1400 Words Essay Samples

Before the issue of slavery. harriet beecher stowe’s

Harriet Beecher Stowe's controversial novel Uncle Tom's Cabin contributed to the uneasy relationship between the North and the South by exposing the harshness of slavery to the public. The author's intrusive commentary bridges the fictional world with that of the reader and allows for the audience to engage and relate more.

Analysis of rsa algorithm communications essay

The key which is distributed to other and which is publicly known is known as a public key and the key which is kept secret is known as private key. Here is the public key which is used for encryption and is a private key which is used for decryption.

Chapter 2 cis-243

Which of the following is not one of the competitive forces of Porter's model? A firm's value chain is linked to the: value chains of its suppliers, distributors, and customers.

Abstract: teaching in her own school. he

The paper also analyses the connectionbetween nature and man in Frost's poetry, not to categorise him as a naturepoet but to analyse the peculiarities of his symbols and their connection withman. It is also quoted that " some people called mepoet of nature setting but I am not a poet for nature, there is also →

Shinsei case study

These moments include the denial by Shinsei to forgive 97 billion Yen in debt owed by Sogo, the creation of the Shinsei Securities operations and the institutional banking department, being listed on the Tokyo Stock exchange and the hiring of Tom Pedersen as the Chief Learning Officer All the above moments are important because all →

Mandee flammer

Being a vegetarian is a way of life and a choice. However, studies have shown that the vegetarian diet is a lot healthier than a diet containing meat and will be the end of animal mistreatment.

Example of cross cultural approach report

The solution to this was that the employees were not employing the same approaches to business. The principal suggests that the greater the power, the greater the distance between them.

Marketing 4p plan- club med flashcard

By providing installment and discount payment for the Club Med's payer. Provides full information and create awareness for the Club Med brand itself and also distribute the brochures to the potential customers.

Reinventing literary history- cregan joselyn wohl essay

Satan, in the form of a serpent, then goes on to convince Eve that the fruit from the tree of knowledge made him speak and think like a human and would in turn make her think like a god and know the difference between good and evil. This is a difficult situation that Eve finds →

48 laws of power essay sample

Their left brain hemisphere translated the images of the environment that were absorbed through their sensory perception into the language commands that people of that era ' heard' spoken within their heads and interpreted those as voices of ' gods.' Thus, over the 60, 000 years of language development, they learned to obey the external →

Zara case study georgi katermov

Although maintaining profitability and the keeping the leadership position within the market should not be an Issue for the company, should Ezra continue to use the centralized distribution yester and not add another centre, It would be a future risk to the sustainability of the global expansion, and, thus keeping the Integrity of the company's →

Advance practice theory paper

On the other hand expansion refers to the acquisition of new practice knowledge and skills including knowledge and skills legitimizing the role autonomy within area of practice that overlap traditional boundaries of medial practice/. Advancement in this context involves experience and specialization that is characterized by the integration of theoretical research based and practical knowledge →

Banco compartamos case study

It looks at the shift of Compartamos Bank to a commercial bank, impacts of the shift to its initial mandate, and the effectiveness of both models in poverty alleviation. It is a major concern to microfinance, on the appropriate balance between the goal of providing access to financial services to the poor and profitability and →

Community the community corrections entail broad utilization of

Community corrections are considered vital in reducing rehabilitation and recidivism, owing to the current increased rate of crimes committed in the community. The law and justice imposers have long worked to come up with the best community practices that can help reduce the rate of rehabilitation as well as that of recidivism.

Crime prevention issues: murder, organized crime and fraud

Issues in solving or defending first degree murder charges require understanding if the criminal admits to the killing and asserts self-defense or if the criminal indicates that they did not do the killing. The main purpose is to engage in criminal activity at a global level such as money laundering and computer crime.

Conflict on a trading floor assignment

It took over three months for Linda and the SCOFF of Poseidon to create a structure that would hedge the company from all currency exposure and to create the lowest possible all-in cost in dollars. The plan was for Fratricides and Poseidon to enter into a " cross-county interest rate swap" where the francs would →

Song of solomon and gold’s metaphor

He believes that he has done nothing to deserve the burden of the knowledge that people have given him and is too far inside himself to appreciate the love that his family members provide him. His desire to escape his life is shown when Morrison says " He wanted the money desperately, he believed but →

The history of the dillard chain store’s impact on arkansas

In the history of the company, Dillard's seldom sell discounted goods but sets prices that meet the local competition to the benefit of the local people. The expansion and growth of The Dillard's business entity has a positive impact in the Arkansas State.


The factors that led to the decline of the AIG are analysed, and these mostly include internal factors in the company. In addition, the philosophy of the top management and the corporate culture of the AIG were influential in its downfall, and the overall 2008 economic meltdown.

Journal entry journey’s end essay

Because I am still so unaware it seems that I am the only one to notice the fact that during the raid, many of our men were lost. I said that it was because I could not stand the fact that they were celebrating after we had just lost Osborne and 6 of our fellow →

Academic achievements assignment

This is where the focal point of the study takes place: the effects of co- curricular involvement on the academic achievements of the grade seven to third year over- all top ten students. This study yearns to determine the effects of co- curricular involvement on the academic achievements of students.

Editorial: integrating emerging technologies into marine megafauna conservation management

Editorial on the Research Topic Integrating Emerging Technologies into Marine Megafauna Conservation Management Many recent and emerging technological innovations hold great potential to transform the " best-available science" for marine megafauna conservation management, such as remote sensing, telemetry, molecular technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles, bio-acoustics, and animal-borne imaging. Baker et al.demonstrate how eDNA methods can be →

Write a critical review of “with god on our side” essay sample

In this verse an angel makes it clear to Joshua that he is not on the side of either the Israelitites or the Caananites, but is the commander of " God's army". Whilst the majority of experts interviewed in the film are strongly critical of Christian Zionism or Israeli policy, Speakman Jr does give the →

The death penalty and juveniles

This is not to argue about the pros and cons of the death penalty and juveniles, but to give data it can inform the controversial argument to focus on the Death Penalty and Juveniles. The intent is to provide details of death penalty and juveniles, whereas to give an understanding of what causes these young →

Cis chapter 3

Which of the following are you most likely to choose as a result? tower server blade server indexed server print server blade serverIf you are looking to use a Bluetooth device and do not want to extend its range with additional equipment, which of the following is the approximate distance you can expect between your →

Master of engineering in internetworking engineering essay

Lab Assignment #3 Submitted By: Saair Ali QureshiB00618386 MSC128+64+32+16+8+4+2LSB+110011000 00001010 10100001 01110010 01111111 11000001 11101100 252

Editorial: individual differences: from neurobiological bases to new insight on approach and avoidance behavior

Only recently, it was preferred the Approach-Avoidance distinction that expands the previous Approach-Withdrawal distinction in terms of energization of the behavior by, or direction of the action toward, positive stimuli in the case of the approach, and in parallel, energization of the behavior by, or direction of the action away from, negative stimuli in the →

Cost of capital and capital structure

This flexible service enables large database downloads to all provisioned mobile phones, or selective updating of mobile phones, as needed.[pic] OTASP Application [pic] The Over-The-Air Service Provisioning features allows a wireless service subscriber to activate new wireless services and allows an existing wireless subscriber to make changes in existing services without the intervention of a →

The soviet japanese neutrality pact history essay

The signatories to the pact, Japan and the Soviet Union, each viewed the other with hostility, distrust and suspicion having faced off in a prior conflict in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, which was ended by the Portsmouth Treaty, the terms of which left the Soviets embittered, over the loss of the southern half of →

Tony kytes: the arch deceiver and roald dahls: lamb to the slaughter

The two stories " Tony Kytes the Arch-Deceiver" by Thomas Hardy written in the Victorian times and Roald Dahl's " Lamb to the Slaughter" written in the 1950's have their very own individual story line but, both are linked between correlations of how women degraded themselves to be a man's possession. The women were willing →

Separation of a base neutral mixture essay sample

The basic aqueous solution containing the carboxylate salt is acidified, causing the sodium carboxylate salt to convert back to the carboxylic acid, which is not water soluble. The amine can be recovered from the aqueous solution by treatment with a base, converting the ammonium salt back to the amine.

An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations

Background For something encompassing and something as groundbreaking as " The Wealth of Nations" a better understanding of the document can be had when the background of the author is made part of the analysis. According to one historian, Voltaire himself one of the greatest propagators of the ideals of the enlightenment was heard to →

Social determinants of under 5 child malnutrition and related health inequities

Title page: A Conceptual Framework Identifying the Social Determinants of Under 5 Child Malnutrition and Related Health Inequities Child undernutrition is one of major causes of poor child development and it is the underlying cause of about one third of the under 5 child mortality around the world 1. Despite the existence of health inequities →

Economic development and environmental protection assignment

THE purpose of this article is to consider the role of disturbance as a crucial ecological consideration in landuse planning for nature tourism. Nature tourism has been proposed in recent years as a solution to the dilemma that developing countries face in conserving their biological heritage and concurrently improving the economies of local human settlements.

The powers of europe during 1914 history essay

On the 28th of June 1914 Austria found its excuse; the heir to the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir apparent of the Austrian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Gavrilo Princip; a member of ' the Black Hand' which was a secret Nationalist Serbian group that was devoted to uniting all of the territories with →

Elizabethan era and othello

It is within the character and interactions of Othello that, Shakespeare privileges and challenges the idea of the prejudice of racism. Important is the contrast between Othello's language as he falls into a trance, and Othello's language in any previous part of the play, including Act III.

Case 1-3 the coca cola co

Although consumer awareness between the diet-disease relationships really began to take hold in the 1980s with efforts by the American Heart Association, due to the advent of the internet, by the mid-to-late 1990s consumers began to awaken to the health issues related to consumption of excessive sugar in the form of HFCS, and the dangers →

Objectives of criminology

It was not until the 1970's that such issues were addressed as Feminist criminology sought to challenge traditional theoretical approaches to an understanding of the relationship and nature of women, crime and criminality. In comparison to the massive documentation on all aspects of male delinquency and criminality, the amount of work carried out in the →

Career and responsibilities of an athletic trainer

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2016 to about 2026 the profession of athletic training is projected to grow about twenty-three percent. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics the demand for athletic trainers is expected to increase as more people become aware of the effects of sports-related injuries.

Salvador dali and klee

In between the man's head and the grasshopper is a larva like object that is ready to sprout. The box to the left shows the painting of a man who is shooting at a rock with the left hand.

Editorial: interdisciplinary approaches to improve quality of soft fruit berries

In this article collection authors have discussed the importance of developing chemical and molecular markers to assist breeding selection, in particular for three main features: controlling of the flowering period, improving quality and storability, and increasing the nutraceutical content. The studies of Farneti et al.and Mengist et al.were mainly focused on discovery the metabolic and →

Your responsibilities which effect on your work

The teachers role would normally include the following:- Identifying the learner needs, completing an initial learner assessment prior to the course will give a better understanding of learner knowledge / experience; Knowing the availability of any specific resources to assist in the learning process; Identifying learner outcomes and liaising with key stakeholders / employers to →

Perceptions of cultural purity in white teeth

A sense of accomplishment is important for Samad to become a man, and to ultimately obtain a core identity. Samad is obsessed with his religion and the purity it calls for.

Melanoma genetics/genomics

Melanoma genomics on the other hand is the study of genomes of melanoma cells and other cell types and their role in melanoma onset and progression. The potential for targeted therapy of melanoma brain metastasis through in vivo modeling and molecular characterization is the subject of a Review Article by Gaziel-Sovran et al.

Muffin break marketing plan and financial considerations

Muffin Break aim to be a strong player in the restaurant industry of Lahore, this would be due to the experience of the owners and due to the low competition in the market. Ms Saniya Malik has extensive in sales and marketing, Ms Hajra brings experience in finance, Ms Benish has been the HR manager →

Sons and lovers in terms of modernism

This is a book of farewell to youth, a book of searching for his own way in life and in literature, and, at the same time, it is a novel that provided Lawrence with the fame of a master of words. It is important that in this work both the traditions of the English novel →

Ethical issues with social media

For this reason, the social networks are now considered as a way of cyber-bullying and online-predation to attack the interest of a utilitarian. Social networking is a medium to get connected with the world and at many times it becomes difficult to estimate the amount of privacy required.

San andreas and family

While the disaster itself is the instigator of the plot, the climax and focus of the film is Franco cutting off his own arm. Ray and Emma's impending divorce is one of the overarching conflicts within the film that is solved over a variety of interactions between Ray and Emma during the earthquake, and through →

Examining the role of management consultants healthcare organisations

Further in essay issues with the organisation are identified, explanation of the interaction between consultant and client, key skills and responsibility of consultant and what decision making approach is adopted by consultant is discussed. The following is a short and formal definition of expert and consultants: An expert has understanding and insight of business environment.

Barriers to hinder communication

Communication can become blocked or hindered when a person cannot make sense of a message, this could be due to a number of things The use of different languages including sign language can affect whether the service user is able to make sense of the message, the service user may not understand the same language →

The sun also rises analysis narrative

Belmonte is a legendary bullfighter because he works close to the bull/in the bull's terrain 3. The crowd loves him because he is good, and with a lot of energy.

Everyman analysis essay

This author wanted to remind Christians and those who believe in God that death may be the beginning of our trip to heaven and meeting with God. The anonymous author of the play " Everyman" named the main character Everyman referring him as a typical human being." The characters in Everyman represented good and evil →

Income inequality in the uk and us economics essay

However, the decade after 1979 saw an unprecedented widening of the income distribution, a phenomenon replicated in the US: the ratio of the 90th and the 10th percentile of the in the UK the male wage distribution rose from 2. In the US and the UK it is argued that this lead to a fall →

Rhetorical analysis in english class essay

The author dwells on the significance of race in culture and social systems, and particularly on his perception of the role of Aryans and Jews in culture creation and/or destruction. He mentions the fact that the Aryan blood is of true origin and that the mingling with the lower peoples would result in the end →

Troy v, iliad

Note the reasons for the changes and modifications that have taken place in the creation of the movie? The major modification of the Iliad is the absence of Gods in the movie.

Tbon peer review essay

The improper delegation of duties by a MD to a paramedic and the RN's responsibility will be evaluated according to the Texas Nurse Practice Act, the Texas Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations and standards for blood transfusion. 9 the role of the IBPR is to determine if the nurse's actions should be reported to →

Universal worker case study

It is imperative that In the role of universal worker, ways are found to redesign the current set up of the organization and make the necessary changes within the organization to meet the needs of the administration. One way to do this is create different committees so that staff could be part of an even →

Bend it like beckham essay

Bend It like Beckham" is such a movie, which borrows cultural and racial difference between England and India, reflects how the two cultures co-exist and accept each other in a hard procedure As the immigrant of the second generation, Jess, a girl with talent to be a football player, shows her great admiration to Beckham, →

Demand & supply , examine the argument in favour & against minimum wage law in uk assignment

Since increase in wages, increase the quantity supplied, the supply of labour curve is upward sloping, and is shown as a line moving up and to the right.{draw: frame} Effect of Minimum wage law on demand & supply: {draw: frame} Nearly all introductory textbooks on study of economics, it states, increasing the minimum wage decreases →

Increase in kinetic energy engineering essay

The working principle behind this device is that, as the wire which is of higher temperature is exposed to fluid there is a drop of heat energy. The greater the air velocity the greater the rate of heat loss.

False destiny

The kindness and respect that Salieri gives to the Emperor, and figures of equal status, contrasts the bitterness that Salieri treats Mozart with, and also highlights Salieri's understanding of the kindness required to achieve personal gain. The desire to shape his destiny in the direction of pure, individual fame pushed Salieri to think of more →

Impact of the enlightenment on french society during the revolution

The repudiation of the King's divine right to rule undermined the core principles of the Old Regime in eighteenth-century France, as their influence and status were entrenched in the power and authority of the King. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789, a founding document of the current French →

Test cricket

The bowler delivers the ball to the batsman who attempts to hit the ball with his bat far enough for him to run to the other end of the pitch and score a run. The Laws of Cricket are maintained by the International Cricket Council and the Marylebone Cricket Club with additional Standard Playing Conditions →

What is risk? (report)

This is an example of expert knowledge being disputed by the lay public because getting brown and having a tan was more important than the risk of illness in the future. Beck defined ' risk society' to describe the social impact of risk and showed how the complex risks in society needed expert knowledge to →

Religion essays – predestination

The arguments and the conflicts between the freedom of will and predestination have been with us for a great part of the monotheistic history. The Quran makes a lot of references in support of this theory and the scholars of the Umayyad dynasty used this to their benefit.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

The experience of a person struck with an obsessive compulsive cycle is comparable to a non-sufferers inclination to breathe, or the need to have their heart beat - the thoughts and actions produced by OCD appear beyond regulation and feel automatic and mandatory for the sufferer. The person will then try to disinfect the polluted →

Analyse the purchasing power parity theory and discuss its applicability

In order to get a deeper understanding of the theory I will also briefly touch on topics such as the Law of One Price, the Big Mac index and similar subjects related to the Purchasing Power Parity theory. This leads us to the Purchasing Power Parity theory which states that price differences between countries in →

The introduction of indonesia tourism essay

Indonesia consists of 32 provinces and each province has special attractions to attract the visitors, and this are the explanation of three major tourist destinations in Indonesia: Jakarta is the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia, a country composed of more than 13, 000 islands with a population of over 180 million. The department →

The mind of adolf hitler the secret wartime report

The book explains, he befriended and was aided by a number of Jews throughout his life, in contrast to the fact that he was responsible for holocaust and killing of millions of Jews. This is probably the most outstanding characteristic of Hitler's mature personality, and it is this that guides him with the " precision →

H&r block case study

The purpose of this paper is to research the impact of the recent decision the Office of Comptroller of the Currency, the Treasury Department agency that regulates national banks, made concerning the elimination of refund anticipation loans funded by HSBC, H; R Block's lender. Fees for tax preparation products and tax preparation services are generally →

Hedda gabler by henrik ibsen

George: " But Hedda was bound to have that journey, Aunt!" George's reply to his aunt acknowledging the great expense of his honeymoon trip reveals that he is unable to deny Hedda her way. He declares to his Aunt, " Hedda - she is the loveliest part of it all!".

Iq tests and the iq scores

Gardner recognized that although reading and the ability to do math are important, they are not the only forms of intelligence that a person may possess. Gardner is not the only person to recognize that there are other types of intelligence besides verbal skill and mathematical ability.

Commentary: pattern destabilization and emotional processing in cognitive therapy for personality disorders

Hayes and Yasinski state, " patterns of can be conceptualized as attractors" and " Dozois et al....suggest that the development of...a new attractor might account in part for the prophylactic effects of cognitive therapy". Dynamic systems theory as a paradigm for the study of change in psychotherapy: an application to cognitive therapy for depression.J.


The Executive TeamThe roles in the company are strictly defined:-Carl is appointed to be the President of the enterprise and his task is to manage daily operations of the Tiger Shark and to guarantee that the managerial and financial operations conducted by the company are in the total conformity with the policies defined by the →

The pull and push theory of migration history essay

Even though deteriorating living conditions forced both the Highland Scots and the black Americans into leaving their homes and settling in Canada, the migration experience of the both these groups differed in several ways as the blacks were attempting to attain freedom for the first time and did anything necessary to survive whereas the Scottish →

General haig and the battle of the somme

F which lead to him being promoted to controlling the British army in France on 22nd December 1915 but it is when he commanded the battle of the Somme which was his major downfall and lead to him being named " the butcher of the Somme". All the commanders are full of confidence" This could →

The problems of reintegration criminology essay

These factors make it difficult for ex-prisoners to adjust to life in the community and thereby increase the risk that they will return to a life of crime. In addition, they can build relationships in the community that serve as " bridges" for prisoners when they make the change from life in prison to life →

Dynamic programming: path analysis

From the current position of the company, the company want to get to a destination of 60% growth in five years. The report therefore presents a technique under the basis of dynamic programming to bring out the path to trend to come to a successful destination under the different variables and programs.

Becomin a dentist assistant

Dental assistants sterilize and disinfect instruments and equipment, prepare and lay out the instruments and materials required to treat each patient, and obtain patients' dental records. In these situations, the employing dentist or other dental assistants in the dental office teach the new assistant dental terminology, the names of the instruments, how to perform daily →

My hero is abraham lincoln

He was the president during the time of civil war which was the bloodiest war ever in America. Abraham Lincoln showed all the qualities of a hero and in America he is honored for his excellent work.

People be very different from how it

If anyone was frightened by the possibility of being fried by a lightning bolt, Franklin offered some other words;" If any danger to the man should be apprehended, let him stand on the floor of his box, and now and then bring near to the rod the loop of wire that has one end fastened →

Harvard business review case- revere street

Even If Alexander outsourced certain responsibilities to experts, the likelihood of error and unforeseen costs In bidding for a property, closing the sale, major construction and renovation, and managing a rental property is almost certain. However, this is a best-case scenario, and given the major caveats discussed in the aforementioned, I believe that Alexander will →

How is human nature changed from technology?

The basic reason for the development of propaganda can be described as how to take advantages from the technological enhancement and the internal of human nature. In spite of the technology enhancement that improve the appearance and the hardware of propaganda, the people who are easily be allured by propaganda can be described as the →

Based on andres serrano’s “piss christ” can art ever push social?

There are evidences in the history of the greatest art in the world: Michelangelo's " The Creation of Adam"; " Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci and many others. But the question is can a society living in medieval to overleap its social and cultural point of view?

Phonology are and why they exist can help

In other words, deletion is the elimination of a sound, this appliesmore frequently to unstressed syllables and in causal speech". Phonology is a branch science oflinguistics, the study of language in general.

Editorial: antimicrobial resistance and virulence common mechanisms

Editorial on the Research Topic Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence Common Mechanisms Multiple relationships exist between antimicrobial resistance and bacterial virulence, and the spread of clones combining multiple antibiotic resistance and a high virulence level is an increasing problem. An article by Xu et al.lifts a corner of the veil on this subject in Staphylococcus aureus →

Theory of mcluhan in communications media essay

McLuhan is work to coining the expressions the medium is the message and the global village, and for predicting the World Wide Web almost thirty years before it was invented although he was a fixture in media discourse in the late 1960s, his influence began to wane in the early 1970s. There are a strong →

Best friend vs arch enemy

For example, when your best friend smiles at you it typically means that they are happy to see you or that they are glad you are their friend and that you are special to them. In this circumstance on the other hand, when our enemy says they did not say what we were told we →

Demographics paper

The expected growth of the aging population in Louisiana is expected to grow and will have a tremendous impact on our healthcare system in the years to come. However, the future is looking very good for the aging population if the government can provide solutions to the barriers caused from the growth of the aging →

Iphone marketing strategy assignment

Ultimately, today we can affirm that the appearance of the phone on the market caused the death of the Blackberry, and the loss by Nooks and Motorola of their previously dominant position in the cellular telephone market. On June 29, 2007 the phone was launched in the US.

The marginalization of phenomenological consciousness

A forerunner in the use of nuclear magnetic resonance, Shulman contributed to the study of biochemical processes, founded the Yale Magnetic Resonance Research Center, and shepherded functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a dominant tool of cognitive neuroscience. First, he claims that a behaviorist approach to brain imaging is reasonable and pragmatic for the science of →

Right to information act, 2005 | analysis

So, under this article the right to information emerged to facilitate the access to the information. This Act main objective is to facilitate the access to get information to citizens of the country in a secure way and by this to encourage accountability and transparency in governance.

Ozone depletion analysis essay

The satellite also showed that ozone concentration in the worst section of the hole bottomed out. Scientists tracesome of the stratospheric cooling in recent years to the loss of ozone molecules, which absorb sunlight and heat up the surrounding air.

Use of internet in business and organizations

PCs can check the content of a huge number of messages for words that are important to examiners and recognize the sender. Without such rules, a portion of this substance will be hostile to a portion of the organization staff and to certain individuals from the general population.

Comparison of loyalty and honor in lanval, chevrefoil, and sir gawain and the green knight

Comparison of Loyalty and HonorEven though Marie de France integrated loyalty and honor into Chevrefoil and Lanval, the poet writing Sir Gawain and the Green Knight elevated both loyalty and honor to exceed previous works. While Chevrefoil portrayed loyalty and honor while exposing complex disloyalty and dishonor, Lanval depicted both loyalty and honor in moderation →

Grapevine for business

Taking the analogy further, it is crucial for any organization or business to both thoroughly understand the dynamics of the workplace grapevine, but also to enact policies and procedures which will blunt the possible negative aspects of workplace rumor while simultaneously heightening the positive capacities of the workplace grapevine. Times of uncertainty, anxiety, confusion or →