1000 Words Essay Samples

A non recursive filter

The impulse response of an Nth-order FIR filter lasts for N+1 samples, and then dies to zero The difference equation that defines the output of an FIR filter in terms of its input is: where: x[n] is the input signal, y[n] is the output signal, bi are the filter coefficients, and N is the filter →

Pride and prejudice assignment

Despite the fact that Collins and Elizabeth would have been a better match, at least socially ND financially, it is Charlotte who is tied to Collins In the end. Earlier In the novel when Elizabeth begins to consider Hickman as a suitable partner, she Is reminded by Charlotte " not to be a simpleton and →


The latent stakeholders are those who must be kept satisfied regardless of the undertaking of the company and in this case the category is comprised of officials at the Town council as well as the residents of this area. 2004, The encyclopedia of work-related illnesses, injuries, and health issues, 1st ed.

U.s.a constitution and same-sex marriages

Within the context of all underlying conflicting legalities and policies, Federal Courts of the United States experience pending cases, which seek to address the contentious issues affiliated to same sex marriages and the provision of the governmental recognition thereof. The reason as to why the County of California introduces this lawsuit is that the county →

Buncefield disaster in uk

In addition, over two thousand victims of the fire were to be relocated, and the southern part of the country suffered a great environmental pollution from the emitted smoke. The Impacts of the Buncefield Disaster on 11 December 2005 The disaster had a lot of effects on the life of the city dwellers.

Bhavnath case solution assignment

PROBLEM The problem of government is to take decision which maximise more all round economic development and hurting people sentiments or to settle down with less economic development, and accepting people's demand of saving the temple. To maintain the credibility of government by taking decision which is in within the line of people sentiments.

The over diagnosis of adhd and the abuse of ritalin essay

The Over diagnosis of ADHD and the Abuse of Ritalin Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder was unheard of in the generation previous to us. Which has resulted in discussions about the over diagnosis of ADHD and the abuse of Ritalin being one in the same.

Commentary: effects of als-associated tank binding kinase 1 mutations on protein-protein interactions and kinase activity

We would like to point out that the genetic link between TBK1 and neurodegeneration is largely based on Mendelian dominantly inherited deleterious loss-of-function mutations, which are enriched in ALS/FTD patients and result in a loss of expression of one TBK1 allele. Association of mutations in TBK1 with sporadic and familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal →

Analyze the following passage in terms of the nietzsche’s account of aesthetics in the birth of the tragedy

Analyse the following passage in terms of the Nietzsche's account of aesthetics in The Birthof Tragedy: Nietzsche's " The Birth of Tragedy" takes a somewhat different approach to the exemplification of the then " modern" art that was beginning to come to prominence in the world in which he lived. What is peculiar and interesting →

Gender inequality in the elizabethan era

Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, employs the use of conventions to portray female characters as more dominant and controlling compared to males, challenging the naturalised notions of masculinity and femininity. It is clearly shown in the play that many of Macbeth's immoral actions are due to him being easily manipulated by Lady Macbeth and the Witches.

Today paper. review report are different from

It is further categorize in toseveral types one is Journal Articlespapers: It is the permanent and transparent form of representation it is basicallyrepresent by two ways one is called peerreview means in this type the paper are check first thenpublished paper are check by experts and written by experts and approved by an expertthe experts →

Determining operating systems and software applications

The consumer's computer is considered the input device and the server is a storage device. Once a purchase has occurred the website will use the stored information to input the customer's credit card information into a card reader which automatically debits the funds from the customer's account.

The impact of banksy’s artworks on society

The creativity of his art can be compared to that of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein which are some of the most well known artists of the 21st century. According to the article, " The True Counterfeits of Banksy: Radical Walls of Complicity and Subversion", the author Eva Branscome states, " Banksy understands his market, →

Reebok case on postpnement

Comment about the nature of the product, market and demand seasonality of the replica jersey as discussed in the case.Ans. So the demand of jersey for players which is less frequently purchased are finished by Reebok and then the jerseys are supplied to retailers.

Canto i

Canto VI -Gluttonous are punished-when they are alive the do nothing but indulge in food and drinks and produces nothing but wastes so they are punished to be in filth for eternity.a mythological creature who oversees the punishments of the 4th level of hell Canto VII -4th circle of hell-punishes the avarice and prodigiality -encumbered →

Training and development

Within the needs assessment, the analysis of the organization is done so as to find out where the employees are lacking and what the organization can provide to them as a result of the same. Then after, the learning principles under the aegis of training and development are given out to the employees through the →

Crime scene preservation

From the moment the first responder arrives at the scene, he/she should exercise a pertinacious attitude to insure that curious onlookers and personnel who are not involved in a task related to the scene, remain outside the cordoned perimeter. Photograph: Taking photographs of the crime scene creates a pictorial record of the area where the →

Ict327 assignment 2 questions

The strategies that they can be applied in resolving the conflict would be first to organize personal meeting with each one of the members of the team and try to figure out the problems and then with the whole team. Then, a meeting with the rest of the team and the member would be set →

Rhetorical analysis of an advertisement essay

This company gets the male side of the equation by getting their attention and interest drawn to the attractive woman on the right with bright colors drawing your attention there as well as the bottle of whiskey which is right in the middle of the page. Then a way that they try and get the →

The question of ethics in medea

This system falls short in Medea, however, as Medea is forced to decide a course of action which both ways will harm her friends and help her enemies. Medea is in a situation where regardless of her actions, she and her friends will suffer and her enemies aided.

Boons and banes of internet analysis essay

This also ensures that maximal learning takes place during the course of learning as the Internet allows the users to easily compare across various articles to look out for the different perspectives of the research topic. This shows that Internet can cause less interaction between the family and how it can make even parents to →

Diagnosing and treating problems with tracheostomy tubing nursing essay

Priorities of care: Assess the patient's respiratory status; respiratory rate and depth, O2 Sats, breath sound noting area of decreased ventilation and abnormal breath sound to establish a baseline of patient's status and to monitor for the effectiveness of the intervention. Assess the patient for the symptoms of fear and anxiety and its level to →

Personal narrative assignment

The only novel I would like to own needs to impact both my mind and if successful my own writing. Reading the novel Fahrenheit 451 gave me a direct view of a style of writing I wanted to adopt, inspiring to think clearer and truer to myself.

Job experience narrative

I applied to Kinko's because I am fairly computer literate and able to run copy machines, and two old friends worked for the company years before and told me enough about it that I figured I knew what to expect. The high-speed, high-stress environment did not suit me in the least, and I was glad →

Determine the macromolecules present in an unknown solution essay sample

A positive outcome of the test results in a colour change; blue-black in the presence of starch and a red-brown in the presence of glycogen. A positive indicator of the test is the formation of a coloured precipitate of the blue solution, ranging from yellow-green to red-brown.

Cross cultural

Throughout the years wrestling has been a source of entertainment during the Civil War the troops wrestled each other to past the time on both side of the war. One of the most controversial issues in wrestling is women who perform in the ring many culture outside the United States believes that women in the →

Self reflective course concept

Self Reflective Concept Instructions Introduction Business is defined as the process of identifying a need in the society that could be measured in monetary terms, gathering the necessary resources inform of labor and capital and other resources that are required in the production of the said product or service, implementing the idea by starting the →

Corporate culture of walt disney

Some of the management practices common in the corporate culture of Chinese firms are as follows: The One-man Show: the Chief Executive makes all the decision; highly personalized flexible and mobile; decisions are quick and clear cut The Team Leader Style: The Chief Executives seeks advice from subordinates and weighs it with his own experience. →

Nature’s role in american literature

Each of these assertions can be evidenced in the works of Mark Twain's " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", Ann Chopin's " The Awakening", and Zora Neale Hurston's " Sweat". For Edna, the ocean is the great unknown, it's depths contain the woman she desires to be and in it she feels a taste of →

Rules of expository writing

In the introduction, the problem, relevance, practical significance of the research is fixed; the object and subject of research are determined; the purpose and objectives of the study are indicated; methods of work are briefly listed. After determining the relevance, it is necessary to determine the object and the subject of the study.

Portfolio reflection essay

Thanks to the portfolio that my teacher handed out at the start of the school year, I was able to realize that my writing can change and believed that if I put time and effort through the year, my writing may become a flower one day and bloom beautifully. Now that almost a year has →

Nat and pat

Differences between Positive and Normative Accounting Theories Positive Accounting Theory is an objective theory aiming at predicting accounting practices and policies that are chosen applied by firms as well as the effects of such, on the firms after the implementation. On the other hand, Normative Accounting Theory is a subjective kind of theory with an →

The adolescence period

In fact the nutritional needs of a fourteen to sixteen years old child are essentially the same as these of adults, with a greater emphasis on some very essential nutrients, The growth velocity is maximum for boys between 12-15 years and for girls 10-13 years. A confounded effort should be made through nutrition education from →

The book of judges theology religion essay

The title is derived from the type of leadership which dominated the theocratic era in Israel's history, spanning from the death of Joshua to the coronation of King Saul the beginning of the Monarchy. The task of identifying the author and establishing a date of composition for the book remains somewhat enigmatic, as it is →

Introduction declare the independence of texas in 1836.

Originally, they were known to be concentrated in the former Mexican states of California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas but immigration into other states and economic and social advancement has completely made them a part of the U.S. S and European immigrants settled and joined forces with Hispanic Texas to oust the Mexican rule →

Evils of imperialism assignment

Imperialism is pernicious because it causes conflict internally, causes the unjust shooting of the elephant, affects both the oppressor and the oppressed, and impacts the individual and the society. The Bursars have the power to manipulate Orwell, he opposes the British government and supports the natives, but yet their insults and Jeering causes him to →

Several degrees of vegetarianism

One of the prominent justifications to why people commit to this dairy-free diet, is after research of the tragic and deplorable mishaps which occur at dairy farms throughout the nation. In their own vocalization, they claim to the public, and even internally to themselves, that they are indeed vegan, since the mass majority of their →

Essay on social conflicts in alice walker’s everyday use

In the novel, one of the notable acts of Dee is her change of her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo, which she believes is an African name that reflects her cultural heritage. There is possibility that Wangero has learnt about the cultural heritage of her African roots in college, thus she started to reevaluate the →

Food technology: nutrition assignment

Protein is needed for energy and is usually found in meat, because vegetarians do not eat meat eggs and spinach, tofu and the granola bars are a great source of protein. RD' of iron includes in the nuts and white beans.

A cream cracker under the settee: dramatic monologue by alan bennett

The reason the writer uses a monologue is to emphasis to the readers that 'Doris' is totally alone and this play tries to emphasis how elderly people are neglected in society and people see them as a problem. This makes the reader feel that Doris is similar to the everyday person and also tell use →

An after thought of short stories

In this particular short story Bradbury describes the planet in great detail giving the reader a feel for the great beauty of the wonderland referred to as a planet. One of the characters decides that he wants to use the planet to his benefit and then get the hell out of there, but as he →

Portrayals of domestic abuse and passive resistance in “sweat”

Though Delia is a victim of both Sykes's physical and emotional abuse, Hurston ultimately uses her character to demonstrate a sense of female power and righteousness. When Sykes is ironically killed as the result of his abusive nature, Hurston creates a space to explore the exertion of feminine power in the form of passive resistance.

The ancient history of modern turkey history essay

The early culture related to the history of Turkey and finally, I discussed how Turkey came to be a country. History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey.

The level of readiness of faculty and instruction of mallig assignment

Accreditation is the formal recognition Of an educational program that possesses high level of quality or excellence based on the analysis of the artist of its educational operations in attaining its objectives and its role in the community that it serves. Faculty and Instruction are definitely the key factors in achieving quality education, obviously since →

Financial analysis assignment

88% of its net profit.* This would increase the shareholder's confidence in the company.* The current dividend policy of Infosys is to distribute not more than 30% of PAT as dividend.* An increase of 10 percent over the current financial policy to pay dividend up to 20 percent of net profit. This can influence company's →

Still life with drinking-horn of st sebastians archers’ guild essay sample

And the most amazing part is the usage of the color in this Rubenesque period of Dutch painters is outstanding. We see the glass and the carafe with liquid in both show the source of the light and the reflection of the liquid contents.

Personal loyalty syndrome essay

Some superiors recite what they learned about loyalty and the importance of maintaining that great asset, but they fail to reiterate it should be loyalty to the agency and its institutional rules and regulations that will get the individual on a respectable level not personal loyalty to themselves, this kind of leaves the employee obligated →

Crime media

Media reportAim and goalsThe aim of my coursework was to produce 4 pieces of work of a high standard; a goal was set of completing a research folder, a pre-production piece which was the construction of a storyboard; which the task was to create an opening sequence of a new crime series or a trailer. →

Stories from different cultures

In Pieces Of Silver it gives an insight about a poor little boy from the Caribbean trying to get money for his retiring headmaster who in the end is the man who gives him the money to save the poor boy from punishment who uses the money to help fellow pupils avoid the same punishment →

From creative to corrupt: the evolution of life with technology

I have done some research in the past to back this claim and it is true that not needing to undergo the process of thinking and activating the brain to get the desired result will lessen your understanding of the results since all that was required to access them was a click of a button →

How does the media influence young women?

The young girls wish that they are also perfect, with the perfect dress and with the perfect make-up; so that they are attractive to boys and that they look like the girls and women on TV. These women, who are on the covers of the magazines, serve as an example for the teenage girls.

Dehydration assignment

Water and fluids are the main element in staying hydrated and healthy Dehydration is the loss of salts and water that can cause many complications or health issues in human beings. The body needs fluids to function normally and because humans and other species rely on water for survival, water is a priceless resource.

Abraham lincoln’s sexuality

Some people believed that Lincoln was a gay man, and this is why they chose to name the group after him. He was raised on a farm with his family and moved a lot do to his father.

Introductory to psychology: chapter 5

Unconditioned Response an involuntary response to a naturally occurring or unconditioned stimulusConditioned Stimulus stimulus that becomes able to produce a learned reflex response by being paired with the original unconditioned stimulus conditioned means " learned" CS is usually some stimulus that is distinctive or stands out from other competing stimuliNeutral Stimulus can become a conditioned →

Transitions in professional nursing

Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice In reading the article I understand what the authors are saying about my responsibility to be a team player in the implementation of new changes that affect the quality of care delivery; however, it is written, I feel from a leadership perspective. So, if the management or →

Editorial: viral interactions with the nucleus

Editorial on the Research Topic Viral Interactions with the Nucleus The eukaryotic genetic material is sequestered within the nucleus bound by the nuclear envelope, separating the genetic material, and its functions from the surrounding cytoplasm. Non-enveloped DNA viruses deliver their genomes into the nucleus in diverse ways, including docking at the NPC, disruption of the →

Should schools be allowed to use corporal punishment?

Even though this incident happened forty years back, the practice of corporal punishment is still taking place in some parts of the world, and the debate of whether corporal punishment should be legal or not is still a very heated topic. Supporters of corporal punishment highlight such stories arguing that if corporal punishment is not →

Case study: adolescent issues and interventions

The purpose of this paper is to discuss eating disorders in adolescents and proposed interventions used to treat the disorders. Early intervention is vital to the prevention and recovery of eating disorders.

Theory of knowledge

A Dialogue between Platonist and Modern Philosopher James and Plato discuss the metaphor of the " cave" by the lake Constance: James: I think this is the most magnificent place in my 'cave'. The higher you go, the clearer the view, and not necessarily the more beautiful the picture.

Editorial: resource recovery from wastewater by biological technologies

The analysis of the limitation of pH on the chain elongation has been explored by Ganigue et al.where acetogenic bacteria were used to ferment syngas from a waste gasification origin into ethanol and butanol that were subsequently chain-elongated into C6 compounds in the same process. Contrarily to the current view of medium chain fatty acids →

Furthering student mathematics ability in new zealand

Primary students lack math ability in New Zealand Introduction Due to the national math instruction system and lack ability in teaching, primary school students between Year 4 and Year 8 student do not have sufficient math capability and have been fallen behind other English-speaking countries in math. Conclusion: In conclusion, there are many elements which →

Workshop report: incf short course on neuroinformatics, neurogenomics, and brain disease, 14–21 september 2013

Funded by the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility and the University of Tennessee's Center for Integrative and Translational Genomics, the aim of the meeting was to introduce participants to core neuroinformatics and neurogenomics data sets and tools. The bulk of the program, however, was devoted to applying these tools and to learn how to mine the →

Profile of faye glenn abdellah in nursing

Her first role as a professor landed her in Yale University School of Nursing where she taught the class " 120 principles of nursing practice", using a standard textbook from the National League of Nursing. Nursing care of the aged in the United States of America.

Disney and marvel

The following were the terms of the agreement that Disney made with Marvel during the negotiations; firstly, to remove the force of what was referred to as " force the vote". Secondly, Marvel was to allow Marvel to end the terms of the merger in favor of the established superior proposal.

Bass reeves

Reeves disguised himself as a man in rags and knocked on the door of the outlaws. First thing in the morning, Reeves woke the outlaws and brought them to the camp where the rest of his posse was.

Babylonian captivity – nebuchadrezzar ii

In the last Kassite years the elamites had renewed their inroads from the east, penetrating to the very heart of the land. When Nebuchadrezzar II stood at the borders of egypt and a messenger advised him of his father's death in far-away Babylonia, a crisis had come in the history of a new empire.

Case houses, where one has more of

The leader of this partybecomes the prime minister of Canada, the Prime Minister also chooses theminister of the crown mostly from the members of the House of Commons. The type of government in Canada is a constitutionalmonarchy which has the monarch as the head of state.

Narrative essay (life is full of mistakes)

In fact, the mistake I made was not concentrating on myeducation, which led to a warning letter from the school Principal that I would not be allowed to return for my last year of elementary school because I had not maintained 5 passed subjects. They loved the level of my participation when I was in →

Theories regarding the tourism industry

The purpose of this chapter is to review the key literature and the related theories regarding the tourism industry. The key findings are based on the applicability of the literature to the purpose and scope of study.

The change of david lurie

He likes the country side and starts to help his daughter on the farm. And then he seems to fall for his old ways again with Bev in the clinic.

Realist theory argument

Here come the applications of the theories of international relations where not all states in the world are in a good relationship since there also wars happened against each other. The current version of realism in literary and cultural disciplines emerged as a response to postmodernism as an epistemological position.

‘control’ film review – a.s film studies

In personal opinion ' Corbijn's' film traces how a sensitive young man with poetic dreams and a literate tongue got trapped in the divide between the person he wanted to be and the realities of a humdrum existence of work and marriage. The film coveys an unusually realistic feeling too, and not just in the →

A separate peace

In the novel the proof of this statement can be found in incidents like Gene's visit to Leper's home, every ones personal attitudes towards war, experience of the war, and from the Winter Carnival. Firstly, Devon seems to be a place of peace, where the boys are removed from the war, but Leper makes the →

Network website

82 % of the people on the site believe it's important for a business to be present on social networks.2 4. This way the businesses that operate on a small scale can make their businesses more attractive by giving it a more cultural feel and more appealing to the local customers of the business.

The greatest obstacle to solving the irish question in the years 1874 – 1886 essay sample

The violence resulted as a result of land issues, which is indicative of the fact that it was this issue which the Irish people felt most strongly about: this is evidence for the land issue being the greatest obstacle to the resolution of the Irish Question. In this way, then, solving the issue of Home →

Frida karlo essay

And the accident had a big impact on her and her family, her mother was in shock for a week and her farther was ill with grief the only family member she had by her side the whole time was her sister. Her pain that she had suffered in the accident is very prevalent in →

Internal auditing concepts for small and medium enterprises

The purpose of the study seeks to evaluate the relationships between internal audit proficiency and internal controls; internal controls and corporate governance; internal audit proficiency and risk management; internal controls and risk management; and risk management and corporate governance in Uganda's SMEs. The study is expected to boost the literature gap on internal audit and →

Overseas employment

The study and research of the process in which to follow in order to gain graphic design employment in the United Kingdom is of significance to me because I wish to do so in the future. After researching the visa options applicable to an Australian citizen, it is learnt that to be eligible to work →

Business ethics issues in the movie boiler room

Business ethics issues in the movie " Boiler room" Business ethics issues in the movie " Boiler room" Business comprises principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business. Ethical issues related to ownership include conflicts between manager's duties to the owners and their own interests, also separation of ownership and control of →

Juggling and indian jugglers

It is the utmost stretch of human ingenuity, which nothing but the bending the faculties of body and mind to it from the tenderest infancy with incessant, ever-anxious application up to manhood, can accomplish or make even a slight approach to. The utmost I can pretend to is to write a description of what this →

Literature review: the impact of legalized abortion

The publication of the controversial paper on legalised abortion and its affect on the rate of crime by Levitt and Donohue has resulted in widespread condemnation from a variety of sources, for example, Joseph Scheidler, executive direction of the Pro-Life Action league, described the paper as " so fraught with stupidity that I hardly know →

Training centers in india and jordan

In the National Electric Power Company-Jordan Administrative and support services: * They show low concern regarding the HSE as they have not provide us with any HSE induction/orientation, but we have seen a lots of poster around the building taking about the safety.* Their training method is varied from technician to engineers: * For technician →

Impact of social isolation on mentally ill individuals

Absence of meaningful relations is common in mental health settings which significantly impacts recovery and wellbeing of the client Hence, the significance of this issue should not be undervalued. The model explains the environment as the situation and circumstances surrounding the individual, while health is defined as the purpose of the person's performance and adjustments.

Alibaba group

Alibaba.com for the business to business platform for the SME in China; Taobao.com for the customers to customers platform, an auction site which similar to eBay; and the Alipay for the online payment system, which similar to the eBay Pay-pal system. He discovered the business opportunities of the internet in China.

Five year career development plan

But, as time passes and I not only further my education; but, I also further my knowledge of all aspects of our transit agency then I will be able to apply for the positions that I am not currently suited for. The second step that I would take is to always stay up on the →

Self-definition on mango street: short description

Esperanza must characterize herself both as a lady and as a member of her family and her view of her personality changes through the span of the book. Esperanza depicted a distinctive picture to the readers of spectators of her environment, the individuals she experienced, and her elucidation on the occasions that occurred with her →

Decision support and business intelligence

A stakeholder can be individual person, group of people or organization who has specific interest in the company or the business they are doing in the market. If the stakeholder is owner of the company, will be the decision maker to set the objective, aim of the company, but there are other groups or organizations →

The concept of “home”

Butler complicates this concept of home by using the conflicting emotions of the characters Dana and Kevin to show how having sharper experiences somewhere affects their idea of what and where home is. He writes that " By the time Dana's time traveling finally stops and she is restored to her Los Angeles home in →

Landfill analysis of quillicom, ontario report example

The analysis was made in the Quillicom city, which was the beautiful town.it is the perfect location for the landfill analysis. The Lot 18 is located at the northeast of the town and where as the Lot 47 are from southeast.

American foreign policy in the middle east

Strategic interests have forced the US to build the relations with Middle East including the competition with the Soviet Union U.S.has been provoked by the Soviet Union for its interventions from diplomatic overtures of war and friendship. The aim of this paper is to discuss the United States' ideological and physical presence in the region →

Kennedy doctrine essay

Containment was the United States foreign policy doctrine that proclaimed that the Soviet Union needed to be contained to prevent the spread of communism throughout the world. During President Kennedy's time in office he was faced with the Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961, the Berlin Wall Erecting in 1961, the Cuban Missile Crisis and →

Truman capote: a child’s true nature in “miriam”

In multiple aspects, Miriam's distinctive character symbolizes the rising of a mental illness, schizophrenia, that leads to the destruction of Mrs. Miller and the sensible, insistent Miriam, but Miriam is actually a representation of her a personality.

International competitiveness essay

In order to improve the international competitiveness the firm can raise productivity and the government can imply a variety of supply-side policies. In addition, investing new technology can also improve the efficiency of productivity and reduce the costs of labour, therefore the price of products will be decreased and then lead to the increase in →

Commentary: clinical approach to the differential diagnosis between behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and primary psychiatric disorders

This highlights the importance of considering bvFTD as one of the key differential diagnosis in treatment-refractory forensic patients with progressively worsening cognitive functioning and high rates of violence as well as in patients with new-onset criminal behavior. For example, during the course of treatment and as reported previously, we re-evaluated the utility of medroxyprogesterone by →

Competitors’s derm care essay

Key Competitors' current and future objectives Derm Care Clinic Wuttisak Clinic Nitipon Clinic Current to provide a caring of the customer's benefits the most to provide high quality products and professional services to be a clinic that provide all skin services Future to improve the technique of service to be better develop its treatments and →