1000 Words Essay Samples

Assignment brief

Explain the reasons for course expectations of attendance and Sign as Complete..........punctuality and how to manage Describe ways in which s/he will unavoidable absences from class.be assessed for accreditation Sign as Complete......... Sign as Complete..........

Fault tolerance paper essay

The basic component in fault Tolerance is SNMP: The Simple Network Management Protocol allows you to manage a node running the SNMP Master agent. In addition, the SNMP agent of Cisco IOS for S/390 will send an " interface down" trap to a network management station when either of the above conditions are →

Summary and analysis of “five leadership lessons from james t. kirk”

Since business people would not read this article to pass time or to be entertained, Knapp organizes and writes his article in a clear, concise and easy to read format to appeal to his audience of business people. Knapp's use of relating business lessons to a familiar and popular form of media is what makes →

Retailing discussion questions assignment

Designing the organization structure for a retail firm identifies the activities to be performed by specific employees as well as decides the lines of authority and responsibility in the firm. In retail firms, the main operating managers are involved in merchandise management, and store management. The design of the organizational structure must coordinate with the →

Has the government improved its accountability to perform a better management on illicit drugs related problems?

Yet, it still takes time and more quantifiable measures to assess the whole impact of the prevention action plan on demand reduction for illicit drug in targeted population and areas. What we know: 1) HC's mass media campaign increased the percentage of youth who said they decided not to do drugs. However it have not →

Limitations of contingency leadership theories

The limitations of contingency leadership are based on misunderstandings of leadership and motivational skills that do not consider other perspectives and forms of working with teams and the organizational environment. Limitations of Contingency Theory and Leadership According to a recent study , contingency theory is one which is able to offer a competitive approach →

Describe functions of management

Management is the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives. Management consists of the interlocking functions of creating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization's resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy According to Peter Drucker management can be described →

Reliability and validity

The last kind of reliability that I will discuss is the test-retest reliability. This kind of reliability consists of the degree of temporal stability of a measuring instrument or test, or the characteristic it is designed to evaluate, from one administration to another. It is important to ensure these data collection methods are →

Personal swot analysis assignment

Approachable I am a very approachable person, my friends know they are able to come to me for anything, from advice for personal issues, to help with work. Team Worker I am very good at working in a team, my part time job involves me working in a team, i play football which involves myself →

Project management: crosby manufacturing corporation assignment

The goal of the meeting is to update the current MCCS and increase the company's business profits and growth.Mr. Discuss the possible reaction of the functional employees to the appointment of Emary as project manager.

Free research paper on leadership vs. management

Major functions of managers are: - Planning: Effective planning of different type of resources and work activities to produce desired results. - Organizing: Organization of supporting functions and processes in an effective manner. - Budgeting: financial limitations are critical to projects and common to occur. They coordinate different tasks in manner to maintain smooth flow of activities. - Resource →

Conflict management in the workplace

Conflict Management Training Program Our consulting firm, Conflict Professionals, specializes in training all levels of managers (executive, mid- and entry-level) in the art of managing conflict within their teams and organizations. What is conflict and how does it arise? Effective Conflict Management is the process of identifying and addressing those differences that, if left unmanaged, →

What is project management? assignment

Although people have attempted to define project management, is it possible to have one universal definition that encompasses project management? It was only in the latter half of the 20th century that project management became a well-known term ; since then, project management has continued to change due to more regulations within projects and →

How culture effects business?

A good example to demonstrate this is the differences between the Asians and Westerners in conducting business. It is important to understand the underlying differences in the way business people of both cultures think and act.

Chapter from the society, it is their

The main purpose of CSR is to indentify and improve a company's impacton social surroundings and indirectly using that to increase the popularity ofthe company or its brand. A company or a corporation has a set ofdiverse obligations to fulfill. As the interests of the company's stakeholdersare different, Corporate Social Responsibility tries to minimize the →

Risk management assessment summary essay sample

All require significant responsibilities for the care of patients". In general, the risk management process consists of five steps: Identifying and analyzing the exposures to loss. Examining the feasibility of alternative techniques, risk control to stop losses, and risk financing to pay for losses. Selecting the apparent best technique. Monitoring and improving the risk management →

Good human resource management case study example

S hospitals will have to be vigil about the qualifications and capabilities of those international recruits, and invest heavily in training them to equip them with the right knowledge and technical know-how. - Can you think of cultural problems U. Nonetheless, the management should not outright demand knowledge of such reasons, →

Communities of practice – reflection on team work

The main benefit to be drawn from such units is that, there is an assembly of like minds, who come together with the purpose of using their knowledge and experiences, to the benefit of the organization. I will specifically seek to evaluate my role in a virtual community of practice that I have recently been →

General and strategic management

PwC scrolled up to the top of the pyramid of the new Big 5 global accountancy firms by breaking away from its competitors in terms of size and quality.. In 2002 PwC was the only professional services organization that has been listed in Fortune 100 and with net revenue $13. They guide how PwC behaves →

Argumentative essay on why i chose mba

The skills that I would acquire in my MBA would assist me organize my business and realize very high profits. My outgoing character would add as an added advantage where I would be opportunistic and maximize any business chances that come to my way. The Jungian principle also describes me as a person who practices →

Free social media tools literature review example

According to Nelson , different social media platforms and other forms of communication can connect different people, and their voices can increase the timely dissemination and the potential impact of the health-based information and safety. Finally, some of the social media tools can personalize and reinforce the health based messages bay making the information →

Food service workers argumentative essay example

Most of them have had very poor pay and that affected them in the future, a solution was them reached to ensure that all tipped workers receive a minimum wage in order to improve their livelihoods in the future in a very significant way in the future. Others have argued that compulsory minimum wage for →

Hurricane galveston

If there had been any seawall during the Galveston Hurricane, would it have been of any help at all? This is because there appears to have been some form of distrust between Galveston's citizens and the government.

Research paper on plight of women in factories

The situation is often worsened when ones husband kick the basket and she has to provide for the family, report to the capitalist " bread" factories whose major interest is to multiply profits and then come back home with the " bread" which is sold expensively in the shops. Herman →

The kite runner: the significance to identity

Using the theme of morality and the abuse of power, Khaled Hosseini exemplifies the importance of family on the societal and moral identity." Do you[Baba] always have to be the hero? " One of the most defining characteristics of Baba is his sense of morality. Amir's identity is largely based on the guilt of betraying →

The kite runner persuasive essay

The Kite Runner has a happy ending because Sohrab is alive and safe in Amir's hands at the end of the book. Amir is happy because he repaid Hassan for his loyalty, Soraya is happy because she finally got the child she never had, and Sohrab is happy because he has a home, a life →

Is tess a victim of society essay sample

It is later understood that her mother has not gone to fetch her husband but instead to join him leaving Tess in control of the family that she has the responsibility for. In this way the society that Tess has been brought up in with added accountability for the family and the attitude of helping →

God and the meaning of life: is the existence of god necessary for life to be meaningful? essay

Very few have had the luxury to sit & contemplate the meaning of life. Belief in God and the after life gives the believer meaning beyond day to day survival. Parents who have to feed their children through a tube implanted in the stomach, or suction the saliva out of their kid's mouth, knowing their →

Frankenstein-sympathy for victor or the monster

By the end of chapter 5, where the monster comes to life, the reader's sympathy for Victor is even stronger than before because Frankenstein is portrayed to be weak due to all the effort he has put into his experiment and the disappointment he feels at the end. He exclaims, " for this I had →

Discuss the role of women in the play othello

Bianca the first of the women I will discuss in the essay, fits easily into the latter category. Bianca is a prostitute and very fond of Cassio, who tends to ignore her and treat her badly. We get a clear picture of how Bianca is regarded by the men in the play when Cassio says →

Name essay example

ASSIGNMENT 1 THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA ' Instructor's Name' ' Subject' The Great Pyramids of Giza are a symbol of the magnificent construction techniques of the Ancient Egyptians. However, based on archaeological evidence Egyptologists have put up many theories to explain the constructions of the pyramids of Giza, which includes the external ramp theory, and →

Free argumentative essay about do you think medical marijuana should be legal in the united states why or why

The state government of California initiates the necessary regulations about the legalization of medical marijuana. The local government in California controls the aspects relating to the planting and the sale of marijuana. The non-profit organizations oppose the use and legalization of marijuana in California.

The effects of sin on hester in the scarlet letter

The Scarlet Letter shows the different pieces of the Puritan society such as the religion in general, the community as a whole, and punishment, and it also shows the moral and psychological aspects of life. The novel depicts the consequences of sin on the individual. " The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human →

Scarlet letter images

This may explain why the themes of sin, secrecy and guilt are used in Hawthorne's fiction, exploring hidden human dimensions. The images of sin, secrecy, and guilt are constantly portrayed in Nathaniel Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, through the presence of recurring motifs of light and dark, sunlight and shadows; as these themes →

Othello vs o essay sample

It is an adaptation of the Italian writer Cinthio's tale " Un Capitano Moro." The story focuses on the following main characters: Othello, A Christian Moor and general of the armies of Venice; his wife Desdemona, The daughter of the Venetian senator Brabanzio; his lieutenant Michael Cassio, A young and inexperienced solider, whose high position →

The lottery

The story is about a small village that seems normal with a positive attitude to life and everything in it but in the end Jackson portrays how humans can be evil by writing about a women who is loved by everyone in the village and has many close friends and family within the village but →

The merchant of venice critique essay

Valencic: In exploring " The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare while trying to classify it, as it is a troublesome play to classify in the usual Shakespearean categories of comedy, history or tragedy, I came to the conclusion that the ultimate view of this drama is neither simply a comedy or a tragedy, but →

Small organizations vs large organizations article review

We expect the study sample to increase with the increase in the size of the organization; which is not true in this case. We can base our comparison according the size of the organization (i.e.small Vs large organizations), and the sector type (i.e.public sector vs.private sector). An organization with more than 1000 employees is considered →

Understanding how to write formal analysis essay on art essay sample

Another difference is that in formal analysis there is no research statement. Before starting the essay, you should carefully study the portrait or the sculpture to get the general idea about the setting, the mood and the overall tone of the artwork. Ideas that come out of the blue are the best and you should →

Abortion essay sample

Aborting an embryo only directly affects two people: the mother and the father. In addition to this, carrying a baby should be a choice, and not an obligation, and so it should be up to the individual. I was mature enough to know that it would be destructive to bring a baby up in that →

Cheque truncation

Copyright IBM Corporation 2003 IBM Business Consulting Services Image based processing of cheques in India present several challenges which all add up to the cost for the banking industry Geographical spread & volumes impact speed of physical movement of paper Multiple languages & scripts Multiple handling due to current processes in ranches high →

Risk assesment paper

Hazard Identification Hazard identification is the first step in which the implemented chemical in protecting the environment is identified along with the affects that can be caused by the chemical upon environment and living beings are also observed (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 2007). Exposure Exposure can be described as the process in →

What features of ‘willow tree and olive’ make it worthy to study? essay sample

The story presents a period of a young girl's life during which we see her discover and accept things about herself by remembering things from her past that she has tried to forget. Olive is a teenage girl in her last year of school trying to get through the difficulties that come with adolescence: →

Augmentative skeleton feedback

ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SELFIES and Advantages Selfies are photographs taken using amobile phone camera and shared through social media such as Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels. Selfies presents an evolution in social media as it gives a platform where one can record and post photographs for others to experience and see.

Explain how the following early years settings reflects the scope and purpose of the sector essay sample

Staff working at higher levels should have an awareness of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. School Nursery and Children's Playgroups There are many different types of childcare provision, these include: Mother and toddler groups, which are a place where the toddler can socialise with other children their age, whilst the →

The theme of social class in atonement essay sample

From the beginning, the narrative forces the reader to realize that this is note the tale of just one family in Southern England but a cross section of British society at that particular time frame before the war changed everything. 3. She assumes that Robbie is attacking Cecilia in the library and this further affirms →

Influence of language on communication

The paper " Influence of Language on Communication" is an excellent example of an essay on journalism and communication. Language transmits information through writing, reading, spoken, listening, sign language or/ and body language. ConclusionIf a good argument is to be developed, it is proper to evaluate the arguments of others and perhaps demand excellent use →

Shelley’s frankenstein or the modern prometheus

The title of the story is Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. The second variety is a special type of robots.

Free antimicrobial effect of lemon, garlic and whole jalapeno on bacillus in a disk diffusion report sample

Fisher and Phillips have shown the antimicrobial effect of lemon essential oils on the growth of B. The surface of the plates also showed isolated colonies of microorganisms. Figure: Effect of Lemon , Jalapeno and Lemon on the growth of Bacillus Conclusion The antimicrobial effect of the three →

Good essay on labor in the great depression

The decrease in the number of employees weakened the trade unions , particularly the American Federation of Labor which lost over two million members by 1930. The weakened trade unions were ineffective in fighting for the rights of workers. Accordingly, the plight of workers was ominous during the early stages of the depression. During →

Compare and contrast ‘sonnet 130’ with ‘blessing’

A difference between the two poems in terms of language is that Shakespeare uses old English as he was a poet, playwright in the 16th and 17th century whereas Dharker is a more of a modern day poet. A difference between both the poems is that Dharker's poem is a normal poem and Shakespeare's poem →

Betrayal in “death of a salesman”

Miller's purpose is to portray a man's life in which his sons, the pride and joys of his life, betray him at his darkest hour. He flat out told his father that he was a worthless human being and that all his father's hopes and dreams were wasted on a loser.

How would you direct the characters abigail and proctor to convey meaning to an audience essay sample

This shows that she is really trying hard to catch him in a gaze to grab his attention more and she should say the line flirtatiously; and Abigail puts her hand around his neck. As john attempts to push Abigail away, Abigail grabs hold of John Proctors hand in desperation and holds it firmly. Then →

Critical thinking on technological developments on education

Education has been considered as the most important critical factor to economic competitiveness and in order to achieve the specified objectives, the strategy used to choose the right technology, programs and tools to be used might greatly impact its outcome("' The Effects of Technology in Society and Education' by Brian →

The blind side: what would black people do without nice white folks 1

For this reason, Oher studied harder and practiced longer with the help of other people to secure the American football scholarship. The main character's goal was to secure one of the prestigious American football scholarships in the U.S.A. I had to make the right choice that fit my needs and do what was best for →

Auditing, attestation, and assurance services paper essay

The first service is the auditing service and the most common type of this service is the Internal Revenue Service. Requestors Auditing, attestation, and assurance services provide the users of an organization's financial statements and reports with an unbiased, objective opinion on the accuracy, reliability, and quality of the statements and reports. Some of the →

Sexual politics and gender discourse

In Neely's view, the men of Othello are too consumed by pride, jealousy, and socio-political pressure to think clearly and, as a result, resort to rash behavior and " destroy the women who make fools of them" in order to preserve their sense of honor. Instead, the females remain passive and allow the →

A rose for emily & the lottery

The point of view used by William Faulkner in " A Rose for Emily" is in 1st person narration where the narrator is the observer of the protagonist. In Shirley Jackson's " The Lottery" she uses 3rd person point of view in which the narrator is not involved in the story. Like →

Plot analysis of merchant of venice

O my Christian ducats! / Justice! the law! my ducats, and my daughter! ". These lines depict Shylock as a man so consumed by his love ofmoneythat he cares more for his ducats than he does for his daughter as Shakespeare furthers the stereotype of Jewish greed. In the Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare satirizes, insults →

Good example of argumentative essay on legalization of marijuana debate in the united states

Thus, it is necessary to take everything into account before making a decision whether marijuana should be legalized. On February 26th, 2014 a recent poll in Texas showed that 49% of Texans support legalization of this drug and 77% support legalization of medical marijuana (Legalize Marijuana Legal Weed Marijuana Facts, 2014). →

Why the illegalization of marijuana was a corrupt decision

However, some of the actual reasons that marijuana was wrongly banned includeracism, protection of corporate profits, and corrupt legislators along with illegitimate widespread fear among citizens of the United States. Throughout the 20th century racism towards Hipics, Negroes, and even Mormons greatly influenced the negative outlook on the use of marijuana. In →

Swot and pest analysis essay sample

The following swot analysis helps to shows four main things, first of all it shows the opportunities available and also the threats when releasing a new cereal bar into the market, it also helps show any strengths and weaknesses for Cadburys when releasing there new cereal bar into the market, overall helping to ensure →

Essay on frankenstein

He has the idea to bring to life a human-like creature using parts of the dead and some animal pieces such as bone and possibly the eyes. Frankenstein, revealing to the creature that the boy is related to his hated creator.

Law the social network movies essay

The paper provides an overview of the legal and ethical issues involved in the dispute between Facebook and the Winklevoss twins, the essay also reflects and discusses on the public policy favoring settlement agreements, and he various forms of ADR and their respective advantages and disadvantages in the context of the dispute between face book →

A pesona of helen keller

Despite of her disability, with the help of her mentor Anne Sullivan, she was able to achieve her skills to excel her learning skills beyond her arisen to explore, and learn new things. She demonstrated when she was with her mentor Anne Sullivan about the question, when she has to learn, her curiosity grew, and →

Analyse the dramatic effect of the devices iago uses in act 3 scene 3 to convince othello of his wife’s infidelity

Iago does this a number of times for different purposes but it can be seen that his main use of this device was to create space for doubt in Othello's mind as well as building his trust on Iago. It has been seen that every so often Iago reminds his lord of his love and →

Planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services essay sample

Children should always be within the sight of the adult whilst also allowing them to enjoy their environment. The needs of carers and parents like what are their views and understanding about risk and risky play/activities should always be considered. There should always be enough room for children to move freely around the learning →

Need help with writing your assignment? essay sample

You might be surprised to learn that our typical client base is not the ' lazy student looking for an easy way out.' In fact, the majority of the students we work with are classic over achievers, they strive to balance work, life and school and often excel in their classes. What are some of →

Global water scarcity and iran

Global Water Crisis- A case of Iran Affiliation] Global Water Crisis- A case of Iran With the current rate of global warming, water scarcity is a growing concern with many people of the world having no sufficient supply of water. The nation is almost facing water stress and it is postulated that with the present →

Local laborers 310 union research paper sample

Labor unions have the obligation of protecting the rights and privileges of workers working in the private and public sectors. It has stood test of time and embrace reforms in its operation. Local laborers 310 unions background information and history Local laborers 310 unions operate as a subset of →

Good germs bad germs

The hygiene hypothesis is a dispute that links the over-sanitation of modern life to now-epidemic increases in immune and other disorders. In allergies, the antigen is part of a substance that the immune system mistakes as dangerous.

Does modern technology always improve the quality of people’s lives essay sample

Nuclear technology and sophisticated gadgets are also parts of the modern technology that have improved man's life. Modern technology in warfare can cause high number of deaths and thus worsening the quality people's lives.

A dog named duke essay sample

2 The above sentence has been extracted from the story and " they" is referred to the personnel from Hooper's office that visited him in the hospital.Hooper was hospitalised after he had subdural haemorrhage as he met with an accident. He sensed the delicate condition of his master and later he was the →

The issue of courage in the kite runner by khaled hosseini

To draw the conclusion Hassan is scare but he would overcome his fear for his friend and something he believes is important to him and that is courage. The past is full of shameful and regretful moments and to face the past it needs a lot of courage. What happened to Hassan in Afghanistan is →

Observation assignment essay example

The parent and the teacher met in the school office in order to discuss whether the parent's child could be allowed to use facebook and twitter. The purpose of the conversation was to make the teacher and the parent understand the effects of facebook and twitter on children in order →

Enter the void film review

Early in the film, Oscar is shot and killed in a drug bust gone wrong. The rest of the film is captured from the perspective of Oscar's spirit, as he revisits important moments of his past and watches over his loved ones. Noe's commitment to presenting the whole film through Oscar's perspective →

Example of research paper on documentation portfolio

The time has come for the workers in these small businesses to be made aware of the OHS rules and regulations. " Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of departures →

Discuss ways in which violence is presented in leda and the swan essay sample

The poem notes that there is a ' shudder in the loins', and the mix of animalistic imagery contrasted with human emotions presents the act of violence as one that can bring fear and confusion; Leda's emotions are questionable and even Yeats himself does not explicitly describe how Leda herself may be feeling in the →

Ccot china from 600-1450 essay sample

These changes over the Mongol Rule were directly traced back to the expansion of the Mongol people and the introduction of the Khanates to China and related territories. With the Mongol influence, changes over the Chinese became present during the rule of the Mongols which influenced political changes throughout the Mongol Rule. Although the →

Tempe general plan 2040

Through the General Plan process, the City of Tempe is considering the future of the next generation as it strives to ensure sustainable growth, continuous progress and economic prosperity. The General Plan is contains an overarching policy for the City of Tempe, the vision of the community for the future and is an expression of →

Margaret urquhart

The black box symbolizes death; the name of the " winner" to be stoned is drawn from the box at every lottery, it represents tradition in the fact that it is old and worn. The villagers are aware that the sacrifice is inhumane but none want to stand and voice their opinion because they are →

Othello, the moor of venice: psychological approach

There three main characters in the story: Othello, the Moor in the service of the Venetian state, his wife Desdemona, and Othello's wicked servant Iago. From the Freudian point of view, both male characters, Othello and Iago have the developed id (the part of the human mind that seeks pleasure). The →

Art hisory paper

As industry and urbanization gave rise to the metropolis, the subjective society of the individual became replaced by the objective society imposed by the machine and the factory. The purpose of the artists who worked with the phantasmagorical was to re-discover the base of humanity that had been largely lost within the confines of the →

Relationship study – psychosis patient in mental health facility

The patient's response was that she probably had already told the therapists, but she understood what I was saying and she agreed to speak with me. I was able to accept the patient as she was however, and able to talk with her.

Macbeth-equivocation essay sample

To develop the progression of evil in the play, Shakespeare employs the idea of equivocation, beginning with Macbeth's temptation, then his commitment, and finally the resultant confusion and disorder that permeate his life. Thus, we know that the witches will approach Macbeth with something that looks " fair," but is actually " foul." Indeed, when →

Nora’s story: the prolonged harboring of a youth amidst the emergence of an elder

Nora does not want the children to be in the same room as a liar and in the presence of her lying behind Torvalds back. It is the culmination of these aforementioned examples that justify Nora's decision to leave her husband and children.

Take a position for or against the citizens united decision and defend you position

Increased Spending Secondly is the threat of the candidates to administer the interests of the corporations rather than the community. To encourage a transparent and less pessimistic electoral process that will be devoid of numerous negative advertisements can enhance the national interests.

Macro analysis of ‘raiders of the lost ark’ essay sample

The Genre being action/adventure, the main character in the film is Indiana Jones we know this because it says this on the video box. The opening scene shows Indy and a small group of Mexicans walking through a tropical jungle you can tell this by the sound of birds in the background. One of the →

Staff communication problem 3 essay sample

Identification of the Nursing Problem Identification of the Nursing Problem3 Introduction3 Specific theory and knowledge3 Prior general education courses3 Prior nursing courses4 Nursing background and experience4 Justification for the existence of identified problem4 Importance4 How does the problem affect4 Current state of the problem →

Acceptance essay examples

In A Rose for Emily, it opens up with the death of an elderly woman that comes from a pre-Civil War family of wealthy aristocrats and in Cathedral, it opens up with the narrator telling the reader in a relaxed tone that a blind friend of his wife's has decided →

About novel “of mice and men”

George is a caring man with a big heart but has developed a hard edge due to the tough times he has to face as a migrant worker which he cannot escape from. George occasionally grumbles of having to take care of Lennie." I got to get you out. " George's frustration and obligation →

Changing perspectives on othello

This revenge tragedy follows the protagonist Othello, a black army general who Is manipulated by his ensign Ago. For me the way that race and color is presented in entrant to the stereotypical portrayal highlights the prejudice apparent in not only the Jacobean society but our own as well. My Interest In Othello →

Oppression of the weak by the strong

It sets a picture in the readers mind by them by having us think that they have to walk around from place to place to try to find a ranch to work on and not run into any trouble. In this novel most of the people have no one to share their life with as →

American spanish war in 1898, spain loses colonies

The Origin of the War The origin of Spanish American war cannot be attributed to the so called " Cuba incident" as the USS Maine were sent to protect US citizens from the hostilities that were orchestrated by pro Spanish Voluntarios which gave the United States a basis to launch in the warship USS Maine.