1300 Words Essay Samples

This boy’s life

Tobias Wolff Memoir Tobias Wolff opens up his Memoir with the image of him and his mother fleeing to find a better life in the Old West. He must begin to act in the real world and let go of his fantasies.

The big bang theory: kills god or proof of something greater?

Scientists also believe the abundance of the " light elements Hydrogen and Helium found in the observable universe are also evidence to support the big bang model of origins. Two years later, the WMAP supplied scientists with new information about the age of the universe and the date of the first generation of stars.

Market strategy for red bull commerce essay

SWOT Analysis for Red Bull Strengths Market Leadership: Red Bull is already a planetary market leader within the energy drink industry with the largest sale and big market portion. Merchandise Merchandise Variation In the presence of other athleticss and energy drink there is monolithic competition and it will be hard for Red Bull to hold β†’

Strategies to prevent or alleviate reality shock for a new nurse

Students from applied programs may experience less reality shock in adjusting to a first professional position or in doing consulting work in applied settings because they bring with them a prior understanding of such realities as paperwork, the privileges of rank, and the functioning of the informal organization. The preceptor model responds to the needs β†’

War photographer, valentine and before you were mine essay

The first line of the poem reads, ' In his darkroom he is finally alone' Carol has chosen the word ' finally' in that sentence simply showing that the war photographer has been waiting to be alone and a sense of relief is given when it is read. Carol uses the same words in some β†’

Cruise line safety essay sample

The issue addressed in the article concerned the safety of transport of ships with the article basing its arguments and evidences on the cruise lines' ships transport safety. The article used evidences from the company's frequents accidents that endangered passengers and affected the economy of both the company and the international business as they relied β†’

Exoffenders and there social life out prison criminology essay

The stigma and discriminations against ex-felon/offenders are evident all over the world especially in the United States, who has the highest prison population, with 756 prisoners per 10000 inhabitants. The first step would be to take a look at the reasons of these stereotypes and the possible rectification for them.

Introduction to amazon com marketing essay

The trends of competition in electronic businesses is multifaceted and dynamic, firms cannot rely merely on their so called competitive advantage as competition is strong and companies need to come up with some exceptional tactics and strategies to make their position safe and secure from the competition threats all what a company need to pursue β†’

Psychology deborah’s dramatic labor led her baby to

In order to try to create a change in Nancy's behavior, Deborah had to use reinforcement to create Nancy's desired behavior. I enjoyed how the author Deborah Spungen was able to give a perspective on all of Nancy's family.

Synergetic solutions

The first internal force of change is the nature of the workforce. The internal technology of the organization at Synergetic Solutions must also change from the computer trading company to the network design company.

Case study nintendo essay

The company has been one of the market leaders in the video gaming industry, founded by Yamaha. Initially the company had several tough competitors but gradually with the advent of technological supports, the company has managed to regain its power and strength in the game industry.

Thoughts of suicide or homicide social work essay

Crisis intervention is to reduce the intensity of an individual's emotional, coping and problem-solving skills that is malfunctioning in the state of crisis and help them to return to their level of functioning. We will focus on the difficulty of crisis intervention work and how everyone is not suitable to be a crisis intervention worker.

Victims victims everywhere!: getting to the core of the anti-colonial struggle and the relationship between african men and women

This has been a continuing struggle for Nyasha as she wants to be the strong and confident young woman that she knows exists inside of her, but cannot be that way all the time as a result of her controlling parents. Dangarembga's other point is that Nyasha, as a female, refuses to grovel to the β†’

The feasibility of different techniques for providing fresh water to arid regions in the world

UNESCO and the Italian Ministry for the Environment and Territory have launched " The Water Programme for Africa, Arid and Water Scarce Zones", which seeks to develop the potential management of water resources to protect the fragile environment of water scarce regions. In Africa is the greatest percentage of people lacking access to safe drinking β†’

Kant’s account of categorical imperatives and universal laws

The categorical imperative, which, in Kant's moral philosophy, is said to be " the fundamental law of morality" 2, provides the basis of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Moral. Kant offers a number of formulations of the categorical imperative, the first of which is, " Act only according to that maxim by which you β†’

Study on hereditary vs sporadic cancer essay

Sporadic malignant neoplastic disease and familial malignant neoplastic disease differ in several ways that may impact wellness attention determinations: Hereditary cancerA frequently occur earlierA than the sporadic signifier of the same malignant neoplastic disease, so experts frequently recommend different showing, A at a youngerA age for peopleA with familial malignant neoplastic disease in their household. β†’

Relationships between zeus and demeter

This is important symbolism for either the death of her daughter entering the underworld as Demeter grieves, or the marriage of her daughter to Hades as the queen of the underworld. Zeus then knew he had to go to the underworld and talk to his brother Hades to get Persephone back to Demeter.

The effect of temperature on beetroot membranes essay sample

If we have the cells in a temperature of 50 oC, some cells will denature, but then the temperature of the surrounding water will decrease and the remaining cell membranes will not burst. It would pretty safe to state that all the betalain has leaked out in a water temperature of 100 oC.

Theories of aggression

The hypothesis held that the occurrence of aggression always presupposes the existence of frustration and, contrariwise, that the existence of frustration always leads to some form of aggression. In other words, the aggression is actually the outcome of the injustice on the stronger part of society, which is shifted to the weaker individuals out of β†’

Sap case report assignment essay

The growth of the company continued with the birth of R/2 and R/3 systems, and other systems that provide coverage for almost all functions and sectors of an automatic corporation. SAP StructureAs mentioned above, one of SAP AG's greatest strengths are the company's energy is never exhausted, and they stay to crush the rivals in β†’

Fundamentals of business law and ethics discussion

The main use of the Services by all the Members, is a subject to all the applicable local, national, state, and international rules and regulations as well as the required laws. For each of the following laws, state and define the source of law and explain how the definition you provide applies to the law β†’

Analysis of the big five personality factors and education

The results presented suggests that Extraversion does play some part in contributing to academic performance, with variables such as age and the way to measure academic performance affecting the prediction of academic results. The ambiguity of Openness to Experience supported by the differing results suggests that it is difficult to conclude that there is a β†’

Culture and the mass media assignment

In this paper the writer will examine the relationships among popular culture and the mass media. The Internet has a huge impact on culture and is primarily one of the ways that interpersonal relationships are developed in today's society.

Glass ceiling effect

These people could be women, ethnic minorities, older people, overweight women, obese men and women, Deaf, blind, handicapped, and many others who are victims of discrimination or the " Glass Ceiling Effect." The glass ceiling starts to form as soon as women enter the work force after College; they are faced with discrimination, and belief β†’

Training program

Sales results, retention and client feedback scores prior to the training will be used as a base line. Evaluation of results will provide data related to the success of the training and its individuals.

History in argentina and population in the south history essay

Argentina became one of the richest countries in the world. The Argentine Carlos Gardel, embodies the soul of the tango dance which is one of the most famous dances in Argentina.

Organic derivatives of water biology essay

In comparison of the given amount in the pre-lab papers, the amount used in the experiment is doubled in order to have larger amount which helps in easier observation of reaction and results. 2-butanol is one of the samples which appear to be reactive with Chromic Acid.

Devising a training program for an organisation

To do this I should conduct a gap analysis in which I identify the gap between the existing and needed skills of the employees, and in turn I can specify when, what, who, where and how to conduct the training. I can classify the exact areas were training is needed, that the training is closely β†’

Coffee and starbucks

Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world, with 20, 366 stores in 61 countries, including 13, 123 in the United States, 1, 299 in Canada, 977 in Japan, 793 in the United Kingdom, 732 in China, 473 in South Korea, 363 in Mexico, 282 in Taiwan, 204 in the Philippines, and 164 in β†’

Small bowel obstruction mechanisms and research studies

Adhesions are the most common cause of SBO and are a considerable burden to the patient. The purpose of the research is to improve pain and quality of life for this population and prevent recurrent obstructions.

Work break down

Draw some parallels to the readings in the textbook. What is your evaluation of the President's initial response to the attacks?

Denatl care access

The service costs of many dentists are not affordable to the underserved and dental offices restrict access to care for patients that have no ability to pay or have no insurance. The elderly is also affected with lack of access to proper dental care services.

Abortion and euthanasia free

The Catholic Trust believe that conception of a baby is the will of God, a special gift, and should not be able to kill a baby as it is morally wrong and purely unacceptable." We have been created by the almighty God in his own image and likeness. Women will not be able to take β†’

Loblaw case summary essay sample

The larger suppliers are able to dictate prices and where to position their product in the store, but the smaller suppliers are at the mercy of the buyers. What should Loblaw do to prepare for the entry of Wal-Mart?

Intellectual property rights: copyright and patent

A patent is an exclusive right ranted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. A copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S.

Targeting caveolin-1 deficiency in bone marrow derived cells: a new therapeutic window for fibrotic diseases?

Namely, the authors demonstrate that CSD significantly reduced accumulation in skin and dermis of SSc mice of chemokine receptor 5 positive monocytes and fibrocytes, which are increased in fibrotic lesions of SSc mice and SSc patients, and ameliorated the clinical signs of skin fibrosis. 005 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Nathan, C, β†’

Why is primark clothing unsustainable?

This business report is intended to know about the social and environmental impacts of the Fashion and Textile industry to this world and the sustainability challenges in this industry. Being high turnover also means that keeping track of items can be difficult and if Primark do not know the origins of the stock, it is β†’

Themes of incidents in the life of a slave girl and the souls of black folk

In The Life of a Slave Girl, sexuality is a major theme that affected a large number of slave women, while in The Souls of Black Folk, the main topic is humanity and its influence on the black men in the society. In conclusion, according to the reports on the experience of slaves, slavery is β†’

Churchill’s leadership essay sample

Churchill's personal style of management was important to the success of the wartime coalition government; however this is not the only reason for such success. He was deputy Prime Minister in 1942-5 and did much to ensure the efficiency of the coalition.

Book review: man’s search for meaning (victor frankl)

Positive affect and the experience of meaning in life.J.Pers.Soc. The Brain and the Meaning of Life.

Saving sourdi essay sample

Nea decided in that moment that she needed to do something drastic in order to complete her rescue mission, so she took a pairing knife and stabbed the man in his arm with the intentions of killing him. This is apparent when Nea believed that Sourdi was in danger in the restaurant, at the cornfield, β†’

Forces in international business

For Japan, McDonald's is a symbol of this fantastic culture, and brings in many customers because of this." From the perspective of the ' civilizing process' McDonald's...[has]...helped to create an entirely new concept of manners." says Watson. This is another political pressure that concerns McDonald's as they attempt to meet the cultural standards for the β†’

The thirty years of war and the civil war history essay

The gash of the Catholic religion, as a consequence of the restoration, put Europe in a position of spiritual confusion and chaos.[2]The steady increase in bigotry and spiritual sectionalism that concurred with the totaling of brand religions and yet new multiplicity is the main grounds of the Thirty Years War. This conflict gave rise to β†’

Rhetorical analysis of “shooting an elephant” by george orwell essay sample

For the reader to figure out how Orwell uses the tone of his narration to appeal to the reader, its important to examine how early on in the essay Orwell establishes a candid and blunt tone towards the Burmans, Natives, and the British based on imperialism. In " Shooting an Elephant," Orwell appears to be β†’

Metabical: case analysis

Barbara Print, senior director of marketing for SSP, needs to analyze the market radically in order to decide the pricing and packaging strategy and forecast the demand for the product before it is launched. This approach enabled Print to conclude that Metabolic would be able to capture 10% of the consumers in the first year β†’

Oppression: muslim women in canada

Islamic women are the focus here, women who follow their religion by wearing the Hijab and women who feel it's not necessary to cover one self to be a good Muslim. This form of oppression is different than that of the Islamic woman as these women do have a choice in what theyre doing.

Case study you are your own worst enemy

As a manager, I am responsible and takes charge of all the activities that involve in my company and It Is very necessary for me to have an employee which has a knowledge to perform and sites to their task properly and willing to abide the rules and regulation of my company. By restricting them β†’

Good research methodology: deductive research approach essay example

Research methodology implies the process of collecting information relevant to a field of study for the purpose of deducing conclusions and decision making. Employees will be provided with the questionnaires and required to answer the questions that will be related to the purpose of the study.

Prevention of nozzle clogging in continuous casting of steel

Another thing to consider is the life of the tundish is often limited to the life of the nozzle due to clogging. The most effective way to prevent, or at least lessen, nozzle clogging in the continuous casting of steels is to modify the inclusions in the steel to a liquid rather than a solid β†’

Can oral history be trusted

It can also be said that " tricks that the memory can play, to efforts at rationalization & self-justification that all of us make, even if only subconsciously, or to the terrible telescoping of time which aninterviewoften encourages and which runs counter to the very essence of history" 2 This can also happen with age, β†’

A time of respite from something

For some people a vacation might be a chance to relax, while to others, a vacation might mean to leave their professional work for a while, only to do another different kind of work. One way of relaxing that has become popular amongst the people of today's society is to take a vacation.

Cultural differences in business assignment

In the article, " Managing Cultural Diversity In A Global World" by Edward Burman, he explains that " Cultural training is essential to avoid potential conflict, and to improve the disastrous failure rate of joint ventures in the recent past. So the percentage of expatriates at American-based companies who are American has gone down." I β†’

Systems development life cycle sdlc systems

These include questioning why the information system needs to be built, to charting feasibility factors, analyzing issues that are expected to crop up, zeroing in on a certain design and architecture for the system, developing the system, implementing and testing it, and delivering it to the target customer. Even within structured design, two distinct approaches β†’

Frank stellas unflinching desire to create art art essay

Galenson and Weinberg in the article Age and the Quality of Work, look at how Stella ' s work was to be interpreted and mentions Stella ' s work as an progress upon past Formalist creative persons. One of the most problematic facets of Stella ' s work is that of its connexion to the β†’

Solving major global issues by founding a system on ethical principles in simon blackburn’s book

When hundreds of thousands of innocent lives were being violently taken by the hands of angry men wielding deadly machetes, the UN refused to acknowledge the extremity of the situation as it was unfolding. America, along with the other nations part of the UN, should have intervened as soon as the chaos broke out in β†’

First council of nicaea and jehovah s witnesses

Moreover, the Son can have no direct knowledge of the Father since the Son is finite and of a different order of existence, Brown, and Heresies. The other definition of Arianism is that, Arianism is the idea that Jesus Christ is not equal to the Father by nature, but He is the first creation of β†’

Ict analysis and evaluation report

It is quite likely that when the parents of our present pupils were at school the only example of the product of modern technology they have used was a simple calculator. In that case it is easy to assess pupils on the basis of the level of difficulty achieved.

The origin of the confucianism

This gives the reader a richer and clearer view of how Confucianism functioned in the past and of what it means in the present". Another aspect from the book states, " In the light of this expansion of the understanding of religion, more and more western scholars tend to think of Confucianism in terms of β†’

The major criticisms of sutherlands differential theory criminology essay

Glueck asked, " Has anyone actually counted the number of violation of law, and demonstrated that in the predelinquency experience of the vast majority of delinquents and criminals, the former exceed the latter?" Additionally, there seemed to be a shortage of reason in Sutherland's theory to explain acts of deviance that are not learned or β†’

Waiting for godot – samuel beckett “nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes” analysis

It represents one of the most important movements of the twentieth century and is an example of the so-called " Theatre of the Absurd", which had subsequently inspired numerous plays that were based on the idea of an illogical universe. The plot of the play is fairly simple and is, in fact, purely a development β†’

Benefits of cultivating trust

To gain will power, the individual with a chronic illness must trust in themselves that they can get through their painful issues. Since trust is a feeling that can be found in oneself, it can be utilized at the will of the possessor.

The raven argumentative essay

He opens the door and stares into only darkness and then starts dreaming about the unattainable and murmurs, " Lenore"." Lenore" is reiterated back to the man and the poem has begun to fully disclose a sense of the agony and heartsickness experienced by the narrator. In this poem, the protagonist is mourning for his β†’

Pestel analysis of the steel industry economics essay

The private sector in the steel industry contributes approximately 2/3rd of the total market of the steel. Asian countries are in the lead with the production of the steel, china is the top producer among the Asian countries which are contributing high a supply of the steel in the international market.

Surviving super bowl sunday parties with diabetes

Make this your motto for the night: " If you do not like it, do not eat it". The last tip for this portion would be to pack your own food as there is a huge chance that, that party you are going to will not have even a pinch of healthy in it.

Informative speech outline argumentative essay

Thesis Statement The four steps in preparing for a job interview are researching the company, analyzing and preparing yourself, anticipating questions and answers, and preparing everything you need the night before the interview.II. You will also be able to find out whether the company and the companycultureare a good fit for you.B.

Price elasticity of demand for logistics and transport

Brief introduction Third-party logistics companies for the provision of goods delivery services will charge a return to compensate for costs incurred in the distribution process, and as a rational enterprise will pursue profit maximization.[1]Price elasticity of demand for Logistics and Transport is referring to degrees of the change in demand caused by changes in prices β†’

Comparison of dirge of the dead sisters by rudyard kipling

Throughout the poem the " s" of " sisters" is capitalised, this may be to show their importance and respect, which Kipling feels they are so greatly owed. In this respect both poems show the usually unseen side of war, " the part that is not for show".

What is meant and how can government attempt to correct it?

This is because the consumer cannot go for a cheaper product within that market as the monopoly has gotten rid of competition, thus leaving the consumer with high prices to pay at a limited choice. These people are the labourers of that economy and if work force starts dying out this leads to a loss β†’

Accounting for capital and income

This type of analysis shows the sense in which the underlying " fundamentals" are the origin of the market value of the wealth; its not as if the investors capital investment in the property would automatically generate a return of 5 or 10 percent. In a dynamic framework, we can calculate the income associated with β†’

A comparison of the cask of amontillado and hop-frog

In comparison to the following quotes that explain the revenge taken and reasons for it due to the humiliation that had been forced upon poor Hop-Frog by the king Edgar Allan Poe " He knew that Hop-Frog was not fond of wine, for it excited the poor cripple almost to madness; and madness is no β†’

Different types of religion religion essay

The three largest groups in the world of Christianity are the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox churches, and the various churches of Protestantism. God created all that is seen and unseen Jesus is the Son of God and is one with God Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin β†’

Barriers to effective communication in the workplace

The first task of the assignment requires the writer to research on the barriers to listening and how to overcome it. Thus the writer is going to discuss about the barriers that occurs on the receiver side, which would be the barriers to effective listening, and the methods to overcome it.

Weekly reflection: socialization essay sample

In a positive look at advertisement provides society with the knowledge the capitally to research what products to invest in and what not to. Men worked outside the home were to be the bread winners, to keep up the conditions of the home.

Autoantibodies to potassium channel kir4.1 in multiple sclerosis

1 antibodies were found in serum samples of 47% of MS patients, 1% of patients with other neurologic diseases and in none of the samples from healthy controls. 1 antibodies in the pathogenesis of MS remains to be determined.

Future trends in crisis intervention

This paper discusses an overview paraprofessionals, the impact the paraprofessionals have on the field, the challenges that organizations are faced, and how to manage with the implemented changes. This paper discusses the impact of this trend on the human services field and how the trend will impact the practice of crisis intervention in the future.

Reaction paper marine basic safety essay sample

PST or Personal Survival Techniques means methods and systems used or employed to establish directions for taking appropriate survival actions, depending on the equipment and rations available, the use of them, and the preparation knowledge skills and integrity of the person. In Class B fire are those that are liquid and gases cause of fire β†’

Herbert george wells’ memoir and writings

Moreau the following year, The Invisible Man in 1897, The War of the Worlds in 1898, and the First Men in the Moon in 1901. Polly The Outline of History The Shape of Things Synopsis of The Time Machine In the novel The Time Machine, a time traveller tells a story to the narrator and β†’

Chipotle grill case study

The creator of Chipolata came up with five core elements in which to base the strategy of the establishment: Serving a focused menu High quality, reasonably priced, convenient menu items Operational efficiency Friendly staff Awareness and respect for the environment Spittle's Strategy Spittle's strategy is one of differentiation. More and more people are making the β†’

Building technology sba

The aim of this research was to get a substantial and in depth analyses of the concrete producing company so that a report can be presented. In the report, definitions, descriptions and explanations will be given on the contents presented and also, the details of the aggregates used and the tests done to ensure acceptable β†’

The american jezebel by eve laplante essay

Anne Hutchinson, as one of the many American women who have lived during the era of Puritan colonial in America, is regarded as one of the many bigger names in the history, who works really hard to strengthen and instigate the equal role of women in the society. While there is accuracy in terms of β†’

The obligation to help others and the bystander effect

Continuing the discussion on the atrocities suffered by humans throughout history and the moral obligations of citizens to help those in danger, will go a long way in creating a society willing to help those in need. The Holocaust is one of the most notorious examples of humans not living up to their moral obligation β†’

Kant’s unconditioned antinomies

To prove his arguments, Kant provides antinomies describing the thesis of the situation, and then the antithesis of the situation. In Kant's first antinomy the thesis is that " the world has a beginning in time and space" and the antithesis is that " the world is infinite in time and space".

The intercultural challenges law employment essay

The diversity challenge is to embrace differences right to the root of the organization. Individual rewards are given to employees based on the quality and quantity of their performance.

Introduction and historical experiences of the community

Itrecognizes the community as a unit of identity: this principle emphasizes on the significance of a community as the identification mark for the people and theimportance of this identification as a starting point of CBPR. Facilitatesa collaborative and equitable partnership in all phases of the research process: due to the inequalities between a research and β†’

Commentary: distributed cognition and distributed morality: agency, artifacts and systems

Irrespective of the final assessment of the moral status of distributed systems, I argue that the assumption that the assessment of the degree to which humans and artifacts are cognitively integrated is not always feasible and distorts our understanding of DCog. This integration depends on different dimensions including the kind and intensity of information flow β†’

Brain mechanisms controlling drug addiction reinforcement

Discuss how theories relate drug addiction to endogenous brain mechanisms controlling reinforcement, and look at how these theories may be used to improve the effectiveness of treatment of addiction In psycho-biological terms addiction is regarded as the perceived need for a drug or substance and the potential for the subsequent re-use of that substance often β†’

The main characters in midnight’s children and mother courage and her children reveal war’s effect

This concept is evident when Saleem states at the end that he will crumble to dust beneath the feet of the nation on his 31st birthday because it is the fate of all midnight children to be lost in society. Mother Courage does what is needed to get by and to be able to continue β†’

The simply comparison between the logos of heraclitus and jesus essay

Logos is the principle according to which al ting change, that which determines the nature of the flux the resides in all human beings. The destruction of all things by fire is destined to occur cyclically.

Help desk software tools

Record level is based on changes to a record and allows the user to define which clients to notify when an incident is added, edited, deleted, or copied. The customer desk, or " front office" system, is a Web-based application specially designed and developed for customers.

Editorial: the role of priming in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

This line of research has embraced the necessity to consider reactivity within the context of the past history and present state of OM in all of its highly diverse forms. The motivation for the collection of studies summarized below is to advance a common language, set of experimental approaches, and perspective on priming effects in β†’

John quincy adams’ notable achievements in a lifetime career in politics

A solidly antiadministration Congress viciously scrapped President Adams vast domestic program, and he was ousted in the election of 1828. In 1848, Adams collapsed on the floor of the House and was carried to the Speakers Room to be tended to in private.

Hope and understanding: comparing life of pi and bless me, ultima

The faith journeys of Pi and Tony are similar in that each boy finds mentors for the three faiths he identifies with; however, the main characters differ in how they understand the concept of one person possessing multiple faiths and in how they apply their faiths to the obstacles that they face in their lives. β†’

The effect of petro-globalization on non-western cultures assignment

The bulk of it remains in the hands of the Saudi Royal Family, descendants of Bin Saudi, and their assorted hangers-on. The I-Jaw believe that oil is the lifeblood of the land, and that drilling for it is literally bleeding the land dry.

Cytoplasmic streaming in cells | experiment

As summarised in the results the change in the rate or speed of cytoplasmic streaming in the Nitella cells upon the addition of the drugs Cytochalasin C and D was significantly different to that of the control rate, with 98% and 99. The relationship between width of the cell and rate of streaming is not β†’

Literary texts call into question many of our essentialist ideas about gender essay sample

Bennett and Royle in their Introduction to Literary, Criticism and Theory are careful to distinguish between patriarchy which ' involves upholding the supposed priority of the male' and phallogocentrism which ' involves some of the more subtle, more symbolic and...more fundamental ways in which the phallus can be equated with power, authority, presence, and the β†’