Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Analyzing the character of the white witch in the lion, the witch and the wardrobe

Where antagonists can sometimes double as the unsung, misunderstood hero of the story, Lewis uses The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe to bring to life a villain that is evil to the core and equate her to the reality of evil and temptation. In this paper, which will focus on the character of the →

Refugee movement: causes, impacts and solutions

Accepting a large number of refugee means it is easy to mix with terrorists and it could also affect the people who are living in the border areas. In addition, raising the threshold of consent to resettlement can effectively reduce the number of refugees and help some countries to reduce costs and pressures to some →

Measuring levels of patient dependency

The costs of providing a nursing service within critical care uses nursing intensity measures to give a framework for nursing management and patient care and also determines the exact role of patient dependency in nurse staffing levels. A study of patient dependency and nurse staffing in nursing homes for the elderly in three Australian states.

Tinnitus: causes, effects and treatments

Pharmacotherapy is a therapy usingpharmaceutical drugs and is mainly used to reduce the intensity of tinnitus. L, & Kyoung S.S.

Consumer behavior towards counterfeit goods in lahore marketing essay

The intended purpose of this study was to highlight the major factors that determine the consumer behavior towards the counterfeits of fast-moving consumer goods. The unfair pricing of the original brand was the most significant factor that contributes to the increase in the number of counterfeit goods purchased.

Brando vitalis just in in time distribution concept

The underlying cause that drove Barilla's then Director of Logistics, Brando Vitali, to propose his " Just-in-Time Distribution" concept was the extreme fluctuations in demand the company was experiencing at the time. Although weekly fluctuation in demand spawned the need for change within Barilla's distribution network the JITD proposal implied that Vitali believed the root →

Baby bottle industry in the uk marketing essay

The company's primary line of the business in the design and manufacture of the ' Baby Heater' a baby bottle that is equipped with a temperature- indicating device. This device allows the consumers of the product to instantly decide if the liquid within the Baby Heater is the proper temperature for feeding the infant.

The nazi elite schools successful history essay

In addition to revamping the traditional German school system, the Nazi party decided there was a need to establish new secondary schools for the most promising of German youth where they could have extensive control of the education and socialization processes of the pupils. The brutality of the military regime in the schools was a →

General environment of a small business in tanzania economics essay

Firstly, it will discuss on the economic environment, whether or not the economic condition in Tanzania is suitable for the operation of a small business. Finally, this report will discuss about the impact on the environment of Tanzania's growth after the implementation of science and technology.

Lit: the witch of blackbird pond; ch 2

She thinks good wife Cruff is a terrible person, mostly because she thinks Kit is a witch. She had a luxurious life in Barbados but now in America she is not.

The collapse of the USSR and the break-up of former economic ties, as well as the extremely unstable political situation, caused a severe economic crisis in Azerbaijan. These processes, as well as in May 1994 of an agreement on the suspension of hostilities on the Armenian-Azerbaijani front line in Karabakh, have made changes in the →

Latin square design essay sample

Self conjugate square: A square is called self conjugate square if its arrangement of rows and columns are the same. Self adjugate square: A square is said to be self adjugate if the permutation of three category rows, columns and letters results in the same set.

Management report topics essay sample

As manager of a midsized company, you have been asked by the management council to justify the installation of a Wi-Fi network for your company. What are the pros and cons of switching a business operation to a Linux system?

Would relaxing plagiarism standards lower a university’s quality and reputation essay sample

Actually relaxing plagiarism standards in a university will discourage creativity, foster laziness and lead to the production of under achievers, due to this university would not be able to maintain its reputation. By relaxing plagiarism standards our universities can increase the number of degree holders, but they would not be able to produce creative, motivated →

Discuss greek ideas of democracy, citizenship, voting

Their idea of democracy, citizenship and voting itself may be considered the foundation of all democracies in later times but the democracy they experienced was very different from the democratic systems that we have today. The democracy as well as the functioning of the government was based on a direct system in which any adult →

How my background, education and training/experience have prepared me to be a foreign language teacher(chinese)

I would consider it a privilege if I get an opportunity to become a teacher of a foreign language in the Institute of Defense. My experience in the various jobs I have done so far were intricately linked to effective communicative and interpersonal skills, and this will hopefully equip me with the necessary qualities a →

Enrollment trends in adult education or training setting, such as community college, university, distance learning, workplace-sp

Article Analysis: Access and Participation by Ginsberg and Wlodkowski The technological advancement made in the last decade has increased the participation of adults in learning manifolds. This article by Ginsberg and Wlodkowski tends to determine the population that generally participates in adult education, explore the concept of adult participation, the individual and institution specific factors →

Why technology

Information technology is the base of the digital age, and classrooms should begin to overcome the costs of technology in the classroom and see digital tools as fundamental to literacy in the post-modern age. Laptops, tablets, PCs, mobile devices are creating new economic and business opportunities and students need these skills to compete effectively in →

Self-esteem in middle-born children

The distinctiveness of the family experiences of the middle-born child, as the child in between each end of the birth positions, will be subject to in-depth discussion. With regard to self-esteem, the middle-born child again is in the situation that could support the development of lower self-esteem.

Ped-200 quiz 1

Which of the following is true of exercise in the heat? A. What is the purpose of ice for injuries? A.removal of lactic acid in the areaB.relaxtion of the muscleC.reduction of the risk of infection in the areaD.reduction of swellingD28.

Small group experiences

The definition of the situation is the reactions to the shared agreements between one another and each member of the group expected one another to participate in the activity and share ideas together. In conclusion to this " experiment" or " experience", it was that of our basic and interpersonal needs that brought the group →

Youth subcultures: phil cohen

The objective of this paper is to examine Cohen's perspective on the impact of rapid development in London to development in the 1950's which prompted the subcultures. In the case illustrated by Cohen of London's redevelopment in the 1950's, he suggests that the economic, social and political challenges that the working class of the era →

The history of the blues harmonica music essay

The harmonica is known to have different names like the Gob Iron, the Tin Sandwich, the Mouth Organ but most commonly the harp, probably because of its mechanism being so similar to the Jew's harp, which consists of a single reed mounted on a frame that is plucked to create a note that resonates in →

Analysis of the apple case: the digital hub strategy

Apple & closed vs.open technology It is because of its control of both hardware and software as a unique strength that Apple mostly chose to use closed technology for its products. As a result, it held back the growth and the acceptance of the Mac.

Lean manufacturing and its effect on businesses

1 Rational The definition of lean manufacturing according to the author Likers is " a philosophy that when implemented reduces the time from customer order to delivery by eliminating sources of waste in the production flow". Lean manufacturing is regarded as a manufacturing philosophy that if adopted and carefully implemented can undoubtedly form the roadmap →

Community healthcare strategy

Milio's Framework of Prevention Problem Analysis Nancy Milio, PhD, RN, was a public health nurse who formulated a framework for prevention, which aimed to explain the connection between the individual's state of health and that of the community. Milio formulated six propositions in an attempt to explain the interrelation of a person's choices as they →

A phenomenon of rising prices economics essay

The impact of inflation on an economy is a rise in the cost of living and a reduction on its purchasing power of the population. It is the manipulation of the amount of money and credit available, and the cost of that credit to borrowers, that is, interest rate in an attempt to influence total →

Managing people and organization in kfc

KFC's strategic use has always been demographic, the following factor are included in the demographical of the pest of KFC. KFC support the work of research and development in order to introduce the new technology.

Is insider trading ethical?

It is hard to define insider trading due to complexity of the topic, however the most common definition stands for: Insider trading is illegal when transactions like buying or selling stocks, bounds or other securities are based on information that is not available to the general public. This duty may be imputed; for example, in →

Evaluating the costing system in place at apple

Management needs to understand the type of decisions to be made at both strategic and operational levels, the traditional techniques that supported such decisions and the limitations of those techniques. Finally, an evaluation of the performance measurement system of the company and recommend either a better system or source for alternative measures to quench the →

The rugmaker – in times of conflict ordinary people

It is when we are placed in such situations, similar to Najaf in ' The Rugmaker of Mazar-Sharif' that we see these things reveal themselves. Najaf experiences, life threatening situations during the war and experiences the effects of the tragedies.

How many licks does it take

TOOTSIE ROLL POPS 3 Introduction When the first Tootsie Roll Pop commercial debuted, many men, women, and children have asked, " How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop? " A Tootsie Roll Pop is similar to a sucker, but the difference is the middle. The total →

Heart of darkness-the contrast between light and dark essay sample

The river is displayed as a river of fire, similar to the rivers of fire in the depths of hell. As the story moves deeper into the jungle, the obscurity and unknown of the jungle begin to set in." The long stretches of the waterway ran on, deserted, into the gloom of over-shadowed distances".

A look at a separate peace essay sample

Gene believed that going to war was the noble and masculine thing to do, without really being warned of the treacherous and horrifying aspects of it. This realization caused him to become depressed, because he could not live up to the expectation of " masculinity" that the war set.

Which tiotropium device to use and why

Tiotropium Device of Tiotropium Device Tiotropium device is a bronchodilator which belongs to the group of medicaince terms as anti-muscarinic bronchodilator. Advantages of Tiotropium Device Asthmatic patients are benefitted from tiotropium device as it is handy and easy to carry everywhere along.

Fractal geometry

The examples of self-similarity are Sierpinski Gasket, the Mandelbrot Set, Self-affine fractals, etc.it must be admitted that fractals are not all self-similar objects. Statistical self-similarity is known to be the weakest type of self-similarity, because fractals are only statistically similar.

Discussion and respond – dissertation example

What the article prompts is a discussion and review of health care standards, a plea to improve quality as well as safety of services and motivate health care professionals to strive for a excellence as far as services are concerned. Response to Tannenbaum and Schmidt Delegation cannot be categorized as ' good' or ' bad' →

Billing and inventory system thesis proposal

Objectives of the Study General Objective The General objective of the study is to help the staffs to make a computerized system and to finish works at exactly given time and to make a system that is reliable to avoid some human errors which might have occurred for example, unsecured data stored anywhere and it →

I was so excited today was my first day of school essay

When I got to the stairs the most fantastic smell hit me: Toast! mum Shouted at me to come down and get some breakfast " I am coming down now" I shouted back at her as I ate my breakfast I decided to play with the dog. As I was getting my stuff ready I →

Students perception towards social networking sites

Page 1 of 7 ANZMAC 20091Students' perceptual experiences.experiences and beliefs about the usage of Facebook in topics at an Australian UniversityBackground to the Study In many universities.faculty members are strategically encouraged to integrate new media engineerings into their topics with a position to prosecuting pupils and heightening their acquisition experiences. In footings of integrating new →

Computer and layer essay

An SIS is the agreed upon Interface which runs between he software that runs on the machine and the hardware that executes it What Is the Importance of the Principle of Equivalence of Hardware and Software? The two types of memory are synchronous and unconsciously What is the mission of the IEEE?

Review of related literature and studies argumentative essay

Today, there is an extensive use of computers in a various applications, a compu Premium1063 Words5 Pages Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies Review of Related Literature Tomas Shearin This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies for both foreign and local underlying the framework of the study. A computer can →

Makes me wanna holler essay

When he was barely thirteen he was allowed to go with bonnie, his step father to work in the neighborhood. The neighbors had no respect to the Africa American black community e.g.in the book he tells how his step father addressed the white with respect and dignity, but only to be reciprocated with disrespectful names.Mrs.

The treatment of acute closed angle glaucoma

Acute Closed Angle Glaucoma Glaucoma is a type of an eye disease which is caused by the increasing intraocular pressure or fluid pressure that may end into the malfunctioning of the drainage system or structures of the eye and lesser visual acuity. The following symptoms are also used to categorize the closed angle glaucoma from →

Useful tips for your essays & exams

For essays, make sure you answer the question, and if you are not sure, email us. While answering an exam or essay question, remember this useful tip: Start with explaining what you want to write, then write what you are meant to write, and then summarise everything you just wrote.

Dust tracks on a road reflection

Although Zora did not have much, especially when she was on her own in her teenage years, she learned to fend for herself. If a black woman, was able to become successful during an era of discrimination, segregation and racism, now that things are not as intense as the past, what can hold me back →

9/11: a day full of tragedy

When the planes struck the building, the floors impacted by the plane began to collapse on top of themselves. Less than fifteen minutes after the first attack, the south tower collapsed into a cloud of smoke due to the weight of the collapsed floors and heat of the fire.

Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment tourism essay

There are some objectives that were implanted with ecotourism: First of all, the most important aim that emerged from the implementation of ecotourism is that travellers need to be more aware of the environment and damage, their actions as travellers and members of the society on earth. Funds arising from these tourist activities to the →

Dependency school of development: summary and critique

The need for the ECLA forum arose from an academic and political reaction toward the inability of Latin American countries to halt the " imperialist siphoning-off of the surplus value produced by their working classes", hence, the association of dependency theory with a Third World perspective. Frank introduced the popular term ' the development of →

Reflection on a mentorship role in medicine

During this reflective piece of work I will discuss my role, responsibility and accountability as the students assessor and reflect on approaches that I have used within the mentorship role to support and facilitate the student to achieve specified learning outcomes. I believe that the attitude and motivation of the mentor are crucial in creating →

Case study nintendos disruptive strategy marketing essay

Before the introduction of Nintendo Wii into the market, the games segment was shrinking in Japan and worldwide and the senior manager of Nintendo saw the threat in the market. With the introduction of Wii to target the non-gamers segment, and the unique positioning in the market along with its unique communication plan, Nintendo was →

Theories of development in class

The society then evolves in the second stage to a state of potential development, where capitalistic entrepreneurship and the formation of the state begins in their early stages. It is by this model that core countries become incredibly rich, and become the controllers of the trade market with the periphery, which must remain in an →

Electroslag strip cladding

The penetration is lesser for ESW than for SAW since the molten slag pool is used to liquefy the strip and some of the flux material rather than as an arc between the strip electrode and the flux material. Welding voltage: The welding voltage influences the specific resistance of the liquid slag and will decide →

Sin tax bills pros and cons economics essay

This thesis paper aims to show the pros and cons of the Sin Tax Bill reforms to the Philippine economy, presented before the Senate and the House. Since the real reason behind the implementation of this law is to discourage the people, especially the youth to smoke cigarettes and indulge themselves to other vices, Department →

Fiscal policy in malaysia economics essay

Fiscal policy can be further explained as the use of government spending and taxation to further influenced the economy. In the longer term, the government can foster a sustainable economy by improving infrastructures, providing better education and scholarship to boost the professional participation among the public, encourage public participation in corporate as well as academic.

The national development policies of ethiopia economics essay

The main purpose of this paper is to review the national agricultural development policies of Ethiopia during the reign of the Imperial, Derg and EPRDF led government and the predominant trends of international field of development thinking pursued in the period of post 1974 to 2004. According to the evaluations of the plan targets that →

Theory of normalisation of drugs | literature review

A significant dominance in the development of the theory known as the " normalisation thesis" is that of Howard Parker and Colleagues. In Muncie 1999, it is identified that trends in drug use have changed from the addiction of drugs such as cocaine and heroin, to more leisurely drugs used by the modern youths in →

First love

This advertisement is found on many cheerios cereal boxes and because of the message of lowering cholesterol we can conclude that the intended audience is an older person with high unhealthy cholesterol levels. The ad is a brightly colored as with high contrast images including, the cheerios brand name, and the description of the cereal →

Death penalty should be abolished

In addition, when somebody is sentenced to the death penalty, the only thing that it provokes is the resentful of the victim and his family; and worst than that is the failure of the main purpose, which is to show to society that the criminal has what he deserves in order to decrease the rates →

Effectiveness of electronic group brainstorming

The objective of this paper was to conduct an experiment and report the results of he efforts to compare the effectiveness of group electronic brainstorming versus individual electronic brainstorming to address difficult, real-world challenges. Because of the ever-increasing use of technology in the workplace, it is imperative that managers understand group dynamics to aid in →

Public limited company

In many eyes, the most appropriate form of ownership for a form or a business would be a public limited company or a PLC. A PLC is a relatively safe form of capital for a business; this is very important and is a major advantage in a company.

Linguistic morphology assignment

This is the case of affixes, parts of words at the beginning or at the end that work as a type of modifiers in order to get a new word and in some cases the new word can pertain to a different grammatical word class or not. On the other hand, the suffixes those are →


Most residents live in the compactly inhabited waist of the nation, comprising the Mexico City, cities of Veracruz, and Guadalajara. The indigenous ingredients of huitlacoche and achiote and mamey are as well very trendy with the indigenous cuisine.

Literature review

The problem ment " The Use and Monitoring of Narcotic Drugs" suggests several concepts, related to abuse of the drugs in the society and legal enforcement in society. Equally important, security and monitoring of the movement of narcotics drugs strongly indicate laxity of the responsible agencies because of the increasing accessibility of the drugs to →

Tanpin kanri: retail practice at seven-eleven japan

They growth had been very carefully planned, taking advantage of the core strengths that they had developed in the areas of information and distribution systems focusing on the convenience retail business as an operating company, devoted to responding to changes in expectations and demands from customers without deferring delivery. Supply chain management is a strategic →

Frankenstein essay

Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long time traversing my bedchamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep". The wind fanned the fire, and the cottage was quickly enveloped by the flames, which clung to it and licked it with their →

Modi-revlon – value proposition

Megna Modi, executive director for Modi-Revlon must decide how to make Revlon-branded products' prices more attractive to the mass premium market while maintaining Revlon's position as high-end cosmetics products. Recommendation: Megna Modi should restore Modi-Revlon's initially intended position, " affordable glamour," by lowering the price of its products, as well as offering the products in →

Research paper on octavia butler

And speaking of awards, in the summer of 1995, I received a MacArthur Fellowship from the John D.and Catherine T. During her stays in the past she is forced to assume the role of a slave to survive.

English oral

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you about my country, Malaysia. Malaysia is a wonderful and fascinating country.

Nigeria a political review

Nigerian history is diverse and in order to understand the divergence of cultures and political instability in the region it is necessary to understand in context the dominant issues that are the basis for the political process and the underlying issues associated with Nigerian society and the political framework of the region. In 1861 Britain →

The manipulation of western tropes in all the pretty horses

Most importantly, McCarthy works the image of the cowboy, the importance of horses, a sense of lawlessness, and the gunslinger trope into All the Pretty Horses and alters the impact of them throughout the novel. In regards to John Grady's development, this collective image lets the audience get insight on the fact that due to →

Resiliency techniques to manage stress

On the other hand bas stress is not so beneficial and that is because when is a higher than it should be in result it can be uncontrolled and can cause serious problem to a human health and can influence the people around a persons environment. Going to gym also can help you put a →

Is clausewitz relevant to modern warfare politics essay

Many critics have pointed to Clausewitz's preoccupation with armies and the control of territory- ' albeit the principal instruments and stakes of warfare in continental Europe in his time- and to his neglect of sea-power and the related questions of colonies, trade and empire'[3]. Of course, in the immediate aftermath of the ' West's' Cold →

Dslr or a digital camera?

The first mass use camera became available at the turn of the 20th century and can be traced back to the year 1900 and during the 20th century the pace of technology development in cameras and photography continued at an accelerated pace much like many other key technology developments, just like how a digital camera →

Application of relativism to women’s autonomy

" Ethical relativism is the theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture. That is, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced".

Macro-environment and micro-environment for topshop

Then, before entering into Chinese market, it is still need to make a detailed analysis of the whole Chinese environment include internal and external and decide the most suitable entry strategy for Topshop if it wants to be successful. The intensity of rivalry, Zara is the closest competitor for Topshop as the similar price and →

Marketing and management sustainability analysis: ford case study

Additionally, being the second principal automobile company in the US after General Motors, Ford is the fifth-largest automobile manufacturer in the world according to the 2015 estimate of vehicle production. The document is also issued to intensify awareness and reliability in the supply chain of automotive industry.

Earthing system lightning

In practice, all the parts of the earthing system are interconnected and may play a role in the dissipation of both power frequency faults and surges. 3 Components of earthing systems Generally, substation earthing grids consist of a system of conductors buried in the ground occupying an area related to the dimensions of the substation.

The seal program in education

Following the implementation of a pilot scheme under taken by 6 Local authorities in order to ascertain its effectiveness within schools, a primary school programme to develop Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning, was rolled out nationally by the then Department for Children, Schools and Families as part of a national voluntary programme designed to →

Education essays – deaf students education

In order to help deaf student attain a college education, a system must be implemented that helps with the full range of problems that deaf students face. If the deaf student decides to major in Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, will the interpreter be able to fully understand the material and transmit that for the →

Netflix situation analysis

Instead, Netflix came up with the idea of allowing a customer to choose from a list of movies online, the movies are mailed to them within 1 business day, and could be returned the next day for another movie on the customer's list complete with a self-addressed envelope with the postage paid. It could offer →

Understanding the cultural web of interflora commerce essay

Diverseness of experience, sentiments, and positions within the organisation.interflora had followed a scheme for many decennaries, taking to homogeneous manner of looking at things.measuring the nature and extent of diverseness is of import.was non taken into history. Experience of alteration.he was experienced senior executive for many old ages and successfully served old organisations Have interflora →

Nursing process paper assignment

She sleeps in the bedroom closest to the kitchen and the bathroom so the transferring is easier, She is legally blind and her sight is continually degenerating. A long term goal would be that the patient is no longer at risk for falling and has someone to assist her at all times when walking so →

. if you purchased a new model of a digital camera right after it is released, you will likely pay more than if you purchase it six months after release. explain why this is an example of price discrimination on the part of the firm. assignment

Analyze and explain in detail using graphical tools to show what you expect to happen to the number of firms and firm profitability in the short run and long run a) if demand for the product falls and b) if demand for the product rises.4. Analyze and explain in detail using graphical tools to show →

National cranberry cooperative essay sample

Towner 2014 Process flow chart OIE 500 Analyzing And Designing Operation To Create Value; Walter T. 5 hours of overtime on peak days OIE 500 Analyzing And Designing Operation To Create Value; Walter T.

Art appreciation – understanding and evaluating the arts (u1ip)

The personal and social values of the artist and his penetrating psychological insights to human reality are also conveyed in the arts. Architecture Temple of the Pantheon of the Gods is found in Rome.

Camille saint saens

Regarded as one of those rare and gifted prodigies, Saint-Saens, learned to play the piano from his aunt when he was only two and a half years old and composed his first piece when he was three. In 1908 Saint-Saens had the honor of being the first composer to write a musical piece for the →

Massey ferguson essay

The initial issue was Massey's misalignment of its production sites and its markets. Massey could lean on the governments in its respective areas of operation to provide assistance.

Porter’s five forces analysis: walmart essay

Five Forces Analysis of Wal-Mart Industry Threat of Competitors: The biggest threat in the US Grocery/Discount Retailer industry is competition. In the past, most firms have not been able to match Wal-Mart's " everyday low prices." The problem is that Wal-Mart's barrier to entry and strength can be easily replicated with sufficient resources.

Death of a salesman, the significance of the flute

The flute is played five times in Act 1, the first time we hear it is at the beginning of the play in the stage directions, " A melody is heard, played upon a flute. The second time the flute is heard is when Willy " breaks off in amazement and fright as the flute →

Western society the concept of utopia

Before starting my presentation on the ambiguous genre of " utopian fiction" I feel it a necessity to provide my definition of what it actually means for a text to be utopian or dystopian, as often the context of the word determines its meaning. Strictly and precisely speaking, utopia is not a genre but the →

Hannibal’s crossing of the alps

Both Polybius's and Livy's accounts of Hannibal's crossing of the Alps can be seen to have many similarities and so we can determine that the same source and information has been used. Polybius and Livy both have very detailed accounts of the crossing and we rely on this information to piece together Hannibal's crossing of →


Brazil is the largest country in South America, covering approximately half of the total surface area of the subcontinent which places them in a very strategic and prominent place in the region. According to the International Monetary Fund website, Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America the second largest on the continent, behind the →

Damn cat: the blasphemous spirituality of poe’s the black cat

It is the mark of a true master to escape from this gallery of cliche and craft details which make a unique statement; in Edgar Allen Poe's short story The Black Cat, so much is accomplished in chilling, gruesome style. Edgar Allen Poe's short story The Black Cat is a thematically rich, grisly tour-de-force, one →

A struggle with society

One of the most significant conflicts present is the antithesis between the safety of conformity and tradition and the excitement and danger that come from deviating from the social criterion. He is constricted to the ways of old New York because of his past and that piece of him continues to haunt him in the →