1400 Words Essay Samples

An encounter essay

After a few calm minutes Mahony and the Narrator discover an older man approaching at the far end of the field, " shabbily dressed" and walking " with one hand upon his hip" and a stick in the other hand. He got to know a member of the racing team, and is now elated to →

The black family in todays society sociology essay

Many people outside the African American culture and who do not understand the black family structure will say that it's the family structure within the black family that is negatively affecting African Americans. The problem the black family is trying to figure out whether the black family is a pathological entity, in other terminology the →

Bill of quantity in civil engineering

INTRODUCTION As stated in the assignment brief, the objective of this assignment is to appreciate and disseminate the knowledge, techniques and skills of measurement into actual practice and to expose the students with the production of Bills of Quantity referring to the measurement work done as part of tender documentation requirements. Be aware and appreciate →

Financial accounting essay sample

Clearly identify the companies, the time period, and include the link to the financial statements you are analyzing in your report.* What accounting conventions do the two companies follow US GAAP or IFRS? * Locate the income statement for the past two years for both companies. Once the Revenues are recognized, the next step is →

Effect of alcoholic parent on child

There are studies that link children of alcoholics to be at a higher risk of behavior problems, mental and physical health problems, social problems, and substance abuse problems later in life. One of the biggest problems with children of alcoholics is that they tend to be more prone to mental illnesses.

The nature of the state sovereignty

This concept is one of the most important principles of United Nation Charter and it is still important component of the maintenance of peace in the world and defence of weak states against the powerful ones. This means that the first principle of the nation sovereignty is the power that the nation holds as a →

Faith as a basis for knowledge in religion philosophy essay

Thus I believe that everyone should create his own God and believe in Him, therefore as individuals it will make us stronger and better people because we would believe in ourselves." Salvation lies within" is what the bible says, in my eyes it means that we people need to realize that God is not an →

Deception in advertising: volvo’s “bear foot” misstep essay sample

In regards to Volvo's stacked vehicle advertisements, I truly believe that they intended to show the roof's strength and not the strength of the tires and suspension system. In my opinion, if Volvo had the choice of creating that ad again, they would choose not to.

Marketing analysis of morrisons plc marketing essay

The company is usually referring brands as Morrisons and this company is part of the FSTE 100 index. Especially the UK Competition Commission and the Office of Fair trading are ' watching' the main players of the UK supermarkets.

The sydney opera house tourism essay

Hotels like the Park Hyatt, Quay Grand Suites Sydney, the Shangri-La Hotel Sydney and The Four Seasons Hotel Sydney; all benefit from the exposure the Sydney Opera House gains from the estimated 7 million patrons visiting the area each year, creating a link with the hospitality and tourism industry of Sydney." The Sydney Opera House →

Ready-to-eat breakfast cereal industry essay sample

At the same clip.makers worked closely with the retail merchants to do certain that the stocking.show and publicity of the trade names.are equal and are in the involvements of the house. To a great extent.the critical success factors of the RTE cereal industry seemed to be altering in 1994.

Judiciary of malaysia

As a result of the enactment of Civil Law Ordinance, although Islamic law is the law of the land in Malaya, in actuality, English law became the basic law of the land in Malaya at that Juncture. In the case of Ramah v Laton a majority of the Court of Appeal in the Malay States →

Analysis of ‘julius caesar’

Brutus, probably the most significant character in the play, is the leader of the group who plans to kill Caesar, although Cassius is the initiator of the plot. Brutus loves Caesar, as Caesar does him, and ironically this is why he kills Caesar he does not want to see him corrupted by the absolute power →

Presentation on the expansion of the universe

I would like to begin with my thesis statement, the universe is expanding and as the universe expands the galaxies are all moving away from each other in all directions and the once that are the farthest are moving the fastest. The expansion of the universe is accelerating and they realised that there must be →

Internet ethics persuasive essay

In the first of the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics is Thou will not use a computer to harm other people. In the Fourth of the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics is Thou will not use a computer to steal.

Analysis of post-war social structure of accumulation

Decline of the post war SSA Post war SSA broke up in the late 1960s and early 1970s after the conflict that emerged within each of these four relations of power and privilege. In the late 1960s labour was powerful to raise wages and decrease profits this was one of the cause that eroded capital →

Ben franklin and booker t. washington

Likewise, Booker also expresses his gratitude to God for the same kind of support, but, in opposition to Franklin, he was thankful to a Christian divinity and faithful to the doctrine of his church. And so did Washington in " Up From Slavery", through which he intended to serve as a model for others to →

Ancient may find that themistocles, an athenian political

The works of these historians give an opportunity to state that in spite of the fighting and dying in wars, the Athenians contributed to the good of their polis. In spite of the fact that the number of Persian ships excelled that of Greek ones, the masterful military strategy of the Athenians gave them an →

Raw and shawshank redemption’s attitudes and actions essay sample

The significance that these texts have on the image of institutions is so important through the elaborate actions and behavior of the characters and the roles in which they play in. When Brett first arrives at The Farm he reacts negatively and would often get into fights with the other people at The Farm, but →

Concert report essay

I thought the Dynamics were good and when it needed to be loud it was, and when it needed to be soft it was. In the second movement, the shepherd is tired and rest is denied because of the fear of lightning and thunder and the furious swarm of flies and hornets.

The effect of nightlife entertainment essay

Besides, the result of the research also show that the frequency to go to the nightlife entertainment have relate to the absent of the students, and lower GAP. The scope of the research we will focus on the US student who go to consume the nightlife entertainment 4 times a onto or above, and the →

Class rigidity and social mobility

In late eighteenth and early nineteenth century England there was a sort of moral 'code' of behavior and standards that are to be maintained by the middle and upper classes of society. She also uses the ridiculousness of Sir Walter to convey that to be of the upper class it does requirehard workand management, as →

Travel motivation: linking theory to practice

There are many purposes of travel such as to rest and relax, to meet friends and relatives, to visit and experience new places and also to having fun and enjoying the memorable moment. The purpose of this study is to review the relevant literature on travel motivation and provides a scenario-based discussion on the applications →

A case study on employee engagement: marriott international, inc.

Know Your Numbers To educate beneficiaries on the importance of preventive care, Marriott designed a preventive health education and communication campaign: " Know Your Numbers." The program, launched in 2007, encourages Six percent of beneficiaall beneficiaries to visit a primary care provider and be ries in Marriott's self-insured assessed for four key health indicators: glucose →

Panama canal vs suez canal

The Suez Canal is in Egypt, and it connects the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea. The Panama Canal was created in 1914 and is 77 km long connecting two oceans the Atlantic and the Pacific.

Consulting services in saudi arabia

First, the strength of economy, it is the largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa, and the 19th largest economy around the world. Second, the regulatory issue, if the company chooses the franchise strategy to enter the Saudi market, it has to find a Saudi partner because the regulation requires the franchiser a →

Marketing process overview assignment

The marketing mix is a term used to describe the four main marketing tools: product price promotion and the place through which products are sold to customers. To meet the needs of the key market it is important to analyses the internal nearsightedness of the organization.

Why some companies operate under production orientations

According to the Kotler et al, Marketing concept is " customer oriented backed by integrated marketing aimed at generating customer satisfaction as the key to satisfying organisational goals" and it is suggested to design the customer-driven marketing strategy. Although in the manufacturing concept the management produce the mass product can earn much of the revenue, →

Business report format evaluate essay

To be able to understand and be informed of what flavors the customers would like to see on the menu, the business carries out the market research. This would attract the customers to purchase their goods as they are informed and aware that the coffee is produced and delivered in a moral manner.

Philippine history

It stated in the history of the Philippines that the first group of men who came here was the Negritos. It was not easy for the Spaniards to conquer and build a government in the Philippines because the native Filipinos fought for their rights, freedom, and dignity.

Corruption in canada

Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine the causes of corruption in the Canadian organizations which is comprehensively detailed below. This refers to the extent and the manner to which the elective behavior of officials is influenced in the organizations.

Escaping the void

Until the 10th April I thought nothing more of the peculiar man until I realized that today I was embarking on a journey across the water to New York, 4 days before the ship began its' decent to the depths below, we were all so unaware. Looking at the sheer beauty of the vast body →

Synthesis and anticancer activities of 5-halogeno pyrimidine

SOLID STATE MICROWAVE-ASSISTED SYNTHESIS AND ANTICANCER ACTIVITIES OF N -DERIVATIVES OF 5-HALOGENO SUBSTITUTED PYRIMIDINE 2, 4 DIONE BY TAHIRA SAGHIR ABSTRACT This study will report the synthesis of some substituted 5-halogenated pyrimidine 2, 4dione by conventional and solid state microwave assisted methods. The solid state synthesis of N-derivatives of 5-halogen substituted of pyrimidine 2, 4 →

Criminal offences and felony crimes criminology essay

A person convicted of a misdemeanor can be sent to a county or local jail, ordered to pay a fine, or both. Espionage: The gathering, transmitting, or losing of information related to the nation defense in such a manner that the information becomes available to enemies of the United States and may be used to →

The major issues and conflicts on bilingual education

The issue of bilingual education and the conflict that surrounds it is primarily focused between whites and Hipics, although since the mid 70" s it" s also been involved with the Chinese and Mung cultures. In 1968 we didn" t know that Bilingual Education wouldn" t work, however, it" s time to move on and →

Gender inequalities in health sociology

It was suggested by the Men's Health Forum that men are more likely to take risks with their health due to them trying to cope with stress and conforming to role models in society. The structural/ materialistic explanation for inequalities in health has suggested that women are more likely to get ill because of their →

Genetic engeneering industry and humanity

President Bush, has said " Our children are gifts to be loved and protected, not products to be designed and manufactured ", which is certainly a more definitive stance than is present in regulation or law presently, and so appears opposed to genetic engineering for the purpose of selecting traits of offspring.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/04/20020410-4.html Summary of Regulatoryenvironment. →

Exam questions

One may use index options to hedge when there is need to protect the value of the portfolio of mixed stocks in case of a market decline. The hedging of foreign exchange risk refers to procedures carried out by a firm in order to mitigate the impact of adverse exchange rate fluctuations on the value →

Lars eigner essay

He was permitted to attend a three-week workshop on creative writing by George Williams of Rice University, at the tender age of eleven and he is the grandson of Texas poet and author of the grandson of Texas poet and author, Alice Ewing Vail. Skip, a purebred English smooth-haired fox terrier ordered from a dog →

On chesil beach

I get that it's out there and we may be the extreme end of the spectrum but it worked for us and we never had any doubt what we were getting ourselves in to. We do not encourage or condone them engaging in sexual activity at this age, as we believe they are not yet →

Precise software

Analysis: Precise is still under the planning and development stage and the product is a novice in the market. They should try to maintain that strategy and make sure the product placement of insight is similar.

The problem of evil: solutions of augustine and irenaeus

He defended that humans could not claim that God is the author of sin in that they had the choice whether to partake in an evil act or not. While Augustine's view of free will was regressive in that it caused humans to fall from God's grace, Irenaeus held that free will is the path →

The why humans began to walk upright

Through a combination of environmental pressures, social interactions, the way in which humans give birth, the search for food, and the need to free their hands, our ancestors distanced themselves from other primates by evolving the ability to walk upright. These and other environmental changes in Africa required the evolution of bipedalism.'Another contributing factor to →

Daphne scholinski the last time i wore a dress

Daphne wanted to be tough; when she hung out on the streets with her gang she needed everyone around her to see her toughness. They wanted her to tell the truth but she was and this caused a major conflict for Daphne.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy essay sample

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by defected gene for dystrophy which is a protein in the muscle that is often said to be passed down from generation from family members. To ease the stress of this condition, patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy can join a support group which is where patients go and share each →

Excerpts of letters from affonso i history essay

In the other hand, in Kongo, the king was less formal, so little by little King Nzinga a Nkuwu started to get the attraction of the Christian religion. He also admitted that his highness was the King of Kongo and King of Portugal.

Organizational culture compared

Organizational Culture Compared MANAGEMENT 5590 Organizational culture is an idea in the field of Organizational studies and management which describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values of an organization. Schein describes the culture of an organization as consisting of three levels." At the fundamental level are the core beliefs and assumptions that members of →

Henry ossawa tanner and henri de toulouse-lautrec: impression and inspiration

The perception of the world is the most emotional in childhood. As the African-American social uplift is one of the main components in this religion, the idea of cultural identity and racial equity became one of the main subjects for Tanner's works.

The word perfume

Due to the fact that the original use of aromatic materials was of burning incense, as an offering to the gods. 2 The above example of chemical rearrangement is one of the many process is used in the formation of synthetic fragrances.

Salt concentrations on germination of seeds

Seed Germination is the process in which the plant emerges from a seed or spore and begins growth. Tip of root first emerges and helps to anchor the seed in place.

Sinosteel strengthens business management with oracle apps flashcard

In FedEx instance.the concern procedure is the bundles screening in order to transport them to clients in many finishs inside and outside the U.S. The FedEx system displayed in the picture is an endeavor system because it permits the integrating of informations generated and held in FedEx system.and permits the integrating of the computing machine →

Economics: strategy development: the strategy for the specific

Target return: Since the fundamental reason for any business to exist happens to be the monetary returns, a target should be set on the returns that can be expected from the event. This contingency plan though is difficult to communicate to the target audience- may also lead to a loss in image for the event →

How global capitalism creates economic zones

The center/metropolitan/dominant are the developed, industrialized nations/states/countries in the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development while the periphery/satellite/dependent are the third world countries with low per capital also refered to as the undeveloped or developing nations/states. Unfortunately, for them the allocation of these resources is determined by the industrialized/dominant states and their economic interest The →

How to get paid millions to drive your dream ‘supercar’

However, the reality is that you need amazing contacts, the ability to network like some of the best entrepreneurs in any business and of course a flair for being in front of the camera. Clever enough to leverage his position and relationship with manufacturers, giving away a new Fiat 500 for the launch of Lovecars.com, →

Philippine history with backround of world war ii

Quezon in his inauguration as President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines during the American period. The Spanish-American War began in Cuba in 1898, and reached the Philippines after the United States fought Spain in the Battle of Manila Bay.

Manufacture in scotland today 13883

Scotland also has one of the highest concentrations of semiconductor fabrication companies in Europe including NEC, Motorola, National Semiconductors and Raytheon Systems. Lastly, Scotland delivers strong infrastructure support for the aerospace industry, including the skills and technology base of Silicon Glen, one of the highest concentration of electronics companies in Europe and a world centre →

“a vendetta” by guy de maupassant and “the red room”

Examples of such details that I have found particularly effective in the story " A Vendetta" are; " The wind harasses the sea remorselessly", this sentence is effective in my opinion since it gives a vivid image of the wind actually attacking the sea tirelessly Also " Like torn sheets floating and drifting on the →

Cross-functional cooperation between departments

Effects of lack of cooperation in the workplace The concept of business silos should be ripped off for it only results in struggle for power, lack of cooperation and loss of productivity in an organization. They need to understand the importance of working in collaboration with other departments to achieve the goals and objectives set →

Shakespeare – why is he still so widely studied and relavent today? assignment

Denise Ooi The History of Theatre Mrs 24 September 2008 For over four hundred years, the works of British playwright William Shakespeare has remained fundamental in the role of theatre, study of the English language and presumably, skills in the study of business management as critics claim. Unlike in modern motion pictures, the audience is →

Business law donoghue v stevenson case

An offer is an expression of intention by one party to another to show his wiliness to perform a promise and be bound by the promise if the offer is accepted the offeree. The general rule is that where the agent conceal the existence and the identity of his principal, the agent is also not →

Evaluate the arguments for and against the use of gm crops in developing countries essay sample

It is the opinion of this essay that although there are definitely potential advantages to genetically modifying crops, in general the use of GM crops is more of a disadvantage than and advantage to developing countries. However, if it can be proven that Genetically modifying crops is safe to people and to the environment, this →

Techniques and concerns of modernism

Urban alienation, the meaning of life as well as inner psychological perspectives are some issues explored through the experimentation of new literary techniques as the progression from the Realism and Romanticism of the 19th century called for more realistic conventions in literature to allow writers express their values concerning the changing world. Due to the →

Mission accomplished

Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal's photo of the flag-raising in the battle for Iwo Jima evoked an immediate and positive reaction that has withstood the test of time, and therefore allows exploration of visual imagery in the formation of public culture" " Hariman and Lucaites offer two possible interpretations of the Iwo Jima iconic photograph. →

Reading in the “prison” of oppression: frederick douglass and malcolm x

Since reading was not allowed for slaves during Douglass's time, Douglass learned to be deceitful to his masters and to negotiate with the poor, white boys on the street in order to learn to read. In a way, Douglass's masters represent the same authoritative figure as Malcolm X's guards while in prison, and the poor, →

Why plan human resources carters supermarkets business essay

Considering the plan of an expansion of Carter's Supermarkets, and the fact that the company will have to deal with greater number of staff, we, Alex and Jennifer Carter, intend to highlight the importance and to put forward our ideas about human resource planning and human resource policies in our organisation. Therefore, human resource planning →

Reflective analysis of contemporary punishment in the canadian society

Many forms of punishment do not provide individuals to the right to a fair trial and the nature of punishment is formed by the role of justification that creates different forms of coercion. The expression of punishment is formed on the premise of the deterrence of offenders and as a justification of punishment to the →

Describing crime scene

When the snow falls on the body it could conceal or reduce the clarity of any fingerprints and marks that could be on the body. He advises you that this CAP is on the right side of the field and starts at the entrance into the field to the left of the gate; it then →

Justice in the merchant of venice

Three thousand ducats, well" This scene moulds the minds of the audience in their opinions of Shylock as he seems calculating and sinister as he dwells with great deliberation on the terms of the loan, almost savouring the moment where he has control over the Christians; this is later mirrored with the very same bond →

The future of climate change

According to meteorologists, the impacts of climate change will be felt in the coming decades especially on the sustainability of water supplies. For instance, more that 1, 100 counties in the United States are at a risk of facing water shortages in the next thirty years due to the effects of global warming.

American declaration of independence a product of the european enlightenment

Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson formed the main anchors in the establishment of the the Great revolution in America and establishment of the declaration by drafting the initial draft and leading the later amendments. Strong revolutionaries and philosophers underscored the essence divinity that was evident in the later application of the statues contained in the →

Truth and illusion themes

It is evident to the audience, even in the first scene that tension will play a large part of the eventual confessions and climax of the play, and through the break-down of characters truth and illusion will be determined. The misconception of Honey and Nick's marriage is an evident example of how Albee explores the →

Customer responsiveness essay

In addition, the consulting team was informed that the computer will take over the control of the factory after day 218 and the consulting team was responsible for the following: 1) forecasting the total demand of the last fifty days, 2) purchasing the inventory, and 3) setting the order quantity and reorder point to zero. →

Malaysia’s palm oil industry

14, the increase of the land forest by government, ceteris paribus, increase the supply of the palm oil is shown a rightward shift of the supply curve from S1 to S2 in figure 3.14. The price elasticity demand of the palm oil is inelastic because palm oil is used in food which is a basic →

Housekeepingcritique assignment

Where to get the best training is the question; in the hospitality industry, each sector has a specific training required in order to obtain the best results possible in the field. In her article " Training the Heart of the Hotel", Lizz Chambers develops a number of points in her approach to training housekeeping staff; →

Fifa world cup 2014 essay

With the likes of one of the best forwards in the universe Luis Suarez and the experient Diego Forlan, this squad is looking to do another major disturbance in the biggest football event in the universe. The squad that is the favourite to win this clip and the following to come will evidently be a →

Marketing and management strategy flashcard

Second section will provide a discussion of Candice marketing environment by applying the macro and micro environmental models to the industry in general and Candice in particular. In this case, Candice is planning to enter into the UK Market with its exquisite taste of Chocolate products.

Character study of celie, albert, and shug

Celie is protagonist of the novel and is the main narrator in the novel, and it is done through a series of letter she rights to " God". In Celie's life Shug and Nettie are the closest to her.

International finance paper

The company has reported an increase of $27 million of interest income because of the cash and cash equivalents from short-term investing and the increase in the earnings of the investment in Mexico the 50%-owned joint venture." The Company's investments in the Costco Mexico joint venture and in other unconsolidated joint ventures that are less →

Ernesto che guevara’s impact on society and the politic

The main reason why Ache Guava made this decision in life was because of his first-hand observations of the severe poverty, oppression, and powerlessness of the masses he had made while trekking throughout South American This is where Guava decided that the only remedy for Latin America's economic and social inequities lay in revolution. Although →

Why companies decide to go global

Is it for expansion of the market or acquisition of key resources like energy, technology, talents, and brand- When the strategic intention is clear, the next critical factor is whether a company meets the prerequisites for going global. The third choice is that a company should try developing countries when it decides to globalize its →

How the directors of ‘gladiator’ and ‘saving private ryan’ create the opening of their films appeal to an audience essay sample

In contrast to this ' Saving Private Ryan' starts with the them approaching the beach in boats, The general is again mentally preparing himself for the battle like ' Maximus' in ' Gladiator.' Again like ' Gladiator' ' Spielberg' uses a close up of ' John Miller's' hand, however the hand is not as clam →

Hrm sales force compensation business essay

However the inclusion of the compensation package varies greatly and so does the effectiveness of the sales force. A total reward program enables the company to evaluate and better manage the overall costs of the rewards package.

Why ethnic minority women stay in abusive relationships sociology essay

Activists working in the area of domestic violence reiterated that, if domestic violence is so common and the abuse that bad, why do these women stay with the perpetrator. Aims of the study: To explore the lived experiences of ethnic minority women who remain in abusive relationships To explore the reasons why they remain in →

Developing an instructional unit on the rehabilitation of stroke patients

Learner Description The learners involved in the stoke patient's rehabilitation are the stroke patient, the patient's family members or support system, and the healthcare staff. The severity of the patient's condition, needs for frequent rest and monitoring, and availability of equipment that they need to learn to use or manipulate, makes the hospital the ideal →

The multi-store model

The information enters the Sensory Memory which has a duration of 1/2 to 2 seconds, if the information is attended to it moves to the STM. The weaknesses of the MSM are the model suggests that rehearsal helps to transfer the information to the LTM.

Effects of caffeine on long term memory

This research is based on the results of previous research aims to test the effects of caffeine consumption on the long term memory of individuals. The high range created in the variance of without caffeine group shows us the placebo effects on the without caffeine group's memory test results.

Successful debating essay

Although conflict may seem like a disruption to the task and will therefore make it more difficult to work as a group, conflict is actually beneficial to the group members and to the task if dealt with appropriately. To allow for a cohesive debate it is imperative that all group members continue to organise and →

The role of electricity in mary shelley’s frankenstein

The creation of the monster does lead to Victor's demise and Shelley parallels the idea to scientific discovery and the future. When he sees the damage to the tree that the lightning creates, Victor asks his father about the nature and origin of thunder and lightning.

Boy takes flight

So too, in James Joyce's A Portrait Of The Artist as a Young Man, must the central character, Stephen Dedalus, live a terrestrial life as that young man before he can take the skyward route of the artist. Of significant interest, though, are the parallels that exist between the Greek myth of Daedalus, Stephen's own →

Movie marketing assignment

According to the model Advertising essentials, the message of the marketers has to go through the creative team and media before it reaches the audience. Second, the movie marketers have to select the communication channels according to a genre of the movie, encode the message of the creative team the right way, so that the →

Internation business: corruption and totalitarianism

Prior to globalization corruption was thought of as a problem restricted to the pockets of the developing world, with the developed world considered clean from the stain of corruption. Cragg, A.W." Business, Globalization, and the Logic and Ethics of Corruption.

Occupational therapy and intellectual/ developmental disabilities

Increased observation of sensory features related to ASD allowed for a better understanding of the impact of these behaviors in the daily life of individuals. Hippotherapy is the use movements of a horse to establish motor and sensory input of patients.

Medieval renaissance and elizabethan theatre assignment

Independent practice/application Students will watch a clip from the movie " The Phantom of the Opera" in order r to see an opera in action, both onstage and backstage. The Renaissance was a people began to turn to the of the arts and sciences.

Acetate department case analysis essay

Reorganizing the structure of the department -There will be changes in the structure in able to adapt to the new system. Briefing of tasks and roles Incentives to employees with perfect attendance will reinforce the acetate department in making the new system effective.

Introduction of piston and exhaust valve engineering essay

To enable the piston movement the driving thrust on the piston converts linear piston motion to rotary crankshaft movement The movement of piston from TDC to BDC the inlet valve is opened for suction and compression of air fuel mixture and exhaust valve remains closed and at the end of compression stroke the exhaust valve →