1100 Words Essay Samples

The the same hides real motives of

Various critics commented that the subtitle of the novel has been used by the author to attract to towards the novel in terms of contradicting the same with the title of the novel. It is noteworthy that the novel uses the title " The Secret Agent" whereas the subtitle is " A Simple Tale". Considering β†’

The correlation between personal responsibility and college success

This very same drive to internal satisfaction that will continue not just throughout your college years but will stay with you in all that you do. Intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy are not the only rewards you will gain. Second, they must progress in career development." Your GPA will stay with you throughout your β†’

Strategic and systems thinking

It is basic to comprehend the elements of each piece of the framework to decide the effect of changing a section will have on the whole framework in light of the fact that if a framework is dismantled it loses its basic properties thus do every one of its parts. This paper will look at β†’

Slavery made the use of slaves a foundation

Slaveryin America started in the 17th century and was continued for thefollowing two hundred and fifty years by the colonies and states. Those slavesacquired from Africa worked mostly on the production of cotton and tobaccocrops, in the Chesapeake colonies of Maryland and Virginia. In the commencement of the 18th century, majority of slaves were native β†’

The history of philanthropreneurship in europe

This paper will hence present theoretical frameworks and empirical findings through exploring the history of philanthropreneurship in Europe and the work of modern philanthropic entrepreneurs. The crucial question to this topic is to the reasons behind such a business model which seemingly contradict the traditional idea of starting a business. This paper also allows us β†’

The environmentally destructive to recover. also, it

Shortage in a commodity causes it to become too expensive or too environmentally destructive to recover. Also, it is now commonly known that use of fossil fuel contributes globally towards rise in the atmospheric CO2 and other harmful gases leading to adverse effects on the earth's climate and atmosphere. Multiple sources of alternative energy are β†’

Survey results essay

Finally, the paper will evaluate the relevance of these surveys and show how I can use the results to facilitate my adult learners The index of learning style inventory is the first survey I conducted. On the other hand, a tactile learner is the one who traces or memorizes the β†’

My future career plans

Most of them are working with a large group practice, are becoming associates in offices that already have staff, or are going back to school for a dental specialty. To become a dental hygienist I would have to get my associates degree in dental hygiene. To become registered in dental hygiene I need to complete β†’

Time management research strategy paper

I did not really [Clearer writing suggestion - " real" or " really" means " existing in actuality" - it adds little to the meaning (and using it to mean " big," " very," or " genuine" is slang); replace it with a more expressive word] feel like I have an issue managing time, after β†’

Global strategy of takreer

TAKREER has adopted the following set of organizational strategies to enable it expand its operations, face the challenges of the 21st century in a rapidly-changing market, and to ultimately become a leader in the oil refining business : Ensure availability of required human resources through efficient recruitment and retention practices. The β†’

Free essay on chinas rise/grand strategy

Arguably, china continues to modernize its economy at a tremendous pace, this implies that in the coming years it will the one of the wealthiest nations in the world. In order for china to grow, one of the important determinants is the relationship that exists between them and United States.

Essay on parenthood: movie analysis

In this situation, Nathan deprives autonomy from his daughter, Patty, because as a child, she should be enjoying the company of friends and exploring the wonders of the imagination, but she is not. This, I guess, is a representation of the deprivation of autonomy in terms of freedom because as a child, Patty should be β†’

A rose for emily by william faulkner analysis essay

She suffers because she is unable to change her personality, her inner world and her perception of the surrounding reality. For her the past is a bright present, her idealized world. This is a story about decay of a person, a town, and a house.

Example of creative narrative based on a photograph creative writing

Noticing the intense will and desire for learning of young Massimiliano, Mrs De Luca continued to teach the eager boy subjects that were not taught in the Italian schools of the 1870s, leading to him being well versed in the field of literature, history, geography and biology, with the addition of fluency in a foreign β†’

Movie rating essay

This paper analyses how these media contents have brought controversial and contentious issues to both parents and media groups in the modern society. Movie rating issues The main objective of for the existence of media groups is to keep the community entertained updated on either current or even historic events through delivery of timely β†’

Comparing psycho and the shining movie review sample

The use of black and white as a filmic technique is very interesting, as it allows for much starker cinematography, while also playing with the idea of good and evil and the duality of man Norman Bates, due to his psychotic nature and dual personalities, has these light and dark sides to him, and the β†’

Free report on cat on a hot tin roof

Why do you think it's so important for Williams to not reveal Brick's sexuality and do you buy his claim that Brick is not gay? During the time and place of this book, which was middle 40's early 50's and in the south of all places, homosexuality was not accepted nor spoken of, or a β†’

Essay on how the us has changed

In terms of family life and of living a care-free youth, David seems to have had a more positive, wholesome experience. One of the things that stands out as different between David's youth and mine concerns personal freedom. When David spoke of what he used to do for fun with his β†’

Essay on literary – contemporary culture comparison

However, this saying influenced me throughout the year, in the context the prediction according to which the world will end in 2012. - Parallel between " Oedipus the King" and the Predicted End of the World in 2012 What is the relation between this situation and the saying " You cannot escape your destiny"? The β†’

Free essay on arguing essay

The analysis essay is on the efficiency of a newspaper advertisement, the second is to inform about Madain Saleh and finally, the observation essay is about The Green Box. In the essay on the importance of newspaper advertisement, the learner is provided with tips of constructing an analysis paper. From the essay on the same, β†’

Essay on effects of having a parent incarcerated

In addition, as the time goes on the child of an incarcerated parent faces deleterious effects and in the course of prolonged embarrassment and shame the child is unable to socially associate with others. The education of a child is highly associated with income and the presence of a parent to for motivation.

The evolution of the character lou in david baldaccis novel wish you well essay

The events that unfold in the plot mean that Lou is forced to grow up more quickly than perhaps she might have liked: the death of her father, the paralysis of her mother, leaving New York City and then, after settling with her grandparents in Virginia, the further threat to β†’

Being a parent implies teaching the kids proper manners and discipline

A great rearing a child tip is to consider the initiatives of your own mothers and fathers like a bottom to operate from instead of the only method to increase your little one. Eliminate your ego, and learn how to communicate far better with your kid. To protect your sanity after you have a whole β†’

Good example of essay on the process of becoming an enslaved person in kindred, by octavia butler

The story of slavery was one that made Africans take life as if they were eating it with a pinch of salt, because of the pain and suffering it caused them through their transformation into slaves by lack of equality and ill treatment. In the work of Octavia Butler, Kindred, the reader meets Dana, the β†’

Essay on food culture interview

The purpose of this essay is to discover and understand more about my family culture, especially the Indonesian culture. I was born in Jakarta, the busiest city and the financial center of Indonesia. My family likes to eat in the restaurant at least once a week. Indonesia is known to have a variety of good β†’

Sample essay on a defense of abortion

The metaphor is supposed to draw the reader's attention to the idea that the mother may be in danger because of the growing fetus within her. Though she acknowledges that both have a right to life, the example suggests that the mother's right to protect herself from harm, even at the cost of the fetus' β†’

Sight, blindness and darkness in oedipus rex essay examples

In Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, the young king Oedipus must deal with demons from his past and the uncertain nature of his future, as he learns the fate of the previous king and the ways in inextricably ties with his own parentage (and marriage to the former king's bride). Oedipus the King is the perfect β†’

Human resources (hr) termination of employment

It may be due to failure to meet what we had agreed should be done in the period of probation, in this case the dismissal will be fair since the employee understands the reason as to why he is being dismissed. The exit interview will also allow the employee to leave the property that belonged β†’

An analytical approach for a research on employee retention

The analysis of a study is difficult because of the various types of research problems, research questions, and data. Producers in favor of the qualitative data analysis software packages support their advantages and uses.

Analysis of customer service problem of best buy

Purpose and structure of the essay The purpose of this essay is to explore the potential marketing problem of Best Buy to provide solutions to its problem. In order to make the essay more complete, this essay will first start with the brief introduction of the Best Buy, and then apersonal experienceof β†’

Free macroeconomics article review sample

This move had an aim of reducing the deflation rate. The Bank and the Japanese government had increased the task on consumer products, and this resulted in the drop of the economic growth by a shocking 1. The Bank of Japan increased the taxes on the consumer consumption in a move to increase the inflation β†’

Kenneth graham’s the wind in the willows essay

Based on the stories that Grahame told his young son, Alastair, the novel followed the adventures of four animals living in the River Bank Mole, Rat, Toad and Badger (http://www.powells. com, n.d., n.pag. ).a. The political explanations of the novel even went on to conclude that the Stoats and Weasel's takeover of Toad Hall was an β†’

Sociological analysis of humor essay sample

Application of humor in sexuality The subject of this article is the application of humor in issues of gender or sexuality. On the other hand, humor refers to the quality of being amusing or funny. Issues of sexuality are among one of the most controversial in the society.

Essay person used a white bathroom, white people

Skeeter want to show the white people what is it like to be a colored person, and hopefully it will help white understand that colored people are capable to have the same emotion and intelligence as white people, as a result they should have the same human right and freedom as well. For people like β†’

Beauty think harder thanother people. because of

But for surgery, if you decide to do it in the case of a return to the original, it is difficult. Therefore, the decision to make plastic surgery, it must be reasonable enough for the teenager, so it is not appropriate to get plastic surgery because it is like a two-edged sword can cause a β†’

The idea of abolishing marriage as a legal entity essay

Married people not only receive a higher standard deduction, they also have the option to file one of two ways. If you are married you have the option of " married filing jointly" of " married filing separately."." Filing separately is like filing when you were single but many deductions and tax incentives for the β†’

Informational essay

Can Generations Xers Be Trained ?, by Shari Caudron, A Tale of Four Learners, by Bernice McCarthy, and Improving the Dietary Patterns of Adolescents Using a Computer-Based Approach, by Krista Casazza and Michele Ciccazzo, we will discover that there are many ways to learn the use of different styles and methods of learning. The authors β†’

Purpose of a setting in literature

Authors strategically use the setting to draw the reader in and, through descriptive language, allows the reader to imagine the place and time the story is taking place. The trail back to the village grew in and he had to scramble his way back to the village.

Critical thinking

Critical Thinking When questioned on the importance of critical thinking and why nurses need to be able to critically think. A required competency in the practice of nursing is critical thinking and critical thinking skills.

Free essay on evolution of blood types

On the other hand, a negative blood type does not have the Rhesus factor in it. There are at least three hypotheses that have been developed in the biological history to explain the mutation and emergence of human blood groups. For instance, the high prevalence of blood group O in Switzerland and the Serbian inhabitants β†’

Free essay on causes & effects of global warming

The fact of the matter is that, it is the human race is the source of the causes of global warming, and ultimately, we are the ones facing its severe effects. Global warming is the global phenomenon that refers to the increase in the average temperature of the planet's surface, β†’

Free argumentative essay on housing in new orleans

This paper looks at the status of public housing before the Katrina and after the Katrina. Before the storm, there were a lot of people living within New Orleans (Greater New Orleans Community Data Center, 1). As such, it can be said that before the Katrina, there was enough housing for the people of New β†’

Why is natality in sweden low?

The graph shows the birth rate and death rate in Sweden, for the period of 1735 to 2000. Concern for the slow growth of Sweden's population is reflected in a national survey in 1982.

Good research paper about geographic information

India is bounded in the southwest by the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal in the southeast. The three distinct geographic regions of India are the Himalayan region in the north, the Gangetic Plain and the plateau region in the south and central part.

Essay on compare and contrast an outpost of progress with the oustation

The setting is Africa, far from the coast, and Conrad describes it in a very negative way: the heat is oppressive and the station seems to Carlier and Kayerts very isolated and alien " the impenetrable bush...seemed to cut off the station from the rest of the world".. The ' station', of which Kayerts is β†’

Chapter 1

1 Physical Characteristics The locality of Managopaya, Banate is located at the western part of Visayas and lies at 4th district of the Province of Iloilo. 15 percent of the total land area of the Municipality of Banate.

Applied managerial accounting essay examples

This writing will include the information about the evaluation methods for NPV or Net resent Value, IPR or Internal Rate of Return, proposed projects ratio of payoff to investment or Profitability Index, and the Payback Method or the process of focusing to payback period which is the length of time that a project takes to β†’

Example of case study on property

Barney had entered into a joint tenancy and currently he may be the sole survivor out-of the three that had entered into the joint tenancy, nevertheless, Barney had placed in his ' will' leaving the ' interest of the property' to Opie his son. The bank ought to be put at fault since the bank β†’

Ethical standards research paper examples

The story of Adelphia presents how one of the largest companies in the United States could also cause on of the largest cases of fraud in business history. Investor's felt that Wall Street had failed to ask the needed questions to protect Adelphia's investors due to these conflicts of interest. The ethical question posed by β†’

The island of dr essay

The animals rage from an Ape man, to a dog mixed with ox creature, all the way to a leopard man. These creatures are to follow the " code of conduct' or they will suffer the consequences. Science is the pursuit of reason, so there must be a reason to pursue.

Ethics and compliance of walt disney company

Team C is going to discuss in this presentation the role of ethics compliance, the procedures and ethical behavior, the processes that the company uses to comply with the SEC regulations, and assess the financial performance of Walt Disney Company. Disney's Ethics Since the beginning of the Walt Disney Company, ethics and compliance were very β†’

The physical movement observed

Throughout the observation, the child W spent a great amount of time watching the other children play, and learned through his peers what not to do. For example, when another child fell off the top off table, the child W immediately got down and was never observed standing on top of a table again. They β†’

Diversity in faith and the health care provider

The importance of nurses to seek spiritual awareness is growing as the population becomes more diverse andhealthcare facilities increase their efforts to create healing environments and meet the needs of every patient's body, mind and spirit. Diversity in Faith and the Health Care Provider. The purpose of this paper is to compare the philosophy of β†’

Our five senses

As to when decreased it is harder to focus on the objects. Once the object passes the pupil it enters the lens, which can properly focus on the rear of the eye. Bipolar cells get information from the rods and cones and send the information to the ganglion cells, which collect the β†’

Historical overview of us govt’s role in long term healthcare

The Feds are not funding the services that have to be provided to these people and yet Government - either elected official or civil servant - is doing nothing to strengthen enforcement of the laws to remove those that are here illegally or to strengthen the borders and immigration process to keep illegal immigrants out.

Health level 7

The mission of HL7 is " To provide standards for the exchange, management and integration of data that support clinical patient care and the management, delivery and evaluation of healthcare services. HL7 standard organization mission is for the exchange standard management and data that supports clinical patient care and the management delivery of health care β†’

A descriptive cross-sectional hospital-based survey carried out on the patients

METHODOLOGY The design for the current study was a descriptive cross-sectional hospital-based survey carried out on the patients visiting the outpatient department. The study protocol was cleared through the Institutional Ethics Committee of the institute. Hence, there was less than minimal risk to the participants. All new patients attending dentistry OPD in the β†’

Taking concrete actions for health promotion, the case study of aadhna george russo

It helps us to focus on nurturing the causes of good health, changing the conditions and environment in which people live, work, and play, and making the healthy choices the easy choices. For medication purposes, educate her the side effects of the drugs, contraindications, teaching her what to do if the side effects may occur, β†’

Health care terms worksheet essay sample

Ambulatory Care When a patient's stay at the hospital or clinic, from the time of registration, to discharge, on the same day. Mental Health relates to the mental and emotional state of a person.

Essay on health care policy

Because of this they have started to institute within their area ofresponsibilityvarious governmental programs and policies that would be useful in stopping this pandemic from spreading in their country. This paper aims to present a comprehensive plan of action on creating a governmental policy that aims to curb the spread of HIV β†’

Windshield survey: overview

A windshield survey and internet research provides information on the people, the land, and the health of those living in this small community. A large park is located in the eastern part of the town.

Solution to the opioid crisis

On the flip side, there are those who think that people are being enabled to use opioids by giving them Naloxone and a simpler solution would just to be arrest those who are selling and using opioids when they should not be. In order to combat the opioid epidemic, the people of this country need β†’

Lead trial

It is found in the earth's crust as an ore together with their metals like copper and zinc. Exposure to lead can lead to the damage of the nerves. It can ultimately lead to death of the infant. Sampling methods In order to find the lead levels in humans, sampling is carried out.

Chemical kinetics, a clock reaction

The reaction rate is an expression of the speed of each reaction in respect of the concentration of each solution and the temperature at which the reaction takes place. 33 x 10-5 / t | Reactant Concentration [I-] | [BrO3] | [H+] | Temp | 1 | 135 | 2.

Essay on rousseaus origin of inequality

Rousseau is very cynical of the civil society and believes that it's a trick played on the weak by the powerful so as to maintain their wealth and power. He traces the evolution of man socially from the state of nature to the current modern society. According to Rousseau, the social contract which led to β†’

Term paper on relevance of american history and sociology

His understanding and modes of evaluation made a student like me always alert and completely conversant with the topic sentence of main argument in discussion. The main mode of evaluation used by our teacher was a mix of the most common and best evaluation modes. A student would be asked to investigate a particular aspect β†’

The ideological function of cars

The details of the type of car or its use are part of the intersectionality of class, race, and gender. Cars can be a form of affiliation or individuation but they ultimately create and reinforce the cycle of society; what Louis Althusser refers as the reproduction of the conditions of production.In U.S.society a vehicle is β†’

Discrimination against women essay

Nevertheless, equality between men and women in the workplace is still a long way from being standard, especially if such figures regarding wages are to be focussed on. Women are still much likely to work in jobs which are of low skill and which are, correspondingly, on low wage. While this is not discrimination against β†’

Dunlap v. tennessee valley authority

Dunlap believes that the reason for him not being hired was based on the fact that he's black and the TVA did not want a black employee that was more qualified than the white ones. This claim failed because Dunlap was not able to prove statistically that his interview was manipulated to cause him to β†’

Racial controversy after hurricane katrina

In his blog Lynn has accused the media of tampering with the actual news story to give it a desired effect. Although USA is a liberal country, liberality is not reflected in the daily news and for that matter in the mindset of white Americans.

Civil rights in the usa – how much had been achieved by 1945?

Nevertheless, the increased number of blacks emigrating to the North led to a wider awareness and understanding of the black community. As a result of external events such as the Depression and the two World Wars, there was greater political, economic, social and cultural gain for blacks in America.

How far could it be argued that the biggest obstacle to civil rights progress was white racism and intimidation?

The civil rights movements faced many obstacles, the most significant being slow and insufficient action from the Federal Government, however, other factors such as white racism and intimidation, the poverty in the north and divisions in the movement also had adverse effects on the movement. Therefore, it could be argued that white racism and intimidation β†’

Gay marriage and a new family model

Gay Marriage and a New Family Model Same-sex marriage (also called gay marriage or homosexual marriage) is the union of two people of the same gender. Not only are many people appalled at seeing a couple of the same sex together, same-sex marriage is illegal in most of the United States.

The merchant of venice essay examples

The words " and they lived happily ever after" could almost be inserted here. The great difference between the written play as it would have been presented in Shakespeare's day and the 1973 TV movie version comes from the setting and costuming. It is the concept that an English garden has a somewhat timely element, β†’

When a crime is committed

The most time will be spent on who are the perpetrators are, but a considerable amount of time will be spent on what crimes the perpetrator or perpetrators committed due to the severity of the situation; for example, burglary is larceny if a car is involved in some places. Finding out who could be the β†’

Importance of teamwork

The systems analyst usually has to evaluate and study the organizationalcultureof the client, he has to assess and understand the preferences of the team members of the client and review the current circumstances of the client organization. This is important for the systems analyst to liaison widely with the external or internal β†’

Lingnan university student canteen imc plan

MKT231 Advertising & IMC LNU Student Canteen discussion Student answers will vary and the following is a suggested framework: Targeting Benefits Sought: Needs States| Brand Offer| Personal/Brand Purpose| The rest place for Lingnan Ren: a global village where we are all equal and creativity rules Historical background: Shi Jianru, one of its former LNU β†’

First interstate bank experienced research paper sample

At the ground floor, the main branch of the downtown Los Angeles was also heavily damaged due to the water. Before the event of the fire, First Interstate Bank had a recovery plan which was established two years back from the fire. The plan included presumptions which were made in gathering the plan, the vital β†’

Good example of essay on senators briefing

We have prepared the economic forecast for the following year based on the decisions made in terms of fiscal, monetary and trade policies. Keywords: GDP, macroeconomic, inflation, unemployment, fiscal, monetary, trade deficit The key macroeconomic indicators of economic health are GDP growth rate, unemployment rate and inflation rate. The government β†’

Counter trade

Still, the harsh reality of international trade means that countertrade is often unavoid able for companies that want to do business in markets that have limited or no access to cash or credit. Complicating matters is the fact that as much as companies may dislike them, many emerging markets prefer forms of β†’

Broken blossoms and the cheat essay sample

This simplistic nature of Chen Huang could get him to interact with any kind of person he comes across. The Asian Character that is involved in ' The Cheat' is Hishturu Tori and is Japanese by nationality as well as a wealthy industrialist but a sadistic minded oppressor. 29 January 2012.

Boy sex preferences in asia research proposal examples

However, under conditions such as the One Child Policy in China, and the strong family planning trends in the fast developing economies in the region, these beliefs have dire consequences on the parents' and populations' decisions on sexes. China's One Child Policy is perhaps the single most important influence on the continent's gender preferences, not β†’

Free essay on asian americans

The enrollment of Asian American students has been on the rise and this is what has caused the notion. This community, as compared to other Americans, is only 6% of the total population in US. I attended one of the Chinese New year celebrations in Fresno.

The effect of transportation system on the development of naya raipur

This context justifies the need for the creation and development of new urban centres such as Naya Raipur to ease off the burden on the existing ones. Naya Raipur Development Authority was established in 2000 for the planning and development of the city. Moreover, Naya Raipur is undergoing a planned development and the β†’

Beijing’s tiananmen square protests – who is a tank man?

The figure who they referred to as, " Tank Man" would not be well known if it was not for Jeff Widener's effort to travel across the world. What began as a simple gift at the age of ten, Jeff's parents surprised him with a Kodak Flashfun Hawkey. There was a strict control over media β†’

A comparison of uk and china in terms of hofstede’s dimensions of culture

In this essay, I will use the conception of cultural dimension brought by Hofstede to analyse the outstanding cultural differences between China and Britain, Then, I will present some accessible methods for a Chinese to adjust to the very distinct society of Britain. As can be seen in Figure 1, Cultural Dimension is a widely β†’

Japanese culture and communication features

Coordinate advantages of a solid and lively culture incorporate wellbeing and health, confidence, abilities improvement, social capital and financial return. In Japan the official language in Japanese and and this is 6th most spoken language in the world, more than 99 percentages of people speak Japanese in Japan.. If I compare my first year life β†’

Rising crime against women in india

Almost six years after Delhi rape case, two of the recent rape cases in Kathua and Unnao , shook the nation to its core reflecting a decay in working of various state apparatuses and violation to the ' Right to live with dignity' as states the Article 15 of the Indian Constitution. The gang rape β†’

The trip to kuala lumpur

Since the airport is located approximately 50 km outside the city, there are mainly 3 different ways to get to the town. KLIA Ekspres The transfer by train takes about 30 minutes and is the fastest way to get to the city. I hope you are looking forward to the next part because there β†’

Evidence-based practice on wound packing following incision and drainage research papers examples

The second article is authored by Alimov et al.and is entitled " Use of a silver-containing hydrofiber dressing for filling abscess cavity following incision and drainage in the emergency department: A randomized controlled trial". The study by Leinwand et al.sought to determine whether omission of the wound packing component in β†’

Example of comparing oedipus with death of a salesman literature review

The main purpose of such tragedy is to elicit some emotions, fear or sympathy, in the audience." Oedipus the King" and " Death of a Salesman" are among the most intriguing tragedies that have been produced. The tragic feeling is evoked in the efforts of the character to cheat destiny, which eventually catches up with β†’

Early childhood cognitive and emotional development essay examples

Incorporation of technologically advanced equipment such as televisions, videos and the internet will also prove useful in making the experience interesting. Cognitive skills According to Berk , cognitive development entails the child's conception of himself and the environment around him. It is necessary to explore other means and activities of making improvements in β†’

Marie curie research paper example

Due to the results of this research Marie Curie obtained her doctorate of science and later she and her husband were awarded the Davy Medal of the Royal Society and the Nobel Prize for Physics. After marrying Pierre Curie, Maria succeeded him as the Director of the Laboratory of Physics. Marie Curie " β†’

Overview of the not for profit sector

In this literature review, I am going to give a brief overview from the material that is available on the not for profit sector including a brief history and development of the sector, how it allowed the scandals to happen that did throughout the 90's and 2000's and the impact that it had on β†’

The role of the media and civil societies in nigeria’s elections.

As a panacea to this problem, the media & civil society groups must wake up to their responsibilities towards ensuring credible elections, they must synergise to carry out certain functions expected of them such as whistle blowing ie checking corruption and abuse of power, ensuring free flow of information, synthesis in diagnosis and feedback, design β†’