1400 Words Essay Samples

Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship

Goals in a therapeutic relationship: * Facilitating communication of distressing thoughts and feelings * Assisting clients with problem solving to help facilitate activities of daily living * Helping clients examine self-defeating behaviours and test alternatives * Promoting self-care and independence COMPONENTS OF A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP * P-OSITIVE REGARD-unconditional, non-judgmental attitude, implies respect irregardless of the β†’

Discourse community analysis of non-native english students essay sample

The introduction of discourse analysis is a good strategy for helping teachers and students in the ESL community to take charge of their language development. The need to study a foreign language in the best way understandable to them is one of the key goals of the ESL community.

Ethics in communication research paper

In the scientific community, the publication of a research study serves as the culmination of months, even years of hard work. Scientific Communication and the Nature of Science.

Good example of critical thinking on critical evaluation essay: technology, language & writing

The advances that are currently being made on technology are making a cell phone to be more sophisticated with the ability of performing even more functions. It is not only tiresome to type the words in full but also comes with a limitation of characters that one can use to pass a message.

The role of english language in online communication

The meaning of web based life is " the relationship that exists between the systems of individuals". That is on the grounds that the Internet, web based life or World Wide Web empowers individuals to interface with other individuals in the distinctive parts of the world with pictures, recordings clasp and content.

Example of article review on abnormal psychology peer-review article a longitudinal examination of stress

The Bible is not a book in the modern meaning of the word. The reason for this is that Christians believe that the Hebrew Bible promised the coming of the fulfillment of prophecy, and the Hebrew Bible is a testament, or witness to something in the future.

Advantages of communication in today’s life

Although the concept is often framed in terms of ethnic background, a broader and more useful definition of diversity " includes all the characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals." 2 As you will learn in this chapter, these characteristics and experiences can have a profound effect on the way businesspeople communicate. β†’

Software engineering management essay samples

By this, the process will be closed.b)- Enter new job to the database - Enter the client information - Poll the GPS and get the distance to the client Logging the new job by scheduler - Get the time that the client called and the time the parcel will be required for collection - Get β†’

Importance of interpersonal communication

It is the process where a person expresses his thoughts, converts the thoughts into a well designed message and sends the message across a communication channel and the receiver receives the message and responds to the message and sends his reply via the communication channel. This is a style is where a person shows complete β†’

Good japanese immigrants in brazil essay example

This history of Japanese immigrants in Brazil is long as numerous Japanese groups sought living in Brazil to escape the economic crisis and unemployment in their country. By the increased number of Japanese immigrants in the country, the interaction between the local community and the Japanese immigrants has resulted in promotion of Japanese language in β†’

Research paper on technology and language- how it affects our communication

One of the greatest achievements of the human race during evolution was the acquisition of the ability to communicate. However, with the improvement in technology the use of the ancient methods of communication is slowly fading away.

Staging a jane austen romance by director geordie brookman

With the clever design and use of the set, costumes and props, Brookman admirably transports the audience into a single magnificent, large, high-panelled ballroom, with nine-candle holders mounted at identical intervals, casting a warm, golden glow over the perimeter wall of the stage. The audience now watch baffled, as the characters unfurl a long, rectangular β†’

“animal farm” by george orwell: analysis

From the passage, it is clear that Napoleon is the animal in charge and the one with the most power. This relates to the theme of abuse of power as force is used as a controlling technique by the one in charge.

Lord of the flies

In the story " Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, the human nature is thoroughly explored with the conflict of the two main characters: Ralph who represents the half of civilization and Jack who represented the other half of savagery. They decide to pick a leader and vote on one of the elder boys; β†’

Macbeth acts i-iii

Macbeth, he and Lady Macbeth are still beginners when it comes to crime Act I Questions What is the main theme of Act I of The Tragedy of Macbeth? They plant the idea in Macbeth's head that he could king The annotations in The Tragedy of Macbeth are helpful to the reader in what way?

The three character traits of macbeth

The three witches that he met In the beginning told him his prophecy, which Is that he Is going to be the future king of Scotland, " All hall, Macbeth! Macbeth wants to prove to his wife that he is the one that she desires for and to do that, he listens to whatever she β†’

How far is play key in rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead

In the play " Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead", the writer Tom Stoppard reveals to the reader the importance of " play" in his play and how it helps develop the plot and the characters of his literary work. Read this" The Secrets of Haiti's Living Dead" One of the most prominent forms of play β†’

Wuthering heights

The purpose of this paper is to assess the novel, " Wuthering Heights," by Emily Bronte, particularly within the context of the character, Catherine. It is difficult to separate the character from the author, noting that the author's childhood was basically isolated and gloomy, and Catherine herself, is a truly private individual.

The effects of the memory english literature essay

At the beginning of the novel, the adult male and the male child has a conversation about retrieving and burying memories:-Just retrieve that the things you put into your caput are the forever. There is a point in the novel that the male child dreams that his male parent dies, and the male parent Tells β†’

How does orwell explore the theme of education in β€˜animal farm’?

This links in with the book in that the priests would use the fact that they were educated in their favour to brainwash these unknowing people just as the pigs did to the other animals in the book. Another element of education Orwell is critical of is the private education system.' The pigs and dogs β†’

William shakespeare: the greatest writer

William Shakespeare was the kid of John Shakespeare, an alderman and an effective glover initially from Snitterfield, and Mary Arden, the child of a wealthy landowning farmer. Over the centuries some readers have posited that Shakespeare's sonnets are autobiographical, and point to them as evidence of his love for a young man.

English paper

The morality play The Summoning of Everyman and the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight are two popular works from Middle English literature that people have been reading and enjoying for centuries. After he strikes at the green knight and is reminded once more of the pact he agreed to, Gawain and the people β†’

Shakespeare: king learΒ 

Gonerill is the eldest of Lear's daughters and is the first to suggest all of the devious ideas. She is a very cruel, envious woman and selfishness is again portrayed in the fact that she plans to kill her own husband The Duke Of Albany, for another man.

Hamlet and laertes

Laertes likewise suffers through the accidental death of his father, the betrayal by a man close to the family, and the snide and sneaky murder of that same man. The disparities between Laertes and Hamlet aid in the development of Hamlet, as Laertes the foil reveals Hamlet's weaknesses and emphasizes his virtues through contrast.

The problem of split personalities in wuthering heights

The " double character" which Catherine " adopts" in order to simultaneously maintain her relationship with the high brow Linton family and her low class friend, Heathcliff, is also manifested by most of the other main characters in the novel, though the split is usually less obvious in the other characters. Catherine, in her inability β†’

English literature

The story explores the theme of the ethics of the power of the state to ' control' its citizens.-Individual versus state. The story is futuristic and comprises the elements of science fiction.

Shabby apartments in kensington palace english literature essay

The eldest of her children was Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise whom was given the title as the Empress of Germany after marrying Frederick of Prussia in 1858. The Death of Queen Victoria, 1901".

The history and background of nostalgia english literature essay

Jaymee SiaoPreliminary Review of Related LiteratureNostalgiaIn Hope Yu's study, " Memory, Nostalgia, and the Filipino Diaspora in the Works of two Filipina Writers", modern diaspora is defined as a movement recognized as the dispersal and " movement" of people across different parts of the world during the peak and decline of colonization. The depiction of β†’

Hamlet essay – misogyny

Shakespeare emphasizes that virginity is essential to a women's value in society, for it makes her both pure and desirable. Ophelia's conversations with her brother Laertes and her father Polonius provide evidence that both Laertes and Polonius place a very high value of Ophelia's sexuality and her obligation to protect her virginity.

Constructing and portraying the apothecary’s character

The Apothecary is so gaunt and ragged that Romeo assumes that the Apothecary's strength of mind is malleable. The Apothecary is only a pawn in the scheme of this moral theme, but this lowly position is enough to demonstrate that society, and not the individual, is as destitute as the Apothecary.

Good example of psychological aspects of depression and patient perspective research paper

According to the author of the article, " to choose the correct way, it is necessary to know how people live with the depressive disorder, how they go to work, communicate with others, how they suffer from various side effects of the drugs. The treatment of the depression is often expensive, and not all patients β†’

Nursing and nutrition

Yet the daily practice and the roles of nurses and doctors indicate that the nurses find themselves in the dilemma of making the decision more than other medical staff. In many cases where the withholding of nutrition is legally right and in the interest of the patient, the nurse still finds herself in the ethical β†’

Example of essay on poignant aspect

This paper is a personal reflection of the important things that I have learnt from reading the book. I am inspired by the importance of the smallest thing that the doctor did when he took part of the cancer part of the patient.

What does health promotion mean nursing essay

Study Purpose: The purpose of the research article " Towards a definition: what does 'health promotion' mean to speech and language therapists?" by Morag Ferguson and William Spence was to explore the meaning of the term 'health promotion' in the context of speech and language therapy, and how speech and language therapists interpret 'health promotion.' β†’

Prayer in nursing: the spirituality of compassionate caregiving by mary elizabeth obrien

Prayer in Nursing: The Spirituality of Compassionate Care Giving I believe it is fair to say that the majority of nurses fell a calling within them to join the ranks of this profession. The truth is evident through Nightingale's own words, and through a myriad of other nurse's that admired her and held the similar β†’

Sexuality and gender problems in game of thrones

The show also heavily focuses on class and social stratification: the differences between two of the main classes in the show and the characters who wish to have more and more. Women, on the other hand, are only meant to cook the food and clean the house, or in the case of highborn women, provide β†’

An inspector calls

The first person to experience the effortless wrath of the inspector is Mr. Partly because it was the death of her own grandchild and partly because he is mortified by the fact she could have made a difference but chose not to.

Blanche’s flaws and her ultimate downfall

Stanley finally has enough of Blanche's frustrating behavior at the end of scene ten." You come in here and sprinkle the place with power and spray perfume and cover the light bulb with a paper lantern, and lo and behold the place has turned into Egypt and you are the Queen of the Nile! Though β†’

Dr strangelove and fail-safe

Strangelove, none of the characters seems like they could really exist in the real world, which makes the overtone of the entire movie that of a joke. The plot is presented in a gloomy, direct way that directs the enormity of the situation directly onto the audience.

Reflection essay on i am sam

The movie's title is named for the line " Sam I am" featured in the book Green Eggs and Ham, which is read in the movie. Sam Dawson is a man with special needs who fights to regain the custody of his seven-year-old daughter Lucy Diamond Dawson which named after the famous Beatles song " β†’

Georges mlis essay examples

Georges Melies was the one of the first directors in the history of world cinema to leave the audience in awe. In 1929, many of his works were restored and shown to the audience.

Why yosemite represent the beauty of america

As much as painting stands for the basis of photography, Albert Bierstadt's paintings of Yosemite serve as the precursor for Ansel Adams' photographs; these images allow for the creation of a symbol that goes further than the subject, elevating the natural beauties of Yosemite from place to cultural icon. This happens to be in the β†’

Snow white and the seven bachelors essay sample

This made the Queen so angry, she quickly dropped the mirror, and stormed off to find the huntsman to have him take Snow White far into the woods, to kill her, and to bring her heart back. Back at the cottage, the prince and dwarves were talking to Snow White about how great of a β†’

A review of the adaptation of arthur conan doyle’s sherlock holmes by steven moffat and mark gatiss

Moffat and Gatiss incorporate multiple tactics of Joe Harris' model of ' Forwarding,' following the acts of borrowing and extending, yet this forwarding is done in a way which alienates the original text, dishonestly appropriates from the original, and bends to the anxiety of the pressure of relatability. The borrowing of the idea of Sherlock β†’

Example of research paper on wizard of oz original movie

The Wizard of Oz is a musical fantasy film of the United States, which is produced by Goldwyn Mayer, and is also based on the famous and commercially unbeatable adaptation of the novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by Frank Baum in 1900. In the blink of an eye: A perspective on film editing.

Rain man the movie

The news of having a brother is a big shock to Charlie, the fact that his brother has autism is very difficult for Charlie to deal with. Charlie puts Raymond on a train back to the institution with a promise that he will be coming to visit him in two weeks.

The shawshank redemption

Indeed by contrasting the experiences of a select three characters from the film, the audience is able to see the importance of maintaining hope, in order to pull-through and succeed, Firstly, hope is shown through the character Ellis " Red" Redding, a man who on the inside was " a man who could get you β†’

American national government

The actual report starts one sunny Saturday in the Capital in 1974, when the two authors have started working on the topic of the Watergate break-in and develops into a broad inquiry through the political fraud and crimes that lead to the resignation of the then president Richard Nixon and his administration. Even though narrated β†’

Argumentative essay: autobiographical film vs. autobiographical prose

The reality of the film reminds audiences of the fragility of life and how quickly things can change. When tackling the genre of autobiographical film it is important to portray oneself and one's story in an honest light.


From the beginning of the movie, when the Toby McGuire is talking to himself but imagining he was actually talking to the girl I found myself kind of giggling and interested what this movie would bring to the table as far as entertainment went. I found a great article with many opinions on the movie β†’

The value of life and the human experience

Therefore, the manner in which individuals ought to dole out esteem and reason to life must be inestimable in light of the fact that everything relies upon the individual's viewpoint of life and as well as their achievements/job in the general public and not off financial things. An individual as of now has the ability β†’

Mendacity vs truth in cat on a hot tin roof

Big Daddy is even wrapped up in the mendacity, as he admits to Brick during their heart-to-heart that everyday of his life is consumed with lies, as he pretends to like Gooper and Mae, but when in reality, he cannot stand them. The biggest lie in the entire book comes at the very end of β†’

Creative writing on my american voice

I personally feel that for any good human being with a logical and broad-mind, a country is one' s home, and everybody is attracted by the love of the country. In this scenario, it is quite common to see the important roles and responsibilities of family, society, region, culture, and country in the second half β†’

Good essay about the americanization of benjamin franklin by gordon s. wood

One of the prominent historical personalities of the 18th century is the personality of Benjamin Franklin. The thing is the image of Franklin is slightly changed from the period of his life, and in 19th century he was treated as an American hero who did much to the founding of the American nation and traditional β†’

The united states as a policeman of the world essay

In spite of dilemmas associated with the idea of the military intervention and the U.S.role of world " policeman", it is possible to identify the aspects of the U.S.history that have influenced the current rise of the country as the world protector of people's rights. Schultz, K.M.

Sputnik essay examples

The sputnik 1 of large size and then the latest technology has reduced the size of the satellite. The space race starts to begin between USSR and the America, which resulted in the moon launch made by the American, takes the space technology in to the peak.

Oliver l. brown, et. al. vs. the board of education of topeka, et. al term paper sample

The Supreme Court was well aware of the gravity of this because of the political and social repercussions that stood to haunt America forever. The motivation behind the ruling was that there was gross violation of the law and things had to be done the right way and hence the ruling.

The to the centurial assembly system of the

The structure of the Electoral College can be traced to the Centurial Assembly system of the Roman Republic. The purpose of the foundation for the Electoral college was to balance the interests of high-population and low-population states and to give Americans a form of representation.

Westward expansion and the mexican-american war : the unbalanced war research paper sample

In addition, the Americans saw the border of Mexico at the Rio Grande, while to the Mexicans, the border was located much further away at the Neuces River. Was this the first " trembling" of an intent to invade Mexico, to acquire some of the Mexican territories, such as California and New Mexico?" Manifest Destiny" β†’

Beechers quote on education sums up his perspective on indian boarding schools essays examples

The ethical conflict regarding the morality of these schools can be summarized in the words of Henry Ward Beecher and the Indian chief Sitting Bull, both with their own perspectives on the forcing of American values on Native Americans through these boarding schools. The words of Beecher and Sitting Bull, specifically the consumptive, erasing nature β†’

The end of race

The world has already developed a solid perspective long ago of external differences that distinguish race; the color of your skin, the texture and style of your hair, the type of clothing you wear, and even the way you speak." Many of the harshest conflicts in the world today are between people who are physically β†’

Free research paper on term limits

The Congress of the United States has been accused of being out of touch with the American people. Part of the reason for this is the atmosphere of unchangeability in the House of Representatives.

The united states and britain democracies comparison essay

The leader of the party with the majority of members in the parliament becomes the prime minister and the head of government while the Queen is the head of state. He also advocated for the merging of the head of state and the head of the government in the office of the president.

The controversy in the common core standard research papers example

When the states ideas and opinions were being ignored, they came to a realization that the Federal Common Standards Program will be just that, a power to the Federal and the states will not have much of a say when adopted. It is vital for students to appreciate education, knowledge, professionalism and the value of β†’

Critical thinking on health care policy

The problem with health care in their eyes is that a very small percentage of the population consumes the vast majority of health care dollars expended in the US. Going through the history of the present system in America, the authors ultimately conclude that a single payer system a la the Canadian model is the β†’

Cell malfunction and carcinoma biology essay

Therefore, one of the two cells produced by each cell division retains the ability to split during the other cell leaves the basal bed and loses the capacity to split in normal tegument which ensures that there is no addition in figure of spliting cells. In tumour growing, cell division is non suitably balanced with β†’

How did the world war 2 change american’s expectations of their nation’s role in research paper sample

One of the figures who grew in stature and importance after the Second World War and who vastly increased his sphere of influence was the Director of the FBI, J Edgar Hoover. Hoover's brand of insularity was also intense when the Vietnam War escalated and although he probably disagreed on a personal level with the β†’

Ethnic group in america term paper example

Emigration of Croatians in the USA is a part of European migration and period when they started migrating is between 1890 and the beginning of the Fist World War. Since 1918, they lived in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croatians and Slovenians and after the Second World War, Croatians became a part of Socialistic Federative Republic β†’

Free essay on french vs us constitution

Amending the constitution without sentimentality may however be important if the government believes that the amendment is for the benefit of the majority of the citizens in the country. In addition, the feelings of the people are considered if the constitution is to be changed.

Iran hostage crisis essay examples

The hostages were released into the custody of the United States after the signing of the Algiers accords. The prestige of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and the political power of the people who opposed normalization of relations and supported theocracy of the west were strengthened.

Doc 100d essay

The insufficient funds represent how the life of the African American was still not free even to the point of finding himself in exile in his own land. This argument is vital because it has managed to explain some of the promises and problems that are, as a result of unresolved historical contradictions.

Inter-community wars: formation of the united states essay

The narrative explores the various instances where the conflicts worked against the wellbeing of the minority groups. Finally, the American Civil War between the Union and the Confederacy is another battle that ultimately resulted in the formation of the United States of America.

Gay rights in america

Massachusetts is the first state in the country to legalize gay marriage, but not the first place in the world. Times are changing, and the world is opening their eyes to a great deal of things.

Jack galante argumentative essays examples

The importance of college education has been ingrained in the minds of all Americans for decades, it is perceived as the epitome of success and the gateway to a great career that will lead to the achievement of the American dream. However since the economic recession this has not been the case with the unprecedented β†’

Free feminism discrimination in work place research paper sample

The point is that, although the United States of America is a highly developed country and people are taught about their rights, most of women underestimate this knowledge and simply do not pay attention to facts of discrimination at work. The point is that most of women do not realize that they have to be β†’

Free research paper on is china destined, in the 21st century, to replace the usa as the world’s dominant

However, the world is changing and there is a rise of the latest players in the market and the fall of the old players in global politics and economically. China's military power is weak compared to that of the US and it will not be possible for them to overtake the US in the 21st β†’

Catalysis in enzymes and biochemical reactions biology essay

The activity of an enzyme can be changed in many ways: Enzyme concentration: As the sum of an enzyme additions, the sum of the substrate that is broken down besides increases. Record the sum of KMnOa'" remnant in the pipette in the pipette.

Legalize anabolic steroids

Dates The Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 was established to regulate the distribution of anabolic steroids in the United States. Scientifically, the adverse effects from the prolonged use of anabolic steroids remain inconclusive to date, and in actuality, anabolic steroid use has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of medical disorders.

Changes and advances brought by the first world war

One of the most deadly conflicts in the history of the human race and killing over an estimated sixteen million people brought a tornado of change that swept over the entire world. Since the first Africans were brought as slaves to the British colony of Jamestown in 1619, black people had suffered much oppression in β†’

Clinical features associated with familial hypercholesterolemia biology essay

The high levels of cholesterol within the blood is caused by a lack of an Low density Lipoprotein receptor which ultimately remove lipoproteins from the blood and the lack of the Low density Lipoprotein receptor means cholesterol is not sufficiently removed from the blood. LDL receptors are mainly found in the liver on the outer β†’

Characteristics of laser eye surgery biology essay

Equation 1 is an example of the ablation profile for the correction of myopic Lasik where; R and Rm are the initial and final radii of curvature, n is the refractive index of the cornea, S is the optical zone diameter and Tm is the depth of tissue removal. The frequency can be related to β†’

Understandings of risk assessment biology essay

The International Regulations and the Codex guidelines regulate the biosafety requirements of the GM crops. This gene confers resistance to the antibiotics spectinomycin and streptomycin, and facilitated the selection of bacteria containing the plasmid in the initial steps of transforming the cotton tissue.

Ccea as biology coursework: an investigation to measure

At a low pH the amount of gelatine broken down by the trypsin is low so this means there is a high mean percentage light transmission because a little colour of the jelly will leak in the solution causing the colour to be lighter. At a high pH the amount of gelatine broken down by β†’

The fundamental structural unit on cells biology essay

Within the cell is genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid, containing coded instructions for the behavior and reproduction of the cell and also the chemical machinery for the translation of these instructions into the manufacture of proteins. The DNA of procaryotes is a single molecule in direct contact with the cell cytoplasm, whereas the DNA of eucaryotes β†’

Psychology – cognitive level of analysis

Acetylcholine effect: muscle contraction, and a role in the development of memory in the hippocampus.2. These higher levels of serotonin activated the parts of the brain called the hypothalamus and the frontal cortex, resulting in hallucinations.

Structure and function of proteins biology essay

This reaction occurs as a condensation reaction where there is a removal of a hydrogen atom from the amino group of one amino acid and the removal of a OH group from the carboxyl acid from another amino acid forming a water molecule.http://ibhumanbiochemistry.wikispaces.com/file/view/CondensationReaction.jpg/31781961/CondensationReaction.jpg The unique side chain or R group is what disguises one amino β†’

Gene manipulation pros and cons biology essay

Gene therapy: Currently, the most common vector to deliver the therapeutic gene to the defective gene, is a virus that has been genetically altered to carry normal human DNA. The reason for this is that viruses are capable of encapsulating and delivering their genes to a human cell.

Signs you might have a hormonal imbalance (and what it means)

The treatment for both is to be put on the pill, which is not a solution because it just regulates the cycle for the time you are taking it. Exercise Getting our bodies moving is vital to a healthy lifestyle, but it's finding the sweet spot between exercising enough and not overdoing it.

Enzymes are biological catalysts biology essay

The enzymes have been used for the last 50 years but their use in animal feeds has received more attention in the last 20 year, s Enzymes, even in small quantities, can initiate or accelerate the rate of chemical reactions that transform dietary substrates into products of biological significance for broiler growth and production. Phytase β†’

Importance of art in early childhood essay

Even though many people think that art does not matter in a child's life, it is a crucial part of the early childhood because children are able to become independent through their art and it helps children develop in many different aspects of life. Art can truly help children's growth and learning abilities in their β†’

Criminal justice paper

In spite of these challenges, these services were able to respond quickly to rescue survivors and minimize the disruption to the city. The team was supported by the AFP London and The Hague Liaison Offices, and the Australian High Commission in London.

The rebirth of the madonna essay

Aside from the majesty of the depiction itself, the skilful use of linear perspective in its classical Roman architectural setting continues to enchant and inspire tourists of the Metropolitan Museum of Art where it is presently displayed. As the compliant bearing of Mary is expected, the uncommon version of a self-effacing Angel Gabriel may be β†’

C the entrance to a residence. hooks on

There is a large jagged circular cut to the top half of the door, it penetrates through the panels and casing to the other side. The delineation of each curve, and the combination of changing colour that encompassed the repeat twist, presented the viewer with a feeling of motion.

Racism in the white dog film

The racial prejudice that is shown by the dog trainers and advanced to the dogs is seen to be costly since it costs the dog's life. This is evidenced by the fact that the dog was able to attack both the black and white individuals.

Taylor swift biography essay

On the chart week of November 14, 2009, Taylor Swift set a record for the most songs on the Billboard Hot 100 by a female artist at the same time with eight singles from the re-release of her 2008 album Fearless namely five debut new songs in the top 30: " Jump Then Fall" at, β†’