1200 Words Essay Samples

The importance of medical marijuana

To the White House's surprise and to the benefits of those who desperately need medical marijuana, the Institute of Medicine proclaimed " that marijuana usually precedes rather that follows initiation of other illicit drug use." The Institute of Medicine also states that " most users of illicit drugs had already used alcohol and nicotine while β†’

What challenges does post modernity present for christian doctrine?

Introduction Post-modernity is a concept that deals with the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty. In the confrontation with the truth about the reality of God and religious practice, the post-modern perspective is illustrated in the statement that " what is true for you, it's not for β†’

Example of research paper on samuel gompers

The formation and the organization of the Cigarmakers' Union was the origin of the vibrant American labor movement. In that duration, he managed to oversee various measures to improve the conditions of the workers and children.

The role of steinbeck’s women in the grapes of wrath (the movie): when the wind of changes blows analytical essay

It is hard to ignore the fact that up until the beginning of the XX century, most of the deeds that the history ended up caring about were men. For quite long, the role of women was restricted to household and child upbringing; however, in the first decades of the twentieth century, the stereotypical image β†’

Hypocrisy in “the scarlet letter”

Through the book, the reader comes to know Hester, the adulteress; Dimmesdale, the holy man Hester had the affair with; and Chillingworth, the estranged husband of Hester who is out for revenge. Through the punishment of the three main characters, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth, Hawthorne clearly shows that hypocrisy is a sin meriting terrible punishment.

“it’s a wonderful life” movie essay sample

The film " It's A Wonderful Life" directed by Frank Capra is considered one of the greatest and most successful works of the American cinematography in the twentieth century. Gower added the poison to the prescription and interfered him to deliver it to the client.

Leadership experience essay

The leader of the organization or team, in addition, is solely in charge of the consequences of their decisions. The vision of the conference is to empower and awaken leadership potential of students, in order to have an active as well as influence the society.

Interpersonal communication skills essay sample

To properly answer the question, it is important to be aware of all of these features and what they mean. This feature contributes to the forming of the self and identity within a person.

Futures contract

When the leverage implicit in options is large, when the liquidity in the stock market is low, or when the overall fraction of informed traders is high. Further, the weak predictability exhibited by the public signal suggests that the economic source of our main result is valuable private information in the option volume rather than β†’

MatrixΒ – this movie changed cinema forever

The matrix: to say we are in the matrix's would really be easy to quickly say no, to think of a human as being no more than a battery is in most circles of thinking laughable, we are not good enough as a power source to even be considered, with all that said now days β†’

China one child policy essay sample

In 1976, whith the death of Mao, the government decided to advocate voluntary population control to reduce the birth rate. The government relaxed the policy in the countryside for couples that their first child was a girl.

Baptist health south florida qi plan authority, structure and organization essays example

Further, the executives should ensure that the staff and the patients understand the decision making and the data involves. In that respect, the reports on the data collected will be prepared by those responsible for collecting it including the service departmental heads and an independent consultant undertaking the study.- Members education and orientation to the β†’

How priestley uses the inspector to create tension and suspense in an inspector calls essay sample

When the inspector begins to question the Birlings, and Gerald it becomes apparent that the seemingly respectable family may have something to hide and suspicions start to build up in the audiences mind. The play is ended in an intense atmosphere of tension and suspense as Mr.

Frankenstein essays examples

The story, whose main characters are a monster and a human being, who apparently is the creator of the monster, is set in Europe during the gothic period. The monster's behavior is a result of the society's reaction to his existence.

Race and color prejudice in othello essay

Here, Othello is presented as a black man who is a heroic figure, constantly fighting against the perceptions of others to succeed in his own field and life, only to be undone by a villain who is jealous of his accomplishments and fearful of his race. In Othello, the Moor, is distrusted by Roderigo, Iago, β†’

Marijuana prohibition canada argumentative essay bibliography

This act outlines penalties for possession, trafficking and production of the substances established as illegal, including Marijuana." Controlled Drugs and Substances Act) Canadian laws pertaining to drugs began in 1908 with the opium act, which was replaced by the opium and narcotic drug act in 1920. Marijuana and the laws surrounding the issue only started β†’

How victor’s parents tutelage affected how role as a father

The negligence of Victor Frankenstein's parents towards Victor influenced his future role in society and caused Victor to be unprepared for when he had his own " child". This is ironic because the reason that Victor had created the Creature was so that he could be worshipped like the god that his parents had raised β†’

Hand washing and bacteria report sample

The two hypotheses are:- There will be decrease in bacterial growth variables in non-washed and washed contaminations.- There will be differences in the decrease of bacterial growth variables from the use of antibacterial and non-antibacterial soaps. Experimental quadrants and swab streaks of the agar plate was shown in Figure 2.

Valkire movie review

This organization consisted of a group of en who were antihero and were constantly thinking and conspiring ways the could overthrow the Nazi government the guys in this group seemed really s mart but in the movie when Sternberg walked in the room were the men were, t hey seemed like they were unsure about β†’

The ethics and impacts of lehman brothers bankruptcy

The bankruptcy came as a blow to the brothers and all the efforts of recovering the financial position of the financial firm was in vain for an average of 5 years. In the Lehman Brothers financial firm, the ethical issues that occurred was that the Lehman Brothers' executives exploited loopholes in the accounting standards to β†’

Pearl prynne – a blessing and a curse

While forever a tormentor to her mother, Pearl was also her savior; while a reminder of her guilt, she proved to be a promoter of honesty and true virtue, and while an embodiment of her parents' worst qualities, she was the true reflection of a troubled heart. And it was the reflection of her own β†’

How do we understand the ghost in act 1 scene 5 of hamlet essay sample

From the opening scene of the play, the ghost of Hamlet the King of Denmark is a figure that is shrouded in mystery. Despite giving it's reasons for it's " walking of the night", the issue of the ambiguity of the ghost continues to arise, and no question is more prominent in the minds of β†’

A dilema enterprise

Furthering the discussion, there are some highlighted problems and issues that arise such as Encik Zayed and Puan Hashimah who are the Directors of the organization were not familiar with Accounting Standards and the provisions of the Companies Act 1965 and their roles and duties as company directors. Based on those problems the role andresponsibilityof β†’

Example of human resources recruitment practices and required amendments essay

Introduction: The present paper makes an indispensable attempt to emphasize on the significance of the human resources department of an organization and the effective execution of its functions such as planning, recruiting and selection of the workforce while not disturbing the legal and ethical concerns on part of both the employees and the organizations. β†’

Of mice and men: overview

Of Mice and MenWebQuest English2 [pic] [pic] Introduction In order to better appreciate the novella, Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck, you are going to conduct a Webquest project in which you examine the time period and setting in which the author lived and wrote the novella. In addition to gaining a better β†’

Example of staying true to yourself argumentative essay

Although I know that I have many faults and imperfections, the one thing I try to always ensure is that I stay true to myself and to others. My dilemma started when I started noticing that my boss was not being as honest with the job as I expected him to be.

Hester prynne: a strong female character that challenges society’s norm

Hester's thoughts, actions, and her legacy are all closely monitored and influenced by elements of feminism, and though she's more of a typical women at the beginning of the book, Hester becomes more and more feminist as the plot thickens. Despite the vast disapproval of the community, Hester's independence prevails as she sews a refined β†’

The significance of time as shown in chronicle of a death foretold and the house of the spirits essay sample

The structure of the big house on the corner in The House of the Spirits is a metaphor for the structure of the entire novel. The title of the novel underlines the association: The House of the Spirits refers both to the book as a whole and also to the big house on the corner.

Does facebook keep us together or apart? essay sample

While we may have satisfied ourselves with wider connections and horizons, it is rather sad that to some extent it had led us to neglect the real value of reaching out and personally engaging with the rest of the community. Description Online social networks are sites catering to anyone with internet access, allowing them to β†’

Guilt and redemption in khaled hosseini’s the kite runner

Notions of sins and their corresponding atonement have permeated throughout Khaled Hosseini's incisive fiction The Kite runner as a major theme, where in the novel, the protagonist Amir's sin towards his father Baba and his best friend Hassan, as well as Baba's sin towards his best friend Ali are respectively disclosed, and their attempts for β†’

Case study/research paper of mergers icici and icici bank critical essay

In October 2001, the Board of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI and two of its wholly-owned retail finance subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI Capital Services Limited, with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved by shareholders of ICICI and ICICI Bank in January 2002, by the High β†’

“to be answered only with groans”: the language of the deferred desire in frankenstein’s consciousness

The Creature's realization of his physical self is the genesis of his and arguably Justine's, William's, and Dr. According to Lacan's theory of the " mirror-stage," the Creature undergoes a drama " whose internal thrust is precipitated from insufficiency," and from that moment on assumes " the armor" of an identity whose contours come to β†’

The importance of the discount rate during financial crises and its effectiveness in targeting a given interbank lending rate

Matriculation Number 110004277 The Importance of The Discount Rate during Financial Crises and its Effectiveness in Targeting a Given Interbank Lending Rate In this essay I will briefly describe supply and demand for reserves in the economy to provide some context to the discount window before discussing the implementation of the discount window during the β†’

Research paper on disciplinary rhetoric legal marijuana

This essay discusses two papers with strong opinions about the part the legal community plays in the marijuana ' controversy.' The papers use some typical methods of introducing the subject, discussing the legal issues, relating the subject to peoples' real life experiences and then they offer suggestions for making improvements. The working paper " On β†’

Sooner or later essay sample

ANKIT and ANKUR tries to listen to them. SHAURYA drives VIVEK to his college and leaves for his office.

British rule in england

However, during the period of the annexation of the subcontinent, India was in a period of regional strife. English is taught in the college levels, it is the language of the educated in India.

Free critical thinking about human resource management

It is vividly observed that strategic training and impartation of skills on HR and other individual tasks is crucial to realize the goals of the organization. It enlightens the management on the core issues to adopt and the solutions to the weaknesses and the threats for business success.

My review on glory road

The movie is able to capture the attention of the readers as the movie is not very long and covers only that scenes which are related to the theme of the movie. In the film more importance was given to the race and ethinicity of the person, which was not the case with the team β†’

A clockwork orange – struggles between the government essay

The society in the story is inhabited by fearful citizens, wild young outlaws, and a totalitarian government which is unable to control the society's flood of violence. As the crimes increasingly rapidly in the society, the government has produced a " Ludovico's Technique", which is a method of condition to cure a person of his β†’

How is brutus portrayed as a tragic hero?

The character Brutus in particular is a keypersonalityto the structure of the play in his fall from honour. This is the turning point in the play as the stepping stones begin to fall in place and Brutus reveals to the viewers his deep down uncertainty to the decision of Caesar being crowned emperor.

Bicycle thieves (1948)

Review on Vittorio De Sica's Bicycle Thieves Review on Vittorio De Sica's Bicycle Thieves Introduction This paper is a critique on one of the greatest films of all time, Ladri di biciclette, which is the epitome of neorealism and still remains the best example to the movement that changed the face of Italian cinematography. The β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of a small kitchen in a busy bistro essay sample

Many of the reasons for this success could also be listed as advantages of this kitchen and I will outline them below.a) Stock turnover: due to the size of the kitchen and the lack of storage space, fresh produce arrives each morning. Employees within the kitchen must be kept to a minimum in order to β†’

Rules of relationships in of mice and men and the breakfast club

Between us, we watched " The Breakfast Club", " Dead Poets Society", " Fried Green Tomatoes" and " Of Mice and Men." Today I am going to discuss how rules of relationships were used in " The Breakfast Club" and " Of Mice and Men". I think that " The Breakfast Club" and " Of β†’

Healthy activia grows healthy us sales critical thinking

The target market for the Activia probiotic yogurt is basically the health conscious eaters in the developed countries. The continued growth of the U.S.functional food market, which is estimated to be the largest in the world, is apotential for further sales for the brand.

Good example of labatt brewery pestel analysis case study

In the next part of the case we analyze the reasons for Labatt's failure in the US market and his exit. The structural factors include Labatt's low size as compared to the established American competitors, the changing culture & tastes of the American market, the import tariff Labatt's beer was subject to and lastly, the β†’

The organisation for customers

The resource of the media and advertising will also be utilised with local radio, TV and newspapers all being informed of the celebrity guest list and in return for free promotion of the event the charity will allow the media to mingle with the celebrities and guests throughout the evening. It is important to evaluate β†’

Product featured in advertisement

The nextadvertisementthat I am going to write about is one that is attempting to sell a product called " TheHealthBracelet", This product is said to help people who are suffering from different health problems, the advertisement contains many small pictures but is swamped with text, but the text featured on the advertisement is all positive β†’

The importance of marketing and advertising in business

It is the process of introducing and promoting the product or service into the market and encourages sales from the buying public Advertising is the more generic promotion of a product or service to a less-specific segment of a target market. Since the goal of marketing is to make the product or service widely known β†’

Dstv consumer behaviour

The customer may choose what they want to watch whenever they want to watch It, whether at home or on the move with various Innovations such as the decoder at home and the Walk which may be used on the move. DUST has created employment for people of Africa and opportunities for Africans such as β†’

Term paper on newspaper are a dying medium

The newspaper industry has lately faced declining newspaper prices, loss of advertising by advertisers, slouching trend of ad sales and drop in circulation of the newspaper due to reducing customers. Another difference between social media and print newspaper is the rate of recurrence of both news medium.

Intercept marketing and vending machines

Thus, the term intercept marketing is the form of marketing where the targets are made aware of the product to be marketed while they are doing some other activity. However, the business through vending machine is the one that is done round the clock.

Attract customers

Therefore, again being creative and thinking of new ideas, Ms Jin decided to offer and incentive system to her employees, where they would be rewarded with 5% of the sales and an additional sum for good customer service, in addition to a basic daily salary. This was an ingenious way of advertising, and helped to β†’

Craft beer research paper example

Craft beer is a part of the beer locally brewed in America and plays a vital role in the culture of the land. Great American craft beer: A guide to the nation's finest beers and breweries.

Marketing funtions

One role the employee will play is the worker that they are in the environment they are provided. If satisfied, the employees and customers will remain loyal to the organization.

Marketing critical analysis of e-sports company raze

Marketing BY whetstone Introduction To follow the professional electronic sports, more and more normal people who are just like to play computer games start to focus on their computers and peripherals. Segments that Raze products focus on are professional player's segment and a segment that people prefer their modeling and quality, and in these two β†’

Mistreating its employees and bad customer service

Blizzard is an entertainment company that sells service to gain revenue; it has millions of subscribers worldwide, and its World of Warcraft hold the record of having the most online gamers. Blizzard manages the release of its games strategically which gamers always have new and interesting games to play.

Cutco case analysis essay sample

Minimize/Avoid Weaknesses and Threats Cutco needs to be aware of the disadvantages of only direct selling their products and utilize other means of selling to increase their revenues in the years to follow. This alternative continues with the core competency of direct selling, and we can utilize our Cutco Website to identify the regional area β†’

A higher minimum wage will cause job loss in the united states research paper samples

In this paper, the job loss and unemployment that is resulting because of the minimum wage is discussed with the help of the facts that the higher minimum wage employers are replacing adults with teenagers, higher minimum wage is decreasing entry level positions, higher minimum wage is not effective for controlling the poverty, it attracts β†’

Customer relationship management

The research tools will specifically analyse the impact of the customer elation management practices of the banking sector on the customer satisfaction. The most important factor/ benefit of the customer relationship management are the improvement of the customer satisfaction in the long run.

Uptown marketing strategies case study sample

The banning of the marketing of Uptown by R.J. On the other hand, the Caveat Emptor model is of significant benefit to both the consumer and the business person.

Discussing the marketing of cadburys dairy milk

New product development is one way of trying to keep ahead of the market and its competition.' Developing a successful new product that will stand the test of time and gain a permanent place in a company's portfolio is not easy. Any advert must be prepared with a sense of responsibility to society and to β†’

Auctions essay sample

In the second section of the article, Vickrey explores the relationship between divisibility of the resource and the optimum allocation of this resource. Vickrey suggests that the best procedure in this scenario would involve asking for bids with the understanding that although the awarding to the object will be to the highest bidder, this will β†’

Current market situation

After analysing the current market situation and customer segments served by HdV, the report notes the strength of HdV's food and beverage operation, identifying the need to focus on the accommodation side of the business. It is the ability to afford this lifestyle which leads to a feeling of importance and higher social status.

Regulatory focus in the life story: prevention, and promotion as expressed in three essay

The theory addresses ways in which people attempt the achievement of the presence of positive outcomes, and an absence of negative outcomes; the processes are promotion and prevention respectively. It occurs through the use of a multilayered personality mode in the exploration of prevention and promotion orientations.

Essay on broadband subscriber survey report

The goals of the survey are the following: Determine satisfaction rates for current broadband products and services for all types of residential subscribers. Working together, Kayla, the CBA staff, and the analysts at MDNI finalized the survey questionnaires designed to assess the needs of all respondents and to achieve the goals listed above.

Buying coffee shop in piazzale lotto milano essay examples

It is of the essence to understand the population structures and composition in this location in order to assess the levels of revenues the coffee business potential make in the future as well as determining the expected profit levels in the future of this business. L, & Qualman, E.

Marketing plan in mortgage services

Marketing Medium In its expansion, the company is required to inform the market of its existence including its market position and branding. Satisfaction of the market is addressed when the company offers products and services that are relevant to their current needs.

Critical analysis article reviews examples

The main features of the article relate to how Aldi respond to the overall competitive environment in the UK grocery market. The foremost talking point in the article is about the marketing strategy of Aldi in the UK market.

Sociology of race term paper example

Whereas it is believed that the labor markets is supposed to be blind to the race of their employees or possible employers, it is proven beyond doubt that race plays a significant role in decision making when it comes to employment and recruitment. Education and skills are thought to play a role in job placement β†’

Is service marketing different form product assignment

Even hen selling a product it is always accompanied by a service and the quality of the service is what really makes the difference of the repeat purchase. Intangibility, according to Battens is the critical goods services distinction from the consumer; the variability of service from encounter to encounter; and the fact that the service β†’

Marketing hnd

The research that a company like Britain can take are looking into sales of drinks, customer needs, look into statistics and numbers of soft drinks to see which are selling and which are not and also if there is room for growth. With the help of the above research Britain would be able to achieve β†’

Create a marketing mix for frozen pizzas.

As a conclusion, from this analysis, when marketing our two new products, we would be able to develop more specific strategies to suit the needs of the customer and obtain the highest amount of profit. This Frozen Pizza will be able to provide the customer with the highest amount of satisfaction in both taste and β†’

Markets in malaysia and hong kong

From my observations of wet markets, fierce competition exists in the areas of price, types of goods, quality, and services. The second type, and also the most significant type of competition existing in wet markets is price competition.

Example of thesis on guiding consumers

However, understanding what guides consumers is farther complex, and to understand this, a number of theories and articles by scholars are researched, and a few governmental efforts in place to guide consumers are evaluated and added to show how consumers can be guided. Because of the advancement in technology and development in terms of the β†’

Marketing management debates

For example, the company needs to make sure that any extension to the brand supports those brand elements or attributes that customers associate with the brand. The value-addition may be reflected in the way consumers think, feel, and act with respect to the brand as well as in the prices, market share and profitability the β†’

Marketing audits and its importance to an organisation

The followings are several definitions of marketing audits: A comprehensive examination of an organisation's marketing structure, programs and performance" - Peter Rix, Marketing-a practical approach " Systematic, critical, rigorous and unbiased study of efficiency of all marketing activities within an organisation extending to evaluation of each and every functional objective and their effective coordination" - β†’

What are the foundations of the study of economics explain how the market economy essay example

In addition to studying the behavior of the individuals, economics also focuses upon the collective behavior of the governments, the corporations, the countries and even the globe. The central element of the market system is that the resources should be allocated according to the needs and requirements of the economy.

Public relations and marketing essay

On the other hand, the public relations practitioners also strive to reveal the distance that exists between public relations and marketing in the course of their duty discharge. The denial of the secure relationship between public relations and marketing which is a prerequisite in most organizations fail to acknowledge the authenticity of the majority of β†’

Measuring marketing effectiveness

The porter five forces analysis allows the company to understand the micro-environment, which allows the company to adopt better marketing strategies to ensure that it curbs the level of competition, partner with better suppliers, mitigate the threats of new entrants, make better deals with the clients, as well as effectively mitigate the threat of substitute β†’

Marketing for cosmetic surgery assignment

First of all, it is actually not necessary for a normal person to have a cosmetic surgery, but a large amount of cosmetic surgery advertisement is likely to make a false impression on people that cosmetic surgery is so popular that it is even necessary. For those who are not necessarily in need of cosmetic β†’


Liquor lease seats are often faced with various aspects of the problems, such as the space is limited, and cannot provide to the customer needs, and the emergence of congestion and other issues, the majority of venues catering restaurant Is a modern market needs. Political In the food and beverage industry in Malaysia, the entire β†’

Marketing plan for skittles

With such a focus, the objective is to influence the seemingly minor consumer choice between confections in vending machines and on store shelves by linking a positive and pleasing emotion to the image of the brand. This addition will attract various ages and personalities from the target segment to the Skittles brand, and will ultimately β†’

Free business plan about organic deli

In order to overcome the challenge, HFD will acquire the most strategic location within the Astoria area that has the highest concentration of foot traffic day and night. The Health First Delicatessen seeks to achieve success based on the following:- Self-sufficiency and steady cash flow by the end of its first fiscal year - Achieve β†’

Marketing of absolut vodka

In order to maximize Its sales In the US, The Absolute Company should focuses on sales promotion with stronger advertisement and media campaign to bring along a message that Absolute Vodka Is a clearer and better quality vodka In comparison to others. In order to maximize market share, The Absolute Company should focus on brand β†’

Example of business plan on branding, pricing, and distribution

This method involves the distribution of goods from the manufacturer, through the wholesaler and to the retailer delays delivery of goods to the consumer, and increases the price. A strategy to distribute goods and services should be in accordance with the overall marketing strategy of a company.

The dynamics of a marketing orientation

The recently used strategies should be eliminated and the new ones made so as to make sure the firms reach the highest position according to the objectives of the company. One of the strategies that the company should use is marketing concept since marketing concept, demands that strategic decisions made by the company should be β†’

Colgate-palmolive case study essay sample

In order for Precision to be a successful product in the toothbrush market the following two objectives must be met:* Increase market share by 8% within 2 years.* Decrease the risk of cannibalization of the Colgate Plus market.* Expand into new geographic markets.II. There are a couple disadvantages when marketing Precision as a premium toothbrush β†’

Free economic and social change through entrepreneurship essay sample

Success of the program can be measured by the number of people in the programs and the sustenance of the business activity. This shows that the social entrepreneurship believes in integrating the creation of social and environmental capital in the society.

Financial markets course summary report essay example

My participation in the Financial Markets course also enabled me to gain a foundational understanding of the operation of various stock markets across the globe and within the United States. In the course of my career, I have learnt about various concepts relating to the bond market such as the Yield-to-Maturity, and the Yield Curve.

Argumentative essay on classdate

On the other hand, it could be argued that increasing productivity in higher education may be difficult without compromising the quality of the services offered They argue that the costs of the higher education industry has increased at the same rate that the costs for every other industry that employs highly educated and skilled workers β†’

Technology in marketing

This forms the basis why, as a marketing manager for a cruising company, I need to look into various technological platforms to increase business and attract many customers. I need to improve the company's website to include images, text, and probably audio and video elements to help pass the company's business online, which would inform β†’

Marketing the buick brand

General Motors expanded globally throughout the first half of the twentieth century." By the late sass's, General Motors was so successful that it built almost half the cars sold in America, and directly employed more than 400, 000 people in the U.S. In 2012 Buick sales in the U.S.

Marketing strategy, target segment, value propositions and implementation

The globalization of businesses largely due to unprecedented advancement in communication technology, has led to the realization of " The world is Flat" concept of Thomas Friedman. It needs to understand that the dining should be the major focus provision of a menu which is movie Rebel and easily adapt to changing Trends and requirements β†’

17 tips for increasing the selling power of your ad copy

There may be times when it's appropriate to use the third person - for example when talking about " those people" who do not have the finer taste or understanding that " you" do or when explaining the faults of the competition. The purpose of your ad is to sell a product or service, not β†’

Internet business strategy essay examples

Although the three models are suitable for Smart Fit, the best would be the advertising model. By having the FAQs section in the website, Smart Fit would be able to answer many issues that are of concern to the clients.

Postmodernism &marketing

After a brief explanation about postmodernism, it would be reasonable to give a marketing oriented definition of postmodernism before starting to discuss its huge influence on the discipline of marketing. To begin with the effect of the term " postmodernism" on the customer side, it can be argued that it has brought a new phenomenon β†’