocated for and fostered by the growth of the internet and new technology developments. There is a great interaction between the growing levels of poverty and the increasing gap between the rich and β†’

The manifestation of helen graham, who moved to

In addition, the noun ' angel' refers to a massager of god or a" person of exemplary conduct of virtue"., whilst alluding to unrealistic gender role of the Angel in the House. In addition toJane's subordinated position as a governess, Rochester's legal unavailabilityas a suiter forces Jane to unknowinglyassume the position of a mistress. The β†’

Genetic testing at workplace case study

From a beneficial perspective, it has been observed that it is possible for the appropriate steps to be taken to prevent the disease that has been uncovered because of the genetic knowledge. This perspective is based on the argument that the selection of the best choice should be based on the fact that is highly β†’

Good a research paper on how behavioral genetics studies have reported research paper example

In this article, we will see through various researches conducted in the field of behavioral genetics studies, aimed at analyzing the impact of genetic and environmental factors in shaping the corresponding behavioral differences among individuals. Thus the prime objective of this study is to enlist and elaborate various methods used (in the field of behavioral β†’

Biological evidence essay

When analyzing a scene or an point of grounds it is really of import to be cognizant of any biological grounds. This is because biological grounds is forensically really of import because it can do a direct nexus between a suspect and the scene or point utilizing DNA profiling. This is a utile technique β†’

Condition of the philippines essay sample

Power Crisis The Philippines was experiencing widespread and frequent brownouts because of the huge demand for electricity and the old and depreciated power plants. PROMISES DURING THE ELECTIONS AND INAUGURATION Restoration of Civic order Make politics serve the not the family, favored groups, or themselves, but the nation Restore Civility β†’

Mobile phone and people

Restated thesis: As a conclusion, it's clear that we have become overly dependent ontechnology by the facts that we are becoming lazier, ignoring humanpower, and working while travelling in our daily life, although when most of the people say that technology made our lives better. B. It's a simple fact of the β†’

The fire that changed an industry: a case study on thriving in a networked world

In Albuquerque, Philips engineers and managers grappled with the aftermath of the fire. On July 20, 2000, Ericsson reported that the fire and component shortages had caused a second-quarter operating loss of $200 million in its mobile phone division.

Travelodge analysis and pest analysis

According to the ACORN categorization of I-J consumers stated in Dib, S the main category of customers would be in the 'Comfortably Off category. The town and city centre hotels target many demographic variables of the target, with the main customers being families and group holidays on itty/weekend breaks. The Behaviorist's β†’

Pestle analysis factors

This may also include the provision of incentives to produce particular products/services or even to locate in a particular area such as subsidies and tax breaks. Governments are also one of the largest employers in any economy where changes in the level of government spending may influence the level of unemployment in β†’

9 takeaways for entrepreneurs from bruce springsteen’s autobiography

" I am glad I have been handsomely paid for my efforts but I truly would have done it for free," rocker Bruce Springsteen writes in his new memoir and bestseller Springsteen, one of rock's brightest stars for 41 years , is obviously referring here to his love of themusiche and his E β†’

Business plans examples for e commerce business

2 Mission JAVA Looks mission Is to provide the finest In Jewelry and accessories using the Internet to lower the consumer's cost. Products JAVA Looks will market and sell private label (manufactured by a company that laces the retailer's name on the packaging) handmade and customize Jewelry and accessories to individual consumers via the Internet.

Midsouth chamber of commerce

Unfortunately, because of the closures of large manufacturers in the area, bursting of the internet bubble and economic downshift Wellingtons found himself in a $330, 000 deficit by 2001. Something needed to be done and done quickly; he needed someone to lead the sales and marketing of is company, thus came Leon Leister. β†’

The importance of prenatal education for expectant mothers

Furthermore, the paper will provide a description of the activities and resources that I would use in order to come up with the most effective PE program. Introduction to Baby Basics When one is expectant, there are a number of things that they would need to be aware of for the greater good of β†’

Elizabeth bishop’s personal poetry

Through her use of these techniques in the poems " In the Waiting Room" and " One Art" we can see how Elizabeth Bishop's wielding of personal experience functions beyond the bounds of ' confessional poetry' and becomes more about reconciling the sense of loss in her life". Now that she has lived as a β†’

Lesson plan essay sample

The following ideas may be brought up. - Intelligence is the capacity and the ability of people to do certain things, it is inborn, and there is nothing one can do to change their intelligence - Schools generally value ones ability to pass grammar and comprehension tests, to solve complex mathematics problems as well as possession β†’

Motivation and control: the police supervisor’s dilemma

It is not a clear cut relationship and it can cause problems within the organization and for the employees. The problem with this relationship is that while the people in charge of the organization want a specified amount of control, they cannot accomplish this without some repercussions. There is a dire need of safety and β†’

Ib tok prescribed title

In this case it is the progress in the search for knowledge in an area of knowing. The knowledge that is gained during the progress made in human sciences is vital to future experiments, cases, and generations.

When noticed that global health is not focused

It means that we have to concentrate on solving the climate change to have much improvement while continuing solving others problems related to it. The climate change will be the issue to try to solve in a long-term or at least to reduce the effects of it. Priority: To make people aware of climate change β†’

Salsa essay example

Culture brings people together, integrate them, ensures the integrity of the community During the socialization of values, ideals, norms and patterns of behavior become part of the consciousness of the person. It is impossible to measure the cultural influence and contribution of Salsa.

Perseus vs oedipus. similarities and differences

Baron Raglan is one of the scholars studying about the biographies of heroes, and he developed a list of twenty-two actions of the life of a hero in heroic tales. Due to his success, Oedipus was offered to be the king of Thebes, and he accepted it and married the queen of Thebes.

Past and future life

While living there with my grandparents my sister and I never got along she would always do things and blame me for it. I remember one night after eating dinner my sister got up to put her dishes in the sink in the kitchen, so I came in behind her but as I walked up β†’

Building the nation future leaders

It's been unforgettable event that we should reminisce every now and then the significant marked of our lives as we give priority to our achievement in the field of learning. We bind us one today to celebrate the fruit of our sacrifices; your unsung hero shows their unfading support behind your success β†’

Brain chip implant technology critical thinking sample

In the quest of inventing a perfect machine, technology is now advancing to a new level; creating a brain similar to that of a human being. This is what led to the proposition of the brain chip implant. Other chips that exist in the market today aid in the repair of worn out parts of β†’

Good example of a reflection on com 215: storymaking essay

One interesting point that I learned in accordance with this is that as I review my work the knowledge that I have previously get to surface out; meaning, I get to remember them. This subject has helped me learn how to enjoy my future endeavors, so as to make sure that I will be able β†’

Research paper on budget deficit and its impact in the economy

I will highlight the positive and negative effects of the budget deficit and the different causes of the deficits. It increases the gap between the poor and rich in the economy. When a government decides to borrow funds from abroad, it causes an increase in the amount of foreign debt.

Good example of report on the ‘real’ unemployment figures in ireland (eire)

The unemployment rate is basically a measure of the prevalence of unemployment and it is usually calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by current in the field of labor. It is required to compare the values of unemployment of Ireland for years 2013 and 2014.

Since market share. the theory of the firm

Since the end of WW2 the world has seen an increase in the amount of international trade of goods and services between nations. This essay seeks to highlight the potential reasons for firms to engage in international business and why firms become multinational enterprises. The theory of the firm states that the main goal β†’

Critique prisoners of the wired worldΒ 

Society cannot ignore the fact that everything that is sold or that is invented in modern times, has something to do with technology. It's everywhere, even if we try to avoid it or run away from it, it's not possible. I think people need to take advantage of this and start using technology more, in β†’

Hsa 535 week 8 assignment 4

When it comes to mold it needs the right temperatures and moisture to grow. Mold is commonly found in dark and damp place, where the air and sun cannot generate drying power. If you inhale this type of mold it can cause you to have asthmatic reactions, hay fever and various allergies.

Capital structure theories

Which of the following directors seems to have a risk of tax exhaustion? Director A Director B Director C Director D Q49. Which of the following statements is incorrect? Equity financing is costly as compared to loans A bank is at low risk as they β†’

Chapter summary

The society of today, however is not the society of yesterday, nor will it be the society of tomorrow. Weber also argued that the impersonality of bureaucracies tends to produce workers who feel detached from their organizations and each other.

Statement of facts

At trial the State introduced Simmons confession and the videotaped reenactment of the crime, along with testimony that Simmons discussed the crime in advance and him bragging to fellow classmates about it later. The defense called no witnesses due to the evidence and confession. The juries may get distracted by the crime and not consider β†’

Prison and capital punishment impact

Capital punishment was also documented in religious texts such as the Old Testament of the Bible and the Torah used in the Jewish religion. Capital punishment has split the population in two opposing sides: those who believe in the use of the death penalty and those that do not.

The death penalty in thailand

The Death Penalty in Thailand Throughout the history of man, the penalty of death was given to criminals who broke the law. In the book The Penalty of Death, Thorsten Sellin states that as to the end or final cause of punishment, this is not by way of atonement but as prevention against future β†’

Performance and project management

The best way of keeping track of the progress is to have a project management performance the goal of the project manager is successfully to move the project through all phases, from start to finish, although ultimately achieving the outcomes defined at the onset. A number constraint and the proportion among the cashiers, cooks, and β†’

Conflict resolution in project management

Conflict resolution in Project Management Conclusions and recommendations Conclusions What is the best way of conflict resolution and why in the projectenvironment? In the business industry and life in general, β†’

Primary project management organizational structures

On the basis of unique characteristics of the project, each project structure various forms its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the main objectives of the structure is to reduce uncertainty and confusion that typically occurs at the project initiation phase. The Structure defines the relationships among members of the project management and the relationships β†’

Critique of the article: absolut memory distortions, alcohol placebos influence the misinformation effect

The researchers found that socially constrained behavior is often kept in check regardless of consumption of alcohol and this raised questions for Assefi and Garry because to their belief, memory performance is not something we normally keep in check. To study the effects of alcohol on memory, the researchers incorporated both nonsocial and β†’

The harmful effects of alcohol on an average person

The officers check the driver ' s BAC to see if the driver is driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. The amount of alcohol that is in a woman's blood is also in the baby ' s blood.

The development of pip in great expectations

Due the fact that Pip is narrating his own story many years after the events has taken place in the novel, there are in fact two Pips within Great Expectations: Pip the narrator and Pip the character the voice that is telling the story and the person acting it out all the events. As Pip β†’

The notion of post purchase dissonance

The stages of the consumer buyer process are: problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision and post purchase behavior. Post purchase behavior " is the final stage of the consumer decision process where the customer assesses whether s/he is satisfied or dissatisfied with a purchase. In a consumer behavior situation, " the consumer would β†’

Sample case study on gulf mexico bp oil spill

Abstract Gulf Mexico oil spill also known as the Deep-water Horizon oil spill, BP Oil Disaster or the Macondo Blowout is considered to be the largest oil spill in the history of mankind. Unfortunately it could not be denied that the oil slick and the ensuing ecological and economical damage were a cause β†’

Case study on simon sinek golden circle model

The difference between the most successful companies and the rest is in the direction they work from relative to the Golden Circle. For influential firms, this is the starting point for any product development and the reason for exceptional success. Sinek gives the example of Apple, whose products are popular globally, to illustrate the " β†’

Dunkin brands group, inc case study sample

9M respectively. The company's life cycle The Dunkin' brands seems to have reached the mature phase of the lifecycle in the specialty coffee industry. This is as a result of the flattening growth of profits and increased sales, hence ranked number two in the industry. The company's life cycle The Dunkin' brands seems β†’

Crisis marketing strategy: the case of johnson & johnson case study examples

The organization was not responsible for the poisoning as investigation revealed signs of malice. Prior to the poisoning, the organization controlled 37% of the market. Apparently, accepting responsibility and deciding to withdraw the products was a good idea considering that it improved the public image of the organization and brought it out as a firm β†’

Amazon swot analysis 2016: strengths and weaknesses

One out of every three product searches online is done through Amazon.com and nearly half of online sales are filtered through Amazon.com. Amazon is the fourth most valuable public company in the world, the largest internet company by revenue in the world and the ninth largest employer in the United States. Amazon.com, Inc., incorporated on β†’

Example of business plan on financial analysis

Additionally, the company has gotten back their asset that was part of the security needed to secure a loan back in 2006. Based on its financial performance, Ford is expected to excel significantly in its financial performance. Surviving the global recession and the demand for auto industry in the U.S.- A case for ford motor β†’

Essay on demographic factors

Microsoft, Sony and other software manufacturing companies such as Oracle have been at the forefront in the development of video games that have advanced features such as the Sony Play Station Move and the Microsoft Kinect. The evolution of computer games has witnessed a number of market dynamics that have far reaching effects on both β†’

Globalization processes in ukraine

Ukrainian National Identity: The Ways of Europeanization " ' " " ' " ' ' " " '...' ' "..." " ' ' ' ' '..." ' The article is devoted to analysis of the ways of uropeanization of Ukrainian sociocultural sphere and creation of supranational European identity in Ukraine as the way β†’

Forces that shape competition

The strongest competitive force or forces determine the profitability of an industry and become the most important to strategy formulation. 1) Rivalry among existing competitors: Rivalry competition is intensity because rivalry among existing competitors could include price discounting, new product introductions, advertising campaigns and service improvement. β†’

Research paper on jit and process standardization

The level of hygiene, the pace to which the food is prepared and the overall layout of the kitchen guide production process in the fast food drive in. The process to achieve wide market the process that makes no impact be deleted for example the ushering of a client.

How 3 clever restaurateurs turned mcdonald’s into a price-simplifying worldwide phenomenon

After the lunchtime rush, he introduced himself to the drive-in restaurant's bosses, Mac and Dick McDonald, and arranged to take them out to dinner. As the brothers outlined their system that evening, Kroc became hooked by its simplicity and efficiency. With prices cut in half and the appropriate economic exploitation, world demand for fast-food hamburger β†’

Good research paper on youre name

This revamped menu was promoted through a new worldwide ad campaign which has a slogan " I am lovin' it". Target Market for the ad campaign McDonald's has chains in more than 122 countries." I am lovin' it" was the company's global ad campaign and was created by Heye and Peter, an ad agency β†’

Lan-based payroll system essay sample

The accuracy and efficiency of the system will prevent loopholes and discrepancies in the management. The proposed system consists of the following modules: Security Only the Administrator has access to the whole system. The gathered file and data will be place in the memory of the computer. Time-in and Time-out After β†’

Report on history and development of tequila

The grandson of Don Cenobo Sauza, Don Francisco Javier, has a big influence on the production of Tequila and tequila is produced only from agave plants. The late 1990s has been important years for tequila, and many people all around the world has met this spirit and liked it. The people's interest in tequila and β†’