1000 Words Essay Samples

Me, my family, and my community values

Two differences between my family and the neighborhood that we live in is that the we are surrounded by an older community, with most of the families being elderly Me, My Family, and My Community Values 3 couples in their 50s or higher. My Community Community is defined as a group of people living in →

The impact of social media on today’s society

Social media sites are certainly corrosive to the real community as it detaches us from the real world and creates an illusionary experience for users. In our world today, there are countless amounts of social media applications that have enhanced our ways of communication. This shows that people have been able to establish modified images →

Writing a high-quality literacy narrative essay

It was because of this book that I had learned how to write better at the time. It was at this point in the class that I had realized how important writing is.

Preconceived ideas in x-files and the peril of submitting them to fans around the world

Now to the viewer this seems as impossible and stupid for a story, but the story is only a small part of what is going on. This again, to the viewer, shows African as ignorant people not wanting to see what is really going on. We should all be able to see a problem with →

Example of essay on chinese media culture

Despite the advent of the internet, television continues to reign supreme as the most influential form of media in the nation. On one hand, it may signify the end of the trend of " life spectacles" and on the other, it could give rise to a new form of media entertainment. New media in China →

A reality tv text essay sample

The events and situations are planned by the program's creators but the impact of the experience and how the participants grapple to extract meaning from the experience and reconnect with others and the world around them takes them through an emotional roller coaster that few are prepared for. This deeply changes the boundaries that Raye →

One foot in the grave essay sample

This meant the BBC needed to create a sitcom of their own to try and justify the television licence, and ' One Foot in the Grave' was one of those sitcoms. Having inexpensive props , sets and costumes again draws our attention to Meldrew because our attention is not focused on props or the →

High definition television technology effect

The 1970s began to transfer research and in 1977, the society of motion picture and television engineers formed the first study group on HDTV. That same year, HDTV began to appear in technical Journals and the following year, the first experimental satellite transmission of high definition began (HDTV World Review website, 1990). Using technology In →

Women in american sitcoms of the 1950s and 60s essay sample

The entire series centered around the person of Betty White, who was not only performing the main character but was also 28 year old creator and producer of the show, because of which she could be considered " one of only two women to have creative control both in front of and behind →

The impact of television

White who wrote " I believe that television is going to be the test of the modern world, and in this new opportunity to see beyond the range of our own vision, we will discover either a new and unbearable disturbance of the general peace or a saving radiance in the sky. Even the thought →

Blog, video, podcast critique research paper sample

Further, the author points out towards a fact that, the cause of increase in obesity is the cultural change and the increase in the calorie intake. At the end, the author has introduced a view of an obese expert, who has said that grasping the common sense firmly and staying grounded will help in the →

The controversial atkins diet

The Controversial Atkins Diet The Atkins diet is a controversial topic to discuss. Furthermore, the majority of obese people that are studied are unhealthy beforehand, and therefore a high consumption of carbs is not the only factor linked to obesity; having no exercise can make a person obese too.

Reasons of television appealing to many people

For this essay, you will want to do the following: Choose 1 or 2 shows that can help strengthen your argument (focusing on too many shows will cause you to lose track of your main point) Incorporate outside sources that agree and help strengthen your position in the essay (a minimum of 2 sources are →

The influence of charlemagne on european history

From 774 until his death in 814, Charlemagne was recognized as king of the Franks, king of the Lombards, and emperor of the Romans. In a way, the conquering of the Saxons initiated the vast and relatively rapid spread of Charlemagne's empire. While being a warrior came natural to Charlemagne, I believe the diplomatic side →

Women and opportunity in colonial america essay sample

Women who chose to have children as part of their family are making a decision that will affect their personal and professional opportunities in ways that do not affect the men involved, and during the course of history, this difference has served to define many of the traditional roles for women and men. Of course, →

A governer’s to the island with analysing the international law and trade issues term paper samples

It is apparent that the lack of investment opportunity in the island has caused the people tremendous economic hardship in terms of improving the quality of living due to the limitations in productive opportunities. This is because harmonized and free trade in which our island is looking forward for economic improvement through international cooperation opens →

European debt crisis research paper example

The crisis has virtually made it impossible for some of the countries of the Union to repay their debt without the appropriate assistance from third parties including other members of the union or bodies like World Band and IMF. The crisis has affected many countries in the European Union in a number of ways. Greece →

Italian renaissance essay

The Renaissance period began in the middle of the destruction of the Black Death, where the most effected part in Europe was Italy. The entire Renaissance era can be divided into three phases: first from 1350 to 1400 where historical texts were discovered and a new approach was given to art, second phase from →

Example of timeline essay

First recorded raid by Danes in Anglo-Saxon England-787 Otto crowned emperor in Rome-1962 William the conqueror defeats the last Anglo-Saxon king-1066 Capture of Toledo from Muslims-1085 Death of Basil II, emperor-1025 Terms, people, events Carolingian Renaissance: this refers to the period under which the ancient literature, education, art, →

An interpretation of love in chang-rae lee’s “a gesture life”

The bulk of the narrative was mostly about how Hata expresses his love for the other characters in the novel. Interestingly, " A Gesture Life" is certainly not the kind of story that portrays love in a typical manner. He wanted a low-profile life in his neighborhood because he has this assumption that he will →

A defense of the prideful

Do not cry reminiscing on the past, for the past is what you look to and raise your drowned feelings. The prideful man was not once prideful, for pride is the consequence of a desperate soul.

Comparison and contrast of sappho’s poems with egyptian love poems

Comparison and Contrast of Sappho's Poems with Egyptian Love Poems The ideas of love in the Egyptian love poems are almost similar to Sappho's idea of love, but there is a difference in the way they approach it. In the Egyptian love poem, love is portrayed more erotic and passionate and the reader sees things →

Love you forever analysis

In Love You Forever Munsch uses words like " crazy" and " zoo" to add the effect of comedy but the overall theme of the story strikes chords that are much deeper than exaggerated expressions. Robert Munsch started Love you Forever as a song: " I will love you forever, I will →

Cloud operating system architecture

It also discusses how we will be able to design, implement, develop and innovate in the future with cheaper costs, better efficiency by the use of powerful systems on the cloud almost anytime and anywhere around the globe. A world with incredible virtual systems being made affordable for everyone. A hypothesis such as →

I) the world. it represents a more democratic,

It represents a more democratic, egalitarian and respectful economy, destined to transform and replace the old economy based on the maximum exploitation of natural resources and on the scares attention to the impacts of human activities on the environment and society. The low-carbon economy represents an almost anthropological change that can change our society from →

Every person is an architect of his own future

Doing everything with love Second, person and only person can create favorable conditions in his or her life. Experience of successful people However, some people argue that no one can manage the future. The destiny Life circumstances Conclusion →

Design principles and methods: research design approaches

The below design principles will always be considered Circulation. Space organization. Sustainability. Aesthetics. Ergonomics. The Methods used for creating a design are The site Analysis. Research. Concept / Sketches. Brainstorming. A Designer needs to be always clear on the structure alterations, the placement of the furnishing, the fixtures and fittings, the lighting and →

Instagram a planned way can be indicative

Portrayal of self in a plannedway can be indicative of suffering self esteem, especially based on the " follow"" like" and " comment" feedback features that the platform allows, and this cancause unprecedented declines in terms of mental health and rise in mentalillness. Interpersonal feedback and publicevaluations are publicly available on all members of friend →

Holden’s relationships with females in “the catcher in the rye” essay sample

Phoniness, for Holden, stands as an emblem of everything that's wrong in the world around him and provides an excuse for him to withdraw into his cynical loneliness. In addition Holden's encounter with Sunny, when it becomes clear that he is unable to handle a sexual encounter; the end of his date with Sally, →

Cross cultural relationships

Culture : Culture is thephilosophyof life, the values, norms and rules, and actual behavior - as well as the material and immaterial products from these which are taken over by man from the past generations, and which man wants to bring forward to the next generation - eventually in a different form and which in →

A competent nurse must have the outlooks,

With the rapid rise in the culturally diversepopulations, cultural competence training is considered as an effectiveintervention that empowers nurse to give culturally competent care thatincreases client satisfaction. According to Truong, Paradies, and Priest , there is a wealth of literature related to cultural competency and theeffectiveness of culturally competent training in improving client healthoutcome. Sixstudies →

Narrative essay

There is nothing to worry about. As I reach the top of the steps, I take a deep breath and hope for the best. As I held my Grandma's hand through a great deal of the procedure associated with the death, I came to a greater understanding of what life is really about.

Advantages of tinder plus application

The feature, referred to as Passport Feature makes it possible for the users to operate all over the world with the assurance of having a counterpart waiting to meet you right when you get to a new destination. Users of Tinder plus are able to go back and like a respondent that they may have →

In translation studies with corpus, we must know

Before discussing about the relationship between contrastive linguistic and translation studies with corpus, we must know first the notion ofcontrastive linguistic and translation studies. While according to Holmes , translation studies is defined as the complex of problems clustered round thephenomenon of translating and translations.' Commonly, translation studies isthe academic discipline focusing on the →

Private public partnership

On the Executive Summary of Proceedings about Public-Private Partnerships in the Social Sector they elaborated that the private sector exists to make a profit and applies market-based solutions to problems while the public sector attempts to ensure equity and access for citizens and redresses problems of marketfailure(Asian Development Bank Institute, 1999). On view →

Emily and phoenix essay

William Faulkner's " A Rose for Emily" and Eudora Welty's " A Worn Path" are stories of a woman's journey through life, her struggles and sacrifices to overcome its obstacles and love and its tragic relationships. Faulkner's " A Rose for Emily" is the narration of Emily Grierson's life and death, her rise and →

The walkerton water contamination tragedy essay examples

The contamination, also caused the suffocation of the aquatic life since the cattle waste uses up all the oxygen in the water as it decomposes, rendering the water lifeless for its inhabitants. The Walkerton tragedy would have been prevented by instituting treatment process to kill the bacteria from the drinking water. Authorities should price the →

Drinking yourself dumb

This can lead to a higher risk of this child developing the want to turn to a drink. Not only could this lead to a wreck that injures or kills the driver, it can lead to the " manslaughter" of another person on the road.

Policy making, federal system essay examples

The drinking laws are always a states issue, and the federal government has been able to implement the minimum age through the Federal Aid Highway Act. Federal Highway Policy like the federal rules on minimum drinking age is an example of a policy that is in the middle of the cross currents between national, state →

What alchemist, and magician in medieval. when he

When he is in the university, heis inclined to do science instead of the art, but the science he studies is called'junk science' in nowadays, which is lack of moral compass to lead the studies. Evan analyses it is complex of the motivation for Victor to create the Creature.(He is a conceited man. →

Life and career of ronald reagan

Some things that he did was developed a new strategy for the economy , he was a movie star for most of his career life and so many more! Staring Life For starters, Ronald Wilson Reagan was born February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois by Nelle and Jack Reagan. Reagan also spoke about →

Free essay on urbanization in different cities

This attributed to the fast growth of the city. Railroad construction and existence of a river in the city contributed to the exceptional growth of the city. The existence of a large number of industries in the city has influenced the population of the city.

Eco friendly products

These corporations want us to believe that products such as light bulbs, cosmetics, cleaning products and even cars will help slow down the process of global warming and will help the environment. These things cause respiratory problems and even asthma." Bikes to work" says that the run off of oil and dirt and other products →

Narrative of fredrick douglass

Throughout Douglass' story he teaches us many lessons and motifs, but one thing that stays constant is his belief in the fact that all men and women should be created equal, with equal rights without any constraints to his or her own individual freedom. The treatment of Douglass himself and the other →

Narrative of the life of frederic douglass, an american slave & incidents in the essay examples

The narrative of Fredrick Douglass was published the first time in 1845. From the two narratives, one could observe that there exists some difference between the two activists in terms of social life, torture and their childhood experiences. Fredrick Douglass gives the story of his segregation and active resistance in the fight against slavery.

Essay on black history from a modern art pov

The stories told in his art with works and images also address the urban culture. Kara Walker is very different from the other three both due to the medium she uses and the way she presents the main themes of her work. 4 Jan.2012. The Art of Kara Walker.

Child slavery

Raising consciousness in regards to the slavery of youngsters and abuses that taint the overwhelming majority of chocolate products, and to encourage and facilitate actions aimed at ending these abuses. This article is also dedicated to the youngsters who are victims of chocolate slavery and exploitation. Child slavery is only one of the symptoms of →

Trafficking of women and children essay sample

They are William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005, Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools To End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 , Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003, Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization →

Brendan long

Mark Twain demonstrates through the character " Huck" in " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" that society corrupts the beliefs and opinions of people, but fails to overshadow their fundamental morals and principles. The spread of racism shows the negative impact that the society has on Huck, but many predicaments are created as a result →

The life of slaves and factory workers in 19th century

The boss off the factory can take blame of that to invest energy with family and friends but at the same time they were required to rest to habve the alertness required for the next day. The South slaves were viewed as significant property. Food was not the best many were to work in disgusting →

Christopher columbus: the true story behind this man

Columbus' Day was invented in the United States by the Knights of Columbus. It is recorded on one of Columbus' diaries that on the day the Santa Maria was shipwrecked, the Arawaks worked long hours to help Columbus save his crew and cargo and also demonstrated to be honest people as nothing was missing from →

Forced founders essay sample

In Forced Founders by Woody Holton, Holton argues that Indian and slave rebellions were the primary force in the Independence movement in Virginia. Holton? s contention is that class conflict acted as a powerful catalyst in the revolutionary movement as the wealthy land owners such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were forced →

Rayon’s market

Social norms that impact the decision to own and use automobiles versus other means of transport. Market Profile and Outlook There is significant uncertainty since MR.is uncertain about the future of the rayon business. The acquisition may be able help MR.to enter the new market of rayon production and also use rayon to →

Facility planning essay sample

The following is a list of key factors; Price: These crafts are much cheaper as made from plastics in mass numbers Ease of Use: If the user falls out of the craft it is very simple to jump back on, unlike with conversional kayaks were this is an impossible feet. One downfall →

Case study: gulf oil corporation essay sample

How do Gulf's outlay for exploration and development compare to cash returns Gulf generates from these activities. If we evaluate the performance of Gulf's management for the period from 1976 to 1983, we will find out that the management basically did not run the company properly. The analysis will cover numerous set of financial →

Comparative market entry mode selection behavior

Being competitive means a lot of benefits not only for the business but also for the consumers in the market since they will now start to enjoy better quality products as well as to enjoy the lower prices of the goods as compared to the other producer of cellular phones. With regards →

10 mistakes content marketers make

Quality is king. A crucial mistake made by so many content marketers is the creation and pumping out of truckloads of content for the sake of content. Creating engaging, quality content on a consistent basis is difficult and the fact is most of the population will not be good at it for a variety of →

Uber launches global assault on food delivery market

Uber is making an aggressive drive into meal delivery, backed by a wave of staff recruitment, with the U.S.tech heavyweight gearing up to enter at least 22 new countries and take on local rivals. In a measure of rising ambition beyond its taxi business, Uber will begin delivering meals in Amsterdam on Thursday just →

Crohns disease research paper

Many of these gastrointestinal disorders have similar characteristics, but they are each distinct disorder and should be treated as such. Etiology of Crohn's Disease According to a breadth of research into gastrointestinal disease, Crohn's disease appears to be one of the more complex in regards to the causes that →

The nature-nurture controversy essay samples

The basic elements of this controversial topic include the influence genes have on human behavior, feelings they develop and ideas that they generate, In addition, the topic tends to compare the role of genes to the effects that the surroundings have on a person. The main trait under scrutiny is the behavior that the children →

Sc300: big ideas in science: from methods to mutation

Meal #1 Breakfast The origin of the Tuna fish sandwich is as follows; The bread for the sandwich was two slices of Holsum whole wheat bread which is made in Puerto Rico, one 5 ounce chicken of the sea tuna can which is made in San Diego California, The lettuce and tomato was locally grown →

the difference between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites essay sample

But fungi can also cause fungal infections. Parasites are living microorganisms that live and breed in living cells tacking over excising cells and fighting good bacteria, antibiotics cannot kill the parasites but good bacteria in the body can kill the parasite helping the body to create antibodies Common illnesses and →

Free essay on social psychology #6

When studying someone's development, one normally focuses on whether or not their behavior and personality are the result of heredity or their environment; people could be certain ways depending on their genes or on how they were raised. Psychologists study developmental psychology by focusing on developmental theories that handle varying →

Genetic engineering: what are the pros and cons?

People will have the power to engineer their children to be smarter, stronger, taller, and even predetermine the gender. We hope now that we are going to get expanded coverage and health care, but to think we will supply fertility treatments to everyone, not just people with infertility problems that's going to break the bank →

Biochemistry essay

The disparity in quaternary structures of these two kinds of hemoglobin is attributed to the binding of oxygen with hemoglobin. The Bohr Effect in the association and disassociation of oxygen and hemoglobin Bohr Effect can be referred to as the change in the oxygen affinity attributed to the change in the plasma pH.

Rituals as practiced by different religions term paper example

It should be understood from the onset, that religious practices and rituals are the activities of the different religions that its members engage in, that have a deeper meaning and are meant to accomplish some aspect of the religion. These rituals and practices define religious beliefs of all religions, and many of them are the →

Pliant like a bamboo i.v. mallari essay sample

The Filipino is like the bamboo tree. The Filipino is eminently suited to his romanticrole. He is slender and wiry.

How does viola engage the audience’s interest in acts 1-3 in twelfth night?

When she hears about Olivia who is in recluse after the death of her brother she is amazed and wants to serve her and do likewise. When she hears about Olivia who is in recluse after the death of her brother she is amazed and wants to serve her and do likewise.

Luigi pirandello war

Although he was sent to the front line, " her grief had been greater in seeing that nobody -as she thought -could share her feelings." After hearing the man's statement concerning the loss of his son, she came to the realization " that it was not the others who were wrong and could not understand →

A tale of two cities redemption essay sample

The type of redemption that lies beneath the story of the characters in the novel is how Dickens describes the years before and during the French Revolution, and gives light to a new future for France. The other type of redemption within the community of Dickens' characters is a type of salvation that makes the →

Heaven and hell

When abandoning the dead body that is as inert as a piece of wood or clod of earth, people proceed to the other world, what are those that follow them thither? Yudhishthira said: O illustrious one, thou are conversant with all duties and all the scriptures, Do thou tell me what is truly the friend →

English commentary- snowy morning, by henry shukman.

In addition to this Shukman uses semantic fields dealing with the senses in order to create a more involved mental image of the scene which the heightens the impact of the haunting rhetorical question at the close of the poem. This alludes the physicality of the fear felt upon contemplation of death and creates a →

Aging and society term paper sample

Still, the world has developed such that some of the happenings of old age such as the ease of acquiring diseases, the comfort of life as well as the life span has increased, the truth is that humanity is not immortal. Perhaps the biggest responsibility that the American society must →

How to grow old

How to Grow Old Bertrand Russell In spite of the title this article will really be on how not to grow old which at my time of life is a much more important subject My first advice would be to choose your ancestors carefully Although both my parents died young I have done well →

Defining death essay examples

The infants in the Denver transplant cases appear to have fit the qualifications for cardiac death, they had severe neurological injury, and their organs were donated with the informed consent of their parents, saving the lives of three infants. For example, if cardiac death is defined as a heart being stopped and unable to be →

Death and terminal illness

It is normal to feel threaten on the idea of this topic of conversation, but it is important to know what our loved ones' final wishes are while they are very much able to communicate it. In the brochure provided by the National Hospice Foundation, the following are suggestions on how to →

Sharpio’s auto wreck: the theme of death

The aftermath of the police investigation that follows leaves the crowd gathered around the scene to explore privately and individually a range of feelings and emotions about the reality of death. Shapiro's usage of imagery together with figurative language is a key element in getting the theme of death across to the →

To what extent do pressure groups undermine democracy

In the first instance of answering this question, we need to find out the two types of pressure groups; elitist pressure groups and pluralist pressure groups. Elitism is the theory that political power is concentrated in the hands of a few, which therefore sort of emphasises a dictatorship in some →

Democracy in france

Only those people who are represented by the majority party in the government have the bigger chance of getting their needs addressed. Being the case, the very principle of democracy is defeated because it is no longer the government that is for the people. The continued dominion of Communism in the French →

Democracy – 4th principle of indonesia

However, the essence of democracy contained in the fourth principles of Pancasila, the Sovereignty of the People, led by the wisdom of policies based on the Consultative / Representative. If a form of democracy which we have carried out were different (since the guided democracy, Pancasila democracy and democracy in the era of the Reformation) →

Good obama care critical thinking example

This is the fact that has led to the common usage of the word ' whatever'. The author holds the assumption that the Democratic Party is a party of ' rotating pinwheels'.

Critical thinking on distribution of political power and under-represented people

This brings about discrimination as the under-represented do not get the chance in life to make any laws or orders in this field. The other form of distribution of political power that affects the life chances of under-represented people is the social power. The minority groups lack this form of resource and therefore have to →

impact of john stuart mill’s philosophies on philippines’ society essay sample

Social liberty, which is the protection from the ' tyranny of political rulers' as defined by Mill, has not been truly achieved despite the Philippine system having liberal and democratic characteristics. In this view, Mill's utilitarian principle has not been well-practised by the country's government. The case of freedom of speech of the Filipino →

China and the united states compared: rising and declining superpowers essay example

China is a traditionalist, authoritarian, and collectivist society, with Confucian values, while the U.S.is democratic, individualistic, diverse and pluralistic, with many different cultures and religions (Trompenaars and Hamden-Turner 2010). In a country like China, power is simply a ' given' and understood immediately by every person and groups, while in the U.S.it is more subject →

Advanced cyber security and its methodologies

The fundamental reasons is that with the commencement of internet, the web applications were likewise getting prevalence for information putting away and information sharing, regardless of the client. At some point the web application may not posture danger but rather the innovation utilized as a part of these Applications turn into the underlying driver →

Different ways of data presentation

Instances of subjective information are the level of sedation accurate methods/limits and intubation conditions. The nature of tables is that they can decisively present information that cannot be given a graph. In addition, since all data are of identical centrality in a table, it is hard to perceive and particularly pick the information required. Graph →


By cause of this search problem, time for passing of messages Is very slow I.E., time Is delayed to reach particular message to the destination. When the buddy-list search problem is occurred, at that situation there is a chance to delay the message passing.

Combatting cyberstalking and how it is evolving

Cyberstalking can be defined: " 1.to gather private information on the target to further; and 2.to communicate with the target to implicitly or explicitly threaten or to induce fear." Cyberstalking comes in many forms but usually the intent is to scare or threaten someone via online social media or →

Soft computing practical file

Program: /*PERCEPTRON*/ #include #include main() { signed int x[4][2], tar[4]; float w[2], wc[2], out= 0; int i, j, k= 0, h= 0; float s= 0, b= 0, bc= 0, alpha= 0; float theta; clrscr(); printf(" Enter the value of theta & alpha"); scanf ; for printf(" Enter the value of %d Inputrow →

Example of research paper on diagnostic tests and complementary/alternative medicines for coronary artery disease

If the findings of one level of tests are inconclusive or abnormal, the tests in the next level of diagnostic tests are conducted. The events of the ischemia cascade are detected using a number of invasive and non-invasive techniques (Brubaker, Kaminsky, & Whaley, p.67). Electrocardiography Exercise-induced changes in the ST segment of the action →

Military veterans and post traumatic stress disorder article review example

Other than advanced training mechanisms in form of war simulations and training environment, veterans continue to suffer the effects of PTSD and CFS. The article compares to that of King, L.A., King, D.W., Fairbank, J.A., Keane, T.M., & Adams, G.A.who analyse the issue of resilience for war veterans. Foa, Edna B., Gail Steketee, and Barbara →

Example of the cardiovascular system and coronary artery disease research paper

Diffusion happens at the level of capillaries which allow gases to diffuse in and out of blood. The cardiovascular system is organized in such a way that the great vessels which are large and of high elasticity carry blood to and from the heard. The blood is pumped to the rest of the heart through →

Pre-hospital treatment and diagnostic tests for eclampsia and preeclampsia essay example

Benzodiazepines could also be used to treat eclampsia in case of sudden blood pressure drop that comes after the antihypertensive treatment has been initiated. Since both eclampsia and preeclampsia are serious conditions that threaten the pregnant woman's and the fetus' life, is it significant that pre-hospital care is provided immediately upon any sign, during the →

Critical thinking on life in organizations

The score in this test does not indicate any extreme results, therefore, despite relatively high commitment to the organization, the candidate does not show any rigidity in career planning and is willing to reconsider career prospects if the situation requires to do so. Further analysis is more focused on the suitability of a specific career →

Mobile phones: risk and responsibility

Around 1/4 of mobile phone users are under the age of 18 and the number of young users is expected to rise with the total numbers of users is meant to rise to 1. It is said that the closer the phone is to a mast the safer they are.