1100 Words Essay Samples

Database management system project proposal for a student record

Justifications: For the company: Microtech Institute of Multimedia and Technology wishes to have a student record management system to keep record of the student's enrolment process, course, class dates and tuition fees Microtech Institute of Multimedia and Technology is please about the system is to develop or implement and this will give me the opportunity →

Siliconexample essay

Silicon is used in the steel industry as a constituent of silicon-steel alloys. Silicon is thought to help heal fractures and may have some role in the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis.

Discourse markers

They may be described as the 'glue' that binds together a piece of writing, making the different parts of the text 'stick together'. The discourse markers in the table are generally used at the start of a phrase or clause.

Comparison between lean and mass production

By contrast, lean production employs the services of multi-skilled professionals at every level of the production process within the organization and utilizes automated machines which are highly flexible and therefore capable of producing huge volumes and varieties of products. The word lean is derived from the use of half of the human resources in the →

Editorial: hand and touch: evolution, ability, and preference

In this special issue, seven articles discuss the impact of haptic contribution, task complexity, and other factors in the expression of hand or limb preference, in infants and adult humans, and in other species. Interestingly, when a newborn is presented with an object in hand in the absence of vision, s/he shows visual recognition of →

Sophia people for instance through her loyalty

It was after her conversion to orthodoxy that she adopted the name Catherine and was married to the heir to the Russian throne by the name the Grand Duke peter in 1745. Catherine had always been ambitious and intelligent and had the desire to be the head of the Russian empire despite the fact that →

Book review: the tortilla curtain essay

The lives of the Rincons and the Mossbachers are told alternately in the novel to give voice to each of the four main characters up to the point where their lives become intertwine and their worlds " crash". Also, there is a line in the novel that could be referring to the problem regarding the →

Starbucks paper argumentative essay

Those roots lie in the decision making of the company, the motivation of the employees, the organizational culture and the communication within the company. If the decision is made for the benefit of only the suits in the big chairs-the ones that are making the decisions, then the impact on the company will more than →

How columbus exploration and discovery changed europe essay

Though Christopher Columbus was not the first man to discover the new world and was not even the first European to make contact with the Western world, he is still celebrated as the father of exploration and has even been given his own day of remembrance in many nations. This is because in the case →

Media study analysis(2012 film trailer) assignment

The next clip is of a news broadcast with journalist diegetic sound " The Mayan calender which predicts the end of time." In the broadcast it starts with a clip of a Mayan temple and then it moves onto a picture of a mass suicide at the base of the temple; the shot ends and →

Ubisoft executive summary essay

Building a sustainable business model * Securing expensive exclusivity agreements for popular game themes NHL, FIFA, Harry Potter, James Bond, Lord of the Rings * Creating sequels, easy to reproduce and cheaper for marketing * EA had also developed strong franchises with The Sims and Medal of Honor * EA signed an exclusive licensing arrangement →

Editorial: severe eosinophilic disorders: mechanisms and clinical management

To promote improved understanding of the eosinophil, a pleiotropic multifunctional leukocyte, and associated eosinophilic diseases, potentially leading to advances in clinical management, we sought with this Research Topic both original research and review articles that were truly bench to bedside in their consideration of severe eosinophilic disease, encompassing studies of eosinophil cell biology and immunology, →

Case study analysis of lajolla software, inc.

But in order for them to do so they need to first partner up with a company that is more knowledgeable of the territory in which they plan to expand. For LaJolla, some of those key points could be to focus on learning and having the eagerness to learn about Japanese culture all while making →

Peer assessment

Peer Assessment Peer Assessment Peer assessment is an assessment done by on works of other In this kind of assessment, summative grading is conducted to offer results while formative review is conducted to offer feedback on what the students have learned. In order to enhance opportunities for good feedback, it is significant to ensure that →

Letter from the trenches by sammie whyte essay

Yet as I blinked the sleep and tears from my eyes, I saw that it was not you but a new nurse just arriving in this hell, not an angel come to take me from it. I dared not look in case it was just a cruel illusion and I would be forced to acknowledge →

Hemolytic disease of the newborn

Then antibodies enters in to the fetus circulation and destroys the fetus red blood cells and the fetus becomes anemic, gradully the fetus will die. In the other hand if the mother do not sensitized before and if she is pregnant for the first time and if there is no any trauma, the fetus blood →

Jaundice symptoms essay

Jaundice causes Jaundice Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Obstruction of the bile ducts Jaundice may be caused by an obstruction of the bile ducts which normally discharge bile salts and pigment into the intestine. The obstruction of the bile ducts could be due to gallstones or inflammation of the liver, which is known as hepatitis, →

Book review: social ecology in the digital age: solving complex problems in a globalized world

The social ecological perspective draws on concepts and approaches from the social sciences, as well as physical and life sciences and the humanities to examine the nested and interconnected nature of human-environment systems. His own evolution as a social ecologist is reflected in the topics and examples in the rest of the book.

Linguistics essays – william labov

The role of the abstract is to attract the listener's interest, and to get the listener to want to hear the rest of the story. For the story to be valid and understandable to the reader, it is essential that he or she be informed of the time and place in which the narrative unfolds.

Richard feynman: there’s plenty of room at the bottom

It was to turn round the lenses of the electron microscope in order to shrink and to enlarge the particular text. This would bundle much more information into a smaller space, and according to Feynman the complete contents of the world's large libraries could fit in somewhat the size of a dust nit.


The movie offers the troubled childhood of David and the abuse of him by his father, as the reason for his mental illness. David Helfgott suffered a mental breakdown during his youth which led to the development of schizophrenia.

Psychology assignment

It is designed to introduce you to the field of psychology as a whole, and to the major theories and findings in the discipline. Course Content: You will be responsible for materials from two sources in this course: the lectures and the textbook.

Objects as abstractions in “the bloody chamber” and “the erl-king”

In the short story " The Bloody Chamber," the world the protagonist lives in is archaic. This idea is reinforced by the dress of the characters, the behavior of the majority of the women, and the use of wagons and horses as transportation, with the " motorcar" as a luxury item.

Anticipitory socialization

My mother has devoted herself in continuing the perpetuation of the Hawaii Pap equestrian tradition, and I too will continue to keep the Papua tradition alive, being the successor to my mother as a third generation Cook leading the Hawaii Papua Riders. As a child, I did not see the connection of my horsemanship interactions →

International business

ENTRANCE/EXPANSION INTO THE DATA SEGMENT Growth of the Market Difficulties Global Economic Downturn Wait and See In regards to entrance/expansion into the data segment there are a number of considerations that need to be made. With the expansion of business in the domestic market the company will have to leverage their expertise in the B-C →

The see her father in this state. when

The Significance of Rebirth and Resurrection in A Tale of Two Cities The concept of rebirth and resurrection gives new light to the hopeless lives of the complex characters in A Tale of Two Cities. In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens creates the resurrection of his characters to suggest his social belief that →

Physical education

Four examples of inappropriate use of physical activity as a physical punishment are: Withholding physical education or recess time for students to complete unfinished school work or as a consequence for misbehavior. Organizing a dance provides students with the opportunity to move, socialize with peers and engage in physical activity for the fun of it.6.

Presidents of the philippines essay sample

He accepted the offer of the Americans regarding the two laws enacted namely the Bell Trade Act and the War Damage act, which continued the existing free trade between the Philippines and the United States. He reported activities of the government to the people through radio broadcasts so that the people will know what is →

Genetics, brain structure, and behavior: future directions

Unfortunately, there is no preventative measures that can be taken in the realm of schizophrenia, but there are definitely measures that can decrease the periods of delusions and with that comes in-depth therapy and in some cases interventions from family members. There has not been a complete cure for the illness, schizophrenia, however; there are →

Investigating quality of service issues references

Ferguson, P; Huston, G, 1998, Quality of service: delivering QoS on the Internet and in corporate networks. Ferguson, P; Huston, G, 1998, Quality of service: delivering QoS on the Internet and in corporate networks.

Views of marx and keynes

John Keynes believed that the failure to provide full employment and the arbitrary and inequitable distribution of wealth and incomes were the outstanding faults in the economic system. Keynes believed that adding to government functions was necessary to avoid the eradication of the economic system, therefore allowing the individual to display initiative and flourish.

A midsummer night’s dreamexample essay

In line 175, act 2: 1 Puck states: " I will put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes." This basically means that Puck is willing to do anything for Oberon hether it is ridiculous or not and whether he wants to or not. Throughout the play Puck is repeatedly used as an →

Rrhs it lesson 03

A LAN can be connected to the Internet by a router, provided that the LAN uses: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol What is the term for individual computers and devices that are connected to a network? To act as a central repository of programs and data to which all users connected to the network have access →

Understanding the complementarities between strategy thinking and strategic planning

It is now pretty clear that success in the highly dynamic global environment is a composite function of sound strategic thinking and analysis, strategy insight, continuous development of an enterprise's resources, competencies, capabilities, and ability to align and re-adjust the enterprises strategies to the demand of the global audiences and ever-changing internal and external business →

Fully explain how advertising can affect profits in competitive and non-competitive markets assignment

In a monopoly there is a downward sloping demand curve, the reason for this is that a firm must lower the price to sell and extra unit of their product. If a firm is going to advertise it is likely that it will cause demand to shift to the right, this is because more people →

Book review: tortillas wheat flour and corn products

Corn and wheat are the base for the manufacturing of an array of important staples, including tortillas, which are considered as the most important staple food for the Mexico and some Latin American countries. Taking all these aspects into account, this book aimed to: provide a deep review of production and processing of tortillas for →

Man mind. the thought that they have

Definition of the term " Social Thought": In simple words, it can be said that " social thought" essentially refers to the thought con cerning the social life and activities of man. The rural and the tribal people also have played their role in the enrichment of social thought.6.

Current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within northern ireland

The Children Order 1995 changed the philosophy and practice of the law in relation to children as it reformed, and brought together, most of the " public" and " private" law relating to children in a single coherent statutory framework along the lines of the Children Act 1989 in England and Wales[1]. It identifies the →

The relationship between board diversity and firm performance

In the course of their research on the " Demographic Diversity in the Boardroom", Miller and Triana sought to answers the questions bothering on the relationship between board diversity and firm performance using mediating variables reputation and innovation and how board diversity impact firm performance using mediating variables of innovation and reputation. The answer to →

Is apple entry into the mobile telephone sector marketing essay

They are not able to sell iPhone in cell phone market and also they are making it difficult for people to even purchase the phone. The iPhone software that brings all features together and allows the user to interact with the phone in a compelling way.

Three strategic mistakes by kodak commerce essay

In the case of Kodak, their new " innovation" was to compete in the already crowded market of printers. That should have put Kodak in a position to dominate the industry with a stream of new products like cameras, printers, printer papers and inks.

Nutting by william wordsworth

The ' milk-white clusters' and the ' virgin scene' point to the purity and innocence of the child, while the use of the simile of ' stones that, fleec would with moss' were ' scatter would like a flock of sheep' is a childlike image again emphasising the youth and innocence of the boy. The →

Dead mens path theme analysis literature essay

Obi speaks to a teacher and finds out exactly what the path was used for." It amazes me," said Obi to one of the teachers who had been three years in the school, " that you people allowed the villagers to make use of this footpath. As stated in Achebe's Dead Men's Path, contemporary community →

La moulin galette

While the overlapping of the figures create the feel of an open courtyard, it also portrays at the same time how completely cramped and crowded the dance area seems to be, this also helps define the space and also creates a feel of movement in the painting. Renoir's scale that he placed on the table →

Ice cream industry australia

The following report is mainly based on the ice cream industry s manufacturing output and refers to ice cream mixes, soft serve mixes and ice confection, produced and sold to the domestic and export market. The number of establishments in the industry increased from 40 to 95 within the last 5 years, which comprises of →

Fedex marketing case assignment

It is a huge market of approximately 670 times the size of the current average daily CPA volume of around 1, 300 and is still expecting to grow at 20% each year. The strongest competition for CPA would be the in the overnight delivery sector which are mainly the air freight forwarders particularly, Emery who →

Union group

From the Organizational Diagnosis questions and answers in the former section, we conducted the preliminary diagnosis to find out the problems and possible ventures to enter for Union Group. We asked him questions for required information in Union Group of Companies Ltd and he gave answers which helped to prepare the survey.1.

Why i am not a hindu: a sudra critique of hindutva philosophy, culture and political economy.

In contrast with Dalits, Brahmins are portrayed as orthodox, irrational, anti-progressive, anti-democratic, intolerant to women freedom and thus in favor of sustenance of zenana and absolutely against women crossing the threshold of the house to work. Despite differences and conflicts, both Dalits and Brahmins continued to exist on a vertical scale of hierarchy but one →

A day in my life

The flight to London was past midnight and I will be going back to the land I was born after fifteen long years. I called some of my friends to say good-bye for one last time and as I kept the phone down, I thought I will cry at the thought of leaving them, but →

What happened during the boxer rebellion?

It was seen as one of the first indications of Chinese Nationalism after the humiliation of the defeat in the Opium Wars. Eventually the Nurhaci, a member of the Tong clan, unified Jurchen tribes and was the founder of the Qing Dynasty.

Is study guide midterm assignment

What are some of the criteria that you are thinking about in choosing the appropriate collaboration platform for your team? SIS- Business Process, Information Systems, Information Nomadic Field Manual: Understand at a basic level what a business process is Understand how to map a business process Understand the relationship between business processes and information systems →

Harvest strategies

Senior managers in these firms focus on portfolio management and delegate the development of product/market to the BIG managers. Implications for Organization Structure - Continued There are two reasons for this: Unlike in a single industry firm senior managers in unrelated diversified firms do not possess expertise to make strategic and operating decisions for disparate →

Book review: conducting a culturally informed neuropsychological evaluation

In part 1 the author insists on the importance of adopting an ethnorelative attitudes " acceptance of the other as different but equal" and warns on the impact of more ethnocentric attitudes " considering the other within one's own cultural lenses and values with the assumption of superiority". Another highlight in the first part of →

Plastic perfection

Many do not fully understand what it is that they are doing to their bodies, the risks associated with the procedures, and that the procedures are permanent. They might not fully understand the surgery they are undergoing and all of the risks associated with it.

Fallacies involving credibility and context

If the prosecution's star witness has a history of lying, that is very pertinent to the case. For example if someone were to say " Of course you support universal health care, you are a liberal!" The insinuation is that the accused is so dominated by their own ideology that they cannot think straight.

Editorial: experimental & clinical epilepsy and related comorbidities

Translational research is an important aspect of epilepsy research and expected to play a key role in improving the quality of life of the patients. The diversity of these papers has contributed greatly to the library of basic research and clinical studies in the field of clinical epilepsy and associated comorbidities.

Target marketing strategy analysis marketing essay

Marketing segmentation is an important way to know and understand the needs and attributes of the customers and fulfill it. One of the direct powerful tools is the social network where the chief executive checks the page several time a day to be close to the customers and understand their needs by collecting their feedback.

B2b to c2b electronic commerce

The two major types of e-commerce these are Business to business and Business to Consumer. The B2B processes should be redesigned and streamlined in order to suit the new B2C form of business.

Media text analysis essay sample

While the meaning of the connotation is the cultural meaning of certain text, it combines historical, symbolic and emotional matters to itself, the denotation represent the literal meaning of the words. That mean that the definition of the genre can be any of these, or many others according to the connotative techniques and the culture →

An investigation into the variables affecting the distribution of plants in a woodland area

Initially Whomerley wood seems to be largely made up of bramble and the trees consist mainly of Hornbeam, with a number of Oaks, Ash and Silver Birch trees, consequently the woodland looks to be a fairly sheltered and shaded place in the patches where the trees were growing. Plants and animals can adapt to their →

History of the canoes essay

The Indians of the North America are the people who are responsible for the invention and development of the canoes; they were able to make an advanced model of the canoes. The spruce barks were used in this region as a substitute of the Birch barks to make canoes.

Website for cavite state university-silang campus

7079, " It is the declared policy of the State to uphold and protect the freedom of the press even at the campus level and to promote the development and growth of campus journalism as a means of strengthening ethical values, encouraging critical and creative thinking, and developing moral character and personal discipline of the →

Bullet trains in india: pros and cons essay sample

Improvising on the comfort level of train journeys have been a missing factor in Indian railways and the introduction of bullet trains would be a great development in this factor.3. The heavy construction charges would be levied in the form of train fare and added taxes to make the project a success.

To society almost be entirely to blame for

Miller skilfully manipulates the character of Willy Loman into the embodiment of the archetypal white collar American, allowing the audience to fully immerse themselves in the play and completely connect with Willy Loman. A combination of Capitalism and the core ideals of the typical salesman are predominately to blame for Willy Loman's misguided upbringing of →

The success of andrew lloyd webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber is a successful composer due to his variety of appeal to diverse audiences. Andrew Lloyd Webber has also shown that he is a successful composer by the abundance of trophies in his trophy room.

Love of love, and thus of pain: misguided reasoning in ‘the confessions’

Augustine can be seen throughout the first half of The Confessions attempting to satisfy his inward hunger for Wisdom and Truth and thus God through the temporary satisfaction of the flesh in three parts: concupiscence of the flesh, concupiscence of the eyes, and pride. Even Augustine asks himself why he enjoys the ensuing pain, writing →

Social cognitive theory

Social Cognitive Theory Social Cognitive Theory Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory is the framework for learning, based on the relationship between behavior, personal factors, and factors in the environment. Consistent with the social cognitive theory, online status incentives, such as frequent feedback, and social interaction were incorporated into the study to build a sense of →

John wycliffe the forerunner of the reformation religion essay

Wycliffe opposed the temporal rule of the clergy, the papacy's attempt to rule the political world. The Church was strongly opposed to Wycliffe, his translation, and the thought of commoners possessing copies saying, " The jewel of the clergy has become the toy of the laity".

John donne’s “the flea”: the flea as metaphor of virginity’s unimportance

This poem exhibits John Donne's skill for turning the least likely images into elaborate metaphysical symbols of love, lust, and romance." The Flea" uses the image of a flea that has just bitten the speaker and his beloved to describe a conflict over whether the two will have sex. As his beloved moves to kill →

How does guy de maupassant capture the reader’s sympathy in the text

The writer also uses sematic field to emphasize her feelings, and leave the reader with a greater understanding of what the writer is trying to express. It would also allow the reader to have a greater understanding of the character's feelings and emotions.

Miracle worker- includes characters, symbols, themes, and facts

He is the south in the battle with Annie, whom he dislikes in the beginning of the book. PercyHe is a servant to the Kellers and he bites Helen when she touches his mouth and tries to talk in the beginning of the book.

Compare and contrast tennysons the charge of the light brigade and wallaces war essay

The charge of the light brigade was a poem, which was directly focusing on the heroic side of war which is excellent if you want the battle to be remembered as great battle I would reckon that most of the men in the Crimean war would believe In, king and country which is in my →

A multitude of truths essay sample

Galileo is fighting for the facts that he discovered to be true to be held in the same value of truth as the Holy Scripture. He was a holy and spiritual man that knew that the truth could not be stopped.

Thomas paine

Thomas Paine here, however, seems to be more in accord with the " tomato soup" analogy where it states that the essence of American culture is the tomato soup, that is, the so-called " American creed," a combination of liberty, self-government, social mobility, and economic independence, while other cultures add ingredients and spices to the →

Mr. tough guy?: understanding kolya’s character

When Lev finally had the realization that this sensitivity was a metaphor for Kolya's self-doubt in his own piece of writing, he was not mad. This was an extremely critical moment in the plot, Kolya's introduction of his sensitivity allowed Lev to be more empathetic.

Nature and culture

The advances in the understanding of nature in terms of scientific knowledge has been tremendous especially since the mid-1950's with the discovery of the DNA structure, which precipitated more advances in molecular biology, genetics, and biochemistry. Toxen is convinced that this magnitude of this shift has actually been more like a revolution with respect to →

Citizenship in the world, bsa merit badge.

Are attached to, and can support, the principles of the U.S. The request is to be made to the Aliens Police in the municipality of residence.

Faith as the way of coping with tragedy in the life of pi

In the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel, Pi Patel too uses his faith in God as a vital coping mechanism to survive in the vast Pacific Ocean. Therefore, Pi uses his faith in God to obtain the strength and willpower to survive, for companionship and to seek important answers.

Minister’s black veil assessment

What does it reveal about the symbol of the black veil? During the story, students will imagine what it was like to live as a character in the story and analyze the impact of the use of symbols and other word choices/techniques.

Advances in slag recycling and reuse

The first step allows the slag to cool; upon cooling it is sent into a grinder so the lime and be separated from the ferrous metal that is removed by magnet. The environment is suffering everyday and a lot of the ideas that contribute with recycling or the reuse of slag need to be research →

Information systems proposal

We will also state the pros and cons for incorporating these two wireless technologies in our organization, state a justification for the decision, and the risks of using wireless technologies in our department. The main advantage of having GPS in your trucks is to ensure that deliveries are on time and drivers our staying on →


After Known for selling low-cost products to Moms which resold them under their own brand names Known for selling high-quality, Innovative products under theSamsungbrand Very little value placed on marketing and the Importance of branding Samsung greatly values marketing and it has now become, next to R&D, the largest expense on their books unable to →

The immaculate conception is the most misunderstood doctrine religion essay

The Immaculate Conception does not refer to the conception of Jesus; rather, it refers to the conception of Mary in the womb of her mother, St.Anne. The Feast of the Assumption or the Feast of the Dormition of Mary is also a dogma of the Catholic Church.

Nutrition- how do we eat for a healthy life

The science of nutrition is the study of food components on the absorption, digestion, health, routine and disease resistance of humans. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is an American organization of food and nutrition.

Ovid essay

One of the ideas presented was that of the domina amoris and the servitium amoris. By dedicating his life's work up to that point to her, Ovid is placing Corinna in the position of a domina amoris.

Chapter 6 learning objectives

The key elements in classical conditioning are the unconditioned stimulus, the unconditioned response, the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response. In the operant conditioning, extinction occurs when reinforcement for a response is terminated and the rate of that response declines.

Battles of the central pacific history essay

Halsey's involvement in the Marshall-Gilberts raids ultimately provided Halsey the much needed experience to continue with the United States' retaliation towards the Japanese; experience that would prove useful later on in the war. Halsey's hiccup in reasoning still managed to display the United States' naval aptitude and overall dominance of Japanese forces.

New challenges and frontiers in the research for neuropsychiatric disorders

As a consequence, we need to establish additional criteria for the classification of the genes and related phenotypes and new parameters should be taken into account such as the genetics, the neurobiology of the gene products, and the molecular and physiological mechanisms that they control. The emerging role of microRNAs in schizophrenia and autism spectrum →

The scope of chiropractic practice in california research paper example

The state of California, the scope of chiropractic practice is outlined by the chiropractic initiative act of California a draft written and approved by the legislators. The essence of the Act is that f the chiropractor does anything in contravention of the same; they will be subjected to the disciplinary action prescribed by the law.

The structure and function in four specialised cells

The nucleus, the largest of the organelles contains chromosomes which are made of DNA and carry the instructions for the cell. It is the largest cell in the human body and has a lot of cytoplasm, surrounded by the plasma membrane that is responsible for regulating the cell's chemical composition.

Your life or no life essay

In today generation, the purpose to protect women is lost in the stormy clouds of debate between the 2 sides of the coin. One side of the coin believes in pro-choice, women should be given the choice to abort her own baby, as the other side of the coin believes in pro- life, the abortion →

Cloud computing

After identifying the best choice of cloud computing to adapt, the company would then seek the services of a specialist service provider to set up the cloud computing for the company. 2011, What are the Advantages of Cloud Computing?

Biotechnology and dna replication processes

General mechanism of DNA replication: In " replication" each strand of the original double-stranded DNA molecule serves as template for the reproduction of the complementary strand. Replication of DNA is possible, only when the parent molecule uncoils and both of its strands get apart.

Analysing the introduction of king lear’s character in act 1of ‘king lear’

This indicates Lear's immature wish to revert to babyhood by the employment of the word " crawl" after his transition, while discarding his adult responsibilities and vexations. It heightens our knowledge of him as he uses " The mysteries of Hecate and the night" indicating witchcraft and superstition as we hear the force of his →

Ihrm, describe the main challenges of international staffing

The success of cross cultural management seems to be a big challenge in international staffing in the way that it comes from the real difficulty to recruit top talents able to be efficient abroad, added to multiple legal issues. It is also a big challenge to anchor the company in the local country by developing →

Food marketing flashcard

Public health professionals are not only concerned about the quantity and types of advertising targeted at children and youth, they are also alarmed about the nutritional quality of products most heavily marketed to children. According to the Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative.