1100 Words Essay Samples

The idea of challenging society’s perception of personal identity in spirited away

When looking at these cases you can clearly see that there are more benefits than drawbacks in challenging values within a society as evident in the cases of the renaissances peoples challenging of social norms, the popular movie, Spirited Away's challenging of personal identity, and Martin Luther's challenging of the Catholic Church during the protestant →

How the narrative of the movies mission impossible 2 and run lola run are similar

Each story begins with Lola replacing the receive of the phone after hearing Mannis plea for help, this symbolises the start of the twenty minute countdown she has before the money must be delivered to Mannis boss, thus the entire film plays with the narrative structure of cause/effect chain that is clearly identified as Lola →

Bacterial concentration and diversity

Repetitive samplings of the planktonic components were done to determine if all aliquots had the like bacterial contents within the same bioreactor. Consistency was seen during this repetitive sampling process but changes were seen in the specific composition of the resulting communities that initiated from one supply of cecal assortment. The triplicate →

The inroduction to membrane fouling biology essay

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry defines membrane fouling as " The process that results in a decrease in performance of a membrane, caused by the deposition of suspended or dissolved solids on the external membrane surface, on the membrane pores, or within the membrane pores.". The second type of the resistance is →

Essay on common assessment

The description of this process will include biology and neuroscience, identification of each step in the human memory, factors that might impede the process of human memory, interferences in the process, and an explanation of the different kinds of memory loss. - The Biology and neuroscience. - Identification and description of each step in the human memory. →

Applying molecular biology techniques to implement biology essay

Introduction The term bioremediation eventually refers to the branch of biotechnology that implements the use of microorganisms in order to perform degradation for contaminations in the environment that pose environmental and human risks. The genus and species of the organism is Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA.

Good example of renaissance art period research paper

These also gave the Greco-Roman arts a sense of originality and an artistic, cultural identity. The Renaissance era also sought a revival in the culture of Romans and the Greek people. The pope was also a son of the Medici and strived to maintain his contact with artists of the day.

Business continuity information technology

For extended term malfunctioning of the hardware, the software once the backup hardware has been provided or repaired by the vendor, the IT Operations staff would load the software of the effected hardware to resume early IT computing. In case of a total disaster situation of any IT computing facilities at any →

Density of liquids lab report paper

Density is the ratio of mass to volume. Density= Mass / Volume Density of matter d g/ml Mass of matter m g Volume of matter V ml The SI base unit of mass and volume are →

Recruitment process and cycle

Processes of all the departments of the company are explained irrespective of the department for which the new employee being recruited. The person who has been recruited as a marketing executive is aware of other functions of the company which is more helpful in performing day to day activities and moving with other →

Social influences on behavior argumentative essay

Each person's experiences can reflect in the way that the person behaves in social settings and interacts with other humans. Stereotyping can affect the lives of all human beings in any givenculture, which also has an impact on human interaction and behavior. Most adolescents are influenced by the concept of conformity when →


In the poem, the poet uses difference devices such as quatrain, common meter , and perhaps it is written in strict iambic meter with lines vary in length and in the number of feet. The poet uses imagery, andsymbolism to express emotion and picture a traveler who has to take the road " uphill", and →

Review of the poem “inventory of year” by conchitina cruz

It is interesting to see the author take this creative liberty as there is an irony to it since footnotes are often glossed over or play second fiddle to the main body of the text, but because most of the page is blank the poem now takes center stage. Interestingly enough there is a section →

Comparaison between mcmxiv & anthem for doomed youth

The poet asks the questions but already has the answers and responds to it very precisely in a very negative way: ' no', ' nor', ' not' are used at the beginning of a line following the question. The repetition of the ' no', ' nor', ' not' is also a strong sign: there is →

Kumbla khan by samuel coleridge

Coleridge, whether through the impact of drugs, or simply a confused state of mind, wrote in a fragmented nature that lead to the course of the river seeming realistic and understandable. Through imagery and linguistic features Coleridge's portrays the hallucinations of his mind in a way that is comprehendible.

Suicide in the trenches analysis

Through this bitter and sad poem, the poet tries to bring out the theme of the poem - nobody can understand what war is like withoutpersonal experience. The language the poet uses is clever in conveying the theme - a balance ofsymbolism, diction and alliteration is put to effective use in this →

The juggler poem analysis

Despite the painful sights of the underworld, the portion of the journey that proves most troublesome for Dante is attempting to increase his religious devotion by limiting his pity. There are times within Dante's journey where he expresses a deep hatred towards the sinners; however, Dante's reason for his actions is not due to religious →

Fostered alike by beauty and by fear essay sample

The use of ' fostered' creates the impression of a parent or guardian, and with such a high regard for nature I wonder whether this quote is aimed at her and her so called actions that only Wordsworth seems to feel and encounter. Episode 8 begins with the lines; he seems at one with →

Present love in “nettles”

Both of these poets write about and explore the relationships and the sympathetic feeling that is felt by both the narrator of the poem (The father for Nettles, and the wife for The Manhunt) towards the other person in their relationship in the poem. Both poets, Vernon Scannell and Simon Armitage use →

Responses of enzyme activity from ph and concentration essay sample

The objective of this exercise is to learn the relationship of enzyme activity and the enzymes environmental conditions The hypothesis tested in exercise A was that the enzymes function will be affected if the pH of its environment is altered. For this reaction, a pH of 7 is the best to use.

Analyze the chemistry experiment essay

Accuracy refers to a standard whereas precision does not. Solve the following problems and record the answers to the proper number of gures. a.21. 47 g/cm3 The density of the coins is 8.

Anup, a dinner party in new york,

Like Anup and Keerthi, there are millions of couples out there who use contraceptive pills as a birth control option. Before going further on the lab to life story of our hero that is pills, let us have a view in general that what birth control is, what are its types and what are its →

The yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman essay

In The Yellow Wallpaper, the setting of the story helps convey to the readers the plight of women in the 19th century. The setting of The Yellow Wallpaper was not indicated in the text. In the beginning of the story, the protagonist stated that she was temporarily staying in a " colonial mansion" for the →

The wife of bath feminist essay

The British Library explains women of the middle ages, " The two main alternatives for a medieval woman were to marry, or to ' take the veil' and become a nun. 2014) The wife of bath's additional marriages after the first were viewed as a taboo. Perhaps she just spoke and lived what every other →

Theoretical perspectives

The U.S.educational institution further the ideals of capitalism by perpetuating the belief in equal opportunity, the " American Dream," and the value of the work ethic. This view calls attention to ways in which wealth and poverty are defined and the consequences of being labeled as " poor".

Good essay about welfare policy

Unlike other the welfare states across Europe, the Texas state and the United States welfare system is restricted to a comprehensive amount of its benefits into the bottom income earners in the extensive testing means on income and wealth. A good illustration for this is the fact that the Federal →

Saint basil the great research papers examples

That time changed life of Basil completely and he decided to devote his remaining life to the God. Eusebius persuaded the Basil and made him ordained priest. Saint Basil brought people more close to the reality of world and to the science.

Poverty is a state of mind, part 2 essay sample

And when Hare tells us about how he and his friends used to go out and play in the slum clearance zones, then it brings the reader back to the fact that, if you just work with circumstances you are given and not just complain about them, then you get an easier life, with way →

The intelligence in most of its dimensions,

In the matter of fact, there is noreason to believe that a superintelligent being has high moral standards; Even a non-malevolentsuperintelligence may destroy everything dear to us or perform otherwise morally terribleactions. So if we want the self-preservation of humankind, is it enough to be careful andcautious with artificial intelligence or will not that be →

Planning process and decision making in airasia essay sample

The second type of plan is tactical plan. It is a short term goal and basically focus on the problems of resource allocation. Decision Making Quality and timely decision making is essential for the success of any organization.

Some background on data mining and machine learning.

The National Library of Medicine defines health informatics as " the interdisciplinary study of the design, development, adoption and application of IT-based innovations in healthcare services delivery, management and planning" cite{nml}. Some of them are discussed in the following sub-sections. subsection{APACHE}Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation is the most used scoring →

Instructor: course: date: summary one

This close relation in with politics also enables a manager to get involved in the policy process of a city; an involvement in policy ensures that the city manager takes part in ensuring that they understand the policies being formulated. A long serving manager had values and unwavering commitment to public service. It is crucial →

Example of midterm research paper

The manager manages and coordinates a team based approach so as to achieve result by comparing TD3 to other site management organizations. Functional conflict is a conflict caused by directly by employees in the implementation of work. This would help the department to be team driven and multi disciplinary. - False - True - True - →

Kokoro by natsume soseki

Boku is somewhat a person who wants to know who Sensei really is and Sensei was not the type of person who would reveal the real him. The style of the first part of Kokoro resembles that of a detective novel, and helps first to establish the reader's curiosity towards Sensei. Soseki seeks to direct →

Theme of justice and the idea of trials in three different novels

Throughout the three books, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, and The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, the authors use the theme of justice and the idea of trials to express how powerful people always triumph and can manipulate the public to →

The lais of marie de france and the lion in the winter: when regulated love becomes disaster

Both The Lais of Marie de France, a group of short stories from 1183, and The Lion in Winter, a film from 1968, reflect a more accurate representation of society, especially in their depictions of love and marriage. While The Lion in Winter and The Lais of Marie de France are ostensibly different, they both →

Lady macbeth character analysis essay

To elaborate, the fact that the audience are already expecting for Macbeth's ambition to lead to his downfall (due to the way in which his immoral intentions are presented in previous scenes), this illustrates the idea that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's relationship is bound to fall apart, dragging Macbeth as well as Lady Macbeth to →

Example of essay on film study review – the help

It is a story brings out the vast cultural differences and the frustrations they cause during that period due to the separate lives that the white community led as compared to the life the black American community was forced to lead at the time. It is possible in such situations to facilitate a transformative change →

Compare and contrast computers essay olivia lamond

The house fulfills the role of the children's parents, and the parents take no part in raising the children. When the parents eventually try to assert their parental authority, the children use the house to kill them. The children are so reliant on the technology in the house, they believe they are not able to →

On (not) getting by in america

If the author/authoress is willing to live through the life of the subject matter of the book, and possesses the writing skill, chances are that it becomes a great book. Some comforts and luxuries apart, the total effect of this civilization on the inner world of an individual is devastating. The standard of living has →

Dr. faustus as a tragic hero.

Now according to Aristotle's definition of a " tragic hero" it is time to elaborate on the clues in details in order to conclude that Dr. Faustus as his ultimate intention to illustrate the downfall of a tragic hero.

The essence of change in a person in johnny tremain

Every morning, Johnny is the one that urges Dove and Dusty out of bed he is the first one of the apprentices dressed and ready for work, and the first one at the shop each day. Another trait that proves Johnny is a dynamic and round character is loyalty although Paul Revere offers him a →

A look at the aftermath of conflict as portrayed in john knowles’ book, a separate peace

In A Separate Peace, John Knowles chooses an alternative route to deliver the impression of the war; he describes the generation that is about to enter the reality of the war, their views of the world, their dreams and aspirations and how they find moments to be teenagers and to escape the impending war. In →

Racial segregation in brownies

The story is told in the perspective of Laurel, an African American girl who is known to the girls in her Brownie troop as ' Snot.' On the first day of camp the Brownie girls stumble upon a troop of white girls and claim one of their members had address them with a racial slur.

Example of beginnings: unwanted child to great scientist essay

Gleick does not dwell much on Newton's childhood since it is unimportant in the grand scheme of things, we are only afforded a foretaste of what was to come later when the perseverance of the child was to come into the equation especially when he had to face the traditionalist element at Cambridge University. James →

The tragedy of war in johnny got his gun

War Is also seen to provide a source of patriotism and togetherness as the entire nation gather to fight the war, nationalism is increased because the love for the country increases." Put the guns into our hands and we will use them. Paranoia became a constant feeling as young boys are visibly losing their sense →

Harrison and maggie in harrison bergeron: a truly opposite characters

Harrison and Maggie show opposite qualities: Harrison is independent while Maggie is a rule follower, Harrison uses his disabled appearance to become stronger while Maggie lets it bring her down, and Harrison is logical while Maggie is slow. The ability to follow authority differs in Harrison and Maggie; Harrison prefers to be independent while Maggie →

A process of growing up in the perks of being a wallflower

With all of these events going on, it is clear to see that everyone goes through life stages quicker than others, however, Charlie is the epitome of humanity by showing all of the phases that people must go through to become who they are tomorrow. Friendship is one of those things that Perks of Being →

A female point in the wife of bath’s prology

As the Wife of Bath tells her prologue, it is aimed to grab the attention of the clerks by explaining how she, though she may not be completely literate, is able to use her feminine qualities and men's weaknesses to gain dominance in marriage. Being literate may seem to have the upper hand in the →

Prospero in “the tempest” by william shakespear

D Gooder, " The first is Prospero 's ambition to marry his daughter to the right sort of person; the second is his desire to be revenged upon his enemies". On the island Prospero and Miranda live among of his now servant Caliban, the son of a witch that was on the island before they →

Ambition as a negative quality philosophy

With that said, ambition should only be possessed to a certain extent, and in The Tragedy of Macbeth, ambition is the sole reason for downfall. The fact that Macbeth reaches such a great accomplishment and high standing, yet he is unsatisfied portrays Macbeth's over-ambitious nature. The corrupt nature of unrestrained ambition clouds one's ability to →

Baz lurhman’s modern film interpretation of romeo and juliet

He has retained the plot, and language of the original text at the same time as conveying Shakespeare's original thematic concerns of the purity of young love, and the dangers offamilyfeud. He achieves all this through the clever use of a variety of film techniques in three key scenes; the Capulet ball, →

Brave new world by aldous huxley

Exile experience in the brave new world is universal and several characters experience some form and shape of it throughout the chapters of the novel. These forms of exile are presented in form of alienation and otherness or rather the fact of being unique from others. In this book, Aldous uses the theme of exile →

Play information:

Good play for anyone who is not having trouble figuring things out...yet Story Overview: The story of a Danish prince whose uncle murders his dad, and marries his mother and claims the throne so he takes revenge Parts Added to the Play: Shakespeare adds; Ophelia's madness and hamlets questions triggered by events FIVE ACTS: 1.beginning →

Macbeth character analysis

This means that he stands with his sword covered in blood which shows he has killed a lot of people and valour's minion means bravery's favourite. The captain also says how merciless Macbeth is as he kills the traitor Macdonwald, "...which never shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, till he unseamed →

Sir gawain: the ideal knight

Sir Gawain in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight exemplifies the ideal knight. As Sir Gawain travels from the castle to the Green Chapel, the man accompanying him gives a speech about the dangers of the Knight.

This dead butcher and his fiend-like queen – macbeth

To achieve her ambition, she eliminates herself of any kindness that may stand in the method. However, by the end of the play, she lacks energy to suppress her conscience and kills herself. Woman Macbeth is most likely the most convincing, and enthusiastic, of all the characters in the play. This is an evil, inhumane →

Love in play “romeo and juliet”

Shakespeare demonstrates how Juliet is willing to sacrifice a place in her prestigious family for the love of Romeo. It is clear that the selfishness and immaturity of Romeo and Juliet played a part in their deaths.

The history of nursing and the educational preparation of nurses

This research paper will explore nursing history, the educational preparation of nurses, the scope and practice of differentiated practice competencies, the collaborative learning community and the presentation of the nursing conceptual models. The nursing educational venues are the Bachelor of Arts in the science of nursing, the Associates degree in Nursing and the diploma in →

Bedside reporting in nursing care

This research will investigate various aspects of care centered on the patient and family, especially the initiation of bedside reporting and the problems faced by the patients and nurses. This study's report will give information regarding; the perceptions of nurses to the practice of bedside reporting, what the nurses perceive to be the most important, →

Lung cancer and nursing

These compounds are said to trigger growth of malignant cells thus causing cancer. Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD a board certified Anatomic pathologist based in US in her article lung cancer points out that lung cancer is a life threatening cancer that spreads very fast to other parts of the body and is a →

Waiting for godot major themes

In Samuel Beckett's legendary play Waiting for Godot, the main characters Estragon and Vladimir obsess about waiting for the mysterious individual Godot to arrive. It is imperative for the religious examination of the play to note that the root word of Godot is God.

How visual design has affected style

When these qualities are used together, a film can certainly show itself as the work of art that it is, but separated, the visuals and the audio each are their own type of art that help contribute to the whole movie watching experience in their own different ways. Visual design in particular is very important →

Shakespeare’s romeo & juliet – film comparison

Verona beach is the cities name, and this is used thorough pathetic fallacy to create a darker feel to the film - Mercutio's death cry " A plague, on both your houses!" seem to take immediate effect as a storm is called in. In Zeffirelli's 1968 film, Verona is a closer representation to what Shakespeare →

Ideas from plato’s ontology in the matrix

That is the purpose of the characters portrayed throughout the movie. The context of this report is to explain the symbolism of this graphic novel, as well as transcribe my interpretations of the plot.

The dark knight movie review

The god ensured that human were full of light and intelligence and they were in apposition to grow against all the obstacles presented by the dispassionate gods. Costume is a concrete element used by the production design to show the nature of human. In the instances of the civil war, the camera was fixed on →

The phenomenal effect on science fiction movies

On its opening debut the film was released in 2849 cinema's across the states " a saturation release" it achieved the biggest ever opening gross over an Easter weekend. It was number one at the box office for a further two weeks and stayed in the top ten for a further three months. 2It is →

Are states the only relevant conceptual actors in world politics?

It has been noted that ' the pursuit of hegemony and world conquest by Nazism had put into question the effectiveness of international institutions and stressed the role of power in world politics'. However, contemporary international relations discourse has become increasingly aware of the prevalence and importance of non-state actors in world politics.' The rise →

Globe taxonomy in my big fat greek wedding

The wedding was a Greek wedding and the parents of the groom were in a cultural shock because of how different the cultures were. The example of this that I found in the movie was how the Greek culture took pride in being Greek, marrying Greeks, and sending their children to Greek schools.

Documentary film: tapped

By exploring water bottle production and its adverse effect on local communities, this film informs the viewer of the many implications that the bottled water industry has on the surroundingenvironment. Throughout the documentary, the filmmakers used the large water baron, Nestle to demonstrate the social injustice and environmental concerns of corporations commodifying water supplies.

Wall street

In this case we are looking at a group of people, in the movie Gordon Gekko and eventually Bud Fox, which have wealth, power, and social prestige to use it to their advantage to gain more wealth and power at the expense of others. Gekko has the power and social standing to →

The blind side critical analysis

Bush, " America is the land of the second chance- and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life." Argument/Introduce Topic The Blind Side is an extraordinary true story that reflects upon inspiring life lessons. Credibility Statement I have →

Symbolism in the glass menagerie

There are other less outstanding symbols such as the colourss of a rainbow, bluish roses, and the issue, and entryway to the flat. Laura 's glass menagerie is an of import symbol. All though it is really delicate, much like Laura herself, the glass radiances and glitters, amplifying many colourss of the rainbow in the →

Literary elements movie analysis

Literary Elements Book/Movie Analysis Activity Have you ever thought why most of us are interested in the stories we read or the movies we watch, the characters, the action, the suspense and the love stories? You will also analyze and explain the elements as I did for you in class for " The Color →

Film studies movie review

The genre of a film is traditionally seen as being a form of classification; it refers to a number of factors that go some way to defining it: " type of presentation , relation to reality , level of style , kind of plot , nature →

What questions is the opening of the film ‘gladiator’ designedto

The font of the writing is in the style of Roman writing and is coloured gold, to give a majestic and powerful atmosphere. The first scene of the film is of a hand, which looks like it belongs to a man, dragging along the top of golden crops in a field of barley. The image →

Example of arabs in the united states research paper

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary provides a definition of an Arab as someone who is " a member of the Semitic people of the Arabian Peninsula who speaks Arabic as the primary language. In the United States, 90 percent of Arab immigrants were Christians who flew the Arabian countries on the basis of religious intolerance, majority of →

The united states became an industrial power

But, by the late nineteenth century, these concepts of Adam Smith had been distorted and fused, to some extent, with the ideas of Charles Darwin about evolution. This led to the extremely pernicious and largely discredited concept of " Social Darwinism", related to Nazism, in the twentieth century. As the nature of →

Example of blog journal essay

It is alleged that the government of the United States incurred a higher cost to finance the war than what the country's government had budgeted. The relevant theory that relates to this case is the opportunity cost theory. The decline of growth of America's economy was, therefore, the opportunity cost of the war in Iraq. →

Free book review on last name

In his book he challenges the current generation to appreciate the political struggles in the 1960's and recognize the advantages of these efforts. In his analysis of the political journey, he recognizes the impact and importance of some political figures in the United States history.

Discussion and results of macromolecule station lab

Therefore, the two macromolecules present in the foods that were tested include carbohydrates, specifically monosaccharides for the fruit punch, and proteins for the almond milk. There are eight amino acids which are essential to the human body. The function of cellulose is to give structure and support to plants and is also crucial →

Yellow fever

Yellow fever is caused by the flavivirus (PHAC and is from the family flaviviridae. The virus is spread by mosquitoes in tropical regions of South America and Africa (CDC 2010, PHAC 2010, PubMed Health 2009, WHO 1993, WHO 2011).

Example of critical thinking on sw491: fairy tales, fables, and fantasy: clues to a childs psyche

In this context the meaning of the powers served to set Elsa apart from the remainder of her family and her sister Anna. Much like Hansel and Gretel, there is a touch of loyalty and love that serves to protect and define the sisters throughout their adventures.

Performing a titration with potassium manganate biology essay

Rinse the residue that is in the filter paper with distilled water in a washer and into the flaskAdd dilute sulfuric acid to the flask to the markMake sure the contents of the graduated flask are fully mixed. 000cm-3 of the solution containing iron and put it in a beaker.

“…like on it… but you’ve got another idea

It is uncertain what causes ADHD, but research shows there are chemical, functional, and structural, and functional differences in the brains' of those with the condition the disorder. All regions of the brain are smaller in people with ADHD compared to people without the disorder's brain. Also, there is less volume of white matter in →

Dysfunctional relationships between sonny’s blues and shiloh

In Mason's " Shiloh", the relationship between Leroy and Norma Jean was off to a good start. In contrast to the relationship between Norma Jean and Leroy, Sonny and his brothers relationship is able to rebuild after a time of hardship between the two. Sonny is able to recover fully from his →

The crisis in american education

Drug abuse is also getting to be a terrible problem in public schools as it affects the education of the student. There is a multitude of problems facing the public schools today including teen violence, drug abuse, and illiteracy and we need to find the tools necessary to rebuild a more positive learning environment.

Annotated bibliography

And the case studies in the book are also a good resource for me to explore the practices of the theories in the real life situation so that to solute my concerns on adult learning. And I want to relate the adult learning theory to the human resource management field; the training theory in the →

The self in the social world

During the teenage years, this is when she developed a sense of personal identity which continued to influence behavior and development for the rest of her life. Her mom is a strong and independent woman and she instilled her to be the same way.

Proposal examining accounting fraud

By and large, investors have to endure investing loss. Research Aims: The aim of this research is built up to reexamine the literature of accounting fraud in the fiscal statements, to analyze methods of accounting fraud. Theories will be compared to the truth in the instance survey of several companies in order to explicate those →

The stanford prison experiment: reaction of prisoners

During the design of the experiment, Zimbardo assumed the role of the superintendent, and his primary task was to play a supervisory role to ensure that the psychological torture under the eyes of the prison guards is carried out to the latter. Some of the audience members decided to film the proceedings of the experiment →

Pbis multi-tiered positive behavior support framework components essay sample

The three tiered model that Positive Behavior Intervention and Support components creates and sustains primary school wide, secondary classroom, and tertiary individual systems of support that improve results for desired behavior. The Primary prevention called universal level tier 1 and is used school-wide for all students, staff, and settings the results of 80% behavioral and →

‘digging’ and ‘follower’ by seamus heaney essay sample

The poem ' Follower' shows more in the relationship, between Heaney and his family. ' Follower' can interpret that Heaney was brought up in the farm land with his family and also express this with other poems which suggests that he enjoyed farming.' Digging and rising to his plod' this shows that his father has →

Black women are less likely to get married

The society will understand the reasons why black women are les likely to get married. The results of the study will determine the public's perception towards this question. The methods will be used according to the nature of data.


Pablo Picasso was unsure of the subject of the painting until the bombing occurred. Death is a main theme of " Guernica", from the dead bird in the background to the severed arm in the fore ground.

Throughout she commits suicide. lady macbeth’s character is

She is presented to the audience as power hungry and to an extent manipulative at the beginning to the play and by the end is almost unrecognisable by the audience due to the extensive change in her mental state. While Lady Macbeth is conveyed with radical personal changes, her relationship at the start of the →