1000 Words Essay Samples

Air and water pollution in three cities

Blacksmith Institute Green Cross Switzerland WWPP Report, 2009) In this essay, the writer is going to illustrate the causes and effects of the water and air pollution in Candelaria , Rangoon and Chernobyl , identify what measures are taken in these cities and find out which the most effective strategies are. β†’

The beneficence of despair

When Despair is first introduced, the description of his physical appearance resonates with that of the knight only one canto earlier, when he was in the dungeon of the Giant. Having brought Despair to the same level of humanity as the knight, Spenser further nullifies the notion that Despair is a malicious enemy and emphasizes β†’

“personally, i disagree with their ideas”

An important element in the story is the cause of her worsening condition; the narrator attributes it to the way her husband and brother stifle her and prohibit her from writing and having stimulating friends visit. She writes it in the first person so that readers can experience a piece of her situation and be β†’

Death of a salesman and gatsby

Death of a Salesman is more confined to reality than The Great Gatsby in its strangeness of characters and in the structure in which the story is formed. The characters, such as Gatsby and Daisy, of The Great Gatsby are unrealistic ideas of themselves which easily fall apart or disappear entirely. Both Gatsby and Daisy β†’

Conflict in the yellow wallpaper

This is evident in " There are things in that paper," where the ' things' are a clear example of the author's use of irony, as they represent both the mysterious woman that Jane sees and the disturbing ideas that she is beginning to understand. This is emphasised through the diary format in β†’

To kill a mocking bird critical essay

In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Gem's definition of courage changes from the beginning to the end of the book. At the beginning of the book Gem's definition of courage is from an innocent perspective and by the end of the book Gem has an experienced definition of courage. Gem learns β†’

Lost in translation

Fitzgerald's precise use of diction in describing the characters of Tom and Daisy Buchanan and in creating a motif of movement in this scene provides valuable insight into the relationship between Tom and Daisy in a way that Clayton's translation fails to do. In the reader's introduction to the character of Tom Buchanan in this β†’

Coming of age in to kill a mockingbird

At first, Scout does not understand the meaning of his words, but as she matures through the novel, her eyes are unveiled, and she understands what Atticus is trying to tell her. Over time, Jem, too, starts to see the meaning and depth of the statement. Dolphus Raymond is a character who is known by β†’

Gender roles in “their eyes were watching god”

Through multiple characters, as well as the plot, sexism comes to the surface. As soon as the novel begins, it is evident the roles of men and women play a very big part in this novel: " Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. For some they come in β†’

The use of color throughout the great gatsby and the grapes of wrath

Whilst the use color is equally effective in both novels, it's function in ' The Great Gatsby' tends to be mainly for materialistic features in order to reinforce the theme of conspicuous consumption throughout the book, yet in ' The Grapes Of Wrath' color is used more to describe the atmosphere or the time of β†’

To kill a mockingbird

However, by the end of the Tom Robinson case, they both come to realize that the court system and juries can ignore written laws. Throughout the novel, Atticus promotes the necessity and importance of the written law. Therefore, Atticus is forced to prevent the jury from hearing evidence that he would have used for a β†’

Gatsby’s fall from greatness

Ultimately it is clear that the dream is corrupt, and that the notion of overcoming the walls of class is a myth. The fall of the great Gatsby documents the corruption of the American society, and the hypocrisies that forbid Gatsby from ever attaining his dream.

“the lottery” by shirley jackson and “the shawl” by cynthia ozick

Although there are many ways in which the elements in the two stories can be interpreted in comparing The Lottery and The Shawl it can not be overlooked that there is parallelism of the two short stories symbolism, plot, and theme. OutlineI. Thesis Statement: By taking a closer look as to what β†’

“catcher in the rye” by jd salinger

Phoebe asked Holden to name something that he would like to be when he grew up, the only thing he wanted was to be a" catcher in the rye". And he's standing on the edge of some the cliff and he has to catch everybody if they start to go off the cliff. In the β†’

Kevin dinh

Because of Tom Robinson's compassion for Mayella Ewell, he gets convicted of rape and dies for it. Because of Atticus having compassion for Tom, he gets threatened by a group of men and society says he's worse as a niggar.

Symbolism and motifs in the great gatsby

In chapter one, "the green light" is introduced, this is probably one of the most important symbols in The Great Gatsby. Green is the colour of hope and it first appears when Gatsby stares across the bay towards a green light at the end of a dock. In chapter two, one of the key symbols β†’

Original cover art

The cover was completed before the novel, with Fitzgerald so enamored of it that he told his publisher he had " written it into" the novel.[9] Fitzgerald's remarks about incorporating the painting into the novel led to the interpretation that the eyes are reminiscent of those of Dr.T.J. Although this passage has some resemblance to β†’

To kill a mockingbird essay

Secondly, another lesson learned by Scout and Jem was the following: It is wrong to harm things that do not harm you. Thus, Scout and Jem learn the lesson that it is wrong to harm things that do not harm you.

Theme analysis: the grapes of wrath essay

The Grapes of Wrath is a perfect example of a political novel that narrates the experience of the Joad family after being evicted from their farm in Oklahoma and their discouraging journey to California. In the first few chapters, the author gives the reader an opportunity to participate in the story of the Joads β†’

Historical analysis of charlotte perkins gilman’s “the yellow wallpaper”

The woman in the wallpaper was a reflection of the progressive woman in the United States during the late 19th century. The rest cure treatment was developed by Silas Weir Mitchell in the 1870s, the most prominent physician in the treatment of neurasthenia in the United States at the time, and was practiced widely throughout β†’

Fascinating facts about edgar allan poe

Everytime he wrote he would have a cat sitting on his shoulder. Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most famous writers from the 19th century. In between the years of him enlisting in the Army and getting accepted into West Point he had published his second book.

Evaluation of the debate around the catcher in the rye, a j.d. salinger’s book

In an attempt to deal with this, he leaves school a few days prior to the end of term, and goes to the city to take a vacation before returning to his parents. The central theme of The Catcher in the Rye emanates from the confrontation and ultimate loss of innocence that occurs hand in β†’

To kill a mockingbird: a mirror of life

Kind of like the groups and cliques we have in society today. Themes: The Coexistence of Good and Evil The most important theme is how the book's explores of the moral nature of human beings. As they grow they see how the evils of others β†’

Jessi machnik

Furthermore, when Atticus was cross-examining Mayella he asked her if she remembered Tom " beating her about the face" and she said " No, I do not recollect if he hit me. When Atticus is speaking to Mayella he asked her if she has any friends, and she says, " Miss Mayella, " said Atticus, β†’

Grapes of wrath

There, your capacities are sure to be appreciated and your industry and energy rewarded"., were the words of the former lead editor of the New York Tribune Horace Greely, regarding the necessity of expansion of the United States of America to the Western coast. Before the Joads make the journey to California, Steinbeck foreshadows the β†’

Quot;pure land buddhism” in the tale of genji essay sample

Shirane, for instance, makes a notification that there existed various interpretations of Genji during the Heian period." Institutional Buddhism, which had opened the age with a great religious reform, by the middle of the Heian period had assumed as its primary function the task of supplying the aristocracy with the β†’

Free essay on stephen hawkings worldview

Theist believe that God exists and He is the creator of the universe while atheists, such as Stephen Hawking, are of the opinion that the existence of God is simply a delusion and that the universe is simply as a result of evolution through forces of nature. In this essay, I will argue that Stephen β†’

Why i value most essay example

To be an optimist is like to be a battery for social masses and it is great to understand that there are a lot people who would share my opinion about optimism being very important. It is understood that you have to have trust in yourself as well.

Good essay on tomb of shi huang di

In conjunction with the tomb was the founding of a great army that, he believed, would protect and serve him even to his next life. This essay attempts to unravel the mysteries and purposes of the emperor's elaborate burial place. Then it will give the most conceivable and substantial reason why this theory is the β†’

In the aftermath of state v. becker term paper examples

An individual has to prove to the court that he/she was not responsible for the criminal activities because he/she had mental problems. According to the article, judges are aware that the insane individuals can claim insanity as a defense. If all this is proved, then the person is released on the basis that he/she is β†’

Good essay about changes in evangelicalism between the periods 1920-1960 and 1960-2000

In the modern times, evangelicalism has lost its position in the American's culture. For the period 1920 to 1960, evangelicalism had set itself from the larger culture leading to a very minimal interaction. The evangelicals and the liberals were the outcome of the Protestant division in the early 1920's.

Free essay about absurdity of human existence

The problem of absurdity of human existence arises from the point of view that the universe is meaningless and there is nothing in the world worth living. This, in general, identifies the main issues examined by the author in his works: the absurdity of life, a sense of absurdity and its impact on the attitude β†’

Good essay on culture

For the West folklore can be defined as a culture that is a peasant in nature and of one people that is of mostly the researchers' people. This essay aims at responding to several questions with regards to the folklore documents and research activities. How can we understand the way of life and belief systems β†’

Anchoring report on cognitive bias report

Background Cases have been reported whereby people are seen are to agree with the general thinking of the group they are in, for example when a propaganda starts out in a group it is accepted by everyone of the group even when basic logic shows that the basis of the ideology is misplaced β†’

Rules based versus principles based accounting research paper examples

All this has fuelled the debate on the efficiency of principle-based accounting when compared to rule-based accounting. Discussion Although there are many local standards setting bodies, the two main bodies that set accounting standards are the Financial Accounting Standard Body and the International Accounting Standard Body. The body has other concepts that form part β†’

Essay on why school uniforms are better

It is remarkable that this is one of the most disputable questions related to school system. In general, members of society are divided into two groups: proponents and opponents of school uniform. While the first group of people believes that school uniform is an inevitable component of education, which can β†’

Good example of bolsheviks in russian history essay

Affected by the results of the war, Lenin opposed it gravely and joined Zimmerwald Movement, where he appealed to the workers all across the nation to oppose the war and to bring an end to it by starting a revolution against the government. The whole period of the revolution saw different crests and troughs in β†’

Free term paper on a judge’s job using conflict and functionalist theory

The position of being a judge is considered to be very powerful because the decisions provided by the judge bring in a drastic change in the society, lives of individuals, organizations, and all the people in the state or the country. Judges not only provide decisions but also investigate personally in some cases. While providing β†’

Aztec software 14758

There is no lock-in period and the shares are vested with you @2% for every month put in by the employee with Aztec Their philosophy is to " create wealth and share wealth". Customers : Aztec list of customers includes the most prestigious names in the industry like Microsoft, IBM, Enterworks, Digital, Ardent Software, etc β†’

Health problems associated with computer use

When we sit In front of the computer for long hours, and we focus or eyes on the computer we reduce the rate of blinking. Back pain due to computer use is a most common problem seen in 4 out 5 persons at any point of life, caused due to long hours of working In β†’

Librry management system

OF CALOOCAN A Project Paper Presented to the Faculty of the Institute of Information Technology College of Engineering Colegio de San Juan de Letran Intramuros, Manila In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MARK LLOYD A. 028 2005 - * Bachelor of Science In Hotel and Restaurant β†’

Restaurant system essay sample

On that year, the ambiance and the design of the restaurant was all about ship, until on the year 2012 it was renovated and change the name of the restaurant to " JANGANAE KOREAN RESTAURANT"." JANG" is the surname of the owner, " GA" means " Am" and " NAE" means " I". 0, the β†’

Software for human services organizations paper essay sample

We will also explore the way the software is used to track client services and the advantages and disadvantages of this software. We have explored how one might use the client track software to track client's services as well as point out the advantages and disadvantages of this particular software system.

Openstack introduction and uses

The product stage comprises of interrelated segments that control various multi-seller equipment's, stockpiling and system administration assets all through a server base. Amazon Web Service: It is a protected cloud administration stage which offers figure control, database stockpiling, content conveyance and many other uses to help organization scale so that they can develop and investigate β†’

Entry strategy for dell computer

Dell has made its money for years on the backs of To add to the challenge the Indian Rupees currency is in a downturn which is causing inflation and driving the cost of food and other necessities to rise.This inflation Is affecting the purchases of imputer and other goods. People cannot afford essential β†’

Business focused applications of human-computer interaction

These changes have lasting ramifications for the way we run our organizations and they continue to develop vapidly. The average layman understands the technological boom in general terms but it is important, in one's professional development as an information systems professional, to consider more definitively the latest developments in conceptualization, design, and execution β†’

The role of computers and the internet in modern life

Positives for the single parent and child Some of the positives of a single-parent household Include: A child from a single- parent home who is loved and supported has no more problems than a child from a two-parent home. Whether or not the child uses their free time constructively (for example, reading or β†’

Computer science

A crucial step was the adoption of a punched card system derived from the Jacquard making it infinitely programmable.[8] In 1843, during the translation of a French article on the analytical engine, Dad Lovelace wrote, in one of the many notes she included, an algorithm to compute the Bernoulli numbers, which is considered to be β†’

ο»Ώpros and cons of electronic health record systems (ehrs) essay sample

For better or for worse, many of us have already experienced these dramatic and important transitions in the medical field. So, what are electronic health record systems and why are people excited about this technology? Well, many people consider electronic health record systems to be just record keeping systems that they are simply β†’

Computers in business 19520

Every major company is equipped with a computer, or network that connects through different branches throughout the firm. Computer Hardware: To keep up with the fastest technology that dominates the market is to be a sensible buyer. If a company has a network, their memory would range on the applications required β†’

Computer literacy research paper

You sign into Backbone and the first thing you see is, " What is on your mind? " You no longer have to call all your friends and tell them you are having a bonfire and they are all invited. If you can not find what you are looking for in that search, it will β†’


Behaviorism theory best describes this explanation. The second individual believe that the root cause of committing a crime is poor parenting, specifically, thefailureof some parents to teach their children the values ofrespectfor the law and for the rights of others. I am a caring person since I was born, during my childhood, I β†’

Essay on black men and public space

In " Black Men and Public Space", Brent Staplesbegins by coming to the realization of the way he would be viewed for the rest of his life. And the fact that is proclaiming himself as an aggressor indicates that he has acknowledged this as a reality. In today's society, people have the β†’

Importance of christian worldview

Based on these ethics, I have always been able to think positive and make good judgments that benefit me and the people around me.- Supporting Point 2- Your Experiences: It builds unity and trust between the community and me. I also have a believe that helping other people brings blessings and that is what I β†’

Social influence and the branch davidians

Compliance-gaining strategies used by the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agents during the 1993 siege at the Branch Davidian compound were also examined. Social Influence and The Branch Davidians David Koresh used various compliance gaining strategies to gain the allegiance of his followers who according to Time.com were also known as the β†’

The magic formula to becoming a great boss

This means talking to your employees about your vision for the organization and sharing what you want to accomplish and what part they will play. The next step is to give employees immediate feedback on their work products and behaviors. There are many forms of recognition; you can adjust these to fit the β†’

Morality in this some high plan. you must

The main theme of redemption is similar in both the concert Les Miserables and the novel The Kite Runner. He becomes the guiding light for Amir in his journey to redemption (like Bishop Myriel in Les Miserables). From the very beginning of the story, Rahim Khan had helped Amir and boosted his self-confidence.

Smaller and smaller circles

Unable to talk to his parents about the humiliating incident, and incapable of talking to any friends about his trauma, he grows up psychologically impaired and angry. Summary of the novel The Big Circle: The story opens to Father Emil a fellow priest and acquaintance to Father Gus and Father Jerome finding a dead β†’

System integrity and validation

Due to the fact that the business continues to grow, the use of CAATs will only assist Kudler in its growth. The use of audit productivity software provides functionality to the audit process.

Morals in the rime of the ancient mariner: appreciation of life

When the Moon is first seen, the Albatross is still alive and the Mariner remarks, " Whiles all the night, through fog-smoke white / Glimmered the white moon-shine". When Life-in-Death is introduced, the reason is revealed and the central theme progresses. Although Life-in-Death and the Moon do not interact directly, their subtle partnership is depicted β†’

Funny in farsi

Whilst she has changed her name some Americans that had been traveling in Iran had been taken captive and held for a period of time and while the news was going over the story people started to talk about the issue. By having the American name she heard things that the people really β†’

A simple exchange of niceties

When it is not, she feels as if it is hers entirely and gets annoyed when other people come and sit next to her. So the day that someone does sit next to her, and not only that, but also talks to her about their problems, she again lets the bench decide err β†’

Devotion to god

The union of the devotee with God by means of extreme devotion is termed as bhakti yoga in Sanskrit. Yet the style of devotion and the nature of the devotee's relationship to God may vary a great deal, depending on the manifestation of the divine being that is being invoked. β†’

Integrity of the project

Added to this, the DOE has announced the conduction of study of an independent expert team, the Oak Ridge Associated Universities/Oak Ridge Institute forScienceandEducation, to review scientifically and technically the suitability of the Yucca Mountain. The issue concerning thehealthof the people living in close proximity of the site is important to be determined with β†’

Burnout paper

A workenvironmentthat changes frequently also can causes the supervisors to burn out, factors such as frequent changes in policies and procedures , changes in the organizations vision, and changes in staff are all contributions to burnout. Communication can help the individuals to cope with burnout as it is linked to social support. Burnout can come β†’

Morality and moral values

If you have got to give a speech on moral values you have tostressthe significance of moral values in life and should never ignore them. Here are some things you may use so that you can present this essential subject to your audience. In your speech on moral values you have to find β†’

Psychosocial paper

I will attempt to review the behaviors and influences on my relationships along with the negative and positive outcomes of my stage of psychosocial development. I also discussed the influences on behaviors, relationships as well as negative and positive outcomes of my stage of psychosocial development.

Rhetorical analysis authors becky herz and kim phuc

Becky Herz's essay, " My Husband Will Call Me Tomorrow" contains credibility in her use of certain details about how her life is laid out now that her husband is not at home. Her use of repetition through the essay, stating that, " I believemy husband is going to call me tomorrow" β†’

Cartesian compromise

One Tattered Angel captures the Mind/Body Problem, proclaiming the existence of the spirit and challenging the connection to the body. Mind, Brain, and Self in Psychoanalysis: Therapeutic Implications of the Mind-Body Relation.

Highlights of the german pension fund

The coverage of biometric risks and not merely its function as an investment instrument was one of the social requirements emphasized by the European Parliament but not adopted in the final draft. The plan guarantees participants a right to their benefits guarantees, a compulsory redemption of contributions, β†’

Huck finn moral choices

When Huck says this, it becomes very clear to the readers that Huck is going to keep his word. Even to be a young boy, Huck is learning that when he makes a promise, the right thing to do is to keep it.

Creative writing on shutting down the internet during times of unrest should be illegalized and it should

Though the interconnectivity of the world seems like an improvement in the conduction of transactions across the globe, the fact remains that it has its own shortcoming. For the purposes of this piece, it's important to narrow down to talk specifically about the internet. This means that the benefits, which β†’

Espionage by the national security agency

The public must ensure the NSA stops its criminal acts of espionage. Firstly, the acts of the National Security Agency are a problem because they are stepping upon the boundaries of a capitalistic country. This is a problem because when a NSA employee makes the decision to invade the online identity of another, who probably β†’

Depository network and vault system

This continued during the time to this present day and century. With the rising of the web over the span of the latest couple of decades, another kind of the advantage has created. In addition, the Blockchain development, with these made modernized assets has birthed some other Time of Blockchain digitization of a tremendous number β†’

Essay on the effect of legislation on child protection laws in a third world country such

The effect of legislation on child protection laws in a third world country such as Azerbaijan compared to a first world country. Recognition of the Rights of the Child by the United Nations gave an opportunity for governments put in place policies, legislation as well as structures for the realization of these rights. Thus, β†’

Remote access standards for richman investments essay sample

The scope of this policy covers remote connections, used to access or do work on behalf of Richman Investments, including, but not limited to, the viewing or sending of e-mail, and the viewing of intranet resources. Violations of the rights of any person or company protected by copyright, trade secret, patent or other intellectual property, β†’

Karvy security ltd – quality policy

In the process, Karvy will strive to exceed Customer's expectations. QUALITY OBJECTIVES As per the Quality Policy, Karvy will: Build in- house process that will ensure transparent and harmonious relationship with its clients and investors to provide high quality of services. Establish a partner relationship with its investor service agents and vendors that will β†’

Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability Assessment By Date: Vulnerability Assessment The first thing that must be done to protect a home is to conduct a risk assessment to figure out the potential for threat in the designated neighborhood, vulnerability, and the possibility of consequences of risk occurrence. Ballistic breaching is the act of using β†’

Good essay on free speech vs. national security

The last empire was the Ottomans and the strikes of the nations had destroyed the Ottoman Empire. The developed countries have recognized the freedom of speech.

Carlos cuervo

Escalante made a great contribution in the lives of students, and transformed the face of the College Board's Advanced Placement Program. Escalante in the classroom, he asked the students to take the tests again.

Out of school youth

We all know that the Government are trying there best to give the needs of the students like books, classrooms and a teacher that would facilitate the learners, but this is not good enough for the people need a Government that is not deaf enough to hear the cries of children being squeeze into tiny β†’

Police brutality in chicago essay

In this paper, seven research sources are analysed to provide a blueprint of police brutality in the city of Chicago. The articles above on police brutality provide research data on a wide variety. Thus, the research analysis was not focused on a single answer but the brutality of the police force as a whole in β†’

Gun violence a function of relaxed gun laws essay sample

With stringer and stricter gun policies in the country, gun violence would be a thing of the past. The number one cause of gun violence in the United States is the ease of acquiring guns in the United States. Because of this reason, the presence of stiffer gun laws would reduce suicide rates and gun β†’

Essay on unleashing hell for your viewing pleasure

One of the most popular sports to which thousands used to flock week in, week out was the gladiatorial duel although one also has to contextualize this within the ambit of the games which were usually held over long periods. The ' games' were nothing short of terrible bloodsports which included fighting to the death β†’

The way to gain power through sexual assault

When she was interviewed, she chose to remain anonymous and claimed to have been unconscious at the time. This woman stated that she did not remember how much she drank or how she got back to her dorm, but does remember waking up in the middle of the night to Khan being on top of β†’

The crimes of jack the ripper and a possible suspect

With there being only 2 links that suspected deeming to the Jack the Ripper, one was his sanity and the other was the way that he killed his family. A couple of day later it was reported that he throws her to the ground and stabs her in the neck.

Free essay about pero vaz caminhas letter (brazils birth certificate)

Therefore, it is the comprehensive report in the letter that makes Pero's work resourceful. Pero met people of the Mesolithic period, the time when people were changing their lifestyles from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to that of a sedentary and agricultural one. It is evident because upon their arrival at the shores of the " new β†’

Example of civil rights movement essay

Interesting to note is the fact that the movement resorted to nonviolent means of fighting for the rights of black Americans. The paper highlights the success of the civil right movement. Literature Review According to Newman the formation of the Montgomery Improvement Association led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-1956.

Joseph waits

Companies such as Microsoft and Sony are selling millions of copies of video games every year; with the quality and graphics getting better, children are continuously exposed to gore-filled violence. Furthermore, video games encourage aggression among children and teens." Consumption of media violence is the most common of all of the major risk factors for β†’

What really happened: seriously serial in louisiana

Over the span of a couple of years Clementine and her followers murdered the total of eight negro families. Clementine Barnabet started her killing spree in 1909 around the area of Rayne, Louisiana." In the dead of night, she dressed as a man and prowled the streets.

The effect of television on children

The Effect of Television on Children Television plays big roll on children and adolescents lives. This information here is to inform parents, of effects television have over children and adults.

Example of algerian civil war literature review

The deposition of President Chadli Benjedid in January of 1992 and cancellation of the election results, brought to a head the more than three years of continuous riots and demonstrations in the lead up to the first ever multiparty. This paper argues that the Algerian conflict stemmed from the dire need of the establishment to β†’

The effect of media influences on youth

The increasing thinness of models in the media are leading our youth to unhealthy eating habits, violence is opening doors to reenactments of violent acts seen in the media and sexual attitudes of teens in TV show are leading to youth who are relaxed in thought of sexual activity. Directly and indirectly the media is β†’

Sample essay on whistle-blowing: professionalism and personal life

The third approach postulates the idea that it is the obligation of other professions such as engineers to whistle blow and should treat it as paramount in certain situations. According to Richard De George, it is morally obligatory for corporate employees to blow the whistle externally if five conditions are met, such as when it β†’

The key issues case study sample

Among the primary issues surrounding the life of Marci, the young woman, are such things as: List in order of importance - Dependence seemingly, Marci is dependent on Marijuana because, despite the problems the drug has landed her into, she does not seem to quit using it. There is adequate evidence that her problem is β†’

Explanatory synthesis essay examples

Other authors, such as Kuehn , argue that the digital era that is upon us is less of a generational phenomenon, and states that everyone is affected by the digital revolution. Kuehn views participants in the digital world as being on a continuum of either " visitor" or " resident".". β†’